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填海造地在解决海岸带地区发展空间短缺问题的同时,严重损害了人类赖以生存和发展的海洋与海岸带生态系统。如何控制大规模填海造地是我国面临的重大课题。构建了估算海湾最大可允许填海造地面积的分析框架和模型。填海造地的各种收益和成本,包括环境和生态成本被系统性地量化并嵌入到框架和模型之中。模型的估算结果可以为实施控制填海造地的约束机制提供科技支撑。利用建立的框架和模型对厦门西海域模拟的结果显示:当贴现率为4.5%时,厦门西海域最大可允许填海面积是89.44 hm2,其面积至少应该保持在44.52 km2;即便是使用8%的高贴现率,最大可允许填海面积也只占规划填海面积的35.83%;如果采用更加重视环境与生态效益的低贴现率2%,则厦门西海域最大可允许填海面积是0。  相似文献   

基于生境等价分析法的胶州湾围填海造地生态损害评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李京梅  刘铁鹰 《生态学报》2012,32(22):7146-7155
围填海造地的生态损害是指围填海造地所引致的海洋生态系统服务功能的下降,包括生物资源消失、生态调节功能减弱以及生物栖息地破坏等。针对胶州湾围填海造地规模及其生态影响,使用生境等价分析法,对围填海造地的资源和生态服务功能的受损程度和补偿规模进行了评估。结果表明,1988-2005年胶州湾填海造地的资源生态受损程度为41.33%,以退田还海作为修复工程,修复期为8a,在5%的折现率水平下,修复工程的规模应为22.47 km2,才能使被填海域的生态服务功能恢复到初始水平。这一结论可作为地方政府对胶州湾围填海造地实施生态修复建设和生态补偿管理的技术依据。  相似文献   

海湾型城市半城市化地区空间扩展演化——以厦门市为例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
选择海湾型城市--厦门市半城市化地区为研究对象,基于研究区1987、1992、1997、2002和2007年5个时相的TM/ETM+遥感影像数据,在遥感与GIS技术支持下获取了近20a 来各期土地利用信息数据,采用景观格局转移矩阵、景观格局指数和分形理论等方法研究了厦门市半城市化地区城市化过程中的景观格局空间演变特征,详细分析了城市形态演变、城市围填海特征及政策影响.结果表明:20 a 年来厦门近郊建设用地从18.4 km2增加到108.4 km2,远郊则从35.7 km2增加到114.9 km2,分别增长为原来5.9倍和3.2倍;城市空间扩展过程通过不断侵蚀耕地、林地和大规模填海造地完成,其中耕地景观变化最大,城市扩展最高峰(2002~2007年)近郊与远郊被建设用地"蚕食"的耕地多达19.74 km2和33.11 km2;在城市空间不断扩展的过程中,近郊城市城市由不稳定形态逐步向稳定形态(填充增长)演化,但远郊形态格局尚处于以中心城市扩展为主体的时期;填海造地面积及其时空分布与政策因素密切相关,20 a来厦门半城市化地区海岸线缩短了14.3%,近郊与远郊海岸分维数分别从1.236和1.267降到1.191和1.262,岸线复杂性明显降低,逐步趋于平直;海湾型城市战略的提出对填海造地影响最为明显,2002~2007年期间填海进程明显加快,近郊与远郊分别填海13.32和9.15 km2,超越了前15 a 填海总面积.  相似文献   

东江河岸缓冲带景观格局变化对水体恢复的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
周婷  彭少麟  任文韬 《生态学报》2009,29(1):231-239
以1998年,2006年的TM遥感影像数据为基础,利用地理系统软件Arc GIS对东江主干边缘做10km的缓冲区.以Fragstats为工具,利用景观指数从类型水平和景观水平上,分析河岸带景观格局变化.重点分析了各景观相关要素及景观整体对水体恢复的影响.结果表明:经过8a的变迁,东江水体斑块面积占河岸带景观面积的比例增加,水体连通性加强,破碎化程度有所下降,体现了在景观格局上流域水体有一定的恢复成效.河岸带区域中植被斑块面积增加,表明植被覆盖率增大,会有助于流域的水土保持;区域中耕地斑块面积在整个河岸带中的比例降低,对水体水质的污染会有减缓作用;整个河岸带景观破碎化程度有所下降,空间连通性相对增加.以上3种因素都会对水体的恢复起到促进作用.河岸带地区城市化水平加剧,这可以从建成地斑块面积增加,形状更加规则等景观格局特征看出,反映了人类干扰还在增强,无疑会对水体恢复造成不利影响.综合分析东江河岸缓冲带景观格局变化可以看出,东江河岸带水体恢复有一定成效,但是恢复的力度还有待加强,特别要注重植被质量的优化,改善植被的空间配置结构和种类搭配.城市规划中对建成地的选择要考虑河岸带的特殊性.水体的恢复要在景观水平上采取恢复措施,注重多因子的协调整合,改善流域尺度的景观格局配置.  相似文献   

