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The substrate specificity of rat liver biliverdin reductase was probed using helical and extended biliverdins. The former were the ZZZ-all-syn biliverdins IX alpha and IX gamma, and the latter were the 5Z-syn, 10Z-syn, 15Z-anti; 5Z-anti, 10E-anti, 15E-anti biliverdins. It was found that the reduction rates of the biliverdins increased with the progressive stretching of their conformations. The most extended biliverdin was reduced at a higher rate than biliverdin IX alpha. The chemical reduction rates to bilirubins followed a similar pattern. Nucleophilic addition of 2-mercaptoethanol to the C10 methine was also favored in the extended biliverdins.  相似文献   

The cyclic 2,18-bridged biliverdin (2) is excreted in rat bile without reduction to the corresponding bilirubin. Conformational analysis, employing an optimized Monte Carlo method and a mixed Monte Carlo/stochastic dynamics, reveals that biliverdin IXalpha (1) and the cyclic analogue 2 adopt 'lock washer' conformations, stabilized by the presence of intramolecular hydrogen bonds between N23...H22N and, to a lesser extent, between N23...H24N. Although 2 is very similar in overall shape to 1, the former adopts a 'locked lock washer' conformation unable to undergo fluctuations, thus possibly hampering a proper recognition by biliverdin reductase.  相似文献   

Sequential specification of conformation in proteins and polypeptides is a triangular interplay involving the system of linked peptides, the sequences in side chains, and water as solvent. Stereochemistry in side chain linkages is obviously important in the interaction between all of the players, but no specification of its explicit role, if any, in linking sequence with conformation has been made. Flory and coworkers made a puzzling observation in 1967 that, when mutated from poly-L to alternating-L,D stereochemical structure, polypeptides will suffer a reduction in overall dimension or characteristic ratio by an astonishing factor of 10 and to a value even lower than that predicted for free rotation (Miller, W. G.; Brant, D. A.; Flory, P. J. J Mol Biol 1967, 23, 67-80). Enquiring into this longstanding puzzle, Durani and coworkers found that the stereochemical modification will also abolish conformational sensitivity in polypeptide structure to solvent, because electrostatic interactions in the system of linked peptides are transformed from a condition of mutual conflict to one of harmony (Ramakrishnan, V.; Ranbhor, R.; Kumar, A.; Durani, S. J Phys Chem B 2006, 110, 9314-9323). Thus, poly-L stereochemistry could be the fulcrum linking sequences with phi,psis in protein and polypeptide structures, via dielectric arbitrations in a conflicting type of interpeptide electrostatics, in agreement with the electrostatic screening model of Avbelj and Moult (Avbelj, F.; Moult, J. Biochemistry 1995, 34, 755-764).  相似文献   

3-SLHis-105-RNase A is an active derivative of ribonuclease A (RNase A) spin-labeled at the 3 position of the imidazole ring of histidine-105. The spin-labeled enzyme has been modified by urea denaturation, reduction, reduction-carboxymethylation, performic acid oxidation, and digestion with proteolytic enzymes in order to monitor changes in the geometry of the protein by changes in the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum of the nitroxide spin-label probe. The results of these experiments indicate that the spin-label attached to histidine-105 of RNase A is sensitive to modifications affecting the conformational integrity of the molecule and to the reconstituting effects of various active-center ligands.  相似文献   

Dekanty A  Milán M 《EMBO reports》2011,12(10):1003-1010
Morphogens are conserved, secreted signalling molecules that regulate the size, shape and patterning of animal tissues and organs. Recent experimental evidence has emphasized the fundamental role of tissue growth in expanding the expression domains of morphogens and their target genes, in generating morphogen gradients and in modulating the response of cells to morphogens. Moreover, the classic view of how morphogens, particularly through their concentration gradient, regulate tissue size during development has been revisited recently. In this review, we discuss how morphogens and tissue growth affect each other, and we attempt to integrate genetic and molecular evidence from vertebrate and invertebrate model systems to put forward the idea that the interaction between growth and morphogens is a general feature of highly proliferative tissues.  相似文献   

