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Obesity is more common among the less educated, suggesting education-related environmental triggers. Such triggers may act differently dependent on genetic and environmental predisposition to obesity. In a Danish Twin Registry survey, 21,522 twins of same-sex pairs provided zygosity, height, weight, and education data. Body mass index (BMI = kg weight/ m height(2)) was used to measure degree of obesity. We used quantitative genetic modeling to examine how genetic and shared and nonshared environmental variance in BMI differed by level of education and to estimate how genetic and shared and nonshared environmental correlations between education and BMI differed by level of education, analyzing women and men separately. Correlations between education and BMI were -.13 in women, -.15 in men. High BMI's were less frequent among well-educated participants, generating less variance. In women, this was due to restriction of all forms of variance, overall by a factor of about 2. In men, genetic variance did not vary with education, but results for shared and nonshared environmental variance were similar to those for women. The contributions of the shared environment to the correlations between education and BMI were substantial among the well-educated, suggesting importance of familial environmental influences common to high education and lower BMI. Family influence was particularly important in linking high education and lower levels of obesity.  相似文献   


Background and objectives

There is no doubt that the dramatic worldwide increase in obesity prevalence is due to changes in environmental factors. However, twin studies suggest that genetic differences are responsible for the major part of the variation in body mass index (BMI) and other measures of body fatness within populations. Several recent studies suggest that the genetic effects on adiposity may be stronger when combined with presumed risk factors for obesity. We tested the hypothesis that a higher prevalence of obesity and overweight and a higher BMI mean is associated with a larger genetic variation in BMI.


The data consisted of self-reported height and weight from two Danish twin surveys in 1994 and 2002. A total of 15,017 monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs were divided into subgroups by year of birth (from 1931 through 1982) and sex. The genetic and environmental variance components of BMI were calculated for each subgroup using the classical twin design. Likewise, the prevalence of obesity, prevalence of overweight and the mean of the BMI distribution was calculated for each subgroup and tested as explanatory variables in a random effects meta-regression model with the square root of the additive genetic variance (equal to the standard deviation) as the dependent variable.


The size of additive genetic variation was positively and significantly associated with obesity prevalence (p = 0.001) and the mean of the BMI distribution (p = 0.015). The association with prevalence of overweight was positive but not statistically significant (p = 0.177).


The results suggest that the genetic variation in BMI increases as the prevalence of obesity, prevalence of overweight and the BMI mean increases. The findings suggest that the genes related to body fatness are expressed more aggressively under the influence of an obesity-promoting environment.  相似文献   

Although genetic factors are recognised as major contributors to otitis media, the presence of sex differences in heritability needs clarification. The aim of this study was to estimate the relative contribution of genetic and environmental effects in otitis media liability with particular focus on sex differences. Data from a cohort of Norwegian twins born between 1967 and 1979 with repeated measures on recurrent childhood otitis media were analysed. Altogether the sample included 4247 twin pairs. The tetrachoric correlations for monozygotic twins were .71 and .65 for males and females respectively. In dizygotic twins the correlations were .35 and .25 for males and females, respectively, and was.34 in opposite sexed pairs. The contribution of genetic and environmental effects was analyzed using structural equation modeling. The best fitting model showed that additive genetic effects explained 72% and 61% of the variance in males and females, respectively. The remaining variance was attributed to individual environmental effects. A model specifying equal heritability estimates for males and females yielded an almost equivalent fit. We found substantial genetic effects for liability to otitis media. There is no evidence that different sets of genes influence liability in males and females, but there may be sex differences in the relative importance of genetic effects.  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate the genetic epidemiology of figural stimuli. Standard figural stimuli were available from 5,325 complete twin pairs: 1,751 (32.9%) were monozygotic females, 1,068 (20.1%) were dizygotic females, 752 (14.1%) were monozygotic males, 495 (9.3%) were dizygotic males, and 1,259 (23.6%) were dizygotic male-female pairs. Univariate twin analyses were used to examine the influences on the individual variation in current body size and ideal body size. These data were analysed separately for men and women in each of five age groups. A factorial analysis of variance, with polychoric correlations between twin pairs as the dependent variable, and age, sex, zygosity, and the three interaction terms (age x sex, age x zygosity, sex x zygosity) as independent variables, was used to examine trends across the whole data set. Results showed genetic influences had the largest impact on the individual variation in current body size measures, whereas non-shared environmental influences were associated with the majority of individual variation in ideal body size. There was a significant main effect of zygosity (heritability) in predicting polychoric correlations for current body size and body dissatisfaction. There was a significant main effect of gender and zygosity in predicting ideal body size, with a gender x zygosity interaction. In common with BMI, heritability is important in influencing the estimation of current body size. Selection of desired body size for both men and women is more strongly influenced by environmental factors.  相似文献   

