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Ribonuclease P (RNase P) is an endoribonuclease that catalyzes the processing of the 5′-leader sequence of precursor tRNA (pre-tRNA) in all phylogenetic domains. We have found that RNase P in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 consists of RNase P RNA (PhopRNA) and five protein cofactors designated PhoPop5, PhoRpp21, PhoRpp29, PhoRpp30, and PhoRpp38. Biochemical characterizations over the past 10 years have revealed that PhoPop5 and PhoRpp30 fold into a heterotetramer and cooperate to activate a catalytic domain (C-domain) in PhopRNA, whereas PhoRpp21 and PhoRpp29 form a heterodimer and function together to activate a specificity domain (S-domain) in PhopRNA. PhoRpp38 plays a role in elevation of the optimum temperature of RNase P activity, binding to kink-turn (K-turn) motifs in two stem-loops in PhopRNA. This review describes the structural and functional information on P. horikoshii RNase P, focusing on the structural basis for the PhopRNA activation by the five RNase P proteins.  相似文献   

Deamination of cytosine to uracil in a G-C base pair is a major promutagenic event, generating G-C-->A-T mutations if not repaired before DNA replication. Archaeal family B DNA polymerases are uniquely able to recognize unrepaired uracil in a template strand and stall polymerization upstream of the lesion, thereby preventing the irreversible fixation of an A-T mutation. We have now identified a 'pocket' in the N-terminal domains of archaeal DNA polymerases that is positioned to interact with the template strand and provide this ability. The structure of this pocket provides interacting groups that discriminate uracil from the four normal DNA bases (including thymine). These groups are conserved in archaeal polymerases but absent from homologous viral polymerases that are unable to recognize uracil. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we have confirmed the biological role of this pocket and have engineered specific mutations in the Pfu polymerase that confer the ability to read through template-strand uracils and carry out PCR with dUTP in place of dTTP.  相似文献   

While most organisms grow at temperatures ranging between 20 and 50 degrees C, many archaea and a few bacteria have been found capable of withstanding temperatures close to 100 degrees C, or beyond, such as Pyrococcus or Aquifex. Here we report the results of two independent large scale unbiased approaches to identify global protein properties correlating with an extreme thermophile lifestyle. First, we performed a comparative proteome analyses using 30 complete genome sequences from the three kingdoms. A large difference between the proportions of charged versus polar (noncharged) amino acids was found to be a signature of all hyperthermophilic organisms. Second, we analyzed the water accessible surfaces of 189 protein structures belonging to mesophiles or hyperthermophiles. We found that the surfaces of hyperthermophilic proteins exhibited the shift already observed at the genomic level, i.e. a proportion of solvent accessible charged residues strongly increased at the expense of polar residues. The biophysical requirements for the presence of charged residues at the protein surface, allowing protein stabilization through ion bonds, is therefore clearly imprinted and detectable in all genome sequences available to date.  相似文献   

Li T  Sun F  Ji X  Feng Y  Rao Z 《Journal of molecular biology》2003,325(5):1031-1037
The histone protein HPhA from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii, shows hyperthermostability, as required for optimal growth of the organism at 95 degrees C. The structure of recombinant P.horikoshii HPhA has been determined to 2.3A resolution by molecular replacement, and refined to R(work) and R(free) values of 20.7% and 27.3%, respectively. The HPhA monomer structure is characterized by the histone fold and assembles into a homodimer like other archaeal histones. There are four anions found in the dimer structure, giving rise to clues as to where DNA might bind. A detailed comparison of four known structures of archaeal histones, which evolve and exist under different temperatures, shows that the thermophilic archaeal histone HPhA has a larger hydrophobic contact area, an increased number of hydrogen bonds and a reduced solvent-accessible area. We also observe a unique network of tyrosine residues located at the crossover point of the two HPhA monomers, which locks them together and stabilizes the dimer. These factors together account for the increased thermal stability.  相似文献   

