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提出一种用动脉内轴流泵进行左心辅助的新设想棗动力性主动脉瓣. "动力性主动脉瓣"的基本设计思想是将一推进叶轮植入到主动脉瓣的位置, 由体外提供的电磁场驱动, 根据输入功率的不同分别发挥机械性瓣膜或辅助性血泵两种不同的功能. 该装置采用了轴流泵和机械性心脏瓣膜的结构和工作原理. 由固定于磁性转子上的推进叶轮和起支承作用的刚性支架笼组成. 磁性转子和叶轮构成"转子-叶轮体", 此"转子-叶轮体"由动脉壁外的交变磁场提供动力, 磁场源可设置于体外. 制作了动力瓣的样机, 并在模拟回路中进行了测试. 在12 600 r/min的条件下, 后负荷为100 mmHg (1 mmHg = 1.333 22×102 Pa)时, 流量达5 L/min. 动力瓣可维持的最高压差为147 mmHg. 此研究结果初步表明动力瓣设想的可行性.  相似文献   

目的建立可用于搏动型心室辅助装置动物实验的大动物模型。方法选取实验动物小尾寒羊3只,麻醉后建立动静脉通路,左侧开胸建立体外循环,心脏诱颤,心尖部打孔缝合心尖插管,降主动脉缝合主动脉插管,连接DPVAD,启动驱动器,观察血泵运转情况和实验动物情况。结果血泵运转良好,血泵随驱动器正压负压驱动血液单向流动。同时动物左心室负荷减轻,动脉血压升高。结论建立搏动型心室辅助装置的大动物模型对于进行国产化心室辅助装置的研发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

生物体内的泵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺耀德 《生物学通报》2002,37(10):24-24
在人体内有多种多样的泵 ,肌泵主要包括血泵、呼吸泵和骨骼肌泵。血泵是指心泵 ,由心肌的舒缩来体现其功能。心泵是血液循环系统的 1个动力装置 ,它的功能是将压力比较低处的静脉血泵至压力比较高的动脉中去。心泵所完成的工作量是非常惊人的 ,一侧心室每次泵出的血液约 70 m L,心跳频率以每分钟 75次计算 ,那么 1个寿命为 75岁的人 ,他的心脏一生泵出的血液可达 2亿 L。假如人的心脏泵血停止 ,死亡便随之到来。呼吸泵是指呼吸肌的运动。呼吸肌的舒缩引起胸廓的扩大和缩小 ,继而引起肺的扩张和回缩 ,导致了肺内压与大气压的压差 ,推动了气…  相似文献   

可植入式心室辅助装置动物模型的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨建立可植入式心室辅助装置研究的实验动物模型。方法选取体质量120-180 kg小公牛7只,常规全麻后左侧第4肋间开胸,建立体外循环,体外循环辅助下诱颤后,植入自主研发的国产可植入式心室辅助装置(DIVAD,domestic-made implantable ventricular assist device),DIVAD机械性能参数接近国际同类产品,泵尺寸29.5mm×72 mm,重量158 g,体外转速可达9000 r/min,流量可达8 L/min,整合流量计,并可通过体外控制器监测控制。DIVAD连接左室及降主动脉,转速3500-8000 r/min左右,行左室辅助。术后撤除体外循环,持续监测动物生命体征及DIVAD运转情况。肝素静滴维持ACT在正常值1.5-2倍之间。结果7只小牛术后全部复跳,均能成功撤离体外循环辅助,最长存活时间超过93 h,最短存活时间0.5 h,平均存活时间20.28 h。结论小牛可以作为DIVAD研究的合适动物模型,其围手术期处理有相应特点,小牛DIVAD实验模型的建立对于进一步研究改进DIVAD有重要作用。  相似文献   

回顾与发展 自1982年春,THORATEC实验公司(THORATEC Laboratories Corporation)在美国食品和药品管理局的指导下,提出使用Thoratec VAD心室辅助装置(THORATEC Ventricular ASsist Device (VAD)System),不久该心室辅助装置又在欧洲推广。这种血泵的设计构思最初由美同Pennsylvania大学Dr.William Pierce和James  相似文献   

