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了解不同种类和大小的鱼类对各种捕捞方式的脆弱性,对于制定最佳的捕捞策略和合理开发鱼类资源至关重要。研究从渔获物组成、捕捞效率和个体大小等方面,对长江中游典型湖泊牛山湖的四种渔具(网簖、刺网、电捕和鸬鹚)的捕捞选择性进行了比较分析。使用相对重要性指数(IRI)评价渔具捕捞对鱼类物种的选择性,同时通过计算渔获物的平均营养水平(MTL)和饵料鱼与凶猛性鱼类的重量比,分析捕捞对鱼类群落营养结构的潜在影响。结果表明,网簖和电捕捕获的鱼类种数多、体长范围广,对鱼类资源的破坏性最大,应当加以限制或废除;鸬鹚是捕获鳜(尤其是高龄鳜)的一种有效方式,但对幼鳜和其他幼鱼也有较大损害,应控制其捕捞强度;刺网主要捕获几种经济鱼类,并可平衡捕食者和饵料鱼之间数量关系,是利用鱼类资源的一种较好方式,关键在于对刺网网目大小和捕捞强度的限制。建议湖泊捕捞应从单一物种转向多物种综合管理,并考虑物种之间的营养生态关系,以更好地保护和可持续利用渔业资源。  相似文献   

准确评估鱼类群落结构是渔业管理和鱼类资源养护的必要前提, 而不同渔具采样结果往往会产生较大差异。研究同时采用欧洲标准采样网具-复合网目刺网(Multi-mesh gillnet)和中国传统网具-网簖对长江中游典型浅水湖泊扁担塘的鱼类群落结构进行了评估。2种网具共采集到27种鱼类, 并发现黄尾鲴(Xenocypris daviai)和湖鲚(Coilia nasus taihuensis)2种新记录种, 扁担塘的鱼类群落结构较1999年和2003年均发生了较明显的改变。2种渔具捕获的鱼类组成、相对丰度和生物量以及鱼类体长分布频率均存在显著性差异。基于鱼类的相对生物量和相对丰度的NMDS排序表明2种网具捕获到的鱼类群落结构也存在显著差异。另外还比较了复合网目刺网与其他定量采样网具间的差异, 作者认为复合网目刺网比较适合长江中下游浅水湖泊鱼类群落研究的定量取样, 但仅凭单一网具评估鱼类群落结构具有局限性。  相似文献   

准确评估鱼类群落结构是渔业管理和鱼类资源养护的必要前提,而不同渔具采样结果往往会产生较大差异。研究同时采用欧洲标准采样网具-复合网目刺网(Multi-mesh gillnet)和中国传统网具-网簖对长江中游典型浅水湖泊扁担塘的鱼类群落结构进行了评估。2种网具共采集到27种鱼类,并发现黄尾鲴(Xenocypris daviai)和湖鲚(Coilia nasus taihuensis)2种新记录种,扁担塘的鱼类群落结构较1999年和2003年均发生了较明显的改变。2种渔具捕获的鱼类组成、相对丰度和生物量以及鱼类体长分布频率均存在显著性差异。基于鱼类的相对生物量和相对丰度的NMDS排序表明2种网具捕获到的鱼类群落结构也存在显著差异。另外还比较了复合网目刺网与其他定量采样网具间的差异,作者认为复合网目刺网比较适合长江中下游浅水湖泊鱼类群落研究的定量取样,但仅凭单一网具评估鱼类群落结构具有局限性。  相似文献   

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研究于2010年秋季和2011年夏季对南水北调东线工程最大调蓄湖泊洪泽湖的鱼类资源进行了调查,结合历史资料分析该湖鱼类资源变动情况,以期为渔业管理和生物多样性保护提供依据。自20世纪60年代以来,洪泽湖累计记录鱼类88种,本研究发现63种,其中新记录6种,分别为:点纹银 、彩副 、方氏鳑鲏、鲻、大眼鳜和波氏吻虾虎鱼;与历史记录比较,湖泊定居性鱼类所占比例由59%上升78%,而喜流水性鱼类和河海洄游性鱼类分别由22%和7%下降到3%和3%;未采集到的25种鱼类中,流水性鱼类计17种,占68%。网簖和丝网的渔获物分析表明,鲫、黄颡鱼、刀鲚和红鳍原鲌等小型鱼类具有较高的IRI值(相对重要性指数,Index of Relative Importance),是鱼类群落的优势种,大型鱼类除鲤外,IRI值均不高,在群落中不占优势。20102011年洪泽湖渔业年产量为2200104 kg,以刀鲚和鲫为主的小型鱼类产量达1967104 kg,占89.4%;四大家鱼产量96104 kg,占4.4%;鳜、翘嘴鲌、乌鳢和鲇等大型食鱼性鱼类合计仅占0.89%。文章分析江湖阻隔、过度捕捞和生境破坏对洪泽湖鱼类资源的影响,提出相应的渔业管理策略,并初步预测南水北调东线工程对该湖鱼类和渔业的潜在影响。    相似文献   

