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《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):122-132

Taxonomy of some European species of Ephemerum is reviewed. As in several other recent studies, E. minutissimum Lindb. is regarded as a distinct species from E. serratum (Hedw.) Hampe; it is recorded from N. America (by the newly designated lectotype and other specimens) and Turkey, in addition to Europe. E. serratum var. angustifolium Bruch & Schimp. may be a synonym of E. minutissimum; the costate forms E. serratum var. praecox A.W.H.Walther & Molendo and E. intermedium Mitt. in Braithw. are treated as synonyms of E. serratum s.str. Type specimens of E. stellatum H.Philib. are described, a lectotype is designated and it is placed as a synonym of E. serratum s.str. E. hibernicum Holyoak & V.S.Bryan is regarded as a synonym of E. rutheanum Schimp. in Ruthe. The latter is shown to be a rare, European endemic taxon with modern records from Ireland, S. Wales, Germany and The Netherlands, and old records from France and W. Poland; a lectotype is designated. Forms intermediate between E. sessile (Bruch.) Müll.Hal. and the N. American E. crassinervium (Schwägr.) Hampe occur in several countries in W. Europe, some of them indistinguishable from some of the American plants; forms intermediate between E. sessile and E. rutheanum are recorded from S. Portugal and (rarely) Ireland. Differences between E. crassinervium, E. sessile and E. rutheanum in characters of leaves, tubers and capsules are shown to be slight, with considerable overlap. Hence all three taxa are treated as subspecies of E. crassinervium. A revised key to European Ephemerum and Micromitrium is presented.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):46-50

The southern hemisphere and neotropical moss Leptodontium proliferum Herzog is reported new to Europe and the English material is described and illustrated with photomicrographs. It occurs in open turf on disturbed margins of a recreational bowling green. It is concluded that L. proliferum is an unintentional introduction and probably arrived in Britain by a migrating bird, or as a contaminant of imported lawn-sand or seed mix.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):121-128

An overview of the genus Fallaciella is provided, including reasons for its placement in the Lembophyllaceae. A new species, Fallaciella robusta sp. nov., is described from South Island, New Zealand. The differences between the two known species of Fallaciella are outlined and the main points summarized in a key. Illustrations are provided for both species, and a distribution map is provided for F. robusta.  相似文献   

A moss first collected on Crete by Prof. Ruprecht Düll in 1976 but never satisfactorily identified is described as a new species, Bryoerythrophyllum duellii. It is known from five localities in Greece and Cyprus. It belongs to the B. recurvirostrum group, and its status as a distinct taxon is supported by molecular data. The molecular relationships of the genus Bryoerythrophyllum are discussed, and they suggest that the genus is monophyletic only if Erythrophyllopsis, Mironia and Saitobryum are included. The B. recurvirostrum and B. wallichii groups apparently form a young complex of taxa that are not very diverse molecularly, but sometimes have a distinctive morphology. Bryoerythrophyllum duellii is one of several lineages within this complex that may have experienced a longer period of reproductive isolation leading to the fixation of distinctive morphological and molecular features.  相似文献   

Fissidens austro-americanus, from Brazil and Suriname, is described, illustrated, and its relationship toF. brevipes, F. ramicola, andF. leptophyllus discussed.  相似文献   

The identification of the southern African Synodontis species is hampered by variable and overlapping morphological characteristics such as colour, pigmentation patterns and morphometric ratios. Species are often misidentified due to the complicated nature of the present identification keys. The morphological key proposed in this note uses simplified characters including the shape of the humeral process, size of the outer mandibular barbel, teeth rows, position of the mouth, basal membrane of the maxillary barbel and length of the maxillary barbels, plus the natural distribution range of certain species to facilitate positive identification of southern African Synodontis specimens.  相似文献   

Filibryum, a new genus of the family Hypnaceae, is described to include three species from East Asia. Filibryum ogatae and F. yakoushimae are transferred to it from the genus Glossadelphus, while F. deguchianum is a newly described species. The genus is distinguished by the absence of a central strand in the stem, prorate leaf cells, and heteroblastic and deciduous stem leaves. Molecular data suggest that the genus is closely related to Taxiphyllum and the phylogenetic position of the new genus in the Hypnaceae is supported by an approximately unbiased (AU) test.  相似文献   