主动脉球囊反搏(IABP)是临床上一项极为有效的血流动力学支持手段,它是将一定容积的球囊放置于主动脉部位,球囊导管与体外压力泵相连,内部填充氦气,由体表心电图进行自动程序控制,使球囊充盈与排空限定在特定的时限。球囊充气发生在舒张压早期主动脉瓣刚刚关闭时,使主动脉内舒张压增高,提高冠状动脉的灌注,改善心肌供血。球囊排空发生在舒张压末期,主动脉瓣开放前的瞬间,降低左室射血阻抗,减低心脏的氧耗,使左室的每搏排血量和射血分数增高。但由于其术后并发症发生率为15%,其中11%为严重并发症,如栓塞、肢体缺血、全身感染等,加之术后长时间卧床制动易出现体位不适而致焦躁不安使IABP不能有效工作,因此细致全面的护理措施,能帮助病人减少并发症,顺利渡过置管期,尤其对急性心梗伴心源性休克的病人,可显著降低死亡率,同时提高抢救成功率。  相似文献   

人工心脏在近半个世纪的研制过程中,血泵的材料、结构、制作工艺、功能和使用寿命均有显著改进.出现了气动、电动、电液压等不同驱动方式,所产生的血流也更接近生理心脏。最新的微型血泵还可植入主动脉内.通过促进局部血流而达到辅助整体循环的效果。人工心脏的控制系统也达到了智能化。至今已有各种特性和功能的血泵先后研制成功。目前全人工心脏和心室辅助装置均已进入临床应用。既可作为心脏移植的过渡又可用于心衰病人的长期辅助以便自体心脏恢复功能。大量试验研究证实了人工心脏的安全性。总之.随着其功能不断完善人工心脏将在临床中产生重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的:实验观察左心室脱血回注循环辅助法对急性心肌梗死血流动力学的改善作用.方法:18只杂种犬分两组制作急性心肌梗死泵衰竭模型,治疗组给予左心室脱血回注循环辅助,对照组不进行治疗.观察比较两组间心律失常、死亡率、外周动脉压、肺动脉毛细血管楔嵌压(PCWP)、左心室舒张末期压(LVEDP)、左心室内径的变化.结果:治疗组室性期外收缩、心室纤颤发生率和死亡率显著低于对照组;对照组的外周动脉收缩压低于80 mmHg以下,治疗组维持在100mmHg以上(P<0.01);治疗组PCWP和LVEDP值在45 min以后的各时段低于对照组(P<0.01);治疗组的左室舒张末期内径小于对照组(P<0.01).结论:左心室脱血回注循环辅助法能够减少急性心肌梗死泵衰竭的心室纤颤发生率和死亡率,有显著改善血流动力学、防止梗死后心肌扩张和有效的左心室辅助作用.  相似文献   

腹主动脉旁瘤超声多普勒血流信号的仿真研究,可以为采用超声多普勒技术检测腹主动脉旁瘤的形成、生长过程和估计动脉旁瘤瘤体大小提供指导。先通过有限元数值计算方法得到稳恒流下腹主动脉旁瘤区域内的血液流场分布,然后采用余弦叠加的合成方法仿真出相应的超声多普勒血流信号,最后对仿真信号进行频谱分析,计算其平均频率,并研究它与腹主动脉旁瘤瘤体大小的关系。结果表明:当动脉旁瘤较小时,平均频率的幅度变化较小;当动脉旁瘤较大时,平均频率的幅度变化较大。因此,采用平均频率的幅度变化可以在一定程度上估计动脉旁瘤的瘤体大小。  相似文献   

目的:研究葡萄籽中原花青素(PA)对大鼠离体主动脉平滑肌收缩活动和兔血小板聚集的影响.方法:采用大鼠离体主动脉环灌流方法,记录主动脉环张力变化,观察PA对去甲肾上腺素(NA)和KCl预收缩大鼠离体主动脉平滑肌收缩反应的舒张作用以及对NA量效曲线的影响.比浊法测定兔血小板聚集.结果:PA能明显抑制NA(10-6mol/L)预收缩大鼠离体主动脉环的反应,使NA量效曲线压低,最大反应降低,此作用无内皮依赖性,但对KCl预收缩主动脉环的舒张作用无明显影响,也不影响花生四烯酸(AA),ADP和胶原(collagen)蛋白诱导的兔血小板聚集.结论:PA能对抗NA而不影响KCl诱导的大鼠离体主动脉平滑肌的收缩,不影响兔血小板聚集.  相似文献   