Structural basis for the oxidation of thiosulfate by a sulfur cycle enzyme   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Reduced inorganic sulfur compounds are utilized by many bacteria as electron donors to photosynthetic or respiratory electron transport chains. This metabolism is a key component of the biogeochemical sulfur cycle. The SoxAX protein is a heterodimeric c-type cytochrome involved in thiosulfate oxidation. The crystal structures of SoxAX from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodovulum sulfidophilum have been solved at 1.75 A resolution in the oxidized state and at 1.5 A resolution in the dithionite-reduced state, providing the first structural insights into the enzymatic oxidation of thiosulfate. The SoxAX active site contains a haem with unprecedented cysteine persulfide (cysteine sulfane) coordination. This unusual post-translational modification is also seen in sulfurtransferases such as rhodanese. Intriguingly, this enzyme shares further active site characteristics with SoxAX such as an adjacent conserved arginine residue and a strongly positive electrostatic potential. These similarities have allowed us to suggest a catalytic mechanism for enzymatic thiosulfate oxidation. The atomic coordinates and experimental structure factors have been deposited in the PDB with the accession codes 1H31, 1H32 and 1H33.  相似文献   

We describe a structural model for DNA binding by the caspase-activated DNase (CAD). Results of a mutational analysis and computational modeling suggest that DNA is bound via a positively charged surface with two functionally distinct regions, one being the active site facing the DNA minor groove and the other comprising distal residues close to or directly from helix alpha4, which binds DNA in the major groove. This bipartite protein-DNA interaction is present once in the CAD/inhibitor of CAD heterodimer and repeated twice in the active CAD dimer.  相似文献   

Structural basis of pore formation by the bacterial toxin pneumolysin   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Tilley SJ  Orlova EV  Gilbert RJ  Andrew PW  Saibil HR 《Cell》2005,121(2):247-256
The bacterial toxin pneumolysin is released as a soluble monomer that kills target cells by assembling into large oligomeric rings and forming pores in cholesterol-containing membranes. Using cryo-EM and image processing, we have determined the structures of membrane-surface bound (prepore) and inserted-pore oligomer forms, providing a direct observation of the conformational transition into the pore form of a cholesterol-dependent cytolysin. In the pore structure, the domains of the monomer separate and double over into an arch, forming a wall sealing the bilayer around the pore. This transformation is accomplished by substantial refolding of two of the four protein domains along with deformation of the membrane. Extension of protein density into the bilayer supports earlier predictions that the protein inserts beta hairpins into the membrane. With an oligomer size of up to 44 subunits in the pore, this assembly creates a transmembrane channel 260 A in diameter lined by 176 beta strands.  相似文献   

The micronutrient selenium is present in proteins as selenocysteine (Sec). In eukaryotes and archaea, Sec is formed in a tRNA-dependent conversion of O-phosphoserine (Sep) by O-phosphoseryl-tRNA:selenocysteinyl-tRNA synthase (SepSecS). Here, we present the crystal structure of Methanococcus maripaludis SepSecS complexed with PLP at 2.5 Å resolution. SepSecS, a member of the Fold Type I PLP enzyme family, forms an (α2)2 homotetramer through its N-terminal extension. The active site lies on the dimer interface with each monomer contributing essential residues. In contrast to other Fold Type I PLP enzymes, Asn247 in SepSecS replaces the conserved Asp in binding the pyridinium nitrogen of PLP. A structural comparison with Escherichia coli selenocysteine lyase allowed construction of a model of Sep binding to the SepSecS catalytic site. Mutations of three conserved active site arginines (Arg72, Arg94, Arg307), protruding from the neighboring subunit, led to loss of in vivo and in vitro activity. The lack of active site cysteines demonstrates that a perselenide is not involved in SepSecS-catalyzed Sec formation; instead, the conserved arginines may facilitate the selenation reaction. Structural phylogeny shows that SepSecS evolved early in the history of PLP enzymes, and indicates that tRNA-dependent Sec formation is a primordial process.  相似文献   

