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During germination in the light, the endosperm, containing ahigh proportion of reserve fat (composed largely of shorter-chain(C8 to C14 saturated fatty acids), is slowly invaded by theexpanding haustorium (cotyledon). Free fatty acids accumulatein the endosperm, preferential hydrolysis of longer-chain saturatedacids (C14 to C18 occurring under conditions of slow growth.Lipids are absorbed by the haustorium, the process being superficiallysimilar in certain respects to intestinal fat absorption. Whencomplicating factors are removed, absorption is found to beunselective during disappearance of 75 per cent, of the endospermlipids. Amounts of lipid in the haustorium are low compared with thehigh concentration in the surrounding endosperm and, beforephotosynthesis starts, losses through respiration account fora large part of the reserves which disappear. No free fattyacids are present in the haustorium. Breakdown of fatty acids is relatively unspecific, althoughthe acids characteristic of the haustorium (C16 C18, oleic andlinoleic acids) are metabolized some what less rapidly thanthe shorter-chain saturated acids (C8 to C14 characteristicof the endosperm fat. Both root and shoot have a low fat content. The fatty-acid compositionof the former changes little during growth, but in the shootlinolenic acid increases proportionately during leaf expansionin the light.  相似文献   

Oo KC  Stumpf PK 《Plant physiology》1983,73(4):1028-1032
In germinating oil palm (Elaeis guineensis var D × P) seedling, an active lipase was present in the shoot but absent from both the kernel and the haustorium. It has an optimum pH of 6.2 and a smaller peak at pH 8.6. The shoot lipase was active against a number of mono-, di-, and triacylglycerols as well as the endogenous lipids present in the shoot, haustorium, and kernel. Activity against related substrates were in the order: trilaurin > dilaurin > monolaurin but monopalmitin > dipalmitin > tripalmitin. The level of the enzyme in the seedling was highest at a relatively early stage of growth (18-21 days) and also higher in dark-grown seedlings. Glyoxylate bypass enzymes (malate synthetase and isocitrate lyase), glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and lauroyl-coenzyme A oxidase were located in the haustorium. The levels of the enzymes paralleled seedling development and were slightly higher in light-grown seedlings. Fatty acyl-coenzyme A synthetase activity was very low and was found in both the shoot and haustorium.  相似文献   

S ummary . In a study of the origin of the initial microflora of palm wine from the oil palm ( Elaeis guineensis ), micro-organisms from parts of the immature spadix, the plant tissues around the point of tapping the tree, the palm leaves and the atmosphere around the palm trees, were isolated and examined. It was shown that the yeasts in fresh palm wine might have originated from those that colonize those parts of the palm which are covered with fluffy hairy outgrowths. These materials which surround the tapping hole are the stalk of the male inflorescence, the leaf petiole, the felt (a fabric-like outgrowth of the frond petiole used to cover the tapping hole) and the cross strips. Another possible source of the yeasts was the xylem stream.  相似文献   

Structural and cytochemical aspects of the pistil and detailsof pollination and pollen-pistil interaction were investigatedin the African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), an importantperennial oil crop. The stigma is trilobed, wet and papillate.The branched papillae are confined to a narrow linear zone oneach stigmatic lobe. Each stigmatic lobe harbours a deep stigmaticgroove, which runs adaxially along the surface. The stigmaticgroove is bordered by a well-defined layer of glandular cells,each of which has a pectinaceous cap on the inner tangentialwall. The style is hollow. The canal cells show thickeningson the inner tangential wall. The stigmatic groove and stylarcanal contain an extracellular matrix secreted by the canalcells which is rich in proteins, acidic polysaccharides andpectins. The canal cells at the base of the style are papillateand loosely fill the stylar canal. The stigma becomes receptivewhen the stigmatic lobes separate, and remains so for 24 h.Pollination is mediated by weevils as well as by the wind. Undernatural conditions the pollination efficiency was 100%. Pollinationinduces additional secretion in the stigmatic groove and stylarcanal. During post-pollination secretion, the pectinaceous capsof the cells lining the stigmatic groove are degraded. Pollengrains germinate on the stigmatic papillae and tubes grow onthe surface of the papillae, entering the stigmatic groove andadvancing along it into the stylar canal to eventually gainaccess to the locules. Pollen tubes are seen in the ovules 18–20h after pollination. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Arecaceae, Elaeis guineensis, African oil palm, pollination, stigmatic grove, stylar canal, Tenera hybrid, weevil  相似文献   


