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SYNOPSIS. The mechanisms of ferritin uptake and digestion differ in bloodstream and culture forms of Trypanosoma brucei. Ferritin enters bloodstream forms from the flagellar pocket by pinocytosis in large spiny-coated vesicles. These vesicles become continuous with straight tubular extensions of a complex, mostly tubular, collecting membrane system where ferritin is concentrated. From the collecting membrane system the tracer enters large digestive vacuoles. Small spiny-coated vesicles, which never contain ferritin, are found in the Golgi region, fusing with the collecting membrane system, and around the flagellar pocket. Acid phosphatase activity is present in some small spiny-coated vesicles which may represent primary lysosomes. This enzymic activity is also found in the flagellar pocket, pinocytotic vesicles, the collecting membrane system, the Golgi (mature face), and digestive vacuoles of bloodstream forms. About 50% of the acid phosphatase activity of blood forms is latent. The remaining nonlatent activity is firmly cell-associated and probably represents activity in the flagellar pocket. The structures involved in ferritin uptake and digestion are larger and more active in the short stumpy than in the long slender bloodstream forms. The short stumpy forms also have more autophagic vacuoles. No pinocytotic large, spiny-coated vesicles or Golgi-derived, small spiny-coated vesicles are seen in culture forms. Ferritin leaves the flagellar pocket of these forms and enters small smooth cisternae located just beneath bulges in the pocket membrane. The tracer then passes through a cisternal collecting membrane network, where it is concentrated, and then into multivesicular bodies. In the culture forms, acid phosphatase activity is localized in the cisternal system, multivesicular bodies, the Golgi (mature face), and small vesicles in the Golgi and cisternal regions. The flagellar pocket has no acid phosphatase activity, and almost all the activity is latent in these forms. The culture forms do not release acid phosphatase into culture medium during 4 days growth. Uptake of ferritin by all forms is almost completely inhibited by low temperature. These differences among the long slender and short stumpy bloodstream forms and culture forms are undoubtedly adaptive and reflect different needs of the parasite in different life cycle stages.  相似文献   

Climacostomum virens uses oral membranelles to drive suspended food particles into its buccal cavity. The cavity leads to a buccal tube which extends into the cell by as much as half a cell length. The inner end of this tube is delimited by a haplokinety (two rows of basal bodies). Internal to this zone is the cytostome and cytopharynx where food vacuoles form. The buccal tube is encircled by a ring of fibrous material, the cytostomal cord, in the region of the cytostome immediately below the haplokinety. Ribbons of postciliary microtubules extend from the kinetosomes of the haplokinety, attach to the cytopharyngeal membrane, and pass under the cytostomal cord. They become broader and expand into the cytoplasm. Cytopharyngeal vesicles pass between the microtubular ribbons and fuse with the cytopharyngeal membrane to generate membrane for forming food vacuoles. The cytopharyngeal vesicles contain a material which is secreted into the forming food vacuoles. Ciliates continue to feed after incubation in a medium containing cycloheximide, indicating that they draw on a pre-existing pool of membrane when forming the food vacuole.  相似文献   

Evidence from a morphological study of the oral apparatus of Paramecium caudatum using electron microscope techniques have shown the existence of an elaborate structural system which is apparently designed to recycle digestive-vacuole membrane. Disk-shaped vesicles are filtered out of the cytoplasm by a group of microtubular ribbons. The vesicles, after being transported to the cytostome-cytopharynx region in association with these ribbons, accumulate next to the cytopharynx before they become fused with the cytopharyngeal membrane. This fusion allows the nascent food vacuole to grow and increase its membrane surface area. The morphology of this cytostome-cytopharynx region is described in detail and illustrated with a three-dimensional drawing of a portion of this region and a clay sculpture of the oral apparatus of Paramecium. Evidence from the literature for the transformation of food vacuole membrane into disk-shaped vesicles both from condensing food vacuoles in the endoplasm and from egested food vacuoles at the cytoproct is presented. This transformation would complete a system of digestive vacuole membrane recycling.  相似文献   

