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Introgression versus immigration in hybridizing high-dispersal echinoderms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phylogeographic studies designed to estimate rates and patterns of genetic differentiation within species often reveal unexpected and graphically striking cases of allele or haplotype sharing between species (introgression) via hybridization and backcrossing. Does introgression between species significantly influence population genetic structure relative to more conventional sources of differentiation (drift) and similarity (dispersal) among populations within species? Here we use mtDNA sequences from four species in two genera of sea urchins and sea stars to quantify the relative magnitude of gene flow across oceans and across species boundaries in the context of the trans-Arctic interchange of marine organisms between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. In spite of the much smaller distances between sympatric congeners, rates of gene flow between sympatric species via heterospecific gamete interactions were small and significantly lower than gene flow across oceans via dispersal of planktonic larvae. We conclude that, in these cases at least, larvae are more effective than gametes as vectors of gene flow.  相似文献   

The rapid evolution of traits related to fertilization such as sperm morphology may be pivotal in the evolution of reproductive barriers and speciation. The sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis has a circumarctic distribution and shows substantial genetic subdivision between northeastern Atlantic populations and northwestern Atlantic and Pacific populations. Using transmission electron microscopy, we show here that sperm shape, size, and ultrastructure differ markedly among populations of S. droebachiensis from different oceans and reflect patterns of genetic divergence. Sperm nuclei from northwestern Atlantic and Pacific populations were longer and narrower than those from the northeastern Atlantic. We additionally demonstrate population-level differences in the amount and location of filamentous actin (F-actin) prior to the occurrence of the acrosome reaction. Sperm from Pacific and northwest Atlantic populations differed from that of all other echinoids examined in that intact sperm contains a partly preformed acrosomal process, a structure more closely resembling the acrosomal rod seen in some molluscs. Immunofluorescent studies using anti-bindin antibodies and the F-actin-specific stain phalloidin confirmed these findings. Divergence of reproductive traits such as sperm morphology may be related to divergence in gamete compatibility and genetic divergence, and could represent the first stages of speciation in free-spawning marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

Aim We examined the phylogeography of the cold‐temperate macroalgal species Fucus distichus L., a key foundation species in rocky intertidal shores and the only Fucus species to occur naturally in both the North Pacific and the North Atlantic. Location North Pacific and North Atlantic oceans (42° to 77° N). Methods We genotyped individuals from 23 populations for a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) intergenic spacer (IGS) (n = 608) and the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) region (n = 276), as well as for six nuclear microsatellite loci (n = 592). Phylogeographic structure and connectivity were assessed using population genetic and phylogenetic network analyses. Results IGS mtDNA haplotype diversity was highest in the North Pacific, and divergence between Pacific haplotypes was much older than that of the single cluster of Atlantic haplotypes. Two ancestral Pacific IGS/COI clusters led to a widespread Atlantic cluster. High mtDNA and microsatellite diversities were observed in Prince William Sound, Alaska, 11 years after severe disturbance by the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. Main conclusions At least two colonizations occurred from the older North Pacific populations to the North Atlantic between the opening of the Bering Strait and the onset of the Last Glacial Maximum. One colonization event was from the Japanese Archipelago/eastern Aleutians, and a second was from the Alaskan mainland around the Gulf of Alaska. Japanese populations probably arose from a single recolonization event from the eastern Aleutian Islands before the North Pacific–North Atlantic colonization. In the North Atlantic, the Last Glacial Maximum forced the species into at least two known glacial refugia: the Nova Scotia/Newfoundland (Canada) region and Andøya (northern Norway). The presence of two private haplotypes in the central Atlantic suggests the possibility of colonization from other refugia that are now too warm to support F. distichus. With the continuing decline in Arctic ice cover as a result of global climate change, renewed contact between North Pacific and North Atlantic populations of Fucus species is expected.  相似文献   

