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The enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) has been irradiated under various conditions to assess the relative contributions of -H, -OH, H2O2 and -O2- to LDH inactivation, and it is concluded that -OH is the only important inactivating species. Further the effect of the selective free radicals, -(SCN)2-, -Br2- and -I2- on the activity has been studied. In neutral solution, the order of inactivating effectiveness is -I2- greater than -OH greater than -Br2- greater than -(SCN)2-. At pH 8-6, -OH and -Br2- are approximately equal in effectiveness, whereas -(SCN)2- is the least efficient. The radiation inactivation of LDH is accompanied by a loss of sulphydryl groups, and it is suggested that the primary target for radiation damage in LDH is the active site cysteine-165. Subsequent conformational changes are suggested to account for the apparent loss of coenzyme-binding ability and changes in the enzyme's kinetic parameters. The effect of bound coenzyme (NAD) on radiation-induced inactivation of N2O and air-saturated solutions was also investigated, and it is shown that NAD binding protects LDH.  相似文献   

Beta-Alanine exhibits neurotransmitter activity and is a component of the anti-glycation agent carnosine. We propose that beta-alanine may have additional properties which may be of physiological significance. Interestingly, stress modulates the level of beta-alanine, which regulates excitotoxicity responses and prevents neuronal cell death. We hypothesize that beta-alanine's protective role may involve preservation of enzyme structure and function, suggesting that beta-alanine may act as a chemical chaperone. We used light scattering, enzyme activity and intrinsic fluorescence to monitor heat-induced changes in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the presence and absence of beta-alanine. We observed that beta-alanine suppressed heat-induced LDH inactivation, prevented LDH aggregation, ameliorated the decrease in intrinsic fluorescence and reactivated thermally denatured LDH. These observations support the hypothesis that beta-alanine has chaperone-like activity and may play a cellular role in the preservation of enzyme function.  相似文献   

Summary Methyl deoxycholate attached to lactate dehydrogenase can enhance the catalytic activity of the enzyme towards pyruvate. The Km value of the pyruvate remained unaltered. However, the specific activity of the enzyme was enhanced by about twenty percent. In the basic medium, the modified enzyme was found to be inactivated faster than the native enzyme.  相似文献   

The effects of cold acclimation on the activity levels of creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes in various tissues/ organs of the rat (Rattus norvegicus) were investigated. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two groups. One group was housed at 4+/-1 degrees C (experimental group) and the other at 24+/-1 degrees C (control group) for six months. The rats were housed in single cages and had access to food and water ad libitum. The tissues/organs investigated were heart, liver, lung, kidney, gastrocnemius muscle and interscapular brown adipose tissue as well as serum. With the exception of lung, (which showed a decrease of 24%) total creatine kinase activity levels were significantly increased (P< 0.05) in all the tissues/organs investigated (17-51%) as well as serum (34%), in cold acclimated animals. Cold acclimation also resulted in significantly increased (P< 0.05) activity levels of lactate dehydrogenase in all the tissues/organs investigated (14-24%) as well as serum (35%). Cold exposure resulted in an increase of the activity levels of all the detectable isoenzymes of lactate dehydrogenase, although not always significant, in all the tissues/organs investigated as well as serum. The M(4)tetramer of lactate dehydrogenase was the only detectable isoenzyme in serum.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. An affinity chromatography technique for the determination of turnover parameters has been utilized for the derivation of new data for lactate dehydrogenase and its isozymes in a wide variety of tissues from female rats.
  • 2.2. This methodology allowed the establishment of relative turnover characteristics in all tissues examined, and the evaluation of rate constants for synthesis and degradation and half-life values in the majority of these enzyme sources.
  • 3.3. Considerable variation was evident in the turnover characteristics of total protein and lactate dehydrogenase in the different tissues, with the synthesis of the enzyme being highest in reproductive tissues, heart and liver, and degradation most prominent in reproductive tissues.
  • 4.4. With regard to the isozymes, marked differences in half-lives were evident not only between the same isozyme in different tissues, but also between the various isozymes in any one tissue.
  • 5.5. Bi-directional trends in the half-life values for the isozyme sequences in several tissues, indicated a distinctive contribution to turnover from the different cell types present.
  • 6.6. These data have been discussed in relation to the available comparisons in the literature, and the known physiological correlations of lactate dehydrogenase in these tissues.

