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The reproductive mode of facultative parthenogens allows recessive mutations that accumulate during the asexual phase to be unmasked following sexual reproduction. Longer periods of asexual reproduction should increase the accumulation of deleterious mutations within individuals, reduce population-level genetic diversity via competition and increase the probability of mating among close relatives. Having documented that the investment in sexual reproduction differs among populations and clones of Daphnia pulicaria , we ask if this variation is predictive of the level of inbreeding depression across populations. In four lake populations that vary in sex investment, we raised multiple families (mother, field-produced daughter, laboratory-produced daughter) on high food and estimated the fitness reduction in both sexually produced offspring relative to the maternal genotype. Inbred individuals had lower fitness than their field-produced siblings. The magnitude of fitness reduction in inbred offspring increased as population-level investment in sex decreased. However, there was less of a fitness reduction following sex in the field-produced daughters, suggesting that many field-collected mothers were involved in outcross mating.  相似文献   

Limited availability of mating partners has been proposed as an explanation for the occurrence of simultaneous hermaphroditism in animals with pair mating. When low population density or low mobility of a species limits the number of potential mates, simultaneous hermaphrodites may have a selective advantage because, first, they are able to adjust the allocation of resources between male and female functions in order to maximize fitness; second, in a hermaphroditic population the likelihood of meeting a partner is higher because all individuals are potential mates; and, third, in the absence of mating partners, many simultaneously hermaphroditic animals have the option of reproducing through self-fertilization. Recognizing that mate availability is central to the existing theory of hermaphroditism in animals, it is important to examine the effects of mate search on predictions of the stability of hermaphroditism. Many hermaphroditic animals can increase the number of potential mates they contact by active searching. However, since mate search has costs in terms of time and energy, the increased number of potential mates will be traded off against the amount of resources that can be allocated to the production of gametes. We explore the consequences of this trade-off to the evolution of mating strategies and to the selective advantage of self-fertilization. We show that in low and moderate population densities, poor mate-search efficiency and high costs of searching stabilize hermaphroditism and bias sex allocation toward female function. In addition, in very low population densities, there is strong selective advantage for self-fertilization, but this advantage decreases considerably in species with high mate-search efficiency. Most important, however, we present a novel evolutionary prediction: when mate search is efficient, disruptive frequency-dependent selection on time allocation to mate search leads to the evolution of searching and nonsearching phenotypes and, ultimately, to the evolution of males and females.  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic traits often signal the fitness benefits an individual can provide to potential mates. In species with altricial young, these signals may also predict the level of parental care an individual is expected to provide to shared offspring. In this study, we tested three hypotheses that traditionally relate sexually dimorphic traits to parental care in two populations of North American barn swallows Hirundo rustica erythrogaster. The good parent hypothesis predicts a positive relationship between an individual's ornamentation and his or her care whereas the differential allocation (more care given by individuals when paired to high quality mates) and reproductive compensation (more care given by individuals when paired to low quality mates) hypotheses predict that an individual's level of parental investment is relative to the quality of their mate. Male and female North American barn swallows have colorful ventral feathers and elongated tail streamers, but there is evidence that ventral color, not tail streamer length, predicts measures of seasonal reproductive success. Accounting for the positive correlation between within‐pair feeding rates and other potentially confounding variables in all of our models, we found no support for the good parent hypothesis because in both males and females, traits shown to be under sexual selection did not predict feeding rates in either sex. However, our data reveal that male coloration, and not streamer length, predicted a female's provisioning rate to shared offspring (females fed more when paired with darker individuals) in two separate populations, supporting the differential allocation, but not the reproductive compensation hypothesis. Because genetic traits have also been shown to affect parental investment, we evaluated this variable as well and found that a male's paternity did not have significant effects on either male or female feeding rates. Overall, our results suggest that females do not pair with darker males in order to gain direct benefits in terms of his expected levels of parental care to shared offspring, but do themselves invest greater levels of care when paired to darker males. Further, our results are consistent with previous studies which suggest that ventral feather color, not streamer length, is a target of sexual selection in North American populations of barn swallow because females invested more in their offspring when paired to darker mates.  相似文献   