During the Late Pleistocene, glaciers sundered many species into multiple glacial refugia where populations diverged in allopatry. Although deeply divergent mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages often reflect the number of refugia occupied, it is unlikely that populations that split during the recent Wisconsin glaciations will have reached reciprocal monophyly. We examined mtDNA control region sequences from eastern and western populations of wood ducks (Aix sponsa) to determine whether their current, disjunct distribution is consistent with the occupancy of two glacial refugia. We used the 'isolation with migration' coalescent method (im) to simultaneously estimate effective population sizes, maternal gene flow, and time since divergence. We found 24 unique haplotypes, none of which were shared between the eastern and western populations, but we did not find diagnostic monophyletic lineages suggestive of long-term isolation in multiple glacial refugia. However, a high Phi ST (0.31) indicates that eastern and western populations are well differentiated in mtDNA, and results from im suggest that these populations have been diverging, without extensive gene flow, for 10,000 to 124,000 years. Results from im further suggest that these populations most likely split about 34,000 years ago, and this time of divergence is consistent with the occupancy of multiple glacial refugia during the Late Wisconsin glaciation. Eastern wood ducks are characterized by high genetic diversity, a large effective population size, and a recent population expansion, while western wood ducks have much less genetic diversity, a smaller population size, and have not undergone a recent population expansion.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in four natural populations of the starfish Linckia laevigata from the Indo-West Pacific was examined using restriction fragment analysis of a portion of the mtDNA including the control region. Digestion with seven restriction enzymes identified 47 haplotypes in a sample of 326 individuals. Samples collected from reef sites within each location were not significantly differentiated based on ΦST or spatial distribution of haplotypes, indicating that dispersal is high over short to moderate distances. Evidence of gene flow is further supported by the low divergence among haplotypes and the lack of any clear geographical structuring among different haplotypes in the gene phylogeny. However, analysis of molecular variance ( AMOVA ), ΦST and contingency χ2 analyses of the spatial distribution of haplotypes demonstrate the presence of significant broad scale population genetic structure among the four widespread locations examined. RFLP data are consistent with high gene flow between the Philippines and Western Australia and moderate gene flow between the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and Fiji, but only limited gene flow between either the Philippines or Western Australia and either the GBR or Fiji. The presence of mtDNA structure contrasts with previous allozyme data which suggest that dispersal among widely separated locations is equivalent to dispersal among populations within the highly connected GBR studies. This discordance between patterns of gene flow inferred from these two markers cannot be fully accounted for by differences in effective population size for mtDNA. This might suggest that while mtDNA variation may represent contemporary patterns of gene flow, allozyme variation among populations is yet to reach equilibrium between drift and migration over the range surveyed.  相似文献   