Objective: To understand the overlap between the etiology of obesity and normal variation in BMI in children. Methods and Procedures: Height and weight data were available from a large UK representative sample of twins: 2,342 same‐sex pairs at 7 years and 3,526 same‐sex pairs at 10 years. The twin method and model‐fitting techniques were used to estimate genetic and environmental contributions to BMI. DeFries‐Fulker (DF) extremes analysis was used to investigate genetic and environmental influences on the mean difference between obese and normal‐weight children. Obesity was classified using the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) criteria. Results: At both ages, BMI and obesity were highly heritable (0.60–0.74) and only modestly influenced by shared environmental factors (0.12–0.22). Extremes analyses indicated that genetic and environmental influences on obesity are quantitatively and qualitatively similar to those operating across the range of BMI. Discussion: Obesity is the extreme of the same genetic and environmental factors responsible for variation throughout the distribution of BMI. This finding implies that genes that influence obesity will also be associated with BMI in the normal range, and similar environmental influences will affect BMI in the clinical and normal range. Knowing that obesity is influenced by the same genetic and environmental factors that affect weight at all levels has implications for investigating the mechanisms for weight gain and developing interventions for weight control.  相似文献   

For a quantitative genetic study of pre-school problem behaviours, we have collected data with the Child Behavior Checklist for 2 and 3-year-old children (CBCL 2/3). Questionnaires were completed by mothers of 3620 twin pairs: 633 monozygotic males, 581 dizygotic males, 695 monozygotic females, 519 dizygotic females and 1192 dizygotic opposite sex twin pairs. The genetic and environmental influences on the Externalising and Internalising Problem scales were estimated, simultaneously with sex differences and sibling interaction effects. Genetic factors explained most of the observed variance for both Externalising and Internalising Problems. Cooperative sibling interactions were found for Externalising Problems, indicating that twins reinforce each other's behaviour. Sex differences in genetic architecture were found for Externalising Problems. Genetic factors explained 75% of the variance in girls and 50% in boys. Shared environmental influences were only of importance in boys. For both problem scales, non-shared environmental factors accounted for 25 to 32% of the variance. The observed variances of Internalising Problems could be adequately explained by genetic and nonshared environmental factors, with genetic factors accounting for 68% of the variance.  相似文献   

