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根据2002年4月25日-5月2日对东海赤潮高发区化学耗氧量(COD)、石油烃等项目的现场调查,探讨了该海区COD、石油烃以及富营养化指数(EI)的分布特征,结果表明,COD和富营养化指数(EI)表明,COD和海水富营养化程度高,是调查海区赤潮发生的必要条件,有合适的温盐和光照条件下,当海水EI和COD浓度分别处在2.5-15和0.8-1.4mg·L^-1范围内可导致赤潮发生。  相似文献   

土壤碳、氮、磷是植物重要的营养来源和保障生态系统健康的重要生态因子,其含量及化学计量比的动态平衡对生态系统的生产力具有重要影响,分析土壤碳、氮、磷养分含量及化学计量比的空间变异性和影响机制,对区域土壤养分管理以及土地可持续利用具有重要意义。本研究选取位于黄土高原东缘的三眼井小流域,利用经典统计与地统计相结合的方法,分析了研究区表层土壤(0~20 cm)有机碳(SOC)、全氮(TN)和全磷(TP)以及土壤碳氮磷的化学计量比的空间变异性和影响机制。结果表明:(1)研究区表层土壤SOC、TN和TP的平均值分别为3.97、0.83和0.6 g·kg-1,C∶N、C∶P、N∶P的平均值分别为4.73、6.02、1.26,均属于中等变异水平。(2)土地利用类型和地貌类型对研究区土壤SOC、TN具有显著影响,林地和荒草地高于梯田和退耕地,梁上高于沟谷; TP主要受土地利用类型的显著影响,梯田显著高于其他三种土地利用类型;土地利用类型对土壤C∶N、C∶P和N∶P的影响较为一致,表现为梯田显著低于其他土地利用类型; C∶N还受到坡度和地貌类型的显著影响,C∶P和N∶P还分别受到坡度和海拔的显著影响。(3...  相似文献   

基于神经网络模型和地统计学方法的土壤养分空间分布预测   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
采用径向基函数神经网络模型与普通克里格法相结合的方法,预测川中丘陵区县域尺度土壤养分(有机质和全氮)的空间分布,并与普通克里格法和回归克里格法进行比较.结果表明:各方法对研究区土壤养分的预测结果相似.与多元回归模型相比,神经网络模型对验证样点土壤有机质和全氮的预测值与样点实测值的相关系数分别提高了12.3%和16.5%,表明神经网络模型能更准确地捕捉土壤养分与定量环境因子间的复杂关系.对469个验证样点预测结果的误差分析表明,神经网络模型与普通克里格法相结合的方法对土壤有机质和全氮预测结果的平均绝对误差、平均相对误差、均方根误差较普通克里格法分别降低了6.9%、7.4%、5.1%和4.9%、6.1%、4.6%,降低幅度达到极显著水平(P<0.01);与回归克里格法相比则分别降低了2.4%、2.6%、1.8%和2.1%、2.8%、2.2%,降低幅度达显著水平(P<0.05).  相似文献   

采用径向基函数神经网络模型与普通克里格法相结合的方法,预测川中丘陵区县域尺度土壤养分(有机质和全氮)的空间分布,并与普通克里格法和回归克里格法进行比较.结果表明:各方法对研究区土壤养分的预测结果相似.与多元回归模型相比,神经网络模型对验证样点土壤有机质和全氮的预测值与样点实测值的相关系数分别提高了12.3%和16.5%,表明神经网络模型能更准确地捕捉土壤养分与定量环境因子间的复杂关系.对469个验证样点预测结果的误差分析表明,神经网络模型与普通克里格法相结合的方法对土壤有机质和全氮预测结果的平均绝对误差、平均相对误差、均方根误差较普通克里格法分别降低了6.9%、7.4%、5.1%和4.9%、6.1%、4.6%,降低幅度达到极显著水平(P<0.01);与回归克里格法相比则分别降低了2.4%、2.6%、1.8%和2.1%、2.8%、2.2%,降低幅度达显著水平(P<0.05).  相似文献   