The structure of the flagellar apparatus of excavate flagellate Klosteria bodomorphis was considered. Two naked heterodynamic flagella covered with a dense layer of glycocalyx emerge from a single flagellar pocket. The kinetosomes are parallel or at an acute angle to each other. The dorsal and ventral rootlets run from the kinetosomes and produce dorsal and ventral bands which are not connected to each other. The MTR band begins in the wall of the flagellar pocket. The long cytopharynx is reinforced with an MTR band and additional microtubules. A small fibril and a horseshoe-shaped structure lie in the anterior part of the cytopharynx. The vesicular nucleus and Golgi apparatus have the typical structure. The mitochondrion has discoid cristae. The kinetoplast as a compact formation was not found. The similarity between K. bodomorphis and other free-living kinetoplastids is discussed.  相似文献   

It has been known for many years that trypanosomatids require exogenous essential growth factors in order to divide. Two surface domains are involved in starting nutrient endocytosis: the flagellar pocket and the cytostome. Although the flagellar pocket plays a fundamental role in the endocytic process occurring in several trypanosomatids, we have shown the cytostome as the main structure involved in this process in epimastigote forms of T. cruzi. After one minute of endocytosis, cargo is still found at the cytostome entry as well as along the cytopharynx. After two, five and fifteen minutes of endocytosis, cargo was seen inside vesicles and tubules, prior to fusing with reservosomes. Three-dimensional reconstruction of these tubules and vesicles showed they are interconnected, forming an intricate and branched network, distributed from the perinuclear region to the posterior end of the cell. Whole unfixed parasites that had taken up gold-protein conjugates for fifteen minutes were washed and dried on electron microscope grids. Observation with an energy-filtering transmission electron microscope revealed long gold-filled tubules at the posterior end of the cell. Parasites treated with ammonium chloride had their intracellular traffic slowed down, which allowed us to observe many events of vesicle fusion. The acidic nature of this network was evidenced using acridine orange. Based on pH and protein uptake kinetics we propose that the vesicular-tubular network is the early endosome of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes.  相似文献   

An mAb was raised to the C5 phagosomal antigen in Paramecium multimicronucleatum. To determine its function, the cDNA and genomic DNA encoding C5 were cloned. This antigen consisted of 315 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular weight of 36,594, a value similar to that determined by SDS-PAGE. Sequence comparisons uncovered a low but significant homology with a Schizosaccharomyces pombe protein and the C-terminal half of the beta-fructofuranosidase protein of Zymomonas mobilis. Lacking an obvious transmembrane domain or a possible signal sequence at the N terminus, C5 was predicted to be a soluble protein, whereas immunofluorescence data showed that it was present on the membranes of vesicles and digestive vacuoles (DVs). In cells that were minimally permeabilized but with intact DVs, C5 was found to be located on the cytosolic surface of the DV membranes. Immunoblotting of proteins from the purified and KCl-washed DVs showed that C5 was tightly bound to the DV membranes. Cryoelectron microscopy also confirmed that C5 was on the cytosolic surface of the discoidal vesicles, acidosomes, and lysosomes, organelles known to fuse with the membranes of the cytopharynx, the DVs of stages I (DV-I) and II (DV-II), respectively. Although C5 was concentrated more on the mature than on the young DV membranes, the striking observation was that the cytopharyngeal membrane that is derived from the discoidal vesicles was almost devoid of C5. Approximately 80% of the C5 was lost from the discoidal vesicle-derived membrane after this membrane fused with the cytopharyngeal membrane. Microinjection of the mAb to C5 greatly inhibited the fusion of the discoidal vesicles with the cytopharyngeal membrane and thus the incorporation of the discoidal vesicle membranes into the DV membranes. Taken together, these results suggest that C5 is a membrane protein that is involved in binding and/or fusion of the discoidal vesicles with the cytopharyngeal membrane that leads to DV formation.  相似文献   

