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喙蚤蝇属Trophithauma Schmitz是一形态特异的类群。其雌性种类口上片延长,喙长,腹部第4—6背板特化成腺体。目前全世界仅记载6种。我国只记载1种(刘广纯等,1993)。本文描述1新种。模式标本存于沈阳农业大学植保系昆虫标本室。黄腰喙蚤蝇Trophithauma gastroflavidum Liu,新种。雌:体长2 mm。额黑色,有光泽。触角第3节黑色,球形;芒0.6 mm,具较长绒毛。下颚须黑色,具短鬃。胸背板和侧板下半部黑色;侧板下半部浅黄色。小盾片鬃1对,短毛1对。腹部第1节浅黄,其它节黑色。第Ⅳ—Ⅵ背板高度特化。翅长1.8 mm;前缘脉指数0.58,各段比2:1.6:1,前缘脉纤毛0.04 mm。腋区鬃3根,平衡棒浅黄。前、中足浅褐,后足深褐。中足栅毛列达胫节2/3;后足胫节栅毛列完整,具后背纤毛列。正模:♀,云南勐养,1991-Ⅵ-8,刘广纯采。  相似文献   

记述异蚤蝇属1新种:双鬃异蚤蝇Megaselia bisetalis sp.nov..模式标本存放于沈阳大学生物与环境工程学院.双鬃异蚤蝇,新种Megaselia bisetalis sp.nov.(图1~3)雄性额红褐至黑褐;额宽稍大于侧高;密布细毛;纵沟明显.触角上鬃4根,不等.前额间鬃几与触角上鬃同高.后额间鬃略低于后额框鬃,4根鬃等距排列.颊鬃2根,侧颜鬃5根.触角第3节黄褐色,端部褐;球形;芒具微毛.下颚须浅黄,具较长鬃.胸黄褐色,侧板略浅;小盾片 鬃1对,短毛1对;中侧片光裸.腹部腹面黄色;背板大部分黄褐色,尾器黑褐,生殖背板两侧各具长鬃1根.肛管黄色,端毛粗大.翅长1.04~1.10mm,前缘脉指数0.41 mm,各段比3.75∶1.75∶1.00.平衡棒黄褐.足黄色,前足胫节具前背刺1列;基跗节细长.中足胫节栅毛列达端部1/4,后背纤毛6根.后足胫节栅毛列完整,后背纤毛10根,缺前背纤毛.体长1.2mm.雌性体长1.2~1.6 mm.翅长1.3~1.4mm.前缘脉指数0.43,平衡棒褐色.腹背板褐色,腹面黄色.正模♂,广东顶湖,1992-04-24,刘广纯、王敏采;副模3♂♂,5♀♀,采集记录同正模.词源:新种种名据其尾器特点而拟.  相似文献   

五指异蚤蝇Megaselia wuzhiensis,新种(图1~3) 雄性:额宽0.42mm,黑色,稀布细毛,纵沟细。触角上鬃4根,下对稍短;上对和下对间距分别是额宽的1/4和1/6。前额间鬃低于前额眶鬃及上触角上鬃,距眼缘和纵沟的距离比为1:3~1:2。后额间鬃低于后额眶鬃,四根鬃等距排列。触角第三节黑褐:芒亚端生,具微毛。下颚须黄色,具鬃5~7根。胸黑色。背中鬃2根;小盾片鬃2根,小毛2根:中侧片具毛,缺单鬃。翅长2.6mm。前缘脉指数0.53,各段比2.6:2.9:1,纤毛(最长)0.:24mm。腋区鬃3~6根。平衡棒黄褐色。足褐色,前足胫节0.68mm,跗节细长,各节长大于宽。中足胫节栅毛列伸达胫节端部1/5;后背纤毛7~9根。前背纤毛弱。后足股节1.2mm,腹缘细毛8~12根。胫节栅毛列完整,后背纤毛9~11根,强大:缺前背纤毛。腹部暗黑。背板Ⅱ和Ⅵ较长,其余背板近等长。背板稀被毛,两侧和后缘较多。尾器黑褐色,生殖背板两侧中部具鬃状毛;端部具小毛。肛管黄褐色。体长2.13~2.38mm。 正模:♂,海南五指山,1992—Ⅳ-16,刘广纯、王敏采:副模:5♂♂,同正模。 本种与缅甸产的M.atricornis Beyer相似,但后者前缘脉第二段短于第一段,额前侧鬃低于上触角上鬃。新种模式标本存于沈阳大学生物与环境工程学院标本室。  相似文献   

