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Despite intense efforts to identify cancer‐initiating cells in malignant brain tumours, markers linked to the function of these cells have only very recently begun to be uncovered. The notion of cancer stem cell gained prominence, several molecules and signalling pathways becoming relevant for diagnosis and treatment. Whether a substantial fraction or only a tiny minority of cells in a tumor can initiate and perpetuate cancer, is still debated. The paradigm of cancer‐initiating stem cells has initially been developed with respect to blood cancers where chronic conditions such as myeloproliferative neoplasms are due to mutations acquired in a haematopoietic stem cell (HSC), which maintains the normal hierarchy to neoplastic haematopoiesis. In contrast, acute leukaemia transformation of such blood neoplasms appears to derive not only from HSCs but also from committed progenitors that cannot differentiate. This review will focus on putative novel therapy targets represented by markers described to define cancer stem/initiating cells in malignant gliomas, which have been called ‘leukaemia of the brain’, given their rapid migration and evolution. Parallels are drawn with other cancers, especially haematopoietic, given the similar rampant proliferation and treatment resistance of glioblastoma multiforme and secondary acute leukaemias. Genes associated with the malignant conditions and especially expressed in glioma cancer stem cells are intensively searched. Although many such molecules might only coincidentally be expressed in cancer‐initiating cells, some may function in the oncogenic process, and those would be the prime candidates for diagnostic and targeted therapy. For the latter, combination therapies are likely to be envisaged, given the robust and plastic signalling networks supporting malignant proliferation.  相似文献   

Research on the discovery and implementation of valid cancer biomarkers is one of the most challenging fields in oncology and oncoproteomics in particular. Moreover, it is generally accepted that an evaluation of cancer biomarkers from the blood could significantly enable biomarker assessments by providing a relatively non-invasive source of representative tumour material. In this regard, circulating tumour cells (CTCs) isolated from the blood of metastatic cancer patients have significant promise. It has been demonstrated that localised and metastatic cancers may give rise to CTCs, which are detectable in the bloodstream. Despite technical difficulties, recent studies have highlighted the prognostic significance of the presence and number of CTCs in the blood. Future studies are necessary not only to detect CTCs but also to characterise them. Furthermore, another pathogenically significant type of cancer cells, known as cancer stem cells (CSCs) or more recently termed circulating tumour stem cells (CTSCs), appears to have a significant role as a subpopulation of CTCs.  相似文献   

As regards their morphology and biology, tumours consist of heterogeneous cell populations. The cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis assumes that a tumour is hierarchically organized and not all of the cells are equally capable of generating descendants, similarly to normal tissue. The only cells being able to self-renew and produce a heterogeneous tumour cell population are cancer stem cells. CSCs probably derive from normal stem cells, although progenitor cells may be taken into consideration as the source of cancer stem cells. CSCs reside in the niche defined as the microenvironment formed by stromal cells, vasculature and extracellular matrix. The CSC assays include FACS sorting, xenotransplantation to immunodeficient mice (SCID), incubation with Hoechst 33342 dye, cell culture in non-adherent conditions, cell culture with bromodeoxyuridine. CSCs have certain properties that make them resistant to anticancer therapy, which suggests they may be the target for potential therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Emerging concept of cancer as a stem cell disorder   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Evidence has accumulated that malignancy arises from maturation arrest of stem cells — rather than the dedifferentiation of somatic cells. To support this notion, stem cells in contrast to somatic cells are long lived cells and thus may become the subject of accumulating mutations that are crucial for the initiation/progression of cancer. More importantly they may maintain these mutations and pass them to daughter stem cells. Cancer stem cells (CSC) that derive from transformed normal stem cells (NSC) are responsible not only for tumor initiation, but also for its re-growth and metastasis. Accumulating evidence also indicates that adult tissues may contain a population of very small embryonic like (VSEL) stem cells that may give rise to some very immature tumors e.g., pediatric sarcomas. Similar molecular mechanisms operating in NSC and CSC regulate resistance to radio-chemotherapy and promote migration/metastasis. Thus, by studying the biology of NSC we can learn more about cancer.  相似文献   