Research into human metabolism is expanding rapidly due to the emergence of metabolism as a key factor in common diseases. Mathematical modeling of human cellular metabolism has traditionally been performed via kinetic approaches whose applicability for large-scale systems is limited by lack of kinetic constants data. An alternative computational approach bypassing this hurdle called constraint-based modeling (CBM) serves to analyze the function of large-scale metabolic networks by solely relying on simple physical-chemical constraints. However, while extensive research has been performed on constraint-based modeling of microbial metabolism, large-scale modeling of human metabolism is still in its infancy. Utilizing constraint-based modeling to model human cellular metabolism is significantly more complicated than modeling microbial metabolism as in multi-cellular organisms the metabolic behavior varies across cell-types and tissues. It is further complicated due to lack of data on cell type- and tissue-specific metabolite uptake from the surrounding microenvironments and tissue-specific metabolic objective functions. To overcome these problems, several studies suggested CBM methods that integrate metabolic networks with gene expression data that is easily measurable under various conditions. This specific objective functions are expected to improve the prediction accuracy of the presented methods. Such objective functions may be derived based on computational learning that would give optimal correspondence between predicted and measured metabolic phenotypes (Burgard, 2003).

The CBM methods presented here open the way for future computational investigations of metabolic disorders given the relevant expression data. A first attempt to visualize and interpret changes in gene expression data measured following gastric bypass surgery via a genome-scale metabolic network was done by Duarte et al (Duarte, 2007). Another potential application would be the prediction of diagnostic biomarkers for metabolic diseases that could be identified via biofluid metabolomics (Kell, 2007). Towards this goal, we have recently developed a CBM method for predicting metabolic biomarkers for in-born errors of metabolism by searching for changes in metabolite uptake and secretion rate due to genetic alterations (Shlomi, 2009). Incorporating cell type- and tissue-specific gene expression data within this framework can potentially improve the identification of diagnostic biomarkers. Overall, the methods presented here lay the foundation for studying normal and abnormal human cellular metabolism in tissue-specific manner based on commonly measured gene expression data.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1987,51(1):97-103
Protoplasts were enzymatically prepared from the mesocarp of two species of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. and E. oleifera HBK and Cortes) 16–20 weeks after anthesis and from rapidly multiplying embryogenic cultures of E. guineensis. The protoplasts were purified by density gradient centrifugation in 20% (w/v) sucrose. Radioactive incorporation studies showed that the protoplasts metabolized [1-14C]acetate to lipids, water-soluble compounds and 14CO2. The [14C]fatty acids obtained consisted mainly of C16: 0, C18: 0 and C18: 1. C16: 1, a very minor fatty acid in palm oil, was also labelled and accounted for 8–39% of total fatty acids synthesized by the mesocarp and embryogenic culture protoplasts. The ratio of labelled C18: 0 to C18: 1 was found to vary with the age of the fruit from which the protoplasts were prepared. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) of the labelled lipids showed the presence of all neutral acylglycerol classes. However the distribution of radiolabel in the various classes differed from those previously reported for oil palm mesocarp [K.C. Oo et al. Lipids, 20 (1985) 205] and embryoid tissue slices [E. Turnham and D.H. Northcote, Phytochem., 23 (1984) 35]. Ozonolysis showed that all the labelled C18: 1 acid was vaccenic acid.  相似文献   

Oo KC  Stumpf PK 《Plant physiology》1983,73(4):1033-1037
The metabolism of 14C-labeled fatty acids and triacylglycerols was followed in intact germinating oil palm seedlings as well as in tissue slices. In the germinating seedling, the shoot contained a normal pattern of membrane fatty acids (mainly C16, C18:1, C18:2) but the kernel contained about 68% C12 and C14 fatty acids. Haustorium fatty acids were intermediate between the two. [14C]Acetate was actively metabolized by shoot and haustorium slices but not so actively by the kernel. Approximately 9% to 17% was converted to water-soluble substances, 4% to 6% to CO2, and 0.5% to 5.9% to lipids. The fatty acids synthesized in the shoot and haustorium were mainly C16, C18, and C18:1 fatty acids but in the kernel about 18% to 32% of the 14C-fatty acids were C12 fatty acids.

