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核糖开关(riboswitch)是近几年基因表达调控研究的一个热点.核糖开关位于mRNA的非翻译区(untranslated regions, UTR),能够直接感受胞内外信号并引起自身二级结构的变化,在转录或后转录(翻译和mRNA稳定性)水平实现对下游相关基因的表达调控,该过程不依赖于包括蛋白质在内的其它任何因子的作用. 根据现已发现的核糖开关所能识别的信号因子类型,可以将其分为4类,即小分子代谢物、金属离子、环境因素及空载tRNA敏感的核糖开关;其中,小分子代谢物敏感的核糖开关是发现和研究最多且最深入的一类. 随着研究的深入,将会有更多的核糖开关被发现,这不仅有助于理解生物进化与环境适应性,而且在生物学基础研究,新型药物的开发以及工业生产领域都将发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

核糖开关是一类自然界中天然存在的适配子,通过结合小分子代谢物调控基因的表达。它位于特定的mRNA非编码区,可以不依赖任何蛋白质因子而直接结合代谢物并发生构象变化,在转录和翻译水平上参与调控生物的基本代谢途径。目前已知核糖开关不仅广泛存在于细菌的代谢相关基因中,还存在于某些真菌和植物中。对核糖开关的深入研究将为基因功能研究、生物传感器研发以及新型抗菌药物开发等提供新的途径。  相似文献   

一种新发现的RNA分子——核糖开关,通过感知代谢物浓度的变化调控目标基因的表达。它可以调整自身的结构直接结合代谢物小分子,而不需要蛋白因子的参与。在原核生物中发现了大量的核糖开关,在真核生物如植物和真菌中也发现了核糖开关。核糖开关由适体域和表达平台两个功能域组成,能在不同水平调控基因的表达,如转录终止、翻译起始、mRNA剪辑和加工。核糖开关不需要蛋白因子的参与,因此人们认为它可能是古代RNA世界的遗留物。核糖开关作为RNA传感器可以设计成一种基因控制元件,在未来的基因治疗方面可能具有很大的应用前景。  相似文献   

环二鸟苷单磷酸(c-di-GMP)是细菌中广泛存在的一类核苷类第二信使分子,能够调控细菌的生物被膜形成、运动性、黏附、毒力以及胞外多糖的产生等众多生理活动。核糖开关是m RNA 5′-非翻译区(5′-Untranslational region,5′-UTR)的一段RNA序列,包含可以识别并结合配体的保守序列——适配体区(Aptamer domain,AD),以及结构多变、可以调控下游编码基因的表达平台区(Expression platform,EP)。当代谢物分子浓度比较高时,其与适配体区结合,引起下游的表达平台区发生构象变化,进而实现对下游基因的调节。目前已发现c-di-GMP-Ⅰ和c-di-GMP-Ⅱ两类c-di-GMP的核糖开关。它们通过特异性地结合c-di-GMP,调控种类繁多的下游基因的表达。c-di-GMP-I核糖开关分布广泛,尤其在厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和变形菌门(Proteobacteria)的细菌中最为丰富。c-di-GMP-Ⅱ核糖开关具备变构核酶的功能,结合c-di-GMP后在其非典型剪切位点处发生结构变化,调节下游基因表达。文中围绕c-di-GMP核糖开关的发现、功能、分类以及下游调控基因的功能进行综述与分析。  相似文献   

在代谢工程研究领域中合成生物学开关主要用于调控基因的表达。传统的代谢工程改造主要通过敲除和过表达来改变特定基因的表达量。但基因敲除通常会导致菌体生长的下降。因此,我们需要适时的关闭和激活特定基因的表达。合成生物学开关就是解决这一问题的关键工具。目前,在代谢工程中常用的合成生物学开关有光控开关、温度诱导开关、拨动开关和核糖开关。其中,拨动开关和核糖开关在动态调节基因表达上拥有更大优势。介绍了代谢工程中常用的几种合成生物学开关,以及它们在代谢工程的应用。  相似文献   