2005年8月8日上午,当拍卖定锤连敲三下之后,香港某公司最终以人民币3.239亿元竞得2005G05地块(厦门香山国际游艇俱乐部码头地块).香山国际游艇俱乐部项目是厦门市重点项目,项目总用海面积达70万平方米,本次拍卖海域面积为22万平方米,全部用于填海.最初计算出的海域使用金只有1000万元,甚至有人建议为了支持重点项目建设,将海域低价出让给投资方开发.经过多方咨询后,厦门市政府决定采用挂牌拍卖的方式出让海域.竞拍当日经过20多个回合竞价,实现了上述戏剧性的转折.这个数字令在场的所有人都感到吃惊.因为该地块的挂牌价格只有8000万元,当时厦门填海造地海域使用金最高标准为60元每平方米.扣除补偿费用、前期费用以及基础设施配套费用合计.7000万元后,实际成交价格为1154元每平方米,高出海域使用金征收标准达18倍之多.香山国际游艇俱乐部项目用海拍卖是厦门利用市场机制配置海域资源,提高资源利用效率,同时保护滨海滩涂资源一个有益的尝试.  相似文献   

林勇  刘述锡  关道明  张振冬  温泉 《生态学报》2014,34(20):5984-5992
由于水产养殖缺乏科学空间规划,近年来中国最大的虾夷扇贝(Patinopecten yessoensis)养殖基地长山群岛发生了扇贝大规模死亡现象。当地渔业主管部门急需水产养殖空间格局优化的技术手段和科学依据。采用叶绿素a浓度、海水表面温度、水深、透明度以及评价单元到渔港、城镇、旅游区和自然保护区的距离等指标,构建了虾夷扇贝养殖适宜性评价模型,并以大小长山岛海域为示范区,对该海域的虾夷扇贝的养殖适宜性进行了空间分析。结果表明:大小长山岛海域虾夷扇贝养殖适宜性较高且具有较大的空间变异,在不考虑海域使用冲突情形下,养殖适宜性指数在6.0—7.0以及7.0以上的海域占示范区的面积比例分别为26.04%(167.75 km2)和4.73%(44.06 km2),且高适宜性(SSI7.0)区主要分布在大长山岛西北和西南海域;而由于航道和水产养殖存在海域使用冲突,高适宜区面积大幅下降为19.56 km2。在此基础上对大小长山岛海域虾夷扇贝养殖空间格局优化提出了建议。利用一些简单的距离指标反映了陆地基础设施因素对水产养殖选址的影响,体现了海陆统筹的理念并可为海陆统筹技术方法研究提供重要借鉴。  相似文献   

影响长江口毗邻海域低氧区多种时间尺度变化的水文因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周锋  黄大吉  倪晓波  宣基亮  张经  竺可欣 《生态学报》2010,30(17):4728-4740
对2006年6月、8月和10月与1999年8月在长江口向东至125°E、27°30′—33°30′N之间海域(统称长江口毗邻海域)开展的4次多学科综合海洋调查资料进行分析,了解长江口毗邻海域低氧现象的季节变化、年间变化及其与水团变化的关系。研究再次发现该海域存在长江口和浙江近海2处低氧水体、且2处低氧水体具有不同的季节演替和年际变化特征:长江口附近海域低氧水体的溶解氧浓度低、覆盖的面积大,低氧持续时间相对较短、溶解氧浓度的季节变化较大;浙江沿海低氧水体面积较小、溶解氧浓度的季节变化较小、但持续时间较长(6—10月份);2处水体低氧现象的年际变化均很显著。长江口毗邻海域的多种水动力因素及其相互作用导致了水团消长的季节和年际变化,并与该海域低氧现象的季节和年际变化具有较好的关联。季节性跃层的成长是近底层低氧形成的必要条件,而水团迁移和消长过程及其季节和年际变动是导致低氧区不同时间尺度变化的重要物理因素。针对2006年与1999年夏季长江口低氧区的显著变化给出观测证据,提出该时期内长江口的水团结构发生了变化,是导致低氧核心区的位置偏北的主要动力原因。2006年和1999年夏季长江口附近低氧水体的年际变化与同时期叶绿素高浓度区的位置变动是一致的,也为此期间水团消长情况提供了证据。  相似文献   