[14C]Lauric acid was absorbed and metabolized by haustorium slices and by the haustorium in intact seedlings; it was partly esterified to triacylglycerols and also converted to water-soluble substances and insoluble tissue material. In contrast, tri-[14C]laurin was absorbed but not metabolized. The haustorium also absorbed other fatty acids but the longer chain (C16 and C18) fatty acids were not esterified or metabolized further. Preincubation of the haustorium with plant hormones or in the presence of kernel tissue did not alter its inactivity towards tri-[14C]laurin.

When tri-[14C]laurin or [14C]lauric acid were injected into the seed or the shoot, there was no movement or radioactivity to other parts of the seedling. When injected into the shoot, but not into the seed, tri-[14C] laurin was hydrolyzed and partly metabolized to water-soluble substances.


Midday Closure of Stomata in the Oil Palm Elaeis guineensis. Jacq.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Under natural climatic conditions in West Africa, midday closureof stomata in 3–6-year-old oil palms occurs only in thelatter half of the dry season, when soil moisture is low andair temperatures are high. Using an infiltration method, attempts were made to determinethe climatic factors which affect stomatal closure. The extentof midday closure is related closely to air temperature andshade temperature under the palm, agreeing closely with thefindings of Meidner and Heath (1959) on onion, but the aperture-temperaturecurves are different for watered and unwatered palms in thedry season, the difference being greater at higher temperatures.Watering reduces closure by changing the aperture-temperaturerelationship. Under natural conditions this effect is usuallyobscured because of lower temperatures in the dry season followingrain. During Harmattan weather, with very low relative humidities,the aperture-temperature relationship broke down. The results are discussed in relation to current views on middayclosure of stomata.  相似文献   

The morphology and frequency of occurrence of abnormal hermaphroditeinflorescences in the oil palm is described for palms of varyingage. Hermaphrodite inflorescences are manifest during changesof the sex cycle in the normally monoecious species, and grossmorphological differences in the type of hermaphrodite inflorescencesoccurred depending on whether the change of cycle was from maleto female or vice versa. The significance of the occurrenceand morphology of the abnormal inflorescences is discussed inrelation to the accumulation of photo-synthetic reserves andto the maturation process.  相似文献   

The effects of drying pollen of the oil palm, Elaeis guineensis,and storage under various conditions, on its viability havebeen examined. Viability was based on the ability of pollento germinate on a sucrose medium with and without added boricacid, and on its capacity to set fruit when applied to receptivefemale flowers. Oven-drying at 37 °C for 2–8 h followedby storage in a deep freezer proved to be the best method ofstoring the pollen. Pollen treated in this way and stored for12 months was capable of producing fruits which were equal inweight and appearance to those produced by fresh pollen. Elaeis guineensis, oil palm, pollen, storage, viability  相似文献   

Histological analysis was carried out during the sequence ofevents which lead to the obtaining of somatic embryos of oilpalm. Calluses from the division of perivascular cells formedat the veins of young leaf explants. Subsequent proliferationof histologically similar nodules was by means of a cambium-likezone. Under certain conditions these calluses consisted almostentirely of meristematic cells. They then differentiated rapidly:the cambium-like zone fragmented, leading to protuberance inwhich the cells divide rapidly; epidermal structures were formed,with a network of procambial strands, and synthesis of storagelipids accompanied the formation of these embryo-like structureswhich developed into clumps of true somatic embryos, each witha shoot apex and a root apex. Other structures frequently observedduring in vitro culture are also described and show that alternatepathways do exist. The structure and evolution of somatic embryosare compared to those of zygotic embryos. Storage lipids emergeas an early tracer of the satisfactory development of tissuetowards somatic embryogenesis. Oil palm, Elaeis guineensis, histology, somatic embryogenesis, callogenesis, storage lipids  相似文献   

