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The pullulanase gene (pul) of Klebsiella aerogenes was cloned into a pBR322 vector in Escherichia coli. Deletion analysis of the recombinant plasmid showed that the pul coding sequence, probably with the regulator gene, was located entirely within a 4.2-kilobase segment derived from the chromosomal DNA of K. aerogenes. E. coli cells carrying the recombinant plasmids produced about three- to sevenfold more pullulanase than did the wild-type strain of K. aerogenes W70. When the cloned cells of E. coli were grown with pullulan or maltose, most pullulanase was produced intracellularly, whereas K. aerogenes produced pullulanase extracellularly. Transfer of the plasmid containing the pul gene into K. aerogenes W70 resulted in about a 20- to 40-fold increase in total production of pullulanase, and the intracellular enzyme level was about 100- to 150-fold higher than that of the parent strain W70. The high level of pullulanase activity in K. aerogenes cells carrying the recombinant plasmid was maintained for at least 2 weeks.  相似文献   

The pullulanase gene (pul) of Klebsiella aerogenes was cloned into a pBR322 vector in Escherichia coli. Deletion analysis of the recombinant plasmid showed that the pul coding sequence, probably with the regulator gene, was located entirely within a 4.2-kilobase segment derived from the chromosomal DNA of K. aerogenes. E. coli cells carrying the recombinant plasmids produced about three- to sevenfold more pullulanase than did the wild-type strain of K. aerogenes W70. When the cloned cells of E. coli were grown with pullulan or maltose, most pullulanase was produced intracellularly, whereas K. aerogenes produced pullulanase extracellularly. Transfer of the plasmid containing the pul gene into K. aerogenes W70 resulted in about a 20- to 40-fold increase in total production of pullulanase, and the intracellular enzyme level was about 100- to 150-fold higher than that of the parent strain W70. The high level of pullulanase activity in K. aerogenes cells carrying the recombinant plasmid was maintained for at least 2 weeks.  相似文献   

We have employed the technique of gene fusion to fuse the LacZ gene encoding the cytoplasmic enzyme beta-galactosidase with the malE gene encoding the periplasmic maltose binding protein (MBP). Strains were obtained which synthesize malE-lacZ hybrid proteins of various sizes. These proteins have, at their amino terminus, a portion of the MBP and at their carboxyl terminus, enzymatically active beta-galactosidase. When the hybrid protein includes only a small, amino-terminal portion of the MBP, the hybrid protein residues in the cytoplasm. When the hybrid protein contains enough of the MBP to include an intact MBP signal sequence, a significant portion of the hybrid protein is found in the cytoplasmic membrane, suggesting that secretion of the hybrid protein has been initiated. However, in no case is the hybrid protein secreted into the periplasm, even when the hybrid protein includes almost the entire MBP. In the latter case, the synthesis and attempted export of the hybrid protein interferes with the export of at least certain normal envelope proteins, which accumulate in the cell in their precursor forms, and the cell dies. These results suggest that a number of envelope proteins may be exported at a common site, and that there are only a limited number of such sites. Also, these results indicate that it is not sufficient to simply attach an amino-terminal signal sequence to a polypeptide to assure its export.  相似文献   

严伟  聂尧  徐岩 《微生物学报》2013,53(2):145-153
[目的]从长野芽胞杆菌(Bacillus naganoensis)JNB-1中克隆出普鲁兰酶基因并在大肠杆菌系统中表达,通过优化诱导条件和使用化学添加剂提高了胞外酶活.[方法]采用PCR方法,从B.naganoensis基因组中扩增出普鲁兰酶基因pul,构建重组菌E,coli BL21/pET-20b-pul.通过优化,确定优化后的IPTG诱导条件以及甘氨酸、Na+的最佳添加参数.[结果]普鲁兰酶在大肠杆菌中得到有效表达,其相对分子质量为ll9kDa.在优化后的诱导条件(诱导温度20℃,IPTG终浓度0.4 mmol/L,在菌体OD600至1.2时诱导)下,普鲁兰酶的总酶活达到10.8 U/mL.添加甘氨酸和Na+均能有效促进普鲁兰酶的分泌.在诱导时添加终浓度0.08 mol/L的甘氨酸和0.2 mol/L Na+,胞外酶活提高至8.1 U/mL,是不加任何添加剂的10.3倍.[结论]该重组菌的构建为普鲁兰酶制剂的工业生产提供了有价值的菌株,对化学添加剂促进分泌的研究也为重组酶的高水平胞外生产提供了有效的方法.  相似文献   