Inferring how the Pleistocene climate oscillations have repopulated the extant population structure of Chondrus crispus Stackh. in the North Atlantic Ocean is important both for our understanding of the glacial episode promoting diversification and for the conservation and development of marine organisms. C. crispus is an ecologically and commercially important red seaweed with broad distributions in the North Atlantic. Here, we employed both partial mtDNA Cox1 and nrDNA internal transcribed spacer region 2 (ITS2) sequences to explore the genetic structure of 17 C. crispus populations from this area. Twenty‐eight and 30 haplotypes were inferred from these two markers, respectively. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and of the population statistic ΦST not only revealed significant genetic structure within C. crispus populations but also detected significant levels of genetic subdivision among and within populations in the North Atlantic. On the basis of high haplotype diversity and the presence of endemic haplotypes, we postulate that C. crispus had survived in Pleistocene glacial refugia in the northeast Atlantic, such as the English Channel and the northwestern Iberian Peninsula. We also hypothesize that C. crispus from the English Channel refugium repopulated most of northeastern Europe and recolonized northeastern North America in the Late Pleistocene. The observed phylogeographic pattern of C. crispus populations is in agreement with a scenario in which severe Quaternary glaciations influenced the genetic structure of North Atlantic marine organisms with contiguous population expansion and locally restricted gene flow coupled with a transatlantic dispersal in the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The population structure of the edible Atlanto-Mediterranean sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus is described by analysing sequence variation in a fragment of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I in 127 individuals from 12 localities across south-west Europe. The study revealed high levels of genetic diversity but low levels of genetic structure, suggesting a large degree of gene flow between populations and panmixis within each, the Mediterranean and Atlantic basins. However, we found significant genetic differentiation between the two basins probably due to restricted gene flow across the geographical boundary imposed by the area of the Strait of Gibraltar. Populations of P. lividus appeared to have experienced a recent demographic expansion in the late Pleistocene. We provide new evidence on the population structure of this commercial species, predicting a healthy stock of this sea urchin on the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts.  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) occupy a wide range of coastal and pelagic habitats throughout tropical and temperate waters worldwide. In some regions, "inshore" and "offshore" forms or ecotypes differ genetically and morphologically, despite no obvious boundaries to interchange. Around New Zealand, bottlenose dolphins inhabit 3 coastal regions: Northland, Marlborough Sounds, and Fiordland. Previous demographic studies showed no interchange of individuals among these populations. Here, we describe the genetic structure and diversity of these populations using skin samples collected with a remote biopsy dart. Analysis of the molecular variance from mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences (n = 193) showed considerable differentiation among populations (F(ST) = 0.17, Phi(ST) = 0.21, P < 0.001) suggesting little or no female gene flow or interchange. All 3 populations showed higher mtDNA diversity than expected given their small population sizes and isolation. To explain the source of this variation, 22 control region haplotypes from New Zealand were compared with 108 haplotypes worldwide representing 586 individuals from 19 populations and including both inshore and offshore ecotypes as described in the Western North Atlantic. All haplotypes found in the Pacific, regardless of population habitat use (i.e., coastal or pelagic), are more divergent from populations described as inshore ecotype in the Western North Atlantic than from populations described as offshore ecotype. Analysis of gene flow indicated long-distance dispersal among coastal and pelagic populations worldwide (except for those haplotypes described as inshore ecotype in the Western North Atlantic), suggesting that these populations are interconnected on an evolutionary timescale. This finding suggests that habitat specialization has occurred independently in different ocean basins, perhaps with Tursiops aduncus filling the ecological niche of the inshore ecotype in some coastal regions of the Indian and Western Pacific Oceans.  相似文献   

Abstract: Restriction fragment length polymorphisms of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were used to test for population subdivision in the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Atlantic and Pacific dolphin mtDNA samples exhibited distinctly different haplotypes (approximately 2.4% sequence divergence), indicating a lack of gene exchange. Within the Atlantic Ocean, mtDNA samples from the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Coast were also found to be distinct, with a sequence divergence of approximately 0.6%. The Atlantic Coast–Gulf of Mexico dichotomy is consistent with patterns of genetic variation from other marine and coastal organisms from this region, and supports the hypothesized role of bio-geographic events in promoting the divergence of these and other forms. Regional differentiation was identified along the Atlantic Coast, whereas low sequence divergences among haplotypes and consistent haplotype frequencies across populations suggested considerable gene exchange among Gulf of Mexico populations. A highly divergent haplotype found in two individuals from two localities in the Gulf of Mexico is best explained by dispersal from either a distinct offshore Gulf stock or an unsampled Atlantic Coast stock. Additional samples are required to test for the existence of a distinct offshore race and, if it exists, to identify its distribution and contribution to population structure.  相似文献   

