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To characterize the low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS), we developed specific PCR primer sets to distinguish 12 groups of LMW-GS genes of Norin 61 and to decide their loci with nullisomic–tetrasomic lines of Chinese Spring. Three, two, and ten groups were assigned to Glu-A3, Glu-B3, and Glu-D3 loci, respectively. To identify the proteins containing the corresponding amino acid sequences, we determined the N-terminal amino acid sequence of 12 spots of LMW-GSs of Norin 61 separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE). The N-terminal sequences of the LMW-GS spots showed that 10 of 12 groups of LMW-GSs were expressed as protein products, which included LMW-i, LMW-m, and LMW-s types. Four spots were encoded by Glu-A3 (LMW-i). Three spots were encoded by Glu-B3 (LMW-m and LMW-s). Five spots were encoded by Glu-D3 (LMW-m and LMW-s). A minor spot of LMW-m seemed to be encoded by the same Glu-B3 gene as a major spot of LMW-s, but processed at a different site. Comparing among various cultivars, there were polymorphic and non-polymorphic LMW-GSs. Glu-A3 was highly polymorphic, i.e., the a, b, and c alleles showed one spot, the d allele showed four spots, and the e allele had no spot. Insignia used as one of the Glu-A3 null standard cultivars had a LMW-GS encoded by Glu-A3. We also found that Cheyenne had a new Glu-D3 allele. Classification of LMW-GS by a combination of PCR and 2DE will be useful to identify individual LMW-GSs and to study their contribution to flour quality.  相似文献   

Identification of new low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit genes in wheat   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
To clarify the composition of low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GSs) in a soft wheat cultivar, we cloned and characterized LMW-GS genes from a cDNA library and genomic DNA in Norin 61. Based on alignment of the conserved N- and C- terminal domains of the deduced amino-acid sequences, these genes are classified into 12 groups. One of these groups (group 5), the corresponding gene of which has not been reported previously, contains two additional hydrophobic amino-acid clusters interrupting the N-terminal repetitive domain. Other groups (groups 11 and 12), which were not identified in other cultivars as a protein product, showed all eight cysteines in the C-terminal conserved domain. With specific primer sets for these groups it was revealed that Glu-D3 and Glu-A3 encoded the former and the latter, respectively. Both groups of genes were expressed in immature seeds. The presence of these groups of LMW-GSs may affect the dough strength of soft wheat. Received: 26 March 2001 / Accepted: 16 July 2001  相似文献   

 The isolation and characterisation by DNA sequencing of two different low molecular weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) genes from a genomic library derived from Triticum tauschii is described. These genes are similar (more than 90% similarity) but not identical to previously published LMW-GS gene sequences from cultivated wheats. A comparison of nucleotide sequence of the coding regions revealed the presence of insertions and deletions preferentially located in the region encoding the domains in the LMW-GS proteins rich in proline and glutamine and the middle part of the C-domain. The signal sequences, the amino-terminus and the remaining parts of the C-domain were conserved between all the LMW-GSs compared. The differences detected between the deduced amino-acid sequences in these three regions are only due to single nucleotide substitutions. The most important characteristic of all compared LMW-GS genes is the conservation of eight cysteine residues that could be involved in potential secondary or tertiary structure and disulphide-bond interactions. Comparisons between the 5′ and 3′ non-coding sequences of one of the isolated clones (LMW-16/10) with those of different prolamin genes from wheat, barley and rye led to the distinction of five different gene families, and confirmed the evolutionary relationships determined previously for these genes mainly on the basis of the coding region. In particular, the LMW-GS sequences are more closely related to the B-hordein sequences than to any other prolamin genes from wheat, barley and rye. Formal proof that the isolated genes coded for LMW-GSs, as defined by gel electrophoresis, was obtained by moving one of these genes (LMW-16/10) into a bacterial expression vector based on bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase. The resulting plasmid directed the synthesis of large amounts of the mature form of the subunit in Escherichia coli. This protein exhibited solubility characteristics identical to those of the LMW-GSs and cross-reacted with antibodies reactive with these proteins. Received: 24 November 1997 / Accepted: 18 August 1998  相似文献   

