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Cicer arietinum L. (chickpea) is the third most important food legume crop. We have generated the draft sequence of a desi‐type chickpea genome using next‐generation sequencing platforms, bacterial artificial chromosome end sequences and a genetic map. The 520‐Mb assembly covers 70% of the predicted 740‐Mb genome length, and more than 80% of the gene space. Genome analysis predicts the presence of 27 571 genes and 210 Mb as repeat elements. The gene expression analysis performed using 274 million RNA‐Seq reads identified several tissue‐specific and stress‐responsive genes. Although segmental duplicated blocks are observed, the chickpea genome does not exhibit any indication of recent whole‐genome duplication. Nucleotide diversity analysis provides an assessment of a narrow genetic base within the chickpea cultivars. We have developed a resource for genetic markers by comparing the genome sequences of one wild and three cultivated chickpea genotypes. The draft genome sequence is expected to facilitate genetic enhancement and breeding to develop improved chickpea varieties.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(1):111992
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Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) trees are both economically important fruit crops but also important components of natural forest ecosystems in Europe, Asia and Africa. Wild and domesticated trees currently coexist in the same geographic areas with important questions arising on their historical relationships. Little is known about the effects of the domestication process on the evolution of the sweet cherry genome. We assembled and annotated the genome of the cultivated variety “Big Star*” and assessed the genetic diversity among 97 sweet cherry accessions representing three different stages in the domestication and breeding process (wild trees, landraces and modern varieties). The genetic diversity analysis revealed significant genome‐wide losses of variation among the three stages and supports a clear distinction between wild and domesticated trees, with only limited gene flow being detected between wild trees and domesticated landraces. We identified 11 domestication sweeps and five breeding sweeps covering, respectively, 11.0 and 2.4 Mb of the P. avium genome. A considerable fraction of the domestication sweeps overlaps with those detected in the related species, Prunus persica (peach), indicating that artificial selection during domestication may have acted independently on the same regions and genes in the two species. We detected 104 candidate genes in sweep regions involved in different processes, such as the determination of fruit texture, the regulation of flowering and fruit ripening and the resistance to pathogens. The signatures of selection identified will enable future evolutionary studies and provide a valuable resource for genetic improvement and conservation programs in sweet cherry.  相似文献   

合成基因组学:设计与合成的艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着基因组相关技术(测序、编辑、合成等)和知识(功能基因组学)的日益成熟,合成基因组学在本世纪迎得了发展的契机。病毒、原核生物的全基因组相继被化学合成并支持生命的存活,第1个真核生物合成基因组计划已经完成过半,人类基因组编写计划提上日程。在基因组合成的实践过程中,研究者们不断探索对基因组进行重编和设计所应遵循的规则,提高从头合成、组装和替换基因组的技术手段。合成基因组在工业、环境、健康和基础研究领域有着广阔的应用前景,同时也带来了相应的伦理问题。结合在Sc2.0计划中的基因组合成研究和近期合成基因组学所取得的重大进展,本文综述了基因组设计和合成相关的科学、技术和伦理内容,并探讨了未来发展所面对的挑战。作为合成生物学最重要的领域之一,合成基因组学方兴未艾。  相似文献   

A genome walking strategy based on annealing and ligation of single-stranded DNA primers to 3′ overhangs following restriction endonuclease digestion was developed. A set of primers contains 4 nucleotides at the 3′ end that are complementary to overhangs formed by restriction endonucleasesApaI;PstI;SacI andSphI. Following ligation, 5′ end overhangs are formed on the DNA, which serves as sites for the adaptor primers and nested primers for PCR amplification in combination with the gene-specific primers. This strategy was verified by the amplification of up to 4 kb of a potato leafroll virus full-length infectious clone. The procedure could be adopted to target any upstream and downstream regions flanking known sequences within the plant genome.  相似文献   

Asparagus kiusianus is a disease-resistant dioecious plant species and a wild relative of garden asparagus (Asparagus officinalis). To enhance A. kiusianus genomic resources, advance plant science, and facilitate asparagus breeding, we determined the genome sequences of the male and female lines of A. kiusianus. Genome sequence reads obtained with a linked-read technology were assembled into four haplotype-phased contig sequences (∼1.6 Gb each) for the male and female lines. The contig sequences were aligned onto the chromosome sequences of garden asparagus to construct pseudomolecule sequences. Approximately 55,000 potential protein-encoding genes were predicted in each genome assembly, and ∼70% of the genome sequence was annotated as repetitive. Comparative analysis of the genomes of the two species revealed structural and sequence variants between the two species as well as between the male and female lines of each species. Genes with high sequence similarity with the male-specific sex determinant gene in A. officinalis, MSE1/AoMYB35/AspTDF1, were presented in the genomes of the male line but absent from the female genome assemblies. Overall, the genome sequence assemblies, gene sequences, and structural and sequence variants determined in this study will reveal the genetic mechanisms underlying sexual differentiation in plants, and will accelerate disease-resistance breeding in garden asparagus.  相似文献   

