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目的:通过描述2010年北京市手足口病死亡病例的流行病学特点和临床特点,分析手足口病重症病例发生死亡的危险因素,为防制手足口病,减少手足口病的死亡提供科学依据。方法:采用现况描述及病例对照研究的方法,对2010年北京市手足口病死亡病例的特点进行分析。结果:2010年北京市共报告18例手足口病死亡病例,88.9%分布在5.8月份;死亡病例的男女比例为3.5:1;年龄均小于4岁;流动人口聚集区的死亡病例较多;散居儿童及外地户籍儿童比例高,分别为83.3%和94.4%。死亡病例均出现出疹、发热及神经精神系统症状,整体精神状况,呼吸功能指标以及循环系统受累明显。与重症痊愈病例相比,感染EV71型病毒是发生死亡的危险因素(x2=4.774,P=0.029)。结论:手足口病死亡病例分布与重症病例分布基本一致。应对流动人口聚集地区的4岁以下婴幼儿重症病例进行重点防控。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:了解南充市儿童重症手足口病流行病学特征及其相关危险因素,为降低儿童重症手足口病发病率提供依据。方法:对中国"疾病监测信息报告管理系统"中确诊的南充市(顺庆区、高坪区、嘉陵区、阆中市)2014-2016年儿童手足口病的病例信息进行研究,分析该市儿童手足口病疫情、时间分布、地区分布和人群分布特征,并应用单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析儿童重症手足口病危险因素。结果:2014-2016年顺庆区、高坪区、嘉陵区、阆中市共报告儿童手足口病8068例,其中重症病例426例,占5.28%。全年均有手足口病发生,4~7月为手足口病发病高峰期,2014年峰值明显高于2015年、2016年,重症手足口病时间分布和发病高峰期与以上相同。顺庆区、高坪区、嘉陵区、阆中市均有手足口病发生,阆中市重症病例比例均高于其他辖区,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。男性患儿重症病例构成比较高,不同性别患儿重症病例构成比比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);重症病例主要集中在1~3岁儿童,不同年龄段重症病例构成比比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),重症病例主要分布在散居儿童和农村儿童,不同生活方式、不同家庭住址重症病例构成比比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);重症病例主要分布在3~6天时间间隔的就诊患儿,不同就诊时间间隔重症病例构成比比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic分析显示:年龄为1-3岁、散居、家庭住址为农村是重症手足口病的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:年龄为1-3岁、散居、家庭住址为农村是重症手足口病的危险因素,应在流动人口集中、生活条件较差的地区开展手足口病的宣传教育,提高人们对手足口病防治的认知,对于1-3岁儿童应作为疾病重点防控对象,提高家长疾病防控意识,以降低重症手足口病的发病率。  相似文献   

目的分析百色市2014年手足口病流行特征,探讨该病的预防控制策略。方法采用描述流行病学方法对百色市2014年手足口病发病特征进行流行病学分析。结果 2014年百色市共报告手足口病44 520例,年发病率为1 258.05/10万,死亡17例,病死率为0.04%。病例报告有明显的季节性,4-6月为发病高峰;以0~5岁年龄组为主,占95.39%;男性发病率高于女性,男女发病比为1.44∶1;职业分布以散居儿童居多;病原学监测结果为EV71、Cox A16和其他肠道病毒混合感染;79.04%的重症病例(含死亡病例)由EV71感染所致。结论百色市手足口病流行情况严重,EV71仍是引起手足口病重症病例和死亡的主要病原体,今后仍需要采取综合性防治措施,开展健康教育,加强重症病人的筛查和救治,降低病死率。  相似文献   

陈琴  曾小平  李永武 《病毒学报》2021,37(4):860-865
海口市是手足口病的高发地区,为阐明海口市手足口病重症病例的流行病学特征及影响因素,本研究利用2015-2020年海口市所有手足口病病例资料、重症病例个案调查及病原学监测资料进行描述性统计分析.结果表明,2015-2020年海口市重症手足口病呈现明显的下降趋势(R2趋势=0.77);发病呈现春末夏初(4-7月)和秋末冬初(9-11月)双峰型特征;91.67%的重症病例为3岁及以下婴幼儿;男性重症率高于女性;城区病例最多(占37.12%),其次是城乡结合部(占33.33%);病原体以其他肠道病毒感染为主,但EV-A71型病毒感染致重症率更高;93.18%的重症手足口病伴有神经系统受损表现;男性、低年龄、就诊时病程短、EV-A71感染是重症手足口病的危险因素;持续加强病原学监测、健康教育等防控措施,积极推广3岁及以下重点人群EV-A71疫苗接种,有利于控制和减少重症和死亡病例的发生.  相似文献   

