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In Great Britain and Ireland, badgers (Meles meles) are a wildlife reservoir of Mycobacterium bovis and implicated in bovine tuberculosis transmission to domestic cattle. The route of disease transmission is unknown with direct, so‐called “nose‐to‐nose,” contact between hosts being extremely rare. Camera traps were deployed for 64,464 hr on 34 farms to quantify cattle and badger visitation rates in space and time at six farm locations. Badger presence never coincided with cattle presence at the same time, with badger and cattle detection at the same location but at different times being negatively correlated. Badgers were never recorded within farmyards during the present study. Badgers utilized cattle water troughs in fields, but detections were infrequent (equivalent to one badger observed drinking every 87 days). Cattle presence at badger‐associated locations, for example, setts and latrines, were three times more frequent than badger presence at cattle‐associated locations, for example, water troughs. Preventing cattle access to badger setts and latrines and restricting badger access to cattle water troughs may potentially reduce interspecific bTB transmission through reduced indirect contact.  相似文献   

In migrant birds, survival estimates for the different life‐history stages between fledging and first breeding are scarce. First‐year survival is shown to be strongly reduced compared with annual survival of adult birds. However, it remains unclear whether the main bottleneck in juvenile long‐distant migrants occurs in the postfledging period within the breeding ranges or en route. Quantifying survival rates during different life‐history stages and during different periods of the migration cycle is crucial to understand forces driving the evolution of optimal life histories in migrant birds. Here, we estimate survival rates of adult and juvenile barn swallows (Hirundo rustica L.) in the breeding and nonbreeding areas using a population model integrating survival estimates in the breeding ranges based on a large radio‐telemetry data set and published estimates of demographic parameters from large‐scale population‐monitoring projects across Switzerland. Input parameters included the country‐wide population trend, annual productivity estimates of the double‐brooded species, and year‐to‐year survival corrected for breeding dispersal. Juvenile survival in the 3‐week postfledging period was low (S = 0.32; SE = 0.05), whereas in the rest of the annual cycle survival estimates of adults and juveniles were similarly high (S > 0.957). Thus, the postfledging period was the main survival bottleneck, revealing the striking result that nonbreeding period mortality (including migration) is not higher for juveniles than for adult birds. Therefore, focusing future research on sources of variation in postfledging mortality can provide new insights into determinants of population dynamics and life‐history evolution of migrant birds.  相似文献   

Evolutionary studies on optimal decisions or conservation guidelines are often derived by generalising patterns from a single population, while inter‐population variability in life‐history traits is seldom considered. We investigated here how survival and recruitment probabilities changed with age at different geographical scales using the encounter histories of 5523 European storm petrels from three Mediterranean colonies, and also how our estimates of these parameters might be expected to affect population growth rates using population matrix models. We recorded similar patterns among colonies, but also important biological differences. Local survival, recruitment and breeding success increased with age at all colonies; the most distant of three colonies (Marettimo Is.) showed the largest differences. Strikingly, differences in recruitment were also found between two adjacent colonies (two caves from Benidorm Is.). Birds marked as adults from Marettimo and Benidorm colonies had a different survival, whereas we found no differences within Benidorm. Differences in survival were no longer apparent between the two islands at the end of the study following a reduction in predation by specialist gulls at Benidorm. Since birds marked as fledglings mostly recruited near the end of the study, their overall survival was high and in turn similar among colonies. Results from our population matrix models suggested that different age‐dependent patterns of demographic parameters can lead to similar population growth rates. Variability appeared to be greater for recruitment and the most sensitive parameter was adult survival. Thus conservation actions targeting this vulnerable species should focus on factors influencing adult survival. Differences in survival and recruitment among colonies could reflect the spatial heterogeneity in mortality due to predation and colony‐specific density dependent processes. Results highlight the importance of taking into account the potential spatio‐temporal heterogeneity among populations in vital rates, even in those traits that life‐history theory considers less important in driving population dynamics.  相似文献   

