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Cellular senescence is a response to genotoxic stress that results in an irreversible cell cycle arrest. Activation of this pathway relies on the activity of the retinoblastoma proteins and proteins of the DNA damage response cascade. Here, we discuss the functional relevance of the switch from pRb/p105 to Rb2/p130 that becomes apparent when cells enter senescent arrest.  相似文献   

Filteau F  Veilleux F  Lévesque D 《FEBS letters》1999,447(2-3):251-256
The dopamine D3 receptor is a member of the G protein-coupled superfamily of receptors. However, its coupling with intracellular events is still not well understood. We have performed chimera constructions in which amino acid residues located in a region of the receptor involved in the coupling with second messengers (the C-terminal portion of the third intracellular loop) have been exchanged between dopamine D2 and D3 receptors. Chimera constructions did not modify substantially the pharmacological profiles, nor G protein coupling, as compared to their respective wild-type receptors. However, the D2 receptor chimera, containing the C-terminal portion of the third intracellular loop of the D3 receptor, has a lower potency to inhibit cyclic AMP production. The reciprocal construction generated a D3 receptor that is fully coupled to this second messenger pathway whereas, the native D3 receptor is uncoupled to this pathway in our transfected cells. These results suggest that the sequence selected is important for specific coupling characteristics shown by these two dopamine receptor homologues.  相似文献   

Retinoblastoma (RB) family proteins pRb, p107 and pRb2/p130 are important cellular factors which play a well-recognized role as tumor and growth suppressors. These proteins are actively involved in the negative control of the cell cycle and their function is modulated via complex homeostatic processes, most of them involving post-translational regulation of their phosphorylation status. Interestingly, the family members p107 and pRb2/p130 share the ability to physically interact and inhibit the kinase activity of the Cdk2/Cyclin A and Cdk2/Cyclin E complexes. Regarding pRb2/p130, its inhibitory effect on the Cdk2/Cyclin A activity has been attributed to the “spacer” region. Recently, a 39 aa-long pRb2/p130 spacer-derived peptide (Spa310, aa 641-679) has been selected as the sequence responsible for Cdk2/Cyclin A inhibition. Following the identification of this active sequence, here we propose a computer-generated three-dimensional model of the interaction between the Cdk2/Cyclin A complex and the N-terminal 9-amino acid sequence of the Spa310 peptide. We believe this model as useful for the rational development of peptide or peptidomimetic kinase inhibitors to be used for the negative modulation of cell cycle in cancer cells.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the N-terminal SH3 domain (residues 583–660) of murine Vav, which contains a tetra-proline sequence (Pro 607-Pro 610), was determined by NMR. The solution structure of the SH3 domain shows a typical SH3 fold, but it exists in two conformations due to cis-trans isomerization at the Gly614-Pro615 bond. The NMR structure of the P615G mutant, where Pro615 is replaced by glycine, reveals that the tetra-proline region is inserted into the RT-loop and binds to its own SH3 structure. The C-terminal SH3 domain of Grb2 specifically binds to the trans form of the N-terminal SH3 domain of Vav. The surface of Vav N-terminal SH3 which binds to Grb2 C-terminal SH3 was elucidated by chemical shift mapping experiments using NMR. The surface does not involve the tetra-proline region but involves the region comprising the n-src loop, the N-terminal and the C-terminal regions. This surface is located opposite to the tetra-proline containing region, consistent with that of our previous mutagenesis studies.  相似文献   

Tumor suppressor pRb2/p130 gene belongs to the retinoblastoma (Rb) gene family, which also includes pRb/p105 and pRb/p107. The members of the Rb gene family have attracted a great deal of interest because of their essential role in regulating cell cycle and, consequently, cell proliferation. This mini review discusses the potential therapeutic applications both of pRb2/p130 and its derived product Spa310 spacer domain in cancer treatment.  相似文献   

