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Species may cope with rapid habitat changes by distribution shifts or adaptation to new conditions. A common feature of these responses is that they depend on how the process of dispersal connects populations, both demographically and genetically. We analyzed the genetic structure of a near-threatened high-Arctic seabird, the ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea) in order to infer the connectivity among gull colonies. We analyzed 343 individuals sampled from 16 localities across the circumpolar breeding range of ivory gulls, from northern Russia to the Canadian Arctic. To explore the roles of natal and breeding dispersal, we developed a population genetic model to relate dispersal behavior to the observed genetic structure of worldwide ivory gull populations. Our key finding is the striking genetic homogeneity of ivory gulls across their entire distribution range. The lack of population genetic structure found among colonies, in tandem with independent evidence of movement among colonies, suggests that ongoing effective dispersal is occurring across the Arctic Region. Our results contradict the dispersal patterns generally observed in seabirds where species movement capabilities are often not indicative of dispersal patterns. Model predictions show how natal and breeding dispersal may combine to shape the genetic homogeneity among ivory gull colonies separated by up to 2800 km. Although field data will be key to determine the role of dispersal for the demography of local colonies and refine the respective impacts of natal versus breeding dispersal, conservation planning needs to consider ivory gulls as a genetically homogeneous, Arctic-wide metapopulation effectively connected through dispersal.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the trophic position of adult Yellow-legged Gulls Larus michahellis atlantis resident in the Azores archipelago in the past (1921–1928) and in the present (2009–2010), and analyses the decadal variation in the diet of breeding birds from the 1990s to the 2000s for three main colonies (Topo Islet, Baixo Islet and Mistério da Prainha). Using mixing models, we compared stable isotope signatures of nitrogen and carbon in adult breast feathers between birds from 1921 to 1928 (held in museum collections) and 2009 to 2010, jointly with both isotopic signatures of their main prey groups (fish, goose barnacles (Lepas anatifera), seabirds, mammals and refuse). The diet of breeding birds was analysed using pellets collected in 1989, 1995, 1996, 2004, 2009 and 2010. Stable isotopes analysis (SIA) results were in accordance with the results provided from the analysis of pellets, showing a relatively recent and significant change in the diet of adult gulls. In particular, SIA revealed a significant decrease in the trophic position of Yellow-legged Gulls in the Azores, over the last 89 years in response to the decrease in the consumption of seabirds and fish and, an increase in the consumption of marine invertebrates (goose barnacles) and refuse. The analysis of pellets confirmed the significant decrease in the fish ingested, whereas the ingestion of lower trophic level prey (i.e. goose barnacles, mammals and refuse) increased. Both methods reflect the feeding plasticity and opportunistic foraging behavior of this species, and are in accordance with patterns described for continental Europe.  相似文献   

Different phenological responses to climate changes by species representing preys and predators may lead to mismatch between functionally dependent components of an ecosystem, with important effects on its structure and functioning. Here, we investigate within-season variation in zooplankton availability, chick diet composition and breeding performance of a small planktivorous seabird, the little auk (Alle alle) in two large colonies in Hornsund and Magdalenefjorden, Spitsbergen, differing in synchrony of breeding (11-day vs. 22-day hatching period, respectively). Assuming similar zooplankton phenology and existing differences in duration of the little auk breeding period, we expected lower availability of the preferred food in the less synchronized colony in Magdalenefjorden and in consequence a negative effect on nestling body mass and survival. We found that in both colonies Calanus glacialis (copepodite stage CV) was the most important prey item in the chick diet making up 68–87 % of the biomass and energy of all prey items. The only exception was the end of the chick-rearing period in Magdalenefjorden, when contribution of this prey item was significantly lower (24–26 %). Thus, late breeders in Magdalenefjorden were apparently mismatched regarding C. glacialis CV availability. However, the hatching date did not affect birds fitness (reproductive output and chick pre-fledging mass) significantly. Results of our study indicate that little auks breeding on Spitsbergen can respond to a wide range of environmental conditions and prey availabilities through the plasticity of their foraging behaviour, which may help them to maintain their optimum fitness level in changing and unpredictable environments.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic food from refuse tips can affect population dynamics in birds, especially gulls, but the evidence is mostly circumstantial. We combine analyses of long-term population data and natural experiments to show a positive effect of refuse tips on the growth of the Spanish breeding population of Rooks Corvus frugilegus . In this isolated population of around 2000 breeding pairs, monitored since 1976, birds in colonies less than 10 km from tips fed largely on refuse, particularly during periods of lowest natural food availability. Three lines of evidence support the hypothesis that the supply of refuse influenced breeding numbers, suggesting that this population is limited by food: 1) between 1976 and 2003, the two population nuclei that had access to tips increased 2.1 and 3.7 times more than that without a tip nearby; 2) annual colony growth between 1996 and 2003 was strongly correlated with the availability of tips when other potentially important variables were taken into account; 3) the number of breeding pairs in refuse-foraging colonies declined rapidly after the closure of the local tip and recovered only when a supply of refuse was restored. The effect of tips on colony growth was stronger when the availability of natural foraging habitat around the colonies was low, suggesting that anthropogenic food acts as a buffer against shortage of natural food. Artificial food supplementation may be an effective tool to increase the breeding population of target species, especially those facing a reduction of their foraging habitats. The potential effects on bird species of Directive 1999/31/CE, which is enforcing a massive closure of tips in Europe, are discussed.  相似文献   

