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邓晰朝 《广西植物》2016,36(1):96-100
野雉尾金粉蕨为中国蕨科金粉蕨属植物,而金粉蕨属的系统位置一直存在争议。该研究用原生境腐殖土和改良克诺普氏(Knop’s)营养液对野雉尾金粉蕨的孢子进行培养,培养条件为温度25℃、光照强度2 500 lx、光照12 h/d,在光学显微镜下观察记录其孢子萌发和配子体发育过程。结果表明:野雉尾金粉蕨的孢子为黄褐色,四面体型,三裂缝,赤道面观为扇形,具周壁,外壁表面具网状纹饰。孢子培养7 d后开始萌发,孢子萌发类型为书带蕨型(Vittaria-type)。孢子萌发后,配子体原始细胞经多次横向分裂形成3~9个细胞的丝状体,丝状体细胞呈圆筒形,壁薄,侧壁向外鼓起,含有颗粒较大且数量较多的叶绿体。15 d左右发育为片状体,片状体多为匙状。25 d左右形成幼原叶体,幼原叶体不对称,配子体发育类型为水蕨型(Ceratopteris-type)。在原叶体发育过程中分枝丝状体非常发达,配子体呈丛状生长,整个发育过程没有毛状体产生。野雉尾金粉蕨的假根为单细胞管状,偶有分支,内无叶绿体。45 d左右精子器开始出现,精子器顶面观近圆形,侧面观为近椭圆形或短柱状。精子器成熟时,盖细胞裂开,精子逸出。60 d左右颈卵器出现,颈卵器比较大,基部略大于顶部,侧面观呈烟囱状,顶面观为铜钱状,颈部由四列细胞构成。90 d左右发育出肉眼可见的幼孢子体。从研究结果看,其配子体发育的特征与凤尾蕨科(Pteridaceae)凤尾蕨属(Pteris L.)相似,支持金粉蕨属归于凤尾蕨科的观点。该研究结果为野雉尾金粉蕨系统学研究提供了配子体发育方面的证据。  相似文献   

傅氏凤尾蕨配子体发育及其无配子生殖的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
采用光学显微镜对傅氏凤尾蕨(Pteris fauriei Hieron.)的配子体发育进行了研究。傅氏凤尾蕨孢子深褐色,呈四面体形,三裂缝,极面观为钝三角形,赤道面观近半圆形。孢子自播种3~7 d左右开始萌发,萌发类型为书带蕨型。18 d左右发育为丝状体,大约为6~10个细胞长;25 d左右,丝状体可通过顶端细胞或中间细胞分裂产生片状体。播种40~50 d左右,在片状体的侧面产生分生组织,发育成原叶体,发育类型为水蕨型。雄配子体形状不规则,其上可产生精子器。大型原叶体形状较规则,顶端为心形,发育2~3个月左右,在生长点下方产生无性胚芽,进行无配子生殖。此后不久,在胚芽和生长点之间产生导管连接孢子体和配子体。经多次培养表明傅氏凤尾蕨不产生颈卵器,为专性无配子生殖。  相似文献   

东北蕨类植物配子体发育的研究Ⅵ.中国蕨科   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
包文美  王全喜 《植物研究》1995,15(3):373-376
本文研究了无粉银粉背蕨配子体的发育,孢子四面体,三裂缝,孢子萌发为带蕨型,丝状体2-12个细胞长,单列或多列,原叶体裸露,心脏形,生殖器较大,该配子表现为原始的性状,原叶发育为铁线蕨笄哉水蕨型,或两者之间的类型,在发育中的变异大,体现中国蕨科配子体的特点。  相似文献   

对狭眼凤尾蕨(Pteris biaurita)配子体发育特征及其外源成精子囊素对模式植物水蕨(Ceratopteris thalictroides)在黑暗和光照条件下孢子萌发和配子体发育的影响进行了研究。结果表明:(1)狭眼凤尾蕨孢子深褐色,三裂缝,孢子萌发为书带蕨型,原叶体发育为水蕨型,无毛状体产生;培养发现,其配子体能产生精子器,但不产生颈卵器,当接种密度适中时,可进行无配子生殖。(2)在光照和黑暗条件下狭眼凤尾蕨成精子囊素有促进和抑制水蕨孢子萌发的作用,但效果均不显著。(3)在光照条件下,狭眼凤尾蕨成精子囊素可以延迟水蕨心脏形配子体分生组织缺刻的形成,但对其配子体形态和性别分化无明显影响;而在黑暗条件下狭眼凤尾蕨成精囊素对水蕨长条形配子体的形态发育具有一定影响,与对照组相比其顶端分生组织发达,整体呈长楔形,对性别分化影响不显著。可见,狭眼凤尾蕨和水蕨不具有同种成精子囊素系统。  相似文献   