Selective recovery of lactate dehydrogenase using affinity foam   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Selective isolation of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) from porcine muscle extract was studied using foam generated from the vigorous stirring of a non-ionic surfactant, Triton X-114 derivatized with Cibacron blue. The cloud point of the surfactant-dye conjugate was higher than that of the native Triton X-114, and also the foam prepared from the affinity surfactant was more rigid taking a longer time to collapse. The equilibrium dissociation constant between pure LDH and surfactant-dye conjugate was 5.0 microM as compared to the value of 2.2 microM for the enzyme and free dye as measured by differential spectroscopy. The isolation procedure involved mixing of the porcine muscle extract with the affinity foam, separating and collapsing the foam, and warming the solution formed to 37 degrees C to yield the surfactant-dye phase and an aqueous phase containing the enzyme. The effect of surfactant concentration and protein load on enzyme recovery and purification was investigated. Under optimal conditions, LDH was quantitatively recovered with high purification factor in a very short time. Both recovery and purification were higher when foam prepared from an equivalent mixture of surfactant-dye conjugate and unmodified surfactant was used. The selectivity of interaction between LDH and detergent-dye conjugate was confirmed by lowered recovery when NADH was included during the binding step.  相似文献   

Incorporation of a proline analog into collagen polypeptides was studied by incubating matrix-free tendon cells from 17-day-old chick embryos with cis-4-hydroxy-l-proline. Velocity sedimentation of intracellular polypeptides provided further evidence that incorporation of the analog into protein prevented the pro-α- and pro-γ-chains of procollagen from folding into a stable triple-helical conformation. The size of the newly synthesized intracellular and extracellular protein was examined under conditions which prevented proteolysis during processing of the samples. In contrast to previous observations, the results demonstrated that there was little if any intracellular degradation of nonhelical pro-α-and pro-γ-chains containing the proline analog, and a fraction of the nonhelical pro-γ-chains was secreted into the medium without extensive degradation. In further studies, the cells were incubated with 14C lysine, and the synthesis of glycosylated hydroxylysyl residues was measured in control cells and in cells incubated with cis-4-hydroxy-l-proline. The results demonstrated that the content of glycosylated hydroxylysyl residues in nonhelical pro-γ-chains containing cis-4-hydroxy-l-proline was increased twofold as compared to the triple-helical procollagen in control cells. The results suggested that under control conditions folding into the triplehelical conformation limits the extent of glycosylation of collagen. If folding is prevented or delayed, procollagen polypeptides are more extensively glycosylated.  相似文献   

Purified porcine heart lactate dehydrogenase was inactivated and partially unfolded with p-chloromercuribenzoate (pCMB). With the increase of pCMB/enzyme ratio the enzyme was gradually inhibited till almost completely inactivated at the pCMB/enzyme ratio of 20 : 1. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that with the increase of pCMB/enzyme ratio the bands of native enzyme decreased till completely vanished. Meanwhile inactive multiple bands emerged and became thicker, which implied that lactate dehydrogenase became loose. The conformational changes of the enzyme molecule modified with pCMB were followed using fluorescence emission, ultraviolet difference, and circular dichroism (CD) spectra. Increasing pCMB concentration resulted in the decrease of fluorescence emission intensity. The ultraviolet difference spectra of the enzyme modified with pCMB exhibited an increasing absorbance in the vicinity of 240 nm with the increasing concentration of the inhibitor. The changes of the fluorescence and ultraviolet difference spectra reflected the conformational changes of the enzyme. The CD spectrum changes of the enzyme showed that its secondary structure changed as well. These results suggest that pCMB not only inhibits this enzyme but also influences its conformation (partial unfolding).  相似文献   

Summary The susceptibility to inactivation by hydrostatic pressure of the tetrameric (Fig. 1) muscletype (M4) lactate dehydrogenase homologues (LDH, EC;l-lactate: NAD+ oxidoreductase) from six confamilial macrourid fishes was compared at 4 °C. These marine teleost fishes occur over depths of 260 to 4815 m. The pressures necessary to half-inactivate the LDH homologues are related to the pressures which the enzymes are exposed to in vivo (Table 1); higher hydrostatic pressures are required to inactivate the LDH homologues of the deeper-occurring macrourids. The resistance of the LDH homologues to inactivation by pressure is affected by protein concentration (Fig. 3). After an hour of incubation at pressure, the percent remaining activity approaches an asymptotic value (Fig. 2). The inactivation of the macrourid LDH homologues by pressure was not fully reversible. Assuming that inactivation by pressure was due to dissociation of the native tetramer to monomers, apparent equilibrium constants (K eq) were calculated. Volume changes (V) were calculated over the range of pressures for which plots inK eq versus pressure were linear (Fig. 4). The V of dissociation values of the macrourid homologues range from –219 to –439 ml mol–1 (Table 1). Although the hydrostatic pressures required to inactivate the LDH homologues of the macrourid fishes are greater than those which the enzymes are exposed to in vivo, the pressure-stability of these enzymes may reflect the resistance of these enzymes to pressure-enhanced proteolysis in vivo.  相似文献   