Effective management of infectious disease relies upon understanding mechanisms of pathogen transmission. In particular, while models of disease dynamics usually assume transmission through direct contact, transmission through environmental contamination can cause different dynamics. We used Global Positioning System (GPS) collars and proximity‐sensing contact‐collars to explore opportunities for transmission of Mycobacterium bovis [causal agent of bovine tuberculosis] between cattle and badgers (Meles meles). Cattle pasture was badgers’ most preferred habitat. Nevertheless, although collared cattle spent 2914 collar‐nights in the home ranges of contact‐collared badgers, and 5380 collar‐nights in the home ranges of GPS‐collared badgers, we detected no direct contacts between the two species. Simultaneous GPS‐tracking revealed that badgers preferred land > 50 m from cattle. Very infrequent direct contact indicates that badger‐to‐cattle and cattle‐to‐badger M. bovis transmission may typically occur through contamination of the two species’ shared environment. This information should help to inform tuberculosis control by guiding both modelling and farm management.  相似文献   

William J. Platt 《Oecologia》1976,22(4):399-409
Summary Some perennial fugitive plants that colonize badger disturbances in xeric prairies have a limited dispersal capacity, and consequently propagules are dispersed over a small area. I hypothesized that high density-dependent mortality might occur early in the life history of such species, and thus increased survival might occur in subsequent age classes because intraspecific competition would be reduced. These hypotheses were tested using natural and experimental cohorts of Mirabilis hirsuta (Pursh) MacM. From these data and field observations, inferences were obtained concerning selective forces operating upon life history characteristics of this species.The distance between individuals of M. hirsuta increases in successive age classes; the greatest decrease in density occurs between the propagule and seedling age classes. Mortality of propagules due to predation by ants and mice was density-dependent. Predation rates were highest at high propagule densities and predation upon propagules located on badger disturbances was higher than the mortality of propagules at similar densities in undisturbed prairie. The results of mortality in the propagule age class are seedlings present only at low densities and located away from parent plants. Seedlings survive to maturity only if they are located on badger disturbances; this species apparently can not successfully compete with plants present in undistrubed prairie. On badger disturbances seedlings present at low densities have much higher survival (roughly 50%) to maturity than do seedlings present at high densities (essentially zero). Thus, if high densities of propagules occur on a disturbance, predation upon propagules results, indirectly, in increased survival of seedlings to maturity. Such predation potentially could have important effects upon interspecific competition of M. hirsuta with other fugitives also colonizing badger disturbances.Reproductive success of M. hirsuta on the Cayler Prairie Preserve is contingent upon successful colonization of disturbance sites. It would appear that selection has operated upon the life history characteristics to favor both successful immigration onto new sites and establishment of seedlings on those sites. Relatively few, but large propagules are produced annually over a long adult life span. While large propagules enhance seedling establishment on xeric sites, production of few propagules annually for a number of years increases the likelihood of immigration onto sites that are variable in the time of appearance within the dispersal range of the plant.  相似文献   

1. This study investigates when and where density dependence operates on the mortality rates of stream‐resident brown trout Salmo trutta. To this aim, I explored populations in habitats of different quality containing high, low or intermediate densities over broad scales of space and time. The study is based on census data of 170 cohorts quantified from recruitment to the total disappearance at 12 sites in four contrasting tributaries of the Rio Esva drainage (north‐western Spain), over the years 1986–2007. 2. Log10‐transformed survivor density over time highlighted a consistent pattern for the 170 cohorts characterised by the occurrence of only two life stages. An early stage starts at recruitment, lasts about half the lifetime and shows no or negligible mortality. A threshold time at 425–620 days after emergence preceded a second stage of continuous and constant mortality until the final disappearance of the cohorts. Consequently, in all scenarios, mortality only occurred in the adult component and no effect of season, year, age‐class and/or reproductive stage was detected. 3. Substantial spatial and temporal variations typified both recruitment (range R = 0.01–1.62 ind m?2) and adults’ mortality rates (range Z = 0.03–0.38 day?1). Nested anova s revealed strong effects of site and year on both recruitment and mortality with sites interspersed along the stream gradients where recruitment and mortality were typically high relative to other sites located either nearby in the same stream or distant in another stream, where both recruitment and mortality rates were typically low or intermediate. 4. Adult mortality rates plotted against recruitment for the 170 cohorts pooled revealed a continuous, positive power relationship that explained 45.3% of variation in mortality rates over the whole range of recruitment values. Similarly, highly significant power relationships were elucidated for site‐specific mortality rates averaged across years and for annual‐specific mortality rates averaged across sites against the corresponding mean recruitment averaged across years and sites, respectively. These relationships support the hypothesis that the operation of density dependence is scale independent and context independent but operates in a continuous manner across all scenarios examined. 5. A chronic effect of density dependence on adult losses induces temporally persistent populations maintained by a low number of spawners. Apparently, the operation of density dependence adjusts the number of spawners to the availability of rearing and spawning habitat. This dynamic process may also help to explain the small effective population size (Ne) recently documented by genetic studies of stream‐living brown trout and other salmonids.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades, climate abnormalities have been reported to be involved in biodiversity decline by affecting population dynamics. A growing number of studies have shown that the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) influences the demographic parameters of a wide range of plant and animal taxa in different ways. Life history theory could help to understand these different demographic responses to the NAO. Indeed, theory states that the impact of weather variation on a species’ demographic traits should depend on its position along the fast–slow continuum. In particular, it is expected that NAO would have a higher impact on recruitment than on adult survival in slow species, while the opposite pattern is expected occur in fast species. To test these predictions, we used long‐term capture–recapture datasets (more than 15,000 individuals marked from 1965 to 2015) on different surveyed populations of three amphibian species in Western Europe: Triturus cristatus, Bombina variegata, and Salamandra salamandra. Despite substantial intraspecific variation, our study revealed that these three species differ in their position on a slow–fast gradient of pace of life. Our results also suggest that the differences in life history tactics influence amphibian responses to NAO fluctuations: Adult survival was most affected by the NAO in the species with the fastest pace of life (Tcristatus), whereas recruitment was most impacted in species with a slower pace of life (Bvariegata and Ssalamandra). In the context of climate change, our findings suggest that the capacity of organisms to deal with future changes in NAO values could be closely linked to their position on the fast–slow continuum.  相似文献   

