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Postendosymbiotic evolution has given rise to proteins that are multiply targeted within the cell. Various mechanisms have been identified to permit the expression of proteins encoding distinct N termini from a single gene. One mechanism involves alternative translation initiation (aTI). We previously showed evidence of aTI activity within the Arabidopsis thaliana organellar DNA polymerase gene POLγ2. Translation initiates at four distinct sites within this gene, two non-AUG, to produce distinct plastid and mitochondrially targeted forms of the protein. To understand the regulation of aTI in higher plants, we used Polγ2 as a model to investigate both cis- and trans-acting features of the process. Here, we show that aTI in Polγ2 and other plant genes involves ribosome scanning dependent on sequence context at the multiple initiation sites to condition specific binding of at least one trans-acting factor essential for site recognition. Multiple active translation initiation sites appear to operate in several plant genes, often to expand protein targeting. In plants, where the mitochondrion and plastid must share a considerable portion of their proteomes and coordinate their functions, leaky ribosome scanning behavior provides adaptive advantage in the evolution of protein dual targeting and translational regulation.  相似文献   

Autoantibodies in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients with neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) may be potential biomarkers for prediction, diagnosis, or prognosis of NPSLE. We used a human proteome microarray with~17,000 unique full-length human proteins to investigate autoantibodies associated with NPSLE. Twenty-nine CSF specimens from 12 NPSLE, 7 non-NPSLE, and 10 control (non-systemic lupus erythematosus)patients were screened for NPSLE-associated autoantibodies with proteome microarrays. A focused autoantigen microarray of candidate NPSLE autoantigens was applied to profile a larger cohort of CSF with patient-matched sera. We identified 137 autoantigens associated with NPSLE. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis revealed that these autoantigens were enriched for functions involved in neurological diseases (score = 43).Anti-proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was found in the CSF of NPSLE and non-NPSLE patients. The positive rates of 4 autoantibodies in CSF specimens were significantly different between the SLE (i.e., NPSLE and non-NPSLE) and control groups: anti-ribosomal protein RPLP0, anti-RPLP1, anti-RPLP2, and anti-TROVE2 (also known as anti-Ro/SS-A). The positive rate for anti-SS-A associated with NPSLE was higher than that for non-NPSLE (31.11% cf. 10.71%; P = 0.045).Further analysis showed that anti-SS-A in CSF specimens was related to neuropsychiatric syndromes of the central nervous system in SLE (P = 0.009). Analysis with Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient indicated that the titers of anti-RPLP2 and anti-SS-A in paired CSF and serum specimens significantly correlated. Human proteome microarrays offer a powerful platform to discover novel autoantibodies in CSF samples. Anti-SS-A autoantibodies may be potential CSF markers for NPSLE.  相似文献   

