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A series of new Pt(II) complexes of hydrazinouracils were synthesized and studied. The complexes have the general formula [Pt2L2?Cl2]nH2O, where L? is a deprotonated molecule of a ligand, n = 1?3 and there are two bridging chloride ions. The ligands are bonded through the amino group of the hydrazine residue and the nitrogen atom of the pyrimidine cycle. From 1H NMR data it is concluded that the preferred type of coordination is Pt- N(3), hydrazine chelation, which is characteristic for solid complexes. Although the participation of the N(1) atom in formation on the polynuclear complexes is possible, it may be that N(1) coordination occurs only in solutions.  相似文献   

Transfectability of rough strains of Salmonella typhimurium.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Cells of rough (but not smooth) strains of Salmonella typhimurium become competent for transfection by phage P22 deoxyribonucleic acid after treatment with 0.1 M CaCl2. The yield of infectious centers is about 10(-8) per genome equivalent of deoxyribonucleic acid. However, different sorts of rough strains vary in their ability to become competent in a fashion that can be correlated with the level of the genetic block in cell wall lipopolysaccharide synthesis. The most amenable strains are blocked by defects in the addition of galactose units I and II of the lipopolysaccharide by the inability to synthesize uridine 5'-diphosphate-galactose (galE point mutants and gal deletion mutants). Strains blocked only in the addition of galactose I, glucose I, or heptose II have low levels of transfectability, whereas strains with either more complete or more deficient lipopolysaccharide core are not competent for transfection. When normal lipopolysaccharide synthesis is restored either genetically or by furnishing exogenous galactose (galE point mutants that can still use it), the cells are not longer competent for transfection.  相似文献   

Conditional transduction of Salmonella typhimurium envB mutations.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Joint transduction of the argR and envB genes was observed, at a frequency of 24.5%, when four envB strains were transduced to tetracycline resistance (Tetr) with bacteriophage P22 grown on an argR372::Tn10 envB+ donor. When round-cell argR372::Tn10 derivatives of those envB strains were used as donors, two of them did not produce envB transductants in wild-type LT2 and other envB+ recipients, even though large numbers of Tetr transductants were obtained. This apparent exclusion of envB mutations did not occur when mecillinam-resistant derivatives of those envB+ strains were used as recipients. Mutations conferring partial resistance to mecillinam were found, unlinked to the argR-envB region, in three of the four envB strains studied; envB+ derivatives of the four strains were competent to accept envB mutations excluded by wild-type recipients. It is suggested that some envB mutations are lethal in the absence of suppressor mutations, some of which increase resistance to mecillinam.  相似文献   

Gentic mapping of Salmonella typhimurium peptidase mutations.   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The map positions of three loci, each specifying a different peptidase, have been determined in Salmonella typhimurium. Mutations in pepN (leading to loss of peptidase N [1974] are co-transducible with pyrD. The order of markers in this region is put pyrD pepN. Mutations in pepA (leading to loss of peptidase A [1974] are co-transducible with pyrB and argI. The relative orientation of these markers is pepA argI pyrB. Mutations in pepDP (leading to loss of dipeptidase, peptidase D) are co-transducible with proBA and gxu. The order of these markers is pepD gxu pro.  相似文献   

Suppressors of frameshift mutations in Salmonella typhimurium   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Polarity in relaxed strains of Salmonella typhimurium   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

We have isolated mutant strains (nit) of Salmonella typhimurium that are defective in nitrogen metabolism. They have a reduced ability to use a variety of compounds including glutamate, proline, arginine, N-acetyl-glucosamine, alanine, and adenosine as sole nitrogen source. In addition, although they grow normally on high concentrations of ammonium chloride (greater than 1 mM) as nitrogen source, they grow substantially more slowly than wild type at low concentrations (less than 1 mM). We postulated that the inability of these strains to utilize low concentrations of ammonium chloride accounts for their poor growth on other nitrogen sources. The specific biochemical lesion in strains with a nit mutation is not known; however, mutant strains have no detectable alteration in the activities of glutamine synthetase, glutamate synthetase, or glutamate dehydrogenase, the enzymes known to be involved in assimilation of ammonia. A nit mutation is suppressed by second-site mutations in the structural gene for glutamine synthetase (glnA) that decrease glutamine synthetase activity.  相似文献   

C Pueyo 《Mutation research》1978,54(3):311-321
The forward-mutation assay using the L-arabinose-sensitive strain SV3 of Salmonella typhimurium has been calibrated against a selected set of mutagens. Strain SV3 is sensitive to chemicals causing base-pair substitutions, frameshift mutations and deletions. New strains deficient for the excision-repair system or the lipopolysaccharide barrier or both have been selected from strain SV3. The additional mutations do not affect the independence of the assay from experimental artifacts due to physiological or lethal damage or differences in plating density. The new strains are more sensitive than SV3 to certain mutagens. Techniques for using this set of strains are presented and their relative advantages discussed.  相似文献   

