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Uptakes of guanine into Malpighian tubules of wild-type Drosophila and the eye color mutants white (w), brown (bw), and pink-peach (p p) have been compared. Tubules for each of these mutants are unable to concentrate guanine intracellularly. The transport of xanthine and riboflavin is also deficient in w tubules. The transport of guanosine, adenine, hypoxanthine, and guanosine monophosphate is similar in wild-type and white Malpighian tubules. These data and other information about these mutants make it likely that these pteridine-deficient eye color mutants do not produce pigments because of the inability to transport a pteridine precursor. This view supports the hypothesis that mutants which lack both pteridine and ommochromes do so because precursors to both classes of pigments share a common transport system.This work was supported by Grant GM22366 from NIH.  相似文献   

We examined transepithelial transport of the prototypical type I organic cation (OC) tetraethylammonium (TEA) and the plant alkaloid nicotine by the isolated Malpighian tubules (MTs) of nine insect species from six orders. Isolated tubules were exposed to radiolabelled forms of either TEA or nicotine in the bathing (basal) fluid. Luminal (apical) secreted fluid was collected and TEA or nicotine concentration was determined. Active net transport of nicotine from bath to lumen was observed by the MTs of all the insects studied. TEA was also transported from bath to lumen in MTs of all species except Rhodnius prolixus and Aedes aegypti. MTs of both of these blood feeders did not show active transport of TEA under normal physiological conditions. Transport of TEA but not nicotine increased during the moult in the MTs of Rhodnius, but the concentrations of TEA in the secreted fluid were still consistent with passive accumulation in response to the lumen-negative transepithelial potential. Nicotine transport by Rhodnius MTs was inhibited by the type II OC quinidine, a known p-glycoprotein inhibitor, but not by the type I OCs N-methylnicotinamide or cimetidine. Taken together, the results suggest that active transport of OCs by the MTs is common among species from different orders and that transepithelial TEA and nicotine transport occur through separate pathways.  相似文献   

A radioisotope tracer technique and quantitative PCR were used to study the mechanisms and regulation of transepithelial transport of the type II organic anion methotrexate (MTX) by the Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster. Transport of MTX was saturable and Na+-independent; the kinetic parameters Jmax and Kt were 437 fmol min−1 and 23.5 μM, respectively. The transport of MTX was competitively inhibited by phenol red and probenecid; non-competitively inhibited by salicylate, verapamil and MK-571; and uncompetitively inhibited by Texas Red. Dietary exposure to 0.1 mM MTX led to dramatic increases in gene expression for several members of the ABC family of transporters in both the Malpighian tubules and the gut. Our results suggest that multiple transporters are upregulated in response to dietary exposure to MTX. Increased levels of the protein products which may result from expression of these genes may enhance elimination of toxic compounds such as MTX or its metabolites.  相似文献   

Malpighian tubules of insects are a functional analog of mammalian kidneys and serve as a classical model for studying the structure and functions of transport epithelium. The review contains the data on structural organization, functioning, and formation of the Malpighian tubules during embryogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster. Various systems of genes are described that control the program of development of the renal (Malpighian) tubules in D. melanogaster. A special attention is paid to the ways of signal transduction and factors involved in cell differentiation, proliferation, and morphological transformation during development of the Malpighian tubules. Evolutionarily conservative genetic systems are considered that are involved in the control of development of both the renal epithelium ofDrosophila and mammalian kidneys. A relationship was noted between the disturbed balance of genetic material and congenital defects of the human excretory system.  相似文献   

Summary Type 2 cells, or mucocytes, are present in both inferior and superior Malpighian tubules ofCarausius morosus and are concentrated towards the distal ends of the main urine-secreting parts. They are absent from the proximal few millimetres of the main part and from the distal specialised regions of the tubules. They possess numerous Golgi bodies and abundant granular E. R., which is consistent with the hypothesis that they secrete mucus. However, they possess basal infoldings and apical microvilli suggesting that they may transport substances across the tubule wall. It is suggested that they perform both functions. Reabsorption of ions or water could precipitate solid components of the urine (e.g., uric acid). Mucus may be important in nucleation of crystalline material and also prevent abrasion of the brush border.This investigation formed part of a thesis for the degree of Ph.D. in the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. It is a pleasure to thank Professor J. Shaw for his advice and encouragement and the Science Research Council for financial support.  相似文献   