There are two major modes for plant recognition of biotrophic microbial pathogens. In one mode, plant pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) recognize microbe associated molecular patterns (MAMPs, also called PAMPs), which are molecules such as flg22, a fragment of bacterial flagellin. In the other mode, the products of plant resistance (R) genes recognize pathogen effectors or host proteins modified by effectors. Salicylic acid (SA) -mediated defense responses are an important part of R gene-mediated resistance. It was not clear how these two signaling mechanisms interact with each other. Recently, we reported that treatment with flg22 triggered SA accumulation in Arabidopsis leaves. Disruptions of SA signaling components strongly affected MAMP-triggered gene expression responses. Flg22-triggered resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pst DC3000) was partly dependent on SA signaling. Our results demonstrated the importance of SA signaling in flg22-triggered resistance and, at the same time, the importance of some other signaling mechanism(s) in this resistance. Here we discuss potential signaling components of flg22-triggered SA accumulation and other signaling mechanisms potentially contributing to flg22-triggered resistance to Pst DC3000.Key words: arabidopsis, expression profiling, MAMP, PAD4, PAMP, salicylic acid (SA), SID2  相似文献   

During organ development and remodeling, macrophages support angiogenesis, not only by secreting proangiogenic growth factors and matrix-remodeling proteases, but also by physically interacting with the sprouting vasculature to assist the formation of complex vascular networks. Recent data further indicate that embryonic and tumor-associated macrophages express similar genetic programs, possibly suggesting convergent functions in organogenesis and tumorigenesis. In this article, we review the role of macrophages in development, tissue injury and regeneration, by focusing on the mechanisms used by subsets of these cells, such as the TIE2-expressing macrophages, to regulate angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in both fetal and post-natal life.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by extensive synovitis resulting in erosions of articular cartilage and marginal bone that lead to joint destruction. The autoimmune process in RA depends on the activation of immune cells, which use intracellular kinases to respond to external stimuli such as cytokines, immune complexes, and antigens. An intricate cytokine network participates in inflammation and in perpetuation of disease by positive feedback loops promoting systemic disorder. The widespread systemic effects mediated by pro-inflammatory cytokines in RA impact on metabolism and in particular in lymphocyte metabolism. Moreover, RA pathobiology seems to share some common pathways with atherosclerosis, including endothelial dysfunction that is related to underlying chronic inflammation. The extent of the metabolic changes and the types of metabolites seen may be good markers of cytokine-mediated inflammatory processes in RA. Altered metabolic fingerprints may be useful in predicting the development of RA in patients with early arthritis as well as in the evaluation of the treatment response. Evidence supports the role of metabolomic analysis as a novel and nontargeted approach for identifying potential biomarkers and for improving the clinical and therapeutical management of patients with chronic inflammatory diseases. Here, we review the metabolic changes occurring in the pathogenesis of RA as well as the implication of the metabolic features in the treatment response.  相似文献   

All molecular interactions that are relevant to cellular and molecular structures are electrical in nature but manifest in a rich variety of forms that each has its own range and influences on the net effect of how molecular species interact. This article outlines how electrical interactions between the protein and lipid membrane components underlie many of the activities of membrane function. Particular emphasis is placed on spatially localised behaviour in membranes involving modulation of protein activity and microdomain structure.The interactions between membrane lipids and membrane proteins together with their role within cell biology represent an enormous body of work. Broad conclusions are not easy given the complexities of the various systems and even consensus with model membrane systems containing two or three lipid types is difficult. By defining two types of broad lipid–protein interaction, respectively Type I as specific and Type II as more non-specific and focussing on the electrical interactions mostly in the extra-membrane regions it is possible to assemble broad rules or a consensus of the dominant features of the interplay between these two fundamentally important classes of membrane component. This article is part of a special issue entitled: Lipid–protein interactions.  相似文献   

An important issue in the history of ecology has been the study of the relative importance of deterministic forces and processes noise in shaping the dynamics of ecological populations. We address this question by exploring the temporal dynamics of two childhood infections, measles and whooping cough, in England and Wales. We demonstrate that epidemics of whooping cough are strongly influenced by stochasticity; fully deterministic approaches cannot achieve even a qualitative fit to the observed data. In contrast, measles dynamics are extremely well explained by a deterministic model. These differences are shown to be caused by their contrasting responses to dynamical noise due to different infectious periods.  相似文献   

