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Oxidation of the soluble, truncated form of cytochrome f by wild-type and mutant species of plastocyanin has been analyzed by laser flash absorption spectroscopy in the cyanobacterium Nostoc (formerly, Anabaena) sp. PCC 7119. At low ionic strengths, the apparent electron transfer rate constant of cytochrome f oxidation by wild-type plastocyanin is 1.34 x 10(4) s(-)(1), a value much larger than those determined for the same proteins from other organisms. Upon site-directed mutagenesis of specific residues at the plastocyanin interaction area, the rate constant decreases in all cases yet to varying extents. The only exception is the D54K variant, which exhibits a higher reactivity toward cytochrome f. In most cases, the reaction rate constant decreases monotonically with an increase in ionic strength. The observed changes in the reaction mechanism and rate constants are in agreement with the location of the mutated residues at the interface area, as well as with the peculiar orientation of the two partners within the Nostoc plastocyanin-cytochrome f transient complex, whose NMR structure has been determined recently. Furthermore, the experimental data herein reported match well the kinetic behavior exhibited by the same set of plastocyanin mutants when acting as donors of electrons to photosystem I [Molina-Heredia, F. P., et al. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 601-605], thus indicating that the copper protein uses the same surface areas-one hydrophobic and the other electrostatic-to interact with both cytochrome f and photosystem I.  相似文献   

The complex between cytochrome f and plastocyanin from the cyanobacterium Nostoc has been characterized by NMR spectroscopy. The binding constant is 16 mM(-1), and the lifetime of the complex is much less than 10 ms. Intermolecular pseudo-contact shifts observed for the plastocyanin amide nuclei, caused by the heme iron, as well as the chemical-shift perturbation data were used as the sole experimental restraints to determine the orientation of plastocyanin relative to cytochrome f with a precision of 1.3 angstroms. The data show that the hydrophobic patch surrounding tyrosine 1 in cytochrome f docks the hydrophobic patch of plastocyanin. Charge complementarities are found between the rims of the respective recognition sites of cytochrome f and plastocyanin. Significant differences in the relative orientation of both proteins are found between this complex and those previously reported for plants and Phormidium, indicating that electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions are balanced differently in these complexes.  相似文献   

Positively charged plastocyanin from Anabaena sp. PCC 7119 was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. The reactivity of its mutants toward photosystem I was analyzed by laser flash spectroscopy. Replacement of arginine at position 88, which is adjacent to the copper ligand His-87, by glutamine and, in particular, by glutamate makes plastocyanin reduce its availability for transferring electrons to photosystem I. Such a residue in the copper protein thus appears to be isofunctional with Arg-64 (which is close to the heme group) in cytochrome c(6) from Anabaena (Molina-Heredia, F. P., Diaz-Quintana, A., Hervás, M., Navarro, J. A., and De la Rosa, M. A. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 33565-33570) and Synechocystis (De la Cerda, B., Diaz-Quintana, A., Navarro, J. A. , Hervás, M., and De la Rosa, M. A. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 13292-13297). Other mutations concern specific residues of plastocyanin either at its positively charged east face (D49K, H57A, H57E, K58A, K58E, Y83A, and Y83F) or at its north hydrophobic pole (L12A, K33A, and K33E). Mutations altering the surface electrostatic potential distribution allow the copper protein to modulate its kinetic efficiency: the more positively charged the interaction site, the higher the rate constant. Whereas replacement of Tyr-83 by either alanine or phenylalanine has no effect on the kinetics of photosystem I reduction, Leu-12 and Lys-33 are essential for the reactivity of plastocyanin.  相似文献   