真核细胞核中转录因子与染色质模板如何相互作用调节基因转录是基因表达调控研究的一个中心问题.近来的研究表明,参与基因转录的各种调节因子在核内形成多种复合物,如RNA聚合酶Ⅱ全酶、染色质重塑复合物、核小体以及增强小体等.这些复合物之间相互作用,调节染色质结构,在染色质模板上进一步组装成转录复合物,参与转录调节的各个环节,调节转录复合物活性.这些复合物的形成,整合了转录调节的各种信息,提高了转录调节效率,是真核基因有效、严格、有序表达的基础.另一方面,这些复合物的存在给基因表达调控的研究提出了新问题,发展新的研究思路和新的研究技术具有重要意义.  相似文献   

核糖开关是一类与核酸、氨基酸、金属离子、糖类衍生物以及辅酶等特异性配体结合的RNA元件,它与配体结合后通过调控相应下游的基因表达起到控制细胞生命及活动的作用。目前核糖开关是基因调控方面的研究热点,应用于大量筛选工程菌株、构建新型生物传感器以及作为抗菌药作用的新靶点。综述了几种主要的核糖开关(如:嘌呤核糖开关、赖氨酸核糖开关、环二鸟苷酸核糖开关、glm S核糖开关、TPP核糖开关、FMN核糖开关等)在抗菌药物靶点方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

枯草芽胞杆菌Bacillussubtilis在工业生物技术以及合成生物学领域作为一种重要的微生物可广泛用作代谢工程、重组蛋白表达以及新型基因电路的底盘。在B. subtilis中构建基于非编码RNA的高精准调节元件,能够实现不依赖蛋白质因子的基因表达调控,丰富B.subtilis基因表达通用工具。通过基因工程手段,设计了基于茶碱适体域的核糖开关E和适体核酶AZ调节元件,并与不同的B.subtilis内源组成型启动子适配,构建出茶碱激活型基因表达控制元件。测定这两种调节元件与6种组成型启动子组合匹配下报告基因GFP的荧光强度,鉴定并分析各调控元件的工作性能。并进一步以红色荧光蛋白mCherry和普鲁兰酶两种不同的异源蛋白验证核糖开关或适体核酶与启动子的最优组合。结果表明,同一种RNA调节元件与不同启动子组合呈现不同水平的调控效率。在核糖开关与启动子的组合中,启动子PsigW和核糖开关E组合(sigWE)对GFP表达的诱导率最高,达到16.8。在适体核酶与启动子的组合中,AZ与启动子P43、PrpoB组合(P43AZ和rpoBAZ)的诱导率最高,分别达到了6.1和6.2。进一步验证结果显示,sigWE调控mCherry的诱导率最高(9.2),而P43E调控普鲁兰酶的诱导率最高(32.8),产酶水平达到了81U/mL。核糖开关和适体核酶对GFP、mCherry、普鲁兰酶均能实现调控,但是不同元件组合的调控性能有所差异,对不同基因的调控效果也不尽相同。  相似文献   

细胞通过基因表达调控来应对外界刺激,其中对基因转录起始和pre-mRNA剪接的调控是基因表达调控的重要环节。越来越多的实验显示基因转录和pre-mRNA剪接这两个过程在时空上密切相关。基因转录能调节剪接模式的选择性,反之剪接过程也影响基因转录。近年来研究发现转录辅调节因子在联系转录和剪接过程中扮演着重要角色。转录辅调节因子对基因表达的调控不仅在于影响转录产物的量,还可以调控pre-mRNA的选择性剪接并产生不同的剪接体,从而翻译出具有不同生物学功能的蛋白质。本文主要阐述了基因转录与剪接之间的关系以及它们之间相互作用的机制,有利于更深入理解基因表达调控的过程。  相似文献   

心肌素是一种新发现的特异性调节心肌和平滑肌基因表达的蛋白因子,与血清效应因子(SRF)一起构成肌细胞分化分子开关的组成成分.心肌素在胚胎及成年心肌和平滑肌细胞中均进行表达,是这两类细胞基因特异性表达及分化所必需的转录激活因子.本文就心肌素的结构特征及其调节肌特异基因表达的分子机制进行综述.  相似文献   

