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Numerous studies have reported on enamel and dentine development in hominoid molars, although little is known about intraspecific incremental feature variation. Furthermore, a recent histological study suggested that there is little or no time between age at chimpanzee crown completion and age at molar eruption, which is unlikely given that root growth is necessary for tooth eruption. The study presented here redefines growth standards for chimpanzee molar teeth and examines variation in incremental features. The periodicity of Retzius lines in a relatively large sample was found to be 6 or 7 days. The number of Retzius lines and cuspal enamel thickness both vary within a cusp type, among cusps, and among molars, resulting in marked variation in formation time. Daily secretion rate is consistent within analogous cuspal zones (inner, middle, and outer enamel) within and among cusp types and among molar types. Significantly increasing trends are found from inner to outer cuspal enamel (3 to 5 microns/day). Cuspal initiation and completion sequences also vary, although sequences for mandibular molar cusps are more consistent. Cusp-specific formation time ranges from approximately 2 to 3 years, increasing from M1 to M2, and often decreasing from M2 to M3. These times are intermediate between radiographic studies and a previous histological study, although both formation time within cusps and overlap between molars vary considerably. Cusp-specific (coronal) extension rates range from approximately 4 to 9 microns/day, and root extension rates in the first 5 mm of roots range from 3 to 9 microns/day. These rates are greater in M1 than in M2 or M3, and they are greater in mandibular molars than in respective maxillary molars. This significant enlargement of comparative data on nonhuman primate incremental development demonstrates that developmental variation among cusp and molar types should be considered during interpretations and comparisons of small samples of fossil hominins and hominoids.  相似文献   

Afropithecus turkanensis, a 17-17.5 million year old large-bodied hominoid from Kenya, has previously been reported to be the oldest known thick-enamelled Miocene ape. Most investigations of enamel thickness in Miocene apes have been limited to opportunistic or destructive studies of small samples. Recently, more comprehensive studies of enamel thickness and microstructure in Proconsul, Lufengpithecus, and Dryopithecus, as well as extant apes and fossil humans, have provided information on rates and patterns of dental development, including crown formation time, and have begun to provide a comparative context for interpretation of the evolution of these characters throughout the past 20 million years of hominoid evolution. In this study, enamel thickness and aspects of the enamel microstructure in two A. turkanensis second molars were quantified and provide insight into rates of enamel apposition, numbers of cells actively secreting enamel, and the time required to form regions of the crown. The average value for relative enamel thickness in the two molars is 21.4, which is a lower value than a previous analysis of this species, but which is still relatively thick compared to extant apes. This value is similar to those of several Miocene hominoids, a fossil hominid, and modern humans. Certain aspects of the enamel microstructure are similar to Proconsul nyanzae, Dryopithecus laietanus, Lufengpithecus lufengensis, Graecopithecus freybergi and Pongo pygmaeus, while other features differ from extant and fossil hominoids. Crown formation times for the two teeth are 2.4-2.6 years and 2.9-3.1 years respectively. These times are similar to a number of extant and fossil hominoids, some of which appear to show additional developmental similarities, including thick enamel. Although thick enamel may be formed through several developmental pathways, most Miocene hominoids and fossil hominids with relatively thick enamel are characterized by a relatively long period of cuspal enamel formation and a rapid rate of enamel secretion throughout the whole cusp, but a shorter total crown formation time than thinner-enamelled extant apes.  相似文献   

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