Life‐history and pace‐of‐life syndrome theory predict that populations are comprised of individuals exhibiting different reproductive schedules and associated behavioural and physiological traits, optimized to prevailing social and environmental factors. Changing weather and social conditions provide in situ cues altering this life‐history optimality; nevertheless, few studies have considered how tactical, sex‐specific plasticity over an individual's lifespan varies in wild populations and influences population resilience. We examined the drivers of individual life‐history schedules using 31 years of trapping data and 28 years of pedigree for the European badger (Meles meles L.), a long‐lived, iteroparous, polygynandrous mammal that exhibits heterochrony in the timing of endocrinological puberty in male cubs. Our top model for the effects of environmental (social and weather) conditions during a badger's first year on pace‐of‐life explained <10% of variance in the ratio of fertility to age at first reproduction (F/α) and lifetime reproductive success. Conversely, sex ratio (SR) and sex‐specific density explained 52.8% (males) and 91.0% (females) of variance in adult F/α ratios relative to the long‐term population median F/α. Weather primarily affected the sexes at different life‐history stages, with energy constraints limiting the onset of male reproduction but playing a large role in female strategic energy allocation, particularly in relation to ongoing mean temperature increases. Furthermore, the effects of social factors on age of first reproduction and year‐to‐year reproductive success covaried differently with sex, likely due to sex‐specific responses to potential mate availability. For females, low same‐sex densities favoured early primiparity; for males, instead, up to 10% of yearlings successfully mated at high same‐sex densities. We observed substantial SR dynamism relating to differential mortality of life‐history strategists within the population, and propose that shifting ratios of ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ life‐history strategists contribute substantially to population dynamics and resilience to changing conditions.  相似文献   

The only large mainland colony of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) is on Península Valdés, at 42°S, in Argentine Patagonia. Censuses of pups have been carried out regularly there since 1970, and the population grew five‐fold by 2010. Here we use Bayesian modeling tools to make rigorous estimates of the rate of population growth, r, and to estimate survival and recruitment parameters that could account for the growth, incorporating observation error across different census methods. In the 1970s, r= 8%/yr, but has slowed to <1%/yr over the past decade. Using explicit demographic models, we established that the high growth of the 1970s was consistent with adult and juvenile survival at the upper end of published values (0.87/yr adult female survival; 0.40 juvenile survivorship to age four); the decline in the rate of population growth from 1970 to 2010 can be described by density‐dependent reductions in adult and juvenile survival that fall well within published variation. Extrapolating empirical models of population growth rate backwards illustrates that the population could have been an established colony, with 100 pups born per year, between 1915 and 1945, consistent with qualitative observations prior to 1950. We conclude that the Valdés colony was founded by a few immigrants early in the 20th century and has been growing mostly by internal recruitment, with unknown density‐dependent processes causing a reduction in growth and stabilization at 15,000–16,000 pups born.  相似文献   

