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Summary Several species of yeasts isolated from wood-pulp used for paper manufacture were studied. A few species were previously found also as parasitic of men; one (Mycotorula mucinosa) is new for the science.  相似文献   

Summary Eight species ofCephalosporium from man are revised, mostly on original strains.Cryptomyces pleomorpha Gruner is a typicalCephalosporium acremonium; in additionCryptomyces is a valid Phacidiaceous genus described more than a century ago. Of two human strains of the same species, one has been fully pathogenic for laboratory animals. Allantospora violacea Ambr.,A. onychophila Vuill. and an unnamed strain were revised. All are to be referred toCephalosporium (Allantospora)onychophilum (Vuill.) Coudert.Two strains ofAcremonium kiliense are typicalC. acremonium. C. serrae Maffei is a good species, but probably indistinguishable from the saprophyticC. subverticillatum Schulz et Sacc., reisolated in Italy in the year 1934. C. spinosum Negroni — probably indistinguishable fromC. cordoniformis Barbosa, both South American species — is a coremioidal form ofC. acremonium. C. rubrobrunneum (?) Benedek is a simpleC. acremonium, as well asC. stuehmeri Schmidt et van Beyma.In addition to the previously named species,C. pseudofermentatum Cif. (if really possess a yeast-like stage) andC. nigrum Kamb. (if this species is pertaining to the genusCephalosporium) are listed.

Queste note furono redatte in gran parte tra il 1938 e il 1939; poi, per varie ragioni, rimasero inedite. Le ripubblichiamo con dati bibliografici aggiornati ed un maggiore materiale critico, anche in omaggio al comune amico, il compianto Prof.P. Redaelli.  相似文献   

Chiudo queste pagine esprimendo al mio illustre maestro prof.Giulio Fano la mia più viva riconoscenza pel modo con cui mi guidÒ in queste ricerche.  相似文献   

Una breve nota preventiva è pubblicata in Anat. Anz. Bd. X, Nr. 6, per quanto si riferisce alle meduse, e in Rend. Ist. Lomb. serie II, Vol. XXVII, fasc. XX per gli echini.  相似文献   


L'A., inquadrato il lavoro nel vasto campo degli antagonismi tra vegetali, considera se la microflora che si sviluppa per elezione sulle ricche radici della barbabietola da zucchero possa esercitare una influenza sull'incompatibilità, frequentemente riscontrata nella Bassa Valle Padaria, esistente tra la saccarifera e il Mais, e che si manifesta con un minor rigoglio vegetativo di quest'ultimo quando è consociato o segue la Chenopodiacea.  相似文献   

Sommario L, A. ha ripreso il tentativo di isolate dalle cellule del corpo adiposo delle blatte (Periplaneta orientalis e Blattella germanica) i simbionti con lo scopo di determinarue la natura. I1 tentativo è fallito; lo studio è stato condotto su 40 ovoteche di Periplaneta orientalis; le colture hanno dato in una percentuale altissima l'isolamento di uno schizomicete che entra nel gruppo del B. subtilis e l'isolamento di due funghi lievitiformi. Da sei ovoteche sono state isolate cinque volte unaTorulopsis sp. e una volta laCandida Zeylanoides (Cast.) Lang. et Guerra.L'A. ritiene che questi funghi lievitiformi derivino dalla flora della cavità s matica della Blatta, frequentemente inquinata e che passino facilmente nelle ovoteche.
Summary Yeast-like fungi isolated from the oothecas of Periplaneta orientalis The A. retook the attempt of isolating from the cells of the fatty body of beetles (Periplaneta orientalis and Blattella germanica) their simbionts, in order to enlight their nature. The attempt failed; the study has been performed on 40 oothecas of Periplaneta orientalis; the cultures allowed in a highest rate the isolation of a schyzomycetes belonging to the B. subtilis group, and the isolation of two yeast-like fungi. From 6 oothecas have been isolated five times aTorulopsis sp. and once theCandida Zeylanoides (Cast.) Lang. et Guerra.The A. thinks these yeast-like fungi to come from the flora of the often polluted celomatic cavity of beetles from which they might pass, easily, in the oothecas.