 Three accessions of T. boeoticum were selected for the cloning and sequencing of novel low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) genes, based on the results of SDS-PAGE and PCR analyses of the LMW-GS diversity in A-genome wheat (Lee et al. 1998 a). A comparison of the nucleotide and deduced amino-acid sequences of three cloned genes, LMWG-E2, LMWG-E4 and LMWG-AQ1, both to each other and to other known LMW-GS genes was carried out. The N-terminal domains showed one variable position; GAG (coding for a glutamic acid) for the E-type, and GAT (coding for an aspartic acid) for the Q-type. The comparisons of the LMW-GSs in the literature and this paper define three different types of N-terminal sequences; METSCIPGLERPW and MDTSCIPGLERPW from the durum and A-genome wheats, and METRCIPGLERPW from the hexaploid and D-genome wheats. The repetitive domains were AC-rich at the nucleotide level and coded for a large number of glutamine residues; this region showed 16 variable positions changing 12 amino-acid residues, three triple nucleotide deletions/additions, a large deletion of 18 nucleotides in LMWG-E4 and a deletion of 12 nucleotides in LMWG-E2. In the C-terminal domains 26 variable positions were found and 12 of these mutations changed amino-acid residues; no deletions/ additions were present in this region. It was shown that the LMWG-E2 and LMWG-E4 genes could be expressed in bacteria and this allowed the respective protein products to be related back to the proteins defined as LMW-GSs in vivo. Received: 24 November 1997 / Accepted: 18 August 1998  相似文献   

Characterization of two HMW glutenin subunit genes from Taenitherum Nevski   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yan ZH  Wei YM  Wang JR  Liu DC  Dai SF  Zheng YL 《Genetica》2006,127(1-3):267-276
The compositions of high molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunits from three species of Taenitherum Nevski (TaTa, 2n = 2x = 14), Ta. caput-medusae, Ta. crinitum and Ta. asperum, were investigated by SDS-PAGE analysis. The electrophoresis mobility of the x-type HMW glutenin subunits were slower or equal to that of wheat HMW glutenin subunit Dx2, and the electrophoresis mobility of the y-type subunits were faster than that of wheat HMW glutenin subunit Dy12. Two HMW glutenin genes, designated as Tax and Tay, were isolated from Ta. crinitum, and their complete nucleotide coding sequences were determined. Sequencing and multiple sequences alignment suggested that the HMW glutenin subunits derived from Ta. crinitum had the similar structures to the HMW glutenin subunits from wheat and related species with a signal peptide, and N- and C-conservative domains flanking by a repetitive domain consisted of the repeated short peptide motifs. However, the encoding sequences of Tax and Tay had some novel modification compared with the HMW glutenin genes reported so far: (1) A short peptide with the consensus sequences of KGGSFYP, which was observed in the N-terminal of all known HMW glutenin genes, was absent in Tax; (2) There is a specified short peptide tandem of tripeptide, hexapeptide and nonapeptide and three tandem of tripeptide in the repetitive domain of Tax; (3) The amino acid residues number is 105 (an extra Q presented) but not 104 in the N-terminal of Tay, which was similar to most of y-type HMW glutenin genes from Elytrigia elongata and Crithopsis delileana. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that Tax subunit was mostly related to Ax1, Cx, Ux and Dx5, and Tay was more related to Ay, Cy and Ry.  相似文献   