SDS interferes with both bottom‐up and top‐down MS analysis, requiring removal prior to detection. Filter‐aided sample preparation (FASP) is favored for bottom‐up proteomics (BUP) while acetone precipitation is popular for top‐down proteomics (TDP). We recently demonstrated acetone precipitation in a membrane filter cartridge. Alternatively, our automated electrophoretic device, termed transmembrane electrophoresis (TME), depletes SDS for both TDP and BUP studies. Here TME is compared to these two alternative methods of SDS depletion in both BUP and TDP workflows. To do so, a modified FASP method is described applicable to the SDS purification and recovery of intact proteins, suitable for LC/MS. All three methods reliably deplete >99.8% SDS. TME provide higher sample yields (average 90%) than FASP (55%) or acetone precipitation (57%), translating into higher total protein identifications (973 vs 877 FASP or 890 acetone) and higher spectral matches (2.5 times) per protein. In a top down workflow, each SDS‐depletion method yields high‐quality MS spectra for intact proteins. These results show each of these membrane‐based strategies is capable of depleting SDS with high sample recovery and high spectra quality for both BUP and TDP studies.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein S1 has been shown to be a significant effector of prokaryotic translation. The protein is in fact capable of efficiently initiating translation, regardless of the presence of a Shine-Dalgarno sequence in mRNA. Structural insights into this process have remained elusive, as S1 is recalcitrant to traditional techniques of structural analysis, such as x-ray crystallography. Through the application of protein cross-linking and high resolution mass spectrometry, we have detailed the ribosomal binding site of S1 and have observed evidence of its dynamics. Our results support a previous hypothesis that S1 acts as the mRNA catching arm of the prokaryotic ribosome. We also demonstrate that in solution the major domains of the 30S subunit are remarkably flexible, capable of moving 30–50Å with respect to one another.Initiation of translation is often the rate-limiting step of protein biosynthesis (1). In prokaryotes, this process is widely recognized to be directed by the Shine-Dalgarno (S.D.)1 sequence of mRNA and its complementation with the 3′ end of 16S rRNA (2). However, binding of the S.D. sequence to the ribosome is not obligatory for initiation. Ribosomal protein S1, widely conserved in prokaryotes, (3) has been shown to efficiently initiate translation, regardless of the presence of an S.D. sequence (4, 5).S1 is a strikingly atyptical ribosomal protein, being both the largest (61 kDa) and the most acidic (pI 4.7) (6). The protein is composed of six homologous repeats each forming beta barrel domains (3) that in solution comprise a highly elongated structure spanning up to ca. 230 Å (7). This length is comparable to the diameter of the ribosome itself. In addition to these anomalous characteristics, S1 is also one of only two ribosomal proteins that has been attributed functional significance (6). Ribosomal protein S1, for instance, has no apparent role in the assembly of the ribosome, (2) yet is critical for translation in E. coli (8, 9). The functional significance of S1 is related to its most pronounced characteristic, the ability to simultaneously bind mRNA and the ribosome. Analysis of fragments produced by limited proteolysis and chemical cleavage of S1 has shown that an N-terminal fragment of S1 (residues 1–193) binds the ribosome (10) but not RNA (11). Likewise, a C-terminal fragment (res 172–557) binds RNA (12, 13) but not the ribosome (6, 10). By nature of this bi-functional structure, S1 enhances the E. coli ribosome''s affinity for RNA ∼5000 fold (14) and can directly mediate initiation of translation by binding the 5′ UTR of mRNA (4, 5). These observations have led to the hypothesis that S1 acts as a catching arm for the prokaryotic ribosome, working to bring mRNA to the proximity of the ribosome and thereby facilitate initiation (6).Unfortunately, structural analyses capturing how S1 is able to function in this manner remain elusive. A high-resolution crystal structure of ribosome bound S1, or even free S1, does not exist, because S1 is recalcitrant to crystallography (6). Preparation of ribosomes for x-ray crystallography actually involves the deliberate removal of ribosomal protein S1 as a means to improve the reproducibility of crystallization and the quality of the ribosome crystals formed (1517). The structure and interactions of the protein have nevertheless intrigued structural biologists for decades. However, studies completed to date have failed to convincingly demonstrate the interaction between S1 and the rest of the 30S subunit, because they were incapable of localizing the individual S1 domains (16, 1820).We have studied the binding of S1 to the 30S subunit by combining cross-linking with mass spectrometry. Chemical cross-linking has long been appreciated as a technique to probe protein-protein interactions (21, 22). With the advent of modern mass spectrometers, it can be very effectively employed to confidently identify the exact residues involved in linkages (2328). In most cross-linking analyses, protein residues are targeted for covalent modification with a molecule that contains two reactive groups separated by a spacer arm of known length. Only protein residues closer than the length of the spacer arm are capable of being linked. Identification of cross-linked residues thereby provides distance constraints for structural modeling. In this work, the novel amidinating protein cross-linker, DEST (diethyl suberthioimidate), was employed (29, 30). This amine reactive reagent, unlike commercially available reagents, preserves the native basicity of the residues it modifies while being effective at physiological pH. Use of the reagent is unlikely to perturb protein structure and the modifications it imparts are compatible with ionization for mass spectrometry. We have additionally shown that the cross-links it forms can be efficiently enriched from other components of proteolytic digests using strong cation exchange (SCX) chromatography, (30) and that DEST cross-linking of ribosomes yields structural information in excellent agreement with x-ray crystallography (29). Although DEST is an 11Å spacer arm cross-linker, it links alpha carbons up to 24Å apart because of the length and flexibility of lysine side chains. Nevertheless, this is sufficient resolution to approximate the binding positions of the 10kDa domains of S1. Furthermore, multiple cross-linking of a single domain significantly enhances the resolution with which it can be localized.Here, through the application of protein cross-linking and high resolution mass spectrometry, we show that S1 binds to the 30S subunit near the anti-S.D. motif of the 16S rRNA, demonstrate that it is highly elongated even when bound to the ribosome, and provide evidence that its C-terminal mRNA binding region is remarkably dynamic. Our results thus indicate S1 is structurally poised, as previously hypothesized, (6) to act as the mRNA catching arm of the prokaryotic ribosome.  相似文献   