Zusammenfassung Beim Identifizieren von 531 Hefekulturen, die im Herbst 1936 aus Traubenmost des klassischen Chiantigebietes und seiner Umgebung isoliert wurden, fand der Autor folgende neue Arten und Varietäten: Sacch. italicus repräsentiert, soweit heute bekannt, die einzige Spezies der dritten Gruppe nach der Hansen schen Klassifikation der Gattung Saccharomyces. Sacch. ellipsoideus var. major unterscheidet sich von Sacch. ellipsoideus-Typ durch die konstant größeren Zellen und Sporen. Sacch. oviformis var. bisporus zeigt zum Unterschied vom Sacch. oviformis-Typ, außer anderen leichten Abweichungen, Asken mit fast immer zwei, aber nie mehr als zwei Sporen. Zygosaccharomyces florentinus ist ein gutes Beispiel für Übergänge zwischen den Gattungen Torulaspora und Zygosaccharomyces, da sich die seltenen Asken hauptsächlich parthenogenetisch bilden und nur selten das Ergebnis einer Kopulation sind. Zygopichia chiantigiana ermangelt der Fähigkeit zur Alkoholgärung und hat bei der Weinbereitung keine Bedeutung.  相似文献   


Study on the contraction phenomena of isolated mitochondria of pea internodes. — The action of the phosphorylative inhibitors atractylate and oligomycin on ATP-induced contraction of isolated pea mitochondria has been studied. Oligomycin has proved to be an efficient inhibitor of mitochondrial contraction; no effect is seen on the contrary upon addition of atractylate. Both atractylate and oligomycin inhibit completely oxygen consumption of mitochondria with succinate as substrate. On the base of these results it is postulated that the two inhibitors act upon different sites of the phosphorylative reaction sequence.  相似文献   


Inactivation and riactivation of enzymes in endosperms of castor bean seeds. — On the basis of previous results, the possibility has been investigated of the reversible interconversion of active and inactive form of enzymes in castor bean seeds, during their development.

The results described here indicate that:

  1. the activity of some glycolytic enzymes increases greatly (81% and 400% increase of, respectively, Gl-6-P-dehydrogenase and aldolase) upon incubation of dry seeds for few hours at 4 °C.

  2. The decrease of enzyme activity upon dehydration of seeds and the increase during the subsequent imbibition can be shown reproducibly.

  3. This same observation is made for oxygen uptake.

These results are interpreted to indicate the reversible inactivation of enzymes caused by dehydration of seeds.  相似文献   


Cultural techniques for wheat seeds submitted to embryo transplantation. — The author, on the basis of his experience coming from the work carried out on the embryo transplantation for several years, takes in consideration some aspects, at technical level, regarding the best way to cultivate wheat seeds submitted to embryo transplantation operations.

In particular, the author refers on the possibility to sow the transplants just made (while the traditional method foresees the drying of transplants for 48–96 hours under laboratory conditions) and he illustrates the results of the transplant culture in jiffypots, which allow to improve survival of materials intended for the growth in field.  相似文献   


Growth-factors in tomato juice. Raw juice of green and red tomato fruits contains 7 amines which can be separated by paper electrophoresis. These were identified as basic amino acids (arginine, lysine and ornithine) and aliphatic diamine and polyamines (putrescine, spermine and spermidine). These amines were found in tomato juice for the first time. One compound (band 6, table 1) was not identified. Putrescine, spermidine and the unidentified band, after elution, were assayed « in vitro » for the possible cellular proliferation of Jerusalem artichoke (« Helianthus tuberosus ») dormant tubers. The results show that the last three coumpounds must be considered natural growth-factors present in the raw juice of tomato fruits.  相似文献   


The ultrastructure of sieve tubes in leaf petioles of HEDERA HELIX. — The structural organization of the sieve elements in Hedera leaf petiole at the beginning of the second year of life has been studied. At this stage of life the sieve tubes are completely developed, but still in full activity.

Their plasmatic structures, though altered, show that they are still alive. The cytoplasm forms a parietal layer; mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and plastids are present although very peculiar in aspect. The cytoplasm is bounded externally by a plasmalemma; on the contrary no tonoplast is detectable.