采用光镜对舟山碎米蕨(Cheilosoria chusana)配子体发育及无配子生殖的全过程进行了观察。舟山碎米蕨孢子黄褐色,具三裂缝,极面观三角圆形,周壁表面具刺状纹饰,接种后15~20 d萌发,萌发类型为书带蕨型。丝状体一般具有5~10个细胞,片状体可通过丝状体顶端或居间细胞分裂产生。播种两个月左右,在片状体的顶端或侧面产生分生组织,发育成原叶体,发育类型为水蕨型。精子器出现在不规则片状体的表面,数量较多。经多次重复培养并没有发现颈卵器的存在,原叶体通过无配子生殖发育成为孢子体。无论在丝状体、片状体还是原叶体阶段都可能产生分枝,而且只要培养条件适宜,还可发育为分枝丝状体和分枝片状体相间的配子体丛。舟山碎米蕨配子体丛比单一原叶体更能适应干旱的环境。  相似文献   

研究了同形鳞毛蕨成精子囊素对该种和水蕨孢子萌发和配子体发育的影响,结果表明:同形鳞毛蕨配子体能产生成精子囊素,该成精子囊素能抑制同种孢子的萌发,抑制作用随配子体成熟度的增加而增强;同形鳞毛蕨成精子囊素还可促进同种孢子发育为雄配子体;光照条件下,同形鳞毛蕨成精子囊素对水蕨孢子萌发和配子体发育影响不大,黑暗条件下,同形鳞毛蕨成精子囊素能显著的促使水蕨孢子提早萌发,但都不影响其孢子最终萌发率和配子体的性别分化,表明同形鳞毛蕨和水蕨的成精子囊素不属于同一系统。  相似文献   

竹叶蕨配子体发育的培养观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
檀龙颜  刘保东 《广西植物》2009,29(4):446-449
首次在光学显微镜下观察竹叶蕨孢子及其萌发、丝状体发育、片状体和生长点的形成及分化、原叶体细胞形态、假根及性器的发育等方面所表现出的显微特征。初步讨论竹叶蕨科从鳞始蕨科中分立出来的合理性,以及原叶体边缘细胞的形态、叶绿体对光的敏感性、假根的形态和精子器的形成及分化的系统学意义。  相似文献   

汪盛  刘恩德  夏漪  戴锡玲 《植物研究》2015,35(4):499-503
研究了重金属铅对水蕨、中华桫椤和扇蕨孢子萌发及其对水蕨配子体发育的影响。结果表明:随着铅浓度的增加,水蕨、中华桫椤和扇蕨孢子的萌发率逐渐降低;在低于10-4 mol·L-1的环境中,水蕨孢子可以正常萌发;在低于10-5 mol·L-1的环境中,中华桫椤和扇蕨孢子能正常萌发;水蕨、中华桫椤和扇蕨的孢子都对铅具有一定的耐受性;铅对水蕨配子体的发育存在一定影响,铅使水蕨配子体呈不规则的心脏形,多发育为雄配子体;精子器凹陷入原叶体边缘;配子体细胞中叶绿体分布不均匀。本研究为铅污染土壤的植物修复筛选后备植物。  相似文献   

采用光学显微镜对旱生金毛裸蕨(Gymnopteris vestita)配子体发育的全过程进行了观察。结果显示,(1)旱生金毛裸蕨孢子三裂缝,成熟时黄褐色,接种后10~15d萌发,萌发类型为书带蕨型。原叶体母细胞首先形成单列的丝状体,其后配子体发育明显区别于非旱生的蕨类,金毛裸蕨配子体发育最明显的特征是形成大量的分枝,通常单列的丝状体基部细胞可通过细胞纵分裂形成丝状分枝,这些分枝又可进一步产生新的分枝,分枝的末端可形成片状体,这些片状体又可产生分枝丝状体或片状体,最终整个配子体可发育为群丛。有时,单列的丝状体也可直接发育为片状体,然而这些片状体并不发育为原叶体而是产生大量的丝状分枝。当群丛形成时,在丝状体或片状体表面可产生数量较多的精子器,但在人工培养条件下并没有发现颈卵器。如果培养条件适宜,配子体可进行营养繁殖,持续较长时间,老的片状体上可产生新的丝状体。金毛裸蕨位于群丛外的大型心形原叶体可进行无配子生殖产生孢子体。金毛裸蕨的配子体发育特征,包括多分枝、发达的营养繁殖及无配子生殖现象的发生,表明了金毛裸蕨配子体群丛的形成是对于旱生环境的一种适应性。  相似文献   