Emerging data suggest that primary dysfunction in the tumor microenvironment is crucial for carcinogenesis. These recent findings make a compelling case for targeting the milieu for cancer chemoprevention as well as therapy. The stroma is an integral part of its physiology, and functionally, one cannot totally dissociate the tumor surrounding from the tumor cells. A thorough understanding of the tumor and stroma will aid us in developing new treatment targets. In this review, we shed light at the key aspects of the carcinogenic process and how oxidative stress and inflammation contribute to this process. We dissect the connection between metastasis and oxidative stress and focus on the key players in the tumor microenvironment that leads to inflammation, oxidative stress and DNA damage. Moreover, we consider the role of inflammation in disease, specifically cancer and metastasis. Finally, we discuss the potential applications in prognosis and cancer treatment.  相似文献   

The mechanisms linking the function of microbes to host health are becoming better defined but are not yet fully understood. One recently explored mechanism involves microbe-mediated alterations in the host epigenome. Consumption of specific dietary components such as fiber, glucosinolates, polyphenols, and dietary fat has a significant impact on gut microbiota composition and function. Microbial metabolism of these dietary components regulates important epigenetic functions that ultimately influences host health. Diet-mediated alterations in the gut microbiome regulate the substrates available for epigenetic modifications like DNA methylation or histone methylation and/or acetylation. In addition, generation of microbial metabolites such as butyrate inhibits the activity of core epigenetic enzymes like histone deacetylases (HDACs). Reciprocally, the host epigenome also influences gut microbial composition. Thus, complex interactions exist between these three factors. This review comprehensively examines the interplay between diet, gut microbes, and host epigenetics in modulating host health. Specifically, the dietary impact on gut microbiota structure and function that in-turn regulates host epigenetics is evaluated in terms of promoting protection from disease development.  相似文献   

SUCLA2-related mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) depletion syndrome is a result of mutations in the β subunit of the ADP-dependent isoform of the Krebs cycle succinyl-CoA synthase (SCS). The mechanism of tissue specificity and mtDNA depletion is elusive but complementation by the GDP-dependent isoform encoded by SUCLG2, and the association with mitochondrial nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK), is a plausible link. We have investigated this relationship by studying SUCLA2 deficient fibroblasts derived from patients and detected normal mtDNA content and normal NDPK activity. However, knockdown of SUCLG2 by shRNA in both patient and control fibroblasts resulted in a significant decrease in mtDNA amount, decreased NDPK and cytochrome c oxidase activities, and a marked growth impairment. This suggests that, SUCLG2, to a higher degree than SUCLA2, is crucial for mtDNA maintenance and that mitochondrial NDPK is involved. Although results pertain to a cell culture system, the findings might explain the pathomechanism and tissue specificity in mtDNA depletion caused by defective SUCLA2.  相似文献   

A new route for the synthesis of 1-(beta-D-allofuranosyl)uracil ("allo-uridine") and the corresponding 6'-deoxy-derivative ("6'-deoxy-allo-uridine") as well as for 1-(beta-D-altrofuranosyl) uracil ("altro-uridine") is described. NMR studies of allo-uridine revealed a preferred conformation with the base in anti-position, C-2'-endo-pucker of the sugar moiety, the 5'-OH-group above the furanose ring and the 5'-CH2OH-group in a gt position with the OH-group in the plane of the furanose ring. The same conformation is found for the 5'- and 6'-phosphate, indicated by the influence of the phosphate group on the H-6 signal. Allo-uridine is phosphorylated by the phosphotransferases from carrot and from malt sprouts only in the 6'-position. The phosphate ester is hydrolysed by unspecific phosphatases but not by 5'-nucleotidase. A (3' leads to 6')-dinucleoside phosphate is formed by pancreatic ribonuclease with 2',3'-cyclic cytidylic acid and allo-uridine. It is split by nuclease S1, but not by snake-venom phosphodiesterase. It has no primer activity for polynucleotide phosphorylase. All-uridine 6'-diphosphate could not be prepared enzymatically by nucleotide kinase or by chemical methods, where 5',6'-cyclic phosphates are formed, which are hydrolysed exclusively to 6'-monophosphates.  相似文献   

The interplay between bioactive sphingolipids and steroid hormones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natasha C. Lucki 《Steroids》2010,75(6):390-650

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