基于稳定映射变化轨迹分析的厦门土地利用时空演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以1983—2010年5个时相的Landsat MSS、TM为数据源,综合改进稳定映射变化轨迹分析、土地利用动态度、景观格局指数、聚类分析等方法,分析了海湾型城市厦门土地利用时空演化特征。结果表明:1983—2010年厦门市林地和未利用地显著减少、建设用地持续增加、耕地先增加后减少、水体相对稳定;变化轨迹被分为7类变化过程,变化过程中土地利用主要流向耕地和建设用地;转化为耕地集中在1983—1993年,占厦门市域总面积的9.2%,其中由林地转化面积占市域总面积的5.17%;建设用地由侵蚀林地、耕地和大规模填海造地而来,扩展方式经历了外围式扩展到填充式增长,城市形态由不稳定形态向稳定形态演化,并从岛内逐步扩展至岛外的近郊和远郊;受地形的保护,海拔较高的林地保护较好,地形平坦地区的耕地和林地出现了大量的相互转化,占市域总面积的14.64%;城市空间构型由集聚型、相对集聚型和相对分散型决定,三者面积之和超过市域总面积的80%。随着城市化进程的推进,城市空间构型由相对分散型向相对集聚型发展。分散型中有超过1300种变化轨迹集中在岛外区域的河流入海口,占市域总面积的4.75%,说明该地区土地利用处于极不稳定的状态。研究结果为厦门市有关部门在合理利用土地资源、控制填海造地规模、科学安排填海造地等方面提供基础数据支撑。  相似文献   

厦门市土地利用变化下的生态敏感性   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
黄静  崔胜辉  李方一  邱全毅  马克明 《生态学报》2011,31(24):7441-7449
当前,城市化与全球变化背景叠加,海岸带生态系统发生了巨大的变化,沿海城市在全球变化下的脆弱性、敏感性与适应能力等问题已经成为政府和科学界关注的重要问题.土地利用变化是导致生态系统敏感性的重要因素之一.以厦门市作为沿海城市的典型代表,对近20 a土地利用变化下的生态敏感性进行系统研究.分析了城市建设用地扩张、围填海等主要土地利用活动对生态敏感性的影响机制;其次建立土地利用变化下的生态敏感性指数,并分析其变化过程;最后通过ArcGIS图层叠加计算功能,获得生态敏感性空间分布状况.结果表明:1987-2007年厦门市城市建设用地面积由1987年的67.48 km2,增加为2007年的308.21 km2,扩张了4.57倍,主要为蚕食农业用地和林地而来;海岸线长度由1987年的290.19 km,增加为1992年的343.23 km,而后减小为2007年的299.93 km,围垦养殖活动使得岸线变得曲折,填海造地活动导致岸线变得平滑.厦门市土地利用强度由1987年的2.44逐年增加为2007年的2.52,生态系统服务价值总体呈现减小的趋势,由1987年的7.39×109元减少到2007年的7.02× 109元,土地利用强度与生态系统服务价值呈现负相关关系.土地利用变化下的生态敏感性指数由1992年的1.50增加为1997年的4.94,而后减小为2002年的4.12,再增加为2007年的4.47.整体而言,近20a来厦门市生态系统对土地利用变化的敏感性灵敏响应程度不很剧烈,生态敏感性高的区域主要位于沿海区域.  相似文献   

