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Peritoneal carcinomatosis involves a series of events including tumor cell interactions with mesothelial cells and the extracellular matrix (ECM). We have studied the adhesive and invasive properties of four human colorectal carcinoma cell lines (Co115, HT29, SW480, SW620) confronted in vitro with a human mesothelial cell monolayer or with the ECM proteins collagen IV, laminin-1, fibronectin, tenascin-C and vitronectin. Quantitation was achieved following staining of tumor cells with the calcein-AM fluorescent dye. We found that all four cell lines rapidly adhered to a mesothelial cell monolayer. This adhesion event was not inhibitable by anti-integrin and anti-CD44 antibodies. Following initial attachment, the SW480 and SW620 cells invaded the mesothelial cell monolayer more aggressively than HT29 and Col 15 cells. All cell lines adhered to ECM proteins with each one exhibiting an individual adhesion pattern. Adhesion to matrix was completely integrin-dependent. When tested in an invasion assay, HT29 and Co115 cells crossed Matrigel-coated filters while SW480 and SW620 cells did not. This invasion was inhibited by anti-β1 integrin antibodies. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the initial colorectal tumor cell—mesothelial cell interaction occurs through an integrin-independent mechanism while adhesion to matrix proteins and invasion through Matrigel are integrin-dependent events. Furthermore, the different invasive capacity of SW480 and SW620 versus HT29 and Co115 cells upon interaction with a mesothelial cell monolayer or Matrigel suggests that these two invasion events may be mediated by distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

Peritoneal carcinomatosis involves a series of events including tumor cell interactions with mesothelial cells and the extracellular matrix (ECM). We have studied the adhesive and invasive properties of four human colorectal carcinoma cell lines (Co115, HT29, SW480, SW620) confronted in vitro with a human mesothelial cell monolayer or with the ECM proteins collagen IV, laminin-1, fibronectin, tenascin-C and vitronectin. Quantitation was achieved following staining of tumor cells with the calcein-AM fluorescent dye. We found that all four cell lines rapidly adhered to a mesothelial cell monolayer. This adhesion event was not inhibitable by anti-integrin and anti-CD44 antibodies. Following initial attachment, the SW480 and SW620 cells invaded the mesothelial cell monolayer more aggressively than HT29 and Col 15 cells. All cell lines adhered to ECM proteins with each one exhibiting an individual adhesion pattern. Adhesion to matrix was completely integrin-dependent. When tested in an invasion assay, HT29 and Co115 cells crossed Matrigel-coated filters while SW480 and SW620 cells did not. This invasion was inhibited by anti-β1 integrin antibodies. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the initial colorectal tumor cell—mesothelial cell interaction occurs through an integrin-independent mechanism while adhesion to matrix proteins and invasion through Matrigel are integrin-dependent events. Furthermore, the different invasive capacity of SW480 and SW620 versus HT29 and Co115 cells upon interaction with a mesothelial cell monolayer or Matrigel suggests that these two invasion events may be mediated by distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

This review deals with two topics: (1) the effects of fibronectin and laminin on neurite growth and the molecular mechanisms of these effects, and (2) isolation and properties of the adhesive molecule p30. This novel molecule is an abundant heparin-binding protein in perinatal rat brain, and is suggested to have a role in neuronal growth.  相似文献   