中国蚤蝇属记述:双翅目:蚤蝇科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国蚤蝇属记述(双翅目:蚤蝇科)刘广纯,周尧(西北农业大学昆虫博物馆,陕西省杨陵区712100)关键词双翅目,蚤蝇科,蚤蝇属,新种,分类学,中国蚤蝇属(PhoraLatreille,1796)是蚤蝇科中较大的类群;其身体绒黑(♂)或暗黑(♀),中足胫...  相似文献   

本文记述了喙蚤蝇属Trophithauma Schmitz一新种。该属为中国新记录。新种模式标本保存于西北农业大学昆虫博物馆。曲脉喙蚤蝇Trophithauma sinuatum Liu et Chou,新种 雌:体长1.43~1.62毫米。额大部分黄褐色,前缘黄色;单眼三角区隆起;口上片黄色,向前下方延伸呈舌状;喙高度延长,两条舌内骨带极长。胸黄褐色;中胸侧片下半部及足黄色。翅透明,略呈灰黄色;前缘脉极长,前缘脉与翅长之比为0.78,前缘脉各段比为1.28~1.29:1:1;径分脉(第三纵脉)长而粗,粗于前缘脉,中部向前突出。翅长1.65~1.72毫米,宽0.80~0.82毫米。平衡棒褐色。腹部暗褐色。第2背板大,长度约为第1背板的4倍。第3背板后缘波浪形。第4背板小,高度特化,隐于第3背板之下。第5和第6背板短,两者之间有腺体开口。各背板两侧均无突起。 雄:体长1.1毫米。口上片和喙均不延长。前缘脉与翅长之比为0.64;前缘脉各段比为1.69:1.25:1。生殖器褐色,具细毛;右生殖背板端部分叉;左生殖背板阔;生殖腹板基部圆形,端部分裂成两瓣状。 正模,海南省尖峰岭(1,200米),1992-Ⅳ-4,刘广纯采。副模:1 5,同正模。  相似文献   

记述了中国乌蚤蝇属2新种,葫片乌蚤蝇Woodiphora lageniformis Liu et Zhu,sp.nov.和明带乌蚤蝇Woodiphora fasciaria Liu et Zhu,sp.nov.葫片乌蚤蝇第6背板内部小骨片呈葫芦形,第7背板向后明显变狭区别于其它种.明带乌蚤蝇以第4背板中部具1无色横条,第5背板长等于宽,几乎呈正方形区别于其它种.模式标本存于沈阳大学生物与环境工程学院.  相似文献   

黄足地种蝇,新种Deliaflavipessp.nov.(图1~4)雄体长约65mm。本种与黄基地种蝇Deliabracata(Rondani,1866)近似。但新种的足几乎全黄;前股后腹鬃列完整而强大;中胫有1前背鬃,后胫前背鬃6;腹部第5背板端部2/3橙色;侧尾叶端部1/3膨大。而后者的跗节全黑;前股后腹鬃至多3个;中胫无前背鬃,后胫前背鬃3;第5背板无橙色后缘;侧尾叶端部细,不膨大雌不详。正模♂,内蒙古阿拉善左旗牧仁高勒,海拔1400m。1986年6月3日,田兆丰采,副模1♂,同正模。模式标本保存于内蒙古自治区卫生防疫站  相似文献   

本文记述采自我国山西省的蝇科棘蝇属Phaonia R.-D-新种。命名为薛氏棘蝇Phaonia xuei sp.nov.,模式标本保存于山西省大同市地方病防治所。新种与范氏棘蝇Phaonia fani Ma et Wang,1992近缘,与后者区别是新种体较小,复眼裸,颊高约为眼高的1/4,触角第3节长为宽的2.5倍,背中鬃2+3,肩胛黑色,中股具1完整的前腹鬃列,各足跗节全黄等即可区别。  相似文献   

中国内蒙古溜蝇属一新种记述(双翅目:蝇科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内蒙古溜蝇,新种Lispe neimongola Tian et Ma,sp.nov(图1~4),♂,体长约5.5mm。新种隶属于须瘤蝇种团(palkposa-group),与中国河北省的河北溜蝇,Lispe hebeiensis Ma et Tian,1993极近似。但新种的腹部背板无正中斑条,在第3~5背板后缘两侧各有1个黑色斑,中股基半部有1列长大的前腹鬃,中胫无后腹鬃,而河北溜虽的腹部背板  相似文献   