兰州中心城区用地扩展及其热岛响应的遥感分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以兰州中心城区为研究区,以1978、1993、2001和2010年的Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+影像为数据源,采用NDBI-SAVI指数相结合的方法,提取建设用地信息,利用热红外波段的单窗算法反演城市地表温度.结合城市热岛比例指数和地表温度分级,定量研究城镇用地扩张对城市热环境的影响.结果表明:兰州中心城区建设用地在1978-2010年的30余年间面积由87.47 km2增加到172.61 km2,增幅近l倍.城市扩展与热岛扩展趋势具有空间一致性,在城市扩张的同时,城区地表温度逐渐上升,城市热岛面积不断扩大.  相似文献   

This study tracked the movements of Australian sea lion ( Neophoca cinerea ) pups, juveniles, and adult females to identify home ranges and determine if young sea lions accompanied their mothers at sea. Satellite tags were deployed on nine 15-mo-old pups, nine 23-mo-old juveniles, and twenty-nine adult female Australian sea lions at Seal Bay Conservation Park, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Females did not travel with their offspring at sea, suggesting young Australian sea lions learn foraging behaviors independently. Although home ranges increased with age, 23-mo-old juveniles had not developed adult movement capacity and their range was only 40.6% of the adult range. Juveniles traveled shorter distances (34.8 ± 5.5 km) at slower speeds (2.0 ± 0.3 km/h) than adults (67.9 ± 3.5 km and 3.9 ± 0.3 km/h). Young sea lions also stayed in shallower waters; sea floor depths of mean locations were 48 ± 7 m for juveniles and 74 ± 2 m for females. Restricted to shallow coastal waters, pups and juveniles are more likely to be disproportionately impacted by human activities. With limited available foraging habitat, young Australian sea lions appear particularly vulnerable to environmental alterations resulting from fisheries or climate change.  相似文献   

Due to the discharge of nutrients into the East China Sea, severe eutrophication has appeared in Hangzhou Bay. Therefore, we cultivated Gracilaria verrucosa on a large scale in the Jinshan enclosed sea with an area of 1.72 km2 in the northern part of Hangzhou Bay to perform bioremediation. The Fengxian enclosed sea with an area of 2.3 km2 and 50 km far from Jinshan was used as the control. The results showed that the Hangzhou Bay was severely eutrophicated before G. verrucosa cultivation. During the period of cultivation between August 2006 and July 2007, the annual growth rate of G. verrucosa was 9.42% day−1, and the sea water quality was improved from worse than grade IV to grades II–III, with the concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and PO4-P significantly lower than that in the Fengxian enclosed sea (p < 0.01). The concentration of NH4-N, NO3-N, NO2-N, and PO4-P after G. verrucosa cultivation was decreased by 54.12%, 75.54%, 49.81%, and 49.00%, respectively. The density of phytoplankton in the Jinshan enclosed sea with cultivation of G. verrucosa was 6.90 –126.53 × 104 cells m−3, which was significantly lower than that in the Fengxian enclosed sea. In addition, species diversity, richness, and evenness was significantly increased after cultivation of G. verrucosa in the Jinshan enclosed sea compared with that in the Fengxian enclosed sea. The density of Skeletonema costatum, Prorocentrum micans, and Prorocentrum donghaiense, which were the usual species of red tides at the coastal sea of China, in the Jinshan enclosed sea with cultivation of G. verrucosa was significantly lower. Based on these results, if the water quality in the Jinshan enclosed sea were to be maintained at grade I (DIN ≤0.20 mg  L−1) or II (DIN ≤0.30 mg  L−1), 21.8 t or 18.0 t fresh weight of G. verrucosa need to be cultivated, respectively. These results indicated that large-scale cultivation of G. verrucosa could play a significant role in the bioremediation of Hangzhou Bay.  相似文献   