半椎蛋白作为一种细胞外基质蛋白质,在细胞的生长、分化、迁移以及细胞与基底膜的稳定接触中发挥非常重要的作用。线虫、小鼠等多种动物模型的研究发现:该蛋白质参与稳定细胞有丝分裂时出现的分裂沟、促进胞浆的正常分裂,并且是一种细胞黏附体系B-LINK的重要组成部分;调控新生小鼠心室心肌成纤维细胞对TGF-β信号的反应。多项研究表明,该蛋白质参与到多种人类疾病的发生发展之中,包括舍格伦综合症、年龄相关性黄斑变性、心血管疾病、肾疾病和胰岛瘤。本文主要就该胞外基质蛋白质的生物学作用,以及与人类疾病关系的相关研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Although T cells infiltrate malignant tumors, the local immune response is usually inefficient and tumors escape destruction. While extracellular matrix proteins strongly costimulate T cell responses in normal individuals, our studies indicate that peripheral blood T cells from cancer patients and tumor infiltrating cells respond poorly or are resistant to stimulative signals mediated by collagen I and IV and fibronectin. Moreover, the adhesive properties of cancer T cells are markedly depressed. Those functional deficiencies are paralleled by variable deficits in integrin and non-integrin T cell receptors for extracellular matrix. Immunotherapy with BCG causes a dramatic but transient increase in T cell: ECM interactions.  相似文献   

Although T cells infiltrate malignant tumors, the local immune response is usually inefficient and tumors escape destruction. While extracellular matrix proteins strongly costimulate T cell responses in normal individuals, our studies indicate that peripheral blood T cells from cancer patients and tumor infiltrating cells respond poorly or are resistant to stimulative signals mediated by collagen I and IV and fibronectin. Moreover, the adhesive properties of cancer T cells are markedly depressed. Those functional deficiencies are paralleled by variable deficits in integrin and non-integrin T cell receptors for extracellular matrix. Immunotherapy with BCG causes a dramatic but transient increase in T cell: ECM interactions.  相似文献   

Rabbit intestinal epithelial cells, obtained after a limited hyaluronidase digestion, were incubated in medium with or without calf serum, on bacteriological plastic dishes. The dishes, either plain or coated with an air-dried type I collagen film, were pretreated with medium alone or with medium containing purified laminin or purified fibronectin. Cells did not attach in significant numbers to untreated bacteriological plastic, even in the presence of serum. Cells did attach to collagen-coated dishes, and were judged viable on the basis of their incorporation of radiolabeled leucine into cell protein. Cell adhesion to the collagen substrate increased in proportion to the concentration of serum in the medium, with maximal attachment at 5% serum or greater. Pretreatment of plain or collagen-coated dishes with increasing amounts of fibronectin enhanced cell adhesion in a concentration-dependent manner. Either serum, or fibronectin-free serum in the medium enhanced cell attachment to substrates pretreated with cither fibronectin or laminin. Thus, intestinal epithelial cells appear to possess surface receptors for both laminin and fibronectin. The evidence further suggests that calf serum may contain factors, other than fibronectin, capable of enhancing intestinal epithelial cell attachment to collagen substrates.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to identify and functionally characterize potential cell surface extracellular matrix binding proteins in Hydra vulgaris. Using [3H]-laminin as a probe, radioreceptor analysis of a dissociated mixed hydra cell preparation indicated that the average number of laminin binding sites per cell was about 10,000 with a dissociation constant of 1.49 nM. These binding sites could be displaced with unlabelled laminin in a dose-dependent manner and with high concentrations (500 nM) of unlabelled fibronectin. No displacement with type-IV collagen and type-I collagen was observed. Immunoscreerting studies with a battery of antibodies raised to mammalian extracellular matrix (ECM) binding proteins indicated potential cell surface binding sites for the anti-β1 integrin monoclonal antibody, mAb JG22. Cell adhesion studies indicated that mAb JG22 blocked binding of hydra cells to laminin, but did not affect their binding to fibronectin, type-IV collagen, or type-I collagen. Light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical studies indicated that mAb JG22 localized to the basal plasma membrane of ectodermal and endodermal epithelial cells. Immunoprecipitation studies identified two major bands with masses of about 196 kDa and 150 kDa under reducing conditions, and two bands with masses of >200 kDa under non-reducing conditions. Functional studies indicated that mAb JG22 could reversibly block morphogenesis of hydra cell aggregates, and could block in vivo interstitial cell migration in hydra grafts. These observations indicate that hydra has cell surface binding sites for ECM components which are functionally important during development of this simple Cnidarian  相似文献   