 A soluble monoheme c–type cytochrome c 6 has been isolated from the cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7119. It is a basic protein, with a molecular mass of 9.7 kDa, which accepts electrons from Anabaena ferredoxin in the ferredoxin-NADP+reductase-dependent NADPH cytochrome c reductase activity assay. The turnover of the reaction has an optimum pH at 7.5. Flavodoxin can also replace ferredoxin in this assay, but with only 20% efficiency. Plastocyanin from Anabaena PCC 7119, as well as the c 6 cytochromes from the green algae Chlorella fusca and Monoraphidium braunii are also shown to accept electrons from Anabaena ferredoxin. The reduction potential of cytochrome c 6 at pH 6.7 was determined to be 338 mV and is pH dependent, with pK a ox=8.4±0.1 and pK a red≈9.5. The ferric and ferrous cytochrome forms and their pH equilibria have been studied using visible, EPR and 1H-NMR spectroscopies. The amino acid sequence and the visible and NMR spectroscopic data indicate that the heme iron has a methionine-histidine axial coordination in the pH range 5–11. However, the EPR data for the ferricytochrome are complex and show that in this pH range five distinct forms are present. Between pH 5 and 9 the spectrum is dominated by two rhombic species, with g–values at 2.94, 2.29, 1.43 and at 2.84, 2.34, 1.56, which interconvert with a pK a of 8.4. The NMR data also show a main interconversion between two cytochrome forms at this pH, which coincides with that determined from the pH dependence of the reduction potential. Both these forms were associated with a methionine-histidine heme-iron coordination by correlation with the visible and NMR spectral data, although having crystal field parameters atypical for this type of coordination. Anabaena cytochrome c 6 is one more example of a heme protein for which the widely used crystal field analysis of the EPR data (truth diagram) fails to unequivocally determine the type of heme-iron ligation. Received: 17 May 1996 / Accepted: 13 January 1997  相似文献   

Most organisms performing oxygenic photosynthesis contain either cytochrome c 6 or plastocyanin, or both, to transfer electrons from cytochrome b 6-f to photosystem I. Even though plastocyanin has superseded cytochrome c 6 along evolution, plants contain a modified cytochrome c 6, the so called cytochrome c 6A, whose function still remains unknown. In this article, we describe a second cytochrome c 6 (the so called cytochrome c 6-like protein), which is found in some cyanobacteria but is phylogenetically more related to plant cytochrome c 6A than to cyanobacterial cytochrome c 6. In this article, we conclude that the cytochrome c 6-like protein is a putative electron donor to photosystem I, but does play a role different to that of cytochrome c 6 and plastocyanin as it cannot accept electrons from cytochrome f. The existence of this third electron donor to PSI could explain why some cyanobacteria are able to grow photoautotrophically in the absence of both cytochrome c 6 and plastocyanin. In any way, the Cyt c 6-like protein from Nostoc sp. PCC 7119 would be potentially utilized for the biohydrogen production, using cell-free photosystem I catalytic nanoparticles.  相似文献   

A 21-kDa novel polypeptide which possesses characteristics normally considered to be diagnostic of the calmodulin present in eukaryotic cells was isolated from the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. PCC 6720. The major technique employed in the isolation of the polypeptide was ion-exchange chromatography on a Mono Q column. The 21-kDa polypeptide was shown: to activate pea NAD kinase in vitro, in a Ca2+ requiring reaction; to react with polyclonal antibodies raised against spinach calmodulin, but not with those raised against bovine brain calmodulin; and to exhibit a Ca2+ dependent shift in migration during SDS-PAGE.Abbreviations ATCC American Type Culture Collection - DCPIP 2,6-dichlorophenylindophenol - PBS Phosphate buffered saline  相似文献   

The interaction between cytochrome f and its electron acceptor plastocyanin (PC) was studied. To address the question of which specific regions and which of the positively charged residues of cytochrome f are important for the interaction with the negatively charged residues of PC we have used two different experimental approaches. Cytochrome f was proteolytically cleaved and fragments that could bind to a PC-affinity column were isolated. The smallest of these fragments was analysed to give information on the minimum structural requirement for binding to PC. By this procedure, we identified a peptide of approx. 11 kDa, containing the heme binding site, and having an N-terminal sequence identical to that of the mature cytochrome f. This finding suggests that the first 90 amino acids of cytochrome f contain at least some of the residues interacting with PC. The second approach involved modification of Arg residues of cytochrome f with the specific chemical modifier, hydroxyphenylglyoxal (HPG). Cytochrome f modification was performed in the absence of PC to enable identification of residues that are protected from modification when PC is bound to cytochrome f. Two peptides containing Arg residues which are modified in the absence of PC, but are not modified when PC is present, were isolated. Sequence analysis of these two peptides revealed that Arg residues no. 88 and 154 of cytochrome f are the residues that are protected from modification when cytochrome f is bound to PC, suggesting a role for these residues in the binding of cytochrome f to PC.  相似文献   