Interaction of p58(PITSLRE), a G2/M-specific protein kinase,with cyclin D3   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The p58(PITSLRE) is a p34(cdc2)-related protein kinase that plays an important role in normal cell cycle progression. Elevated expression of p58(PITSLRE) in eukaryotic cells prevents them from undergoing normal cytokinesis and appears to delay them in late telophase. To investigate the molecular mechanism of p58(PITSLRE) action, we used the yeast two-hybrid system, screened a human fetal liver cDNA library, and identified cyclin D3 as an interacting partner of p58(PITSLRE). In vitro binding assay, in vivo coimmunoprecipitation, and immunofluorescence cell staining further confirmed the association of p58(PITSLRE) with cyclin D3. This binding was observed only in the G(2)/M phase but not in the G(1)/S phase of the cell cycle; meanwhile, no interaction between p110(PITSLRE) and cyclin D3 was observed in all the cell cycle. The overexpression of cyclin D3 in 7721 cells leads to an exclusively accumulation of p58(PITSLRE) in the nuclear region, affecting its cellular distribution. Histone H1 kinase activity of p58(PITSLRE) was greatly enhanced upon interaction with cyclin D3. Furthermore, kinase activity of p58(PITSLRE) was found to increase greatly in the presence of cyclin D3 using a specific substrate, beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase 1. These data provide a new clue to our understanding of the cellular function of p58(PITSLRE) and cyclin D3.  相似文献   

The Tol/Pal system of Escherichia coli is composed of the YbgC, TolQ, TolA, TolR, TolB, Pal and YbgF proteins. It is involved in maintaining the integrity of the outer membrane, and is required for the uptake of group A colicins and DNA of filamentous bacteriophages. To identify new interactions between the components of the Tol/Pal system and gain insight into the mechanism of colicin import, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen using the different components of the Tol/Pal system and colicin A. Using this system, we confirmed the already known interactions and identified several new interactions. TolB dimerizes and the periplasmic domain of TolA interacts with YbgF and TolB. Our results indicate that the central domain of TolA (TolAII) is sufficient to interact with YbgF, that the C-terminal domain of TolA (TolAIII) is sufficient to interact with TolB, and that the amino terminal domain of TolB (D1) is sufficient to bind TolAIII. The TolA/TolB interaction was confirmed by cross-linking experiments on purified proteins. Moreover, we show that the interaction between TolA and TolB is required for the uptake of colicin A and for the membrane integrity. These results demonstrate that the TolA/TolB interaction allows the formation of a trans-envelope complex that brings the inner and outer membranes in close proximity.  相似文献   

The Tol-Pal system of Escherichia coli is a macromolecular complex located in the cell envelope. It is involved in maintaining the integrity of the outer membrane and is required for the uptake of two different types of macromolecules, which are bacteriotoxins (colicins) and DNA of filamentous bacteriophages. The TolA protein plays a central role in these import mechanisms. Its C-terminal domain (TolAIII) is involved in the translocation step via direct interaction with the N-terminal domain of colicins and the N-terminal domain of the phage minor coat gene 3 protein (g3pN1). Extreme behaviours of TolAIII have been previously observed, since the structure of TolAIII either remained unaffected or adopted disordered conformation upon binding to different pore-forming colicins. Here, we have solved the 3D structure of free TolAIII by heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy and compared it to the crystal structure of TolAIII bound to g3pN1 in order to study the effect of g3pN1 on the tertiary structure of TolAIII. Backbone 1H, 15N and 13C resonances of the g3pN1-bound TolAIII were also assigned and used to superimpose the solution structure of free TolAIII on the crystal structure of the g3pN1-TolAIII fusion protein. This allowed us to track conformational changes of TolAIII upon binding. While the global fold of free TolAIII is mainly identical to that of g3pN1-bound TolAIII, shift of secondary structures does occur. Thus, TolAIII, which interacts also in vivo with Pal and TolB, is able to adapt its conformation upon binding to various partners. Possible models for protein binding mechanisms are discussed to explain this so-far unobserved behaviour of TolAIII.  相似文献   