Species Invasiveness in Biological Invasions: A Modelling Approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The study of invasiveness, the traits that enable a species to invade a habitat, and invasibility, the habitat characteristics that determine its susceptibility to the establishment and spread of an invasive species, provide a useful conceptual framework to formulate the biological invasion problem in a modelling context. Another important aspect is the complex interaction emerging among the invader species, the noninvader species already present in the habitat, and the habitat itself. Following a modelling approach to the biological invasion problem, we present a spatially explicit cellular automaton model (Interacting Multiple Cellular Automata (IMCA)). We use field parameters from the invader Gleditsia triacanthos and the native Lithraea ternifolia in montane forests of central Argentina as a case study to compare outputs and performance of different models. We use field parameters from another invader, Ligustrum lucidum, and the native Fagara coco from the same system to run the cellular automaton model. We compare model predictions with invasion values from aerial photographs. We discuss in detail the importance of factors affecting species invasiveness, and give some insights into habitat invasibility and the role of interactions between them. Finally, we discuss the relevance of mathematical modelling for studying and predicting biological invasions. The IMCA model provided a suitable context for integrating invasiveness, invasibility, and the interactions. In the invasion system studied, the presence of an invader's juvenile bank not only accelerated the rate of invasion but was essential to ensure invasion. Using the IMCA model, we were able to determine that not only adult survival but particularly longevity of the native species influenced the spread velocity of the invader, at least when a juvenile bank is present. Other factors determining velocity of invasion detected by the IMCA model were seed dispersal distance and age of reproductive maturity. We derived relationships between species' adult survival, fecundity and longevity of both theoretical and applied relevance for biological invasions. Invasion velocities calculated from the aerial photographs agreed well with predictions of the IMCA model.  相似文献   

The specific adhesion of cells to other cells or to particular tissue microenvirorvments is a basic function of cell migration and recognition, and underlines many biologic processes including embryogenesis, repair and immunity. Leukocytes express an array of surface receptors broadly known as “accessory adhesion molecules.” which mediate most cell -cell interactions, direct lymphocyte traffic between anatomical compartments, and facilitate cellular adhesion to the inflammation or alloantigenic sites (Springer 1990). In addition, adhesion molecules are involved in the process of antigen recognition, and may costimulate cell activation and transformation. These proteins are thought to affect the very early antigen independent events between host leukocytes and vascular endothelium. Because of these activities, the subject of adhesion molecules is gaining interest in the field of organ transplantation, in both conceptualization and development of novel therapeutic strategies (de Sousa et al. 1991, Kupiec-Weglinski et al. 1993a, Heemann et al. 1993).  相似文献   

The specific adhesion of cells to other cells or to particular tissue microenvirorvments is a basic function of cell migration and recognition, and underlines many biologic processes including embryogenesis, repair and immunity. Leukocytes express an array of surface receptors broadly known as “accessory adhesion molecules.” which mediate most cell -cell interactions, direct lymphocyte traffic between anatomical compartments, and facilitate cellular adhesion to the inflammation or alloantigenic sites (Springer 1990). In addition, adhesion molecules are involved in the process of antigen recognition, and may costimulate cell activation and transformation. These proteins are thought to affect the very early antigen independent events between host leukocytes and vascular endothelium. Because of these activities, the subject of adhesion molecules is gaining interest in the field of organ transplantation, in both conceptualization and development of novel therapeutic strategies (de Sousa et al. 1991, Kupiec-Weglinski et al. 1993a, Heemann et al. 1993).  相似文献   

