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Summary The neurohypophysis of sexually mature male and female Acipenser güldenstädti Brandt and Acipenser stellatus Pallas was studied light and electron microscopically. The recessus hypophysei lined with ependymal cells of two main types, narrow and wide, are in the center of the neurohypophysial roots. Processes from both cell types run radially to the basement membrane of the connective tissue layers abutting on the hypophysial intermediate lobe. Protrusions penetrating deep into the recessus hypophyseus are found in the apical parts of the wide cells. Pituicytes are rare in the neurohypophysis. The ultrastructure of both ependymal cell types and of the pituicytes is described. Nonmyelinated Gomori-positive (peptidergic) neurosecretory A1 and A2 type fibres and their terminals containing elementary neurosecretory granules (1400–1800 Å and 1000–1400 Å respectively) are the main structural elements of the neurohypophysis. Some dark and single myelinated neurosecretory fibres have been found. The adrenergic fibres (type B) were described earlier (Polenov et al., 1972a). The structural peculiarities of the neurohypophysis are discussed in functional and comparative-morphological terms.  相似文献   

Summary Neurohypophyses of sexually mature Acipenser güldenstädti Brandt and Acipenser stellatus Pallas maintained in hypertonic solutions were studied by means of light and electron microscopy. The fish were caught in the Ural and transferred into basins containing either freshwater (controls) or 32, 22 and 17 NaCl solutions respectively. The neurohypophyses of control animals kept in freshwater for two days contained a large amount of Gomori-positive neurosecretory material (4 arbitrary units). An abundance of neurosecretory granules of different kinds, predominantly elementary ones, was observed electron microscopically in neurosecretory fibres and terminals of these fish. A decrease in the amount of neurosecretory material was found in all experimental animals: up to 1–2 units in A. güldenstädti after 3.5–10 h in 32 NaCl, and up to 3.5 units in A. stellatus after 4.5–48 h in 22 or 17 NaCl. The number of neurosecretory granules decreased considerably in the fibres and terminals in all experimental series, but that of granulated, disintegrating granules and granule-shadows increased markedly, especially in preterminal parts of axons. An increased number of hypertrophied mitochondria, lamellar bodies, residual granules and especially synaptic vesicles was seen. These changes speak for an active discharge of neurohormones into the general circulation, a phenomenon well known to be characteristic of stress responses. Pathological ultrastructural changes (breakdown of terminals, extracellular wide cisternae) were visible in A. güldenstädti neurohypophyses at the end of the experiments. Also tanycytes — narrow ependymal cells — and pituicytes underwent noticeable changes.We wish to express our deep appreciation to the Director of the Guriev Branch of the Institute of Sturgeon Industry, N. E. Peseridi, M. Sc. Biol., for very valuable help in making this study possible.  相似文献   

Summary The percentage of peptidergic (A1 and A2) and adrenergic (B) neurosecretory terminals was studied in the neurohypophysis of sexually mature female sturgeons. Neurosecretory terminals of the A2 type prevail in the neurohypophysis, whereas A1 and B terminals are rare. The activity of these types of terminals was established (1) during upstream migration, (2) shortly after spawning, and (3) three to six weeks after spawning. Terminals of B type are the most active elements during all the periods studied. These elements become strongly activated in sturgeons during upstream migration, i.e., earlier than the peptidergic neurosecretory terminals. Peptidergic terminals, especially elements of type A2, become synchronously and strongly activated in fish shortly after spawning. In the late postspawning period neurosecretory terminals of all three types become synchronously inactive, persisting in a quiescent state in comparison to the two previous periods. The appearance of neurosecretory material discharged into the intercellular clefts by exocytosis correlates on the whole with the activity level of the A1 and A2 terminals in each individual studied. A functional correlation exists between the activity of the peptidergic and adrenergic neurosecretory terminals in the neurohypophysis. The data obtained are discussed with reference to a concept regarding spawning in some fish species as a physiological stress (Polenov et al., 1976). A possible dual control (peptide and monoamine neurohormones) over the function of visceral organs and glandular cells of the intermediate lobe of the hypophysis is also suggested (Polenov, 1970, 1975, 1978; Polenov and Belenky, 1973).Dedicated to the memory of Professor Wolfgang Bargmann, a great scientist and a generous friend  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of adrenergic and peptidergic (Gomori-positive) structures of the hypophysial neuro-intermediate complex in Acipenseridae has been studied by means of light, fluorescence, and electron microscopy. Adrenergic fibres (B-fibres) and their terminals have been detected in the neurohypophysis of these fishes. The terminal swellings of B-fibres as well as the terminals of the neurosecretory peptidergic fibres (A1 and A2) make contact with the basement membrane of the connective tissue layer separating the neurohypophysis from the intermediate lobe. Capillaries are situated within this layer and, therefore, the main part of the fibre terminals is in contact with the pericapillary space. The release of catecholamines from the adrenergic terminals into the capillaries connected with the general circulation is supposed. The diffusion of catecholamines through the connective tissue layer into the parenchyma of the intermediate lobe is also suggested. Hence, the glandular activity of the intermediate lobe seems to be under the dual control of adrenergic and peptidergic elements of the hypothalamus.The authors wish to express their deep appreciation to G. M. Persov, Dr. Sc. Biol., Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Ichthyology, Petershof Biological Institute of the University of Leningrad, for the material supplied for fluorescence microscopy, and to Mr. G. V. Sabinin for photographic services.  相似文献   

