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Recombinant Epstein-Barr viruses (EBV) with a translation termination codon mutation inserted into the nuclear protein 3A (EBNA-3A) or 3C (EBNA-3C) open reading frame were generated by second-site homologous recombination. These mutant viruses were used to infect primary B lymphocytes to assess the requirement of EBNA-3A or -3C for growth transformation. The frequency of obtaining transformants infected with a wild-type EBNA-3A recombinant EBV was 10 to 15%. In contrast, the frequency of obtaining transformants infected with a mutant EBNA-3A recombinant EBV was only 1.4% (9 mutants in 627 transformants analyzed). Transformants infected with mutant EBNA-3A recombinant virus could be obtained only by coinfection with another transformation-defective EBV which provided wild-type EBNA-3A in trans. Cells infected with mutant EBNA-3A recombinant virus lost the EBNA-3A mutation with expansion of the culture. The decreased frequency of recovery of the EBNA-3A mutation, the requirement for transformation-defective EBV coinfection, and the inability to maintain the EBNA-3A mutation indicate that EBNA-3A is essential or critical for lymphocyte growth transformation and that the EBNA-3A mutation has a partial dominant negative effect. Five transformants infected with mutant EBNA-3C recombinant virus EBV were also identified and expanded. All five also required wild-type EBNA-3C in trans. Serial passage of the mutant recombinant virus into primary B lymphocytes resulted in transformants only when wild-type EBNA-3C was provided in trans by coinfection with a transformation-defective EBV carrying a wild-type EBNA-3C gene. A secondary recombinant virus in which the mutated EBNA-3C gene was replaced by wild-type EBNA-3C was able to transform B lymphocytes. Thus, EBNA-3C is also essential or critical for primary B-lymphocyte growth transformation.  相似文献   

Previous molecular genetic analyses of Epstein-Barr virus nuclear protein 2 (EBNA2) identified a negative effect of deletion of codons 19 to 33 on transformation and gene transactivation, while deletion of codons 19 to 110 was a null mutation for transformation and gene transactivation. We here report the surprising finding that codons 2 to 88, which encode the highly conserved unique N terminus (amino acids 1 to 58) and most of the polyproline repeat (amino acids 59 to 95), can be deleted with only minimal effects on transformation. Codons 97 to 122 can also be deleted with only minimal effects on transformation. However, deletion of 35 of the 37 prolines (amino acids 59 to 93) or deletion of codons 2 to 95 results in a null transforming phenotype. Although EBNA2 from which codons 59 to 93 were deleted was a null mutation for transformation, it was similar to some transforming mutants of EBNA2 in abundance, in interaction with RBPJK, and in transactivation of the LMP1 promoter in transient transfection assays. These data indicate that between three and seven prolines are critical for EBNA2 structure or for intermolecular interaction. Aside from these seven prolines, codons encoding the rest of the N-terminal half (amino acids 2 to 230) of EBNA2 are nonessential for primary B-lymphocyte growth transformation.  相似文献   