目的了解2011—2014年百色市重症手足口病的流行病学及病原学特点,为预防和控制重症手足口病提供依据。方法收集2011—2014年百色市重症手足口病疫情资料,进行描述性流行病学分析;采用实时荧光定量PCR方法对手足口病重症病例标本进行肠道病毒通用型、肠道病毒71型和柯萨奇病毒A16型核酸检测。结果2011—2014年百色市共报告手足口病105 900例,其中重症手足口病537例,重症率为0.51%;死亡35例,病死率为0.03%。重症手足口病发病主要集中在每年的4—5月;3岁以下重症病例占重症病例总数的88.27%,男女性别比为1.44∶1;散居儿童是主要的发病人群(75.98%);患者主要集中在平果县、田东县、田阳县、右江区等右江河谷一带;重症手足口病阳性患者中,肠道病毒71型占77.51%,柯萨奇病毒A16型占5.15%,其他肠道病毒占17.34%。结论 2011—2014年百色市重症手足口病多发于3岁以下的散居儿童,发病季节主要集中在4—5月,病原体以肠道病毒71型为主。  相似文献   

分析2008~2017年新疆维吾尔手足口病流行病学和病原学特征。采用描述性流行病学的方法,对2008~2017年国家疾病监测信息报告管理系统报告的手足口病例和新疆手足口病网络实验室数据的进行分析。2008~2017年新疆累计报告手足口病例68 820例,重症107例,死亡10例,年均发病率为31.33/10万;病例主要集中在乌鲁木齐市、伊犁州、昌吉州和塔城地区,占总病例数68.26%;5月~7月为发病高峰,病例以1岁~4岁儿童为主,占总病例数的74.46%,散居儿童和幼托儿童分别占51.52%和40.34%;对12 345例手足口病例标本进行核酸检测,阳性8 872例,阳性率71.87%,普通病例中肠道病毒71型(EV-A71)、柯萨奇病毒A组16型(CV-Al6)和其他肠道病毒分别占33.01%、40.33%和26.65%,重症和死亡病例的病原型别均以EV-A71为主,分别占91.03%和100%。新疆1岁~4岁的儿童为手足口病主要发病人群,不同地区发病水平不同,手足口病病原谱呈现EV-A71、CV-A16和其他EV交替流行态势。  相似文献   

目的了解濮阳市手足口病流行病学特征,为制定防控策略提供科学依据。方法通过国家疾病监测信息管理系统收集的全市2008—2012年6月6日手足口病疫情资料进行描述和分析,并对部分病例和重症病例标本进行肠道病毒病原学检测。结果全市共报手足口病16 492例,发病高峰是每年的3-5月(第12~20周),呈典型的单峰型曲线;发病年龄以0~4岁居多;男性多于女性;散居儿童多于托幼机构儿童,爆发病例多发生在托幼机构,手足口病病原有EV71、CoxA16和其他肠道病毒,以EV71和CoxA16为主。结论手足口病发病有明显的季节性、年龄和性别差异,小年龄组儿童是手足口病预防控制重点人群,流行年度和流行季节的优势毒株为EV71,重症患者中EV71占到86.35%;非流行年和季节手足病例主要由CoxA16和其他肠道病毒引起。手足口病防控重点应体现在对病例分类管理上,同时应继续加强重症病例疫情监测和爆发控制。  相似文献   

韦新苗  陈凤美  莫玉珍 《蛇志》2012,(4):373-374
目的探讨手足口病疫情的流行特征。方法对我院2012年1~8月份报告的1858例手足口病患儿的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 1858例手足口病中,重症78例,死亡3例;重症病例咽、肛拭子采样检测,EV71感染76例,2例为其它肠道病毒感染;发病年龄3岁以下儿童占89%。发病男女性别比为1.62∶1;病例报告集中在5、6月份。结论在疫情流行期间加强手足口病防控工作及疫情监测,强化各级医务人员培训,早期识别重症患儿,可最大限度降低病死率。  相似文献   