For large carnivores persisting in human-dominated landscapes, conservation planning is often hindered by the large spatial requirements of these species, availability of protected areas, and human land uses. Protected areas are usually too small to support viable populations, and scattered across a human land-use matrix. Therefore, large carnivore conservation should be planned at large spatial scales under a land-sharing approach (allowing the coexistence between large carnivores and people in the same landscape), which means increasing the focus on the human-dominated matrix. Most of the critical factors determining large carnivore persistence (i.e., those related to food availability and vulnerability to humans) interact synergistically in space and time during the breeding season. Here, using as a case study a wolf population in NW Iberia, we studied fine-scale breeding site selection patterns (1 and 9 km2) in relation to human pressure, and the availability of food and refuge. The selection of wolf breeding sites in this human-dominated landscape was not determined by potential availability of prey biomass in the immediate vicinity (1 km2). However, wolves selected breeding sites with high availability of refuge (concealing vegetation), and low human accessibility and activity levels. Paved roads showed the highest proportion of independent contribution to explaining breeding site selection patterns (negative influence), being followed by refuge availability (positive influence) and the remoteness of breeding sites in relation to the surrounding spatial context (positive influence). Refuge availability, even at very small spatial scales taking into account the spatial requirements of wolves, may compensate for moderate levels of human activities in the vicinity of breeding sites. The strength of breeding selection patterns varied along a hierarchical process at different spatial scales. Under a landscape-sharing approach, integrating key processes observed in the human-dominated matrix, such as breeding site selection patterns, into landscape planning is of paramount importance for carnivore conservation. By temporally restricting human use on breeding sites and small portions of surrounding lands (~ 1 km2), and by maintaining several small refuge areas interspersed within the human-dominated matrix, we could favor wolf persistence without reducing land availability for other uses, improving the conditions for coexistence between wolves and humans.  相似文献   

Reducing resource competition is a crucial requirement for colonial seabirds to ensure adequate self‐ and chick‐provisioning during breeding season. Spatial segregation is a common avoidance strategy among and within species from neighboring breeding colonies. We determined whether the foraging behaviors of incubating lesser black‐backed gulls (Larus fuscus) differed between six colonies varying in size and distance to mainland, and whether any differences could be related to the foraging habitats visited. Seventy‐nine incubating individuals from six study colonies along the German North Sea coast were equipped with GPS data loggers in multiple years. Dietary information was gained by sampling food pellets, and blood samples were taken for stable isotope analyses. Foraging patterns clearly differed among and within colonies. Foraging range increased with increasing colony size and decreased with increasing colony distance from the mainland, although the latter might be due to the inclusion of the only offshore colony. Gulls from larger colonies with consequently greater density‐dependent competition were more likely to forage at land instead of at sea. The diets of the gulls from the colonies furthest from each other differed, while the diets from the other colonies overlapped with each other. The spatial segregation and dietary similarities suggest that lesser black‐backed gulls foraged at different sites and utilized two main habitat types, although these were similar across foraging areas for all colonies except the single offshore island. The avoidance of intraspecific competition results in colony‐specific foraging patterns, potentially causing more intensive utilization of terrestrial foraging sites, which may offer more predictable and easily available foraging compared with the marine environment.  相似文献   