Two distinct steps in pullulanase secretion by Escherichia coli K12   总被引:19,自引:9,他引:10  
Two distinct steps in the secretion of the extracellular, cell-surface-anchored lipoprotein pullulanase by Escherichia coli were uncoupled by allowing export of the enzyme to the cytoplasmic membrane via the signal peptide/sec-gene-dependent general export pathway, and then inducing the pulC-O operon of genes required for translocation to the cell surface. The secretion intermediate cofractionated mainly with intermediate-density vesicles when cells were gently lysed and the resulting vesicles were separated by isopycnic sucrose density centrifugation. Cytoplasmic forms of pullulanase (which are not exported because they lack a functional signal peptide) are more sensitive to heat inactivation, denaturation by sodium dodecyl sulphate and carboxymethylation than the intermediate and cell-surface forms. The latter are distinguished only by the fact that the secretion intermediate is less susceptible to proteinase K and trypsin, and is partially inaccessible to substrate or in an inactive conformation in sphaeroplasts. These and other results indicate that the secretion intermediate can acquire considerable higher-ordered structure, including disulphide bridges, before it is transported to the cell surface; this seems to rule out the possibility that it is threaded through this membrane as a locally unfolded polypeptide.  相似文献   

Research on bacterial cell division has recently gained renewed impetus because of new information about peptidoglycan assembly and about specific cell-division genes and their products. This paper concerns aspects of cell division that specifically concern the peptidoglycan. It is shown that upon division, peptidoglycan assembly switches from lateral wall location to the cell centre, that assembly takes place at the leading edge of the invaginating constriction, that the mode of glycan strand insertion changes from a single-stranded mode to a multi-stranded mode, and that the initiation of division (in contrast to its continuation) requires penicillin-insensitive peptidoglycan synthesis (PIPS). A membrane component X (possibly FtsQ) is proposed to coordinate PIPS with the cell division-initiating protein FtsZ. It is suggested that a largely proteinaceous macromolecular complex (divisome) at the leading edge of constriction encompasses three compartments (cytoplasm, membrane and periplasm). The composition of this complex is proposed to vary depending on whether division is being initiated or completed.  相似文献   

Using a pUC19-based genomic library of the anaerobic thermophilic bacterium C. thermohydrosulfuricum a DNA fragment that confers pullulanase activity to E. coli cells has been identified. Subcloning and restriction mapping procedures was carried out and the primary structure of the 5'-region of the pullulanase gene (pul) was determined. The pul enzyme was shown to be a protein with molecular weight of approximately 60,000. It was found that both pullulanase and glucoamylase activities resides in pullulanase. The intracellular distribution of pullulanase was studied. An E. coli strain that produces large amounts of thermostable pullulanase has been constructed.  相似文献   

Although Aspergillus niger is used as a host for heterologous protein production, yields are generally lower than those obtained for homologous proteins. Mechanisms of protein secretion and the secretory pathway in filamentous fungi are poorly characterised, although there is evidence to suggest that secretion occurs by a mechanism similar to that in other eukaryotes, but with proteins destined for secretion being directed to the hyphal tip. We report on a method using a glucoamylase: GFP gene fusion which allows us for the first time to monitor, in vivo, protein secretion in A. niger at the single hyphal level. A synthetic green fluorescent protein (sGFP(S65T)) was fused to truncated A. niger glucoamylase (GLA:499). Southern blot analysis of transformants confirmed that the gene fusion had successfully integrated into the A. niger genome. Confocal and fluorescence microscopy revealed that the GLA::GFP fusion protein is fluorescent in A. niger and appears to be directed to the hyphal tip. In young mycelia, hyphal cell wall fluorescence is apparent and immunogold labelling of GFP confirmed that GFP was partially localised within the hyphal cell wall. Using Western blotting, extracellular GLA::GFP was detected only in culture filtrates of young mycelia grown in a soya milk medium. The actin inhibitor latrunculin B was used to disrupt the secretion process, and its effects on the distribution of GLA::GFP were monitored.  相似文献   

Export and secretion of the lipoprotein pullulanase by Klebsiella pneumoniae   总被引:18,自引:8,他引:10  
Pullulanase, a secreted lipoprotein of Klebsiella pneumoniae, is initially localized to the outer face of the outer membrane, as shown by protease and substrate accessibility and by immunofluorescence tests. Freeze-thaw disruption of these cells released both membrane-associated and apparently soluble forms of pullulanase. Membrane-associated pullulanase co-fractionated with authentic outer membrane vesicles upon isopycnic sucrose-gradient centrifugation, whereas the quasi-soluble form had the same equilibrium density as inner membrane vesicles and extracellular pullulanase aggregates. The latter also contained outer membrane maltoporin, but were largely devoid of other membrane components including LPS and lipids. K. pneumoniae carrying multiple copies of the pullulanase structural gene (pulA) produced increased amounts of cell-associated and secreted pullulanase, but a large proportion of the enzyme was neither exposed on the cell surface nor released into the medium, even after prolonged incubation. This suggests that factors necessary for pullulanase secretion were saturated by the over-produced pullulanase. When pulA was expressed under lacZ promotor control, the pullulanase which was produced was not exposed on the cell surface at any time, suggesting that pullulanase secretion genes are not expressed constitutively, and raising the possibility that they, like pulA, may be part of the maltose regulon.  相似文献   