A variety of methods by which mechanical circulatory support (MCS) can be provided have been described. However, the haemodynamic benefits of the different methods have not been adequately quantified. The aim of this paper is to compare the haemodynamic effects of six forms of MCS by numerical simulation. Three types of ventricular assist device (VAD) are studied: positive displacement; impeller and a novel reciprocating-valve design. Similarly, three pumping modes are modelled: constant flow; counterpulsation and copulsation. The cardiovascular system is modelled using an approach developed previously, using the concentrated parameter method by considering flow resistance, vessel elasticity and inertial effects of blood in individual conduit segments. The dynamic modelling of displacement and impeller pumps is represented by VAD inlet/outlet flow-rate changes. The dynamics of the reciprocating-valve pump is modelled with a specified displacement profile. Results show that in each simulation, the physiological variables of mean arterial pressure and systemic flow are adequately maintained. Modulation of the impeller pump flow profile produces a small (5 mmHg) oscillatory component to arterial pressure, whereas the displacement and reciprocating-valve pumps generate substantial arterial pressure and flow pulsatility. The impeller pump requires the least power input, the reciprocating valve pump slightly more, and the displacement pump the most. The in parallel configuration of the impeller and displacement pump designs with respect to the left ventricle provides near complete unloading and can cause the aortic valve to remain closed throughout the entire cardiac cycle with the attendant risk of aortic valve leaflet fusion following prolonged support. The in series configuration of the reciprocating-valve pump avoids this shortcoming but activation must be carefully synchronized to the cardiac cycle to allow adequate coronary perfusion. The reciprocating-valve pump is associated with haemodynamic advantages and a favourable power consumption.  相似文献   

Rotary blood pumps have been researched as implantable ventricular assist devices for years. To further reduce the complex of implanted axial pumps, the authors proposed a new concept of intraaortic axial pump, termed previously as "dynamic aortic valve (DAV)". Instead of being driven by an intraaortic micro-electric motor, it was powered by a magnetic field from outside of body. To ensure the perfusion of coronary artery, the axial flow pump is to be implanted in the position of aortic valve. It could serve as either a blood pump or a mechanical valve depending on the power input. This research tested the feasibility of the new concept in model study. A column, made from permanent magnet, is jointed to an impeller in a concentric way to form a "rotor-impeller". Supported by a hanging shaft cantilevered in the center of a rigid cage, the rotor-impeller can be turned by the magnetic field in the surrounding space. In the present prototype, the rotor is 8 mm in diameter and 15 mm in length, the impeller ha  相似文献   

Aortic valve stenosis is associated with an elevated left ventricular pressure and transaortic pressure drop. Clinicians routinely use Doppler ultrasound to quantify aortic valve stenosis severity by estimating this pressure drop from blood velocity. However, this method approximates the peak pressure drop, and is unable to quantify the partial pressure recovery distal to the valve. As pressure drops are flow dependent, it remains difficult to assess the true significance of a stenosis for low-flow low-gradient patients. Recent advances in segmentation techniques enable patient-specific Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations of flow through the aortic valve. In this work a simulation framework is presented and used to analyze data of 18 patients. The ventricle and valve are reconstructed from 4D Computed Tomography imaging data. Ventricular motion is extracted from the medical images and used to model ventricular contraction and corresponding blood flow through the valve. Simplifications of the framework are assessed by introducing two simplified CFD models: a truncated time-dependent and a steady-state model. Model simplifications are justified for cases where the simulated pressure drop is above 10 mmHg. Furthermore, we propose a valve resistance index to quantify stenosis severity from simulation results. This index is compared to established metrics for clinical decision making, i.e. blood velocity and valve area. It is found that velocity measurements alone do not adequately reflect stenosis severity. This work demonstrates that combining 4D imaging data and CFD has the potential to provide a physiologically relevant diagnostic metric to quantify aortic valve stenosis severity.  相似文献   