To estimate common and distinct genetic influences on a panel of obesity-related traits and serum leptin level in adults. In a cross-sectional study of 625 Danish, adult, healthy, monozygotic, and same-sex dizygotic twin pairs of both genders, we carried out detailed anthropometry (height, weight, waist and hip, and skin-fold thickness, body composition assessment by bioimpedance (fat mass and fat-free mass), and measurement of serum leptin level. Bivariate variance component analyses estimated the additive genetic correlations between these measurements. The genetic correlations between the traits for overall fatness (BMI and fat mass index, kg/m(2)) were 0.94 in men and 0.98 in women, and their correlations with the various local fatness measures ranged from 0.49 to 0.83 in men and from 0.70 to 0.87 in women. The correlations between the truncal measures (waist circumference and truncal skin folds) and between the peripheral measures (hip circumference and peripheral skin folds) were 0.57 and 0.47 in men and 0.71 and 0.70 in women, respectively. The correlations between the truncal and peripheral measures ranged between 0.49 and 0.72 in men and between 0.61 and 0.82 in women. For leptin vs. the various measures of overall and local fatness the correlations ranged from 0.54 to 0.74 in men and from 0.48 to 0.75 in women. All correlations were significantly <1.00. The study supports control of overall fat mass and peripheral and truncal fat mass by both shared and different genetic components, which suggests that it is important to distinguish between the different phenotypes in the search for genes involved in the development of obesity.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the genetic and environmental influences on body‐fat measures including waist circumference (WC), waist‐to‐hip ratio (WHR), and body mass index (BMI) among African‐American men and women. Research Methods and Procedures: Measurements were taken as part of the Carolina African American Twin Study of Aging. This sample currently comprises 146 same‐sex African‐American twins with an average age of 50 years (range, 22 to 88 years). This analysis included 26 monozygotic and 29 dizygotic men and 45 monozygotic and 46 dizygotic women. Maximum likelihood quantitative genetic analysis was used. Results: In men, additive genetic effects accounted for 77% of the variance in WC, 59% in WHR, and 89% in BMI. In women, additive genetic effects accounted for 76% of the variance in WC, 56% in WHR, and 73% in BMI. The remaining variance in both men and women was attributed to unique environmental effects (WC, 21%; WHR, 36%; BMI, 11% in men and WC, 22%; WHR, 38%; BMI, 27% in women) and age (WC, 2%; WHR, 5% in men and WC, 2%; WHR, 6% in women). When BMI was controlled in the analysis of WC and WHR, it accounted for a portion of the genetic and environmental variance in WHR and over one‐half of the genetic and environmental variance in WC. Discussion: There are both genetic and environmental influences on WC, WHR, and BMI, and independent of BMI, there are genetic and environmental effects on WC and WHR among both genders. The results from this African‐American twin sample are similar to findings among white twin samples.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the genetic and environmental contributions to variation in BMI over time in European‐American (EA) and African‐American (AA) adolescent and young adult women. Self‐reported BMI (kg/m2) data from 2,816 EA (1,306 twin pairs, 56.5% monozygotic (MZ)) and 404 AA (178 twin pairs, 42.7% MZ) women at baseline (T1; median age 15 years) and 3,225 EA (1,511 twin pairs, 55.3% MZ) and 539 AA (252 pairs, 43.3% MZ) women at follow‐up (T2; median age 22 years) from a Midwestern US, population‐based twin registry were used to construct biometrical genetic models. For EA women, the majority of the variance in BMI was attributable to additive genetic effects at both time points (82% for each), with the remaining variance attributable to nonshared environment. Genetic and nonshared environment correlations between adolescent and young adult BMI were 0.87 and 0.23, respectively. Among AA women, nonadditive genetic effects comprised 68% of the variance at T1 and 73% at T2, and were highly correlated (rD = 0.94). The proportions of variance attributable to nonshared environment at T1 (29%) and T2 (25%) were more modestly correlated (rE = 0.31). The remaining variance in AA women could be attributed to additive genetic effects. Additive vs. nonadditive genetic effects contribute differentially to BMI in AA vs. EA adolescent and young adult women. Additional research is needed to better characterize the environmental and genetic factors related to BMI in persons of different races to aid understanding of the complex determinants of body weight in individuals.  相似文献   



Previous studies of risk factors for disability pension (DP) have mainly focused on psychosocial, or environmental, factors, while the relative importance of genetic effects has been less studied. Sex differences in biological mechanisms have not been investigated at all.


The study sample included 46,454 Swedish twins, consisting of 23,227 complete twin pairs, born 1928–1958, who were followed during 1993–2008. Data on DP, including diagnoses, were obtained from the National Social Insurance Agency. Within-pair similarity in liability to DP was assessed by calculating intraclass correlations. Genetic and environmental influences on liability to DP were estimated by applying discrete-time frailty modeling.


During follow-up, 7,669 individuals were granted DP (18.8% women and 14.1% men). Intraclass correlations were generally higher in MZ pairs than DZ pairs, while DZ same-sexed pairs were more similar than opposite-sexed pairs. The best-fitting model indicated that genetic factors contributed 49% (95% CI: 39–59) to the variance in DP due to mental diagnoses, 35% (95% CI: 29–41) due to musculoskeletal diagnoses, and 27% (95% CI: 20–33) due to all other diagnoses. In both sexes, genetic effects common to all ages explained one-third, whereas age-specific factors almost two-thirds, of the total variance in liability to DP irrespective of diagnosis. Sex differences in liability to DP were indicated, in that partly different sets of genes were found to operate in women and men, even though the magnitude of genetic variance explained was equal for both sexes.


The findings of the study suggest that genetic effects are important for liability to DP due to different diagnoses. Moreover, genetic contributions to liability to DP tend to differ between women and men, even though the overall relative contribution of genetic influences does not differ by sex. Hence, the pathways leading to DP might differ between women and men.  相似文献   