The existence of symbiotic relationships between Acanthamoeba and a variety of bacteria is well-documented. However, the ability of Acanthamoeba interacting with host bacterial pathogens has gained particular attention. Here, to understand the interactions of Escherichia coli K1 and E. coli K5 strains with Acanthamoeba castellanii trophozoites and cysts, association assay, invasion assay, survival assay, and the measurement of bacterial numbers from cysts were performed, and nonpathogenic E. coli K12 was also applied. The association ratio of E. coli K1 with A. castellanii was 4.3 cfu per amoeba for 1 hr but E. coli K5 with A. castellanii was 1 cfu per amoeba for 1 hr. By invasion and survival assays, E. coli K5 was recovered less than E. coli K1 but still alive inside A. castellanii. E. coli K1 and K5 survived and multiplied intracellularly in A. castellanii. The survival assay was performed under a favourable condition for 22 hr and 43 hr with the encystment of A. castellanii. Under the favourable condition for the transformation of trophozoites into cysts, E. coli K5 multiplied significantly. Moreover, the pathogenic potential of E. coli K1 from A. castellanii cysts exhibited no changes as compared with E. coli K1 from A. castellanii trophozoites. E. coli K5 was multiplied in A. castellanii trophozoites and survived in A. castellanii cysts. Therefore, this study suggests that E. coli K5 can use A. castellanii as a reservoir host or a vector for the bacterial transmission.  相似文献   

Pericardial tissue has been used to construct bioprostheses employed in the repair of different kinds of injuries, mostly cardiac. However, calcification and mechanical failure have been the main causes of the limited durability of cardiac bioprostheses constructed with bovine pericardium. In the course of this work, a study was conducted on porcine fibrous pericardium, its microscopic structure and biochemical nature. The general morphology and architecture of collagen were studied under conventional light and polarized light microscopy. The biochemical study of the pericardial matrix was conducted according to the following procedures: swelling test, hydroxyproline and collagen dosage, quantification of amino acids in soluble collagen, component extraction of the extracellular matrix of the right and left ventral regions of pericardium with different molarities of guanidine chloride, protein and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) dosage, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and total GAG analysis. Microscopic analysis showed collagen fibers arranged in multidirectionally oriented layers forming a closely knit web, with a larger number of fibers obliquely oriented, initiating at the lower central region toward the upper left lateral relative to the heart. No qualitative differences were found between proteins extracted from the right and left regions. Likewise, no differences were found between fresh and frozen material. Protein dosages from left frontal and right frontal pericardium regions showed no significant differences. The quantities of extracted GAGs were too small for detection by the method used. Enzymatic digestion and electrophoretic analysis showed that the GAG found is possibly dermatan sulfate. The proteoglycan showed a running standard very similar to the small proteoglycan decorin.  相似文献   

Acanthamoeba is an opportunistic protozoan that is widely distributed in the environment and is well recognized to produce serious human infections, including a blinding keratitis and a fatal encephalitis. This review presents our current understanding of the burden of Acanthamoeba infections on human health, their pathogenesis and pathophysiology, and molecular mechanisms associated with the disease, as well as virulence traits of Acanthamoeba that may be targets for therapeutic interventions and/or the development of preventative measures.  相似文献   

Integrins are transmembrane adhesion receptors that play important roles in the cardiovascular system by interacting with the extracellular matrix (ECM). However, direct quantitative measurements of the adhesion properties of the integrins on cardiomyocyte (CM) and their ECM ligands are lacking. In this study, we used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to quantify the adhesion force (peak force and mean force) and binding probability between CM integrins and three main heart tissue ECM proteins, ie, collagen (CN), fibronectin (FN), and laminin (LN). Functionalizing the AFM probes with ECM proteins, we found that the peak force (mean force) was 61.69 ± 5.5 pN (76.54 ± 4.0 pN), 39.26 ± 4.4 pN (59.84 ± 3.6 pN), and 108.31 ± 4.2 pN (129.63 ± 6.0 pN), respectively, for the bond of CN‐integrin, FN‐integrin, and LN‐integrin. The binding specificity between CM integrins and ECM proteins was verified by using monoclonal antibodies, where α10‐ and α11‐integrin bind to CN, α3‐ and α5‐integrin bind to FN, and α3‐ and α7‐integrin bind to LN. Furthermore, adhesion properties of CM integrins under physiologically high concentrations of extracellular Ca2+ and Mg2+ were tested. Additional Ca2+ reduced the adhesion mean force to 68.81 ± 4.0 pN, 49.84 ± 3.3 pN, and 119.21 ± 5.8 pN and binding probability to 0.31, 0.34, 0.40 for CN, FN, and LN, respectively, whereas Mg2+ caused very minor changes to adhesion properties of CM integrins. Thus, adhesion properties between adult murine CM integrins and its main ECM proteins were characterized, paving the way for an improved understanding of CM mechanobiology.  相似文献   