莫祖玲 《蛇志》2011,23(2):144-146
目的 了解我院2006~2010年5岁以下儿童死因及特点与趋势,提出干预措施.方法 采用回顾性调查方法,对2006~2010年我院5岁以下儿童的死亡率、死因及相关因素进行分析.结果 5岁以下儿童死亡率,2006年为10.73‰,2007年为11.91‰,2008年为9.93‰,2009年为5.60‰,2010年为12.58‰.5岁以下儿童死亡的年龄分布,以婴儿死亡最高,占总死亡人数的44.09%;其次是新生儿,占总死亡人数的30.11%;1~5岁儿童占总死亡人数的25.8%.5岁以下儿童死亡的原因,前五位分别为意外事故占21.51%,肺炎占15.05%,腹泻占11.82%,出生窒息占10.75%,败血症占8.60%.结论降低婴儿、新生儿死亡率是降低5岁以下儿童死亡率的关键;防止意外发生,加强围产期保健,提高基层产科、儿科医疗质量是降低儿童死亡率的重要途径.  相似文献   

目的了解韶关市2008—2011年手足口病流行特征,为降低该病的发病率提供决策依据。方法依据卫生部2008年版下发的手足口病诊断标准、防控指南,进行诊断、流行病学调查、标本采集。用描述流行病学方法对手足口病病例进行分析,并对人份标本进行逆转录酶反应(RT-PCR)核酸测定。结果韶关市4年共报告手足口病例14 076例,手足口病发病有明显的季节性,4~6月为发病高峰期,占全年报告总数的63.34%。发病人群以男性(男∶女=1.89∶1)5岁以下散居儿童为主,占总发病数的93.11%。4年的手足口病主要由EV71和其他肠道病毒混合感染引起,死亡病例主要由EV71感染引起。聚集性病例主要发生在个体托幼机构,占77.46%。散居或家庭聚集性病例占22.54%。结论当前手足口病是严重危害韶关市低年龄组儿童身体健康和生命安全的重要公共卫生问题,要不断加强环境及个人卫生条件的改善,普及健康教育。  相似文献   

567 例手足口病临床疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:比较中西医结合治疗与单纯西医治疗手足口病临床疗效的差异。方法:567例手足口病患者随机分成两组,对照组282例,单纯采用西医治疗,治疗组285例,在西医治疗基础上加用中药汤剂联合治疗,观察两组患者退热时间,皮疹消褪时间,食纳改善时间,比较两组间治愈率,有效率差异。结果:治疗组与对照组有效率均为100%;治愈率治疗组88.1%,对照组86.2%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);重症患者治愈率治疗组为83.3%,对照组为74.1%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);退热时间治疗组为2.65±0.79天,对照组为3.20±0.82天,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);食纳改善时间治疗组为2.28±0.85天,对照组为3.35±0.68天,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);结论:中西医结合治疗手足口病在重症患者治愈率,退热时间,食纳改善时间上优于单纯西药治疗。  相似文献   



Trends in food availability and metabolic risk factors in Brazil suggest a shift toward unhealthy dietary patterns and increased cardiometabolic disease risk, yet little is known about the impact of dietary and metabolic risk factors on cardiometabolic mortality in Brazil.


Based on data from Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study, we used comparative risk assessment to estimate the burden of 11 dietary and 4 metabolic risk factors on mortality due to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes in Brazil in 2010. Information on national diets and metabolic risks were obtained from the Brazilian Household Budget Survey, the Food and Agriculture Organization database, and large observational studies including Brazilian adults. Relative risks for each risk factor were obtained from meta-analyses of randomized trials or prospective cohort studies; and disease-specific mortality from the GBD 2010 database. We quantified uncertainty using probabilistic simulation analyses, incorporating uncertainty in dietary and metabolic data and relative risks by age and sex. Robustness of findings was evaluated by sensitivity to varying feasible optimal levels of each risk factor.


In 2010, high systolic blood pressure (SBP) and suboptimal diet were the largest contributors to cardiometabolic deaths in Brazil, responsible for 214,263 deaths (95% uncertainty interval [UI]: 195,073 to 233,936) and 202,949 deaths (95% UI: 194,322 to 211,747), respectively. Among individual dietary factors, low intakes of fruits and whole grains and high intakes of sodium were the largest contributors to cardiometabolic deaths. For premature cardiometabolic deaths (before age 70 years, representing 40% of cardiometabolic deaths), the leading risk factors were suboptimal diet (104,169 deaths; 95% UI: 99,964 to 108,002), high SBP (98,923 deaths; 95%UI: 92,912 to 104,609) and high body-mass index (BMI) (42,643 deaths; 95%UI: 40,161 to 45,111).


suboptimal diet, high SBP, and high BMI are major causes of cardiometabolic death in Brazil, informing priorities for policy initiatives.  相似文献   

Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is a major cause of neurological disability in Asia and causes thousands of severe encephalitis cases and deaths each year. Although Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a WHO reportable disease, cases and deaths are significantly underreported and the true burden of the disease is not well understood in most endemic countries. Here, we first conducted a spatial analysis of the risk factors associated with JE to identify the areas suitable for sustained JEV transmission and the size of the population living in at-risk areas. We then estimated the force of infection (FOI) for JE-endemic countries from age-specific incidence data. Estimates of the susceptible population size and the current FOI were then used to estimate the JE burden from 2010 to 2019, as well as the impact of vaccination. Overall, 1,543.1 million (range: 1,292.6-2,019.9 million) people were estimated to live in areas suitable for endemic JEV transmission, which represents only 37.7% (range: 31.6-53.5%) of the over four billion people living in countries with endemic JEV transmission. Based on the baseline number of people at risk of infection, there were an estimated 56,847 (95% CI: 18,003-184,525) JE cases and 20,642 (95% CI: 2,252-77,204) deaths in 2019. Estimated incidence declined from 81,258 (95% CI: 25,437-273,640) cases and 29,520 (95% CI: 3,334-112,498) deaths in 2010, largely due to increases in vaccination coverage which have prevented an estimated 314,793 (95% CI: 94,566-1,049,645) cases and 114,946 (95% CI: 11,421-431,224) deaths over the past decade. India had the largest estimated JE burden in 2019, followed by Bangladesh and China. From 2010-2019, we estimate that vaccination had the largest absolute impact in China, with 204,734 (95% CI: 74,419-664,871) cases and 74,893 (95% CI: 8,989-286,239) deaths prevented, while Taiwan (91.2%) and Malaysia (80.1%) had the largest percent reductions in JE burden due to vaccination. Our estimates of the size of at-risk populations and current JE incidence highlight countries where increasing vaccination coverage could have the largest impact on reducing their JE burden.  相似文献   

目的:评估北京延庆县肺结核病发现与治疗转归情况.方法:运用描述性统计方法,分析2006~2010年北京延庆县肺结核流行病学监测数据,主要探讨肺结核发现以及治疗转归的特点.结果:2006~2010年我县查痰率为94.65%,阳性检出率为36.70%.5年间全县共登记活动性肺结核患者1058例,登记率呈上升趋势;新登涂阳肺结核患者中治愈298例,平均治愈率为88.17%,治愈率呈逐年升高的趋势.结论:我县肺结核防治工作取得了显著成绩,但是仍然存在一些问题,有待进一步完善.  相似文献   

Annual estimates of the influenza disease burden provide information to evaluate programs and allocate resources. We used a multiplier method with routine population-based surveillance data on influenza hospitalization in the United States to correct for under-reporting and estimate the burden of influenza for seasons after the 2009 pandemic. Five sites of the Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) collected data on the frequency and sensitivity of influenza testing during two seasons to estimate under-detection. Population-based rates of influenza-associated hospitalization and Intensive Care Unit admission from 2010–2013 were extrapolated to the U.S. population from FluSurv-NET and corrected for under-detection. Influenza deaths were calculated using a ratio of deaths to hospitalizations. We estimated that influenza-related hospitalizations were under-detected during 2010-11 by a factor of 2.1 (95%CI 1.7–2.9) for age < 18 years, 3.1 (2.4–4.5) for ages 18-64 years, and 5.2 (95%CI 3.8–8.3) for age 65+. Results were similar in 2011-12. Extrapolated estimates for 3 seasons from 2010–2013 included: 114,192–624,435 hospitalizations, 18,491–95,390 ICU admissions, and 4,915–27,174 deaths per year; 54–70% of hospitalizations and 71–85% of deaths occurred among adults aged 65+. Influenza causes a substantial disease burden in the U.S. that varies by age and season. Periodic estimation of multipliers across multiple sites and age groups improves our understanding of influenza detection in sentinel surveillance systems. Adjusting surveillance data using a multiplier method is a relatively simple means to estimate the impact of influenza and the subsequent value of interventions to prevent influenza.  相似文献   