We used 11 restriction endonucleases to study mtDNA variation in 101 Dall's porpoises Phocoenoides dalli from the Bering Sea and western North Pacific. There was little phylogeographic patterning among the 34 mtDNA haplotypes identified in this analysis, suggesting a strong historical connection among populations across this region. Nonetheless, mtDNA variation does not appear to be randomly distributed in this species. Both GST and AMOVA uncovered significant differences in the distribution of mtDNA variation between the Bering Sea and western North Pacific populations. These mtDNA results, coupled with differences in allozyme variation and parasite infestation, support the demographic distinctiveness of Bering Sea and western North Pacific stocks of Dall's porpoise. The lack of a strong phylogeographic orientation of mtDNA haplotypes within the Dall's porpoise is similar to the pattern reported in other vertebrates such as coyotes, blackbirds, chickadees, marine catfish, and catadromous eels. Like Dall's porpoise, these species are broadly distributed, and have large populations linked by moderate to high levels of gene flow. However, the more complex, deeply branched phylogenetic network of mtDNA haplotypes within Dall's porpoise, relative to these other vertebrates, suggests important differences between these species in the forces shaping mtDNA variation. One such force is the effective size of female populations, which appears to have been comparatively large and stable in Dall's porpoise.  相似文献   

Unlike populations of many terrestrial species, marine populations often are not separated by obvious, permanent barriers to gene flow. When species have high dispersal potential and few barriers to gene flow, allopatric divergence is slow. Nevertheless, many marine species are of recent origin, even in taxa with high dispersal potential. To understand the relationship between genetic structure and recent species formation in high dispersal taxa, we examined population genetic structure among four species of sea urchins in the tropical Indo-West Pacific that have speciated within the past one to three million years. Despite high potential for gene flow, mtDNA sequence variation among 200 individuals of four species in the urchin genus Echinometra shows a signal of strong geographic effects. These effects include (1) substantial population heterogeneity; (2) lower genetic variation in peripheral populations; and (3) isolation by distance. These geographic patterns are especially strong across scales of 5000-10,000 km, and are weaker over scales of 2500-5000 km. As a result, strong geographic patterns would not have been readily visible except over the wide expanse of the tropical Pacific. Surface currents in the Pacific do not explain patterns of gene flow any better than do patterns of simple spatial proximity. Finally, populations of each species tend to group into large mtDNA regions with similar mtDNA haplotypes, but these regional boundaries are not concordant in different species. These results show that all four species have accumulated mtDNA differences over similar spatial and temporal scales but that the precise geographic pattern of genetic differentiation varies for each species. These geographic patterns appear much less deterministic than in other well-known coastal marine systems and may be driven by chance and historical accident.  相似文献   

Dispersal triggers gene flow, which in turn strongly affects the ensuing genetic population structure of a species. Using nuclear microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), we estimated the genetic population structure of the wasp Polistes olivaceus throughout Bangladesh. The level of population differentiation using nuclear markers (F ST) appeared to be much lower than that estimated using mtDNA haplotype sequences (ФST), even after correcting for effective population size differences between the two markers. These results suggest a philopatric tendency, in which gynes disperse less than males. We observed no isolation by distance among the study populations at either the nuclear or mtDNA level, suggesting nonequilibrium between gene flow and drift as a result of very frequent interpopulation movement. For the nuclear markers, an individual assignment test showed no genetically and geographically distinct groups. Instead, phylogenetic analyses as well as a minimum spanning network using mtDNA haplotypes consistently revealed two distinct lineages. The distribution of haplotypes indicated western populations with a single lineage and offered clear evidence for restricted gene flow across the Jamuna–Padma–Upper Meghna river system. Mismatch distributions exhibited a unimodal distribution, which along with a starlike haplotype network, suggested a population expansion in lineage I but not in lineage II. Overall, these results suggest that gene flow among populations of P. olivaceus was affected by both female philopatry and a major river system across Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA sequence data for 295 individuals of the marine bivalve Macoma balthica (L.) were collected from 10 sites across the European distribution, and from Alaska. The data were used to infer population subdivision history and estimate current levels of gene flow. Inferred historical biogeography was expected to be congruent with colonization of the Atlantic Ocean from the Pacific Ocean after the opening of the Bering Strait 3.5 Ma. In addition, the last glacial maximum, about 18000 years ago, was expected to have been responsible for most of the present-day distribution of molecular variation within Europe, because the area must have been recolonized after confinement to France and the south of the British Isles during the last glacial maximum. Current gene flow was hypothesized to be high, because the larvae of M. balthica spend 2-5 weeks drifting in the water column. The geographical distribution of one highly diverged haplotype clade was found to be disjunct and was encountered exclusively in samples from the Baltic Sea and Alaska. A molecular clock calibration for marine bivalve cytochrome-c-oxidase I dates this clade as having split off from the other haplotypes 9.8-39 Ma. Multiple colonizations of the Atlantic Ocean from the Pacific by M. balthica may explain the strong differences found between Baltic Sea and other European populations of this species. The sympatric occurrence of the highly diverged mitochondrial lineages in western parts of the Baltic Sea points to secondary admixture. With the use of coalescent analysis, population divergence times for French vs. other non-Baltic European populations ('Atlantic population assemblage') were estimated at a minimum of about 110000 years ago, well before the last glacial maximum 18000 years ago. Signatures of population divergence of M. balthica that appear to have originated during the Pleistocene have thus survived the last glacial maximum. Some of the populations within the Atlantic assemblage are currently isolated, while others appear to be connected by gene flow. Apparently, populations of this species can remain highly subdivided in spite of the potential for high gene flow, implying that their population and evolutionary dynamics can be independent.  相似文献   