Oxalyl-coenzyme A decarboxylase is a thiamin diphosphate-dependent enzyme that plays an important role in the catabolism of the highly toxic compound oxalate. We have determined the crystal structure of the enzyme from Oxalobacter formigenes from a hemihedrally twinned crystal to 1.73 A resolution and characterized the steady-state kinetic behavior of the decarboxylase. The monomer of the tetrameric enzyme consists of three alpha/beta-type domains, commonly seen in this class of enzymes, and the thiamin diphosphate-binding site is located at the expected subunit-subunit interface between two of the domains with the cofactor bound in the conserved V-conformation. Although oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase is structurally homologous to acetohydroxyacid synthase, a molecule of ADP is bound in a region that is cognate to the FAD-binding site observed in acetohydroxyacid synthase and presumably fulfils a similar role in stabilizing the protein structure. This difference between the two enzymes may have physiological importance since oxalyl-CoA decarboxylation is an essential step in ATP generation in O. formigenes, and the decarboxylase activity is stimulated by exogenous ADP. Despite the significant degree of structural conservation between the two homologous enzymes and the similarity in catalytic mechanism to other thiamin diphosphate-dependent enzymes, the active site residues of oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase are unique. A suggestion for the reaction mechanism of the enzyme is presented.  相似文献   

The scaffolding protein insulin receptor tyrosine kinase substrate p53 (IRSp53), a ubiquitous regulator of the actin cytoskeleton, mediates filopodia formation under the control of Rho-family GTPases. IRSp53 comprises a central SH3 domain, which binds to proline-rich regions of a wide range of actin regulators, and a conserved N-terminal IRSp53/MIM homology domain (IMD) that harbours F-actin-bundling activity. Here, we present the crystal structure of this novel actin-bundling domain revealing a coiled-coil domain that self-associates into a 180 A-long zeppelin-shaped dimer. Sedimentation velocity experiments confirm the presence of a single molecular species of twice the molecular weight of the monomer in solution. Mutagenesis of conserved basic residues at the extreme ends of the dimer abrogated actin bundling in vitro and filopodia formation in vivo, demonstrating that IMD-mediated actin bundling is required for IRSp53-induced filopodia formation. This study promotes an expanded view of IRSp53 as an actin regulator that integrates scaffolding and effector functions.  相似文献   

The majority of structural efforts addressing RNA's catalytic function have focused on natural ribozymes, which catalyze phosphodiester transfer reactions. By contrast, little is known about how RNA catalyzes other types of chemical reactions. We report here the crystal structures of a ribozyme that catalyzes enantioselective carbon-carbon bond formation by the Diels-Alder reaction in the unbound state and in complex with a reaction product. The RNA adopts a lambda-shaped nested pseudoknot architecture whose preformed hydrophobic pocket is precisely complementary in shape to the reaction product. RNA folding and product binding are dictated by extensive stacking and hydrogen bonding, whereas stereoselection is governed by the shape of the catalytic pocket. Catalysis is apparently achieved by a combination of proximity, complementarity and electronic effects. We observe structural parallels in the independently evolved catalytic pocket architectures for ribozyme- and antibody-catalyzed Diels-Alder carbon-carbon bond-forming reactions.  相似文献   

CCA-adding enzyme [ATP(CTP):tRNA nucleotidyltransferase], a template-independent RNA polymerase, adds the defined 'cytidine-cytidine-adenosine' sequence onto the 3' end of tRNA. The archaeal CCA-adding enzyme (class I) and eubacterial/eukaryotic CCA-adding enzyme (class II) show little amino acid sequence homology, but catalyze the same reaction in a defined fashion. Here, we present the crystal structures of the class I archaeal CCA-adding enzyme from Archaeoglobus fulgidus, and its complexes with CTP and ATP at 2.0, 2.0 and 2.7 A resolutions, respectively. The geometry of the catalytic carboxylates and the relative positions of CTP and ATP to a single catalytic site are well conserved in both classes of CCA-adding enzymes, whereas the overall architectures, except for the catalytic core, of the class I and class II CCA-adding enzymes are fundamentally different. Furthermore, the recognition mechanisms of substrate nucleotides and tRNA molecules are distinct between these two classes, suggesting that the catalytic domains of class I and class II enzymes share a common origin, and distinct substrate recognition domains have been appended to form the two presently divergent classes.  相似文献   