长白山低山区森林土壤有机碳及养分空间异质性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以吉林延边汪清林业局金仓林场境内森林土壤为对象,采用多元线性回归方法和地统计学回归克里格方法,研究了土壤有机碳及养分的垂直分布规律,预测了其空间分布,并对预测结果进行插值.结果表明: 0~60 cm深度土壤有机碳密度为(16.14±4.58) kg·m-2.随土壤深度增加,土壤有机碳含量、有机碳密度以及土壤全N、全P、全K、有效P及速效K含量都呈减小趋势,其中不同土层间土壤有机碳含量、有机碳密度差异显著(P<0.01).0~60 cm土层土壤有机碳含量和碳密度的拟合方程中,地形因子中高程和坡向余弦值是最优的拟合因子,方程的决定系数分别为0.34和0.39(P<0.01).0~20和0~60 cm土层的半方差函数模型分别为高斯模型和指数模型,利用回归克里格插值方法得到土壤有机碳的空间分布图.与普通克里格法相比,回归克里格法的空间预测精度改进了18%~58%.利用回归克里格插值方法预测了土壤全N的空间分布特征.  相似文献   

镉在旱柳中亚细胞分布及存在的化学形态   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以2个旱柳无性系幼苗为材料,通过营养液培养并结合差速离心与化学试剂提取法,分析了不同浓度Cd2+胁迫下旱柳叶和根中Cd的亚细胞分布及其存在的化学形态.结果显示,(1)随着培养介质Cd2+浓度升高,旱柳无性系幼苗叶和根中各亚细胞组分Cd含量随之增加.叶片的Cd主要富集于细胞壁、叶绿体和可溶性部分,它们的含量分别占65%~69%、14%~22%、6.8%~7.7%,仅少量Cd发现于膜部分;而根中Cd主要积累于细胞壁和可溶性部分,其中含量分别占59%~66%和14%~25%,Cd在根亚细胞组分中积累量依次为细胞壁>可溶性部分>质体>膜部分.(2)旱柳体内Cd以不同的化学形态存在,大部分为HCl(FHCl)、NaCl(FNaCl)、醋酸(HAC,FHAC)提取态,极少部分为乙醇(EtOH,FEtOH)和水提取态(Fwater),叶和根中5种Cd提取态含量依次为FHCl>FNaCl>FHAC>Fwater>FEtOH,而叶和根中HCl和NaCl提取态Cd占有比例大于30%以上.研究表明,旱柳无性系中Cd主要与蛋白质和有机酸螯合或以金属磷酸盐沉淀的形态存在,其根、叶的细胞壁和液泡在Cd忍耐与解毒中起到重要作用.  相似文献   

不同类型镉积累水稻细胞镉化学形态及亚细胞和分子分布   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
利用水培试验结合亚细胞组分分级分离和凝胶过滤等技术,研究了水稻根和叶中镉的化学结合形态及其亚细胞和分子分布,比较了低镉积累品种“广源占No.3”和高镉积累品种 “珍桂矮”的差异.结果表明:随着营养液中镉浓度的升高,根和叶亚细胞镉含量显著上升,大部分镉积累在细胞壁(F)和细胞可溶部分(F).高镉积累品种“珍桂矮”根和叶中可溶部分镉含量显著高于低镉积累品种“广源占No.3”.根和叶各种形态镉中,以氯化钠提取态占优势,其次是醋酸提取态,盐酸提取态镉含量最低.与“广源占No.3”相比,“珍桂矮”中迁移性较强的去离子水和乙醇提取态镉比例较高.凝胶过滤结果表明,两种类型的水稻可溶部分镉的出峰位置与样品流份中可溶性蛋白的出峰位置大致相同.可溶部分中的镉大多与分子量为3kD的物质结合,属于植物鳌合肽(PCs)或低分子量物质.“广源占No.3” 根系中镉与PCs配合的组分(Cd-PCs)含量远小于“珍桂矮”.“广源占No.3”细胞可溶部分较低的镉含量以及根系中较少的Cd-PCs形成量,降低了镉的移动及其向地上部转运的可能性.  相似文献   