Ganoderma boninense is a white rot basidiomycete that causes basal stem rot disease of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). The aims of this study were to identify endophytic basidiomycetes occurring naturally within oil palm and to assess their potential as biocontrol agents against G. boninense strain PER71 in vitro. In total, 376 isolates were recovered from samples collected from the root, stem and leaves of oil palm using Ganoderma‐selective medium. Ten of these isolates (2.7% of the total 376 isolates) were identified as basidiomycetes on the basis of clamp connections and the production of poroid basidiomes after incubation in glass jars containing PDA medium for 7–12 days. The isolates were identified using ITS rDNA sequencing as Neonothopanus nambi (five isolates), Schizophyllum commune (four isolates) and Ganoderma orbiforme (one isolate). The N. nambi isolates showed the greatest antagonistic activity against G. boninense, based on 73–85% inhibition of the radial growth measurements of G. boninense in dual culture and 76–100% inhibition of G. boninense growth in a culture filtrate assay. Possible modes of action for the antagonism shown by N. nambi against G. boninense in vitro include competition for substrate availability, space and the production of non‐volatile metabolites or antibiotics that inhibited the growth of G. boninense. Further in vivo investigations are required to determine the ability of N. nambi isolates to colonize oil palm seedlings and to protect oil palm from infection when challenged with G. boninense.  相似文献   

Shedding of the fruit of the oil palm takes place in two co-ordinatedstages. The first, a cell separation event at a pre-defined,positionally differentiated abscission zone at the base of thefruit, is followed by further cell separation in peripheraltissue at the junction with the rudimentary androecial ringand the tepals. The position of the second separation is determinedby the age and ripeness of the fruit and the degree of pressureto which it is subjected; it is also dependent upon completionof the first stage. Implications of this unusual two stage separationprocess are discussed. Key words: Abscission, cell separation, anatomy, oil palm, Elaeis guineensis  相似文献   

REES  A. R. 《Annals of botany》1962,26(4):569-581
Germination experiments have shown that oil palm seeds requireheattreatment before they germinate. The heat-treatment is insome ways analogous to low-temperature stratification of temperateseed, as it may be applied as a pretreatment, even at a moisturecontent too low for germination to occur. Following the heatpre-treatment, seed brought to the optimum moisture contentgerminates rapidly, after an initial lag period, at ambienttemperature. Below a critical seed moisture content, heat-treatmentis ineffective although seed viability is largely unimpaired.The high-temperature reaction has a Q10 between 3.5 and 5.0and is apparently irreversible. Heat-treatment may be effectivelyapplied to stored, as well as fresh, seed. A reinvestigationof the optimum temperature for the high-temperature reactionshowed that dry heat-treatment is effective at 42.0°C.,the duration of the treatment necessary being only 60 days comparedwith the previously accepted value of 80 days at 39.5°C.necessary for seed heat-treated at optimum moisture content.A temperature of 44.5°C. is rapidly fatal. These resultsare discussed in relation to the alternation of dry and wetseasons in West Africa, and in relation to practical aspectsof oil palm cultivation.  相似文献   

The lipid extract prepared from the pollen of the West African,oil palm, Elaeis guineensis, was found to contain p-methoxyallylbenzenein substantial amount. The pure substance after isolation bymeans of preparative gas-liquid chromatography and steam distillationwas characterized by using a combination of g.l.c.-mass spectrometry,infrared spectrometry, and chemical reactions. Mass spectrometrygave a spectrum with a parent ion at m/e 148 corresponding tothe molecular weight and fragmentation ions at m/e 133, 121,117, 105, 91, and 77. The structure was further confirmed bymeans of the infrared spectrum which showed major peaks at 1250,920, and 815 cm–1 corresponding to a CH3O group, a 1,4-substitutedaromatic ring, and a RCH=CH2 group respectively. Its chemicaland physical properties (hydrogenation, oxidation, etc.) werefound to be similar to those of its positional isomer, p-methoxy--phenylpropene.The physiological and economic importance of the compound arediscussed.  相似文献   