Several long‐standing hypotheses have been proposed to explain latitudinal patterns of life‐history strategies. Here, we test predictions of four such hypotheses (seasonality, food limitation, nest predation and adult survival probability) by examining life‐history traits and age‐specific mortality rates of several species of thrushes (Turdinae) based on field studies at temperate and tropical sites and data gathered from the literature. Thrushes in the genus Catharus showed the typical pattern of slower life‐history strategies in the tropics while co‐occuring Turdus thrushes differed much less across latitudes. Seasonality is a broadly accepted hypothesis for latitudinal patterns, but the lack of concordance in latitudinal patterns between co‐existing genera that experience the same seasonal patterns suggests seasonality cannot fully explain latitudinal trait variation in thrushes. Nest‐predation also could not explain patterns based on our field data and literature data for these two genera. Total feeding rates were similar, and per‐nestling feeding rates were higher at tropical latitudes in both genera, suggesting food limitation does not explain trait differences in thrushes. Latitudinal patterns of life histories in these two genera were closely associated with adult survival probability. Thus, our data suggest that environmental influences on adult survival probability may play a particularly strong role in shaping latitudinal patterns of life‐history traits.  相似文献   

To design feasible conservation and management policies for wild species, it is critical to understand the effects of periodic disturbances, be they natural or anthropogenic. The Caribbean Basin is characterized by high cyclonic activity that has a strong impact on the demography and population dynamics of many taxa, including epiphytic orchids. We conducted a 5‐yr study of rare ghost orchid demography, Dendrophylax lindenii, to assess the stability of a protected population of this species in Cuba. Using both stochastic and deterministic integral projection models, we found that mean annual population growth rates are negative (λ = 0.975). However, we found both population growth rate and extinction risk are highly sensitive to survival rates and reproduction, a difficult to quantify rate for many orchids including our study species. While this species is fairly long‐lived, its relatively slow increase in annual survival with increasing size may reflect the lack of a protected (i.e., subterranean) storage organ—a life‐history trait that may typify other epiphytic species and increase susceptibility to disturbance events. Hurricanes, which are predicted to increase in frequency as a result of climate change, dramatically increase adult mortality. Simulations of these effects indicate that hurricanes and similar disturbances could result in near certain extinction in short time horizons (25 yr) if their annual probability of occurrence exceeds 14 percent. These results suggest a need to better quantify recruitment rates, as well as the sensitivity of population dynamics of this and other orchid species to hurricanes and other periodic disturbances.  相似文献   

David Norman  Will J. Peach 《Ibis》2013,155(2):284-296
Long‐term studies can provide powerful insights into the relative importance of different demographic and environmental factors determining avian population dynamics. Here we use 23 years of capture–mark–recapture data (1981–2003) to estimate recruitment and survival rates for a Sand Martin Riparia riparia population in Cheshire, NW England. Inter‐annual variation in recruitment and adult survival was positively related to rainfall in the sub‐Saharan wintering grounds, but unrelated to weather conditions on the breeding grounds. After allowing for the effects of African rainfall, both demographic rates were negatively density‐dependent: adult survival was related to the size of the western European Sand Martin population (probably reflecting competition for resources in the shared wintering grounds) while recruitment was related to the size of the local study population in Cheshire (potentially reflecting competition for nesting sites or food). Local population size was more sensitive to variation in adult survival than to variation in recruitment, and an increase in population size after 1995 was driven mainly by the impact of more favourable conditions in the African wintering grounds on survival rates of adults. Overwinter survival in this long‐distance Palaearctic migrant is determined partly by the amount of suitable wetland foraging habitat in the sub‐Saharan wintering grounds (which is limited by the extent of summer rainfall) and partly by the number of birds exploiting that habitat.  相似文献   

Forty-five badgers representing five social groups were removed from an area in Staffordshire where tuberculosis had occurred in cattle. Prior to removal, the tuberculosis status of the badger population was investigated by screening faeces samples, collected at fortnightly intervals, and badger social-group territories were determined by bait-marking. Samples for cultural and biological examination were taken from the live badgers before euthanasia and detailed post-mortem examination. The adult badger population density was 6-2/km2 and Mycobacterium bovis was isolated from samples taken post mortem from eight (17-8%) badgers. The results are reviewed in relation to previous findings.  相似文献   