Actin is expressed at similar levels but in different locations in bloodstream and procyclic forms of Trypanosoma brucei. In bloodstream forms actin colocalizes with the highly polarized endocytic pathway, whereas in procyclic forms it is distributed throughout the cell. RNA interference demonstrated that in bloodstream forms, actin is an essential protein. Depletion of actin resulted in a rapid arrest of cell division, termination of vesicular traffic from the flagellar pocket membrane leading to gross enlargement of the pocket, loss of endocytic activity and eventually cell death. These results indicate that actin is required for the formation of coated vesicles from the flagellar pocket membrane, which is the first step in the endocytic pathway. Although loss of actin in procyclic cells did not affect growth, the trans region of the Golgi became distorted and enlarged and appeared to give rise to a heterogeneous population of vesicles. However, the flagellar pocket was not affected. These findings suggest that trypanosomes have different functional requirements for actin during the bloodstream and procyclic phases of the life cycle.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Amicronucleate Paramecium tetraurelia fails to develop an oral apparatus but resorbs the pre-existing one in the sexual cycle. Previous cytological studies have revealed the presence of a shallow, oral depression with a few scattered basal bodies after autogamy or conjugation. The present ultrastructural study of the ectoplasm beneath the oral depression revealed only the presence of a disorganized filamentous reticulum and small blocks of cytopharyngeal ribbons. In addition, beneath the oral depression, a large number of discoidal vesicles were found, similar to but larger in diameter than those normally associated with the cytopharynx of vegetative cells. The oral structures found in amicronucleates in autogamy might be remnants of the pre-existing oral apparatus, but the possibility that they were newly developed was not excluded. The morphogenetic interest of these structures was discussed. It is evident that amicronucleates in autogamy do not develop an extensive oral ultrastructural organization.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The fine structure of 2 isolates of Trypanosoma congolense maintained in laboratory rodents has been studied from thin sections of osmium- and aldehyde-fixed flagellates. The pellicular complex, nucleus, and flagellar apparatus are all similar to those of other African trypanosomes. Aberrant intracellular differentiation of the flagellum is occasionally found. As in bloodstream forms of other salivarian trypanosomes the single mitochondrion forms an irregular canal running from one end of the body to the other, with a shallow bowl-shaped expansion forming a capsule for the fibrous kinetoplast (mitochondrial DNA). A connexion between the mitochondrial envelope of the kinetoplast and the basal body of the flagellum is not evident, and sometimes the flagellum base is not even apposed to the kinetoplast but lies behind it. Tubular cristae are present in the mitochondrial canal and, by light microscopy, this structure gives a positive reaction for NAD diaphorase suggesting at least some activity in electron transport, even tho at this stage in its life cycle respiration is doubtfully sensitive to cyanide and cytochrome pigments are in all probability absent. The region of the cytoplasm between the nucleus and the flagellar pocket has all the trappings associated with secretory cells in higher animals, or with the secretion of surface structures in phytoflagellates. just behind the nucleus a limb of granular reticulum subtends a Colgi stack of flattened saccules with attendant vesicles. Close to the distal pole of the Golgi complex is a network of smooth-membraned cisternae, termed here the agranular or secretory reticulum, which undergoes localized swelling with the accumulation of a secretory product to form large spherical sacs or vacuoles. These network-linked vacuoles probably correspond to the post nuclear vacuole complex visible by light microscopy. From its apparent secretory function this complex is regarded here as being possibly an extension or derivative of the Golgi complex, the smooth-membraned tubules lying alongside the 2 structures possibly representing a link between them. By analogy with phytoflagellates and the secretory cells of higher animals, it is suggested that the secretion is transported for discharge into the flagellar pocket by way of multivesicular bodies and smooth-walled tubules or vesicles. Spiny pits in the wall of the flagellar pocket, and similar-sized vesicles in the nearby cytoplasm, could be stages in either exocytosis of secretion or endocytosis (pinocytosis). It is tentatively suggested that the secretion may be the material from which the surface coat is formed. Neither a cytostome nor a contractile vacuole has been observed in T. congolense.  相似文献   