In presence of aortic stenosis, a jet is produced downstream of the aortic valve annulus during systole. The vena contracta corresponds to the location where the cross-sectional area of the flow jet is minimal. The maximal transvalvular pressure gradient (TPGmax) is the difference between the static pressure in the left ventricle and that in the vena contracta. TPGmax is highly time-dependent over systole and is known to depend upon the transvalvular flow rate, the effective orifice area (EOA) of the aortic valve and the cross-sectional area of the left ventricular outflow tract. However, it is still unclear how these parameters modify the TPGmax waveform. We thus derived an explicit analytical model to describe the instantaneous TPGmax across the aortic valve during systole. This theoretical model was validated with in vivo experiments obtained in 19 pigs with supravalvular aortic stenosis. Instantaneous TPGmax was measured by catheter and its waveform was compared with the one determined from the derived equation. Our results showed a very good concordance between the measured and predicted instantaneous TPGmax. Total relative error and mean absolute error were on average 9.4±4.9% and 2.1±1.1 mmHg, respectively. The analytical model proposed and validated in this study provides new insight into the behaviour of the TPGmax and thus of the aortic pressure at the level of vena contracta. Because the static pressure at the coronary inlet is similar to that at the vena contracta, the proposed equation will permit to further examine the impact of aortic stenosis on coronary blood flow.  相似文献   

A pair of finite element models has been employed to study the interaction of blood flow with the operation of the aortic valve. A three-dimensional model of the left ventricle with applied wall displacements has been used to generate data for the spatially and time-varying blood velocity profile across the aortic aperture. These data have been used as the inlet loading conditions in a three-dimensional model of the aortic valve and its surrounding structures. Both models involve fluid-structure interaction and simulate the cardiac cycle as a dynamic event. Confidence in the models was obtained by comparison with data obtained in a pulse duplicator. The results show a circulatory flow being generated in the ventricle which produces a substantially axial flow through the aortic aperture. The aortic valve behaves in an essentially symmetric way under the action of this flow, so that the pressure difference across the leaflets is approximately uniform. This work supports the use of spatially uniform but temporally variable pressure distributions across the leaflets in dry or structural models of aortic valves. The study is a major advance through its use of truly three-dimensional geometry, spatially non-uniform loading conditions for the valve leaflets and the successful modelling of progressive contact of the leaflets in a fluid environment.  相似文献   

Rotary blood pumps have been researched as implantable ventricular assist devices for years. To further reduce the complex of implanted axial pumps, the authors proposed a new concept of intraaortic axial pump, termed previously as “dynamic aortic valve (DAV)”. Instead of being driven by an intraaortic micro-electric motor, it was powered by a magnetic field from outside of body. To ensure the perfusion of coronary artery, the axial flow pump is to be implanted in the position of aortic valve. It could serve as either a blood pump or a mechanical valve depending on the power input. This research tested the feasibility of the new concept in model study. A column, made from permanent magnet, is jointed to an impeller in a concentric way to form a “rotor-impeller”. Supported by a hanging shaft cantilevered in the center of a rigid cage, the rotor-impeller can be turned by the magnetic field in the surrounding space. In the present prototype, the rotor is 8 mm in diameter and 15 mm in length, the impeller has 3 vanes with an outer diameter of 18 mm. The supporting cage is 22 mm in outer diameter and 20 mm in length. When tested, the DAV prototype is inserted into the tube of a mock circuit. The alternative magnetic field is produced by a rotating magnet placed side by side with the rotor-impeller at a distance of 30 mm. Once the alternative magnetic field is presented in the surrounding space, the DAV starts to turn, leading to a pressure difference and liquid flow in the tube. The flow rate or pressure difference is proportioned to rotary speed. At the maximal output of hydraulic power, the flow rate reached 5 L/min against an afterload of 100 mmHg. The maximal pressure difference generated by DAV at a rotation rate of 12600 r/min was 147 mmHg. The preliminary results demonstrated the feasibility of “DAV”, further research on this concept is justifiable.  相似文献   