We investigated genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships among three morphologically distinct populations of Dall's porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) in Japanese waters by analyzing mitochondrial DNA variation. These populations, the Sea of Japan-Okhotsk dalli-type population, the truei-type population and the standard dalli-type population in the northwestern North Pacific, are clearly discriminated from each other by differences in the size of their white flank patch. A total of 479 bp of the mitochondrial control region and flanking tRNA genes was sequenced for 103 individuals. Haplotypic diversity was high (h = 0.968), but these haplotypes differed by only a few nucleotides (pi = 0.0106). Although many haplotypes were shared between populations, analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated genetic subdivision among the three populations (overall F (ST) = 0.023, P < 0.001; phi(ST) = 0.026, P = 0.029). Pairwise comparisons indicated a low but significant difference between the Sea of Japan-Okhotsk and the other two populations, whereas there was no significant difference between the latter. These results suggest that there is a close evolutionary relationship among these populations despite their consistent differences in coloration. This may reflect genetic polymorphism in the common ancestral population, which subsequently underwent a rapid divergence. The low genetic variability and haplotypic differentiation of the Sea of Japan-Okhotsk population suggest that it originated from a small population that colonized the Sea of Japan or that experienced population reduction when this Sea was isolated from the North Pacific in the last glacial period.  相似文献   

Restriction-site analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) reveal substantial phylogeographic structure among major nesting populations in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans and the Mediterranean sea. Based on 176 samples from eight nesting populations, most breeding colonies were distinguished from other assayed nesting locations by diagnostic and often fixed restriction-site differences, indicating a strong propensity for natal homing by nesting females. Phylogenetic analyses revealed two distinctive matrilines in the loggerhead turtle that differ by a mean estimated sequence divergence p = 0.009, a value similar in magnitude to the deepest intraspecific mtDNA node (p = 0.007) reported in a global survey of the green sea turtle Chelonia mydas. In contrast to the green turtle, where a fundamental phylogenetic split distinguished turtles in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea from those in the Indian and Pacific oceans, genotypes representing the two primary loggerhead mtDNA lineages were observed in both Atlantic–Mediterranean and Indian-Pacific samples. We attribute this aspect of phylogeographic structure in Caretta caretta to recent interoceanic gene flow, probably mediated by the ability of this temperate-adapted species to utilize habitats around southern Africa. These results demonstrate how differences in the ecology and geographic ranges of marine turtle species can influence their comparative global population structures.  相似文献   