Twin studies of BMI on the basis of Asian twins are extremely rare. Eight hundred eighty-eight pairs of twins [279 monozygotic (MZ) and 82 dizygotic (DZ) pairs of male twins, 319 MZ and 82 DZ pairs of female twins, and 126 opposite-sex pairs of DZ twins] completed items concerning height and weight through a mail and a telephone survey. A general sex-limitation model was applied to the data. Heritability estimate was greater among women than among men. However, there was little evidence of sex-specific genes. Under the best-fitting model, additive genetic variances were 82% [95% confidence interval (CI): 72% to 95%] for men and 87% (95% CI: 77% to 99%) for women; shared environmental variances were negligible in both men and women. These estimates of genetic and environmental factors in BMI found among South Korean adolescent twins were broadly in the range of those reported in previous studies of BMI based on Western twin samples.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to investigate the importance of genetic and environmental effects in the variation of body mass index, and to investigate linkage for obesity to previously reported candidate regions on chromosome 2 and 10. A sample of 1422 twin pairs from the population based Swedish Twin Registry was used in order to estimate the genetic and environmental effects in the variation of body mass index by means of structural equation modeling. A selection of those, 51 concordant and 155 discordant for obesity, was used for the linkage analysis by implementing the "combined" Haseman-Elston approach. Heritability of body mass index ranged from 59-70%, implying that genetic effects were of importance for the variation of obesity, and there were significant sex and age differences. Linkage could not be verified in candidate regions of chromosomes 2 and 10, indicating that these genetic variants have a significant effect in extreme obese populations rather than in moderately obese Caucasians. However, the results were sensitive to issues related to power, minor effects of the genes, ethnic differences and the complex mechanism underlying obesity.  相似文献   

We examined sex differences in familial resemblance for a broad range of behavioral, psychiatric and health related phenotypes (122 complex traits) in children and adults. There is a renewed interest in the importance of genotype by sex interaction in, for example, genome-wide association (GWA) studies of complex phenotypes. If different genes play a role across sex, GWA studies should consider the effect of genetic variants separately in men and women, which affects statistical power. Twin and family studies offer an opportunity to compare resemblance between opposite-sex family members to the resemblance between same-sex relatives, thereby presenting a test of quantitative and qualitative sex differences in the genetic architecture of complex traits. We analyzed data on lifestyle, personality, psychiatric disorder, health, growth, development and metabolic traits in dizygotic (DZ) same-sex and opposite-sex twins, as these siblings are perfectly matched for age and prenatal exposures. Sample size varied from slightly over 300 subjects for measures of brain function such as EEG power to over 30,000 subjects for childhood psychopathology and birth weight. For most phenotypes, sample sizes were large, with an average sample size of 9027 individuals. By testing whether the resemblance in DZ opposite-sex pairs is the same as in DZ same-sex pairs, we obtain evidence for genetic qualitative sex-differences in the genetic architecture of complex traits for 4% of phenotypes. We conclude that for most traits that were examined, the current evidence is that same the genes are operating in men and women.  相似文献   

We assessed interactions between polymorphisms in the β‐adrenergic receptor genes and longitudinal changes in obesity from childhood to adulthood using longitudinal data collected over a 24‐year period from 1973 to 1996. Sex‐ and age‐stratified analyses using random coefficients models were used to examine gene—gene interaction effects on obesity measures in 1179 African‐American and white men and women (71% white, 57% women). Suggestive evidence for an interaction (p = 0.022) between the β1‐ and β2‐adrenergic receptors was observed in men for longitudinal change in BMI. Men with Gly/Gly genotypes for both the β1 and β2 receptors showed significant increases (~0.6%/yr) in BMI from childhood to adulthood. Women showed suggestive evidence for an interaction (p = 0.035) between the β1‐ and β3‐adrenergic receptors for change over time in BMI. Women with Gly/Gly genotypes at the β1‐receptor and carrying at least one β3‐Arg allele showed notable increases in BMI. The regulation of lipolysis and development of obesity differ markedly between men and women and may be influenced by genetic polymorphisms, which contribute to the efficiency of the β‐adrenergic receptors, and hormonal effects on adrenergic receptor activity.  相似文献   

A major component of variation in body height is due to genetic differences, but environmental factors have a substantial contributory effect. In this study we aimed to analyse whether the genetic architecture of body height varies between affluent western societies. We analysed twin data from eight countries comprising 30,111 complete twin pairs by using the univariate genetic model of the Mx statistical package. Body height and zygosity were self-reported in seven populations and measured directly in one population. We found that there was substantial variation in mean body height between countries; body height was least in Italy (177 cm in men and 163 cm in women) and greatest in the Netherlands (184 cm and 171 cm, respectively). In men there was no corresponding variation in heritability of body height, heritability estimates ranging from 0.87 to 0.93 in populations under an additive genes/unique environment (AE) model. Among women the heritability estimates were generally lower than among men with greater variation between countries, ranging from 0.68 to 0.84 when an additive genes/shared environment/unique environment (ACE) model was used. In four populations where an AE model fit equally well or better, heritability ranged from 0.89 to 0.93. This difference between the sexes was mainly due to the effect of the shared environmental component of variance, which appears to be more important among women than among men in our study populations. Our results indicate that, in general, there are only minor differences in the genetic architecture of height between affluent Caucasian populations, especially among men.  相似文献   