The aortic valve, located between the left ventricle and the aorta, allows for unidirectional blood flow, preventing backflow into the ventricle. Aortic valve leaflets are composed of interstitial cells suspended within an extracellular matrix (ECM) and are lined with an endothelial cell monolayer. The valve withstands a harsh, dynamic environment and is constantly exposed to shear, flexion, tension, and compression. Research has shown calcific lesions in diseased valves occur in areas of high mechanical stress as a result of endothelial disruption or interstitial matrix damage1-3. Hence, it is not surprising that epidemiological studies have shown high blood pressure to be a leading risk factor in the onset of aortic valve disease4. The only treatment option currently available for valve disease is surgical replacement of the diseased valve with a bioprosthetic or mechanical valve5. Improved understanding of valve biology in response to physical stresses would help elucidate the mechanisms of valve pathogenesis. In turn, this could help in the development of non-invasive therapies such as pharmaceutical intervention or prevention. Several bioreactors have been previously developed to study the mechanobiology of native or engineered heart valves6-9. Pulsatile bioreactors have also been developed to study a range of tissues including cartilage10, bone11 and bladder12. The aim of this work was to develop a cyclic pressure system that could be used to elucidate the biological response of aortic valve leaflets to increased pressure loads. The system consisted of an acrylic chamber in which to place samples and produce cyclic pressure, viton diaphragm solenoid valves to control the timing of the pressure cycle, and a computer to control electrical devices. The pressure was monitored using a pressure transducer, and the signal was conditioned using a load cell conditioner. A LabVIEW program regulated the pressure using an analog device to pump compressed air into the system at the appropriate rate. The system mimicked the dynamic transvalvular pressure levels associated with the aortic valve; a saw tooth wave produced a gradual increase in pressure, typical of the transvalvular pressure gradient that is present across the valve during diastole, followed by a sharp pressure drop depicting valve opening in systole. The LabVIEW program allowed users to control the magnitude and frequency of cyclic pressure. The system was able to subject tissue samples to physiological and pathological pressure conditions. This device can be used to increase our understanding of how heart valves respond to changes in the local mechanical environment.Download video file.(44M, mov)  相似文献   

An average follow-up period of 16 patients was 28 months following an implantation of the artificial aortic valve for its insufficiency. In 10 operated patients who were able to continue their occupation exercise tolerance increased by two classes, according to NYHA. Blood pressure gradient decreased significantly from 61.8 to 37.5 mmHg, cardiac volume index decreased from 639 to 602 ml/m2. Echocardiographically measured muscle mass of the left ventricle, end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes, and the left atrial dimensions decreased significantly following surgery. A significance of the relation of the left ventricle volume to its mass <4 as a prognostic factor in aortic valve replacement has also been confirmed.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe degree of left ventricular overload in patients with aortic valve insufficiency (AI) plays an important role in determining the need and timing of surgical intervention. Because hemodynamic evaluation of AI may potentially predict the effects of an insufficient valve on the ventricle before they occur, it would be useful to guide valve surgery with such a diagnostic tool. The purpose of this study was to test the performance of a new hemodynamic index based on mechanical energy loss for the measurement of the effects of insufficiency on ventricular workload.Methods and resultsAn intact and subsequently perforated aortic bioprosthesis was tested within an in vitro model of the left heart, varying cardiac output, diastolic aortic pressure, and the size of perforation. Regurgitant orifice area (ROA), regurgitant volume (RV), regurgitant fraction (RF), and energy loss index (ELI) were measured for each experimental condition and plotted against the increase in workload per unit volume net forward flow (ΔWPV) due to perforation. ROA, RV, and RF showed good correlations with ΔWPV, but the relationship between these variables and ΔWPV became ambiguous as their magnitudes increased. ELI had a near perfect linear relationship with ΔWPV (slope=1.00, r2=0.98) independent of the experimental condition.ConclusionsRV, RF, and ROA do not by themselves fully describe the increase in difficulty the ventricle has in moving the blood across an insufficient valve. ELI, in contrast, was found to be a very good measure of the decrease in pump efficiency due to aortic valve insufficiency.  相似文献   

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