LigD 3′-phosphoesterase (PE) enzymes perform end-healing reactions at DNA breaks. Here we characterize the 3′-ribonucleoside-resecting activity of Candidatus Korarchaeum PE. CkoPE prefers a single-stranded substrate versus a primer–template. Activity is abolished by vanadate (10 mM), but is less sensitive to phosphate (IC50 50 mM) or chloride (IC50 150 mM). The metal requirement is satisfied by manganese, cobalt, copper or cadmium, but not magnesium, calcium, nickel or zinc. Insights to CkoPE metal specificity were gained by solving new 1.5 Å crystal structures of CkoPE in complexes with Co2+ and Zn2+. His9, His15 and Asp17 coordinate cobalt in an octahedral complex that includes a phosphate anion, which is in turn coordinated by Arg19 and His51. The cobalt and phosphate positions and the atomic contacts in the active site are virtually identical to those in the CkoPE·Mn2+ structure. By contrast, Zn2+ binds in the active site in a tetrahedral complex, wherein the position, orientation and atomic contacts of the phosphate are shifted and its interaction with His51 is lost. We conclude that: (i) PE selectively binds to ‘soft’ metals in either productive or non-productive modes and (ii) PE catalysis depends acutely on proper metal and scissile phosphate geometry.  相似文献   

The current of the outward K+ channel in the cell of horseradish treated with La3+ and the direct interaction between La3+ and the K+ channel protein were investigated using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique, molecular dynamics simulation, and quantum chemistry calculation methods. It was found for the first time that La3+ decreases the current of the K+ channel in the horseradish mesophyll cell. The decrease results from the formation of a coordination bond and hydrogen bond between La3+ and the K+ channel protein in the plasma membrane. The direct interaction destroys the native structure of the K+ channel protein, disturbing the function of the K+ channel protein in the cells. The results can provide the theoretical foundation for understanding the interaction between metal ions (especially high-valence metal ions) and the channel protein in organisms, including animal and plant cells.  相似文献   

M Q Xu  D G Comb  H Paulus  C J Noren  Y Shao    F B Perler 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(23):5517-5522
Protein splicing involves the excision of an internal domain from a precursor protein and the ligation of the external domains so as to generate two new proteins. Study of this process has recently been facilitated by the isolation of a precursor and a branched intermediate from a thermophilic protein splicing element expressed in a foreign protein context. Two aspects of protein splicing are examined in this paper. We demonstrate a succinimide at the C-terminus of the spliced internal protein, implicating cyclization of asparagine in resolution of the branched intermediate, and we identify an alkali-labile bond in the branched intermediate. A revised protein splicing model based on these experimental results is presented.  相似文献   

NEDD8 (neural precursor cell expressed developmentally downregulated gene 8)-specific protease NEDP1 processes preNEDD8 to its mature form and deconjugates NEDD8 from substrates such as p53 and cullins. Although NEDD8 and ubiquitin are highly related in sequence and structure, their attachment to a protein leads to different biological effects. It is therefore critical that NEDP1 discriminates between NEDD8 and ubiquitin, and this requires remarkable precision in molecular recognition. To determine the basis of this specificity, we have determined the crystal structure of NEDP1 in isolation and in a transition state complex with NEDD8. This reveals that NEDP1 is a cysteine protease of the Ulp family. Binding of NEDD8 induces a dramatic conformational change in a flexible loop that swings over the C-terminus of NEDD8 locking it into an extended beta-structure optimal for catalysis. Structural, mutational and biochemical studies have identified key residues involved in molecular recognition. A single-residue difference in the C-terminus of NEDD8 and ubiquitin contributes significantly to the ability of NEDP1 to discriminate between them. In vivo analysis indicates that NEDP1 mutants perturb deNEDDylation of the tumour suppressor p53.  相似文献   

