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Root nodule formation is regulated by several plant hormones, but the details of the regulation of the nodulation signaling pathway are largely unknown. In this study, the role of gibberellin (GA) in the control of root nodule symbiosis was investigated at the physiological and genetic levels in Lotus japonicus . Exogenous application of biologically active GA, GA3, inhibited the formation of infection threads and nodules, which was counteracted by the application of a biosynthesis inhibitor of GA, Uniconazole P. Nod factor-induced root hair deformation was severely blocked in the presence of GA, which was phenocopied by nsp2 mutants. The number of spontaneous nodules triggered by the gain-of-function mutation of calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase (CCaMK) or the lotus histidine kinase 1 (LHK1) was decreased upon the addition of GA; moreover, the overexpression of the gain-of-function mutation of L. japonicus , SLEEPY1, a positive regulator of GA signaling, resulted in a reduced nodule number, without other aspects of root development being affected. These results indicate that higher GA signaling levels specifically inhibit the nodulation signaling pathway. Nod factor-dependent induction of NSP2 and NIN was inhibited by exogenous GA. Furthermore, the cytokinin-dependent induction of NIN was suppressed by GA. From these results, we conclude that GA inhibits the nodulation signaling pathway downstream of cytokinin, possibly at NSP2, which is required for Nod factor-dependent NIN expression. These results clarify the roles of GA in the nodulation signaling pathway, and in relation to the cytokinin signaling pathway for nodulation in L. japonicus .  相似文献   

Plant hormones interact at many different levels to form a network of signaling pathways connected by antagonistic and synergistic interactions. Ethylene and jasmonic acid both act to regulate the plant's responsiveness to a common set of biotic stimuli. In addition ethylene has been shown to negatively regulate the plant's response to the rhizobial bacterial signal, Nod factor. This regulation occurs at an early step in the Nod factor signal transduction pathway, at or above Nod factor-induced calcium spiking. Here we show that jasmonic acid also inhibits the plant's responses to rhizobial bacteria, with direct effects on Nod factor-induced calcium spiking. However, unlike ethylene, jasmonic acid not only inhibits spiking but also suppresses the frequency of calcium oscillations when applied at lower concentrations. This effect of jasmonic acid is amplified in the ethylene-insensitive mutant skl, indicating an antagonistic interaction between these two hormones for regulation of Nod factor signaling. The rapidity of the effects of ethylene and jasmonic acid on Nod factor signaling suggests direct crosstalk between these three signal transduction pathways. This work provides a model by which crosstalk between signaling pathways can rapidly integrate environmental, developmental and biotic stimuli to coordinate diverse plant responses.  相似文献   

Cilia of higher animals sense various environmental stimuli. Proper ciliary signaling requires appropriate extent of BBSome‐mediated export of membrane receptors across ciliary barrier transition zone (TZ) through retrograde intraflagellar transport (IFT) machinery. How the barrier passage is controlled, however, remains unknown. Here, we show that small GTPase Rabl2 functions as a molecular switch for the outward TZ passage. Rabl2‐GTP enters cilia by binding to IFT‐B complex. Its GTP hydrolysis enables the outward TZ passage of the BBSome and its cargos with retrograde IFT machinery, whereas its persistent association leads to their shedding from IFT‐B during the passing process and consequently ciliary retention. Rabl2 deficiency or expression of a GTP‐locked mutant impairs the ciliary hedgehog signaling without interfering with ciliation and respectively results in different spectrums of mouse developmental disorders. We propose that the switch role of Rabl2 ensures proper turnover of the BBSome and ciliary membrane receptors to fine‐tune cilia‐dependent signaling for normal embryonic development and organismic homeostasis.  相似文献   