The degree to which population fluctuations arise from variable adult survival relative to variable recruitment has been debated widely for marine organisms. Disentangling these effects remains challenging because data generally are not sufficient to evaluate if and how adult survival rates are regulated by stochasticity and/or population density. Using unique time series for a largely unexploited reef fish, we found both population density and stochastic food supply impacted adult survival. The estimated effect of variable survival on adult abundance (both mean and variability) rivalled that of variable recruitment. Moreover, we show density‐dependent adult survival can dampen impacts of stochastic recruitment. Thus, food variability may alter population fluctuations by simultaneously regulating recruitment and compensatory adult survival. These results provide an additional mechanism for why intensified density‐independent mortality (via harvest or other means) amplifies population fluctuations and emphasises need for research evaluating the causes and consequences of variability in adult survival.  相似文献   

Many studies have revealed the ability of the endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia to protect its arthropod hosts against diverse pathogens. However, as Wolbachia may also increase the susceptibility of its host to infection, predicting the outcome of a particular Wolbachia‐host–pathogen interaction remains elusive. Yet, understanding such interactions and their eco‐evolutionary consequences is crucial for disease and pest control strategies. Moreover, how natural Wolbachia infections affect artificially introduced pathogens for biocontrol has never been studied. Tetranychus urticae spider mites are herbivorous crop pests, causing severe damage on numerous economically important crops. Due to the rapid evolution of pesticide resistance, biological control strategies using entomopathogenic fungi are being developed. However, although spider mites are infected with various Wolbachia strains worldwide, whether this endosymbiont protects them from fungi is as yet unknown. Here, we compared the survival of two populations, treated with antibiotics or naturally harboring different Wolbachia strains, after exposure to the fungal biocontrol agents Metarhizium brunneum and Beauveria bassiana. To control for potential effects of the bacterial community of spider mites, we also compared the susceptibility of two populations naturally uninfected by Wolbachia, treated with antibiotics or not. In one population, Wolbachia‐infected mites had a better survival than uninfected ones in absence of fungi but not in their presence, whereas in the other population Wolbachia increased the mortality induced by B. bassiana. In one naturally Wolbachia‐uninfected population, the antibiotic treatment increased the susceptibility of spider mites to M. brunneum, but it had no effect in the other treatments. These results suggest that natural Wolbachia infections may not hamper and may even improve the success of biological control using entomopathogenic fungi. However, they also draw caution on the generalization of such effects, given the complexity of within‐host–pathogens interaction and the potential eco‐evolutionary consequences of the use of biocontrol agents for Wolbachia‐host associations.  相似文献   

Environmental temperature has important effects on the physiology and life history of ectothermic animals, including investment in the immune system and the infectious capacity of pathogens. Numerous studies have examined individual components of these complex systems, but little is known about how they integrate when animals are exposed to different temperatures. Here, we use the Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella) to understand how immune investment and disease resistance react and potentially trade‐off with other life‐history traits. We recorded life‐history (development time, survival, fecundity, and body size) and immunity (hemocyte counts, phenoloxidase activity) measures and tested resistance to bacterial (E. coli) and viral (Plodia interpunctella granulosis virus) infection at five temperatures (20–30°C). While development time, lifespan, and size decreased with temperature as expected, moths exhibited different reproductive strategies in response to small changes in temperature. At cooler temperatures, oviposition rates were low but tended to increase toward the end of life, whereas warmer temperatures promoted initially high oviposition rates that rapidly declined after the first few days of adult life. Although warmer temperatures were associated with strong investment in early reproduction, there was no evidence of an associated trade‐off with immune investment. Phenoloxidase activity increased most at cooler temperatures before plateauing, while hemocyte counts increased linearly with temperature. Resistance to bacterial challenge displayed a complex pattern, whereas survival after a viral challenge increased with rearing temperature. These results demonstrate that different immune system components and different pathogens can respond in distinct ways to changes in temperature. Overall, these data highlight the scope for significant changes in immunity, disease resistance, and host–parasite population dynamics to arise from small, biologically relevant changes to environmental temperature. In light of global warming, understanding these complex interactions is vital for predicting the potential impact of insect disease vectors and crop pests on public health and food security.  相似文献   