Long H  Huang Z  Wei YM  Yan ZH  Ma ZC  Zheng YL 《Genetika》2008,44(4):500-506
Allelic variation of the low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) is associated with the significant differences of dough quality in bread and durum wheat, and has been widely evaluated at protein level in wheat and its relatives. In this study, a PCR primer set, targeting the high variable repetitive domains, was employed to assay the length variation of i-type LMW-GS genes in the A-genomes of diploid wheats, the diploid progenitors of tetraploid and hexaploid wheat. A total of 71 accessions of diploid wheats, belonging to two wild and one cultivated species, were investigated. The higher variations of repetitive length in i-type LMW-GS genes were found in diploid wheats with Nei's genetic variation index (H) of 0.834. The two wild species, T. boeoticum and T. urartu, were found to possess the similar degree of variability, with the Nei's genetic variation index of 0.806 and 0.783, respectively. Less variations were detected in T. monococcum (H = 0.680), a cultivated species domesticated from T. boeoticum. The sufficient variations found in this study could be used as valuable sources for the enrichment of the genetic variations and the alteration of flour-processing properties of the cultivated wheat. To our knowledge, it was the first time that an analysis of length variation targeting a particular group of genes of LMW-GS complex multigene families was conducted.  相似文献   

Allelic variation of the low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) is associated with the significant differences of dough quality in bread and durum wheat, and has been widely evaluated at protein level in wheat and its relatives. In this study, a PCR primer set, targeting the high variable repetitive domains, was employed to assay the length variation of i-type LMW-GS genes in the A-genomes of diploid wheats, the diploid progenitors of tetraploid and hexaploid wheat. A total of 71 accessions of diploid wheats, belonging to two wild and one cultivated species, were investigated. The higher variations of repetitive length in i-type LMW-GS genes were found in diploid wheats with Nei’s genetic variation index (H) of 0.834. The two wild species, T. boeoticum and T. urartu, were found to possess the similar degree of variability, with the Nei’s genetic variation index of 0.806 and 0.783, respectively. Less variation was detected in T. monococcum (H = 0.680), a cultivated species domesticated from T. boeoticum. The sufficient variation found in this study could be used as valuable source for the enrichment of genetic variations and the alteration of flour-processing properties of the cultivated wheat. To our knowledge, it was the first time that an analysis of length variation targeting a particular group of genes of LMW-GS complex multigene families was conducted. This article was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Three low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) genes, designated LMW-Td1, LMW-Td2 and LMW-Td3, were isolated from wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides), which is the tetraploid progenitor of common wheat (T. aestivum). The complete nucleotide sequence lengths of LMW-Td1, LMW-Td2 and LMW-Td3 are 858, 900 and 1062 bp, respectively. LMW-Td1 and LMW-Td3 can encode proteins with 284 and 352 amino acid residues, respectively, whereas LMW-Td2 is a putative pseudogene due to the presence of 3 inframe stop codons in its C-terminal domain. The deduced protein sequences of the 3 genes share the same typical polypeptide structures with known LMW-GS genes containing 8 cysteines in the mature protein domains. LMW-Td1 was clearly distinguished from all known LMW-GS genes, and considered as a novel LMW-GS gene. Two hydrophobic motifs (i.e. PIIIL and PVIIL) were observed in the repetitive domain of LMW-Td3. Sequence comparison indicates that sequences of the 3 LMW-GS genes from this study are strongly similar to known LMW-GS genes. Our phylogenetic analysis suggests that LMW-Td1 and LMW-Td2 are homologous with genes on chromosome 1A, and LMW-Td3 is closely related to genes on chromosome 1B.  相似文献   

 Three genes encoding the low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GSs), LMWG-E2 and LMWG-E4, from A-genome diploid wheat species, and LMW-16/10 from a D-genome diploid wheat, were expressed in bacteria. The respective proteins were produced on a relatively large scale and compared with respect to their effects on flour-processing properties such as dough mixing, extensibility and maximum resistance; these are important features in the end-use of wheat for producing food products. The LMWG-E2 and LMWG-E4 proteins caused significant increases in peak resistance and mixing time, compared to the control, when incorporated into dough preparations. The LMWG-16/10 protein was qualitatively less effective in producing these changes. All three proteins also conferred varying degrees of decrease in dough breakdown. LMWG-E2 and LMWG-E4 caused significant increases in dough extensibility, and decreases in maximum resistance, relative to the control. LMW-16/10 did not show a significant effect on extensibility but showed a significant decrease in maximum resistance. The refinement of relating specific features of the structure of the LMW-GS genes to the functional properties of their respective proteins is discussed. Received: 24 November 1997 / Accepted: 18 August 1998  相似文献   