The structure of the flagellar apparatus in the excavate flagellate Parabodo nitrophilus Skuja has been studied. Two smooth heterodynamic flagella emerge from the bottom of the flagellar apparatus. The kinetosomes connected by their proximal ends lie under an acute angle to each other and bear against the plate on the anteior wall of kinetoplast. The dorsal and ventral rootlets emerge from the kinetosomes and are transformed into dorsal and ventral bands. The latter accompanies the posterior flagellum. The MTR band begins inside the wall of the flagellar pocket. The upper part of the cytopharynx is armored by MTR and FAS bands, cross-banded fibril and structure, and additional microtubules. The MTR band and three additional microtubules surround the bottom part of cytopharynx. The mitochondrium contains compact kinetoplast and discoid cristae. The resemblance of Parabodo nitrophilus with other free-living kinetoplastids is discussed.  相似文献   

African trypanosomes multiply rapidly during the course of infection obtaining nutrients from the host blood and other body fluids. The organelles involved in endocytosis were revealed ultrastructurally using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and colloidal gold coupled to bovine transferrin (Au-Tf) or bovine serum albumin (Au-BSA). At 0 degree C the markers bound to the cell surface and neither entered the flagellar pocket nor were internalized. Upon warming to 37 degrees C, the markers were found in the flagellar pocket and appeared to enter all the intracellular endocytic organelles within 5 min. Serial sectioning of resin-embedded cells was employed to obtain pseudo three-dimensional views of these organelles. The organelles involved were of three types: (1) small vesicles and cisternae (20-25 nm in diameter), (2) large tubular networks (200 nm diameter) similar to endosomes of mammalian cells, and (3) large lysosome-like vesicles. These organelles were located between the flagellar pocket and the nucleus and were also associated with one face of the Golgi apparatus. In pulse-chase experiments HRP was not detected in intracellular organelles after 410 min but Au-Tf was seen in residual bodies. No exocytosis of Au-Tf from the flagellar pocket was observed. The data suggests that the processes of endocytosis in these parasitic protozoa may be similar to the endocytic processes found in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Summary Digestion in the peritrich ciliateOphrydium versatile O.F.M. involves a complex sequence of intracytotic and exocytotic membrane fusion and recycling events. Food particulates are concentrated in the lower cytopharynx which forms a fusiform-shaped food vacuole. Upon release from the cytopharynx, this food vacuole begins to condense, concentrating the food particulates. Excess membrane is removed intracytotically. These released membranes pieces form discoidal vesicles which are recycled to the base of the cytopharynx, thus providing additional membrane for subsequent food vacuole formation. In the condensed food vacuole, digestion proceeds; hydrolytic enzymes are delivered to the food vacuole via rough endoplasmic reticulum and/or by the cup-shaped coated vesicles (CSCV). As these vesicles fuse with the food vacuole, the food vacuole enlarges, digestion proceeds and an electron-dense membrane coat appears along the luminal surface of the food vacuole. Prior to defecation, the food vacuole undergoes a final condensation; irregularly-shaped, electron dense, single-membrane bound vesicles are cut-off intracytotically from the old food vacuole. These vesicles undergo condensation and invagination to form the cup-shaped coated vesicles (CSCV) which fuse with younger food vacuoles.  相似文献   

The anterior adoral zone of syncilia (AZS) of Eudiplodinium maggii is mounted on an extrusible peristome within a vestibulum. The peristome contains cytopharyngeal components derived from the infraciliature. These components include a crescent-shaped palisade of nematodesmata, two types of sub-membrane cytopharyngeal ribbons, and an ensheathing fibrous layer enclosing a phagoplasmic zone containing the other components. A convoluted esophagus is continuous with and extends from the posterior of the cytopharynx adjacent to the macronucleus. A posterior cytoproct has specialized cytoplasm around it and associated myoneme-like elements. The skeletal plate is composed of finely granular platelets and lies under the cortex ventral to the macronucleus. The endoplasm is separated from the ectoplasm by a fibrous boundary layer. The cortex has an external glycocalyx, a membranous layer, epiplasm, and microtubular and microfilament layers. The AZS infraciliature is of the usual cntodiniomorph type, kinetosomes linked by a sub-kinetosomal rod and with associated bifurcated kinetodesma, postciliary and transverse microtubules-the latter extending into the cytopharynx—nematodesmata, and a fibrous reticulum. A possible vestigial, somatic infraciliature consisting of short, barren kinetosomes with associated basal and cortex-directed microtubules and a periodic incomplete fiber, is found subcortically throughout the cell.  相似文献   