The role of charged residues on the surface of plastocyanin from the cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum in the reaction with soluble cytochrome f in vitro was studied using site-directed mutagenesis. The charge on each of five residues on the eastern face of plastocyanin was neutralized and/or inverted, and the effect of the mutation on midpoint potentials was determined. The dependence of the overall rate constant of reaction, k(2), on ionic strength was investigated using stopped-flow spectrophotometry. Removing negative charges (D44A or D45A) accelerated the reaction and increased the dependence on ionic strength, whereas removing positive charges slowed it down. Two mutations (K46A, K53A) each almost completely abolished any influence of ionic strength on k(2), and three mutations (R93A, R93Q, R93E) each converted electrostatic attraction into repulsion. At low ionic strength, wild type and all mutants showed an inhibition which might be due to changes in the interaction radius as a consequence of ionic strength dependence of the Debye length or to effects on the rate constant of electron transfer, k(et). The study shows that the electrostatics of the interaction between plastocyanin and cytochrome f of P. laminosum in vitro are not optimized for k(2). Whereas electrostatics are the major contributor to k(2) in plants [Kannt, A., et al. (1996) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1277, 115-126], this role is taken by nonpolar interactions in the cyanobacterium, leading to a remarkably high rate at infinite ionic strength (3.2 x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1)).  相似文献   

Cytochrome cM is a new c-class photosynthetic haem protein whose physiological role is still unknown. It has been proposed previously that cytochrome cM can replace cytochrome c6 and plastocyanin in transferring electrons between the two membrane complexes cytochrome b6-f and photosystem I in organisms growing under stress conditions. The experimental evidence herein provided allows us to discard such a hypothesis. We report a procedure to overexpress cytochrome cM from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 in Escherichia coli cells in mg quantities. This has allowed us to perform a comparative laser flash-induced kinetic analysis of photosystem I reduction by the three metalloproteins from Synechocystis. The bimolecular rate constant for the overall reaction is up to 100 times lower with cytochrome cM than with cytochrome c6 or plastocyanin. In addition, the redox potential value and surface electrostatic potential distribution of cytochrome cM are quite different from those of cytochrome c6 and plastocyanin. These findings strongly indicate that cytochrome cM cannot be recognised by and interact with the same redox partners as the other two metalloproteins.  相似文献   

PsaE is a small basic subunit located on the stromal (cytoplasmic) side of photosystem I. In cyanobacteria, this subunit participates in cyclic electron transport and modulates the interactions of the complex with soluble ferredoxin. The PsaE protein isolated from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7002 adopts the beta topology of an SH3 domain, with five beta strands (betaA through betaE) and a turn of 3(10) helix between strands betaD and betaE [Falzone, C. J., Kao, Y.-H., Zhao, J., Bryant, D. A., and Lecomte, J. T. J. (1994) Biochemistry 33, 6052-6062]. The primary structure of the PsaE protein is strongly conserved across all oxygen-evolving photosynthetic organisms. However, variability in loop lengths, as well as N- or C-terminal extensions, suggests that the structure of a second representative PsaE subunit would be useful to characterize the interactions among photosystem I polypeptides. In this work, the solution structure of PsaE from the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. strain PCC 8009 was determined by NMR methods. Compared to PsaE from Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7002, this PsaE has a seven-residue deletion in the loop connecting strands betaC and betaD, and an eight-residue C-terminal extension. Angular and distance restraints derived from homonuclear and heteronuclear NMR experiments were used to calculate structures by a distance-geometry/simulated-annealing protocol. A family of 20 structures (rmsd of 0.24 A in the regular secondary structure) is presented. Differences between the two cyanobacterial proteins are mostly confined to the CD loop region; the C-terminal extension is disordered. The thermodynamic stability of Nostoc sp. strain PCC 8009 PsaE toward urea denaturation was measured by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy, and thermal denaturation was monitored by UV absorption spectroscopy. Chemical and thermal denaturation curves are modeled satisfactorily with two-state processes. The DeltaG degrees of unfolding at room temperature is 12.4 +/- 0.3 kJ mol(-1) (pH 5), and the thermal transition midpoint is 59 +/- 1 degrees C (pH 7). Interactions with other proteins in the photosystem I complex may aid in maintaining PsaE in its native state under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