Low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) Glu-B3 has a significant influence on the processing quality of the end-use products of common wheat. To characterize the LMW-GS genes at the Glu-B3 locus, gene-specific PCR primers were designed to amplify eight near-isogenic lines and Cheyenne with different Glu-B3 alleles (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h and i) defined by protein electrophoretic mobility. The complete coding regions of four Glu-B3 genes with complete coding sequence were obtained and designated as GluB3-1, GluB3-2, GluB3-3 and GluB3-4. Ten allele-specific PCR markers designed from the SNPs present in the sequenced variants discriminated the Glu-B3 proteins of electrophoretic mobility alleles a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h and i. These markers were validated on 161 wheat varieties and advanced lines with different Glu-B3 alleles, thus confirming that the markers can be used in marker-assisted breeding for wheat grain processing quality. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. L. H. Wang and X. L. Zhao contributed equally to this study.  相似文献   

The Ns genome of the genus Psathyrostachys possesses superior traits useful for wheat improvement. However, very little is known about the high molecular weight (HMW) subunits of glutenin encoded by the Ns genome. In this paper, we report the isolation of four alleles of HMW glutenin subunit gene from Psathyrostachys juncea. Sequence alignment data shows the four alleles have similar primary structure with those in wheat and other wheat-related grasses, with some unique modifications. All four sequences more closely resemble y-type, rather than x-type, glutenins. However, our results show three of the subunits (1Ns2-4) contain an extra glutamine residue in the N-terminal region not found on typical y-type subunits, as well as the x-type subunit specific sequence LAAQLPAMCRL. These three subunits likely represent an intermediate state in the divergence between x- and y-type subunits. Results also indicate that the Ns genome is more closely related to the St genome of Pseudoroegneria than any other Triticeae genomes.  相似文献   

On the basis of sequence analysis, 69 known low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) genes were experimentally classified into nine groups by the deduced amino acid sequence of the highly conserved N-terminal domain. To clarify the chromosomal locations of these groups, 11 specific primer sets were designed to carry out polymerase chain reactions (PCR) with the genomic DNA of group 1 ditelosomic lines of Chinese Spring, among which nine primer sets proved to be LMW-GS group-specific. Each group of LMW-GS genes was specifically assigned on a single chromosome arm and hence to a specific locus. Therefore, these results provided the possibility to predict the chromosome location of a new LMW-GS gene based on its deduced N-terminal sequence. The validity of the classification was confirmed by the amplifications in 27 diploid wheat and Aegilops accessions. The length polymorphisms of LMW-GS genes of groups 1 and 2, and groups 3 and 4.1 were detected in diploid A-genome and S-genome accessions, respectively. The diploid wheat and Aegilops species could be used as valuable resources of novel allele variations of LMW-GS gene in the improvement of wheat quality. The nine LMW-GS group-specific primer sets could be utilized to select specific allele variations of LMW-GS genes in the marker-assisted breeding. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at Hai Long and Yu-Ming Wei are the two authors who have contributed equally to this paper  相似文献   