In this paper, the current status of chicken genomics is reviewed. This is timely given the current intense activity centred on sequencing the complete genome of this model species. The genome project is based on a decade of map building by genetic linkage and cytogenetic methods, which are now being replaced by high-resolution radiation hybrid and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contig maps. Markers for map building have generally depended on labour-intensive screening procedures, but in recent years this has changed with the availability of almost 500,000 chicken expressed sequence tags (ESTs). These resources and tools will be critical in the coming months when the chicken genome sequence is being assembled (eg cross-checked with other maps) and annotated (eg gene structures based on ESTs). The future for chicken genome and biological research is an exciting one, through the integration of these resources. For example, through the proposed chicken Ensembl database, it will be possible to solve challenging scientific questions by exploiting the power of a chicken model. One area of interest is the study of developmental mechanisms and the discovery of regulatory networks throughout the genome. Another is the study of the molecular nature of quantitative genetic variation. No other animal species have been phenotyped and selected so intensively as agricultural animals and thus there is much to be learned in basic and medical biology from this research.  相似文献   

Accurate and complete genome sequences are essential in biotechnology to facilitate genome‐based cell engineering efforts. The current genome assemblies for Cricetulus griseus, the Chinese hamster, are fragmented and replete with gap sequences and misassemblies, consistent with most short‐read‐based assemblies. Here, we completely resequenced C. griseus using single molecule real time sequencing and merged this with Illumina‐based assemblies. This generated a more contiguous and complete genome assembly than either technology alone, reducing the number of scaffolds by >28‐fold, with 90% of the sequence in the 122 longest scaffolds. Most genes are now found in single scaffolds, including up‐ and downstream regulatory elements, enabling improved study of noncoding regions. With >95% of the gap sequence filled, important Chinese hamster ovary cell mutations have been detected in draft assembly gaps. This new assembly will be an invaluable resource for continued basic and pharmaceutical research.  相似文献   

We report reference‐quality genome assemblies and annotations for two accessions of soybean (Glycine max) and for one accession of Glycine soja, the closest wild relative of G. max. The G. max assemblies provided are for widely used US cultivars: the northern line Williams 82 (Wm82) and the southern line Lee. The Wm82 assembly improves the prior published assembly, and the Lee and G. soja assemblies are new for these accessions. Comparisons among the three accessions show generally high structural conservation, but nucleotide difference of 1.7 single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) per kb between Wm82 and Lee, and 4.7 snps per kb between these lines and G. soja. snp distributions and comparisons with genotypes of the Lee and Wm82 parents highlight patterns of introgression and haplotype structure. Comparisons against the US germplasm collection show placement of the sequenced accessions relative to global soybean diversity. Analysis of a pan‐gene collection shows generally high conservation, with variation occurring primarily in genomically clustered gene families. We found approximately 40–42 inversions per chromosome between either Lee or Wm82v4 and G. soja, and approximately 32 inversions per chromosome between Wm82 and Lee. We also investigated five domestication loci. For each locus, we found two different alleles with functional differences between G. soja and the two domesticated accessions. The genome assemblies for multiple cultivated accessions and for the closest wild ancestor of soybean provides a valuable set of resources for identifying causal variants that underlie traits for the domestication and improvement of soybean, serving as a basis for future research and crop improvement efforts for this important crop species.  相似文献   