The data reported in this paper are favourable to the idea of an active partecipation of the sieve tubes in the translocation of organic solutes, in agreement with the findings concerning the oat coleoptile.  相似文献   

Sergio Cocucci 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3-5):459-468

Changes of glycolytic substrates level during ripening of the castor bean seed. — The changes of the concentration of carbohydrates and of the main glycolytic substrates in the castor bean seed during the ripening phase were investigated. The following results were obtained:

The level of unphosphorylated sugars and of acid hydrolysable polysaccharides remains almost unchanged, with a tendency to a rise during the ripening phase. The slight increase of these compounds, together with the transition of the R. Q. from high to low values, might be interpreted as an indication of a shift of the seed from the a metabolism of fat synthesis to one of conversion of lipids into sugars, such as is observed in the germinating castor bean seeds.

Hexose monophosphate level sharply decreases during the last period of maturation. However, the level of these substrates does not fall so low as to suggest a severe limitation for the pentose-P pathway activity.

Fructose diphosphate, DOAP, GAP, 3 PGA, 2 PGA, PEP and pyruvate levels consistently increase during the ripening process. This indicates that the drop of oxygen uptake observed in this phase cannot be due to a lack of glycolytic substrates. On the other hand, the ratios between some substrates are shifted, during ripening, from values close to the theoretical equilibrium constants to quite different values. This finding, when correlated with the one of the strong decrease of the glycolytic flow, strongly suggests a severe inactivation of the glycolyting enzymes during ripening.

The increase of pyruvate in tissues showing a decreasing respiratory activity indicates a fall of the oxidative capacity of mitochondria. This might be due to a lack of ADP, or other high energy bond acceptor, following a block of synthetic processes. However, no decrease of ADP level, and an increase of the ADP/ATP ratio during ripening is observed, Among the alternative hypothesis: a) lack or excess of oxalacetate; b) increase of concentration of some Krebs cycle inhibitor; c) inactivation of mitochondrial enzymes, the latter is thought most probable, in view of the finding of a sharp decrease of some other enzyme activities during ripening, of the above mentioned interpretation of the shift of the ratios between glycolytic substrates, and of the very low level of mitochondrial activity in preparation from the mature castor bean seed. These results when correlated with those from parallel investigations on the biochemistry of castor bean seed maturation and germination suggest, as a working hypothesis, that the respiratory metabolic inactivation accompanyng seed repening is due to a general block of the metabolism of ribonucleic acid and thus protein synthesis.  相似文献   


Fixation of carbon dioxide by galls of CUSCUTA AUSTRALIS. — The mechanism of the carbon dioxide fixation by Cuscuta is a controversial biochemical topic. Light induced reactions are involved in MacLeod's opinion while others as Ciferri and Poma believe that mainly a dark-fixation occurs.

In this study use is made of the galls, caused by the insect Smicronyx on Cuscuta australis, that appear more green coloured than the normal tissues.

Equal weights of excised galls were kept both in light and in darkness in contact with C14O2for different incubation times, and the magnitude of the fixation was compared under these two conditions by measuring radioactivity of both soluble and acid hydrolysed fractions.

After short exposures to the tracer the fixation in light greatly exceeds that in dark (25–19/1) while with more prolonged exposures the ratio sharply decreases (to about 5/1): these figures can be interpreted with the assumption that a strong light-induced fixation superimposes itself to a low but definite dark-fixation activity.

The ratio does not change if radioactivity is measured in the hydrolysed fractions.