The ivory gull Pagophila eburnea is an Arctic seabird species whose distribution is tightly coupled to the availability of sea ice. During the last decades, strong declines have been reported for breeding colonies in Canada and Greenland, which are usually located on nunataks or remote coastal islands. Here, we report the observation of a colony of ivory gulls breeding on a gravel-covered iceberg 70 km off Northeast Greenland in August 2014. It concerned approximately 60 adults, including two ringed individuals, and many chicks. This represents an unusual breeding site for the species, to be compared with a few cases of colonies on gravel-covered sea ice. Breeding on an offshore iceberg may be advantageous since it provides ultimate protection from predators. Furthermore, the proximity to the productive North East Water polynya may have been attractive to these gulls. As a consequence of this and previous observations, colony surveys should not solely focus on inland and coastal breeding habitats, but should be extended towards the ocean.  相似文献   

Knowledge of diet is critical in interpreting the ecological roles of marine top predators and provides information towards their conservation and management. The Falkland Islands hold the largest number of breeding gentoo penguins. Yet knowledge of gentoo penguin diet at the Falklands is limited to either broad taxonomic divisions of prey items or dietary samples collected only on a single day. This study is the first to investigate gentoo penguin diet at Cow Bay, Falklands, to the species level, over repeated sampling intervals during the breeding period. Through stomach content analysis, we determined diet over a large temporal scale (2002/2003/2004–2011/2012/2013) and between the guard and crèche periods of chick rearing. The principle prey item by reconstituted mass was rock cod fish Patagonotothen spp., for all periods (47–78 %) except that of the 2012/2013 crèche period (19 %) when Falkland herring Sprattus fugensis made up the bulk of the diet (52 %). Of the cephalopods recovered, Patagonian squid Doryteuthis gahi was prominent (1–24 %), while crustaceans contributed negligibly to gentoo penguin diet. Our findings revealed that gentoo penguins breeding at the Falkland Islands were primarily demersal foragers with an ability for pelagic feeding. Diet choice appears to reflect prey availability.  相似文献   

During the last decade, increasing information on little auk (Alle alle) biology, ecology and behaviour has been reported. However, only a few of these studies have focused on the breeding population in the Avanersuaq (Thule) district of Northwest Greenland, where 80 % of the global little auk population is estimated to breed. This study reports on the chick diet composition from one of the largest colonies, the Paakitsoq colony, located on the south-eastern margin of the North Water (NOW) Polynya. Results revealed the highest proportion of Calanus hyperboreus, a large lipid-rich copepod, in chick diet reported for any little auk colony. Results confirmed that the cold, highly productive waters of the NOW Polynya are favourable foraging grounds for the little auks during the breeding season. Species diversity within and between the chick meals was low, which probably reflects a high availability of a few preferred prey species. Individual chick meals were generally low in number of prey items and total energy content compared with other published results. This may be explained by a higher feeding frequency or by the samples being collected late in the breeding period (during late chick rearing), when chicks have a reduced growth rate and may require less energy than at earlier developmental stages.  相似文献   

