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为研究大仓鼠利用表型匹配识别亲属和近交发生的可能性 ,我们将大仓鼠单只隔离饲养 ,8个月后 ,经在Y型迷宫中测试 ,发现它们在同胞和非同胞之间不表现出偏好和友好行为 ,攻击行为和交配行为也没有表现出差异。结果表明 ,大仓鼠同胞经长期的分离后 ,其亲属善待行为和近交回避消失 ,初步证明大仓鼠的亲属识别可能不是通过表型匹配机制  相似文献   

在实验室条件下测定雄性大仓鼠体重对社会等级和斗殴行为的作用模式,检验体重对雄性大仓鼠社会等级及斗殴行为序列具有重要影响的假设。本实验以16只成年雄性大仓鼠为目标个体,采用等级内部的线性概率、组内循环三元组数量(d)和优势等级的线性度(K),排列个体的社会等级序位。研究结果表明,雄性大仓鼠可形成近似线性的优势等级,体重与个体的优势等级,攻击行为和胁腺标记行为均呈显著的正相关关系,与防御行为和攻击潜伏期存在显著的负相关关系。说明独居性物种大仓鼠雄体间可形成优势等级关系,体重对此关系具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

大仓鼠在繁殖期的行为关系及交配行为   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:14  
张健旭  张知彬 《兽类学报》1999,19(2):132-142
在Y型迷宫中进行气味选择测定时,被试大仓鼠偏好异性的气味,证明身体气味有性吸引和性识别作用。在Y型迷宫进行性别选择测定时,在雌雄靶鼠个体之间,被试大仓鼠不表现出性别偏好,这是攻击行为和交配行为共同影响的结果;与空白相比较,被试鼠都选择靶鼠,说明独居大仓鼠之间存在频繁的探究行为。通过观察箱内对两鼠间的行为关系的观察发现,异性之间主要有攻击行为和交配行为;同性之间主要发生攻击行为,同时胜鼠或优势鼠的胁腺标记行为显著多于从属鼠,说明胁腺标记可以表明优势地位;雄鼠与非性接受状态的雌鼠相遇时,攻击行为很少,但无友好行为,只有简单的雄鼠爬跨雌鼠的行为;任何陌生的雄鼠与性接受状态的雌鼠相遇发生交配行为,交配结束又相互攻击;交配行为表现为多次爬跨多次射精;雄鼠有库利奇(Coolidge)效应,雌鼠可以连续接受几只雄鼠的交配,表明大仓鼠为多配制的婚配制度。从行为关系和交配行为看大仓鼠在繁殖期独居,无固定的配偶  相似文献   

形态、生理及行为的季节性变化是动物生存和繁殖的适应性策略。温度可能是影响啮齿动物季节性繁殖和种群波动的重要气候因子。为了验证环境温度能诱导鼠类体重、能量代谢及行为产生适应性变化的假设,并探究其中的相互关系和意义,通过不同温度处理模拟四季温度,以野生雄性黑线仓鼠(Cricetulus barabensis)为研究对象,检测其体重、日食量、静止代谢率(RMR)及开场行为的变化。结果显示:随着处理温度的下降,黑线仓鼠的体重、日食量及静止代谢率均出现显著性或极显著性地增加趋势(P0.05或P0.01);以体重为协变量的协方差分析表明,日食量和静止代谢率的增加不完全是由体重增加而造成的;高温处理降低了黑线仓鼠的爬行格数(P0.01),低温处理降低了黑线仓鼠的爬行格数和后肢站立次数(P0.01或P0.05),并产生明显的颤抖现象。以上研究结果支持环境温度能诱导鼠类体重、能量代谢及行为产生适应性变化的假设。低温同时增加黑线仓鼠能量的摄入水平和维持基本生长的能量支出水平,同时降低动物在陌生环境中的自发活动与探索行为。高温则降低黑线仓鼠能量的摄入和支出水平,同时减少自发活动与探索行为。体重、能量代谢和行为学特征的变化有利于仓鼠度过寒冷的冬季和干热的夏季,同时也与仓鼠的季节性繁殖现象相一致,因此这些特征可能是黑线仓鼠对其寒冷的冬季及干热的夏季生存环境的适应。  相似文献   