Riboswitches are structured elements typically found in the 5' untranslated regions of mRNAs, where they regulate gene expression by binding to small metabolites. In all examples studied to date, these RNA control elements do not require the involvement of protein factors for metabolite binding. Riboswitches appear to be pervasive in eubacteria, suggesting that this form of regulation is an important mechanism by which metabolic genes are controlled. Recently discovered riboswitch classes have surprisingly complex mechanisms for regulating gene expression and new high-resolution structural models of these RNAs provide insight into the molecular details of metabolite recognition by natural RNA aptamers.  相似文献   

Riboswitches are RNA sensors that have been shown to modulate the expression of downstream genes by altering their structure upon metabolite binding. Riboswitches are unique among cellular regulators in that metabolite detection is strictly performed using RNA interactions with the sensed metabolite and in which no regulatory protein is needed to mediate the interaction. However, recent studies have shed light on riboswitch control mechanisms relying on protein regulators to harness metabolite binding for the mediation of gene expression, thereby increasing the range of cellular factors involved in riboswitch regulation. The interaction between riboswitches and proteins adds another level of evolutionary pressure as riboswitches must maintain key residues for metabolite detection, structural switching and protein binding sites. Here, we review regulatory mechanisms involving Escherichia coli riboswitches that have recently been shown to rely on regulatory proteins. We also discuss the implication of such protein-based riboswitch regulatory mechanisms for genetic regulation.  相似文献   

New validated cellular targets are needed to reinvigorate antibacterial drug discovery. This need could potentially be filled by riboswitches-messenger RNA (mRNA) structures that regulate gene expression in bacteria. Riboswitches are unique among RNAs that serve as drug targets in that they have evolved to form structured and highly selective receptors for small drug-like metabolites. In most cases, metabolite binding to the receptor represses the expression of the gene(s) encoded by the mRNA. If a new metabolite analog were designed that binds to the receptor, the gene(s) regulated by that riboswitch could be repressed, with a potentially lethal effect to the bacteria. Recent work suggests that certain antibacterial compounds discovered decades ago function at least in part by targeting riboswitches. Herein we will summarize the experiments validating riboswitches as drug targets, describe the existing technology for riboswitch drug discovery and discuss the challenges that may face riboswitch drug discoverers.  相似文献   

Structural features of metabolite-sensing riboswitches   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Riboswitches are noncoding mRNA elements that bind small-molecule metabolites with high affinity and specificity, and they regulate the expression of associated genes. The thi-box riboswitch can exhibit a 1000-fold higher affinity for thiamine pyrophosphate over closely related noncognate compounds such as thiamine monophosphate. To understand the chemical basis of thi-box pyrophosphate specificity, we have determined crystal structures of an E. coli thi-box bound to thiamine pyrophosphate, thiamine monophosphate, and the structural analogs benfotiamine and pyrithiamine. When bound to monophosphorylated compounds, the RNA elements that recognize the thiamine and phosphate moieties of the ligand move closer together. This allows the riboswitch to recognize the monophosphate in a manner similar to how it recognizes the beta-phosphate of thiamine pyrophosphate. In the pyrithiamine complex, the pyrophosphate binding site is largely unstructured. These results show how the riboswitch can bind to various metabolites, and why the thi-box preferentially binds thiamine pyrophosphate.  相似文献   

Riboswitches are RNA sequences that regulate gene expression by undergoing structural changes upon the specific binding of cellular metabolites. Crystal structures of purine-sensing riboswitches have revealed an intricate network of interactions surrounding the ligand in the bound complex. The mechanistic details about how the aptamer folding pathway is involved in the formation of the metabolite binding site have been previously shown to be highly important for the riboswitch regulatory activity. Here, a combination of single-molecule FRET and SHAPE assays have been used to characterize the folding pathway of the adenine riboswitch from Vibrio vulnificus. Experimental evidences suggest a folding process characterized by the presence of a structural intermediate involved in ligand recognition. This intermediate state acts as an open conformation to ensure ligand accessibility to the aptamer and folds into a structure nearly identical to the ligand-bound complex through a series of structural changes. This study demonstrates that the add riboswitch relies on the folding of a structural intermediate that pre-organizes the aptamer global structure and the ligand binding site to allow efficient metabolite sensing and riboswitch genetic regulation.  相似文献   

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