The functional significance of the apical vacuolar-type proton pump (V-ATPase) in Drosophila Malpighian tubules was studied by measuring the intracellular pH (pHi) and luminal pH (pHlu) with double-barrelled pH-microelectrodes in proximal segments of the larval anterior tubule immersed in nominally bicarbonate-free solutions (pHo 6.9). In proximal segments both pHi (7.43±0.20) and pHlu (7.10±0.24) were significantly lower than in distal segments (pHi 7.70±0.29, pHlu 8.09±0.15). Steady-state pHi of proximal segments was much less sensitive to changes in pHo than pH of the luminal fluid (pHlu/pHo was 0.49 while pHi/pHo was 0.18; pHo 6.50–7.20). Re-alkaliniziation from an NH4Cl-induced intracellular acid load (initial pHi recovery rate 0.55±0.34 pH·min-1) was nearly totally inhibited by 1 mmol·l-1 KCN (96% inhibition) and to a large degree (79%) by 1 mol·l-1 bafilomycin A1. In contrast, both vanadate (1 mmol·l-1) and amiloride (1 mmol·l-1) inhibited pHi recovery by 38% and 33%, respectively. Unlike amiloride, removal of Na+ from the bathing saline had no effect on pHi recovery, indicating that a Na+/H+ exchange is not significantly involved in pHi regulation. Instead pHi regulation apparently depended largely on the availability of ATP and on the activity of the bafilomycin-sensitive proton pump.Abbreviations DMSO dimethylsulphoxide - DNP 2,4-dinitrophenol - NMDG N-methyl-D-glucamine - pHi intracellular pH - pHlu pH of the luminal fluid - pHo pH of the superfusion medium - I intrinsic intracellular buffer capacity  相似文献   

In Japan, pea aphids Acyrthosiphon pisum mainly feed on vetch and clover, and many aphid clones produce more progeny on vetch than on clover. In this context, particular genotypes of the facultative symbiont Regiella insecticola enhance reproduction of infected pea aphids specifically on clover, thereby broadening the suitable food plant range of the insect. A species that is sympatric to A. pisum, vetch aphids Megoura crassicauda, are commonly found on vetch but not on clover. Laboratory rearing of M. crassicauda strains revealed active reproduction on vetch but substantially no reproduction on clover. Experimental transfection of Regiella from A. pisum to M. crassicauda by haemolymph injection established stable and heritable infection in the recipients, although no Regiella infection has been detected in natural populations of M. crassicauda. Different strains of Regiella-transfected M. crassicauda grew and reproduced on vetch, but exhibited lower fitness in comparison with corresponding uninfected aphid strains. Strikingly, the Regiella-transfected M. crassicauda exhibited improved survival and some reproduction on clover. These results suggest that Regiella has the potential to confer an ecological trait, adaptation to clover, on novel insect hosts, and also account for why Regiella is able to infect M. crassicauda but is scarcely found in these aphid populations.  相似文献   

Ureases are metalloenzymes that are widespread among plants, fungi and bacteria. Urease isoforms (jack bean urease-JBU and canatoxin) from Canavalia ensiformis seeds are toxic to insects and fungi, suggesting a role in plant defense. The entomotoxic effect is due to the release of a 10-kDa peptide by cathepsin-like enzymes in the insect's midgut. Urease causes a decrease in post-feeding weight loss in Rhodnius prolixus, suggesting an effect on water balance. To investigate how this impairment occurs, we have evaluated the action of JBU and the urease-derivated peptide Jaburetox-2Ec on R. prolixus Malpighian tubules and also investigated the involvement of second messengers. JBU and Jaburetox-2Ec affect serotonin-induced secretion from Malpighian tubules. This effect is not cAMP-dependent, but the Jaburetox-2Ec effect is cGMP-dependent. Eicosanoid metabolites and calcium ions appear to be involved in JBU effect on diuresis, but are not involved in the action of Jaburetox-2Ec. Jaburetox-2Ec, but not JBU, causes a change in the transepithelial potential of the tubules. Canatoxin has a similar effect on tubules secretion, decreasing the secretion rate, but the urease from Helicobacter pylori has no significant effect. These data are helpful in our understanding of the actions of ureases and derived peptides on insects, and also reinforces the potential use of these proteins as biopesticides.  相似文献   