2010—2012年采用刺网(多网目单层刺网和单网目三层刺网)、电捕、底拖网和地笼对上海青草沙水库的鱼类多样性进行了调查.调查共采集到鱼类34种,隶属8目、12科,其中鲤形目鱼类物种数最多(19种)、鲈形目次之(6种).多网目单层刺网仅采集到鱼类19种,其中刀鲚为优势种.聚类分析表明,单层刺网网目规格对渔获物物种组成影响较为显著,网目为2 cm的网片的渔获物优势种为刀鲚和贝氏〖FK(W*8/9。1〗〖PS5号F体.eps,BP#〗〖FK)〗
,其他网目网片优势种为刀鲚.渔获物物种数和单位努力捕获数量均有随着网目规格增大而下降的趋势.网目规格对优势种刀鲚的体长分布影响显著,且随着网目规格的增加而增大.为更加科学合理地评估某水域的鱼类群落多样性,需要结合多种采样方法进行鱼类调查.  相似文献   

三峡水库香溪河鱼类资源现状及渔业管理建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2015,39(5):973-982
于20122013 年对香溪河鱼类组成及资源量进行了周年季度调查, 结合历史资料, 分析了三峡水库成库前后香溪河鱼类资源的变动情况, 以期为保护和利用三峡库区的鱼类资源提供依据。共采集鱼类48 种,隶属于 3 目 8 科 35 属, 以湖泊定居性鱼类为主;发现香溪河鱼类优势种是光泽黄颡鱼、鳙、鲢、达氏鲌、贝氏 、大眼鳜、翘嘴鲌、瓦氏黄颡鱼、银 、蛇;肉食性鱼类(达氏鲌、翘嘴鲌、大眼鳜等)占总渔获量的31.54%, 生物量相对较高;对单位捕捞努力渔获量的调查显示, 夏季日均单船渔获量最高, 达到(69.4546.61) kg/(船d)。与历史记录比较, 三峡水库成库后, 香溪河的鱼类群落组成已经发生了显著变化,湖泊定居性鱼类成为优势种群。基于此次调查结果, 文章提出了禁渔期调整、小型鱼类资源利用和肉食性鱼类合理放养等渔业管理建议。    相似文献   

鱼类的能量密度(能值)是指单位重量(湿重或干重)鱼体所含能量的多少,其单位一般是kJ/g wet mass或kJ/g drymass,它能够反映鱼类的营养状态和储能水平,是鱼类生物能量学研究的关键参数之一;同时,在对水域生态系统食物网结构和能量流动的研究中,将鱼类种群的生物量由重量单位换算为能量单位,也必须建立在已知的特定鱼类能量密度之上。国内已有不少研究对主要养殖鱼类(如草鱼、团头鲂、鳜、乌鳢等)进行过能量密度的测定[1,2]。小型鱼类是长江中下游湖泊鱼类群落的重要组成部分,其种类数量在一个湖泊中一般为30—40种,超过鱼类总数的一半以上,资源蕴藏量相当丰富[3]。它们处于食物链的中间环节,一方面作为饵料鱼被食鱼性鱼类如鳜、乌鳢、翘嘴等所捕食,另一方面又和与其营养级相近的经济鱼类如鲢、鳙、鲤等争夺湖中的饵料资源,可见,小型鱼类在长江中下游湖泊生态系统的物质循环和能量流动中占有相当重要的生态地位,如何控制和利用湖中过剩的小型鱼类资源已成为渔业资源管理者和渔业生态学家所关注的焦点[4]。目前,已有对小型鱼类在长江中下游某些湖泊中的种群丰度和群落结构特征的初步调查[3,5];然而,有关湖泊野生小型鱼类能量密度的研...  相似文献   