Radiation injury to cells enhances C-terminal phosphorylation of p53 at both Ser315 and Ser392 in vivo, suggesting the existence of two cooperating DNA damage-responsive pathways that play a role in stimulating p53-dependent gene expression. Our previous data has shown that cyclin A-cdk2 is the major enzyme responsible for modifying p53 at Ser315 in vivo after irradiation damage and in this report we dissect the mechanism of cyclinA-cdk2 binding to and phosphorylation of p53. Although cyclin B(1)-dependent protein kinases can phosphorylate small peptides containing the Ser315 site, cyclin A-cdk2 does not phosphorylate such small peptides suggesting that additional determinants are required for cyclin A-cdk2 interaction with p53. Peptide competition studies have localized a cyclin A interaction site to a Lys381Lys382Leu383Met384Phe385 sequence within C-terminal negative regulatory domain of human p53. An alanine mutation at any one of four key positions abrogates the efficacy of a synthetic peptide containing this motif as an inhibitor of cyclin A-cdk2 phosphorylation of p53 protein. Single amino acid mutations of full-length p53 protein at Lys382, Leu383, or Phe385 decreases cyclin A-cdk2 dependent phosphorylation at Ser315. Cyclin B(1)-cdk2 complexes are not inhibited by KKLMF motif-containing peptides nor is p53 phosphorylation by cyclin B-cdk2 reduced by mutation of the cyclin A interaction site. These data identifying a KKLMF cyclin A docking site on p53 protein highlight a common cyclin A interaction motif that is shared between the tumour suppressor proteins pRb and p53.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress induces cell death and growth arrest. In this study, the regulation and the functional role of the retinoblastoma family proteins pRb, p107, and p130 in the cellular response to oxidative stress were investigated. Treatment of endothelial cells with H2O2 induced rapid hypophosphorylation of the retinoblastoma family proteins. This event did not require p53 or p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 and was not associated with cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase down-modulation. Four lines of evidence indicate that H2O2-induced hypophosphorylation of pRb, p107, and p130 was because of the activity of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). First, cell treatment with two phosphatase inhibitors, okadaic acid and calyculin A, prevented the hypophosphorylation of the retinoblastoma family proteins, at concentrations that specifically inhibit PP2A. Second, SV40 small t, which binds and inhibits PP2A, when overexpressed prevented H2O2-induced dephosphorylation of the retinoblastoma family proteins, whereas a SV40 small t mutant unable to bind PP2A was totally inert. Third, PP2A core enzyme physically interacted with pRb and p107, both in H2O2-treated and untreated cells. Fourth, a PP2A phosphatase activity was co-immunoprecipitated with pRb, and the activity of pRb-associated PP2A was positively modulated by cell treatment with H2O2. Because DNA damaging agents inhibit DNA synthesis in a pRb-dependent manner, it was determined whether the PP2A-mediated dephosphorylation of the retinoblastoma family proteins played a role in this S-phase response. Indeed, it was found that inhibition of PP2A by SV40 small t over-expression prevented DNA synthesis inhibition induced by H2O2.  相似文献   

The first SH3 domain (SH3.1) of Nckalpha specifically recognizes the proline-rich region of CD3varepsilon, a subunit of the T cell receptor complex. We have solved the NMR structure of Nckalpha SH3.1 that shows the characteristic SH3 fold consisting of two antiparallel beta-sheets tightly packed against each other. According to chemical shift mapping analysis, a peptide encompassing residues 150-166 of CD3varepsilon binds at the canonical SH3 binding site. An exhaustive comparison with the structures of other SH3 domains able and unable to bind CD3varepsilon reveals that Nckalpha SH3.1 recognises a non-canonical PxxPxxDY motif that orientates at the binding site as a class II ligand. A positively charged residue (K/R) at position -2 relative to the WW sequence at the beginning of strand beta3 is crucial for PxxDY recognition. A 14-mer optimised Nckalpha SH3.1 ligand was found using a multi-substitution approach. Based on NMR data, this improved ligand binds Nckalpha SH3.1 through a PxxPxRDY motif that combines specific stabilising interactions corresponding to both canonical class II, PxxPx(K/R), and non-canonical PxxPxxDY motifs. This explains its higher capacity for Nckalpha SH3.1 binding relative to the wild type sequence.  相似文献   

Brevin is a Ca2+-modulated actin-associated protein that will sever F-actin and cap barbed filament ends. Limited proteolysis with chymotrypsin or subtilisin cleaves the molecule approximately in half. Cleavage is approximately 10-fold more rapid in Ca2+ than in EGTA. The two fragments are readily separated from each other and from undigested brevin by high pressure liquid chromatography on a DEAE resin. A 40,000-mol-wt fragment from the N-terminal is not retained by DEAE, while a 45,000-mol-wt C-terminal fragment binds more tightly than brevin. The N-terminal fragment retains approximately 10% of the nucleation activity, caps barbed ends, and retains 50% of the total severing activity defined by dilution induced depolymerization of pyrenyl actin, but, in contrast to brevin, none of these functions are affected by Ca2+. Fluorescent actin binding studies and gel-filtration demonstrate that the 40,000-mol-wt fragment binds two actin monomers. The 45,000-mol-wt C-terminal fragment has no severing, nucleating, or capping activity. Cross-reaction with two monoclonal antibodies against two specific Ca2+-induced conformations of human platelet gelsolin suggest that both Ca2+ binding sites are located on the carboxyl half of the brevin molecule. One epitope, defined as the rapidly exchanging Ca2+ binding site in the gelsolin-actin complex, is lost when a 20,000-mol-wt fragment is cleaved from the carboxyl terminal. The second epitope, related to the poorly exchanging Ca2+ binding site in the complex, is nearer the middle of the brevin molecule.  相似文献   