Summary Structural features of the principal, urine-secreting cells (type 1 cells) of the Malpighian tubules of Carausius are de scribedquantitatively and discussed in relation to possible mechanisms of water and solute transport. Mitochondria are arranged in two bands of about equal volume near to the basal and apical surfaces, suggesting active processes occur at both surfaces. Basal infoldings and apical microvilli which greatly amplify the cell surface are probably primarily devices to increase the passive permeability of the tissue to solutes. They do not provide functionally significant standing-osmotic-gradients. The extensive endoplasmic reticulum is locally differentiated into several components and ramifies between the infoldings and along microvilli but probably is not an intracellular conduit for the majority of urinary constituents. Vesicles and stages in their formation or liberation are observed both basally and apically although they probably do not contribute significantly to transcellular transport. At present it remains a problem to satisfactorily account for observations that the urine of Carausius can be hypotonic.This investigation formed part of a dissertation for the degree of Ph. D. in the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. It is a pleasure to thank Prof. J. Shaw for his advice and encouragement and the Science Research Council for financial support.  相似文献   

Summary Genetically marked maroon-like (mal) clones were induced by mitotic recombination with X-rays at the blastoderm stage in mal/mal + heterozygotes and were analysed in differentiated Malpighian tubules (MT). Marked cells were not confined to single anterior (MA) or posterior (MP) tubules, but were distributed among the four tubules. About 70% of the clones with two or more cells were fragmented, i.e. mal cells were separated by wild-type cells. Since the clones contain, on average, 6 cells and the differentiated MT consist of 484 cells (2 × 136 MA cells, 2 × 106 MP cells), we estimate that there are about 80 cells in the blastoderm anlage which on average pass through two to three mitoses. With increasing radiation doses (254 R, 635 R, 1270 R) a linear increase in clone frequency is observed. The mean sizes and size distributions of clones, however, remain unchanged. Since the increasing radiation dose also results in fewer differentiated Malpighi cells, we assume that regeneration does not occur. Therefore, size distributions of marked clones presumably represent real mitotic patterns in normogenesis. We suggest that essentially three successive mitoses take place, with a decreasing fraction of cells showing mitotic activity. Only a small fraction of cells goes through a fourth or even a fifth mitosis. Marked non-Minute clones induced in Minute heterozygotes are more frequent, but are not larger than non-Minute clones in wild-type background. Therefore, compartment boundaries cannot be recognized by this method. However, frequencies of marked cells found simultaneously in MA and MP pairs or in several single tubules of the same individuals are significantly higher than frequencies of multiple recombination events predicted by the Poisson distribution. From this, we conclude that neither the MA pair nor the MP pair nor single tubules represent compartments of the MT anlage.On the occasion of his 60th birthday, this work is dedicated to Prof. Dr. H.J. Becker, who initiated cell lineage studies in Drosophila  相似文献   

Sialic acid-containing glycoconjugates are generally considered to be unique to the deuterostomes, a lineage of the animal kingdom which includes animals from the echinoderms up to the vertebrates. There are, however, two isolated reports of sialic acid occurring in the insect species Drosophila melanogaster and Galleria mellonella. Since insects are classified as protostomes, these findings call previous assumption on the phylogenetic distribution and thus on the evolution of sialic acids into question. Here, we report the occurrence of N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) in larvae of the cicada Philaenus spumarius. Cytochemical analysis of larval sections with lectins from Sambucus nigra and Limax flavus suggested the presence of sialic acids in the concrement vacuoles of the Malpighian tubules. The monoclonal antibody MAb 735, which is specific for polysialic acid, labelled the same structures. A chemical analysis performed by HPLC of fluorescent derivatives of sialic acids and by GLC-MS provided sound evidence for the presence of Neu5Ac in the Philaenus spumarius larvae. These data suggest that in this cicada Neu5Ac occurs in 2,8-linked polysialic acid structures and in 2,6-linkages. The results provide further evidence for the existence of sialic acids in insects and in linkages known to occur in glycoconjugates of deuterostomate origin.  相似文献   