The role of charge on the surface of cytochrome f from the cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum in the reaction with plastocyanin was investigated in vitro using site-directed mutagenesis. Charge was neutralized at five acidic residues individually and introduced at a residue close to the interface between the two proteins. The effects on the kinetics of the reaction were measured using stopped-flow spectrophotometry, and the midpoint potentials of the mutant proteins were determined. The dependence of the bimolecular rate constant of reaction, k(2), on ionic strength was determined for the reactions of the cytochrome f mutants with wild-type and mutant forms of plastocyanin. Double mutant cycle analysis was carried out to probe for the presence of specific electrostatic interactions. The effects of mutations on Cyt f were smaller than those seen previously for mutants of plastocyanin [Schlarb-Ridley, B. G. et al. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 3279-3285]. One specific short-range interaction between charged residues of wild-type plastocyanin (Arg93) and wild-type cytochrome f (Asp63) was identified. The kinetic evidence from this study and that of Schlarb-Ridley et al., 2002, appears to conflict with the NMR structure of the P. laminosum complex, which suggests the absence of electrostatic interactions in the final complex [Crowley, P. et al. (2001) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123, 10444-10453]. The most likely explanation of the apparent paradox is that the overall rate is diffusion controlled and that electrostatics specifically influence the encounter complex and not the reaction complex.  相似文献   

The electrostatic interaction between plastocyanin (PC) and cytochrome f (cyt f), electron transfer partners in photosynthesis was studied using Brownian dynamics (BD) simulations. By using the software package MacroDox, which implements the BD algorithm of Northrup et al. (Northrup, S. H., J. O. Boles, and J. C. L. Reynolds. 1987. J. Phys. Chem. 91:5991-5998), we have modeled the interaction of the two proteins based on crystal structures of poplar PC and turnip cyt f at pH 7 and a variety of ionic strengths. We find that the electrostatic attraction between positively charged residues (K58, K65, K187, and R209, among others) on cyt f and negatively charged residues (E43, D44, E59, and E60, among others) on PC steers PC into a single dominant orientation with respect to cyt f, and furthermore, that the single dominant orientation that we observe is one that we had predicted in our previous work (Pearson, D. C., E. L. Gross, and E. S. David. 1996. Biophys. J. 71:64-76). This dominant orientation permits the formation of hydrophobic interactions, which are not implemented in the MacroDox algorithm. This proposed complex between PC and cyt f implicates H87, a copper ligand on PC, as the residue that accepts electrons from the heme on cyt f (and possibly through Y1 as we proposed previously). We argue for the existence of this single dominant complex on the basis of observations that the most favorable orientations of the interaction between PC and cyt f, as determined by grouping successful BD trajectories on the basis of closest contacts of charged residues, tend to overlap one another and have very close distances between the metal centers on the two proteins (copper on PC, iron on cyt f). We use this knowledge to develop a model for PC/cyt f interaction that places a reaction between the two proteins occurring when the copper-to-iron distance is between 16 and 17 A. This reaction distance gives a good estimate of the experimentally observed rate constant for PC-cyt f interaction. Analysis of BD results as a function of ionic strength predicts an interaction that happens less frequently and becomes less specific as ionic strength increases.  相似文献   