记述中国异蚤蝇属2新种:羽鬃异蚤蝇Megaselia pennisetalis sp.nov.和膨跗异蚤蝇Megaselia tarsocrassa sp.nov.。羽鬃异蚤蝇的体色和尾器的羽状鬃与M.rufipes(Meigen)相似,但后者的中侧片光裸无毛。膨跗异蚤蝇与M.turbidipennis Borgmeier相似,但后者翅较暗、Rs脉基部具1微毛、前缘脉比3.80:1.60:1.00。模式标本存放于沈阳大学城市有害生物治理与生态安全辽宁省重点实验室。  相似文献   

Arthropods vary more than 30-fold in segment number. The evolutionary origins of differences in segment number among species must ultimately lie in intraspecific variation. Yet paradoxically, in most groups of arthropods, the number of segments is fixed for each species and shows no intra- or interpopulation variation at all. Geophilomorph centipedes are an exception to this general rule, and exhibit intraspecific variation in segment number, with differences between individuals being determined during embryonic development and hence independent of population age structure. Significant differences in segment number between different geographical populations of the same species have been previously reported, but insufficient sampling has been conducted to reveal any particular geographical pattern. Here, we reveal a latitudinal cline in segment number in the geophilomorph species Strigamia maritima: segment number in British populations decreases with distance north. This is the first such cline to be reported for any centipede species; indeed as far as we are aware it is the first such cline reported for any arthropod species. In vertebrates, fish are known to exhibit a latitudinal cline in segment number, but interestingly, this is in the opposite direction; fish add segments with increasing latitude, centipedes subtract them.  相似文献   

洪泽湖鱼类寄生甲壳动物区系调查及一新种的记述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1979年秋对江苏省洪泽湖鱼类寄生甲壳动物的调查研究结果,共得18种寄生甲壳动物,其中包括一个新种。分析了该湖寄生甲壳动物的区系组成、繁殖季节及种类分布的情况,同时还根据虫体感染率和感染强度,提出了对鱼类危害性较大的中华鳋和多态锚头鳋,在洪泽湖中不可能出现严重感染的见解。    相似文献   

In a representative sample of primate species, including simians (Catarrhini and Platyrrhini) and prosimians (Lemuriformes and Lorisiformes), high-resolution, early replication banding revealed a homoeologous early replicating segment at the ends of both sex chromosomes. The DXYZ2 element, a repeated sequence specific for the human pseudoautosomal region, is conserved in the genomes of all primate species studies and is specifically localized in the distal early replicating segments of the X and Y chromosomes. Thus, cytogenetic and molecular evidence is presented of a highly conserved sex-chromosomal segment in primates. The pseudoautosomal behavior of this segment is discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of Cephalocarida belonging to the genus Lightiella is described. Like all known species of Lightiella , the new species is characterized by reduction of trunk segment 8, which also lacks both pleura and thoracopods. The diagnostic characters of the species are: (1) one seta on the inner distal corner of the penultimate endopodal segment of second maxilla and thoracopods 1–5; (2) only one claw on the distal segment of the endopod of thoracopod 6. A cladistic analysis of 27 morphological characters was used to estimate the phylogeny of all species of Lightiella , with all other cephalocarid species used as outgroups. The discovery of this species in the Mediterranean fills a gap in the distribution of the genus and of the entire class.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 148 , 209–220.  相似文献   

Two new species belonging to the Echinoderes coulli group are described with their external morphologies and sequences of nuclear 18S rRNA and 28S rRNA genes, and mitochondrial COI gene. The first species, Echinoderes komatsui sp. n., is characterized by absence of acicular spines, and presence of lateroventral tubules on segments 5 and 8, laterodorsal tubules on segment 10, inverted triangle or wide oval shaped large sieve plates, lateral terminal accessory spines in female, and short tips of ventral pectinate fringe on segment 10. The second species, Echinoderes hwiizaa sp. n., is characterized by absence of acicular spines, and presence of lateroventral tubules on segments 5 and 7–9, midlateral tubules on segment 8, laterodorsal tubules on segment 10, large narrow oval shaped sieve plates on segment 9, and thick, short and blunt lateral terminal spines about 10–15% of trunk length. The diagnostic characters and key to species of E. coulli group are provided as well.  相似文献   

