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Long-term results in patients after rectosigmoid vaginoplasty   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Many methods are used for vaginoplasty, including the split-thickness skin graft, full-thickness skin graft, and inverted penile skin flap. However, these procedures are not entirely satisfactory in cases of reconstructed vaginal stenosis, inadequate vaginal length, or poor lubrication. The small intestine, ascending colon, and sigmoid colon can be used in the intestinal flap method, and the authors modified the operation first described by Baldwin in which a loop of rectosigmoid is isolated, closed at one end, and brought down on its vascular pedicle as a neovagina and then anastomosed to the perineum.Vaginoplasty using the rectosigmoid was performed in 36 patients (28 male-to-female transsexual patients, five patients with congenital vaginal atresia, and three with cervical cancer). The follow-up period ranged from 1 to 10 years. The postoperative results were analyzed through physical examination and interview regarding the patient's functional status and satisfaction during sexual intercourse. The mean depth and width of the vaginal cavity were 12.5 cm and 3.9 cm, respectively. Excessive mucosal discharge was seen in 8.3 percent, and malodor was found in 8.3 percent. All patients who had partners were able to have sexual intercourse; 2.8 percent of patients used lubricants and 5.6 percent used dilators before intercourse for more than a year postoperatively. During intercourse, 88.9 percent of the patients experienced orgasm. The cosmetic and functional results of rectosigmoid vaginoplasty were excellent. Thus, the advantages of rectosigmoid vaginoplasty are (1) rare contraction of the reconstructed vagina, (2) vaginal width and depth maintained without long-term vaginal stent, (3) spontaneous mucus production facilitating sexual intercourse, (4) avoidance of the malodor frequently accompanying skin graft, and (5) texture and appearance similar to that of the natural vagina. The authors concluded that rectosigmoid vaginoplasty is the best choice for transsexual patients who have previously undergone penectomy and orchiectomy, patients with unfavorable previous vaginoplasty, those with short vaginal length after cervical cancer surgery, and patients with congenital vaginal atresia.  相似文献   



To support decisions about surgical treatment of elderly patients with cancer, population-based estimates of postoperative mortality (POM) rates are required.


Electronic records from the Rotterdam Cancer Registry were retrieved for octogenarians and nonagenarians who underwent resection in the period 1987–2000. POM was defined as death within 30 days of resection and both elective and emergency operations were included.


In a series of 5.390 operated patients aged 80 years and older, POM rates were 0.5% for breast cancer, 1.7% for endometrial cancer and 4.2% for renal cancer. For patients with colorectal cancer, POM increased from 8% for the age group 80–84 to 13% for those 85–89 to 20% in nonagenarians. For stomach cancer, the respective figures were 11%, 20% and 44%.


These results show that resections can be performed at acceptable risk in selected elderly patients with cancer.  相似文献   

We describe a case of critical hand ischaemia after transradial cardiac catheterisation. The patient presented with hand ischaemia 5 days after transradial coronary angiography. Urgent angiography demonstrated radial artery occlusion with embolisation to the palmar arch and digital arteries. The ischaemia was refractory to an extensive thrombolytic regimen, and subsequently, the patient was referred to the vascular surgeon for urgent thrombectomy and patch angioplasty. The patient recovered slowly and no amputation was necessary, but complaints of right hand numbness and paresthesia of all digits remained.  相似文献   

目的:探讨原位肝移植术后胆道并发症的原因和诊治.方法:回顾性分析2004年1月至2008年4月的56例原位肝移患者的临床资料.结果:8例发生了胆道并发症,发生率为14.3%,治愈7例,1例呼吸衰竭死亡.其中1例胆漏患者通过经窦道放置引流管充分引流后治愈;1例胆结石患者经内镜十二指肠乳头切开取石治愈;3例吻合口狭窄患者经内镜球囊扩张术和放置胆道支架治愈;3例非吻合口狭窄患者中2例实施再次移植手术,效果满意,1例死于严重的肺部感染后呼吸衰竭.胆道并发症组冷缺血时间(9.6 h)高于无胆道并发症组(6.8h)(P<0.05).留置T管组(13.6%)与未留置T管组胆道并发症发生率没有明显差别(16.7%)(P>0.05).结论:缺血性损伤是肝移植术后胆道并发症的重要原因.术后早期胆道造影并联合应用核磁共振胆管成像有助于及时诊断胆道并发症.及时采用介入治疗肝移植术后胆道并发症可取得较好疗效.  相似文献   