Most organisms in intertidal areas are marine in origin; many have distributions that extend into the subtidal zone. Terrestrial predators such as mammals and birds may exploit these animals during low tide and can have considerable effects on intertidal food webs. Several studies have shown that avian predators are capable of reducing densities of sessile and slow-moving intertidal invertebrates but very few studies have considered avian predation on mobile invertebrate predators such as crabs. In this study, we investigated predation by Great Black-backed Gulls (Larus marinus Linnaeus) on three species of crabs (Cancer borealis Stimpson, Cancer irroratus Say, and Carcinus maenas Linnaeus). The study was at Appledore Island, ME (a gull breeding island) and 8 other sites throughout the Gulf of Maine, including breeding islands and mainland sites. On Appledore Island, intertidal and subtidal zones provided over one-third of prey remains found at gull nests, and crabs were a substantial proportion (∼ 30% to 40%) of the total remains. Similarly, collections of prey remains from intertidal areas indicated that crabs were by far the most common marine prey. C. borealis was eaten far more often and C. irroratus and C. maenas less often than expected at each site. Comparing numbers of carapaces to densities of crabs in low intertidal and shallow subtidal zones at each site, we estimated that gulls remove between 15% and 64% of C. borealis during diurnal low tides. The proportion of C. borealis eaten by gulls was independent of proximity to a gull colony. Approximately 97% of the outer coast of Maine is within 20 km of a breeding island. Thus, a lot of gull predation on crabs may occur throughout the Gulf of Maine during summer months. Crabs are important predators of other invertebrates; if predation by gulls reduces the number of crabs in intertidal and shallow subtidal areas, gulls may have important indirect effects on intertidal food webs.  相似文献   

Microphallus piriformes (Trematoda) is unusual in having only two hosts and no motile free-living stages. The intermediate host, the rough periwinkle, Littorina saxatilis, is present year-round on rocky shores and has a high parasite prevalence near breeding colonies of the definitive host, the herring gull, Larus argentatus, which is present in numbers at these sites for only 4 months per year. Given the seasonal availability of gulls for infection and a low incidence of periwinkles in the normal diet of herring gulls, specialized transmission between stages appears necessary for maintenance of the parasite's life cycle. We investigated the hypothesis that M. piriformes alters its intermediate host's behaviour during the gull's breeding season in a manner that may facilitate predation of the infected periwinkle by breeding gulls. We studied the movements of periwinkles during simulated tidal cycles in the laboratory; parasite status was established subsequently. Periwinkles with mature infections moved further upwards but showed less downwards and horizontal movement than uninfected periwinkles. The movement of periwinkles with immature (nontransmissible) infections was less affected by the parasite. During the tidal cycle, infected and uninfected periwinkles differed in both timing and extent of movement. A field experiment confirmed the greater upwards movement of infected periwinkles. The parasite-induced changes in periwinkle behaviour may increase the chances of predation by the final host and could represent an important survival strategy for M. piriformes. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Batch fecundity of female Plectropomus leopardus, a coral reef fish targeted by commercial and recreational fishing, was compared between reefs open to fishing and reefs within no-take marine reserves within three regions of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia. Length, weight, and age had positive effects on batch fecundity of spawners from northern and central reefs but negligible effects on spawners from southern reefs. Females were least fecund for a given length, weight, and age in the southern GBR. Batch fecundity of a 500-mm fork length female was 430 % greater on central reefs and 207 % greater on northern reefs than on southern reefs. The effects of length and age on batch fecundity did not differ significantly between reserve and fished reefs in any region, but weight-specific fecundity was 100 % greater for large 2.0 kg females on reserve reefs compared with fished reefs in the central GBR. We hypothesize that regional variation in batch fecundity is likely driven by water temperature and prey availability. Significant regional variation in batch fecundity highlights the need for understanding spatial variation in reproductive output where single conservation or fishery management strategies cover large, potentially diverse, spatial scales.  相似文献   

The slaty-backed gull population of Kronotskoe Lake has not been subjected to anthropogenic impact for many decades. The number and distribution of the breeding colonies of the slaty-backed gulls on the islands of this largest freshwater reservoir of the Kamchatka Peninsula are presented. Data on the breeding phenology, the seasonal dynamics of the food composition of breeding gulls, the foraging distance, and breeding success are considered. These data are compared to the results obtained earlier for Kuril’skoe Lake. Both gull populations are unique in that they are the only freshwater colonies within the distribution range of this marine species. The breeding success of the slaty-backed gulls on Kronotskoe Lake suffers from predation, both intra- and interspecific, in the latter case from brown bears and sea eagles. The hatching period and the fledging time of chicks in this population are both shifted to the end of summer, when gulls have the most abundant food available within the lake area, which increases successful survival of the fledglings. Despite considerable differences between the ecosystems of Kronotskoe Lake and Kuril’skoe Lake, there are several common features in the diets of the gull populations living on the lakes: (1) Despite the fact that gulls perform foraging flights to the sea coast, they only take fish and almost never collect marine invertebrates there. (2) Nearly half of all food items are taken within a 40-km distance from the colony. (3) During the growth period of chicks, gulls from both lakes rely on salmonids (anadromous in Kuril’skoe Lake, resident in Kronotskoe Lake) that they hunt in the lakes near their colonies.  相似文献   