Summary In the diencephalon of two species of Gymnophiona (Amphibia) two neurosecretory nuclei were examined with histological (Alcian Blue, Aldehyde Fuchsin, Brookes Trichrome stain) and enzyme histochemical techniques (acid phosphatase, -naphthyl acetate esterase, acetylcholinesterase (AChE)). In the preoptic nucleus two categories of secretory neurons were distinguished: large and medium sized neurons. The perikarya of both cell types contain very little neurosecretory material. The Alcian Blue method stained the medium sized neurons faintly but selectively. The tractus praeopticohypophyseus is marked by the presence of Herring bodies, which, however, are relatively scarce. The neurohypophysis, in contrast, contains large amounts of neurosecretory material. Both cell types of the preoptic nucleus are characterized by their very strong AChE and -naphthylacetate esterase activity. The AChE also marks the tractus praeoptico-hypophyseus. In the large neurons acid phosphatase is present around the nucleus; in the medium sized neurons this enzyme is concentrated close to the origin of the axon. In the dorso-caudal hypothalamus a small group of neurons is stained with Alcian-Blue. These neurons, which also contain AChE, are located immediately under the ependyma which seems to be specialized in this region.The financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft is gratefully acknowledged (We 380/5)  相似文献   

Summary The proximal neurosecretory contact region (PCR) of Acipenseridae, a homologue of the tetrapod median eminence, has been studied by light, fluorescence and electron microscopy. It occupies the rostral and chiefly the ventral surfaces of the hypothalamic tuber cinereum. PAF-positive fibres occur in the zone of the preoptico-hypophysial tract but their terminal enlargements are concentrated mainly in the external zone. They make contact with the primary portal capillaries situated in the pia mater. Monoaminergic fibres and terminals with an intense green fluorescence are localized in the same regions. The fibres of some bipolar monoaminergic neurons of the PCR make contact both with the third ventricle and the primary portal capillaries.Three types of granule-containing neurosecretory fibres and terminals have been recognized in the PCR. Fibres of types A1 (d=120–300 nm) and A2 (d=100–170 nm) are peptidergic PAF-positive, although some fibres, including some of type A1; belong possibly to PAF-negative type. Monoaminergic type B fibres have granules 80–100 nm in diameter. Neurosecretory terminals and vascular endfeet of tanycytes make contact with the 70 nm thick outer basement membrane of the primary portal capillaries. Several laminae of thin horizontally oriented tanycyte processes form a boundary between the external zone and the preoptico-hypophysial tract. Few neuroglial cells with pale cytoplasm, numerous lysosomes and lipofuscin granules are seen in this region. It is hypothesized that, as in other vertebrates, both peptide hypophysiotropic neurohormones and monoamines are discharged from the PCR into the portal circulation and affect the activity of the glandular cells of the pars distalis.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Drs. h.c. W. Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Summary Monthly observations of the Gomori-positive hypothalamo-hypophysial neurosecretory system (HHNS) of the ground squirrel, Citellus erythrogenys Brandt, were carried out light microscopically using several quantitative methods. From the beginning of hibernation, formation of neurosecretory material (NSM) in the neurosecretory cells (NSC) progressively decreases and release of neurohormones from the HHNS is almost fully inhibited. A maximal accumulation of NSM in the perikarya of the NSC and in the posterior pituitary (PP) is found in December. By this time the volume of the cell nuclei and nucleoli is at a