Organisms reproducing by cyclical parthenogenesis combine the benefits of both sexual and asexual reproduction within the same life cycle. Few studies have examined the evolution of variation in the pattern of investment in parthenogenetic compared to sexual reproduction. Seven clones of Daphnia pulex (Crustacea: Cladocera) varying in allocation to sexual reproduction, as measured by the production of males, were raised in isolation and together in a microcosm to study the pattern of sexual reproduction and the effect of this variation on clone fitness. Sex allocation for clones raised together a microcosm was similar to their allocation when raised in isolation, suggesting a genetic basis to the variation. Three clones showed a cost of producing males that lead to their extinction after about 30 days due to the lack of females required for the clones to persist by parthenogenetic reproduction. The remaining four clones persisted until the end of the 72-day experiment. Clones with little or no allocation to males showed no increased allocation to sexual females. The seven clones showed a greater variation in estimated fitness through male and female function than in total estimated fitness. The clone with the greatest total fitness gained most of its fitness through male function but also had a relatively high fitness through female function. Although one clone produced only females it had the next highest fitness. The three clones that went extinct because of a high investment in males had estimated fitness as high as some clones that persisted in the microcosm because of a higher investment in parthenogenetic reproduction. The similarity in total fitness among clones suggests that Daphnia pulex populations in temporary habitats maintain a sex polymorphism where different genotypes vary-in functional gender ranging from female to primarily male.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-dependent mating preferences have been observed across vertebrate taxa and these preferences are expected to promote offspring disease resistance and ultimately, viability. However, little empirical evidence linking MHC-dependent mate choice and fitness is available, particularly in wild populations. Here, we explore the adaptive potential of previously observed patterns of MHC-dependent mate choice in a wild population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Québec, Canada, by examining the relationship between MHC genetic variation and adult reproductive success and offspring survival over 3 years of study. While Atlantic salmon choose their mates in order to increase MHC diversity in offspring, adult reproductive success was in fact maximized between pairs exhibiting an intermediate level of MHC dissimilarity. Moreover, patterns of offspring survival between years 0+ and 1+, and 1+ and 2+ and population genetic structure at the MHC locus relative to microsatellite loci indicate that strong temporal variation in selection is likely to be operating on the MHC. We interpret MHC-dependent mate choice for diversity as a likely bet-hedging strategy that maximizes parental fitness in the face of temporally variable and unpredictable natural selection pressures.  相似文献   

Summary In the present paper we distinguish between two aspects of sexual reproduction. Genetic recombination is a universal features of the sexual process. It is a primitive condition found in simple, single-celled organisms, as well as in higher plants and animals. Its function is primarily to repair genetic damage and eliminate deleterious mutations. Recombination also produces new variation, however, and this can provide the basis for adaptive evolutionary change in spatially and temporally variable environments.The other feature usually associated with sexual reproduction, differentiated male and female roles, is a derived condition, largely restricted to complex, diploid, multicellular organisms. The evolution of anisogamous gametes (small, mobile male gametes containing only genetic material, and large, relatively immobile female gametes containing both genetic material and resources for the developing offspring) not only established the fundamental basis for maleness and femaleness, it also led to an asymmetry between the sexes in the allocation of resources to mating and offspring. Whereas females allocate their resources primarily to offspring, the existence of many male gametes for each female one results in sexual selection on males to allocate their resources to traits that enhance success in competition for fertilizations. A consequence of this reproductive competition, higher variance in male than female reproductive success, results in more intense selection on males.The greater response of males to both stabilizing and directional selection constitutes an evolutionary advantage of males that partially compensates for the cost of producing them. The increased fitness contributed by sexual selection on males will complement the advantages of genetic recombination for DNA repair and elimination of deleterious mutations in any outcrossing breeding system in which males contribute only genetic material to their offspring. Higher plants and animals tend to maintain sexual reproduction in part because of the enhanced fitness of offspring resulting from sexual selection at the level of individual organisms, and in part because of the superiority of sexual populations in competition with asexual clones.  相似文献   