Ecological relationships of krill and whales have not been explored in the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP), and have only rarely been studied elsewhere in the Southern Ocean. In the austral autumn we observed an extremely high density (5.1 whales per km(2)) of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) feeding on a super-aggregation of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in Wilhelmina Bay. The krill biomass was approximately 2 million tons, distributed over an area of 100 km(2) at densities of up to 2000 individuals m(-3); reports of such 'super-aggregations' of krill have been absent in the scientific literature for >20 years. Retentive circulation patterns in the Bay entrained phytoplankton and meso-zooplankton that were grazed by the krill. Tagged whales rested during daylight hours and fed intensively throughout the night as krill migrated toward the surface. We infer that the previously unstudied WAP embayments are important foraging areas for whales during autumn and, furthermore, that meso-scale variation in the distribution of whales and their prey are important features of this system. Recent decreases in the abundance of Antarctic krill around the WAP have been linked to reductions in sea ice, mediated by rapid climate change in this area. At the same time, baleen whale populations in the Southern Ocean, which feed primarily on krill, are recovering from past exploitation. Consideration of these features and the effects of climate change on krill dynamics are critical to managing both krill harvests and the recovery of baleen whales in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

大亚湾鱼类群落嵌套分布格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为保护大亚湾渔业资源,2015年4月(春季)、8月(夏季)、10月(秋季)和12月(冬季)对大亚湾进行了4航次底拖网渔业资源调查,结合距最近大陆距离、距最近大岛距离、水深、水温、盐度、叶绿素a、总氮、总磷、鱼类的最大体长和捕捞努力量(CPUE)这些参数,研究了大亚湾鱼类的群聚特征。结果表明,大亚湾鱼类呈嵌套分布格局,鱼类最大体长对嵌套格局的形成具有显著影响;大亚湾鱼类群落嵌套格局的形成支持选择性迁入假说;大亚湾鱼类全年与四季的嵌套最友好位点均在湾口杨梅坑和大辣甲北部海域,此两海域为大亚湾鱼类的主要群聚区,大辣甲北部海域是鱼类的产卵场繁殖区,杨梅坑海域是鱼类的主要育肥区,均应优先进行保护和管理,是开展大亚湾鱼类增殖放流的最适宜海域。  相似文献   

The numbers of alien plant species naturalized on Kangaroo Is., South Australia, at different times were examined and compared with those from an adjacent part of the mainland, the Encounter Bay area. The establishment of new species appears to have been accelerating and the rate of acquisition is around 50% faster on the mainland than on the island. Flinders’ Chase, a National Park at the western end of Kangaroo Is., has been acquiring alien species more slowly than the rest of the island. Land use patterns are a more effective barrier to the invasion of alien plants than a 15 km stretch of sea.  相似文献   

徐姗楠  陈作志  何培民   《生态学报》2008,28(5):2065-2065~2072
根据2006年在杭州湾北岸大型围隔海域进行的生态调查数据,利用EwE软件构建围隔海域人工生态系统的能量流动模型.模型由13个功能组构成,分别是肉食性鱼类、底栖捕食鱼类、浮游动物性鱼类、草食性鱼类、蟹类、虾类、软体动物、底栖动物、肉食性浮游动物、植食性浮游动物、大型藻类、浮游植物和有机碎屑,每一组都代表在生态系统中具有相似地位的有机体,基本覆盖了该人工生态系统能量流动的主要过程.能量流动分析表明,围隔海域人工生态系统中能量流动主要以碎屑食物链途径为主,其中植食性浮游动物在能量从低级向高层次转换中起关键作用.人工生态系统的营养级范围为1.00~3.90级,系统的能量流动主要有6级,来自初级生产者的能流效率为9.4%,来自碎屑的转换效率为9.8%,平均能量转换效率为9.6%.经生态网络分析,直接来源于碎屑的比例占总流量的57%,而直接来源于初级生产者的比例为43%,生态系统特征参数:总初级生产计算量/总呼吸量(TPP/TR)、系统物质和能量循环率(FCI)和系统聚合度(A)值分别为2.672、0.25、0.315,表明围隔海域人工生态系统目前正处于发育时期.该研究为首次利用Ecopath模型分析大型围隔海域人工生态系统的结构和能量流动,旨在为富营养化近岸海域的生态修复提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Complex studies were carried out in the southern part of Onega Bay (White Sea) in the summer seasons of 2003–2006 and 2011–2013. These studies revealed the dynamics of oil pollution of the water area after an accidental fuel oil spill in September 2003 and its long-term adverse effects on organisms of different trophic levels of the coastal ecosystem (benthos, fish, and sea mammal populations) in the most polluted southeastern part of the bay. The deterioration of the status of the top trophic-level white whale population (a decrease in numbers) and the accumulation of oil hydrocarbons in tissues of benthic organisms are described.  相似文献   