Understanding landscape patterns in mortality risk is crucial for promoting recovery of threatened and endangered species. Humans affect mortality risk in large carnivores such as wolves (Canis lupus), but spatiotemporally varying density dependence can significantly influence the landscape of survival. This potentially occurs when density varies spatially and risk is unevenly distributed. We quantified spatiotemporal sources of variation in survival rates of gray wolves (C. lupus) during a 21‐year period of population recovery in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA. We focused on mapping risk across time using Cox Proportional Hazards (CPH) models with time‐dependent covariates, thus exploring a shifting mosaic of survival. Extended CPH models and time‐dependent covariates revealed influences of seasonality, density dependence and experience, as well as individual‐level factors and landscape predictors of risk. We used results to predict the shifting landscape of risk at the beginning, middle, and end of the wolf recovery time series. Survival rates varied spatially and declined over time. Long‐term change was density‐dependent, with landscape predictors such as agricultural land cover and edge densities contributing negatively to survival. Survival also varied seasonally and depended on individual experience, sex, and resident versus transient status. The shifting landscape of survival suggested that increasing density contributed to greater potential for human conflict and wolf mortality risk. Long‐term spatial variation in key population vital rates is largely unquantified in many threatened, endangered, and recovering species. Variation in risk may indicate potential for source‐sink population dynamics, especially where individuals preemptively occupy suitable territories, which forces new individuals into riskier habitat types as density increases. We encourage managers to explore relationships between adult survival and localized changes in population density. Density‐dependent risk maps can identify increasing conflict areas or potential habitat sinks which may persist due to high recruitment in adjacent habitats.  相似文献   

Life‐history theory states that, during the lifetime of an individual, resources are allocated to either somatic maintenance or reproduction. Resource allocation tradeoffs determine the evolution and ecology of life‐history strategies and determine an organisms’ position along the fast–slow continuum. Theory predicts that environmental stochasticity is an important driver of resource allocation and therefore life‐history evolution. Highly stochastic environments are expected to increase uncertainty in reproductive success and select for iteroparity and a slowing down of the life history. To date, most empirical studies have used comparisons among species to examine these theoretical predictions. By contrast, few have investigated how environmental stochasticity affects life‐history strategies at the intraspecific level. In this study, we examined how variation in breeding site stochasticity (among‐year variability in pond volume and hydroperiod) promotes the co‐occurrence of different life‐history strategies in a spatially structured population, and determines life‐history position along the fast–slow continuum in the yellow‐bellied toad Bombina variegata. We collected mark–recapture data from a metapopulation and used multievent capture–recapture models to estimate survival, recruitment and breeding probabilities. We found higher survival and longer lifespans in populations inhabiting variable sites compared to those breeding in stable ones. In addition, probabilities of recruitment and skipping a breeding event were higher in variable sites. The temporal variance of survival and recruitment probabilities, as well as the probability to skip breeding, was higher in variable sites. Taken together, these findings indicate that populations breeding in variable sites experienced a slowing down of the life‐history. Our study thus revealed similarities in the macroevolutionary and microevolutionary processes shaping life‐history evolution.  相似文献   

Differences in the survival rates of males and females over the period from hatching to recruitment can have important impacts on individual fitness and population demographics. However, whilst the influence of an individual's sex on nestling growth and survival has been well studied, less is known about sex‐specific survival over the period between fledging and recruitment. Here, we analyse nestling survival and recruitment in an isolated, island population of house sparrows (Passer domesticus), using data collected over a 4‐year period. Nestlings that had a greater mass at 1 day old were more likely to fledge. Recruitment was also positively associated with day 11 mass. The positive influence of nestling mass on survival to fledging also increased as brood size increased. There was no difference in the survival of male and female individuals prior to fledging. In contrast, over the period from fledging to recruitment, females had significantly less mortality than males. Recruitment was also positively associated with 11‐day‐old mass. Neither the nestling sex ratio nor the fledging sex ratio deviated from 0.5, but the sex ratio amongst recruits was female biased. Our study shows that sex can influence juvenile survival, but also shows that its effect varies between different life‐history stages; therefore, these stages should be considered separately if we want to understand at what point sex‐specific differences in juvenile survival occur. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 680–688.  相似文献   

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