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中国大鲵研究近况   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在中国大鲵研究概况一文的基础上,收集1991-1997年资料,从形态、胚胎、生态、生化、人工养殖以及建议等方面,对中国大鲵最近的研究概况做了论述。  相似文献   

大鲵肝脏组织定向cDNA文库的构建及鉴定   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
目前关于大鲵的胚胎发育、繁殖育种及养殖条件的优化等已有不少研究(李峰等,1 998;张育辉等,1 999) ,此外也有一些学者研究了大鲵的习性与生理生化特点(杨国华等,2 0 0 1 ;乔志刚等,2 0 0 3)。但这些研究仍停留在组织和细胞水平,加之大鲵取材来之不易,使研究具有一定的局限性。最近有学者分离了大鲵线粒体基因组全长并完成了测序工作,对于两栖类的遗传多态性研究有重要意义(Zhangetal.,2 0 0 3)。目前有关大鲵的遗传学背景资料仍然缺乏,尚未见特异的大鲵相关基因的报道,相应的遗传学工程课题更是无法开展。随着分子生物学技术的发展和人类…  相似文献   

首次全面报道了中国大鲵6项生殖激素的研究结果.采用电化学发光技术,检测了雌雄中国大鲵在繁殖期与非繁殖期的血清中垂体泌乳素、卵泡生成激素、黄体生成激素、雌二醇、孕酮和睾酮6项生殖激素的含量.实验结果表明,雌雄性中国大鲵在繁殖期间与非繁殖期间的6项生殖激素检测结果没有明显的差异,对中国大鲵血清中的生殖激素与繁殖期的相关性进行了初步探讨,为中国大鲵生殖内分泌学的研究和人工繁殖积累了资料.  相似文献   

大鲵(Megalobatrachus davidfanus)是我国特有的珍贵动物。过去泛捕乱猎,大鲵资源遭到一定程度的破坏,有的地方濒于绝迹。因此,研究大鲵的种群组成,了解资源概况,颇有必要。1978年6月,我们在商南县腰庄公社,对大鲵的种群组成作了观测;1979年9—10月,在太白县做了大鲵的人工繁殖试验;又调查了大鲵的收购数字。现将大鲵种群组成的资料汇总整理如下,以资参考。大鲵种群组成的分组依据我们在商南县腰庄清油河上游,长500米,宽5—10米的河流中共捕获大鲵49尾。根据  相似文献   

中国大鲵繁殖生物学研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国大鲵(Amndrias davidiamus Blanchard)是我国特有濒危的两栖物种,是研究生物进化、生物多样性、性别决定分子机制等的好材料,对于科学研究具有巨大的潜在贡献。近年来人们对它的研究力度不断加大,本文综述厂大鲵的繁殖生物学的近期研究工作,也简要探讨了大鲵繁殖生物学今后研究的主要工作,以期为大鲵繁殖生物学及繁殖技术的进一步的研究提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

刺鼠信号蛋白(Agouti)是哺乳动物和鸟类黑色素合成过程中的重要调控因子,影响动物的体色(毛色)。为研究Agouti在两栖动物体色形成过程中的作用,本研究利用PCR技术扩增得到大鲵Andrias davidianus的Agouti基因部分cDNA序列并进行了相关的生物信息学分析,进一步使用实时荧光定量PCR检测了大鲵Agouti基因在皮肤、肝脏等10个组织和器官中的表达情况,并检测了4种不同体色大鲵皮肤组织中Agouti基因的表达量。同时采用直接测序法,比较了不同体色大鲵Agouti基因编码区的序列差异。结果显示,大鲵Agouti基因cDNA序列长1 068 bp,开放阅读框399 bp,编码132个氨基酸残基。蛋白质同源性分析表明,大鲵Agouti蛋白具有与其他物种一致的保守Agouti结构域,其蛋白质序列与两栖爬行类序列相似性较高,与哺乳动物和鸟类相似性较低。系统进化分析显示,大鲵Agouti基因与高山倭蛙Nanorana parkeri、美国短吻鳄Alligator mississippiensis、中华鳖Pelodiscus sinensis等物种的亲缘关系较近。实时荧光定量PCR分析表明,Agouti基因mRNA在大鲵不同组织中均有表达,皮肤中的表达量最高。在4种不同体色大鲵皮肤组织中,黄色皮肤中的Agouti基因表达量高于其他体色。不同体色大鲵Agouti基因编码区序列一致。大鲵Agouti基因独特的序列特征及其表达的组织特异性暗示了其在两栖动物体色形成过程中可能具有与其他物种不同的调控机制。这些结果为进一步研究Agouti在大鲵体色形成过程中的作用提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