Pullulanase is an extracellular, cell surface-anchored lipoprotein produced by Gram-negative bacteria belonging to the genus Klebsiella. Its correct localization in recombinant Escherichia coli requires the products of 14 genes that are linked to the enzyme structural gene in the Klebsiella chromosome. In addition, we show here that six sec genes (secA, secB, secD, secE, secF and secY) are all required for processing of the prepullulanase signal peptide to occur. This implies that pullulanase crosses the cytoplasmic membrane via the general export pathway of which the sec gene products are essential components. Removal or drastic alteration of the prepullulanase signal peptide cause the enzyme to remain cytoplasmic. We propose that pullulanase secretion occurs in two steps, the first of which is common to all signal peptide-bearing precursors of exported and secreted proteins, whereas the second is specifically involved in translocating pullulanase to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Enzymes can be fused at the C-terminal end of the maltose binding protein (MalE), at the genetic level. Expression of the hybrid proteins, under control of promoter malEp and of the constitutive activator, MalTc1, can be repressed by glucose. The hybrid proteins are localised either in the bacterial cytoplasm or periplasmic space, depending on whether MalE harbors a signal peptide mutation or not; as MalE, they can be purified in one step by chromatography on cross-linked amylose. The Staphylococcus aureus Nuclease and the Klenow portion of E. coli DNA-polymerase I keep their specific activities when fused to MalE.  相似文献   

Summary The FhuA protein (formerly TonA) is located in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli K12. Fusions between fhuA and phoA genes were constructed. They determined proteins containing a truncated but still active alkaline phosphatase of constant size and a variable FhuA portion which ranged from 11%–90% of the mature FhuA protein. The fusion sites were nearly randomly distributed along the FhuA protein. The FhuA segments directed the secretion of the truncated alkaline phosphatase across the cytoplasmic membrane. The fusion proteins were proteolytically degraded up to the size of alkaline phosphatase and no longer reacted with anti-FhuA antibodies. The fusion proteins were more stable in lon and pep mutants lacking cytoplasmic protease and peptidases, respectively. The larger fusion proteins above a molecular weight of 64000 dalton were predominantly found in the outer membrane fraction. They were degraded by trypsin when cells were converted to spheroplasts so that trypsin gained access to the periplasm. In contrast, FhuA protein in the outer membrane was largely resistant to trypsin. It is concluded that the larger FhuA-PhoA fusion proteins were associated with, but not properly integrated into, the outer membrane.  相似文献   

The pullulanase gene fromClostridium thermosulfurogenes (DSM 3896) was cloned and expressed inEscherichia coli with pUC18 as cloning vector. Two clones showed expression of amylolytic enzymes which were active at high temperatures. One of the recombinant plasmids (pCT3) containing a 5.3 kbp insert coded for the pullulanase gene; the other (pCT4, 4.4 kbp insert) carried the same-amylase gene as the previously described plasmid pCT2 (2.9 kpb insert, 7). The pullulanase gene was efficiently transcribed inE. coli, apparently using its own promoter; the enzyme was not secreted into the medium. No difference in the temperature optimum and thermostability between the original and the heterologously expressed (inE. coli) enzyme could be found.  相似文献   

Pullulanase secretion in Escherichia coli depends on the expression of a MalT-regulated operon called pulC. Characterization of the first two genes of this operon showed that they encode, respectively, a 31,000-Da protein (PulC) and a 70,600-Da protein (PulD) which has a putative signal peptide and that these two proteins are required for pullulanase secretion. The analysis of alkaline phosphatase hybrid proteins generated by TnphoA mutagenesis of pulC and pulD showed that both PulC and PulD contain export signals which can direct the alkaline phosphatase segment of the hybrids across the inner membrane. A representative PulC-PhoA hybrid protein fractionated mainly with the inner membrane upon isopycnic sucrose gradient centrifugation of membrane vesicles. This, together with sequencing data, suggests that PulC is an inner membrane protein. Antibodies raised against a purified PulD-PhoA hybrid protein were used to show that PulD was enriched in low density outer membrane vesicles.  相似文献   