The expression of chimeric receptors in plants is a way to activate specific signaling pathways by corresponding signal molecules. Defense signaling induced by chitin from pathogens and nodulation signaling of legumes induced by rhizobial Nod factors (NFs) depend on receptors with extracellular lysin motif (LysM) domains. Here, we constructed chimeras by replacing the ectodomain of chitin elicitor receptor kinase 1 (AtCERK1) of Arabidopsis thaliana with ectodomains of NF receptors of Lotus japonicus (LjNFR1 and LjNFR5). The hybrid constructs, named LjNFR1–AtCERK1 and LjNFR5–AtCERK1, were expressed in cerk1‐2, an A. thaliana CERK1 mutant lacking chitin‐induced defense signaling. When treated with NFs from Rhizobium sp. NGR234, cerk1‐2 expressing both chimeras accumulated reactive oxygen species, expressed chitin‐responsive defense genes and showed increased resistance to Fusarium oxysporum. In contrast, expression of a single chimera showed no effects. Likewise, the ectodomains of LjNFR1 and LjNFR5 were replaced by those of OsCERK1 (Oryza sativa chitin elicitor receptor kinase 1) and OsCEBiP (O. sativa chitin elicitor‐binding protein), respectively. The chimeras, named OsCERK1–LjNFR1 and OsCEBiP–LjNFR5, were expressed in L. japonicus NF receptor mutants (nfr1‐1; nfr5‐2) carrying a GUS (β‐glucuronidase) gene under the control of the NIN (nodule inception) promoter. Upon chitin treatment, GUS activation reflecting nodulation signaling was observed in the roots of NF receptor mutants expressing both chimeras, whereas a single construct was not sufficient for activation. Hence, replacement of ectodomains in LysM domain receptors provides a way to specifically trigger NF‐induced defense signaling in non‐legumes and chitin‐induced nodulation signaling in legumes.  相似文献   

Legumes form two different types of intracellular root symbioses, with fungi and bacteria, resulting in arbuscular mycorrhiza and nitrogen-fixing nodules, respectively. Rhizobial signalling molecules, called Nod factors, play a key role in establishing the rhizobium-legume association and genes have been identified in Medicago truncatula that control a Nod factor signalling pathway leading to nodulation. Three of these genes, the so-called DMI1, DMI2 and DMI3 genes, are also required for formation of mycorrhiza, indicating that the symbiotic pathways activated by both the bacterial and the fungal symbionts share common steps. To analyse possible cross-talk between these pathways we have studied the effect of treatment with Nod factors on mycorrhization in M. truncatula. We show that Nod factors increase mycorrhizal colonization and stimulate lateral root formation. The stimulation of lateral root formation by Nod factors requires both the same structural features of Nod factors and the same plant genes (NFP, DMI1, DMI2, DMI3 and NSP1) that are required for other Nod factor-induced symbiotic responses such as early nodulin gene induction and cortical cell division. A diffusible factor from arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi was also found to stimulate lateral root formation, while three root pathogens did not have the same effect. Lateral root formation induced by fungal signal(s) was found to require the DMI1 and DMI2 genes, but not DMI3. The idea that this diffusible fungal factor might correspond to a previously hypothesized mycorrhizal signal, the 'Myc factor', is discussed.  相似文献   

The target of rapamycin complex 1 (TORC1) integrates various hormonal and nutrient signals to regulate cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation. Amino acid-dependent activation of TORC1 is mediated via the yeast EGO complex (EGOC) consisting of Gtr1, Gtr2, Ego1, and Ego3. Here, we identify the previously uncharacterized Ycr075w-a/Ego2 protein as an additional EGOC component that is required for the integrity and localization of the heterodimeric Gtr1-Gtr2 GTPases, equivalent to mammalian Rag GTPases. We also report the crystal structure of the Ego1-Ego2-Ego3 ternary complex (EGO-TC) at 2.4 Å resolution, in which Ego2 and Ego3 form a heterodimer flanked along one side by Ego1. Structural data also reveal the structural conservation of protein components between the yeast EGO-TC and the human Ragulator, which acts as a GEF for Rag GTPases. Interestingly, however, artificial tethering of Gtr1-Gtr2 to the vacuolar membrane is sufficient to activate TORC1 in response to amino acids even in the absence of the EGO-TC. Our structural and functional data therefore support a model in which the EGO-TC acts as a scaffold for Rag GTPases in TORC1 signaling.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) regulated the functions of membrane receptors in T cells and suppressed T cell-mediated immune responses. But the molecular mechanisms of immune regulation are not yet elucidated. Lipid rafts are plasma membrane microdomains, in which many receptors localized. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of DHA on IL-2R signaling pathway in lipid rafts. We isolated lipid rafts by discontinuous sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation, and found that DHA could change the composition of lipid rafts and alter the distribution of key molecules of IL-2R signaling pathway, which transferred from lipid rafts to detergent-soluble membrane fractions. These results revealed that DHA treatment increased the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids especially n−3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in lipid rafts and changed the lipid environment of membrane microdomains in T cells. Compared with controls, DHA changed the localization of IL-2R, STAT5a and STAT5b in lipid rafts and suppressed the expression of JAK1, JAK3 and tyrosine phosphotyrosine in soluble membrane fractions. Summarily, this study concluded the effects of DHA on IL-2R signaling pathway in lipid rafts and explained the regulation of PUFAs in T cell-mediated immune responses.  相似文献   