Inactivation of apo-glyceraldehyde-phosphate dehydrogenase (D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate: NAD+ oxidoreductase(phosphorylating) (EC from rat skeletal muscle at 4 degrees C in 0.15 M NaC1, 5 mM EDTA, 4 mM 2-mercaptoethanol pH 7.2 is a first-order reaction. The rate constant of inactivation depends on protein concentration. With one molecule of NAD bound per tetrameric enzyme, a 50 per cent loss in activity is observed and the rate constant of inactivation becomes independent of the protein concentration over a 30-fold range. Two moles of NAD bound per mole of enzyme fully protect it against inactivation. NADH affords a cooperative effect on enzyme structure similar to that of NAD. Inactivation of 7.8 S apoenzyme is reflected in its dissociation into 4.8-S dimers. In the case of enzyme-NAD1 complex, no direct relationship between the extent of inactivation and dissociation is observed, suggesting that these two processes do not occur simultaneously; we may say that dissociation is slower than inactivation. A mechanism in which the rate-limiting step for inactivation is a conformational change in the tetramer occurring prior to dissociation and affecting only the structure of the non-liganded dimer, is consistent with the experimental observations. Inorganic phosphate protects apoenzyme against inactivation. Its effect is shown to be due to the anion binding at specific sites on the protein with a dissociation constant of 2.6 plus or minus 0.4 mM. The NaC1-induced cold inactivation of glyceraldehyde-phosphate dehydrogenase is fully reversible at 25 degrees C in the presence of 20 mM dithiothreitol and 50 mM inorganic phosphate. The rate of reactivation is independent of protein concentration. Inactivated enzyme retains the ability to bind specific antibodies produced in rabbits, but diminishes its precipitating capability.  相似文献   

Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isozyme composition and localization was determined in sections of skeletal, heart and smooth muscle by the mixed aggregation immunocytochemical method using first antibody directed against purified human LDH-A4 (M4) or LDH-B4 (H4) followed by the enzymes LDH-A4 and LDH-B4, respectively. An even distribution of the two monomers in all fibres was seen with heart muscle and smooth muscle. Heart muscle had a low concentration of A-monomers and a high concentration of B-monomers, whereas the smooth muscle had equal concentrations of the two monomers. In contrast, skeletal muscle from m. quadriceps femoris was found to be composed of two muscle fibre types, one containing mainly A-, the other mainly B-monomers. On the basis of succinate dehydrogenase activity it was shown that the red (type 1) fibres contain mainly B-monomers and the white (type 2) fibres mainly A-monomers of LDH.  相似文献   

Rat ovarian 20 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase plays a pivotal role in leuteolysis and parturition by catalysing the reduction of progesterone to give the progestationally inactive steroid 20 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone. Putative mechanism based inhibitors of this enzyme were synthesized as potential progestational maintaining agents, including the epimeric allylic alcohol pair 3 beta-hydroxy-alpha-vinyl-5 alpha-androstane-17 beta-methanol and the related vinyl ketone 1-(3 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-androstan-17 beta-yl)-2-propen-1-one. The vinyl ketone inactivates rat ovarian 20 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, semi-purified by poly(L-lysine)-agarose column chromatography, in a rapid time-dependent manner. Analysis of the pseudo-first-order inactivation plots gave a Ki of 2.0 microM for the inhibitor and a t1/2 for the enzyme of 20 s at saturation. These data indicate that the vinyl ketone is a potent and efficient inactivator of the ovarian dehydrogenase. Neither dialysis in the presence or absence of a competing nucleophile nor gel filtration reserves the inactivation, suggesting that a stable covalent bond is formed between the enzyme and steroid ligand. Both substrates (20 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone and NADP+) protect the enzyme from inactivation; moreover, initial velocity measurements in the presence of saturating concentrations of both substrates indicate that the vinyl ketone can behave as a competitive inhibitor, yielding a Ki value identical with that obtained in the inactivation experiments. Our results imply that the vinyl ketone is an active-site directed alkylating agent. By contrast the allylic alcohol pair 3 beta-hydroxy-alpha-vinyl-5 alpha-androstane-17 beta-methanol are neither substrates nor inhibitors of the ovarian enzyme and appear to be excluded from the catalytic site. The rapid inactivation observed with the vinyl ketone suggests that this compound may be useful as a progestational maintaining agent.  相似文献   

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