Low-molecular-weight glutenins (LMW-GS) in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) are of great importance for processing quality of pan bread and noodles. The objectives of this study are to identify LMW-GS coding genes at GluD3 locus on chromosome 1D and to establish relationships between these genes and GluD3 alleles (a, b, c, d, and e) defined by protein electrophoretic mobility. Specific primer sets were designed to amplify each of the three LMW-GS chromosome 1D gene regions including upstream, coding and downstream regions of eight wheat cultivars containing GluD3 a, b, c, d and e alleles. Three LMW-GS genes, designated as GluD3-1, GluD3-2 and GluD3-3, were amplified from the eight wheat cultivars. The allelic variants of these three genes were analysed at the DNA and protein level. GluD3-1 showed two allelic variants or haplotypes, one common to cultivars containing protein alleles a, d and e (designated GluD3-11) and the other was present in cultivars with alleles b and c (designated GluD3-12). Comparing with GluD3-12, a 3-bp deletion was found in the coding region of the N-terminal repetitive domain of GluD3-11, leading to a glutamine deletion at the 116th position. GluD3-2 had three variants at the DNA level in the eight cultivars, which were designated as GluD3-21, GluD3-22 and GluD3-23. In comparison to GluD3-21, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was detected for GluD3-22 in the signal peptide region, resulting in an amino acid change from alanine to threonine at the 11th position; and 11 mutations were found at GluD3-23, with five in upstream region, four in coding region and two in downstream region, respectively. GluD3-3 had two haplotypes, designated as GluD3-31 and GluD3-32, both belonging to LMW-s glutenin subunits though their first amino acids in N-terminal region are different. Compared with the GenBank GluD3 genes, nucleotide sequences of GluD3-21 and GluD3-23 were the same as X13306 and AB062875, respectively. GluD3-22 and GluD3-11 had only one-base difference from U86027 and AB062865. GluD3-12 was not found in the GenBank database, indicating a newly identified GluD3 gene variation. GluD3-3 was a new gene different from any other known GluD3 genes. Analyses of the relationship between Glu-D3 alleles defined by protein electrophoretic mobility and different GluD3 gene variations at the DNA or protein level provided molecular basis for DNA based identification of glutenin alleles.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Extensive genetic variations of low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) and their coding genes were found in the wild diploid A- and D-genome donors of common wheat. In this study, we reported the isolation and characterization of 8 novel LMW-GS genes fromAe.longissima Schweinf. & Muschl., a species of the sectionSitopsis of the genusAegilops, which is closely related to the B genome of common wheat. Based on the N-terminal domain sequences, the 8 genes were divided into 3 groups. A consensus alignment of the extremely conserved domains with known gene groups and the subsequent cluster analysis showed that 2 out of the 3 groups of LMW-GS genes were closely related to those from the B genome, and the remaining was related to those from A and D genomes of wheat andAe. tauschii. Using 3 sets of gene-group-specific primers, PCRs in diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid wheats andAe. tauschii failed to obtain the expected products, indicating that the 3 groups of LMW-GS genes obtained in this study were new members of LMW-GS multi-gene families. These results suggested that theSitopsis species of the genusAegilops with novel gene variations could be used as valuable gene resources of LMW-GS. The 3 sets of group-specific primers could be utilized as molecular markers to investigate the introgression of novel alien LMW-GS genes fromAe. longissima into wheat.  相似文献   

Some allelic forms of low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) can greatly influence the end-use of wheat flours, understanding the function of each allele of LMW-GS is important to wheat quality breeding. A LMW-GS gene XYGluD3-LMWGS 1(AY263369) has been cloned from bread wheat cultivar Xiaoyan 6. The deduced protein contained nine cystine residues, one more than that in all other LMW-GSs reported previously, indicating that it is either a new gene or a new allele of a known LMW-GS gene. In this study, the gene was expressed in E. coil in large scale for the testing of its functional property. Reactive Red 120-Agarose resin was used efficiently to purify the expressed LMW-GS proteins from bacteria, with the lactic acid–sodium lactate buffer (pH 4.5) which contained low concentration SDS as elution solution. The purified protein (belonging to the LMW-m family, MW about 35 KDa) was supplemented into a base flour, the results of 10 g dough mixing test indicated that incorporation of the LMW-GS increased the strength of the dough, with significant increases in mixing time (MT) and peak width (PW), and decrease in breakdown in resistance (RBD) compared with the control. In addition, the dough with incorporation of the LMW-GS had more glutenin macropolyeric protein than the control, suggesting that the LMW-GS participated in forming larger glutenin polymers, and greatly contributed to dough strength. The changes in mixing parameters and the amount of glutenin macropolyeric protein were related to the quantity of incorporating subunits.  相似文献   