The dorsal surface of the Drosophila embryo is formed by the migration of the lateral epithelial cells to cover the amnioserosa. The Drosophila cJun-N-terminal kinase (DJNK) is essential for this process. Mutations in DJNK or the DJNK activator hemipterous (HEP) lead to incomplete dorsal closure, resulting in a hole in the dorsal cuticle. The molecules downstream of DJNK in this signaling pathway have not been established. Here we demonstrate that the basket1 (bsk1) mutation of DJNK causes decreased interaction with DJUN. Expression of decapentaplegic (DPP), a TGF-β homologue, in the leading edge of the dorsal epithelium, is identified as a genetic target of the JNK pathway. A constitutive allele of JUN is able to rescue the dorsal closure defect of bsk1 and restores DPP expression. Furthermore, ectopic DPP rescues the defects in dorsal closure caused by bsk1. These data indicate that the interaction of DJNK with DJUN contributes to the dorsal closure signaling pathway and targets DPP expression. J. Cell. Biochem. 67:1–12, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The transmembrane aspartate receptor of bacterial chemotaxis regulates an associated kinase protein in response to both attractant binding to the receptor periplasmic domain and covalent modification of four adaptation sites on the receptor cytoplasmic domain. The existence of at least 16 covalent modification states raises the question of how many stable signaling conformations exist. In the simplest case, the receptor could have just two stable conformations ("on" and "off") yielding the two-state behavior of a toggle-switch. Alternatively, covalent modification could incrementally shift the receptor between many more than two stable conformations, thereby allowing the receptor to function as a rheostatic switch. An important distinction between these models is that the observed functional parameters of a toggle-switch receptor could strongly covary as covalent modification shifts the equilibrium between the on- and off-states, due to population-weighted averaging of the intrinsic on- and off-state parameters. By contrast, covalent modification of a rheostatic receptor would create new conformational states with completely independent parameters. To resolve the toggle-switch and rheostat models, the present study has generated all 16 homogeneous covalent modification states of the receptor adaptation sites, and has compared their effects on the attractant affinity and kinase activity of the reconstituted receptor-kinase signaling complex. This approach reveals that receptor covalent modification modulates both attractant affinity and kinase activity up to 100-fold, respectively. The regulatory effects of individual adaptation sites are not perfectly additive, indicating synergistic interactions between sites. The three adaptation sites at positions 295, 302, and 309 are more important than the site at position 491 in regulating attractant affinity and kinase activity, thereby explaining the previously observed dominance of the former three sites in in vivo studies. The most notable finding is that covalent modification of the adaptation sites alters the receptor attractant affinity and the receptor-regulated kinase activity in a highly correlated fashion, strongly supporting the toggle-switch model. Similarly, certain mutations that drive the receptor into the kinase activating state are found to have correlated effects on attractant affinity. Together these results provide strong evidence that chemotaxis receptors possess just two stable signaling conformations and that the equilibrium between these pure on- and off-states is modulated by both attractant binding and covalent adaptation. It follows that the attractant and adaptation signals drive the same conformational change between the two settings of a toggle. An approach that quantifies the fractional occupancy of the on- and off-states is illustrated.  相似文献   