选取国家生态旅游示范区为样本, 借助ArcGIS 和GeoDA 分析工具, 对国家生态旅游示范区的空间分布特征进行解构分析。结果表明: 国家生态旅游示范区在空间上分布不均衡, 沿海地区以及部分中西部省份集聚显著。核密度高值区呈现“X”型的分布格局, 省域密度较高的省份总体上呈现出“→”型沿海沿江分布的空间格局。其中交通、环境差异与经济实力是影响国家生态旅游示范区分布的主要因素。  相似文献   

花生对镉胁迫的生理响应及品种间差异   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
深入研究花生镉毒害机理对于筛选和利用抗镉污染花生种质资源具有重要的理论和实际意义.本文以14个花生品种为材料,以花期花生功能叶叶绿素含量、根系和叶片丙二醛含量、细胞膜透性和根系氧化活力等生理参数为指标,利用人工气候箱砂培试验,研究了6种Cd浓度胁迫下花生植株的生理毒害反应及其品种间遗传差异.结果表明: 在0~60 mg Cd ·L-1范围内,随着营养液添加Cd浓度的增加,花生叶绿素含量和根氧化活力极显著降低,根、叶细胞膜透性和根、叶丙二醛含量极显著增加,且品种与Cd浓度间具有显著交互作用; 花生根、叶细胞膜透性是对镉胁迫响应最为敏感的生理参数,而叶绿素含量对镉胁迫响应相对不敏感; 各生理参数与营养液Cd浓度关系的线性回归方程的斜率(b)与截距(a)之比值的绝对值︱b/a︱能够较好地描述不同花生品种对镉胁迫的敏感性.对6个生理参数的︱b/a︱值进行综合赋值及敏感性五级聚类分析得知,在供试花生品种中,“中花4号”、“湘农55号”和“湘农3010-w”等3个品种对镉反应高度敏感(Ⅰ级);“莱农29”、“湘农小果w2-7”、“丰花2号”、“莱农13”、“豫花15号”和“丰花3号”等6个品种反应敏感(Ⅱ级);“湘农312”、“祁阳小籽”和“平度01”等3个品种反应一般(Ⅲ级);“花育23 ”和“花育20”等两个品种反应钝感(Ⅳ级).  相似文献   

不同铅水平下紫茎泽兰细胞内铅的分布和化学形态的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该研究运用差速离心法和化学试剂逐步提取法,分析了重金属铅在紫茎泽兰亚细胞内的分布和主要化学形态。结果表明:随着Pb浓度的升高,紫茎泽兰的叶、根、茎中各亚细胞组分Pb含量逐渐增加;紫茎泽兰中的Pb在叶片分布于可溶性部分和细胞壁中,两者占总量的75.34%~84.63%;茎也主要分布于可溶性部分和细胞壁中,占总量的36.10%~57.14%和20.07%~36.52%;而在根中则富集于细胞壁和可溶性部分,分别占39.2%~49.78%和28.27%~37.62%,其他细胞器中的Pb含量均较少。紫茎泽兰叶中的Pb以盐酸提取态和水提取态为主,两者占总量的58.74%~73.04%;茎中的Pb以醋酸提取态和氯化钠提取态为主;而根中的Pb则以醋酸提取态和盐酸提取态占优势,两者占总量的39.15%~52.91%。  相似文献   

Subcellular distribution and chemical forms of cadmium in Morus alba L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Morus alba L. (mulberry) is a perennial woody tree and a species with great potential for Cd phyremediation owing to its large biomass and extensive root system. The mechanisms involved in Cd detoxification were investigated by analyzing the subcellular distribution and chemical forms of Cd in mulberry in the present study. These results indicated that 53.27–70.17% of Cd mulberry accumulated was stored in the root and only about 10% were in the leaves. Lots of the Cd was located in the cell wall of the mulberry root and in soluble fraction of the mulberry leaf. Moreover, in roots, the largest amount of Cd was in the form of undissolved Cd-phosphate. While in mulberry leaves and stems, most of the Cd was extracted by 2% Acetic acid and 0.6 M HCl, representing Cd-phosphate and Cd-oxalate. It could be concluded that the Cd combination with peptides and organo-ligands in vacuole of leaf or complexed with proteins or cellulose in the cell wall of root might be contributed to the tolerance of mulberry to Cd stress. The mulberry could be used to remediate the Cd polluted farmland soils.  相似文献   