The targeting of many Sec substrates to the membrane-associated translocation pore requires the cytoplasmic signal recognition particle (SRP). In Eukarya and Bacteria it has been shown that membrane docking of the SRP-substrate complex occurs via the universally conserved SRP receptor (Sralpha/beta and FtsY, respectively). While much has been learned about the archaeal SRP in recent years, few studies have examined archaeal Sralpha/FtsY homologs. In the present study the FtsY homolog of Haloferax volcanii was characterized in its native host. Disruption of the sole chromosomal copy of ftsY in H. volcanii was possible only under conditions where either the full-length haloarchaeal FtsY or an amino-terminally truncated version of this protein lacking the A domain, was expressed in trans. Subcellular fractionation analysis of H. volcanii ftsY deletion strains expressing either one of the complementing proteins revealed that in addition to a cytoplasmic pool, both proteins cofractionate with the haloarchaeal cytoplasmic membrane. Moreover, membrane localization of the universally conserved SRP subunit SRP54, the key binding partner of FtsY, was detected in both H. volcanii strains. These analyses suggest that the H. volcanii FtsY homolog plays a crucial role but does not require its A domain for haloarchaeal growth.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 2 (Psd2p) is currently being used to study lipid trafficking processes in intact and permeabilized yeast cells. The Psd2p contains a C2 homology domain and a putative Golgi retention/localization (GR) domain. C2 domains play important functions in membrane binding and docking reactions involving phospholipids and proteins. We constructed a C2 domain deletion variant (C2Delta) and a GR deletion variant (GRDelta) of Psd2p and examined their effects on in vivo function and catalysis. Immunoblotting confirmed that the predicted immature and mature forms of Psd2(C2Delta)p, Psd2(GRDelta)p, and wild type Psd2p were produced in vivo and that the proteins localized normally. Enzymology revealed that the Psd2(C2Delta)p and Psd2(GRDelta)p were catalytically active and could readily be expressed at levels 10-fold higher than endogenous Psd2p. Both Psd2p and Psd2(GRDelta)p expression complemented the growth defect of psd1Deltapsd2Delta strains and resulted in normal aminoglycerophospholipid metabolism. In contrast, the Psd2(C2Delta)p failed to complement psd1Deltapsd2Delta strains, and [(3)H]serine labeling revealed a severe defect in the formation of PtdEtn in both intact and permeabilized cells, indicative of disruption of lipid trafficking. These findings identify an essential, non-catalytic function of the C2 domain of Psd2p and raise the possibility that it plays a direct role in membrane docking and/or PtdSer transport to the enzyme.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) is essential for EBV-mediated transformation of primary B lymphocytes. LMP1 spontaneously aggregates in the plasma membrane and enables two transformation effector sites (TES1 and TES2) within the 200-amino-acid cytoplasmic carboxyl terminus to constitutively engage the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR)-associated factors TRAF1, TRAF2, TRAF3, and TRAF5 and the TNFR-associated death domain proteins TRADD and RIP, thereby activating NF-kappaB and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). To investigate the importance of the 60% of the LMP1 carboxyl terminus that lies between the TES1-TRAF and TES2-TRADD and -RIP binding sites, an EBV recombinant was made that contains a specific deletion of LMP1 codons 232 to 351. Surprisingly, the deletion mutant was similar to wild-type (wt) LMP1 EBV recombinants in its efficiency in transforming primary B lymphocytes into lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). Mutant and wt EBV-transformed LCLs were similarly efficient in long-term outgrowth and in regrowth after endpoint dilution. Mutant and wt LMP1 proteins were also similar in their constitutive association with TRAF1, TRAF2, TRAF3, TRADD, and RIP. Mutant and wt EBV-transformed LCLs were similar in steady-state levels of Bcl2, JNK, and activated JNK proteins. The wt phenotype of recombinants with LMP1 codons 232 to 351 deleted further demarcates TES1 and TES2, underscores their central importance in B-lymphocyte growth transformation, and provides a new perspective on LMP1 sequence variation between TES1 and TES2.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 3 (MEKK3) plays an essential role in embryonic angiogenesis, but its role in tumor growth and angiogenesis is unknown. In this study, we further investigated the role of MEKK3 in embryonic angiogenesis, tumor angiogenesis, and angiogenic factor production. We found that endothelial cells from Mekk3-deficient embryos showed defects in cell proliferation, apoptosis, and interactions with myocardium in the heart. We also found that MEKK3 is required for angiopoietin-1 (Ang1)-induced p38 and ERK5 activation. To study the role of MEKK3 in tumor growth and angiogenesis, we established both wild-type and Mekk3-deficient tumor-like embryonic stem cell lines and transplanted them subcutaneously into nude mice to assess their ability to grow and induce tumor angiogenesis. Mekk3-deficient tumors developed and grew similarly as control Mekk3 wild-type tumors and were also capable of inducing tumor angiogenesis. In addition, we found no differences in the production of VEGF in Mekk3-deficient tumors or embryos. Taken together, our results suggest that MEKK3 plays a critical role in Ang1/Tie2 signaling to control endothelial cell proliferation and survival and is required for endothelial cells to interact with the myocardium during early embryonic development. However, MEKK3 is not essential for tumor growth and angiogenesis. cardiovascular; mitogen-activated protein kinase; embryonic development  相似文献   

Recombinant Epstein-Barr viruses (EBVs) were made with mutated latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) genes that express only the LMP1 amino-terminal cytoplasmic and six transmembrane domains (MS187) or these domains and the first 44 amino acids of the 200-residue LMP1 carboxy-terminal domain (MS231). After infection of primary B lymphocytes with virus stocks having small numbers of recombinant virus and large numbers of P3HR-1 EBV which is transformation defective but wild type (WT) for LMP1, all lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) that had MS187 or MS231 LMP1 also had WT LMP1 provided by the coinfecting P3HR-1 EBV. Lytic virus infection was induced in these coinfected LCLs, and primary B lymphocytes were infected. In over 200 second-generation LCLs, MS187 LMP1 was never present without WT LMP1. Screening of over 600 LCLs infected with virus from MS231 recombinant virus-infected LCLs identified two LCLs which were infected with an MS231 recombinant without WT LMP1. The MS231 recombinant virus could growth transform primary B lymphocytes when cells were grown on fibroblast feeders. Even after 6 months on fibroblast feeder layers, cells transformed by the MS231 recombinant virus died when transferred to medium without fibroblast feeder cells. These data indicate that the LMP1 carboxy terminus is essential for WT growth-transforming activity. The first 44 amino acids of the carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic domain probably include an essential effector of cell growth transformation, while a deletion of the rest of LMP1 can be complemented by growth on fibroblast feeder layers. LMP1 residues 232 to 386 therefore provide a growth factor-like effect for the transformation of B lymphocytes. This effect may be indicative of the broader role of LMP1 in cell growth transformation.  相似文献   