The ecology of opportunistic foragers can be highly dependent on anthropogenic food sources, such as landfills, resulting in changes in several ecological and demographic aspects. The total closure of several landfill sites and the use of deterrence systems to prevent access to the remaining open landfill sites in a region in the northern Iberian Peninsula provided an excellent opportunity to evaluate the consequences of landfills on the trophic ecology of an opportunistic forager, the Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis, using these resources. Based on stable isotope analyses, we used mixing models to estimate changes in diet before and after the closure of the majority of landfills in the breeding and the non-breeding season. We found a decrease in the consumption of food from landfills after their closure, which was accompanied by an increase in feeding on terrestrial prey (mostly earthworms), but only in the breeding season. Interestingly, we observed no increase in marine prey consumption after the landfill closures. In winter there was a decrease in terrestrial prey consumption, whereas the consumption of marine and, despite their reduce availability, landfill resources increased. Thus, and unlike when all the landfills were open, we detected significant trophic differences between breeding and non-breeding seasons. Additionally, we found significant trophic differences among colonies that were quite close to each other, but not between breeding adults and chicks. In conclusion, landfill closure or the use of deterrence systems had a direct impact on the trophic ecology of Yellow-legged Gulls; loss of refuse was mainly compensated for by prey of terrestrial origin when breeding, but not in winter. Thus, this species may experience foraging constraints in winter with potential effects on other life-history aspects including their dispersal, breeding and survival that needs further evaluation.  相似文献   

Large population declines were reported for the thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia) in Greenland for the period 1930s–1980s, but no national status has been published for the past 20 years. Meanwhile, the murres have gained more protection and several human-induced mortality factors have been markedly reduced. Here, we give an updated status based on the past 30 years of murre count data. The total Greenland population in 2011 was estimated to 468,300 birds (95 % CI 430,700–505,900) or around 342,000 breeding pairs, distributed within 19 colonies. This represents an overall reduction of 13 % since the mid-/late 1980s. In the same period, five colonies went extinct. Large and apparently stable colonies in Qaanaaq (Northwest Greenland) account for more than half the population (68 %), but most other colonies declined heavily, with up to 6 % p.a. in the most critical areas. So far, nothing indicates that food is a limiting factor in Greenland during the breeding season, although rather few colonies have been studied in details. In contrast, illegal hunting and disturbances during the breeding season are still a problem in Greenland, despite more restrictive hunting regulations, and may explain much of the continued population decline. In addition, recent studies from Svalbard indicate that a large-scale deterioration of the marine environment in the North Atlantic, due to oceanographic changes, may impact recruitment to some of the Greenland colonies. Murre colonies in southern Upernavik, Disko Bay, South Greenland and East Greenland are in urgent need of additional conservation initiatives to avoid further declines and local extinctions.  相似文献   

The Caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia) is a globally distributed seabird that breeds throughout North America, generally in low numbers. Many colonies are threatened by habitat loss and pollution. Additionally, adult terns compete directly with salmonid stocking programs on the west coast, where a large proportion of the fish they feed their young are stocked salmon smolts. North America colonies have been classified into five ‘breeding groups’ based on banding data and geography. To help delineate effective management units, we characterized variation in mitochondrial DNA (488 base pair fragment of cytochrome b) and five microsatellite loci among 111 terns from six sites representing three of the North American breeding areas. We found significant range-wide population differentiation (cytochrome b: global ΦST = 0.12, P < 0.01; microsatellites: global FST = 0.094, P < 0.001). Pacific Coast sites differed genetically from sites east of the Rocky Mountains, and sites in Central Canada differed from those in the Great Lakes region. Gene flow among these three regions appears to be restricted. Thus, our results indicate that at least three of the breeding regions delineated using banding data and geography should be treated as separate management units.  相似文献   