The epidermal basement membrane (BM) plays important roles in adhesion between epidermis and dermis and in controlling epidermal differentiation. In a skin-equivalent (SE), components of the epidermal BM such as laminin 5 and type IV and VII collagens were detected in conditioned media and in basal keratinocytes. Despite production of these BM components, however, BM was rarely observed at the dermal-epidermal junction. One possible explanation for the absence of BM in SEs is that matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) degrade newly synthesized extracellular matrices. In fact, several MMPs, such as MMPs-1, 2, 3, and 9, were observed to be present in conditioned media and some of them were in active forms. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-2 was not detected, although TIMP-1 was present. BM degradation activity presumably exceeds BM formation activity in the SE, resulting in the absence of lamina densa at the dermal-epidermal junction. Synthetic MMP inhibitors CGS27023A and MMP inhibitor I, which inhibit MMPs 1, 2, 3, and 9, markedly augmented deposition of laminin 5 and type IV and VII collagens at the dermal-epidermal junction, resulting in formation of continuous epidermal BM. These results suggest that the balance between synthesis and degradation of BM components is important for BM formation.  相似文献   

Stretching force can induce conformational changes of proteins and is believed to be an important biological signal in the mechanotransduction network. Tenascin-C is a large extracellular matrix protein and is subject to stretching force under its physiological condition. Regulating the mechanical properties of the fibronectin type III domains of tenascin-C will alter its response to mechanical stretching force and thus may provide the possibility of regulating the biological activities of tenascin-C in living cells. However, tuning the mechanical stability of proteins in a rational and systematic fashion remains challenging. Using the third fibronectin type III domain (TNfn3) of tenascin-C as a model system, here we report a successful engineering of a mechanically stronger extracellular matrix protein via engineered metal chelation. Combining steered molecular dynamics simulations, protein engineering and single-molecule atomic force microscopy, we have rationally engineered a bihistidine-based metal chelation site into TNfn3. We used its metal chelation capability to selectively increase the unfolding energy barrier for the rate-limiting step during the mechanical unfolding of TNfn3. The resultant TNfn3 mutant exhibits enhanced mechanical stability. Using a stronger metal chelator, one can convert TNfn3 back to a state of lower mechanical stability. This is the first step toward engineering extracellular matrix proteins with defined mechanical properties, which can be modulated reversibly by external stimuli, and will provide the possibility of using external stimuli to regulate the biological functions of extracellular matrix proteins.  相似文献   

目的:探讨周期性机械应力对髓核细胞增殖和细胞外基质表达的影响。方法:对兔髓核细胞进行体外细胞培养,对细胞施加周期性机械应力(0.25Mpa,0.1Hz)。实验分为2组,不加压组和加压组,不加压组置于单纯旋转式生物反应器内,加压组每天置于周期性机械应力场内2小时。分别于3天,7天检测细胞数目以及聚集蛋白聚糖(aggrecan)和Ⅱ型胶原的基因表达。结果:髓核细胞的增殖和聚集蛋白聚糖、Ⅱ型胶原基因的表达水平与周期性压力密切相关,在周期性机械应力刺激下髓核细胞增殖明显,细胞外基质的分泌增加,组织工程髓核细胞的活性显著提高。结论:周期性机械应力能够显著促进髓核细胞增殖,同时上调聚集蛋白聚糖、Ⅱ型胶原的基因的表达。  相似文献   