P210 BCR/ABL is a chimeric oncogene implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic myelogenous leukemia. BCR sequences have been shown to be required for activation of the tyrosine kinase and transforming functions of BCR/ABL. In this work, we show that two other structural requirements for full transforming activity of P210 BCR/ABL include a functional tyrosine kinase and the presence of tyrosine 1294, a site of autophosphorylation within the tyrosine kinase domain. Replacement of tyrosine 1294 with phenylalanine (1294F) greatly diminishes the transforming activity of BCR/ABL without affecting the specific activity of the protein tyrosine kinase. Expression of an exogenous myc gene in fibroblasts partially complements the transforming capacity of mutant P210 BCR/ABL (1294F). Surprisingly, tyrosine 1294 is not required for efficient induction of growth factor-independence in hematopoietic cell lines by P210 BCR/ABL. These results suggest that autophosphorylation at tyrosine 1294 may be important for recognition and phosphorylation of cellular substrates in the pathway of transformation, but it is not critical for mediating the events which lead to growth factor independence.  相似文献   

CcmE is a heme chaperone active in the cytochrome c maturation pathway of Escherichia coli. It first binds heme covalently to strictly conserved histidine H130 and subsequently delivers it to apo-cytochrome c. The recently solved structure of soluble CcmE revealed a compact core consisting of a beta-barrel and a flexible C-terminal domain with a short alpha-helical turn. In order to elucidate the function of this poorly conserved domain, CcmE was truncated stepwise from the C terminus. Removal of all 29 amino acids up to crucial histidine 130 did not abolish heme binding completely. For detectable transfer of heme to type c cytochromes, only one additional residue, D131, was required, and for efficient cytochrome c maturation, the seven-residue sequence (131)DENYTPP(137) was required. When soluble forms of CcmE were expressed in the periplasm, the C-terminal domain had to be slightly longer to allow detection of holo-CcmE. Soluble full-length CcmE had low activity in cytochrome c maturation, indicating the importance of the N-terminal membrane anchor for the in vivo function of CcmE.  相似文献   

The serA gene of Corynebacterium glutamicum coding for 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PGDH) was isolated and functionally characterized. It encodes a polypeptide of 530 aminoacyl residues (aa), which is substantially longer than the corresponding Escherichia coli polypeptide of 410 aa. The difference is largely due to an additional stretch of aa in the carboxy- (C)-terminal part of the polypeptide. Overexpression of serA in C. glutamicum results in a 16-fold increase in specific PGDH activity to 2.1 U/mg protein, with activity being inhibited by high concentrations of L-serine. A set of muteins that were progressively truncated at the C-terminal end was constructed. When overexpressed, mutein SerADelta197 showed a specific PGDH dehydrogenase activity of 1.3 U/mg protein, with the activity no longer being sensitive to L-serine. Gel filtration experiments showed that wild type PGDH is a homotetramer, whereas mutein SerADelta197 constitutes a dimer. Thus, the specific regulatory features of C. glutamicum PGDH are due to the C-terminal part of the polypeptide, which can be deleted with almost no effect on the catalytic activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The dbl oncogene product (onco-Dbl) is the prototype member of a family of guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) for Rho GTPases. The Dbl homology (DH) domain of onco-Dbl is responsible for the GEF catalytic activity, and the DH domain, together with the immediately adjacent pleckstrin homology (PH) domain, constitutes the minimum module bearing transforming function. In the present study, we demonstrate that the onco-Dbl protein exists in oligomeric form in vitro and in cells. The oligomerization is mostly homophilic in nature and is mediated by the DH domain. Mutagenesis studies mapped the region involved in oligomerization to the conserved region 2 of the DH domain, which is located at the opposite side of the Rho GTPase interacting surface. Residue His556 of this region, in particular, is important for this activity, since the H556A mutant retained the GEF catalytic capability and the binding activity toward Cdc42 and RhoA in vitro but was deficient in oligomer formation. Consequently, the Rho GTPase activating potential of the H556A mutant was significantly reduced in cells. The focus-forming and anchorage-independent growth activities of onco-Dbl were completely abolished by the His556-to-Ala mutation, whereas the abilities to stimulate cell growth, activate Jun N-terminal kinase, and cause actin cytoskeletal changes were retained by the mutant. The ability of onco-Dbl to oligomerize allowed multiple Rho GTPases to be recruited to the same signaling complex, and such an ability is defective in the H556A mutant. Taken together, these results suggest that oligomerization of onco-Dbl through the DH domain is essential for cellular transformation by providing the means to generate a signaling complex that further augments and/or coordinates its Rho GTPase activating potential.  相似文献   