minimum. Signs of activation of the HHNS appear and become more conspicuous as the time of arousal from torpor approaches. The amount of NSM in the NSC and the PP decreases simultaneously with the increase in volume of the NSC. Hyperemia and activation of glial elements is visible throughout the HHNS. The morphological signs of activation reach their peak in March. After reproduction is completed (April to beginning of May), the NSC and the PP are almost devoid of NSM. Beginning with June and during the summer and autumn months a progressive accumulation of NSM in the NSC and the PP parallels gradual diminution in the volume of the NSC structures and the glial cells. Mechanisms and effector pathways by which the HHNS influences seasonal adaptation of the organism and reproduction are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The development of the preoptic nucleus of Xenopus laevis tadpoles during metamorphosis was studied and the effect of osmotic stimulation on this process investigated. The development of this region was not affected by treatment for one or more days in hypertonic media. It was found that at the end of metamorphosis the neurosecretory cells in the preoptic nucleus are localized in three regions: the rostro-dorsal, the caudo-dorsal and the ventral region. After osmotic stimulation only the neurosecretory cells of the caudo-dorsal region appeared to have reacted, as indicated by their loss of neurosecretory (PIC positive) material. It is concluded that the cells of this region may be involved in the synthesis of the posterior lobe hormones.The author thanks Prof. Dr. J. C. van de Kamer and Dr. F. C. G. van de Veerdonk for their interest and many helpful discussions, Dr. L. Boomgaart and Dr. A. P. van Overbeeke for correcting the English text and Miss C. M. G. van Bemmel for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleus praeopticus (NPO) is located on both sides of the preoptic recess and is composed of a pars parvocellularis and a pars magnocellularis. Only in the rainbow trout does the pars magnocellularis consist of separately located medium-sized cells and very large cells. Cytologically, three cell types can be distinguished: 1) unipolar cells ending in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 2) bipolar cells also ending in the CSF and forming an axon, and 3) multipolar cells which generally do not have a direct connection with the ventricle.Axons originate from the cell bodies forming the paired preopticohypophysial tract that runs along the border of the diencephalon and the optic tract. A considerable number of NPO fibers leading to the hypophysis makes close contact with the cell bodies of the pars lateralis of the nucleus lateralis tuberis, indicating a functional relationship. Most NPO fibers terminate in the caudal part of the neurohypophysis, around blood capillaries and at the basal lamina of the pars intermedia. Far fewer fibers appear to terminate near the boundary of the neurohypophysis and the rostral and proximal pars distalis.The nucleus lateralis tuberis (NLT) is located in the caudal hypothalamus, beginning at the rostral end of the horizontal commissure and extending caudally beyond the hypophysial stalk. It consists of the partes rostralis, medialis, lateralis and ventrolateralis. In both species the p. rostralis contains small subependymal neurons and some larger ones. Only in the p. medialis of the Atlantic salmon are large cells present. In both species the most prominent part is the p. lateralis, which consists solely of large cells. Cells situated between the p. medialis and the p. lateralis are grouped in the p. ventrolateralis. It was impossible to trace the axons originating in the NLT, since the cyto- and axoplasm could not be stained specifically.The structure of the NPO and NLT in the two salmonid species is compared with that of other teleosts.  相似文献   