The differential allocation hypothesis predicts that females should invest more in reproduction when paired with attractive males. We measured egg volume in Cape sugarbirds (Promerops cafer), a sexually dimorphic passerine, in relation to paternity of the offspring and in response to an experimental tail length treatment. We manipulated tail length, after pair formation, but before egg laying: males had their tails either shortened or left unmanipulated. Our manipulation was designed to affect female allocation in a particular breeding attempt rather than long‐term mate choice: males with shortened tails would appear to be signalling at a lower level than they should given their quality. We found that egg volume was smaller in the nests of males with experimentally shortened tails but larger when the offspring were the result of extra‐pair matings. Both these findings are consistent with the differential allocation hypothesis. We suggest that tail length may be used by females as a cue for mate quality, eliciting reduced female investment when breeding with social mates; and with males with shortened tails.  相似文献   

Environmental effects on the evolution of mating systems are increasingly discussed, but we lack many examples of how environmental conditions affect the expression and consequences of alternative mating systems. Variation in mate availability sets up a trade-off between reproductive assurance and inbreeding depression, but the consequences of both mate limitation and inbreeding may depend on other environmental conditions. Predation risk is common under natural conditions, and known to affect allocation to reproduction, but we know little about the effects of isolation and inbreeding under predation risk. We reared selfed and outcrossed hermaphroditic freshwater snails (Physa acuta) in four environments (predator cues present or absent crossed with mating partners available or not) and quantified life-history traits and cumulative lifetime fitness. Our results confirm that isolation from mates can increase longevity and growth, resulting in higher lifetime fecundity. Thus, we observed no evidence for mate limitation of reproduction. However, reproduction under isolation (i.e., selfing) resulted in inbreeding depression, which should counteract the benefits of selfing. Inbreeding depression in fitness occurred in both predator and no-predator environments, but there was no overall change in inbreeding depression with predator cues. This represents, to our knowledge, the first empirical estimate of the effect of predation risk on inbreeding depression in an animal. Cumulative fitness was most influenced by early survival and especially early fecundity. As predation risk and inbreeding (both ancestral and due to a lack of mates) reduced early fecundity, these effect are predicted to have important contributions to population growth under natural conditions. Therefore life-history plasticity (e.g., delayed reproduction) is likely to be very important to overall fitness.  相似文献   

Using treatments that mimic high and low availability of reproductive males, it was found that female three‐spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus, previously shown to adjust their mate choices when male mates were rare, did not alter their reproductive investment strategies. These results suggest that plasticity in investment is perhaps limited by physiological requirements or dependent on relatively extreme mate availability regimes. The probability of becoming reproductive, number of clutches per season (per female), initial clutch size and mass and the timing of reproduction were all independent of the experience a female had with mate availability. This suggests that pre‐copulatory plasticity in reproductive strategies may contribute more to variation in the strength and direction of sexual selection than reproductive investment in offspring.  相似文献   

Mating between related individuals results in inbreeding depression, and this has been thought to select against incestuous matings. However, theory predicts that inbreeding can also be adaptive if it increases the representation of genes identical by descent in future generations. Here, I recapitulate the theory of inclusive fitness benefits of incest, and extend the existing theory by deriving the stable level of inbreeding in populations practicing mate choice for optimal inbreeding. The parsimonious assumptions of the model are that selection maximizes inclusive fitness, and that inbreeding depression is a linear function of homozygosity of offspring. The stable level of inbreeding that maximizes inclusive fitness, and is expected to evolve by natural selection, is shown to be less than previous theory suggests. For wide range of realistic inbreeding depression strengths, mating with intermediately related individuals maximizes inclusive fitness. The predicted preference for intermediately related individuals as reproductive partners is in qualitative agreement with empirical evidence from mate choice experiments and reproductive patterns in nature.  相似文献   