Two thioredoxin fractions had previously been reported to occur in Anabaena 7119 by Buchanan and co-workers (Yee, B. C., dela Torre, A., Crawford, N. A., Lara, C., Carlson, D. E., and Buchanan, B. B. (1981) Arch. Microbiol. 130, 14-18). These proteins were detected by their ability to activate spinach fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (Fru-P2-ase). The partially purified proteins resembled similar thioredoxins found in spinach chloroplasts and were designated thioredoxin f (Tf) for the fraction most effective in activating spinach Fru-P2-ase and thioredoxin m (Tm) for the fraction most effective in activating spinach NADPH-malate dehydrogenase. Using the assay system of Yee and co-workers, we were able to separate and purify to homogeneity two thioredoxin fractions from Anabaena extracts. Tm corresponded to the thioredoxin fraction we had isolated and studied previously (Gleason, F. K., and Holmgren, A. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 8301-8309). The other fraction, Tf, was characterized further. Unlike the thioredoxins found in higher plants, the cyanobacterial thioredoxins do not appear to be related. Anabaena thioredoxin f has a Mr = 25,500 as compared to the more usual Mr = 12,000 for Tm. From a comparison of the amino acid composition, Tf is not obviously a dimer or otherwise related to Tm. Tf has one active center cystine disulfide. Anabaena Tf activates spinach Fru-P2-ase very efficiently but has very little activity with spinach malate dehydrogenase. Anabaena Tf, unlike Tm, does not reduce the homologous ribonucleotide reductase. Anabaena Tf also does not activate a partially purified preparation of Anabaena Fru-P2-ase. We conclude that the cyanobacterial Tf is a unique protein with no structural or functional properties in common with other thioredoxins.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to computer simulation of complex formation of protein plastocyanin with transmembrane pigment-protein complex photosystem I and subunit f of cytochrome b 6 f complex in the cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum. The computer algorithm considers diffusion and electrostatic interactions of protein molecules. The computer models have shown that electrostatic interactions in the cyanobacterium play a less important role than in higher plants because of different electrostatic potentials created by charged amino acid residues on the protein surfaces.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of oxidized and reduced plastocyanins from Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 have been determined at 1.9 and 1.8 A resolution, respectively, at pH 5.0. The protein consists of only 91 amino acid residues, the smallest number known for a plastocyanin, and apparently lacks the mostly conserved acidic patch that is believed to be important for recognition with electron-transfer partners. The protein has two acidic residues, Glu42 and Glu85, around Tyr83, which is thought to be a possible conduit for electrons, but these are neutralized by Arg88 and Lys58. Residue Arg88 interacts with Tyr83 through a pi-pi interaction in which the guanidinium group of the former completely overlaps the aromatic ring of the tyrosine. Reduction of the protein at pH 5.0 causes a lengthening of one Cu-N(His) bond by 0.36 A, despite the small rms deviation of 0.08 A calculated for the backbone atoms. Moreover, significant conformational changes of Arg88 and Lys58, along with the movement of a water molecule adjacent to the OH group of Tyr83, were observed on reduction; the guanidinium group of Arg88 rotates by more than 11 degrees, and the water molecule moves by 0.42 A. The changes around the copper site and the alterations around Tyr83 may be linked to the reduction of the copper.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of electrostatic charges at positions D72 and K8 in the function and structural stability of cytochrome c6 from Nostoc sp. PCC 7119 (cyt c6). A series of mutant forms was generated to span the possible combinations of charge neutralization (by mutation to alanine) and charge inversion (by mutation to lysine and aspartate, respectively) in these positions. All forms of cyt c6 were functionally characterized by laser flash absorption spectroscopy, and their stability was probed by urea-induced folding equilibrium relaxation experiments and differential scanning calorimetry. Neutralization or inversion of the positive charge at position K8 reduced the efficiency of electron transfer to photosystem I. This effect could not be reversed by compensating for the change in global charge that had been introduced by the mutation, indicating a specific role for K8 in the formation of the electron transfer complex between cyt c6 and photosystem I. Replacement of D72 by asparagine or lysine increased the efficiency of electron transfer to photosystem I, but destabilized the protein. D72 apparently participates in electrostatic interactions that stabilize the structure of cyt c6. The destabilizing effect was reduced when aspartate was replaced by the small amino acid alanine. Complementing the mutation D72A with a charge neutralization or inversion at position K8 led to mutant forms of cyt c6 that were more stable than the wild-type under all tested conditions.  相似文献   