对武昌六前鞭虫胞器的超微结构进行了观察,发现R鞭毛复合体的内下方有分散的微管,两根R鞭毛复合体之间和外方具少量的粗面内质网,而虫体周边分布较多.粗面内质同外周被发达的微管.生毛体与胞核之间有胞咽和小盾结构.胞质中有较多的食物泡,未见到线粒体、高尔基体和表膜下微管结构.另外对粗面内质网的结构、功能以及种的鉴定等方面也作了讨论.    相似文献   

The large cytopharyngeal pouch of the macrostomal form of Tetrahymena vorax, following the addition of calcium, can form a sealed, empty vacuole. The open cytostomal region of this cell, which averages about 16 μ in diameter, is closed by an upward (ventral) movement of the right and posterior ribbed walls, both of which project into the cytostomal cavity. At the same time, the anterior and left walls of the cytostome-cytopharyngeal complex move to the right, forming a diagonally (right to left) placed furrow in the floor of the buccal cavity as these walls meet. As a result of the movement, the edges of the single membrane-bounded cytopharyngeal pouch are brought together and fuse, producing the closed vacuole. Elements of the cytoskeleton appear to participate in the closure process. Three major groups of ribbed wall microtubules support the open cytostome. The anterior ribbed wall microtubules pass laterally along the anterior (dorsal) portion of the cytopharyngeal pouch to the left where they end in the specialized cytoplasm. Middle oral rib microtubules terminate at the right and posterior margin of the cytopharynx while microtubules from the most posterior region of the ribbed wall pass to the left terminating in the specialized cytoplasm. The fine filamentous reticulum, a striated reticulum that borders the right, posterior, and anterior margins of the cytostome-cytopharyngeal complex, is in an ideal position to participate in these movements. It is anchored anteriorly high up in the buccal cavity to the cross-connective between the third membranelle and the undulating membrane complex. It courses beneath the right and posterior ribbed walls and runs laterally along the anterior margin of the cytopharynx to the left side. Contraction or pulling of this reticulum would act to bring the microtubule-reinforced walls of the cytopharynx together permitting fusion of the cytopharyngeal pouch membranes to form a sealed vacuole.  相似文献   

Segregation of Ferritin in Glomerular Protein Absorption Droplets   总被引:25,自引:15,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Ferritin was used as a tracer to study the mechanism by which proteins are segregated into droplets by the visceral epithelium of glomerular capillaries. In glomeruli from both normal and aminonucleoside-nephrotic rats ferritin molecules introduced into the general circulation penetrated the endothelial openings and were seen at various levels in the basement membrane. Striking differences between nephrotic and controls were seen only in the amount of ferritin incorporated into the epithelium. In normal animals, a few ferritin molecules were seen in small invaginations of the cell membrane limiting the foot processes, within minute vesicles in the epithelium, or within occasional large vacuoles and dense bodies. In nephrotics, epithelial pinocytosis was marked, and numerous ferritin molecules were seen within membrane invaginations and in small cytoplasmic vesicles at all time points. After longer intervals, the concentration of ferritin increased in vacuoles and particularly within the dense bodies or within structures with a morphology intermediate between that of vacuoles and dense bodies. In nephrotic animals cleft-like cavities or sinuses were frequently encountered along the epithelial cell surface facing the urinary spaces. Some of these sinuses contained material resembling that filling the dense bodies except that it appeared less compact. The findings suggest that ferritin molecules—and presumably other proteins which penetrate the basement membrane—are picked up by the epithelium in pinocytotic vesicles and transported via the small vesicles to larger vacuoles which are subsequently transformed into dense bodies by progressive condensation. The content of the dense bodies may then undergo partial digestion and be extruded into the urinary spaces where it disperses. The activity of the glomerular epithelium in the incorporation and segregation of protein is similar in normal and nephrotic animals, except that the rate is considerably higher in nephrosis where the permeability of the glomerular basement membrane is greatly increased.  相似文献   