The A-type lamins that localize in nuclear domains termed lamin speckles are reorganized and antigenically masked specifically during myoblast differentiation. This rearrangement was observed to be linked to the myogenic program as lamin speckles, stained with monoclonal antibody (mAb) LA-2H10, were reorganized in MyoD-transfected fibroblasts induced to transdifferentiate to muscle cells. In C2C12 myoblasts, speckles were reorganized early during differentiation in cyclin D3-expressing cells. Ectopic cyclin D3 induced lamin reorganization in C2C12 myoblasts but not in other cell types. Experiments with adenovirus E1A protein that can bind to and segregate the retinoblastoma protein (pRb) indicated that pRb was essential for the cyclin D3-mediated reorganization of lamin speckles. Cyclin D3-expressing myoblasts displayed site-specific reduction of pRb phosphorylation. Furthermore, disruption of lamin structures by overexpression of lamins inhibited expression of the muscle regulatory factor myogenin. Our results suggest that the reorganization of internal lamins in muscle cells is mediated by key regulators of the muscle differentiation program.  相似文献   

We screened a cDNA bank of rabbit gastric fundic mucosa by two-hybrid assays looking for binding partners of the N-terminal domain of the rabbit gastric H,K-ATPase. We extracted five clones sharing more than 90% sequence identity. The longest clone codes for a protein sharing a high identity (96 and 96.8%, respectively) with a fragment of the membrane domain, from Arg-835 to Ser-873, plus the major part of the "spectrin binding domain" going from Glu-874 to Leu-1455 of human and mouse ankyrin III. We conclude that the membrane and spectrin binding domains of the rabbit ankyrin III are candidates for the binding partner of the N-terminal domain of the rabbit gastric H,K-ATPase. To validate the ankyrin-ATPase interaction and to test its specificity, we produced both domains in yeast and bacteria, coimmunoprecipitated them with an anti-ATPase antibody, and copurified them by affinity chromatography. The sequence of rabbit ankyrin III was not known, and this is the first report demonstrating that the ankyrin III and the H,K-ATPase interact with no intermediate. The interaction involves the N-terminal domain of the ATPase on one hand and the spectrin binding domain of the ankyrin on the other.  相似文献   

B Doray  C D Chen  B Kemper 《Biochemistry》1999,38(37):12180-12186
Mutations in a 7-amino acid linker segment, immediately following the N-terminal signal anchor sequence of cytochrome P450 2C2, have been shown to affect proper assembly of hemoprotein and decrease activity of the mutants expressed in COS cells. In contrast, C2pmBalC1, in which cytochrome P450 2C1 residues were substituted for those of cytochrome P450 2C2 in the C-terminal region, exhibited increased activity when expressed in COS-1 cells. To examine further the basis for the increased activity of C2pmBalC1 in COS-1 cells, the protein was expressed in insect cells and Escherichia coli. The amounts of the functional P450 species of C2pmBalC1 expressed in these systems and the ratios of P450 to P420 were greater than those of cytochrome P450 2C2, indicating that more efficient assembly underlies the increased activity of C2pmBalC1. To determine whether the C-terminal substitutions could compensate for the decreased assembly mediated by the N-terminal linker mutations, the linker mutations were introduced into C2pmBalC1. If all 7 amino acids in the linker were deleted, no enzymatically active cytochrome P450 2C2 or C2pmBalC1 was detected in COS-1, insect, or bacterial cells expressing the mutants. The mutant C2A2, in which two alanines were substituted for the linker, had no detectable laurate hydroxylase activity in COS-1 cells, and minor amounts of hemoprotein for this mutant were expressed in E. coli and insect cells. In contrast, the same mutation in C2pmBalC1 reduced activity only 50% in COS-1 cells and markedly elevated levels of P450 expression in bacteria and insect cells. The A2 mutation did not affect the enzymatic activity of either cytochrome P450 2C2 or C2pmBalC1 assayed in whole cell lysates of insect cells but reduced the activity of partially purified enzymes assayed in a reconstituted assay system. These findings indicate that mutations introduced into the C-terminal region of P450 2C2 can facilitate assembly of the proteins and partially reverse the decreased assembly resulting from the N-terminal mutations.  相似文献   

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