N2-fixing Nostoc sp. strain PCC 73102 was examined for the presence of hydrogenases. Native-PAGE/immunoblots demonstrated that two proteins with molecular masses of approximately 200 kDa and 215 kDa are immunologically related to hydrogenases purified from Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Azotobacter vinelandii, Methanosarcina barkeri, and Thiocapsa roseopersicina. SDS-PAGE/immunoblots showed that one polypeptide, with a molecular mass of about 58 kDa, is immunologically related to the hydrogenases purified from all the microorganisms mentioned above. In addition, two polypeptides, with molecular masses of approximately 34 and 70 kDa, are immunologically related to the hydrogenases purified from T. roseopersicina and M. barkeri respectively. Immunogold/transmission electron microscopy showed that the hydrogenase proteins are present in both the heterocysts and the vegetative cells.  相似文献   

Cytochrome f and plastocyanin from the cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum react an order of magnitude faster than their counterparts from chloroplasts when long-range electrostatic interactions have been screened out by high salt concentration [Schlarb-Ridley, B. G., et al. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 3279-3285]. To investigate the relative contributions of the reaction partners to these differences, the reactions of turnip cytochrome f with P. laminosum plastocyanin and P. laminosum cytochrome f with pea plastocyanin were examined. Exchanging one of the plant reaction partners with the corresponding cyanobacterial protein nearly abolished electron transfer at low ionic strength but increased the rate at high ionic strength. This increase was larger for P. laminosum cytochrome f than for P. laminosumplastocyanin. To identify molecular features of P. laminosum cytochrome f that contribute to the increase, the effect of mutations in the N-terminal heme-shielding peptide on the reaction with P. laminosum plastocyanin was determined. Phenylalanine-3 was converted to valine and tryptophan-4 to phenylalanine or leucine. The mutations lowered the rate constant at 0.1 M ionic strength by factors of 0.71 for F4V, 0.42 for W4F, and 0.63 for W4L while introducing little change in the shape of the ionic strength dependence curve. When the N-terminal tetrapeptide (sequence YPFW) was converted into that found in the chloroplast of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (YPVF), the reaction was slowed further (factor of 0.26). The N-terminal heme-shielding peptide was found to be responsible for 75% of the kinetic differences between cytochrome f from chloroplasts and the cyanobacterium when electrostatic interactions were eliminated.  相似文献   

Plastocyanin (Pc) and cytochrome c6 (Cyt) have been purified to homogeneity from the cyanobacterium Pseudanabaena sp. PCC 6903, which occupies a unique divergent branch in the evolutionary tree of oxygen-evolving photosynthetic organisms. The two metalloproteins have similar molecular masses (9–10 kDa), as well as almost identical isoelectric points (ca. 8) and midpoint redox potentials (ca. 350 mV, at pH 7). Their reaction mechanism of electron transfer to Photosystem I (PS I) has been analyzed by laser-flash absorption spectroscopy. The kinetic traces with Pc correspond to monophasic kinetics, whereas those with Cyt are better fitted to biphasic curves. The observed pseudo first-order rate constant (kobs) with Pc and that for the slower phase with Cyt exhibit saturation profiles at increasing donor protein concentrations, thereby suggesting that the two metalloproteins are able to form transient complexes with PS I. The ionic strength dependence of the rate constants for complex formation makes evident the electrostatic nature of intermediate complexes. The experimental findings indicate that the PS I reduction kinetics in Pseudanabaena follow a type II mechanism with Pc and a type III mechanism with Cyt, according to the different kinetic models proposed previously [(Hervás M, Navarro JA, Díaz A, Bottin H and De la Rosa MA (1995) Biochemistry 34: 11321–11326)]. From an evolutionary point of view, this reinforces our previous observation that PS I was first adapted to operate efficiently with positively charged Cyt rather than with Pc.  相似文献   

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