The complex interplay between genes and environment affecting body mass gain over lifecycle periods of risk is not well understood. We use longitudinal sibling cohort data to examine the role of shared household environment, additive genetic, and shared genetic effects on BMI and BMI change. In the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, siblings and twin pairs sharing households for ≥10 years as adolescents (N = 5,524; mean = 16.5 ± 1.7 years) were followed into young adulthood (N = 4,368; mean = 22.4 ± 1.8 years). Using a variance component approach, we quantified genetic and household effects on BMI in siblings and nonsiblings sharing household environments over time. Adjusting for race, age, sex, and age‐by‐sex interaction, we detected a heritability of 0.43 ± 0.05 for BMI change. Significant household effects were noted during the young adulthood period only (0.11 ± 0.06). We find evidence for shared genetic effects between BMI and BMI change during adolescence (genetic correlation (ρG) = 0.61 ± 0.03) and young adulthood (ρG = 0.23 ± 0.06). Our findings support a complex etiology of BMI and BMI change.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the heritability of self-reported body-height in two Finnish twin cohorts were studied by using sex-limitation models. The first cohort was born in 1938-1949 (N = 4873 twin pairs) and the second in 1975-1979 (N = 2374 twin pairs). Body-height was greater in the younger cohort (difference of 3.1 cm for men and 2.9 cm for women). The heritability estimates were higher among men (h2 = 0.87 in the older cohort and h2 = 0.82 in the younger cohort) than women (h2 = 0.78 and h2 = 0.67, respectively). Sex-specific genetic factors were not statistically significant in either cohort, suggesting that the same genes contribute to variation in body height for both men and women. The stronger contribution of environmental factors to body-height among women questions the hypothesis that women are better buffered against environmental stress, at least for this phenotype.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Quantitative genetic studies revealed that not all of the phenotypic variance in PTC taste perception is heritable. AIM: To study quantitative variations in PTC tasting ability in twins and to estimate heritability of PTC taste perception on the taste of twin data on males and females sexes separately. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The data for PTC taste sensitivity following the classic method of Harris & Kalmus (1949) were collected on a sample of 141 twin pairs (66 MZ and 75 DZ) and 275 singletons (128 males and 147 females) from Chandigarh, India. Genetic analyses were performed following Christian (1979), Donner (1986) and Sham (1998). RESULTS: Frequency of non-tasters was similar in twins (33 %) and singletons (32 %), but significant sex differences were observed. No differences were found between zygosities for mean thresholds. Similarly, no evidence of variance heterogeneity and environmental covariance was seen between zygosities. Since no basic assumption of the twin method was found violated, within-pair estimates of genetic variance would be unbiased. These estimates were highly significant in both males and females. However, dominance and additive components of genetic variance were found to differ between sexes. CONCLUSION: PTC thresholds do not seem to be significantly affected by environmental factors as no variance inequality was observed between twin zygosities. Intensity of bitterness (scalar dimensions) of PTC is a separate trait having no commonality with the genetic basis of recognition threshold for PTC tasting ability. The receptors recognizing bitter taste are different from the receptors determining intensity of taste. The absolute difference between co-twins in PTC thresholds can be used as a simple tool in the twin zygosity diagnosis. The results show that none of the MZ co-twins had manifested difference of more than 3 in their PTC threshold.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of genes and environment on the variation of apolipoprotein and lipid levels, which are important intermediate phenotypes in the pathways toward cardiovascular disease. Heritability estimates are presented, including those for apolipoprotein E and AII levels which have rarely been reported before. We studied twin samples from the Netherlands (two cohorts; n = 160 pairs, aged 13-22 and n = 204 pairs, aged 34-62), Australia (n = 1362 pairs, aged 28-92) and Sweden (n = 302 pairs, aged 42-88). The variation of apolipoprotein and lipid levels depended largely on the influences of additive genetic factors in each twin sample. There was no significant evidence for the influence of common environment. No sex differences in heritability estimates for any phenotype in any of the samples were observed. Heritabilities ranged from 0.48-0.87, with most heritabilities exceeding 0.60. The heritability estimates in the Dutch samples were significantly higher than in the Australian sample. The heritabilities for the Swedish were intermediate to the Dutch and the Australian samples and not significantly different from the heritabilities in these other two samples. Although sample specific effects are present, we have shown that genes play a major role in determining the variance of apolipoprotein and lipid levels in four independent twin samples from three different countries.  相似文献   

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