 A Tris-Tricine gel-electrophoresis system (Schaegger and von Jagow 1987), combined with a gradient gel, has been employed to provide an improved resolution of the B and C low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GSs) found in the endosperm of wheat grain. The gel system was used to document the variation in the gluten subunit proteins present in A-genome diploid wheats. The majority of LMW-GSs found in the A-genome diploid wheats were not present in normal bread wheats; the data suggest that they represent a rich source of new variation for the LMW-GSs which are considered to be very important in modulating wheat flour-processing properties. The analysis of variation in the nature of the LMW-GS genes, using PCR, demonstrated that the subclass of C-subunits assayed by primers from a previously published sequence did not show as much variation as the proteins. However, the data collected suggest that sufficient variation may exist in the LMW-GS genes of A-genome diploid wheats to use them as a source of genes for altering the flour-processing properties of hexaploid wheat. Received: 24 November 1997 / Accepted: 18 August 1998  相似文献   

Low-molecular-weight (LMW) glutenin subunits consist mainly of two domains, one at the N- terminus which contains repeats of short amino-acid motifs, and a non-repetitive one rich in cysteine, at the C- terminal region. In previous reports, polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis has been used to show that large size variation exists among LMW and HMW glutenin subunits, and it has been suggested that deletions and insertions within the repetitive region are responsible for these variations in length. In this study, PCR-amplification of genomic DNA (Triticum aestivum variety Chinese Spring) was used to isolate three full-length LMW glutenin genes: LMWG-MB1, LMWG-MB2 and LMWG-MB3. The deduced amino-acid sequences show a high similarity between these ORFs, and with those of other LMW glutenin genes. Comparisons indicate that LMWG-MB1 has probably lost a 12-bp fragment through deletion and that LMWG-MB1 and LMWG-MB2 have an insertion of 81 bp within the repetitive domain. The current study has shown direct evidence that insertions and/or deletions provide a mechanistic explanation for the allelic variation, and the resultant evolution, of prolamin genes. Single-base substitutions at identical sites generate stop codons in both LMWG-MB2 and LMWG-MB3 indicating that these clones are pseudogenes. Received: 7 May 1999 / Accepted: 17 June 1999  相似文献   

王林海  周敏  李慧玲  何中虎  夏先春 《遗传》2010,32(6):613-624
发掘小麦近缘种低分子量麦谷蛋白基因, 可为小麦品质改良提供更多的基因资源。文章利用Glu-B3位点特异性标记LB1F/LB1R、LB2F/LB2R、LB3F/LB3R和 LB4F/LB4R, 对普通小麦B染色体组的7个可能供体近缘种, 即硬粒小麦(T. durum)、栽培二粒小麦(T. dicoccum)、野生二粒小麦(T. dicoccoides)、拟斯卑尔脱山羊草(Ae. speltoides)、高大山羊草(Ae. longissima)、西尔斯山羊草(Ae. searsii)和双角山羊草(Ae. bicornis)共20份材料进行PCR扩增, 克隆小麦近缘种中GluB3-1、GluB3-2、GluB3-3和GluB3-4基因的等位变异, 并对Glu-B3位点基因进行系统发育分析。共获得16个新等位变异, 其中GluB3-1基因的新等位变异1个, 命名为GluB3-16, 其推导氨基酸分子量为39.2 kDa; GluB3-3的新等位变异有3个, 分别命名为GluB3-35、GluB3-36和GluB3-37, 其推导氨基酸分子量为44.5 kDa(GluB3-36)或44.6 kDa(GluB3-35和GluB3-37); GluB3-4的新等位变异12个, 分别命名为GluB3-46、GluB3-47、GluB3-48、GluB3-49、GluB3-410、GluB3-411、GluB3-412、GluB3-413、GluB3-414、GluB3-415、GluB3-416和GluB3-417, 其推导氨基酸分子量变化在38.6(GluB3-414)~ 42.5 kDa(GluB3-413)之间; 16个新等位变异都包含单一的完整开放阅读框, 具有低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基的典型结构。文章进一步拓展了低分子量麦谷蛋白基因资源, 揭示不同Glu-B3基因的进化过程不完全相同, 为有效地利用小麦近缘种材料和转基因育种提供了新的基因资源。  相似文献   

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