These results are of course referred to as being largerly preliminar and requiring further and more extensive studies.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Werden zwei primäre Augenblasen mit angefrischten Teilen derselben in Kontakt gebracht, so ordnen sie sich derartig an, daß die Elemente der einen Netzhaut sich mit denen der andern so gleichförmig vereinigen, daß keinerlei Diskontinuität zwischen den zwei in Kontakt befindlichen Netzhautportionen noch irgendwelche Veränderung nach Zahl und Beschaffenheit der Elemente selbst wahrzunehmen ist.Wenn die beiden Linsenblasen in Kontakt kommen, dann verschmelzen die beiden Portionen, durch die die Anlagerung erfolgt, miteinander und bilden eine Scheidewand, die sich nach und nach aufzulösen scheint. Die Fasern der einen und der andern Linse vereinigen sich schließlich zu einem Ganzen, wie wenn es sich um ein einziges Gebilde handelte.Die die Hornhäute der beiden Augen bildenden Elemente konvergieren zuerst gegen einen Punkt der vorderen Linsenkapsel, wohl entsprechend der Stelle, wo die Verlötung der beiden Linsenkapseln erfolgt; dann aber löst sich diese Verwachsung und die Zellen dehnen sich in einer einzigen Linie zur Bildung einer BrÜcke, welche von der skleralen HÜlle der einen Hälfte zu der der andern Hälfte zieht.Die Ciliarkörper- und Irisbildung erfolgt auf Kosten der zwei halben Augen, die in Kontakt kommen und sich zusammen zu einem einzigen harmonischen Ganzen entwickeln, als ob es sich um die beiden symmetrischen Abschnitte einer und derselben Augenblase handelte.Der Sehnerv wird ebenfalls durch Gewebsportionen gebildet, die zur Substanz der beiden Hirnblasen gehören, welche gleichfalls in der Weise verwachsen, daß sie eine Höhle umgeben, die das Produkt der Vereinigung der zwei Höhlen der beiden in Kontakt gekommenen Blasen ist.Und die Skiera? Und die Chorioidea?Auch sie scheinen dem allgemeinen, soeben angedeuteten Entwicklungsgesetz zn folgen. Es steht außer Zweifel, daß sich in diesem Fall sagen läßt, daß die mit angefrischten Partien in Kontakt gekommenen Augenblasen sich derart zu verhalten streben, daß sie ein einziges, die Portionen sowohl der einen wie der andern Augenblase umfassendes Auge bilden und daß diese Gewebe sich zu einem einzigen Organ ausbilden, das sich in der gleichen Weise entwickelt, wie wenn die Elemente nicht zwei verschiedenen Individuen, sondern nur einem Individuum angehörten.  相似文献   

G. Ceriotti 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3):139-144

Antigrowth substances of plant origin. 1) A method for quantitative evaluation of antigrowth activity. The antigrowth activity of various kinds of plant extracts has been quantitatively evaluated, by determining the reduction of lenghtening of the lateral radicles of wheat grains induced by them. Grains are allowed to develop on water moistened filter paper until the lateral radicles have reached a lenght of about 5 mm.; then grains, carefully selected for approximately equal redicles lenght, are uniformly distributed in Petri dishes lined with filter paper, and moistened with 10 ml of distilled water, for the controls, or of the extracts under examination. All the operations are performed as much as possible under steril conditions. After 36 hrs incubation at 28° C, in the dark, the lenght of the lateral radicles is measured and the percent inhibition determined. This, when plotted against the log of the extract concentration, gives a straight line. The method is very sensitive and its reproducibility makes it possible to follow quantitatively the purification of antigrowth principles.  相似文献   


The changes in carbohydrate and phosphorus metabolism of tomato ovaries stimulated to growth by pollination or auxin treatment found in previous studies prompted an investigation of the enzymatic systems concerned. In this research, the effects of pollination and of auxin treatment on phosphorylase and on phosphatase activity were studied. Phosphatase splitting inorganic P from adenosine triphosphate was characterized as different from that acting on glycero- and hexose-phosphate by the difference in inhibition by beryllium and fluoride.

Two phases of growth occurring during the earlier stages of fruit development were clearly defined by the behavior of the enzymes considered. During the first (induction) phase both phosphomonoesterase and ATP-ase activity markedly dropped. This was followed by a marked rise in activity during the later stages of growth.

Phosphorylase activity, unlike that of the phosphatases, showed no relationship to the two phases of growth, and increased steadily during the period of observation. This agreed with the rate of starch synthesis observed in the growing auxin treated or pollinated tomato fruits.

Changes in the activity of these enzymes in the not pollinated, not auxin treated ovaries during the period of observation were, on a comparative basis, very small.  相似文献   

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