A perspective on keratinocyte stem cells as targets for skin carcinogenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Skin cancers as seen in the clinic are the result of a long history of events of which only the final stages are easily observed. As normal cells progress to the neoplastic and later metastatic stages, multiple changes in gene expression and cellular phenotypes occur. Nevertheless, the early events in the pathway leading from the first exposure to carcinogenic or mutagenic agents to a frank tumor are thought to involve a two-step process of tumor initiation and tumor promotion. In experimental two-stage skin carcinogenesis in mice, benign and malignant neoplasms can be induced on the backs of mice following a low, or sub-threshold, exposure to a carcinogen (initiation) and subsequent chronic regenerative epidermal hyperplasia caused by a variety of physical, chemical, or biological agents (promotion). Tumor initiation is thought to involve conversion of some of the epidermal cells into latent neoplastic cells, whereas promotion elicits expression of the neoplastic change. Many questions remain about this process, in particular the identity and biological properties of the cells that are specifically the targets of tumor initiation and promotion. Conceivably, any proliferative cell could become and remain initiated; however, these rare cells in the cutaneous epithelium able to become neoplastic cells after exposure to carcinogens and tumor promoters have many of the properties of stem cells. Although this concept that stem cells are the target cells in the development of cancer is not new, I will consider here the evidence that the target cells are indeed stem cells in the cutaneous epithelium.  相似文献   

Cancer is a highly heterogeneous group of diseases that despite improved treatments remain prevalent accounting for over 14 million new cases and 8.2 million deaths per year. Studies into the process of carcinogenesis are limited by lack of appropriate models for the development and pathogenesis of the disease based on human tissues. Primary culture of patient samples can help but is difficult to grow for a number of tissues. A potential opportunity to overcome these barriers is based on the landmark study by Yamanaka which demonstrated the ability of four factors;Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc to reprogram human somatic cells in to pluripotency. These cells were termed induced pluripotent stem cells(i PSCs) and display characteristic properties of embryonic stem cells. This technique has a wide range of potential uses including disease modelling, drug testing and transplantation studies. Interestingly i PSCs also share a number of characteristics with cancer cells including self-renewal and proliferation, expression of stem cell markers and altered metabolism. Recently, i PSCs have been generated from a number of human cancer cell lines and primary tumour samples from a range of cancers in an attempt to recapitulate the development of cancer and interrogate the underlying mechanisms involved. This review will outline the similarities between the reprogramming process and carcinogenesis, and how these similarities have been exploited to generate i PSC models for a number of cancers.  相似文献   

Aberrant DNA methylation is an important cancer hallmark, yet the dynamics of DNA methylation changes in human carcinogenesis remain largely unexplored. Moreover, the role of DNA methylation for prediction of clinical outcome is still uncertain and confined to specific cancers. Here we perform the most comprehensive study of DNA methylation changes throughout human carcinogenesis, analysing 27,578 CpGs in each of 1,475 samples, ranging from normal cells in advance of non-invasive neoplastic transformation to non-invasive and invasive cancers and metastatic tissue. We demonstrate that hypermethylation at stem cell PolyComb Group Target genes (PCGTs) occurs in cytologically normal cells three years in advance of the first morphological neoplastic changes, while hypomethylation occurs preferentially at CpGs which are heavily Methylated in Embryonic Stem Cells (MESCs) and increases significantly with cancer invasion in both the epithelial and stromal tumour compartments. In contrast to PCGT hypermethylation, MESC hypomethylation progresses significantly from primary to metastatic cancer and defines a poor prognostic signature in four different gynaecological cancers. Finally, we associate expression of TET enzymes, which are involved in active DNA demethylation, to MESC hypomethylation in cancer. These findings have major implications for cancer and embryonic stem cell biology and establish the importance of systemic DNA hypomethylation for predicting prognosis in a wide range of different cancers.  相似文献   