为了了解中国长江中下游湖泊——傀儡湖(N 31o24′, E 120o51′)鱼类生长的特性, 于2013年4月至2015年4月利用地笼、多网目复合刺网和网簖等工具对该水域鱼类进行了月度调查。共捕获鱼类18种, 隶属于3科, 主要以鲤科鱼类为主。运用最小二乘法对这18种鱼类的全长和体重的回归关系进行拟合, 其中3种鱼类全长与体重的回归方程为首次拟合。此外, 15种鱼类的最大全长超过世界鱼类数据库(FishBase)中记录的最大全长。研究提供的鱼类全长与体重回归方程及其参数填补了世界鱼类数据库的空白。  相似文献   

为了了解中国长江中下游湖泊——傀儡湖(N 31o24′, E 120o51′)鱼类生长的特性,于2013年4月至2015年4月利用地笼、多网目复合刺网和网簖等工具对该水域鱼类进行了月度调查。共捕获鱼类18种,隶属于3科,主要以鲤科鱼类为主。运用最小二乘法对这18种鱼类的全长和体重的回归关系进行拟合,其中3种鱼类全长与体重的回归方程为首次拟合。此外, 15种鱼类的最大全长超过世界鱼类数据库(FishBase)中记录的最大全长。研究提供的鱼类全长与体重回归方程及其参数填补了世界鱼类数据库的空白。  相似文献   

利用2004~2009年长江宜昌江段三层流刺网的渔获物数据,分析三层流刺网的主要捕捞对象和个体大小,探讨三层流刺网对长江鱼类资源的影响。结果显示,采集到5目8科40种鱼类,主要捕捞对象为铜鱼、圆口铜鱼、瓦氏黄颡鱼、长吻鮠和圆筒吻鮈等喜流水的种类。三层流刺网主要捕捞对象的体长明显小于初次性成熟体长。本研究的分析结果说明三层流刺网的主要捕捞对象为喜流水、中下层鱼类的幼鱼,对鱼类资源造成了过度捕捞。为了保护长江鱼类资源,建议在长江水系开展全面禁渔。  相似文献   

Conflict arises in fisheries worldwide when piscivorous birds target fish species of commercial value. This paper presents a method for estimating size selectivity functions for piscivores and uses it to compare predation selectivities of Great Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis L. 1758) with that of gill-net fishing on a European perch (Perca fluviatilis L. 1758) population in the Curonian Lagoon, Lithuania. Fishers often regard cormorants as an unwanted “satellite species”, but the degree of direct competition and overlap in size-specific selectivity between fishers and cormorants is unknown. This study showed negligible overlap in selectivity between Great Cormorants and legal-sized commercial nets. The selectivity estimation method has general application potential for use in conjunction with population dynamics models to assess fish population responses to size-selective fishing from a wide range of piscivorous predators.  相似文献   

The role of riparian forests in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems is well known, and they are recognized as an important food source for riverine fauna. This study investigates the trophic structure of coastal freshwater stream fishes from a large conservation area in an Atlantic rainforest using stomach content and food availability analyses. Four samples were collected from 19 sample sites. Fishes were caught with electrofishing. Prey were sampled with trays, Surber, traps, and electrofishing to evaluate the availability of food resources. The diets of 20 fish species were determined from the stomach contents of 1691 individuals. Terrestrial and aquatic insects and detritus were the most consumed items. Fish diet and prey availability were not seasonally dependent. A cluster analysis showed five trophic functional groups: terrestrial insectivores, aquatic insectivores, detritivores, carnivores, and omnivores. Insectivores predominated in species richness (60%), abundance (47%) and biomass (39%). Allochthonous and autochthonous items were found in similar proportions in the environment; however, allochthonous items were representative for insectivores and detritivores, whereas autochthonous items were important for primarily aquatic insectivores. The preference for certain insects by insectivorous fishes was associated with food selectivity rather than the availability of the resource and demonstrated the strong relationship between feeding behavior and food preference. The absence of seasonal variation in the diets of the fishes was possibly related to the consistent food supply. Our results confirm the role of the forest as a food provider for stream fishes, such as terrestrial insects and plant debris/detritus (also consumed by aquatic insects, which subsequently serve as food for fish), highlighting the importance of conserving the Brazilian Atlantic rainforests.  相似文献   

The total animal population percentage composition, found during period May-August 1979 on tunny-fishing coco-fibres nets in Camogli (Genoa), has been valued in relation to the depth. In particular, connections between population and presence of some fish species draughted has been studied, considering ecological, reproductive and trophic habits of fishes, in order to value relations between the influence these populations exert on fishing and biological characteristics of the quantitatively more meaningful fish species.  相似文献   