We investigated genetic diversity and differentiation of the Pacific white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) in Japanese coastal waters and offshore North Pacific by analyzing mitochondrial DNA and nuclear microsatellite variation. A total of 519 bp of the mitochondrial control region was sequenced and five microsatellite locus were genotyped for 59 individuals. A high level of haplotypic diversity (h=96.1%), moderate level of nucleotide diversity (pi=1.65%) and average expected heterozygosity (HE=0.66-0.76) were within an extent of those reported for other odontocetes. Consistent genetic difference between the samples from Japanese coastal Pacific-Sea of Japan and offshore North Pacific was indicated by analyses of molecular variance (AMOVAs) based on mtDNA and microsatellite variations, comparison of genetic variabilities, and geographical distributions of mtDNA haplotypes and microsatellite alleles. This result suggests that Pacific white-sided dolphins in each of the above two areas belong to different populations between which gene flow has been severely restricted. The low genetic diversity and mtDNA genealogy of the population in Japanese coastal waters suggest that it originated from a small population that colonized the Sea of Japan or that experienced population reduction when this Sea was isolated from the North Pacific during a glacial period in the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Echinometra is a pantropical sea urchin made famous through studies of phylogeny, speciation, and genetic structure of the Indo-West Pacific (IWP) species. We sequenced 630 bp of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) mitochondrial gene to provide comparable information on the eastern Pacific and Atlantic species, using divergence between those separated by closure of the Isthmus of Panama 3.1 million years ago (Ma) to estimate dates for cladogenic events. Most recently (1.27-1. 62 Ma), the Atlantic species E. lucunter and E. viridis diverged from each other, at a time in the Pleistocene that sea levels fell and Caribbean coral speciation and extinction rates were high. An earlier split, assumed to have been coincident with the completion of the Isthmus of Panama, separated the eastern Pacific E. vanbrunti from the Atlantic common ancestor. Transisthmian COI divergence similar to that in the sea urchin genus Eucidaris supports this assumption. The most ancient split in Echinometra occurred between the IWP and the neotropical clades, due to cessation of larval exchange around South Africa or across the Eastern Pacific Barrier. Gene flow within species is generally high; however, there are restrictions to genetic exchange between E. lucunter populations from the Caribbean and those from the rest of the Atlantic. Correlation between cladogenic and vicariant events supports E. Mayr's contention that marine species, despite their high dispersal potential, form by means of geographical separation. That sympatric, nonhybridizing E. lucunter and E. viridis were split so recently suggests, however, that perfection of reproductive barriers between marine species with large populations can occur in less than 1.6 million years (Myr).  相似文献   

Spawning in habitats affected by Pleistocene glacial advances over most of its natural range, northern Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma malma typifies Arctic fauna distributed in northeastern Asia and northwestern North America. We reconstructed a genealogy of mtDNA haplotypes from 27 Alaskan and Asian populations to study the influence of historical events on the phylogeography and contemporary population genetic structure. Analysis of molecular variance partitioned most of the mtDNA variability to the intrapopulation component (72.5%) with much reduced differences between populations (21.1%) and regions (6.4%). Similar patterns of variation apparent from hierarchical diversity and nested clade phylogeographical analysis (NCPA) of mtDNA haplotypes identify weak spatial differentiation and low levels of divergence. These findings suggest (1) that demographic history has been influenced by historical range expansions and recent isolation by distance, (2) that present populations from Asia and North America were colonized from one main Beringian Refugium, and (3) that this taxon’s ancestral population probably experienced a bottleneck in the Beringian Refugium during the late Pleistocene (Wisconsin) glacial period. The genealogical and NCPA analyses, and mismatch distribution of S. m. malma mtDNA haplotypes do not confirm the assumptions about presence of the two refugia on the territories of the Beringian Land, in which allopatric S. m. malma ancestral populations evolved, and independent origin of the Sea of Okhotsk populations.  相似文献   