PUFAs have been shown to mediate immune re-sponse especially the functions of T cells[1]. Recent researches have demonstrated that PUFAs can in-crease membrane fluidity and modify the functions of membrane receptors and enzymes in T cell membra-ne[2,3]. M…  相似文献   

Neurite outgrowth is an important process in neural regeneration and plasticity, especially after neural injury, and recent evidence indicates that several Gαi/o protein-coupled receptors play an important role in neurite outgrowth. The neuropeptide (NP)FF system contains two Gαi/o protein-coupled receptors, NPFF1 and NPFF2 receptors, which are mainly distributed in the central nervous system. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the NPFF system is involved in neurite outgrowth in Neuro 2A cells. We showed that Neuro 2A cells endogenously expressed NPFF2 receptor, and the NPFF2 receptor agonist dNPA inhibited cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) production stimulated by forskolin in Neuro 2A cells. We also demonstrated that NPFF and dNPA dose-dependently induced neurite outgrowth in Neuro 2A cells, which was completely abolished by the NPFF receptor antagonist RF9. Pretreatment with mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors PD98059 and U0126 decreased dNPA-induced neurite outgrowth. In addition, dNPA increased phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in Neuro 2A cells, which was completely antagonized by pretreatment with U0126. Our results suggest that activation of NPFF2 receptor stimulates neurite outgrowth in Neuro 2A cells through activation of the ERK signaling pathway. Moreover, NPFF2 receptor may be a potential therapeutic target for neural injury and degeneration in the future.  相似文献   

PANDER is a cytokine co-secreted with insulin from islet β-cells. To date, the physiological function of PANDER remains largely unknown. Here we show that PANDER binds to the liver membrane by 125I-PANDER saturation and competitive binding assays. In HepG2 cells, pre-treatment with PANDER ranging from 4 pM to 4 nM for 8 h resulted in a maximal inhibition of insulin-stimulated activation of insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate 1 by 52% and 63%, respectively. Moreover, PANDER treatment also reduced insulin-stimulated PI3K and pAkt levels by 55% and 48%, respectively. In summary, we have identified the liver as a novel target for PANDER, and PANDER may be involved in the progression of diabetes by regulating hepatic insulin signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Calcium sensing receptor, a pleiotropic G protein coupled receptor, activates secretory pathways in cancer cells and putatively exacerbates their metastatic behavior. Here, we show that various CaSR mutants, identified in breast cancer patients, differ in their ability to stimulate Rac, a small Rho GTPase linked to cytoskeletal reorganization and cell protrusion, but are similarly active on the mitogenic ERK pathway. To investigate how CaSR activates Rac and drives cell migration, we used invasive MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. We revealed, by pharmacological and knockdown strategies, that CaSR activates Rac and cell migration via the Gβγ-PI3K-mTORC2 pathway. These findings further support current efforts to validate CaSR as a relevant therapeutic target in metastatic cancer.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12079-021-00662-y.  相似文献   

Bacterial translation initiation factor 2 (IF2) is a GTPase that promotes the binding of the initiator fMet‐tRNAfMet to the 30S ribosomal subunit. It is often assumed that IF2 delivers fMet‐tRNAfMet to the ribosome in a ternary complex, IF2·GTP·fMet‐tRNAfMet. By using rapid kinetic techniques, we show here that binding of IF2·GTP to the 30S ribosomal subunit precedes and is independent of fMet‐tRNAfMet binding. The ternary complex formed in solution by IF2·GTP and fMet‐tRNA is unstable and dissociates before IF2·GTP and, subsequently, fMet‐tRNAfMet bind to the 30S subunit. Ribosome‐bound IF2 might accelerate the recruitment of fMet‐tRNAfMet to the 30S initiation complex by providing anchoring interactions or inducing a favourable ribosome conformation. The mechanism of action of IF2 seems to be different from that of tRNA carriers such as EF‐Tu, SelB and eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2), instead resembling that of eIF5B, the eukaryotic subunit association factor.  相似文献   

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