中国大鲵研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国大鲵(Andrias davidianus)为我国特有物种, 也是国家二类保护水生野生动物。野生大鲵多栖息在山区溪流里, 喜穴居, 怕光怕声, 以鱼蟹等水生动物为食, 从数量上看, 以陕西秦岭山区居多。大鲵经济价值极高, 在美食、保健、医药、观赏等方面均具有广泛开发利用的前景, 因而颇受社会各界关注。近年来对大鲵的科学研究涉及多个方面, 包括疾病方面, 如病毒性疾病、细菌性疾病、真菌性疾病、寄生虫性疾病等; 生理与发育方面, 如生长、发育、应激反应等; 遗传与进化方面; 保护与开发方面, 如开发药品、食品、保健品等。综上, 围绕大鲵从不同角度所展开的研究非常丰富。大鲵基因水平的研究仍是未来研究的热点和趋势, 其成果将为日后更深层的探究奠定基础。  相似文献   

大鲵食性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
大鲵Andrias davidianus是我国分布较广、体型较大的有尾两栖类,是国家Ⅱ级保护动物。分析大鲵的食性可为人工养殖和保护大鲵提供资料。1985年10月—1988年3月,作者对大鲵的食性做了观察和分析,现整理报道如下。 方法 1985年—1988年,共采集大鲵标本71尾。每年除1—2月气温低河水冻结,无法采集标本外,其余3—12月份每月均可采到标本3—5尾。把采到的大鲵立即用福尔马林溶液浸泡,并在腹腔内注射福尔马林液。然后解  相似文献   

大鲵胚胎发育的初步研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
近年来,由于大鲵Megalobatrachus Davidianus(Blanchard)人工催产和人工授精获得成功,我们有机会对大鲵的胚胎发育进行初步的研究。对无尾两栖类的胚胎发育前人有过许多工作(王希成,1957;王应天,1958;Korschelt,1957;Holmes,1952;Noble,1931)。但对有尾目只在蝾螈科有过一些研究(蔡堡,1978),而隐鳃鲵科的胚胎发育未见有资料报道。大鲵是我国野生珍贵保护动物,有必要研究其胚胎发育的规律,为其繁殖、保护提供重要参考资料。  相似文献   

中国大鲵五地理种群Cyt b基因全序列及其遗传关系分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国大鲵(Andrias davidianus)为特有的珍稀有尾两栖动物,是世界上体形最大的两栖类物种[1]。该物种在中国分布范围非常广,遍及长江、黄河和珠江三大水系,涉及17个省市。大鲵栖息在不同纬度,不同气候带和不同的水系之中,并且由于多方面的原因,使该物种的栖息环境呈现出严重的片断化[2];同时,大鲵对水环境的依赖程度很大,其扩散能力较差,这样大鲵很可能出现不同地理种群的遗传分化和形态变异。在两栖类有尾目中有许多动物存在着由于地理分化引起的遗传差异。mtDNA已被广泛地用于解决种群差异与生物地理的关系,而Cytb基因在线粒体基因组中进化速度适中,较短的一个片段就能包含从种下水平到属水平的系统发育信息;Kenneth等的研究也表明了Cytb基因可以作为研究亚种和种群的生物地理分布的标记基因。国内有学者对中国大鲵进行了形态学、解剖学等方面的深入研究,并与日本大鲵进行了比较,确认了中国大鲵为有效种,但Murphy等用同工酶、ATPase6基因片段和长为306bp的Cytb基因片段对中国的6个大鲵地理种群遗传差异的研究只表明了安徽种群具有独特的遗传特征[3]。同时,Graziano等认为,较短的序列对于系统树基...  相似文献   

版纳鱼螈研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒙绍权  李桂芬 《四川动物》2006,25(2):423-425
版纳鱼螈是我国特有濒危的两栖物种,国内外关注的学者甚少.本文从版纳鱼螈的发现和命名始,对其分布区与栖息地、形态、习性、内部解剖、染色体、生存状况与保护等方面的近期研究成果进行了整理和回顾,以期为以后的研究者们提供有价值的资料.  相似文献   

无颌类脊椎动物适应性免疫系统的进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘岑杰  黄惠芳  马飞  刘欣  李庆伟 《遗传》2008,30(1):13-19
适应性免疫系统的起源与进化问题一直是人们研究的热点, 以七鳃鳗为代表的无颌类脊椎动物, 被普遍认为处在进化出适应性免疫系统的边缘。因此, 研究无颌类脊椎动物适应性免疫的机制, 对揭示适应性免疫系统的起源与进化具有重要意义。研究表明, 无颌类在一定范围内具有高等脊椎动物特有的适应性免疫特征, 并发现了一些在结构或功能上与高等脊椎动物免疫相关基因同源的免疫因子。文章就近年来对无颌类脊椎动物适应性免疫系统机制的研究进展作一概述, 为进一步深入研究脊椎动物适应性免疫系统的起源与进化提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