Adult stem cell niches are characterized by a dichotomy of cycling and quiescent stem cells: while the former are responsible for tissue turnover, their quiescent counterparts are thought to become active upon tissue injury thus underlying the regenerative response. Moreover, quiescence prevents adult stem cells from accumulating mutations thus ensuring a reservoir of unaltered stem cells. In the intestine, while cycling stem cells were shown to give rise to the main differentiated lineages, the identity of their quiescent equivalents remains to date elusive. This is of relevance for conditions such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis where quiescent stem cells may underlie metaplasia and the increased cancer risk associated with chronic inflammation. Tumours are thought to share a comparable hierarchical structure of adult tissues with pluripotent and self-renewing cancer stem cells (CSCs) giving rise to more differentiated cellular types. As such, neoplastic lesions may encompass both cycling and quiescent CSCs. Because of their infrequent cycling, quiescent CSCs are refractory to chemo- and radiotherapy and are likely to play a role in tumour dissemination, dormancy and recurrence.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades there has been remarkable progress in cancer diagnosis, treatment and screening. The basic mechanisms leading to pathogenesis of various types of cancers are also understood better and some patients, if diagnosed at a particular stage go on to lead a normal pre-diagnosis life. Despite these achievements, racial disparity in some cancers remains a mystery. The higher incidence, aggressiveness and mortality of breast, prostate and colorectal cancers(CRCs) in AfricanAmericans as compared to Caucasian-Americans are now well documented. The polyp-carcinoma sequence in CRC and easy access to colonic epithelia or colonic epithelial cells through colonoscopy/colonic effluent provides the opportunity to study colonic stem cells early in course of natural history of the disease. With the advent of metagenomic sequencing, uncultivable organisms can now be identified in stool and their numbers correlated with the effects on colonic epithelia. It would be expected that these techniques would revolutionize our understanding of the racial disparity in CRC and pave a way for the same in other cancers as well. Unfortunately, this has not happened. Our understanding of the underlying factors responsible in African-Americans for higher incidence and mortality from colorectal carcinoma remains minimal. In this review, we aim to summarize the available data on role of microbiome and cancer stem cells in racial disparity in CRC. This will provide a platform for further research on this topic.  相似文献   

Adult stem cells can be identified by label-retaining cell (LRC) approach based on their ability to retain nucleoside analog, such as bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). We hypothesized that mouse nasopharynx contains a small population of epithelial stem/progenitor cells that may be detected by the LRC technique. To identify LRCs in mice nasopharyngeal epithelia, neonatal mice were intraperitoneally injected with BrdU twice daily for 3 consecutive days. After an 8-week chase, long-term BrdU-labeled LRCs (∼2% of cells) were detected in the adult mice nasopharyngeal epithelia by immunostaining with BrdU antibody and some of LRCs (∼12% of cells) were found to be recruited into the S phase of cell cycle with an additional radioactive thymidine-labeling technique, indicating that the stem cells also divide, most likely asymmetrically. To further investigate whether the LRCs existed in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) tissues, three NPC cell lines (5-8F, 6-10B and TMNE) were labeled with BrdU in vitro and then individually engrafted into the back of nude mice, which developed tumors. Again, label-retaining stem cells were found in all the three kinds of NPC xenograft tumors (∼0.3% of cells), around 16% of which were also labeled with radioactive thymidine. Thus, this study has demonstrated for the first time the presence of epithelial LRCs in mouse nasopharyngx and human NPC tissues and these stem-like LRCs are not completely quiescent, as they will be recruited into the cell cycle to participate physiological or pathological process at any moment. More importantly, our data showed that NPC also contained stem cells, which are most likely the cause for NPC spread, metastasis and recurrence.  相似文献   