The pseudoscorpion Paratemnoides nidificator is a generalist predator that captures large arthropods that live on tree trunks. Few pseudoscorpions species show some degree of sociality. We investigated how colonies of the pseudoscorpion P. nidificator adjust their cooperative capture behavior under a situation of changing prey types as a simulation of variation in prey availability. We hypothesized that colonies would be more efficient at prey capture under repeated exposure to the same prey, and that the change in the availability of prey would be followed by new behavioral adjustments to adequately exploit the new prey. Eight experimental colonies housed in the laboratory received repetitions of three different ant species as prey. The number of pseudoscorpions attacking the prey, the number of behavioral acts, and the time expended subduing prey were evaluated as measures of prey capture performance, in relation to repetitive exposure to the same prey and also in relation to prey type changes. However, only individuals’ recruitment significantly responded to prey type exposure. Prey capture behavior was heterogeneous among colonies, resulting in highly variable behavioral responses. Colonies showed a tendency toward increasing capture success through repeated prey type exposure. However, 50% of the colonies were unable to capture the new prey type and died of starvation. Although it is a generalist predator, prey capture behavior could depend on different coordination components for subduing and handling large prey. Therefore, changes in prey availability could cause the attenuation of a cooperative relationship in some colonies, making them more prone to failure during capture.  相似文献   

Spatial coherence between predators and prey has rarely been observed in pelagic marine ecosystems. We used measures of the environment, prey abundance, prey quality, and prey distribution to explain the observed distributions of three co-occurring predator species breeding on islands in the southeastern Bering Sea: black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla), thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia), and northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus). Predictions of statistical models were tested using movement patterns obtained from satellite-tracked individual animals. With the most commonly used measures to quantify prey distributions - areal biomass, density, and numerical abundance - we were unable to find a spatial relationship between predators and their prey. We instead found that habitat use by all three predators was predicted most strongly by prey patch characteristics such as depth and local density within spatial aggregations. Additional prey patch characteristics and physical habitat also contributed significantly to characterizing predator patterns. Our results indicate that the small-scale prey patch characteristics are critical to how predators perceive the quality of their food supply and the mechanisms they use to exploit it, regardless of time of day, sampling year, or source colony. The three focal predator species had different constraints and employed different foraging strategies – a shallow diver that makes trips of moderate distance (kittiwakes), a deep diver that makes trip of short distances (murres), and a deep diver that makes extensive trips (fur seals). However, all three were similarly linked by patchiness of prey rather than by the distribution of overall biomass. This supports the hypothesis that patchiness may be critical for understanding predator-prey relationships in pelagic marine systems more generally.  相似文献   

Peter Corkhill 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):207-220
This study shows that although annual fluctuations occur in the main prey types of Skomer Puffins, food availability does not appear to limit breeding success. Most birds found food close to the colony, showing peaks of activity early in the day and again in late afternoon; and two out of four experimental pairs were able to rear 'twins', though the growth-rates of these were less than for single chicks. Some interesting observations are given on the feeding of the chick and on kleptoparasitism of adults by Jackdaws and gulls.  相似文献   

Predator–prey and host-parasite interactions and mutualisms are common and may have profound effects on ecosystems. Here we analyze the parasitic and mutualistic associations between three groups of organisms: the plant Artemisia maritima, bacteria, and a colonial seabird (the sandwich tern Sterna sandvicensis) that breeds in dense colonies covered in feces produced by both adults and chicks. A disproportionately large fraction of colonies of the sandwich tern in Denmark were located in patches covered by A. maritima. This association was specific for the densely colonial sandwich tern, but was not present for four other sympatric species of terns that breed in much less dense colonies. A. maritima reduced the abundance of pathogenic Staphylococcus on chicken eggshells in a field experiment. Recruitment by sandwich terns breeding in patches of A. maritima was 18 % higher than for sandwich terns breeding in the absence of A. maritima. A. maritima benefitted from the association with sandwich terns due to the supply of nutrients from feces and uneaten food lost by young. These findings are consistent with sandwich terns exploiting the association with A. maritima and its antimicrobial properties to improve their reproductive success, while sandwich terns and A. maritima are involved in a mutualistic interaction.  相似文献   

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