The insoluble carbohydrate and lipid fractions, and -D-galactosidase,ß-D-mannosidase and isocitrate lyase activities werestudied in the various tissues of oil palm (Elaeis guineensisJacq.) kernels prior to and during germination. In ungerminatedkernels insoluble carbohydrate and lipid constituted 36 and47% of endosperm dry weight respectively. During germinationthe thick endosperm cell walls became markedly thinner, concurrentwith a significant decrease in the percentage of insoluble carbohydrateand an increase in -galactosidase and ß-mannosidaseactivity in both degraded and residual endosperm. The proportionof lipid in degraded endosperm also increased significantly.The insoluble carbohydrate appears to be a galactomannan locatedin the secondary walls of the endosperm. No galactomannan wasdetected in oil palm embryos or haustoria. Isocitrate lyasewas present in, and confined to, tissues of the haustorium ofgerminating kernels. The enzyme was not active in endospermat any stage of germination, nor was it active in embryos beforeor at the end of imbibition. The results suggest that galactomannan is the second largestcomponent of oil palm endosperm and that it is utilized morerapidly than lipid during the early stages of germination. Thefact that isocitrate lyase activity is confined to the haustoriumsuggests that in Elaeis gluconeogenesis, the conversion of triglycerideto carbohydrate, takes place entirely within the cotyledon ofthe seed. Elaeis guineensis, galactomannan, galactosidase, germination, isocitrate lyase, mannosidase, oil palm  相似文献   

OPUTE  F. I. 《Annals of botany》1975,39(5):1057-1061
The lipid and fatty acid composition of the haustorium of thedeveloping seedling of the West African oil palm, Elaeis guineensisJacq. has been studied using the combined techniques of thin-layerand gas-liquid chromatography. In addition to triglycerides,which represented over 75 per cent of the total lipids, therewere present small quantities of free fatty acids, diglyceridesand polar lipids. The two glycolipids, monogalactosyl and digalactosyldiglycerides, formed the bulk of the polar lipids with smallamounts of phosphatidyl choline and phosphatidyl inositol. In general, the fatty acid pattern of the haustorium was intermediatebetween that of the palm kernel oil and the palm fruit mesocarp,and resembled to a great extent the fatty acids of the kerneltesta. It is suggested, from the presence of the biological membranelipids and lipolytic enzymes, that the main function of thehaustorium is that of food mobilization and transport for theyoung plant.  相似文献   

Endogenous levels of indole-3-acetic acid (I AA) and cytokininswere measured in the two types of callus of oil palm (ElaeisguineensisJacq.) by an HPLC-ELISA methodology. The Nodular Compact Callus(NCC) is commonly used to establish stableembryoid strains ensuringclonal fidelity(  相似文献   

The mantled abnormality phenotype of the oil palm affects fruit development and thus jeopardizes oil yield. Cytokinins have been implicated in the development of the mantled phenotype. Endogenous cytokinin levels in the normal and mantled phenotypes were compared to determine whether levels of specific cytokinins are associated with mantling. Endogenous cytokinins were identified and quantified in in vitro cultures and inflorescences from normal and mantled oil palms. Twenty-two isoprenoid cytokinins, comprising the zeatin, dihydrozeatin, and isopentenyladenine types, were quantified. Total cytokinin levels, particularly of trans-zeatin and isopentenyladenine types, increased during the in vitro culture process, with the highest levels detected at the proliferating polyembryoid stages. The cytokinins were present mainly in their inactive 9-glucoside forms during in vitro culture. On the other hand, the predominant trans-zeatin cytokinins in inflorescences were present mainly in their ribotide forms, suggesting a metabolic pool of cytokinins for conversion to biologically active free bases or ribosides. Levels of specific cytokinins were significantly different in tissues at different stages. Mantled developed inflorescences contained higher levels of isopentenyladenine 9-glucoside compared with normal inflorescences. Mantled-derived callus tissues had higher isopentenyladenine levels but significantly lower levels of trans-zeatin 9-glucoside, dihydrozeatin riboside, and dihydrozeatin riboside 5′-monophosphate cytokinins compared with normal-derived callus. It would be of considerable interest to verify these specific cytokinin differences in more callus cultures and clones.  相似文献   

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