The invasion of host cells by the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum requires specific protein-protein interactions between parasite and host receptors and an intracellular translocation machinery to power the process. The transmembrane erythrocyte binding protein-175 (EBA-175) and thrombospondin-related anonymous protein (TRAP) play central roles in this process. EBA-175 binds to glycophorin A on human erythrocytes during the invasion process, linking the parasite to the surface of the host cell. In this report, we show that the cytoplasmic domain of EBA-175 encodes crucial information for its role in merozoite invasion, and that trafficking of this protein is independent of this domain. Further, we show that the cytoplasmic domain of TRAP, a protein that is not expressed in merozoites but is essential for invasion of liver cells by the sporozoite stage, can substitute for the cytoplasmic domain of EBA-175. These results show that the parasite uses the same components of its cellular machinery for invasion regardless of the host cell type and invasive form.  相似文献   

beta-Site APP-cleaving enzyme (BACE) initiates the processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) leading to the generation of beta-amyloid, the main component of Alzheimer's disease senile plaques. BACE (Asp2, memapsin 2) is a type I transmembrane aspartic protease responsible for the beta-secretase cleavage of APP producing a soluble form of the ectodomain (sAPPbeta) and the membrane-bound, carboxy-terminal intermediates C99 and C89. BACE maturation involves cysteine bridge formation, N -glycosylation and propeptide removal. We investigated variants of BACE in which the disulphide bonds of the catalytic domain spanning between Cys216/Cys420, Cys278/Cys443 and Cys330/Cys380 were removed by mutagenesis. When transfected in cultured cells, these mutants showed impaired maturation. Nevertheless, a fraction of mutated protein retained both the competence to mature as well as the activity to process APP. For the generation of a functional enzyme the conserved Cys330/Cys380 bond was the most critical, whereas the two bonds between Cys216/Cys420 and Cys278/Cys443, which are typical for the membrane-bound BACE, appeared to be less important.  相似文献   

M Hatakeyama  H Mori  T Doi  T Taniguchi 《Cell》1989,59(5):837-845
The functional, high affinity form of interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) is composed of two receptor components, the IL-2R alpha (p55) and IL-2R beta (p70-75) chains. Unlike the IL-2R alpha chain, the IL-2R beta chain contains a large cytoplasmic domain that shows no obvious tyrosine kinase motif. In the present study, we report the establishment of a system in which the cDNA-directed human IL-2R beta allows growth signal transduction in a mouse pro-B cell line. This system enabled us to identify a unique region within the cytoplasmic domain of the human IL-2R beta chain essential for ligand-mediated signal transduction. We also demonstrate that certain cytoplasmic deletion mutants in the IL-2R beta chain, although deficient in signal transduction, can still form high affinity IL-2R in conjunction with endogenous mouse IL-2R alpha chain; the mutants are still able to internalize the ligand as well.  相似文献   

A leader polypeptide of unknown function is encoded by cardioviruses, such as Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus. Although the deletion of this polypeptide has little effect on the growth of parental GDVII virus in baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells, the mutant virus is completely attenuated and fails to kill mice receiving intracerebral inoculations of high doses of the virus.  相似文献   

Interleukin 2 (IL-2) can stimulate the proliferation of various kinds of T-cell lines. The receptor for IL-2 is composed of at least two subunits (alpha and beta), of which beta subunit plays the major role in transducing growth signals into the cells. A nonreceptor-type tyrosine kinase, Lck, is associated with IL-2 receptor beta subunit, and the binding of IL-2 to its receptor induces the activation of Lck. On the other hand, it has been shown that stimulation of T-cells with IL-2 causes rapid activation of Ras protein. In this paper, we describe that both of the two regions in IL-2 receptor beta subunit, the indispensable region for the induction of cell growth (serine-rich region) and the binding region of Lck protein (acidic region), are required for the activation of Ras. These two regions are also required for tyrosine phosphorylation of an 85-kDa cellular protein (p85) and the accumulation of fos and jun mRNAs. This observation suggests also that the activation of a receptor-associated tyrosine kinase in response to IL-2-stimulation is primarily responsible for subsequent activation of the pathway through Ras to Fos and Jun.  相似文献   

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