Lupins are important grain legume crops that form a critical part of sustainable farming systems, reducing fertilizer use and providing disease breaks. It has a basal phylogenetic position relative to other crop and model legumes and a high speciation rate. Narrow‐leafed lupin (NLL; Lupinus angustifolius L.) is gaining popularity as a health food, which is high in protein and dietary fibre but low in starch and gluten‐free. We report the draft genome assembly (609 Mb) of NLL cultivar Tanjil, which has captured >98% of the gene content, sequences of additional lines and a dense genetic map. Lupins are unique among legumes and differ from most other land plants in that they do not form mycorrhizal associations. Remarkably, we find that NLL has lost all mycorrhiza‐specific genes, but has retained genes commonly required for mycorrhization and nodulation. In addition, the genome also provided candidate genes for key disease resistance and domestication traits. We also find evidence of a whole‐genome triplication at around 25 million years ago in the genistoid lineage leading to Lupinus. Our results will support detailed studies of legume evolution and accelerate lupin breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Microarrays have demonstrated significant power for genome-wide analyses of gene expression, and recently have also revolutionized the genetic analysis of segregating populations by genotyping thousands of loci in a single assay. Although microarray-based genotyping approaches have been successfully applied in yeast and several inbred plant species, their power has not been proven in an outcrossing species with extensive genetic diversity. Here we have developed methods for high-throughput microarray-based genotyping in such species using a pseudo-backcross progeny of 154 individuals of Populus trichocarpa and P. deltoides analyzed with long-oligonucleotide in situ- synthesized microarray probes . Our analysis resulted in high-confidence genotypes for 719 single-feature polymorphism (SFP) and 1014 gene expression marker (GEM) candidates. Using these genotypes and an established microsatellite (SSR) framework map, we produced a high-density genetic map comprising over 600 SFPs, GEMs and SSRs. The abundance of gene-based markers allowed us to localize over 35 million base pairs of previously unplaced whole-genome shotgun (WGS) scaffold sequence to putative locations in the genome of P. trichocarpa . A high proportion of sampled scaffolds could be verified for their placement with independently mapped SSRs, demonstrating the previously un-utilized power that high-density genotyping can provide in the context of map-based WGS sequence reassembly. Our results provide a substantial contribution to the continued improvement of the Populus genome assembly, while demonstrating the feasibility of microarray-based genotyping in a highly heterozygous population. The strategies presented are applicable to genetic mapping efforts in all plant species with similarly high levels of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

We used Restriction Landmark Genome Scanning (RLGS) to assess, on a genome-wide basis, the mutation induction rate in mouse germ cells after radiation exposure. Analyses of 1,115 autosomal NotI DNA fragments per mouse for reduced spot intensity, indicative of loss of one copy, in 506 progeny derived from X-irradiated spermatogonia (190, 237 and 79 mice in 0-, 3-, and 5-Gy groups, respectively), permitted us to identify 16 mutations affecting 23 fragments in 20 mice. The 16 mutations were composed of eight small changes (1-9 bp) at microsatellite sequences, five large deletions (more than 25 kb), and three insertions of SINE B2 or LINE1 transposable elements. The maximum induction rate of deletion mutations was estimated as (0.17 +/- 0.09) x 10(-5)/locus Gy(-1). The estimate is considerably lower than 1 x 10(-5)/locus Gy(-1), the mean induction rate of deletion mutations at Russell's 7 loci, which assumed that deletion mutations comprise 50% of all mutations. We interpret the results as indicating that the mean induction rate of mutations in the whole genome may be substantially lower than that at the 7 loci. We also demonstrate the applicability of RLGS for detection of human mutations, which allows direct comparisons between the two species.  相似文献   

Field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) is being domesticated as a new winter cover crop and biofuel species for the Midwestern United States that can be double-cropped between corn and soybeans. A genome sequence will enable the use of new technologies to make improvements in pennycress. To generate a draft genome, a hybrid sequencing approach was used to generate 47 Gb of DNA sequencing reads from both the Illumina and PacBio platforms. These reads were used to assemble 6,768 genomic scaffolds. The draft genome was annotated using the MAKER pipeline, which identified 27,390 predicted protein-coding genes, with almost all of these predicted peptides having significant sequence similarity to Arabidopsis proteins. A comprehensive analysis of pennycress gene homologues involved in glucosinolate biosynthesis, metabolism, and transport pathways revealed high sequence conservation compared with other Brassicaceae species, and helps validate the assembly of the pennycress gene space in this draft genome. Additional comparative genomic analyses indicate that the knowledge gained from years of basic Brassicaceae research will serve as a powerful tool for identifying gene targets whose manipulation can be predicted to result in improvements for pennycress.  相似文献   

The genomes of grasses are very different in terms of size, ploidy level and chromosome number. Despite these significant differences, it was found by comparative mapping that the linear order (colinearity) of genetic markers and genes is very well conserved between different grass genomes. The potential of such conservation has been exploited in several directions, e.g. in defining rice as a model genome for grasses and in designing better strategies for positional cloning in large genomes. Recently, the development of large insert libraries in species such as maize, rice, barley and diploid wheat has allowed the study of large stretches of DNA sequence and has provided insight into gene organization in grasses. It was found that genes are not distributed randomly along the chromosomes and that there are clusters of high gene density in species with large genomes. Comparative analysis performed at the DNA sequence level has demonstrated that colinearity between the grass genomes is retained at the molecular level (microcolinearity) in most cases. However, detailed analysis has also revealed a number of exceptions to microcolinearity, which have given insight into mechanisms that are involved in grass-genome evolution. In some cases, the use of rice as a model to support gene isolation from other grass genomes will be complicated by local rearrangements. In this Botanical Briefing, we present recent progress and future prospects of comparative genomics in grasses.  相似文献   

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