Subcellular distribution and chemical forms of antimony in Ficus tikoua   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ficus tikoua (F. tikoua) was a potential species for antimony (Sb) phytoremediation due to its wide growth in the mining area. However, little was known about its tolerance mechanisms toward Sb. The determination of the distribution and chemical speciation of Sb in F. tikoua is essential for understanding the mechanisms involved in Sb accumulation, transportation, and detoxification. The present study investigated the subcellular distribution and chemical forms of Sb in F. tikoua. The plant was exposed to different Sb concentrations (0, 30, 90, and 180 μmol/L) for 30 days. The results showed that F. tikoua possessed a marked ability to tolerate and accumulate Sb. The proportional Sb increased with increasing Sb concentration in the solution, and the highest Sb concentration occurred in roots (1274.5–1580.9 mg/kg), followed by stems (133.5–498.9 mg/kg) and leaves (4.1–15.7 mg/kg). In the subcellular sequestration of Sb in F. tikoua, the largest accumulation of Sb occurred in cell walls (72.4–87.5%) followed by cytoplasmic organelles (8.2–18.6%) and cytoplasmic supernatant. The results suggested that cell walls act as important protective barriers against Sb toxicity in F. tikoua. Although Sb in all plant tissues found primarily in the fractions extracted by ethanol and distilled water, the current study found that the Sb amounts in the HAc-extractable fraction, HCl-extractable fraction, and residue fraction increased at the highest Sb level (180 μmol/L) compared to that under lower Sb levels. These results indicate that excessive Sb accumulated in F. tikoua under Sb stress is bound to non-dissolved or low-bioavailable compounds, a biochemical mechanism that benefits F. tikoua because it helps alleviate Sb toxicity.  相似文献   

The effects of Cd stress on the growth and Cd accumulation of Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd. as an ornamental plant and the related mechanisms were investigated in the study. We studied the impact of Cd on the plant ultrastructure, examined the cellular distribution of Cd, explored the Cd chemical forms and transformation, and determined the organic acid secretion in the plants. The results showed that B. spectabilis could grow well in the Cd treatment groups, and the roots could accumulate high concentration of Cd. The soluble fraction (primarily in the vacuole) as the form of citrate in leaves of B. spectabilis was the major compartment for Cd storage. The citric acid secreted by B. spectabilis played an important role in the detoxification of Cd, as well as the growth of plants and Cd accumulation. As an ornamental plant, B. spectabilis has the potential to be used in the phytostabilization of Cd-contaminated soils and can beautify the environment at the same time.  相似文献   

土壤有机碳(SOC)是陆地生态系统碳库的核心组成部分,其动态平衡受气候、土壤、植被、地形及人类活动等的影响,但在不同的空间尺度上,这些影响因素的相对重要性和差异还不明确。为阐明不同尺度和不同土层深度土壤有机碳密度(SOCd,kg/m3土壤)的环境影响因子差异,选用全球113571个土壤剖面SOCd测量数据以及38个环境协变量数据,利用数据挖掘方法,分析了全球尺度和生物群系尺度不同土层深度SOCd的控制因子,并量化了空间自相关对相关结果的影响。研究结果表明:仅空间自相关就能解释全球尺度不同土壤深度13%-20%的SOCd空间变异,但是随土壤深度的增加,空间自相关的解释率降低。在剔除空间自相关的影响后,分析结果表明:全球尺度上,气候因素对SOCd空间变异的解释率最高,但只能解释17%-20%,这种解释率在不同土层之间没有显著差异。在生物群系尺度上,除北方森林地区,气候因素能够解释SOCd空间变异的24%-37%;而在北方森林地区,地形是影响SOCd空间变异的重要因素,对SOCd的解释率为21%-43%。这些结果表明,SOCd的控制因子在不同的尺度上明显不同。无论是在全球尺度上,还是生物群系尺度上,如果不考虑空间自相关,地形的影响会被低估,其他环境因素的影响被严重高估。为了准确计算全球与生物群系尺度上各土层SOCd分布的控制因子及其分异情况,空间自相关必须被考虑。  相似文献   