Mutants of Salmonella typhimurium lacking protease II, an endoprotease with trypsin-like specificity, have been isolated. These mutants can be identified by using the chromogenic substrate N-methyl-N-p-toluenesulfonyl-L-lysine beta-naphthyl ester to screen colonies growing on agar for the presence of the enzyme. All of the mutations isolated map at locus tlp (typsin-like protease) which is cotransducible (approximately 1%) using phage P1 with tre (trehalose utilization) at approximately 58 min on the Salmonella map. Double mutants lacking both protease I and protease II have been constructed. These strains grew normally. They were able to degrade abnormal proteins and to carry out protein turnover during carbon starvation at the same rate as the wild type.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1986,123(4):209-212
Neutral and (or) ionic platinum(II) complexes of D-glucosamine, 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-D-glucosamine and p-metoxybenzylidene-N-1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-D- glucosimine were prepared and characterized by chemical analyses, conductance measurements, and vibrational spectroscopy (IR and far-IR). The reactions of PtCl42− with monodentate Schiff base yield complexes of the related aminosugar, indicating the hydrolysis of the primary ligand.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of thr mutations in Salmonella typhimurium   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Previous workers divided threonine-requiring (Thr(-)) strains of Salmonella into three phenotypes with mutations in four complementation groups. The mutations were deemed to define four genes in the order thrD-C-A-B at minute zero on the Salmonella linkage map. In the present study 12 of these mutants were reexamined together with eight new Thr(-) strains. The three phenotypes were: homoserine-requiring (Hom(-)); Thr(-), feeders of Hom(-) strains; Thr(-), nonfeeders. Exact correlation between these phenotypic groups and three complementation groups was confirmed by abortive transduction. No evidence was found for intergenic complementation between mutations in Hom(-) strains. It is proposed that thr mutations define three genes rather than four and that these be renamed thrA (Hom(-)), thrB (Thr(-) feeders), and thrC (Thr(-) nonfeeders) to correspond with the sequence of reactions in threonine biosynthesis. Double mutant trpRthr strains were used in reciprocal three-point transduction tests to establish the order of thr mutation sites. Although revisions were made in the classification or location of several mutations, there was an overall correlation of complementation group, phenotype, and map position. The present data provide a basis for further correlation of threonine genes and biosynthetic enzymes, and analysis of cross regulation in aspartate amino acid biosynthesis in Salmonella.  相似文献   

A mutant strain of Salmonella typhimurium that lacks two proline-specific peptidases (peptidases P and Q) could not complete the degradation of proline peptides formed as intermediates in starvation-induced protein breakdown. The wild-type strain produced free proline as the product of degradation of proline-labeled proteins. The pepP pepQ mutant, however, produced a mixture of small proline peptides. In the absence of peptidase Q only, peptidase P could complete the degradation of most of the proline peptide intermediates formed. In the absence of peptidase P only, about 50% of the proline-labeled, acid-soluble products were proline peptides. These results are consistent with in vitro specificity data indicating that peptidase Q hydrolyzes X-Pro dipeptides only, whereas peptidase P attacks both X-Pro dipeptides and longer peptides with X-Pro at their N-termini. A mutant strain lacking four broad-specificity peptidases (peptidases N, A, B, and D), but containing peptidases P and Q, also produced proline peptides as products of protein breakdown. This observation suggests that broad-specificity peptidases are required to generate the X-Pro substrates of peptidases P and Q. A strain lacking six peptidases (N, A, B, D, P, and Q) was constructed and produced less free proline from protein breakdown than either the pepP pepQ strain or the pepN pepA pepB pepD strain. These observations suggest that the degradation of peptide intermediates involves the sequential removal of N-terminal amino acids and requires both broad-specificity aminopeptidases (peptidases N, A, and B) and the X-Pro-specific aminopeptidase, peptidase P.  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium strains which produce high constitutive levels of aspartate transcarbamoylase due to the pyrH700 mutation were found to grow more slowly in minimal medium than pyrH+ controls. The addition of arginine or citrulline but not ornithine restored normal growth rates. This requirement for arginine was completely suppressed by pyrB mutations and partially suppressed by pyrC and pyrD mutations. No suppression was observed with mutants at the pyrF locus. Introduction of leaky mutation argI2002 resulted in a more extreme arginine requirement and accentuated suppression by pyrB mutations. Suppression by the pyrC and pyrD mutations was reduced as a result of the incorporation of the leaky argI2002 allele. These results indicate that in pyrH700 strains carbamoyl phosphate is preferentially directed toward the formation of intermediates in the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. Arginine auxotrophy results from the reduced availability of carbamoyl phosphate for the biosynthesis of arginine. Suppression of this arginine dependence for growth is used as a convenient positive selection technique for pyrB mutations.  相似文献   

Enzyme studies of strains of Salmonella typhimurium representing biotypes that utilized D-xylose rapidly (xylose strong) or slowly (xylose weak) showed that they were different in the utilization of D-xylose because the xylose-weak strains were deficient in the transport of D-xylose. This observation is consistent with the idea that strains of the different xylose-weak biotypes, e.g. biotypes 17 to 32, were descended from strains of xylose-strong types, particularly from biotype 1.  相似文献   

A salmonellosis outbreak, caused by S. typhimurium, was investigated with the use of some microbiological and molecular-biological methods of typing. This investigation revealed that the outbreak was caused by the "outbreak" electrotype of the multi-resistant variant of the infective agent, found to have several plasmidovars. The possibilities and limitations of typing by sensitivity to antibiotics and plasmid DNA profile were shown. These methods of intraspecific typing were regarded as methods making it possible to establish the heterogeneity of S. typhimurium with the use of intraclonal markers.  相似文献   

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