Translation of mRNA plays a critical role in consolidation of long-term memory. Here, we report that markers of initiation of mRNA translation are activated during training for contextual memory and that they undergo diurnal oscillation in the mouse hippocampus with maximal activity observed during the daytime (zeitgeber time 4–8 h). Phosphorylation and activation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), eIF4E-binding protein 1 (4EBP1), ribosomal protein S6, and eIF4F cap-complex formation, all of which are markers for translation initiation, were higher in the hippocampus during the daytime compared with night. The circadian oscillation in markers of mRNA translation was lost in memory-deficient transgenic mice lacking calmodulin-stimulated adenylyl cyclases. Moreover, disruption of the circadian rhythm blocked diurnal oscillations in eIF4E, 4EBP1, rpS6, Akt, and ERK1/2 phosphorylation and impaired memory consolidation. Furthermore, repeated inhibition of translation in the hippocampus 48 h after contextual training with the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin impaired memory persistence. We conclude that repeated activation of markers of translation initiation in hippocampus during the circadian cycle might be critical for memory persistence.  相似文献   

Group A streptococcus (GAS) is responsible for causing many clinical complications including the relatively benign streptococcal pharyngitis and impetigo. However, if left untreated, these conditions may lead to more severe diseases such as rheumatic fever (RF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD). These diseases exhibit high morbidity and mortality, particularly in developing countries and in indigenous populations of affluent countries. As RF and RHD only ever occur following GAS infection, a vaccine offers promise for their prevention. As such, we have investigated the use of the lipid-core peptide (LCP) system for the development of multi-valent prophylactic GAS vaccines. The current study has investigated the capacity of this system to adjuvant up to four different GAS peptide epitopes. Presented are the synthesis and immunological assessment of tetra-valent and tri-valent GAS LCP systems. We demonstrated their capacity to elicit systemic IgG antibody responses in B10.BR mice to all GAS peptide epitopes. The data also showed that the LCP systems were self-adjuvanting. These findings are particularly encouraging for the development of multi-valent LCP-based GAS vaccines.  相似文献   

Abstract: Regulatory subunits of type II cAMP-dependent protein kinases (RII) (EC from bovine brain and heart exhibit similar physicochemical and functional properties in vitro . However, the two forms of RII are markedly different in their (a) antigenic determinants, (b) cell and tissue distribution, and (c) subcellular localization. This suggests that each of these cAMP-binding proteins may possess some unique structural features. To assess the degree of overall divergence between the primary structures of brain RII and heart RII, tryptic peptides derived from the two proteins were mapped by reverse phase HPLC on a C18 column. When the column effluent was monitored at 280 nm, 15 peptides were found only in the heart RII digest, while 5 other peptides were obtained only from brain RII. More complex HPLC profiles were observed by following peptide absorbance at 210 nm, but a similar level of diversity was apparent: 13 brain-RII-specific and 15 heart-RII-specific tryptic peptides were identified and resolved with a gradient (0–50%) of acetonitrile in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid. In complementary experiments, classical two-dimensional mapping analyses revealed that several 32P-labeled tryptic fragments derived from autophosphorylated and photoaffinity-labeled brain RII were separate and distinct from the 32P-peptides isolated from similarly treated heart RII. The HPLC mapping data document a structural basis for the immunological disparity between brain RII and heart RII and suggest that the two cAMP-binding proteins are different proteins rather than interconvertible forms of a single protein. The two-dimensional maps further indicate that significant structural dissimilarities between brain RII and heart RII also occur within the functionally conserved autophosphorylation and cAMP-binding domains.  相似文献   

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