It has been shown (Cambillau, C., and Claverie, J. M. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 32383-32386) that a large difference between the proportions of charged versus polar (non-charged) amino acids (CvP-bias) was an adequate, if empirical, signature of the proteome of hyperthermophilic organisms (T(growth) >80 degrees C). Since that study, the number of available microbial genomes has more than doubled, raising the possibility that the simple CvP-bias rule might no longer hold. Taking advantage of the new sequence data, we re-analyzed the genomes of 9 fully sequenced thermophiles, 9 hyperthermophiles, and 53 mesothermophile microorganisms to identify the genomic correlates of hyperthermostability on a wider data set. Our new results confirm that the CvP-bias previously identified on a much smaller data set still holds. Moreover, we show that it is an optimal criterion, in the sense that it corresponds to the most discriminating factor between hyperthermophilic and mesothermophilic microorganisms in a principal component analysis. In parallel, we evaluated two other recently proposed correlates of hyperthermostability, the proteome average pI and the dinucleotide statistical index (Kawashima, T., Amano, N., Koike, H., Makino, S., Higuchi, S., Kawashima-Ohya, Y., Watanabe, K., Yamazaki, M., Kanehori, K., Kawamoto, T., Nunoshiba, T., Yamamoto, Y., Aramaki, H., Makino, K., and Suzuki, M. (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 97, 14257-14262). We show that the CvP-bias is the sole criterion that is able to clearly discriminate hyperthermophile from mesothermophile microorganisms on a global genomic basis.  相似文献   

Glucokinase is a monomeric enzyme that displays a low affinity for glucose and a sigmoidal saturation curve for its substrate, two properties that are important for its playing the role of a glucose sensor in pancreas and liver. The molecular basis for these two properties is not well understood. Herein we report the crystal structures of glucokinase in its active and inactive forms, which demonstrate that global conformational change, including domain reorganization, is induced by glucose binding. This suggests that the positive cooperativity of monomeric glucokinase obeys the "mnemonical mechanism" rather than the well-known concerted model. These structures also revealed an allosteric site through which small molecules may modulate the kinetic properties of the enzyme. This finding provided the mechanistic basis for activation of glucokinase as a potential therapeutic approach for treating type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Rieske oxygenase (RO) systems are two- and three-component enzyme systems that catalyze the formation of cis-dihydrodiols from aromatic substrates. Degradation of pollutants in contaminated soil and generation of chiral synthons have been the major foci of RO research. Substrate specificity and product regio- and stereoselectivity have been shown to vary between individual ROs. While directed evolution methods for altering RO function have been successful in the past, rational engineering of these enzymes still poses a challenge due to the lack of structural understanding. Here we examine the structural changes induced by mutation of Phe-352 in naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase from Pseudomonas sp. strain NCIB 9816-4 (NDO-O(9816-4)). Structures of the Phe-352-Val mutant in native form and in complex with phenanthrene and anthracene, along with those of wild-type NDO-O(9816-4) in complex with phenanthrene, anthracene, and 3-nitrotoluene, are presented. Phenanthrene was shown to bind in a different orientation in the Phe-352-Val mutant active site from that in the wild type, while anthracene was found to bind in similar positions in both enzymes. Two orientations of 3-nitrotoluene were observed, i.e., a productive and a nonproductive orientation. These orientations help explain why NDO-O(9816-4) forms different products from 3-nitrotoluene than those made from nitrobenzene dioxygenase. Comparison of these structures among themselves and with other known ROs bound to substrates reveals that the orientation of substrate binding at the active site is the primary determinant of product regio- and stereoselectivity.  相似文献   

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