In human societies, parents often have a strong influence on the mate choice of their offspring. Moreover, empirical studies show that conflict over mate choice between parents and offspring is widespread across human cultures. Here we provide the first theoretical investigation into this conflict, showing that it may result from an underlying evolutionary conflict over parental resource distribution. We present a series of evolutionary simulations in which we gradually expand a standard model of sexual selection by the stepwise addition of elements of parental involvement. In our model, females obtain resources enhancing their fecundity from both their chosen mate and their parents. Potential mates differ in their ability to provide resources and may signal this ability. Both females and their parents can develop a preference for the signal, with both preferences influencing the realized mate choice of the female. Parents may differentially allocate resources among their daughters depending on the resource-provisioning abilities of their sons-in-law. When fecundity returns on investment are diminishing, we find that parents invest most in daughters whose mates provide few resources. Subsequently, the daughters evolve to exploit this allocation rule through their mate choice, which is not in the parents' best interests. This results in a conflict over mate choice between parents and their offspring, manifested as an on-going divergence of offspring and parental preferences. We predict that the conflict should be most pronounced when fathers, as opposed to mothers, control resource allocation.  相似文献   

Despite the severe fitness costs associated with sexual reproduction, its persistence and pervasiveness among multicellular organisms testifies to its intrinsic, short-term advantages. However, the reproductive assurance hypothesis predicts selection favoring asexual reproduction in sparse populations and when mate finding is difficult. Difficulties in finding mates is especially common in parasites, whose life cycles involve multiple hosts, or being released from the host into the external environment where the parasite can find itself trapped without a sexual partner. To solve this problem and guarantee reproduction, parasites in numerous phyla have evolved reproductive strategies, as predicted by the reproductive assurance hypothesis, such as hermaphroditism or parthenogenesis. However, this type of strategy has not been reported from species in the phylum Nematomorpha, whose populations have often been described as sparse. A new Nematomorpha species, Paragordius obamai n. sp., was discovered from Kenya, Africa, and appears to have solved the problem of being trapped without a mate by eliminating the need for males. Paragordius obamai n. sp. represents the first and only known species within this phylum to reproduce asexually. To determine the mechanism of this mating strategy, we ruled out the involvement of reproduction manipulating endosymbionts by use of next generation sequencing data, thus suggesting that parthenogenesis is determined genetically and may have evolved as a means to assure reproduction. Since this new parthenogenetic species and a closely related gonochoristic North American congener, P. varius, are easy to propagate in the laboratory, these gordiids can be used as model systems to test hypotheses on the genetic advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction and the genetic determinants of reproductive strategies in parasites.  相似文献   

Evolution as a critical component of plankton dynamics   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Microevolution is typically ignored as a factor directly affecting ongoing population dynamics. We show here that density-dependent natural selection has a direct and measurable effect on a planktonic predator-prey interaction. We kept populations of Brachionus calyciflorus, a monogonont rotifer that exhibits cyclical parthenogenesis, in continuous flow-through cultures (chemostats) for more than 900 days. Initially, females frequently produced male offspring, especially at high population densities. We observed rapid evolution, however, towards low propensity to reproduce sexually, and by 750 days, reproduction had become entirely asexual. There was strong selection favouring asexual reproduction because, under the turbulent chemostat regime, males were unable to mate with females, produced no offspring, and so had zero fitness. In replicated chemostat experiments we found that this evolutionary process directly influenced the population dynamics. We observed very specific but reproducible plankton dynamics which are explained well by a mathematical model that explicitly includes evolution. This model accounts for both asexual and sexual reproduction and treats the propensity to reproduce sexually as a quantitative trait under selection. We suggest that a similar amalgam of ecological and evolutionary mechanisms may drive the dynamics of rapidly reproducing organisms in the wild.  相似文献   