Specimens of Kinorhyncha collected by RV Sonne from the continental shelf off the coast of Costa Rica and from the deep sea East of New Zealand as well as by RV Kaharoa in the Firth of Thames are identified as five new species of a new genus Fissuroderes gen. nov. which is distinguished from all other kinorhynch genera by a ring-like cuticle in the first trunk segment and a cuticle with midventral and lateral articulations resulting in two sternal plates and one tergal plate in segments 2-10. Fissuroderes higginsi sp. nov. can be distinguished from all other species of Fissuroderes by a laterodorsal spine in segment 2 and the lack of a lateroventral spine in segment 8. Fissuroderes rangi sp. nov. is recognized from all other species by the lack of a ventrolateral spine in segment 2, the lack of a lateroventral spine in segment 5, an extremely elongate spinose tergal extension of segment 11 and a prominent midventral spinose process of the sternal plates in segment 11. Fissuroderes papai sp. nov. is identified by the short spinose process of the sternal plate of segment 11. Only Fissuroderes thermoi sp. nov. possesses bilobed sternal plates in segment 11 and a short conical tergal extension. Fissuroderes novaezealandia sp. nov. differs from F. higginsi sp. nov. in the lack of a laterodorsal spine in segment 2, the lack of an accessory spine in a lateral position in segment 8, the lack of a sublateral spine in segment 10, the existence of a lateroventral spine in segment 8 and in the lack of a subdorsal type 2-gland cell outlet in segment 2. The former species differs from F. papai sp. nov. in the lack of a lateroventral spine in segment 8, the lack of longitudinal indentations in the posterior part of the trunk cuticle of each segment and in the existence of an elongate spinose tergal extension of segment 11 and of many fine hairs on the surface of the cuticle. Fissuroderes is included into the Echinoderidae which is suggested to enclose also the genera Echinoderes and Cephalorhyncha. Echinoderes nybakkeni Higgins, 1988 is now combined as Cephalorhyncha nybakkeni (Higgins, 1988) comb. nov.  相似文献   

Amphibians inhabit areas ranging from completely aqueous to terrestrial environments and move between water and land. The kidneys of all anurans are similar at the gross morphological level: the structure of their nephrons is related to habitat. According to the observation by light and electron microscopy, the cells that make up the nephron differ among species. Immunohistochemical studies using antibodies to various ATPases showed a significant species difference depending on habitat. The immunoreactivity for Na+,K(+)-ATPase was low in the proximal tubules but high in the basolateral membranes of early distal tubules to collecting ducts in all species. In the proximal tubule, apical membranes of the cells were slightly immunoreactive to H(+)-ATPase antibody in aquatic species. In the connecting tubule and the collecting duct, the apical membrane of intercalated cells was immunoreactive in all species. In aquatic species, H+,K(+)-ATPase immunoreactivity was observed in cell along the proximal, distal tubule to the collecting duct. However, H+,K(+)-ATPase was present along the intercalated cells of the distal segments from early distal to collecting tubules in terrestrial and semi-aquatic species. In the renal corpuscle, the neck segment and the intermediate segment, immunoreactivities to ion pumps were not observed in any of the species examined. Taking together our observations, we conclude that in the aquatic species, a large volume of plasma must be filtered in a large glomerulus and the ultrafiltrate components are reabsorbed along a large and long proximal segment of the nephron. Control of tubular transport may be poorly developed when a small short distal segment of the nephron is observed. On the contrary, terrestrial species have a long and well-developed distal segment and regulation mechanisms of tubular transport may have evolved in these segments. Thus, the development of the late distal segments of the nephron is one of the important factors for the terrestrial adaptation.  相似文献   

The last-instar larva, pupa, male and female of Simulium virescens sp. nov. are described and illustrated. This species has a peculiar larva, which has an elongated head capsule and light-green colour. The first thoracic segment has tubercle on its dorsal region and the third thoracic segment has one pair of tubercles; the first to the fourth abdominal segments have one pair of tubercles on each segment. Until now this new species had only been collected at the type locality, which is on the middle stretch of the Correntina River in the southwestern portion of the state of Bahia, Brazil. Females were voraciously biting humans during the field work. This new species represents the second species of Simulium (Psilopelmia) in Brazil and the first registered outside of the Brazilian Amazon Region.  相似文献   

细胞色素b基因序列与11种熊蜂的系统进化   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
通过比较一段357b的细胞色素b的序列,分析了熊蜂属5亚属11种熊蜂系统发育关系。5亚属包括Bombus( 5种),Thoracobombus(3种),Mendacibombus(1种),Fervidobombus(1种)和Pyrobombus(1种),该序列有65个单变异态位点和71个简约信息多态位点,翻译成119个氨基酸序列后有45个氨基酸变异位点。根据P-距离构建的邻接树(NJ tree)和最大简约树(MP tree)都显示同样的结果:Mendacibombus (B.avinovielllus)分化最早;Fervidobombus(B.pensylvanicus)次之;Pyrobombus(B.impatiens)和Bombus形成姊妹群;Bombus亚属是单系群,其中B.ignitus在所研究的5个种中分化最早。  相似文献   

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