非繁殖期大仓鼠对同种气味的反应和个体间的行为关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在实验室通过对陌生成年大仓鼠(Cricetulustriton)非繁殖期的气味偏好,性别选择和两鼠间的行为关系的实验研究表明,用Y-型迷宫进行选择测试时,与空白组比较,大仓鼠了同种个体鼠垫的气味,在雌雄巢垫气味之间,雌鼠偏好雄性巢垫的气味,雄鼠不表现性别偏好,与空白组比较,被试鼠选择同种个体;在雌雄个体之间,雄性大仓鼠选择同性个体,雌性不表现性别偏好,在观察箱内,无论同性相遇还是异性相遇,两鼠间攻  相似文献   

Jolly-Seber法对大仓鼠和黑线仓鼠种群若干参数的估算   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张知彬  朱靖  杨荷芳 《生态学报》1993,13(2):115-120
本文利用Jolly-Seber法估算了1986和1988年河北省饶阳县大仓鼠和黑线仓鼠的种群大小、存留率等参数。结果表明,大仓鼠的存留率比黑线仓鼠小,而且和密度负相关。大仓鼠和黑线仓鼠对铁丝活捕笼均不存在非等捕性。该方法对大仓鼠和黑线仓鼠种群参数估计是可行的。  相似文献   

1980年春,我院从北京郊区农田捕获黑线仓鼠60只(♂18只,♀42只),在人工饲养条件下对幼鼠、雌鼠及成果的交配行为进行了十几年累计3万多只的观察,发现仔鼠性成熟后要打斗,须单笼饲养。雌鼠除发情期外不许雄鼠靠近。交配时雌鼠一定要放入雄鼠笼中,否则雄鼠不与之交配而与之打斗。现存笼仓鼠1200只左右。是我国唯一在室内繁育成的庞大黑线仓鼠群体。  相似文献   

哈尔滨郊区人为鼠疫疫源地鼠类种群动态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据黑龙江省哈尔滨市郊区人为鼠疫疫源地1952~1996 年达乌尔黄鼠密度监测资料,建立了黄鼠密度的自回归模型Dt=0.1374+1.130 2Dt-1-0.4754Dt-2+0.8033Dt-3-0.4680Dt-4 , 对1997~2000 年的密度进行了预测。1952~1980 年, 人工捕黄鼠率极为显著地影响黄鼠密度(P<0.001)。在该地区, 1982~1996年共捕啮齿动物6种, 其中黄鼠和大仓鼠为野外优势种, 褐家鼠为室内优势种, 其余为常见种。大仓鼠、黑线仓鼠、黑线姬鼠均与夜行鼠总捕获率正相关(P<0.01),逐步回归模型为总捕获率=0.5219+1.1733 大仓鼠+10312 黑线仓鼠+ 1.1273小家鼠+ 0.9242 褐家鼠(P<0.0001)。黄鼠密度与捕获率不相关(P>0.10)。  相似文献   

为了揭示顺义农田黑线姬鼠和大仓鼠两大害鼠种群繁殖力存在的差异及其对种群数量变化的影响,从而为制定科学灭鼠策略提供依据,1994-2014年,采用夹线法于每年3~11月(或1~12月)进行调查,每月上旬在5个监测点农田布放鼠夹500夹夜。捕获的样本测量体重、体长、尾长、耳高、后足长,解剖观察繁殖情况。以种群繁殖力为指标,分析黑线姬鼠与大仓鼠在繁殖力方面的差异,由此揭示出黑线姬鼠具有更强的竞争优势。黑线姬鼠和大仓鼠每年都有2个繁殖高峰期,并以成年以上个体为繁殖主体,分别占总胎仔数的94.5%和95.6%。黑线姬鼠的繁殖期和主要繁殖期均比大仓鼠延长1个月,且主要繁殖期的雌、雄繁殖鼠占比均高于大仓鼠,胎次数是大仓鼠的1.7倍,仅平均胎仔数低于大仓鼠,由此说明黑线姬鼠种群的繁殖力比大仓鼠更强,具有更大的竞争优势。  相似文献   