采用光镜技术对不同培养基下紫萁配子体发育和孢子体形成进行了研究.结果表明:(1)紫萁孢子绿色,四面体形,具三裂缝,孢子两极萌发分别产生假根和原叶体细胞,原叶体细胞形成球形体,球形体产生分生细胞发育为片状体和原叶体.(2)原叶体可为雄性、雌性或两性;雄原叶体较小,其两翼基部产生多数精子器;雌原叶体大,具有明显的中肋,在中...  相似文献   

罗顺元  王任翔 《广西植物》2008,28(3):332-335
采用MS培养基培养四回毛枝蕨孢子,利用光学显微镜详细观察记录了其孢子萌发、配子体发育及幼孢子体形成的整个过程。结果表明:成熟的孢子黑褐色,不透明,极面观圆球形,赤道面观蚕豆型,单裂缝,表面微褶皱。播种后8d左右萌发,萌发类型为书带蕨型,配子体发育为三叉蕨型。播种20d左右发育为片状体。播种30d左右形成幼原叶体,幼原叶体暂不对称,成熟原叶体呈蝴蝶形。原叶体边缘及背腹面都具毛状体,数量丰富,单细胞。播种50d左右开始有性器官出现,精子器近圆球形,由3细胞构成,成熟颈卵器颈部由5列细胞构成。原叶体受精后1月内可看到幼胚生成。  相似文献   

The initiation of apogamous sporophytes in Cheilanthes castanea was recorded by daily photography of individual gametophytes. Whereas an ordinary embryo arises from a zygote, apogamous embryos of C. castanea originate from one to three initial cells which occur just behind the apical region of the prothallus. The initial (or initials) produce cells with small chloroplasts behind the sinus of the gametophyte. The appearance of cells with smaller chloroplasts than those normally found in gametophytes is the first indication that apogamy is occurring. The cells with small plastids produce a group of densely-cytoplasmic meristematic cells. The size of the meristematic mass increases until shoot and root apices of the apogamous embryo are organized.  相似文献   

Apogamous sporophytes formed on Pteridium gametophytes in response to concentrations of certain sugars which supported gametophytic growth. High osmotic concentration of the medium inhibited apogamy, while variations in the basic medium were not stimulatory. Agar, autoclaving, the ammonium ion, and dry media were not required for apogamy. Renewing the medium during an experiment enhanced the apogamous response. Changing the medium at set intervals facilitated the separation of apogamous plant development into gametophytic, initiative, and developmental phases, thus enabling testing of various factors at each of these stages. Apogamy was light-initiated, while the actual development of apogamous sporophytes was caused by light, succinic acid or sugar.  相似文献   

In the cultured young ovaries of rice, the processes of megagametophyte develop- ment could be switched to the formation of various abnormally organized embryo sacs and then to the initiation of synergid apogamy. The main pathway leading to apogamy was found to go via a linearly oriented 4-nucleate embryo sac to the formation of a li- nearly oriented egg apparatus, from which it was usually the chalazal synergid giving rise to an apogamous proembryo, and the micropylar synergid degenerated. The proembryo thus produced was located at the base of a vacuolated egg cell (Plate Ⅰ, 1–7). The second pathway went through a nonlinearly oriented 4-nucleate embryo sac to the formation of an egg apparatus in which the two synergids were located at one side of the egg and oriented longitudinally. In this case it was often the chalazal synergid that could be triggered to apogamy, resulting in a hook-shaped proembryo embracing the egg cel1 from one side (Plate Ⅰ, 8–11). When ovaries with nearly matured embryo sac were cultured, in a few cases where apogamy was induced, the proembryos observed were all situated at one side of the egg and were hook-shaped (Plate Ⅰ, 12). All these pathways are summarized in a diagram (Fig. 23). Some interesting changes were observed in the synergid and the egg cell of the cultured ovaries by PAS reaction and mercuric bromphenol blue staining. The egg cells, in contrast to in vivo condition, often contained abundant starch grains,. The synergids and synergid proembryos were rich of cytoplasmic protein (Plate Ⅱ, 13, 14). We supposed that the egg may supply some nutrients as well as stimulants to the developing synergid in the course of apogamy. The distribution of starch and protein in apogamous embryoids during subsequent development was also described in this paper (Plate, 15–22).  相似文献   