Summary The changes in the nucleus praeopticus (NPO) pars magnocellularis of the frog Rana tigrina were studied after electrical stimulation of the left testis. After a 3-min stimulation, the neurones of the nucleus showed a statistically significant increase in the nuclear and cellular diameters. The lateral neurones in particular showed a complete loss of Nissl substance and other acute chromatolytic changes. In the aldehyde fuchsin stained preparations, however, the perikarya appeared filled with clumps of intensely stained neurosecretory material (NSM) and disintegrating cell nuclei. The NSM was discharged in the axons, resulting in an increase in number and size of the Herring bodies. These changes were abolished in frogs whose testes had been pre-anaesthetized with xylocaine. Based on these observations, the possible existence of an afferent pathway from the testis to the NPO pars magnocellularis is suggested.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Zwischenhirn von 16 Kaninchen wurde das supraopticohypophysäre System mit Neurosekretfärbungen untersucht. Die Ausdehnung der großzelligen Kerngebiete und der Verlauf ihrer Axone wurde den Ergebnissen von Ford und Kantounis (1957) gegenübergestellt. Die Ganglienzellen des Nucleus paraventricularis lassen sich morphologisch und topographisch in zwei Gruppen unterteilen. In den Ganglienzellen des Nucleus suprachiasmaticus kommen Granula vor, die mit Paraldehydfuchsin, Gallocyanin und Pseudoisocyanin dargestellt werden können. Im Infundibulum der untersuchten Kaninchen findet sich eine Doppelung des Tractus supraoptico-hypophyseos. Paraldehydfuchsin-, gallocyanin- und pseudoisocyaninpositives Material in der Adenohypophyse und solches im Zwischenlappen wird beschrieben; die Substanz im Zwischenlappen kann als Neurosekret gedeutet werden.
On the morphology of the supraoptico-hypophysial system in the rabbit
Summary In the diencephalon of 16 rabbits the supraoptico-hyophysial system was studied by means of special stainings for neurosecretory substances. The extent of the magnocellular nuclear areas and the course of the respective axons were traced and compared with the findings of Ford and Kantounis (1957). Morphologically and topographically the nerve cells of the nucleus paraventricularis can be subdivided into two groups. In the nerve-cell bodies of the nucleus suprachiasmaticus neurosecretory granules are demonstrated by means of paraldehydfuchsine, gallocyanine and pseudoisocyanine. In the infundibulum of the rabbits investigated there is a duplication of the supraoptico-hypophysial tract. Substances reacting with paraldehydfuchsine, gallocyanine and pseudoisocyanine are found in both the anterior and intermediate lobes of the hypophysis; the substance found in the intermediate lobe is regarded as a neurosecretory material.
Diese Arbeit entstand auf Anregung von Frau Prof. Dr. med. Emmi Hagen und wurde mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch das Landesamt für Forschung Nordrhein-Westfalen durchgeführt.  相似文献   