农田大仓鼠洞巢空间分布及季节动态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
986年5-11月,采用有效洞口法和线路计数法调查了河北省饶阳县大仓鼠洞巢分布及变动规律,发现大仓鼠在林地荒地坟地类型中洞口密度为67.732个/ha,农田中为35.607个/ha,沙质土壤中的洞口密度为49.570个/ha;沙壤质土中为27.278个/ha;轻壤质土中为41.910个/ha。大仓鼠洞口密度有季节变动,但比夹捕率曲线后迟近2个月。农事活动和降雨对大仓鼠洞口分布和季节变化有较大影响。这些结果对制定农田鼠害防治措施提供了依据。  相似文献   

The golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) is one of the most frequently used laboratory animals, particularly in chronobiological studies. One reason is its very robust and predictable rhythms, although the question arises whether this is an inbreeding effect or rather is typical for the species. We compared the daily (circadian) activity rhythms of wild and laboratory golden hamsters. The laboratory hamsters were derived from our own outbred stock (Zoh:GOHA). The wild hamsters included animals captured in Syria and their descendants (F1). Experiments were performed under entrained (light: dark [LD] 14h:10h) and under free-running (constant darkness, DD) conditions. Locomotor activity was recorded using passive infrared detectors. Under entrained conditions, the animals had access to a running wheel for a certain time to induce additional activity. After 3 weeks in constant darkness, a light pulse (15 min, 100 lux) was applied at circadian time 14 (CT14). Both laboratory and wild hamsters showed well-pronounced and very similar activity rhythms. Under entrained conditions, all hamsters manifested about 80% of their total 24h activity during the dark portion of the LD cycle. The robustness of the daily rhythms was also similar. However, interindividual variability was higher in wild hamsters for both measures. All animals used the running wheels almost exclusively during the dark portion of the LD cycle, although the wild hamsters were three times more active. The period length, measured in constant darkness, was significantly shorter in wild (23.93h ± 0.10h) than in laboratory hamsters (24.06 ± 0.07h). The light-induced phase changes were not different (about 1.5h). In summary, these results indicate that the laboratory hamster is not much different from the wild type. (Chronobiology International, 18(6), 921-932, 2001)  相似文献   

The golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) is one of the most frequently used laboratory animals, particularly in chronobiological studies. One reason is its very robust and predictable rhythms, although the question arises whether this is an inbreeding effect or rather is typical for the species. We compared the daily (circadian) activity rhythms of wild and laboratory golden hamsters. The laboratory hamsters were derived from our own outbred stock (Zoh:GOHA). The wild hamsters included animals captured in Syria and their descendants (F1). Experiments were performed under entrained (light: dark [LD] 14h:10h) and under free-running (constant darkness, DD) conditions. Locomotor activity was recorded using passive infrared detectors. Under entrained conditions, the animals had access to a running wheel for a certain time to induce additional activity. After 3 weeks in constant darkness, a light pulse (15 min, 100 lux) was applied at circadian time 14 (CT14). Both laboratory and wild hamsters showed well-pronounced and very similar activity rhythms. Under entrained conditions, all hamsters manifested about 80% of their total 24h activity during the dark portion of the LD cycle. The robustness of the daily rhythms was also similar. However, interindividual variability was higher in wild hamsters for both measures. All animals used the running wheels almost exclusively during the dark portion of the LD cycle, although the wild hamsters were three times more active. The period length, measured in constant darkness, was significantly shorter in wild (23.93h ± 0.10h) than in laboratory hamsters (24.06 ± 0.07h). The light-induced phase changes were not different (about 1.5h). In summary, these results indicate that the laboratory hamster is not much different from the wild type. (Chronobiology International, 18(6), 921932, 2001)  相似文献   