Stem cells possess unique biological characteristics such as the ability to self-renew and to undergo multilineage differentiation into specialized cells. Whereas embryonic stem cells (ESC) can differentiate into all cell types of the body, somatic stem cells (SSC) are a population of stem cells located in distinct niches throughout the body that differentiate into the specific cell types of the tissue in which they reside in. SSC function mainly to restore cells as part of normal tissue homeostasis or to replenish cells that are damaged due to injury. Cancer stem-like cells (CSC) are said to be analogous to SSC in this manner where tumor growth and progression as well as metastasis are fueled by a small population of CSC that reside within the corresponding tumor. Moreover, emerging evidence indicates that CSC are inherently resistant to chemo- and radiotherapy that are often the cause of cancer relapse. Hence, major research efforts have been directed at identifying CSC populations in different cancer types and understanding their biology. Many factors are thought to regulate and maintain cell stemness, including bioactive lysophospholipids such as lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). In this review, we discuss some of the newly discovered functions of LPA not only in the regulation of CSC but also normal SSC, the similarities in these regulatory functions, and how these discoveries can pave way to the development of novel therapies in cancer and regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Cancer chemotherapy efficacy is frequently impaired by either intrinsic or acquired tumor resistance.A fundamental problem in cancer research is identifying the cell type that is capable of sustaining neoplastic growth and its origin from normal tissue cells.In recent years,the cancer stem cell(CSC) theory has changed the classical view of tumor growth and therefore the therapeutic perspective.Overcoming intrinsic and acquired resistance of cancer stem/progenitor cells to current clinical treatments represents a major challenge in treating and curing the most aggressive and metastatic cancers.On the other hand,the identification of CSCs in vivo and in vitro relies on specific surface markers that should allow the sorting cancer cells into phenotypically distinct subpopulations.In the present review,recent papers published on CSCs in solid tumors(breast,prostate,brain and melanoma) are discussed,highlighting critical points such as the choice of markers to sort CSCs and mouse models to demonstrate that CSCs are able to replicate the original tumor.A discussion of the possible role of aldehyde dehydrogenase and CXCR6 biomarkers as signaling molecules in CSCs and normal stem cells is also discussed.The author believes that efforts have to be made to investigate the functional and biological properties of putative CSCs in cancer.Developing diagnostic/prognostic tools to follow cancer development is also a challenge.In this connection it would be useful to develop a multidisciplinary approach combining mathematics,physics and biology which merges experimental approaches and theory.Biological models alone are probably unable to resolve the problem completely.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) can control cancer and cancer stem cells (CSCs), and this topic has drawn immense attention recently. Stem cells are a tiny population of a bulk of tumor cells that have enormous potential in expansion and metastasis of the tumor. miRNA have a crucial role in the management of the function of stem cells. This role is to either promote or suppress the tumor. In this review, we investigated the function and different characteristics of CSCs and function of the miRNAs that are related to them. We also demonstrated the role and efficacy of these miRNAs in breast cancer and breast cancer stem cells (BCSC). Eventually, we revealed the metastasis, tumor formation, and their role in the apoptosis process. Also, the therapeutic potential of miRNA as an effective method for the treatment of BCSC was described. Extensive research is required to investigate the employment or suppression of these miRNAs for therapeutics approached in different cancers in the future.  相似文献   

Gliomas, much like other cancers, are composed of a heterogeneous mix of neoplastic and non-neoplastic cells that include both native and recruited cells. There is extensive diversity among the tumor cells, with differing capacity for in vitro and in vivo growth, a property intimately linked to the cell’s differentiation status. Those cells that are undifferentiated, self-renewing, with the capacity for developing tumors (tumorigenic) cells are designated by some as cancer stem cells, because of the stem-like properties. These cells may be a critical therapeutic target. However the exact identity and cell(s) of origin of the so-called glioma cancer stem cell remain elusive. Here we review the current understanding of glioma cancer stem cell biology.  相似文献   



The intricate regulation of several signaling pathways is essential for embryonic development and adult tissue homeostasis. Cancers commonly display aberrant activity within these pathways. A population of cells identified in several cancers, termed cancer stem cells (CSCs) show similar properties to normal stem cells and evidence suggests that altered developmental signaling pathways play an important role in maintaining CSCs and thereby the tumor itself.

Scope of review

This review will focus on the roles of the Notch, Wnt and Hedgehog pathways in the brain, breast and colon cancers. We describe the roles these pathways play in normal tissue homeostasis through the regulation of stem cell fate in these three tissues, and the experimental evidence indicating that the role of these pathways in cancers of these is directly linked to CSCs.