In recent years, laboratory studies of cultural evolution have become increasingly prevalent as a means of identifying and understanding the effects of cultural transmission on the form and functionality of transmitted material. The datasets generated by these studies may provide insights into the conditions encouraging, or inhibiting, high rates of innovation, as well as the effect that this has on measures of adaptive cultural change. Here we review recent experimental studies of cultural evolution with a view to elucidating the role of innovation in generating observed trends. We first consider how tasks are presented to participants, and how the corresponding conceptualization of task success is likely to influence the degree of intent underlying any deviations from perfect reproduction. We then consider the measures of interest used by the researchers to track the changes that occur as a result of transmission, and how these are likely to be affected by differing rates of retention. We conclude that considering studies of cultural evolution from the perspective of innovation provides us with valuable insights that help to clarify important differences in research designs, which have implications for the likely effects of variation in retention rates on measures of cultural adaptation.  相似文献   

When hypotheses concerning the evolution of animal genitalia are classified by their assumptions and arranged historically, key differences between the entomological and mammalogical approaches become clear. The former tradition emphasizes mechanism and the latter emphasizes species isolation. Consequently, studies of this subject often address different aspects of the question while using similar terminology, specifically, the term 'lock-and-hey'. Because genital variation represents a significant portion of animal diversity, it merits the attention and clarity of investigation given to other anatomical features. However, attempts to achieve the necessary level of clarity have been largely unsuccessful. This article promotes common terms for improved communication between researchers.  相似文献   

In agricultural systems, biodiversity includes diversity within species and among species and provides many benefits for production, resilience and conservation. This article addresses the effects of a strategy of in situ conservation called dynamic management (DM) on population evolution, adaptation and diversity. Two French DM initiatives are considered, the first one corresponding to an experimental context, the second to an on-farm management. Results from a study over 26 years of experimental DM of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) are first presented, including the evolution of agronomic traits and genetic diversity at neutral and fitness related loci. While this experiment greatly increased scientific knowledge of the effects of natural selection on cultivated populations, it also showed that population conservation cannot rely only on a network of experimental stations. In collaboration with a farmers' network in France, researchers have begun studying the effects of on-farm DM (conservation and selection) on diversity and adaptation. Results from these studies show that on-farm DM is a key element for the long-term conservation and use of agricultural biodiversity. This method of in situ conservation deserves more attention in industrialised countries.  相似文献   

Ginger is an economically important and valuable plant around the world. Ginger is used as a food, spice, condiment, medicine and ornament. There is available information on biochemical aspects of ginger, but few studies have been reported on its molecular aspects. The main objective of this review is to accumulate the available molecular marker information and its application in diverse ginger studies. This review article was prepared by combing material from published articles and our own research. Molecular markers allow the identification and characterization of plant genotypes through direct access to hereditary material. In crop species, molecular markers are applied in different aspects and are useful in breeding programs. In ginger, molecular markers are commonly used to identify genetic variation and classify the relatedness among varieties, accessions, and species. Consequently, it provides important input in determining resourceful management strategies for ginger improvement programs. Alternatively, a molecular marker could function as a harmonizing tool for documenting species. This review highlights the application of molecular markers (isozyme, RAPD, AFLP, SSR, ISSR and others such as RFLP, SCAR, NBS and SNP) in genetic diversity studies of ginger species. Some insights on the advantages of the markers are discussed. The detection of genetic variation among promising cultivars of ginger has significance for ginger improvement programs. This update of recent literature will help researchers and students select the appropriate molecular markers for ginger-related research.  相似文献   

植物miRNA的进化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
魏强  梁永宏  李广林 《遗传》2013,35(3):315-323
鉴于miRNA在植物基因表达调控中的重要作用, 人们已经开展对植物miRNA的预测、鉴定、功能和进化等方面的研究。随着许多模式植物基因组测序的完成, miRNA的基因组学和进化信息的整合为miRNA的起源和进化研究提供了越来越多的证据和假说, 然而尚未见关于植物miRNA进化方面的系统报道。文章从miRNA的起源以及相应的几种假说、miRNA的产生和消亡、miRNA的功能进化等几方面来分析和综述植物miRNA进化的研究进展。  相似文献   

Cis-regulatory sequences, such as enhancers and promoters, control development and physiology by regulating gene expression. Mutations that affect the function of these sequences contribute to phenotypic diversity within and between species. With many case studies implicating divergent cis-regulatory activity in phenotypic evolution, researchers have recently begun to elucidate the genetic and molecular mechanisms that are responsible for cis-regulatory divergence. Approaches include detailed functional analysis of individual cis-regulatory elements and comparing mechanisms of gene regulation among species using the latest genomic tools. Despite the limited number of mechanistic studies published to date, this work shows how cis-regulatory activity can diverge and how studies of cis-regulatory divergence can address long-standing questions about the genetic mechanisms of phenotypic evolution.  相似文献   

The Eucestoda is particularly relevant for questions concerning reproductive investment in male gametes because no other parasitic group displays such diversity in testis size and number within and among species. This diversity has long been used as a valuable taxonomic character, but few researchers have ever investigated its evolutionary significance. In this paper we investigate the evolution of testis number and size within Rhinebothroides (Platyhelminthes: Eucestoda). Our comparative, phylogenetic analysis revealed that overall allocation to male functions, as measured by relative testicular area, does not change within the clade, even though the packaging of that investment in numerous testes is highly variable within, and diverse among, members of the group.  相似文献   

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