Fisheries exploitation represents a considerable threat to coral reef fish resources because even modest levels of extraction can alter ecological dynamics via shifts of stock size, species composition, and size-structure of the fish assemblage. Although species occupying higher trophic groups are known to suffer the majority of exploitative effects, changes in composition among lower trophic groups may be major, though are not frequently explored. Using size-based biomass spectrum analysis, we investigate the effects of fishing on the size-structure of coral reef fish assemblages spanning four geopolitical regions and determine if patterns of exploitation vary across trophic groups. Our analyses reveal striking evidence for the variety of effects fisheries exploitation can have on coral reef fish assemblages. When examining biomass spectra across the entire fish assemblage we found consistent evidence of size-specific exploitation, in which large-bodied individuals experience disproportionate reductions. The pattern was paralleled by and likely driven by, strongly size-specific reductions among top predators. In contrast, evidence of exploitation patterns was variable among lower trophic groups, in many cases including evidence of reductions across all size classes. The breadth of size classes and trophic groups that showed evidence of exploitation related positively to local human population density and diversity of fishing methods employed. Our findings highlight the complexity of coral reef fisheries and that the effects of exploitation on coral reefs can be realized throughout the entire fish assemblage, across multiple trophic groups and not solely restricted to large-bodied top-predators. Size-specific changes among fishes of lower trophic groups likely lead to altered ecological functioning of heavily exploited coral reefs. Together these findings reinforce the value of taking a multi-trophic group approach to monitoring and managing coral reef fisheries.  相似文献   

Gillnets are the primary fishing gear used in tropical multi-species fisheries along the Iranian southern coastal waters. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the catch composition and performance of fishing gear for the possible negative effects on the stocks. Catch data and length frequency distribution (just for Kingfish, S. commerson) were examined for three kinds of drift gillnets: 1) small-meshed nets, 2) medium-meshed nets, and 3) nets with a single mesh size of 165 mm. This study was conducted in the northern part of the Persian Gulf from 2014 to 2015. Overall, 60 species of 32 families from four fish groups (i.e., Pelagic, Demersal, Benthopelagic, and Reef-associated) were recorded. Each net-type was used to target more than one species, with most species being considered as bycatch. Commercial fish species were caught the most, accounting for around 83% of the total catches. S. commerson is targeted by all kinds of nets, with medium-meshed nets being most efficient. The majority of S. commerson caught by the nets were immature. Overall, the total ban of gillnets with small mesh sizes is recommended to protect young S. commerson and prevent the possible risk of growth overfishing. Studies on gillnet selectivity are needed to set minimum mesh regulations for S. commerson and other commercial species if the potential impacts of gillnet are known.  相似文献   

Mean juvenile fish abundance and fish frequency in a large lowland river during low discharge largely differed among the unvegetated and three morphologically contrasted macrophyte habitats. Single separate models revealed that juvenile fish distribution was largely influenced by trophic variables. With the exception of Leuciscus cephalus , which responded mainly to physical variables (depth and substratum), multiple regression models emphasized the importance of trophic variables for fish distribution. For Blicca bjoerkna , L. cephalus and Lepomis gibbosus , habitat shifts with respect to prey size were apparent; small juvenile fishes mainly responded to small zooplankton abundance, whereas large individuals were more influenced by the abundance of large zooplankton. Whatever the species, predictions from multiple regression models were always better for large individuals. Small juvenile fishes appeared to be less affected by the habitat variables measured, and exhibited more uniform spatial distribution. The relative importance of trophic resources and habitat physical structure among macrophyte types for fish-habitat relationships is discussed, and the necessity of quantifying habitat structural complexity is emphasized.  相似文献   


Small-scale reef fisheries are important commercial and subsistence activities that support the livelihoods of millions of people in tropical regions. Tropical marine fisheries typically target a diversity of species caught with a matching diversity of fishing gears and practices. Here, we explored how multiple fishing gears select for distinct functional traits of fish assemblages inside a large multiple use marine environmental protected area off northeastern Brazil. In 1833 landing interviews with local fishers, we identified 101 species, which were categorized according to six traits: body size, schooling behavior, mobility, position in the water column, diet and period of activity. Our research is the first to explore the broad patterns of gear selectivity with regards to fish functional traits for different habitat types. While gears used in reef habitats were highly selective of sedentary and benthic species that form schools with few individuals, gears used in coastal lagoons were selective of highly mobile pelagic species that form large schools. We found a low competitive interaction between different gear types, meaning there was a low overlap in trait selectivity between fishing gears. We also found direct associations between gears and fish functional traits: hooks and line targeted species that exhibit limited mobility capabilities, making these species more vulnerable to local levels of fishing effort. In contrast, nets and fish corrals targeted mobile species that exhibited a greater diversity of functional traits. Some of our results contrasted with the current literature on the topic, with differences highlighting the need for more research to clarify global patterns of trait selectivity by gear type. Our results have implications for fisheries management in northeastern Brazil: gear bans and effort caps are commonly used management measures that can foster fisheries sustainability by minimizing impacts to fish assemblage functions.