Expression of several mutant forms of outer membrane protein PhoE of Escherichia coli, which are disturbed in normal biogenesis, resulted in high expression of a 26kDa protein. This 26kDa protein fractionated as a peripherally bound inner membrane protein. It appeared to be identical to a previously identified protein (PspA = phage shock protein A) of unknown function that is induced upon infection of E. coli with filamentous phages. PspA was not expressed upon synthesis of mutant PhoE proteins in a secB mutant, nor upon expression of a PhoE mutant that lacks the signal sequence, suggesting that entrance into the export pathway of prePhoE is essential for induction. PspA synthesis was also induced under other conditions that are known to block the export apparatus, i.e. in secA, secD and secF mutants when grown at their non-permissive temperature or upon induction of the synthesis of MalE-LacZ or LamB-LacZ hybrid proteins. The inducing conditions for PspA synthesis suggested a rote for this protein in export. In vivo pulse-chase experiments showed that the translocation of (mutant) prePhoE and of the precursors of other exported proteins was retarded in a pspA mutant strain. Also, in in vitro translocation assays, a role for PspA in protein transport could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Export through the cytoplasmic membrane and processing of the sak product in Escherichia coli cells were investigated with E. coli strains carrying pTS301, which produce large amounts of staphylokinase at 42 degrees C. High-level synthesis of the sak product caused transient accumulation not only of the staphylokinase precursor (pSAK) but also of the maltose-binding protein and outer membrane protein A precursors. Thus it was concluded that the sak product shares the export pathway with E. coli secreted proteins at least at a certain step. During high-level synthesis of the sak product, a significant amount of the newly synthesized pSAK remained unprocessed after a chase period, possibly causing the observed accumulation of pSAK. Accumulating pSAK did not mature for a long period, whereas the newly synthesized sak product was exclusively detected in the mature form. These results suggest that it is necessary for the sak product to enter the export pathway during or immediately after synthesis to be exported and processed normally.  相似文献   

Abstract The gene coding for a thermostable pullulanase from a thermophile, Thermus sp. strain AMD-33, was cloned in Escherichia coli using pDR540 as a vector. A restriction map was determined for the plasmid pTPS131 which contained the fragment carrying the pullulanase gene. DNA-DNA hybridisation analysis showed that the DNA fragment contained the gene from Thermus sp. strain AMD-33. The strain of E. coli harbouring the plasmid pTPS131 produced most of the pullulanase protein cellularly, whereas Thermus sp. strain AMD-33 produced pullulanase extracellularly. Comparative studies of the enzyme from the thermophile and the plasmid-encoded enzyme in E. coli demonstrated that the optimum temperature and pH of the enzymes were closely similar.  相似文献   

A series of plasmids has been constructed that can be used to fuse the beta-galactosidase gene (lacZ) of Escherichia coli to chromosomal genes of Bacillus subtilis. Insertion of the lacZ gene is facilitated by the use of a selectable chloramphenicol acetyl-transferase (cat) gene. The latter is included, along with the lacZ gene, in a single DNA fragment or 'cartridge' that can be removed from the plasmid with a variety of different restriction endonucleases. Methods applicable to any cloned B. subtilis gene are described that enable the lac-cat cartridge to be inserted at specific sites, or at random, directly into the B. subtilis chromosome in a single step. These single-copy chromosomal fusions can be readily transferred, by selection for chloramphenicol resistance, to a temperate phage such as phi 105, to permit a more extensive genetic analysis of the expression of the target gene. Alternatively, the lac-cat cartridge and flanking DNA sequences can be transferred into different genetic backgrounds by transformation. These techniques have been used to construct, in a single step, lac fusions to genes in the sporulation operons spoIIA and spoVA.  相似文献   

This article describes the reconstitution in Escherichia coli of a heterologous protein secretion system comprising a gene for an extracellular protein together with its cognate secretion genes. The protein concerned, pullulanase, is a secreted lipoprotein of the Gram-negative bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae. It is initially localized to the cell surface before being specifically released into the medium. E. coli carrying the cloned pullulanase structural gene (pulA) produces pullulanase but does not expose or secrete it. Secretion genes were cloned together with pulA in an 18.8 kbp fragment of K. pneumoniae chromosomal DNA. E. coli carrying this fragment exhibited maltose-inducible production, exposition and specific secretion of pullulanase. Transposon mutagenesis showed that the secretion genes are located on both sides of pulA. Secretion genes located 5' to pulA were transcribed in the opposite orientation to pulA under the control of the previously identified, malT-regulated malX promoter. Thus these secretion genes are part of the maltose regulon and are therefore co-expressed with pulA. Transposon mutagenesis suggested that secretion genes located 3' of pulA are not co-transcribed with pulA, raising the possibility that some secretion functions are not maltose regulated.  相似文献   

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