The cost of sexual reproduction is incurred when the current reproductive episode contributes to a a decline in future plant performance. To test the hypotheses that a trade-off exists between current sexual reproduction and subsequent clonal regeneration and that resources limit reproduction and regeneration, plants of the widespread moss Pterygoneurum ovatum were subjected to induced sporophytic abortion, upper leaf removal, and nutrient amendment treatments. Sexually reproducing plants were slower or less likely to produce regenerative structures (protonemata or shoots) and produced fewer regenerative tissue areas or structures. The ability and the timeline to reproduce sexually and regenerate clonally were unaffected by an inorganic nutrient amendment. However, when leaves subtending the sporophyte were removed, the sporophytes were less likely to mature, tended to take a longer time to mature, and were smaller compared to sporophytes from shoots with a full complement of upper leaves. Our findings indicate that plants investing in sexual reproduction suffer a cost of decreased clonal regeneration and indicate that sporophyte maturation is resource-limited, with upper leaves contributing to the nutrition of the sporophyte. This study represents only the second explicit experimental demonstration of a trade-off between sexual and asexual reproduction in bryophytes.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):300-303

Pseudocrossidium perpapillosum M.J.Cano & J.A.Jiménez is described and illustrated as a new South American species from Argentina and Chile. It differs from other species of Pseudocrossidium R.S.Williams by the costa excurrent in an awn, elliptical in cross-section, with 4–5(6) guide cells, marginal laminal cells differentiated with rounded, thin-walled and papillose cells, paracostal distal cells with 1–2(4) bi- to quadrifurcate, long papillae, and perichaetial leaves differentiated.  相似文献   

Macromitrium ousiense is a neglected Chinese moss species, differing from other taxa of the genus in its leaves with smooth laminal cells and gymnostomus capsules with hairy calyptrae. We found that M. heterodictyon Dixon is a new synonym of M. ousiense, and Japan is a new distribution record for the species.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):177-181

Jonesiobryum dumboi is described as a new moss species from Uganda. It differs from its congeners by possessing more broadly obovate leaves and a costa that ends well below the apex. The species is only known from the type locality where it was collected on branches in the canopy.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):143-146

Grimmia serrana, a new endemic species for California, is described and illustrated. The new species is readily distinguished by the presence of multi-stratose marginal bands that are rounded in cross-section. The leaf morphology displayed by Grimmia serrana is unique within the genus. The distribution of Grimmia serrana is along the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada and in the northern Coast Range.  相似文献   

Except for a robust habit, two specimens ofAloina collected in northern Argentina are morphologically similar and are tentatively attributed toA. rigida (Hedw.) Limpr. This represents an addition to the moss flora of Argentina. In addition, two specimens ofAloinella represent significant findings: one shows features that agree with those given in the protologue forA. galeata (Müll. Hal.) Broth. and is treated here asA. galeata var.galeata to show the relationship toA. galeta var.andina (Delgad.) Delgadillo & Schiavone stat. nov.; the other belongs inA. cucullifera (Mitt.) Steere, a new record for Argentina. A key to the known species ofAloinella with updated ranges is included.  相似文献   

A new species belonging to Didymodon sensu lato, Vinealobryum guangdongensis, is described and illustrated from Nanling National Forest Park of Guangdong, China. It is characterized by noteworthily thick‐walled cells of the cauline central cylinder, ovate‐lanceolate leaves that are appressed when dry, acuminate to acute leaf apices, leaf base abruptly broadened and quickly narrowed to the insertion, leaf margins recurved in proximal 2/3 to 3/4, short‐excurrent costa with 0–1 layer of ventral stereids, laminal cells with conical or elliptical papillae either over the lumina or over transverse walls, presence of gemmae in the leaf axils, and KOH laminal color reaction red to reddish orange. This new species is compared with the most similar species and its ecology is discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):493-498

Weissia papillosissima Laz. is reported for the first time in Europe at different localities in the Iberian Peninsula. Previously it was known only from Tadhikistan in the former Soviet Union. The. species is described and illustrated and its distribution mapped and discussed.  相似文献   

Buxbaumia viridis is a rare policy species restricted to decaying woods in forests. Although Member States of EU are required to monitor its conservation status, specific models able to predict species distribution are still lacking. However, the availability of such models would strongly improve the efficiency in collection additional data and consequently lead to a better knowledge of its ecology. Aims of this work were (i) to provide a model for species distribution assessing the importance of different environmental variables thought to be important in setting the occurrence of Buxbaumia viridis and (ii) to test the effect of imperfect detection in defining the environmental space where the species occur. With this work, records of B. viridis increased twofold in the Alpine region of Italy, passing from 13 records to 26. We showed that on the Alps, occurrence of Buxbaumia viridis was best predicted by northness, rainfall, canopy closure and necromass. Necromass was the single most important variable. A volume of 48–61 m3/ha of necromass was identified as the threshold value determining the high probability of species occurrence. The imperfect detection probability of the species (p = 0.25), biased towards zero the importance of the environmental variables.  相似文献   

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