为探明长江口鳗苗网兼捕鱼类的物种多样性及其群聚结构,文章分析了2017—2019年鳗苗汛期用定置张网采集的11870网次鱼类样本。结果显示,样本中包含兼捕鱼类114388尾,经鉴定有54种,隶属13目27科46属。其中,鲈形目占总种数的40.74%,海洋性、肉食性、底层和小型鱼类分别占总种数的44.44%、74.07%、70.37%和48.15%。拉氏狼牙虾虎鱼(Odontamblyopus lacepedii)为第一优势种,数量占比达77.07%;焦氏舌鳎(Cynoglossus joyneri)、刀鲚(Coilia nasus)和斑鰶(Konosirus punctatus)也是个别年份的优势种。根据各月份间鱼类的群聚差异可将3月和4月、1月和2月各组合成1个组,两者的主要特征种分别有5种和6种,主要分歧种有10种。兼捕鱼类的平均体长仅(73.77±38) mm,早期资源占总样本数的96.65%,许多是当地经济鱼类的幼体。样本中有鳗苗16470尾, 3年平均的兼捕损伤率7.58,高于6年前的损伤率,鳗苗捕捞对其他鱼类幼体的损伤应引起重视。  相似文献   

Fishing gear and methods, catch composition, annual catch numbers and the monetary value of fisheries based in the mangroves of Pak Phanang, Nakhon Si Thamarat province, Thailand, were studied from September 2004 to February 2005. The fishing gear and methods were surveyed by visual observation and interviews. Sample catches were taken for each type of fishing gear and method. Semi-closed questionnaire surveys were conducted among fishers, local traders, local administrative officers and related organizations to derive information on utilized species, gear and methods, fisher and fishery status, and trading and catch price. The Pak Phanang mangrove fishery has three types of multi-species capture gear: channel traps, gill nets and lift nets. It also has three kinds of single-species (group) gear/methods: crab traps, catfish hooks and hand capture using a long tail fishing boat. A total of 57 fish species in 27 families, and 23 shell fish species in 8 families were recorded from the catch samples. Penaeid shrimp (25%), and ambassid (31%) and mugilid (24%) fishes were the abundant groups in the channel traps, while ariid (36%) and mugilid (19%) fishes were abundant in the lift net catches. Ambassid (42%) fish dominated the gill net catches. Species richness (number of species) varied depending on sampling month and type of fishing gear. The total annual catch and its monetary value were estimated to be 442–551 tons and US $368,038–733,973, respectively. The estimated annual catch per unit area of mangrove was 63–79 kg ha−1, which generated a market value of US $368,038–733,973, respectively. The estimated annual catch per unit area of mangrove was 63–79 kg ha−1, which generated a market value of US 52–105.  相似文献   

In recent years, it has become apparent that human impacts have altered community structure in coastal and marine ecosystems worldwide. Of these, fishing is one of the most pervasive, and a growing body of work suggests that fishing can have strong effects on the ecology of target species, especially top predators. However, the effects of removing top predators on lower trophic groups of prey fishes are less clear, particularly in highly diverse and trophically complex coral reef ecosystems. We examined patterns of abundance, size structure, and age-based demography through surveys and collection-based studies of five fish species from a variety of trophic levels at Kiritimati and Palmyra, two nearby atolls in the Northern Line Islands. These islands have similar biogeography and oceanography, and yet Kiritimati has ~10,000 people with extensive local fishing while Palmyra is a US National Wildlife Refuge with no permanent human population, no fishing, and an intact predator fauna. Surveys indicated that top predators were relatively larger and more abundant at unfished Palmyra, while prey functional groups were relatively smaller but showed no clear trends in abundance as would be expected from classic trophic cascades. Through detailed analyses of focal species, we found that size and longevity of a top predator were lower at fished Kiritimati than at unfished Palmyra. Demographic patterns also shifted dramatically for 4 of 5 fish species in lower trophic groups, opposite in direction to the top predator, including decreases in average size and longevity at Palmyra relative to Kiritimati. Overall, these results suggest that fishing may alter community structure in complex and non-intuitive ways, and that indirect demographic effects should be considered more broadly in ecosystem-based management.  相似文献   

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