This study investigated the subcellular distribution and chemical forms of cadmium (Cd) in Hydrilla verticillata and the physiological mechanism underlying H. verticillata responses to Cd stress. Hydrilla verticillata was grown in a hydroponic system and was treated with various Cd concentrations (0, 10, 50, 100, 125, and 150?µM) for 7?days. Cadmium analysis of the leaves at the subcellular level showed that Cd was mainly stored in the soluble fraction (77.98–83.62%) and in smaller quantities in the cell wall fraction (11.99–17.30%) and the cell organelles (4.30–4.88%). The Cd taken up by H. verticillata was in different chemical forms. In the leaves and stems, the Cd was mostly extracted using 1?M NaCl and smaller amounts of Cd were extracted using 2% acetic acid. The malondialdehyde content significantly increased at all Cd concentrations, which indicated oxidative stress. The superoxide dismutase, guaiacol peroxidase, and catalase activities were enhanced. The proline, ascorbate, and glutathione contents increased at lower Cd concentrations, but decreased consistently as the Cd concentration rose. These results suggest that H. verticillata can be successfully used in the phytoremediation of Cd-contaminated water.  相似文献   

Siegesbeckia orientalis L. is a promising species for cadmium (Cd) phytoextraction with large biomass and fast growth rate, while little information about their intracellular mechanisms involved in Cd tolerance and detoxification has been explored. A soil pot experiment with total target Cd concentrations of 0, 10, 50, 100, and 150 mg kg?1 were designed to investigate the subcellular distribution, chemical forms and thiol synthesis characteristics of Cd in S. orientalis. More than 90% of Cd was bound to the soluble fractions (48.4–76.5%) and cell walls (19.9–46.3%). Increasing soil Cd concentrations enhanced Cd sequestration into the cell walls. Most of the Cd (69.8–82.7%) in the plant organ was mainly in the forms of pectate and protein integrated Cd and undissolved Cd phosphate, while a minor portion (6.8–20.9%) was in the forms of the inorganic Cd and the water soluble Cd. Nonprotein thiols and phytochelatins significantly increased with increasing soil Cd treatment levels, while glutathione concentrations had no obvious change trends. Therefore, intracellular detoxification mechanisms of Cd in S. orientalis mainly rely on formation of less toxic Cd chemical forms, store of a large amount of Cd in cell wall and synthesis of thiol compounds.  相似文献   

白天路  杨勤科  申佳 《生态学杂志》2009,28(12):2508-2514
以地统计学的半变异函数为分析工具,分析了黄土高原丘陵沟壑区小流域土壤水分在垂直方向的空间变异特征以及土地利用类型和地形等因子对其的影响.结果表明:1)球状模型可以很好地拟合土壤水分在垂直方向的半变异函数曲线,其存在强烈或中等程度的空间自相关,变程范围从2~5 m不等;2)果园对土壤水分含量的影响主要表现在1~2 m深度,5月份含量最高,且分布均匀,8月份由于气温和叶面蒸腾作用,水分含量最低.坡耕地和梯田的水分含量都较高,垂直变化不明显,梯田的土壤水分含量最低月份是9月,比坡耕地晚1个月,这是因为所种作物的主要生长季节为9月份,这期间消耗水分较多而造成的.林地由于根系发达,对土壤水分垂直方向的变化的影响比较大,变化为先增大、再减小、最后再增大且分布趋于平缓.灌木林的土壤水分含量整体较低,主要变化深度范围集中在0~2 m;草地的土壤水分含量较高,垂直变化的深度范围集中在1 m以内;3)坡度、坡向地形因子和土壤水分的垂直方向变异特征没有呈现明显的相关性.  相似文献   

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