黑线仓鼠的食物与食量   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王淑卿  许同钦 《动物学报》1992,38(2):156-164
作者从1983年至1989年,在河北省三个不同的气候区,对农田中的黑线仓鼠(Cricetulus,bara-bensis)的食物与食量进行了调查。结果表明,黑线仓鼠主要取食农作物种子。同时取食草籽和根、茎、叶、花、果实及动物性食物。不同地区、不同作物地、不同季节和年度、不同性别鼠的食物差异显著。食物差异与鼠的种群繁值及数量动态有关。月夹捕率与颊囊中食物的总检出率和种子检出率正相关非常显著。直线回归方程式分别为y=38.388+2.866x n=60 r=0.343>r_(0.01)=0.325和y=29.734+2.669x r=0.394>r_(0.01360)=0.325。黑线仓鼠对食物的选择,主要受到食物质量的影响,同时也受到食物频度、作物的物候变化、动物的群落结构、种群密度、种内与种间竞争等多种因素的综合影响。在不同的时间和栖息地影响它食物选择的主要因素不同。日食量4-5g。  相似文献   

The golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) is a popular laboratory animal and is used in a multitude of behavioural studies. However, it has been shown that it suffers from different forms of hereditary hydrocephalus, which may result in behavioural changes. This prospective study was designed to look into the usefulness of electroencephalography (EEG) measurements in the diagnosis of hydrocephalus in hamsters. The EEGs of the hydrocephalic hamsters were evaluated double-blind and showed a high-voltage slow wave activity, with a fast activity superimposed onto it. This pattern has already been well described in other hydrocephalic species and differed significantly from the EEGs that were obtained from the normal hamsters. It was concluded from our study that a background activity with an amplitude over 50 muV in combination with a frequency of < or =5 Hz was highly indicative of hydrocephalus in young hamsters. We believe that the EEG could be a very useful diagnostic tool in the screening for hydrocephalus in hamsters.  相似文献   

The circadian system of the Turkish hamster controlling wheel-running activity responded to single 1-hr light pulses and to repeated 1-hr pulses in a similar way as that of Syrian hamsters studied previously. At constant light of 100 lx, the period length (tau) of the freerunning activity rhythm of Turkish hamsters was longer and the activity time (alpha) was shorter than that of Syrian hamsters. Among individuals, the ability of the system to be entrained by one 1-hr light pulse per cycle was related to the range (advance plus delay amplitude) of the phase response curve (PRC) derived from single light pulses and to the compression of alpha caused by the pulse Zeitgeber. The data support the hypothesis derived from experiments on Syrian hamsters that the range of the PRC is functionally related with alpha, possibly reflecting the phase relations (coupling) between two oscillators.  相似文献   

安徽淮北农区大仓鼠和黑线仓鼠种群动态的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
朱盛侃  秦知恒 《兽类学报》1991,11(2):99-108
1982一1988年在安徽淮北农区的调查结果表明:大仓鼠种群数量的季节消长特点是,数量高的年份出现3个波峰(即前峰、中峰和后峰),平常年份有2个波峰(中峰和后峰),数量低的年份仅1个波峰(后峰)。波峰峰度大都是后峰最高。黑线仓鼠的波峰数除个别数量高的年份有2个(前峰和中峰)外,多数年份只有1个前峰。两种仓鼠的年间数量变幅皆较明显,推测两鼠各自从一个高峰期到另一个高峰期之间需经历7—8年左右时间。繁殖期,大仓鼠为7个月(4—10月),黑线仓鼠为10个月(2—11月);两者均有两个繁殖盛期,即春峰和秋峰经相关分析,大仓鼠的年数量与年怀孕率存在密切的正相关关系,而黑线仓鼠则为年怀孕率对次年数量有明显的影响。  相似文献   