Summary The median eminence (ME) of hypophysectomized rats was studied by means of light and electron microscopy. Paraldehyde-fuchsin (PAF)-positive material is seen in the external zone (EZ) of the ME 2–5 days after the operation. Its amount gradually increases especially in the caudal part of the ME during the following few days. Some PAF-positive fibers make contact with the subependymally located blood capillaries. In the most caudal region of the recessus infundibuli they penetrate into the third ventricle. PAF-positive material decreases markedly from the ME of rats two months after hypophysectomy and exposure to a 1% salt load. Fibers of types A1, A2 and B containing granules of 120–220 nm, 100–150 nm and 80–100 nm in diameter, respectively, are seen in the EZ of the ME in hypophysectomized rats, although almost exclusively A2- and B-type structures make contact with the primary portal capillaries in intact animals. All types of neurosecretory fibers establish contact with the subependymal nonfenestrated blood capillaries and penetrate the recessus infundibuli. Some neurosecretory terminals of different types make direct contact with the glandular cells of the pars tuberalis or are separated from them by a thin basal lamina. It is assumed that mainly neurosecretory fibers of types A2 and B are permanently connected with the primary portal capillaries in the EZ of the ME in intact mammals, while the overwhelming majority of fibers of A1-type shows ingrowth during the course of postoperative reparation. The possible physiological significance of the described changes is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The median eminence (ME) of the adult frog, Rana temporaria, was studied by means of electron microscopy including quantitative electron-microscopic autoradiography. In frogs captured in May and June numerous peptidergic neurosecretory fibres extending via the internal zone to the pars nervosa display large swellings containing few granules, mitochondria, neurotubules and cisternae of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, few secretory globules up to 1.5 m in diameter occur in these varicosities. In animals collected during the autumn period many of these neurosecretory swellings filled with neurosecretory granules and polymorphic inclusions resemble Herring bodies. Three types of granule-containing neurosecretory fibres were observed in the external zone (EZ) of the ME of adult R. temporaria. Peptidergic A1- and A2-type fibres are characterized by granules 150–220 nm and 100–160 nm in diameter, respectively. Monoaminergic fibres of type B with granules approximately 100 nm in diameter represent 50% of all neurosecretory elements in the EZ of the frog ME; 12% of the total number of granule-bearing axons in the EZ actively taking up radiolabelled 5-hydroxytryptophan are thought to be serotoninergic terminals. Neurosecretory terminals of all types and glial vascular endfeet establish direct contacts with the perivascular space of the primary portal capillaries. Some neurosecretory terminals are separated from the lumen of the third ventricle by a thin cytoplasmic lamella of tanycytes. The possible physiological significance of this structural pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Distribution of monoamine oxidase (MAO) was histochemically examined in the hypothalamo-hypophysial region of the eel (Anguilla japonica) and the medaka (Oryzias latipes) with a modified Glenner's tryptamine-tetrazolium method. The hypothalamic neurosecretory cells showed very weak MAO activity in their perikarya. MAO-positive fibers were present in close contact with the neurosecretory cells, suggesting that monoaminergic fibers participate in the control of neurosecretory cell activity. The nucleus lateralis tuberis (NLT) contained cells exhibiting strong MAO activity. These cells must be monoaminergic neurons.In the anterior region of the neurohypophysis of both eel and medaka, two bundles of MAO-positive fibers originating from the NLT proceed down along each side of the third ventricle into the pars distalis. This suggests that monoaminergic neurons of the NLT are involved in the release of hormones from the pars distalis. In addition to these tracts, numerous MAO-positive fibers proceed backward from the post-optic area and end around the blood capillaries located between the neurohypophysis and the pars intermedia in both species.I wish to express my gratitude to Prof. H. Kobayashi for his valuable advice during the course of this study. I am indebted to Prof. S. Uchida, Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, for supplying the eels.  相似文献   

Summary The lateral rudimentary eye of Limulus polyphemus, the horseshoe crab, is located beneath the posterior border of the compound eye. It consists of a bipartite mass of guanophores and about 100 associated photoreceptor cells. These neurons, up to 150 in diameter, have standard attributes of arthropod retinula cells and send large, uninterrupted axons to the brain. Their cytoplasm contains conspicuous clumps of residual bodies and variable, but usually extensive, masses of glycogen and glycoprotein. Hence, these neurons are not neurosecretory in the strict sense, notwithstanding axonal transport of glycogen masses toward the brain. Efferent axons to the rudimentary eye terminate in synaptoid fashion on the axon hillock of sensory cells. Since the rudimentary eye does not transmit impulses to the brain, but is photosensitive, its function may reside in a metabolic responsiveness to long-term changes in illumination.This study constitutes publication No. 430 from the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center, supported by Grants FR00163 and EY00392 from the National Institutes of Health and by a Bop Hope Grant-in-Aid from Fight-for-Sight, Inc.The author wishes to thank Mrs. Audrey Griffin for patient and excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

The proximal neurosecretory contact region (PNCR) of the lamprey, a homologue of the median eminence of tetrapods, was studied by light, fluorescence and electron microscopy. Paraldehyde fuchsin-positive neurosecretory fibers are seen mainly in the central part of the rostral subdivision of the PNCR. The Falck-Hillarp technique reveals a weak, mainly diffuse yellow-green fluorescence in the PNCR. The ultrastructure of the tanycyte layer of the PNCR is very similar to that in the neurohypophysis of the same species, although the funnel-shaped protrusions of the third ventricle in the rostral part of the PNCR are more frequent than in the neurophypophysis. Peptidergic A1 and A2 neurosecretory fibers are characterized by neurosecretory granules of 120-200 nm and 100-150 nm in diameter, respectively. Monoaminergic B type fibers contain granules 80-100 nm in diameter. Neurosecretory terminals and the vascular endfeet of tanycytes make contact with the basement membrane of the avascular connective tissue layer separating the PNCR from the hypophysial pars distalis. It is suggested that both peptide and monoamine neurohormones diffuse through the thick connective tissue septa into the underlying blood vessels which supply the pars distalis and thus affect the function of its glandular cells.  相似文献   

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