The Malpighian tubules of Tenebrio molitor provide a model system for interpreting the actions of endogenous diuretic and antidiuretic peptides. The effects of diuretic (Tenmo-DH(37)) and antidiuretic (Tenmo-ADFa) peptides and their respective second messengers (cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP) on basolateral (V(bl)) and transepithelial (V(te)) potentials of Tenebrio Malpighian tubules were determined using conventional microelectrodes. In the presence of 6 mmol l(-1) Ba(2+), Tenmo-DH(37) (100 nmol l(-1)) reversibly hyperpolarized V(bl) and depolarized V(te). A similar response was seen with the addition of 1 mmol l(-1) cyclic AMP; however, the apical membrane potential (V(ap)) then showed a hyperpolarization, whereas a depolarization of V(ap) was observed with Tenmo-DH(37). Bafilomycin A(1) (5 micromol l(-1)) inhibited fluid secretion of stimulated tubules and reversed the hyperpolarization of V(bl) in response to Tenmo-DH(37). In response to 100 nmol l(-1) Tenmo-ADFa or 1 mmol l(-1) cyclic GMP, V(bl) and V(te) depolarized, although cyclic GMP affected membrane potentials somewhat differently by causing an initial hyperpolarization of V(bl) and V(te). In high [K(+)]-low [Na(+)] Ringer, 1 mmol l(-1) amiloride decreased fluid secretion rates, and depolarized both V(bl) and V(te). Amiloride significantly decreased luminal pH in paired experiments, indicating the presence of a K(+)/nH(+) exchanger in tubule cells of Tenebrio. The results suggest that the endogenous factors and their second messengers stimulate/inhibit fluid secretion by acting on the apical V-ATPase, basolateral K(+) transport, and possibly Cl(-) transport.  相似文献   

Coast GM  Nachman RJ  Lopez J 《Peptides》2011,32(3):493-499
Spined soldier bugs, Podisus maculiventris, are heteropteran insects that feed voraciously on other insects, particular the soft bodied larval forms of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. The response of P. maculiventris Malpighian tubules (MTs) to serotonin and known diuretic and antidiuretic peptides has been investigated, and is compared with that of MT from the hematophagous and phytophagous heteropteran bugs Rhodnius prolixus and Acrosternum hilare, respectively. A CRF-related peptide diuretic hormone (DH) from the termite Zootermopsis nevadensis (Zoone-DH) stimulated MT secretion, which was reversed by a member of the CAP2b family of peptides from A. hilare (Acrhi-CAP2b-2), an antidiuretic effect. Serotonin had no effect on secretion, neither did a representative calcitonin-like DH, kinin, tachykinin-related peptide, and an antidiuretic factor from the mealworm Tenebrio molitor (Tenmo-ADFb) in both P. maculiventris or A. hilare. Serotonin is a DH in R. prolixus, and its lack of effect on MT from P. maculiventris and A. hilare suggests this is an adaptation to hematophagy. On the other hand, the antidiuretic activity of members of the CAP2b family in all three bugs is consistent with this being a heteropteran feature rather than a specialism for hematophagy.  相似文献   

Fungi belonging to the genus Coelomomyces can infect mosquito larvae and develop within the larval hemocoel. To examine fungal development, Aedesaegypti larvae infected with Coelomomyces stegomyiae Keilin were fixed, embedded and sectioned for both light and electron microscopy. While fungal hyphae of C. stegomyiae did not invade cells other than the cuticular epithelial cells, they did penetrate a number of tissues including muscles, midgut, hemopoietic organ, imaginal discs, and Malpighian tubules. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The organic anion salicylate is a plant secondary metabolite that can protect plants against herbivores. Transport of salicylate across the basolateral membrane of the Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster was studied using a radioisotope tracer technique. The uptake of [(14)C]salicylate by the Malpighian tubules was active, saturable and Na(+)-dependent; the maximum uptake rate (J(max)) and the half saturation concentration (K(t)) were 12.6 pmoltubule(-1)min(-1) and 30.7micromoll(-1), respectively. In contrast to organic anion transport by vertebrate renal tissues, salicylate uptake was not trans-stimulated by glutarate (0.01-1.0 mmoll(-1)) or cis-inhibited by high concentrations (5 mmoll(-1)) of various alpha-keto acids (glutaric acid, alpha-ketoglutaric acid, succinic acid, and citric acid). Changes in basolateral membrane potential or physiologically relevant changes in bathing saline pH did not affect the rate of [(14)C]salicylate uptake. Ring-structure monocarboxylic acids (benzoic acid, nicotinic acid, gentisic acid, unlabelled salicylic acid, alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid, probenecid, fluorescein, and P-aminohippuric acid) strongly inhibited [(14)C]salicylate uptake rate. In contrast, short-chain monocarboxylic acids had little (butyric acid) or no effect (lactic acid, pyruvic acid, and propionic acid). Our results suggest that salicylate uptake across the basolateral membrane of D. melanogaster Malpighian tubules is mediated by a non-electrogenic, alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid-sensitive, Na(+):salicylate cotransport system.  相似文献   