Over most of their natural northern Pacific Ocean range, pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) spawn in a habitat that was repeatedly and profoundly affected by Pleistocene glacial advances. A strictly two-year life cycle of pink salmon has resulted in two reproductively isolated broodlines, which spawn in alternating years and evolved as temporal replicates of the same species. To study the influence of historical events on phylogeographical and population genetic structure of the two broodlines, we first reconstructed a fine-scale mtDNA haplotype genealogy from a sample of 80 individuals and then determined the geographical distribution of the major genealogical assemblages for 718 individuals sampled from nine Alaskan and eastern Asian even- and nine odd-year pink salmon populations. Analysis of restriction site states in seven polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified mtDNA regions (comprising 97% of the mitochondrial genome) using 13 endonucleases resolved 38 haplotypes, which clustered into five genealogical lineages that differed from 0.065 to 0.225% in net sequence divergence. The lineage sorting between broodlines was incomplete, which suggests a recent common ancestry. Within each lineage, haplotypes exhibited star-like genealogies indicating recent population growth. The depth of the haplotype genealogy is shallow ( approximately 0.5% of nucleotide sequence divergence) and probably reflects repeated decreases in population size due to Pleistocene glacial advances. Nested clade analysis (NCA) of geographical distances showed that the geographical distribution observed for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes resulted from alternating influences of historical range expansions and episodes of restricted dispersal. Analyses of molecular variance showed weak geographical structuring of mtDNA variation, except for the strong subdivision between Asian and Alaskan populations within the even-year broodline. The genetic similarities observed among and within geographical regions probably originated from postglacial recolonizations from common sources rather than extensive gene flow. The phylogeographical and population genetic structures differ substantally between broodlines. This can be explained by stochastic lineage sorting in glacial refugia and perhaps different recolonization routes in even- and odd-year broodlines.  相似文献   

Abstract Have the warm tropical waters and currents of the southern Gulf of California, Mexico (also known as the Sea of Cortez), formed a barrier to gene flow, resulting in disjunct populations in the upper gulf that are isolated from the outer Pacific Coast? Phylogeographic and genetic divergences of the spotted sand bass, Paralabrax maculatofasciatus, from three Gulf of California and two outer Pacific coastal locations were tested using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences. Sequence data from two congeners that are sympatrically distributed along the outer Pacific Coast, the barred sand bass, P. nebulifer, and the kelp bass, P. clathratus, were used to gauge the levels of genetic divergences. Differences among the three species and between the northern gulf and outer Pacific coastal populations of P. maculatofasciatus also were analyzed using 40 allozymic presumptive gene loci. Allozyme and mtDNA analyses each revealed many fixed differences among the species. Three significant allozymic frequency differences and two fixed mtDNA substitutions differentiated the gulf and outer Pacific coastal populations of P. maculatofasciatus. Three unique mtDNA haplotypes and three unique allozyme alleles were identified from the outer Pacific coastal population. The gulf sites contained four unique mtDNA haplotypes and six unique allozyme alleles. Partitioning of the mtDNA variation revealed that 72% of the variance occurred between the gulf and outer Pacific Coast, 20% between sampling sites in the two regions, and 8% within the sites. There appears to be little gene flow across the waters of the southern Baja Penninsula, producing divergence estimated as 120,000 to 600,000 years between the outer Pacific coastal and the Gulf of California populations. This separation level may date to a hypothesized seaway closure near La Paz, Mexico, during the mid‐Pleistocene, and characterizes other fish populations. A second pattern of deeper allopatric species‐level divergences in some other fishes may date to a Pliocene closure of a mid‐Baja Penninsular seaway. Significant differences also were discerned in P. maculatofasciatus between the San Diego and central Baja California coastal sites and between the upper/central and the lower gulf locations. Variation between locations in the two regions may be indicative of larval retention and low adult migration, which needs to be tested further.  相似文献   

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