大仓鼠胁腺的发育及性别差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对繁殖期雌雄大仓鼠胁腺重的比较研究发展雌雄鼠的胁腺重和体重分别存在正相关关系,非成年雌雄大仓鼠的胁腺重无显著性别差异,成年雄性大仓鼠的胁腺显著重于成年雌鼠,通过石蜡切片发现,雄鼠胁腺的皮脂细胞显著于雌鼠,对胁腺分泌物进行了气相色谱分析发现,雌雄胁腺分泌物的化学成分的种类和数量存在明显差异,本文从胁腺的形态,组织结构和化学成分三个方面初步揭示了胁腺在繁殖期具有性别别功能的机制。  相似文献   

The scrapie prion protein isoform, PrPSc, is a prion-associated marker that seeds the conformational conversion and polymerization of normal protease-sensitive prion protein (PrP-sen). This seeding activity allows ultrasensitive detection of PrPSc using cyclical sonicated amplification (PMCA) reactions and brain homogenate as a source of PrP-sen. Here we describe a much faster seeded polymerization method (rPrP-PMCA) which detects >or=50 ag of hamster PrPSc (approximately 0.003 lethal dose) within 2-3 d. This technique uses recombinant hamster PrP-sen, which, unlike brain-derived PrP-sen, can be easily concentrated, mutated and synthetically tagged. We generated protease-resistant recombinant PrP fibrils that differed from spontaneously initiated fibrils in their proteolytic susceptibility and by their infrared spectra. This assay could discriminate between scrapie-infected and uninfected hamsters using 2-microl aliquots of cerebral spinal fluid. This method should facilitate the development of rapid, ultrasensitive prion assays and diagnostic tests, in addition to aiding fundamental studies of structure and mechanism of PrPSc formation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have established that under normal conditions, adrenal HMG-CoA reductase activity is higher in hamsters than in rats and humans. The hamster reductase activity follows a diurnal rhythm corresponding to that of plasma ACTH and glucocorticoids [Endocrinology 107 (1980) 215] but not to that of aldosterone. ACTH treatments to hamsters increased reductase activity after a latency of 60 min; this enhancement was prevented by cycloheximide [J. steroid Biochem. 24 (1986) 325]. Immunotitration and immunoblotting studies confirmed that ACTH caused an increase in reductase protein synthesis. In rats, long-term (1-9 days) and short-term (3 h) treatments with ACTH also induced increase in adrenal HMG-CoA reductase activity and reductase protein. In the presence of iodoacetamide and inhibitors of proteolytic enzyme, a main specific band of enzyme was evinced in the area of 102 +/- 6 kDaMr, by Western blotting, for both hamster homogenate and microsomal preparations (Endocrinology, 120 (1987]. Similarly Mr values were found with rat adrenal preparations. The concentration of mRNA, analyzed using the c-DNA pRed-10 coding for the Chinese hamster ovary reductase, was increased in adrenals of hamsters treated with ACTH. The reductase mRNA levels also fluctuated during the day in parallel with those of reductase activity and reductase protein. In conclusion, these results indicate that ACTH and other conditions inducing a change in hamster adrenal HMG-CoA reductase activity provoke parallel changes in reductase mRNA and reductase protein content. ACTH acts on the adrenal reductase of species synthesizing large as well as small quantities of cholesterol, thus indicating the general importance of this hormonal control.  相似文献   

Circadian and seasonal control of neuroendocrine-gonadal activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A circadian clock(s) located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus plays an important role in regulating the timing of pituitary gonadotropin release in many mammalian species. The results from studies involving two unusual experimental paradigms are presented to demonstrate a role for this circadian clock in the regulation of the timing of the preovulatory LH surge in the golden hamster as well as in the measurement of the seasonal change in day length in the Djungarian hamster; information which is used in the regulation of neuroendocrine-gonadal activity on a seasonal basis. The data also demonstrate that the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity can be used as a "marker" rhythm for the clock involved in both ovulatory and seasonal cycles in hamsters.  相似文献   

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