Summary The level of induced apogamy in gametophytic colonies of Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn is altered by varying the number of colonies per culture vessel or by including a constant number of colonies in culture vessels of different volumes. In either case, placing vials of mercuric perchlorate, an absorber of ethylene, within the closed culture vessels reduced the apogamous response to a very low level. Production of ethylene by the gametophytes was demonstrated by gas chromatography. Ethylene supplied in a continuous-flow system promoted the apogamous response above that of an air control.  相似文献   

Experiments employing sequences of three media demonstrated the effect of growth substances on the induction of apogamy. The most effective sequence was 4% sucrose 1–14 days, 4% sucrose plus growth substance 15–28 days, and 0.1% sucrose 29–56 days. In this sequence concentrations of NAA, IAA, and GA promoted apogamous shoot formation. A higher NAA concentration than optimal for shoot formation stimulated apogamous root formation in all medium sequences. Kinetin was without effect or inhibitory to apogamy. Combination of kinetin/GA or GA/NAA concentrations did not increase the apogamous response. One combination of the kinetin/NAA concentrations had a synergistic effect on the apogamous shoot formation. Additions of GA to the synergistic kinetin/NAA combination had an antagonistic effect on the apogamous response.  相似文献   

采用改良Knop’s营养液液体和固体培养基,对球腺肿足蕨的孢子进行人工培养,利用光学显微镜观察其孢子的萌发及配子体发育过程。结果表明:成熟的孢子深褐色,不透明,极面观为椭圆形,赤道面观为豆形,单裂缝,周壁具密集的波纹状褶皱。孢子萌发类型为书带蕨型,原叶体发育类型为三叉蕨型。孢子接种后7d左右萌发,30d左右形成为片状体,50d左右发育为幼原叶体,幼原叶体不对称,但成熟原叶体心脏形对称。原叶体边缘及背腹面都具乳头状毛状体。75d左右精子器出现,精子器近圆球形,由3个细胞构成。90d左右颈卵器出现,成熟颈卵器颈部由4~5列细胞构成,3~5层细胞高。原叶体受精后1个月内可看到幼孢子体生成。最后讨论其系统学意义。  相似文献   

The development of the sexual phase of six Mexican species of Dryopteris is described and compared. Spores of all studied species are monolete, ellipsoid and have a rugose surface; the perine is folded, brown to dark brown, with a tubercled outline. Germination pattern is of the Vittaria-type and the development pattern of the prothallia is of the Aspidium-type. Gametangia are of the common type for the leptosporangiate advanced ferns. First leaves of the sporophytes appear 258-265 after sowing and apparently in Dryopteris pseudo-filix-mas the sporophyte have an apogamic origin (80 days). To make a comparative analysis of gametophytic characteristics in the twelve Mexican species and conclude of germination is of the Vittaria-type and development pattern prothallial is of the Aspidium-type, and unicelular trichomes on margin and superficial gametophytic to yield irregular aspect are characteristics to yield unit and characteristic to genera to conform Dryopteridaceae family (sensu Moran 1995) with the exception of Didymochlaena genus.  相似文献   

This work showed for the first time the relationship between the effect of exogenous auxins and gibberellins on apogamy in Dryopteris affinis (Lowe) Fraser-Jenkins sp. affinis and its endogenous contents during early apogamic events. The addition of NAA (0.53 and 5.37 μM) or GA3 2.8 μM to an MS solid medium significantly increased apogamous sporophyte formation. BA induced brown callus that regenerated sporophytes in a hormone-free medium. The endogenous contents of GA1, GA3, GA4, GA7, GA9 and IAA were determined by GC–MS in gametophytes cultured on MS solid medium, before and during early stages of apogamous embryo development. The accumulation of both GA9 and IAA before embryo development was evident as high levels of GA4 in the earliest analysed stage of embryo development and high levels of GA3 in elongating shoots were found. The role of gibberellins on apogamy was also supported by data showing a decrease in the percentage of gametophytes developing embryos because of the addition of flurprimidol to the culture medium.  相似文献   

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