On occasion Greenbank et al. (1980) in their 1973 to 1976 study on spruce budworm moth dispersal in New Brunswick, Canada, detected intense line concentrations of airborne moths crossing special radar observing sites located about 100 km inland from both the Bay of Fundy and the Northumberland Straits. Line concentrations of insects reflect the presence of atmospheric convergence lines. Data from a surface mesonetwork and wind and temperature soundings up to 2 km collected in New Brunswick from 1976 to 1978 around the period of spruce budworm moth activity has revealed sea breeze fronts to be the meteorological origin for the line concentrations of moths. Analysis has shown sea breeze fronts penetrating 80 to 100 km inland in New Brunswick can be expected once or twice each year during the moth dispersal period. An equation for maximum inland penetration was developed which gave a correlation coefficient of 0.78 between predicted and observed inland penetrations with a standard error of 17.5 km. Predicted sea-breeze frontal penetrations of 100 km or more were considered likely to produce a line concentration of moths observable at the radar sited. Using this criteria the prediction scheme delineated four out of the five nights when line concentrations of moths were observed and only over-predicted on one occasion. Thus meteorological data can be used to predict the appearance of line concentrations of spruce budworm moths and so provide input into population redistribution studies and into the development of control strategies directed at the adult budworm.Presented at Eighth International Congress in Biometeorology, 9–14 September 1979, Shefayim, Israel.  相似文献   

Terrestrial habitat is important for breeding in most pinnipeds. On land, most species remain near the shore, but New Zealand (NZ) sea lions, Phocarctos hookeri, often rest inland up to 1.5 km from the sea. Only three breeding areas of NZ sea lions exist today after the species was extirpated from its historical range (NZ mainland). The study was conducted at the Sandy Bay breeding colony, Auckland Islands, between December 2002 and March 2003. We used daily Global Positioning System locations of breeding females with pups and mapping in a Geographic Information System to determine terrestrial habitat use and preferences. Slopes less than 20° were preferred throughout the study. Females chose nursing sites with a seasonal change, preferentially based on the distance from the sea and habitat type. Comparisons with the other breeding colonies of NZ sea lions are presented and data are discussed in the context of the recolonization of the NZ mainland. Overall, the most suitable terrestrial habitat configuration for a breeding aggregation of NZ sea lions appears to be a sandy beach, with a wide area above high tide and moderate intertidal zone (for breeding), backed with vegetated sand dunes and forest on primarily flat terrain (for later dispersion).  相似文献   

锦州湾浮游植物群落结构特征及其对环境变化的响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
傅明珠  孙萍  孙霞  韦钦胜  张学雷  王宗灵 《生态学报》2014,34(13):3650-3660
锦州湾是我国北方污染严重的海湾,以水体的富营养化和重金属污染为特征。基于2011年8月(夏季)和2012年5月(春季)在锦州湾进行的航次调查,研究了该湾水采浮游植物的群落结构、时空分布及其对生态环境变化的响应。研究结果表明:锦州湾海域浮游植物群落主要由硅、甲藻组成,其生态类型主要为温带近岸型。春季和夏季共鉴定出浮游植物4门41属62种,硅藻在两个季节的物种数和细胞丰度上均占绝对优势,且底栖硅藻比例较高。夏季浮游植物细胞丰度平均值为41.44×103个/L,主要优势种为海链藻Thalassiosira spp.和叉角藻Cerarium furca;春季浮游植物细胞丰度平均值为13.80×103个/L,主要优势种为新月柱鞘藻Cylindrotheca closterium和中肋骨条藻Skeletonema costatum。锦州湾春季和夏季浮游植物群落组成差异明显,冗余分析(Redundancy analysis,RDA)表明硝酸盐浓度和水温分别是夏季和春季影响浮游植物群落结构的最重要环境因子。与历史资料相比,锦州湾优势种发生了显著变化,适于富营养化环境的微型浮游植物和部分耐污种在群落中占优势,表明人类活动引起的水体富营养化以及其它污染物,可能对浮游植物种类组成及分布产生了一定影响。  相似文献   

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