Laminins are major constituents of basement membranes. At least 16 isoforms have now been described, each with distinct spatio-temporal expression patterns and functions. The laminin-511 heterotrimer (α5β1γ1) is one of the more recent isoforms to be identified and a potent adhesive and pro-migratory substrate for a variety of normal and tumor cell lines in vitro. As our understanding of its precise function in normal tissues and in pathologies is rapidly unraveling, current evidence suggests an important regulatory role in cancer. This review describes published data on laminin-511 expression in several malignancies and experimental evidence from both in vitro and in vivo studies supporting its functional role during tumor progression. A particular emphasis is put on more recent studies from our laboratory and that of others indicating that laminin-511 contributes to tumor dissemination and metastasis in advanced breast carcinomas and other tumor types. Collectively, the experimental evidence suggests that high expression of laminin-511 has prognostic significance and that targeting tumor-laminin-511 interactions may have therapeutic potential in advanced cancer patients.  相似文献   

Exogenous gangliosides affect the angiogenic activity of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), but their mechanism of action has not been elucidated. Here, a possible direct interaction of sialo-glycolipids with FGF-2 has been investigated. Size exclusion chromatography demonstrates that native, but not heat-denatured, 125I-FGF-2 binds to micelles formed by gangliosides GT1b, GD1b, or GM1. Also, gangliosides protect native FGF-2 from trypsin digestion at micromolar concentrations, the order of relative potency being GT1b > GD1b > GM1 = GM2 = sulfatide > GM3 = galactosyl-ceramide, whereas asialo-GM1, neuraminic acid, and N-acetylneuramin-lactose were ineffective. Scatchard plot analysis of the binding data of fluorochrome-labeled GM1 to immobilized FGF-2 indicates that FGF–2/GM1 interaction occurs with a Kd equal to 6 μM. This interaction is inhibited by the sialic acid-binding peptide mastoparan and by the synthetic fragments FGF-2(112–129) and, to a lesser extent, FGF-2(130–155), whereas peptides FGF-2(10–33), FGF-2(39–59), FGF-2(86–96), and the basic peptide HIV-1 Tat(41–60) were ineffective. These data identify the COOH terminus of FGF-2 as a putative ganglioside-binding region. Exogenous gangliosides inhibit the binding of 125I-FGF-2 to high-affinity tyrosine-kinase FGF-receptors (FGFRs) of endothelial GM 7373 cells at micromolar concentrations. The order of relative potency was GT1b > GD1b > GM1 > sulfatide a = sialo-GM1. Accordingly, GT1b,GD1b, GM1, and GM2, but not GM3 and asialo-GM1, prevent the binding of 125I-FGF-2 to a soluble, recombinant form of extracellular FGFR-1. Conversely, the soluble receptor and free heparin inhibit the interaction of fluorochrome-labeled GM1 to immobilized FGF-2. In agreement with their FGFR antagonist activity, free gangliosides inhibit the mitogenic activity exerted by FGF-2 on endothelial cells in the same range of concentrations. Also in this case, GT1b was the most effective among the gangliosides tested while asialo-GM1, neuraminic acid, N-acetylneuramin-lactose, galactosyl-ceramide, and sulfatide were ineffective. In conclusion, the data demonstrate the capacity of exogenous gangliosides to interact with FGF-2. This interaction involves the COOH terminus of the FGF-2 molecule and depends on the structure of the oligosaccharide chain and on the presence of sialic acid residue(s) in the ganglioside molecule. Exogenous gangliosides act as FGF-2 antagonists when added to endothelial cell cultures. Since gangliosides are extensively shed by tumor cells and reach elevated levels in the serum of tumor-bearing patients, our data suggest that exogenous gangliosides may affect endothelial cell function by a direct interaction with FGF-2, thus modulating tumor neovascularization.  相似文献   

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