Major conclusions

A large body of evidence is accumulating to indicate that the deregulation of Notch, Wnt and Hedgehog pathways play important roles in both normal and cancer stem cells. We are only beginning to understand how these pathways interact, how they are coordinated during normal development and adult tissue homeostasis, and how they are deregulated during cancer. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that if we are to target CSCs therapeutically, it will likely be necessary to develop combination therapies.

General significance

If CSCs are the driving force behind tumor maintenance and growth then understanding the molecular mechanisms regulating CSCs is essential. Such knowledge will contribute to better targeted therapies that could significantly enhance cancer treatments and patient survival. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Biochemistry of Stem Cells.  相似文献   

Dedifferentiation of cell identity to a progenitor-like or stem cell-like state with increased cellular plasticity is frequently observed in cancer formation.During this process,a subpopulation of cells in tumours acquires a stem cell-like state partially resembling to naturally occurring pluripotent stem cells that are temporarily present during early embryogenesis.Such characteris-tics allow these cancer stem cells (CSCs) to give rise to the whole tumour with its entire cellular heterogeneity and thereby support metastases formation while being resistant to current cancer therapeutics.Cancer devel-opment and progression are demarcated by transcrip-tional dysregulation.In this article,we explore the epigenetic mechanisms shaping gene expression dur-ing tumorigenesis and cancer stem cell formation,with an emphasis on 3D chromatin architecture.Comparing the pluripotant stem cell state and epigenetic repro-gramming to dedifferentiation in cellular transformation provides intriguing insight to chromatin dynamics.We suggest that the 3D chromatin architecture could be used as a target for re-sensitizing cancer stem cells to therapeutics.  相似文献   

In human cancers, all cancerous cells carry the oncogenic genetic lesions. However, to elucidate whether cancer is a stem cell-driven tissue, we have developed a strategy to limit oncogene expression to the stem cell compartment in a transgenic mouse setting. Here, we focus on the effects of the BCR-ABLp210 oncogene, associated with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) in humans. We show that CML phenotype and biology can be established in mice by restricting BCR-ABLp210 expression to stem cell antigen 1 (Sca1)+ cells. The course of the disease in Sca1-BCR-ABLp210 mice was not modified on STI571 treatment. However, BCR-ABLp210-induced CML is reversible through the unique elimination of the cancer stem cells (CSCs). Overall, our data show that oncogene expression in Sca1+ cells is all that is required to fully reprogramme it, giving rise to a full-blown, oncogene-specified tumour with all its mature cellular diversity, and that elimination of the CSCs is enough to eradicate the whole tumour.  相似文献   

Increased evidence shows that normal stem cells may contribute to cancer development and progression by acting as cancer-initiating cells through their interactions with abnormal environmental elements.We postulate that normal stem cells and cancer stem cells (CSC) possess similar mechanisms of self-renewal and differentiation.CSC can be the key to the elaboration of anti-cancer-based therapy.In this article,we focus on a controversial new theme relating to CSC.Tumorigenesis may have a critical stage characterized as a "therapeutic window",which can be identified by asso-ciation of molecular,biochemical and biological events.Identifying such a stage can allow the production of more effective therapies (e.g.manipulated stem cells) to treat several cancers.More importantly,confirming the existence of a similar therapeutic window during the conversion of normal stem cells to malignant CSC may lead to targeted therapy specifically against CSC.This conversion information may be derived from investigating the biological behaviour of both normal stem cells and cancerous stem cells.Currently,there is little knowledge about the cellular and molecular mechanisms that govern the initiation and maintenance of CSC.Studies on co-evolution and interdependence of cancer with normal tissues may lead to a useful treatment paradigm of cancer.The crosstalk between normal stem cells and cancer formation may converge developmental stages of different types of stem cells (e.g.normal stem cells,CSC and embryonic stem cells).The differential studies of the convergence may result in novel therapies for treating cancers.  相似文献   

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