In many animals, males can generally increase their fitness by mating with many mates, but females cannot produce more offspring than the number of their eggs. In spite of this restriction, females often mate with more than one male. In species without any male-provided resource benefits, females are thought to obtain some `genetic benefits' from males that enhance offspring quality. The evolution of female multiple mating is often confused with the issue of female mate choice, but mate choice is actually possible in the single-mating situation. Therefore, we still need to explain the possible advantage of multiple mating over single mating.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory for separate-sexed animals predicts that the sexes differ in the benefit they can obtain from multiple mating. Conventional sex roles assume that the relationship between the number of mates and the fitness of an individual is steeper in males compared with females. Under these conditions, males are expected to be more eager to mate, whereas females are expected to be choosier. Here we hypothesize that the sex allocation, i.e. the reproductive investment devoted to the male versus female function, can be an important predictor of the mating strategy in simultaneous hermaphrodites. We argue that within-species variation in sex allocation can cause differences in the proportional fitness gain derived through each sex function. Individuals should therefore adjust their mating strategy in a way that is more beneficial to the sex function that is relatively more pronounced. To test this, we experimentally manipulated the sex allocation in a simultaneously hermaphroditic flatworm and investigated whether this affects the mating behaviour. The results demonstrate that individuals with a more male-biased sex allocation (i.e. relatively large testes and small ovaries) are more eager to mate compared with individuals with a more female-biased sex allocation (i.e. relatively small testes and large ovaries). We argue that this pattern is comparable to conventional gender roles in separate-sexed organisms.  相似文献   

If sex is naturally selected as a way to combat parasites, then sexual selection for disease resistance might increase the overall strength of selection for outcrossing. In the present study, we compared how two forms of mate choice affect the evolutionary stability of outcrossing in simultaneous hermaphrodites. In the first form, individuals preferred to mate with uninfected individuals (condition-dependent choice). In the second form, individuals preferred to mate with individuals that shared the least number of alleles in common at disease-resistance loci. The comparisons were made using individual-based computer simulations in which we varied parasite virulence, parasite transmission rate, and the rate of deleterious mutation at 500 viability loci. We found that alleles controlling both forms of mate choice spread when rare, but their effects on the evolutionary stability of sex were markedly different. Surprisingly, condition-dependent choice for uninfected mates had little effect on the evolutionary stability of sexual reproduction. In contrast, active choice for mates having different alleles at disease-resistance loci had a pronounced positive effect, especially under low rates of deleterious mutation. Based on these results, we suggest that mate choice that increases the genetic diversity of offspring can spread when rare in a randomly mating population, and, as an indirect consequence, increase the range of conditions under which sexual reproduction is evolutionarily stable.  相似文献   

Maternal effects can significantly impact offspring performance. Provisioning of offspring with energy stores can quantitatively alter their growth rates, survivorship, and future fecundity, and influence population regulatory mechanisms. In this paper, we show that maternal effects can also qualitatively affect offspring reproduction (i.e. their mode of reproduction). The freshwater herbivore Daphnia pulex can change the amount of energy allocated between asexual and ephippial egg production. Our experiments on individuals, experiencing “step‐up” or “step‐down” food manipulations, reveal that offspring qualitatively shift their energy allocation away from asexual reproduction to ephippial egg production when there is a simple mismatch between maternal and offspring food environments. We show that the response is asymmetric with respect to changes in food level, ephippial egg production is higher with a greater mismatch between environments, and that the effect can be observed in dynamic experimental populations. These results point to a “generational memory” that could challenge our interpretation of field patterns and mechanisms influencing population dynamics in Daphnia–algal systems.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of fitness reduction associated with inbreeding is still poorly understood. Here we use associations between allozyme genotypes and fitness to investigate the genetic basis of inbreeding depression in experimental outdoor populations of the water flea, Daphnia magna. In Daphnia, a phase of clonal reproduction follows hatching from sexually produced resting eggs, and changes in genotype frequencies during the clonal phase can be used to estimate fitness. Our experiment resembles natural colonization of ponds in that single clones colonize an empty pool, expand asexually and produce sexual offspring by selfing (sisters mate with their clonal brothers). These offspring diapause and form populations consisting of selfed sibships in the following spring. In 12 of 13 experimental populations, genotypes of selfed hatchlings after diapause conformed to Mendelian expectations. During the subsequent ca. 10 asexual generations, however, genotype frequencies changed significantly at 19 of 27 single loci studied within populations, mostly in favour of heterozygotes, with heterozygosity at multiple loci affecting the change in genotype frequency multiplicatively. Because variance in heterozygosity among siblings at a given marker reflects only heterozygosity in the chromosomal region around this marker, our results suggest that selection at fitness-associated loci in the chromosomal regions near the markers were responsible for these changes. The genotype frequency changes were more consistent with selection acting on linked loci than on the allozymes themselves. Taken together, the evidence for abundant selection in the chromosomal regions of the markers and the fact that changes in genotype frequencies became apparent only after several generations of clonal selection, point to a genetic load consisting of many alleles of small or intermediate effects, which is consistent with the strong genetic differentiation and repeated genetic bottlenecks in the metapopulation from which the animals for this study were obtained.  相似文献   