Injuries are a growing public health concern in China, accounting for more than 30% of all Person Years of Life Lost (PYLL) due to premature mortality. This study analyzes the trend and disease burden of injury deaths in Chinese population from 2004 to 2010, using data from the National Disease Surveillance Points (DSPs) system, as injury deaths are classified based on the International Classification of Disease-10th Revision (ICD-10). We observed that injury death accounted for nearly 10% of all deaths in China throughout the period 2004–2010, and the injury mortality rates were higher in males than those in females, and higher in rural areas than in urban areas. Traffic crashes (33.79–38.47% of all injury deaths) and suicides (16.20–22.01%) were the two leading causes of injury deaths. Alarmingly, suicide surpassed traffic crashes as the leading cause of injury mortality in rural females, yet adults aged 65 and older suffered the greatest number of fatal falls (20,701 deaths, 2004–2010). The burden of injury among men (72.11%) was about three times more than that of women''s (28.89%). This study provides indispensible evidence that China Authority needs to improve the surveillance and deterrence of three major types of injuries: Traffic-related injury deaths should be targeted for injury prevention activities in all population, people aged 65+ should be encouraged to take individual fall precautions, and prevention of suicidal behavior in rural females should be another key priority for the government of China.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe ten-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV10) was introduced into the Chilean National Immunization Program (NIP) in January 2011 with a 3+1 schedule (2, 4, 6 and 12 months) without catch-up vaccination. We evaluated the effectiveness of PCV10 on pneumonia morbidity and mortality among infants during the first two years after vaccine introduction.MethodsThis is a population-based nested case-control study using four merged nationwide case-based electronic health data registries: live birth, vaccination, hospitalization and mortality. Children born in 2010 and 2011 were followed from two moths of age for a period of two years. Using four different case definitions of pneumonia hospitalization and/or mortality (all-cause and pneumonia related deaths), all cases and four randomly selected matched controls per case were selected. Controls were matched to cases on analysis time. Vaccination status was then assessed. Vaccine effectiveness (VE) was estimated using conditional logistic regression.ResultsThere were a total of 497,996 children in the 2010 and 2011 Chilean live-birth cohorts. PCV10 VE was 11.2% (95%CI 8.5–13.6) when all pneumonia hospitalizations and deaths were used to define cases. VE increased to 20.7 (95%CI 17.3–23.8) when ICD10 codes used to denote viral pneumonia were excluded from the case definition. VE estimates on pneumonia deaths and all-cause deaths were 71.5 (95%CI 9.0–91.8) and 34.8 (95% CI 23.7–44.4), respectively.ConclusionPCV10 vaccination substantially reduced the number of hospitalizations due to pneumonia and deaths due to pneumonia and to all-causes over this study period. Our findings also reinforce the importance of having quality health information systems for measuring VE.  相似文献   

为了解河南省手足口病患者标本中分离柯萨奇A组的16型(CoxAl6)病毒基因组特征,对2010年采集的手足口病患者临床标本406份进行RT-PCR扩增和病毒分离鉴定;通过10对引物分段扩增和拼接CoxAl6分离株基因组序列,利用生物信息学软件对序列分析,构建序列遗传发育树。测序获得河南省CoxAl6分离株HN1162/HN/CHN/2010基因组全长序列7 411bp,5′非编码区(5′UTR)、P1、P2、P3、3′非编码区(3′UTR)区域核苷酸序列与GenBank公布的其它分离株相似性分别为87.0%~97.9%、77.0%~95.4%、80.3%~96.9%、77.9%~96.2%、80.5%~100%;VP1区核苷酸相似性为91.4%~96.4%,氨基酸相似性为99.3%~99.7%;遗传发育树分析表明与我国深圳、广州、福建分离株处于同一分支。河南省手足口病患者标本CoxAl6病毒分离株属于C2基因亚型/B-2基因亚型,对加强该病毒变异检测,预防控制手足口病疫情具有重要意义。  相似文献   

BackgroundCurrent knowledge of the validity of registry data on prostate cancer-specific death is limited. We aimed to determine the underlying cause of death among Danish men with prostate cancer, to estimate the level of misattribution of prostate cancer death, and to examine the risk of death from prostate cancer when accounting for competing risk of death.Material and methodsWe investigated a nationwide cohort of 15,878 prostate cancer patients diagnosed in 2010–2014; with 3343 deaths occurring through 2016. Blinded medical chart review was carried out for 670 deaths and compared to the national cause of death registry. Five death categories were defined: 1) prostate cancer-specific death, 2) other unspecified urological cancer death, 3) other cancer death 4) cardiovascular disease death, and 5) other causes of death. Competing risk analyses compared Cox cause-specific and Fine-Gray regression models.ResultsChart review attributed 51.2% of deaths to prostate cancer, 17.0% to cardiovascular disease, and 16.7% to other causes. The Danish Register of Causes of Death attributed 71.7% of deaths to prostate cancer when including all registered contributing causes of death, and 57.0% of deaths when including only the primary registered cause of death. The probability of death by prostate cancer was 10% at 2-year survival.ConclusionsMore than half of the deceased men in our study cohort died of their prostate cancer disease within a mean of 2.4 years of follow up. Data from the death registry is prone to misclassification, potentially overestimating the proportion of deaths from prostate cancer.  相似文献   

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