Aminopeptidase N is a species-specific receptor for transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV), which infects piglets, and for the 229E virus, which infects humans. It is not known whether these coronaviruses are endocytosed before fusion with a membrane of the target cell, causing a productive infection, or whether they fuse directly with the plasma membrane. We have studied the interaction between TGEV and a cell line (MDCK) stably expressing recombinant pig aminopeptidase N (pAPN). By electron microscopy and flow cytometry, TGEV was found to be associated with the plasma membrane after adsorption to the pAPN-MDCK cells. TGEV was also observed in endocytic pits and apical vesicles after 3 to 10 min of incubation at 38°C. The number of pits and apical vesicles was increased by the TGEV incubation, indicating an increase in endocytosis. After 10 min of incubation, a distinct TGEV-pAPN-containing population of large intracellular vesicles, morphologically compatible with endosomes, was found. A higher density of pAPN receptors was observed in the pits beneath the virus particles than in the surrounding plasma membrane, indicating that TGEV recruits pAPN receptors before endocytosis. Ammonium chloride and bafilomycin A1 markedly inhibited the TGEV infection as judged from virus production and protein biosynthesis analyses but did so only when added early in the course of the infection, i.e., about 1 h after the start of endocytosis. Together our results point to an acid intracellular compartment as the site of fusion for TGEV.  相似文献   

A previously unreported complication of pseudomeningocele following monoblock frontofacial advancement is described. The defect was repaired by means of an extracranial approach with a satisfactory outcome.  相似文献   

Xu J  Qi L  Chi X  Yang J  Wei X  Gong E  Peh S  Gu J 《Biology of reproduction》2006,74(2):410-416
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus has been known to damage multiple organs; however, little is known about its impact on the reproductive system. In the present study, we analyzed the pathological changes of testes from six patients who died of SARS. Results suggested that SARS caused orchitis. All SARS testes displayed widespread germ cell destruction, few or no spermatozoon in the seminiferous tubule, thickened basement membrane, and leukocyte infiltration. The numbers of CD3+ T lymphocytes and CD68+ macrophages increased significantly in the interstitial tissue compared with the control group (P < 0.05). SARS viral genomic sequences were not detected in the testes by in situ hybridization. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated abundant IgG precipitation in the seminiferous epithelium of SARS testes, indicating possible immune response as the cause for the damage. Our findings indicated that orchitis is a complication of SARS. It further suggests that the reproductive functions should be followed and evaluated in recovered male SARS patients.  相似文献   

Cholesterol from the plasma membrane of MA-10 Leydig tumor cells is internalized into the cell and either esterified or used as substrate for steroid hormone synthesis. In the present studies we show that chloroquine and sphinganine cause LDL cholesterol and cholesteryl esters to accumulate in the cells. A lysosome fraction contained the excess cholesterol and cholesteryl esters. Both inhibitors blocked the conversion of plasma membrane cholesterol into intracellular cholesteryl esters and caused dose-dependent inhibition of dibutyryl-cAMP-stimulated progesterone synthesis. Radiolabeled cholesterol applied to the plasma membrane of MA-10 cells accumulated in the lysosome fraction of chloroquine and sphinganine-treated cells. Evidence that these inhibitors did not require the Golgi was provided by experiments using brefeldin A. Experiments utilizing a fluorescent cholesterol analogue and a lysosomal marker indicated that cholesterol entered the cells in structures that were different than the acidic vesicle–lysosome compartment. Consistent with this observation was the observation that the peak fluorescence fractions of cells subjected to density gradient centrifugation was of lower density than the lysosome fraction.  相似文献   



Cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention guidelines stress the importance of smoking cessation and recommend intensive follow-up. To guide the development of such cessation support strategies, we analysed the characteristics that are associated with successful smoking cessation after an acute coronary syndrome (ACS).


We used data from the Randomised Evaluation of Secondary Prevention for ACS patients coordinated by Outpatient Nurse SpEcialists (RESPONSE) trial (n = 754). This was designed to quantify the impact of a nurse-coordinated prevention program, focusing on healthy lifestyles, traditional CVD risk factors and medication adherence. For the current analysis we included all smokers (324/754, 43 %). Successful quitters were defined as those who reported abstinence at 1 year of follow-up.


The majority of successful quitters quit immediately after the ACS event and remained abstinent through 1 year of follow-up, without extra support (128/156, 82 %). Higher education level (33 vs. 15 %, p < 0.01), no history of CVD (87 vs. 74 %, p < 0.01) and being on target for LDL-cholesterol level at 1 year (78 vs. 63 %, p < 0.01) were associated with successful quitting.


The majority of successful quitters at 1 year stopped immediately after their ACS. Patients in this group showed that it was within their own ability to quit, and they did not relapse through 1 year of follow-up. Our study indicates that in a large group of patients who quit immediately after a life-threatening event, no relapse prevention program is needed.  相似文献   

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