A new cryptobiid flagellates, Cryptobia udonellae sp. n., is described from the excretory channels of Udonella murmanica. The body of flagellates is spindle-shaped. The flagellar pocket is subapical. Two flagella emerge from the pocket. One flagellum turns anterior and is forward-directed; the other flagellum is directed posterior and close to the ventral cell surface. The ventral groove is well developed. The cytostome opens just anterior to the flagellar pocket. The cytostome leads to the short cytopharynx. In the excretory channel of worms the flagellates C. udonellae sp. n. are attached to microvilli of epithelium or lay free in the lumen. Both flagellates have been studied with TEM. The unusual parasite system which involves organisms of four different phylums of animals has been described for the first time.  相似文献   

Phago- and endocytosis have been studied in the colourless flagellate T. lauterborni using electron microscope. The coated pits are formed on the dorsal surface of the cells and in the flagellar pocket; then they are transformed into coated vesicles and transported into the ventral part of the cell loosing their clathrin coat. The storing of small vesicles in the ventral groove region is constant. To begin to feed a flagellate stops and produces within several seconds long ramified filopodia from the ventral groove. These filopodia serve to phagocyte bacteria. Small ventral vesicles represent the membrane pull which is necessary for a quick formation of the vast surface of filopodia. By means of peroxidase reaction in was shown that these vesicles were of endocytotic origin, rather than being the product of the Golgi apparatus functioning.  相似文献   

Trypanosomatids contain a unique compartment, the flagellar pocket, formed by an invagination of the plasma membrane at the base of the flagellum, which is considered to be the sole cellular site for endocytosis and exocytosis of macromolecules. The culture supernatant of Leishmania mexicana promastigotes, the insect stage of this protozoan parasite, contains two types of polymers: a filamentous acid phosphatase (sAP) composed of a 100-kD phosphoglycoprotein with non- covalently associated proteo high molecular weight phosphoglycan (proteo-HMWPG) and fibrous material termed network consisting of complex phosphoglycans. Secretion of both polymers is investigated using mAbs and a combination of light and electron microscopic techniques. Long filaments of sAP are detectable in the lumen of the flagellar pocket. Both sAP filaments and network material emerge from the ostium of the flagellar pocket. While sAP filaments detach from the cells, the fibrous network frequently remains associated with the anterior end of the parasites and can be found in the center of cell aggregates. The related species L. major forms similar networks. Since polymeric structures cannot be detected in intracellular compartments, it is proposed that monomeric or, possibly, oligomeric subunits synthesized in the cells are secreted into the flagellar pocket. Polymer formation from subunits is suggested to occur in the lumen of the pocket before release into the culture medium or, naturally, into the gut of infected sandflies.  相似文献   

慈菇匍匐茎中分泌道的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
慈茹匍蔔茎的分泌道是裂生的胞间道,分布于匍匐茎的基本组织中。单个分泌道原始细胞起始于离茎端约1毫米处的基本分生组织中,原始细胞经分裂形成5—7个上皮细胞包围着中央的裂生腔隙,成为管道系统。上皮细胞无鞘细胞包围。上皮细胞中高尔基体和内质网发达,并溢出小囊泡向着分泌道腔隙面壁的质膜附近迁移,乳汁中亦存在大量完整的小囊泡。上皮细胞和外围薄壁细胞之间的壁层具有大量胞间连丝,小囊泡和内质网的膜结构与胞间连丝末端相接,同时可见上皮细胞的质膜在数处反折内陷,形成袋状结构,在与上皮细胞相对的薄壁细胞内也有同样现象出现,袋状结构内含小形颗粒或囊泡,并在结构上显示出上皮细胞与相邻薄壁细胞间存在着活跃的物质交流。由此认为。代谢物质以整体小囊泡的形式经胞间连丝或内陷的质膜向分泌道迁移是物质运输和分泌的可能方式之一。在电镜下观察,液泡中的积聚物与乳汁十分相似,液泡可能是乳汁的贮存场所之一。  相似文献   

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