The Malpighian tubules play a major role in haemolymph calcium homeostasis in insects by sequestering excess Ca2+ within the biomineralized granules that often accumulate in the tubule cells and/or lumen. Using the scanning ion‐selective microelectrode technique, measurements of basolateral Ca2+ transport are determined at several sites along the length of the Malpighian tubules isolated from the eight insects representing seven orders: Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera), Aedes aegypti (Diptera), Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera), Acheta domesticus (Orthoptera), Trichoplusia ni (Lepidoptera), Periplaneta americana (Blattodea), Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera) and Pogonomyrmex occidentalis (Hymenoptera). Ca2+ transport is specific to tubule segments containing Ca‐rich granules in D. melanogaster and A. aegypti, whereas Ca2+ transport is relatively uniform along the length of whole tubules in the remaining species. Generally, manipulation of second messenger pathways using cAMP and thapsigargin has little effect on rates of basolateral Ca2+ transport, suggesting that previous effects observed across midtubules of A. domesticus are unique to this species. In addition, the present study is the first to provide measurements of basolateral Ca2+ across single principal and secondary tubule cells, where Ca2+ uptake occurs only across principal cells. Estimated times for all tubules to eliminate the entire haemolymph Ca2+ content in each insect range from 6 min (D. melanogaster) to 19 h (H. halys) or more, indicating that rates of Ca2+ uptake by the Malpighian tubules are not always rapid. The results of the present study suggest that the principal cells of the Malpighian tubules contribute to haemolymph calcium homeostasis by sequestering excess Ca2+, often within specific tubule segments.  相似文献   

庭疾灶螽中肠及马氏管结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】本研究旨在以庭疾灶螽Tachycines asynamorus为例探索驼螽消化系统和排泄系统在结构上与其生活环境的适应关系。【方法】运用解剖学方法、石蜡切片技术、冰冻切片技术及超薄切片技术对庭疾灶螽中肠及马氏管的结构进行研究。【结果】庭疾灶螽中肠向前延伸出3个胃盲囊包围着前胃。中肠上皮由再生细胞、柱状上皮细胞和内分泌细胞构成,具有典型的再生细胞龛;闭合型内分泌细胞紧贴在再生细胞龛的外围,基底区聚集大量的分泌颗粒。柱状上皮细胞内聚集有2类大的分泌颗粒:线团状颗粒和电子密度很高的球状颗粒;中肠管腔内有明显的围食膜结构,中肠基底部由基膜和肌肉层组成。马氏管着生在中后肠的交界处,从横切面看马氏管管壁具有3~5个细胞,细胞近管腔端部具有大量长微绒毛,细胞质内分布着电子致密的同心圆球晶体,基底膜内折形成膜迷路。【结论】庭疾灶螽中肠柱状上皮细胞的线团状颗粒由微丝包裹;内分泌细胞由再生细胞龛中的细胞分化而来,产生内分泌颗粒并将其排到血腔;中肠基膜发达,包含微丝与复合糖成分,基膜通过对中肠上皮细胞的支撑作用为肠道蠕动提供保障。庭疾灶螽马氏管细胞中可见大量颗粒和大量同心圆球晶体,推测可能是一种储存排泄。  相似文献   

Symbiotic nitrogen recycling enables animals to thrive on nitrogen-poor diets and environments. It traditionally refers to the utilization of animal waste nitrogen by symbiotic micro-organisms to synthesize essential amino acids (EAAs), which are translocated back to the animal host. We applied metabolic modelling and complementary metabolite profiling to investigate nitrogen recycling in the symbiosis between the pea aphid and the intracellular bacterium Buchnera, which synthesizes EAAs. The results differ from traditional notions of nitrogen recycling in two important respects. First, aphid waste ammonia is recycled predominantly by the host cell (bacteriocyte) and not Buchnera. Host cell recycling is mediated by shared biosynthetic pathways for four EAAs, in which aphid transaminases incorporate ammonia-derived nitrogen into carbon skeletons synthesized by Buchnera to generate EAAs. Second, the ammonia substrate for nitrogen recycling is derived from bacteriocyte metabolism, such that the symbiosis is not a sink for nitrogenous waste from other aphid organs. Host cell-mediated nitrogen recycling may be general among insect symbioses with shared EAA biosynthetic pathways generated by the loss of symbiont genes mediating terminal reactions in EAA synthesis.  相似文献   

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