Populations of Allium vineale commonly include individuals with very different allocation patterns to three modes of reproduction: sexual flowers, aerially produced asexual bulbils, and belowground asexual offsets. If selection is currently acting to maintain these different allocation patterns there must be a genetic basis for variation in allocation to these three reproductive modes. In addition, negative genetic correlations between reproductive traits would imply evolutionary trade-offs among reproductive strategies. We evaluated the heritability of these allocation patterns by growing 16 clones from a single population in the greenhouse at two levels of fertilization. Bulb mass and the mass and number of bulbils, offsets, and flowers were used as response variables, in addition to the proportion allocated to each reproductive mode. We found evidence of substantial heritable variation in allocation to sexual reproduction and in allocation within the two modes of asexual reproduction, indicating high sensitivity of these allocation patterns to natural selection. We also found evidence of strong negative genetic correlations between bulbil and flower traits, as well as between bulbil and offset traits, with one group of genotypes allocating greater resources to aerial asexual bulbils and the second group allocating more resources to belowground asexual offsets and aerial flowers. Phenotypic plasticity in allocation to above- vs. belowground asexual reproduction and sexual vs. asexual aerial reproduction was limited, indicating that plants are unlikely to change reproductive mode in response to nutrient availability. Together, then, we have demonstrated strong heritability for, and trade-offs in, the reproductive allocation patterns within this plant population.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) plays a crucial role in the immune system, and in some species, it is a target by which individuals choose mates to optimize the fitness of their offspring, potentially mediated by olfactory cues. Under the genetic compatibility hypothesis, individuals are predicted to choose mates with compatible MHC alleles, to increase the fitness of their offspring. Studies of MHC‐based mate choice in wild mammals are under‐represented currently, and few investigate more than one class of MHC genes. We investigated mate choice based on the compatibility of MHC class I and II genes in a wild population of European badgers (Meles meles). We also investigated mate choice based on microsatellite‐derived pairwise relatedness, to attempt to distinguish MHC‐specific effects from genomewide effects. We found MHC‐assortative mating, based on MHC class II, but not class I genes. Parent pairs had smaller MHC class II DRB amino acid distances and smaller functional distances than expected from random pairings. When we separated the analyses into within‐group and neighbouring‐group parent pairs, only neighbouring‐group pairs showed MHC‐assortative mating, due to similarity at MHC class II loci. Our randomizations showed no evidence of genomewide‐based inbreeding, based on 35 microsatellite loci; MHC class II similarity was therefore the apparent target of mate choice. We propose that MHC‐assortative mate choice may be a local adaptation to endemic pathogens, and this assortative mate choice may have contributed to the low MHC genetic diversity in this population.  相似文献   

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