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The involvement of pyridine nucleotides in the reduction of extracytoplasmatic electron acceptors by iron-deficient Plantago lanceolata L. roots has been examined by measuring the changes in NAD(P)H and NAD(P) induced by various external acceptors. Exposure of the plants to FeEDTA, ferricyanide, ferric citrate or hexachloroiri-date resulted in a transient decrease in NADPH and an increase in NAD. No major differences in this pattern were observed between acceptors which were assumed to be reduced by different enzymes. The application of the membrane-permeable oxidant nitro blue tetrazolium led to similar changes in reduced and oxidized pyridine nucleotides and decreased the reduction of external acceptors. The amino acid analog p -fluorophenylalanine caused a transient decline in both NADPH level and NADPH/ NADP ratio and a decrease in the ratio of NADH to NAD without affecting the level of NADH. Exposure of the plants to the translation inhibitor cycloheximide increased both NADH and NADPH concentrations. A comparison of the redox activities and pyridine nucleotide fractions after inhibitor treatment revealed that the constitutive, but not iron stress-induced redox activity correlates with NADPH levels. These results are interpreted as confirming that the redox systems on the root plasma membrane are separately regulated. Possible metabolic reactions during the reduction processes are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Plants of an F2 generation derived from crosses between two ecotypes of Plantago lanceolata L. had previously been studied in a greenhouse. In the present experiment, F2 plants were transplanted into their original habitats (a hayfield and a pasture). Six allozyme loci were used as markers in the analysis of survival and performance of the segregating genotypes. Fitness differences between the plants were large enough to detect natural selection. In both transplantation sites selection appeared to operate, though in different ways. In the hayfield habitat directional selection was hypothesized and both survival and performance of the plants were related to genotype, with the genotypes originating from the hayfield almost always performing better. In the pasture habitat where the habitat is not uniform and unpredictable hazardous droughts occur, survival was nearly genotype independent and environmentally determined, whereas performance of the plants was genotype dependent. The expression of two morphological characteristics, number of leaves and leaf length, was often not in concordance with the greenhouse results and was contradictory in both sites. Expression of both characters in the field, therefore, appeared to be strongly dependent on the general performance and growth conditions of the plant and not on the genotype.Grassland Species Research Group Publication no. 143  相似文献   

Summary Morphological variability was analysed in an F2-generation derived from crosses between two ecotypes of Plantago lanceolata L. Six allozyme loci, localised in five linkage groups, were used as markers. For two marker loci, Got-2 and Gpi-1, segregations did not fit monogenic ratios. In the linkage groups to which these two loci belonged, male sterility genes appeared to be present. In these crosses, male sterility (type 3, as described by Van Damme 1983) may be determined by two recessive loci located in the linkage groups of Got-2 and of Gpi-1. Many correlations of morphological and life history characters with allozyme markers were observed. The quantitative trait loci did not appear to be concentrated in major gene complexes. Often many loci were involved, sometimes with effects opposite to those expected from the population values. Main effects of the linkage groups appeared to be more important than interaction effects in determining variability. It also appeared that there is a positive correlation between the number of heterozygous allozyme loci and generative growth.Grassland Species Research Group Publication No. 115  相似文献   

Summary Morphological variability was studied in two populations of Plantago lanceolata using diallel analysis. In each population, reciprocal crosses between all possible pairs of ten plants were made. In the greenhouse, six members of each family were grown and many characters were measured. Using the model of Cockerham and Weir, the contributions of the different genetic variance components were calculated. From earlier papers it was postulated in advance to what extent and by which effect the characters in both populations were genetically determined. The populations had been differentiated for life history and morphological characters, and varied also in the relative contribution of genetic components to variability. In the Merrevliet (Me) population, where strong biotic selection was assumed, low levels of additive-genetic variability were present and the relative dominance appeared to be high. The contrasting population, Westduinen (Wd), which is abiotically controlled and shows strong environmental variability, possessed higher levels of additive-genetic variability and lower levels of relative dominance. It is possible that differential natural selection has diminished additive-genetic variability to different extents in both populations: plasticity and environmental heterogeneity prevented the loss of additive-genetic variability in Wd, whereas in the stable population, Me, natural selection had the opportunity of not only changing the means of the characters but also of diminishing additive-genetic variability to a great extent.Grassland Species Research Group Publication No. 146  相似文献   

With the aims (1) to test whether the different natural occurrence of twoPlantago species in grasslands is explained by a different preference of the species for nitrate or ammonium; (2) to test whether the different occurrence is explained by differences in the flexibility of the species towards changes in the nitrogen form; (3) to find suitable parameters as a tool to study ammonium and nitrate utilization of these species at the natural sites in grasslands, plants ofPlantago lanceolata andP. major ssp.major were grown with an abundant supply of nitrate, ammonium or nitrate+ammonium as the nitrogen source (0.5 mM). The combination of ammonium and nitrate gave a slightly higher final plant weight than nitrate or ammonium alone. Ammonium lowered the shoot to root ratio inP. major. Uptake of nitrate per g root was faster than that of ammonium, but from the mixed source ammonium and nitrate were taken up at the same rate. In vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was present in both shoot and roots of plants receiving nitrate. When ammonium was applied in addition to nitrate, NRA of the shoot was not affected, but in the root the activity decreased. Thus, a larger proportion of total NRA was present in the shoot than with nitrate alone. In vitro glutamate dehydrogenase activity (GDHA) was enhanced by ammonium, both in the shoot and in the roots.In vitro glutamine synthetase activity (GSA) was highest in roots of plants receiving ammonium. Both GDHA and GSA were higher inP. lanceolata than inP. major. The concentration of ammonium in the roots increased with ammonium, but it did not accumulate in the shoot. The concentration of amino acids in the roots was also enhanced by ammonium. Protein concentration was not affected by the form of nitrogen. Nitrate accumulated in both the shoot and the roots of nitrate grown plants. When nitrate in the solution was replaced by ammonium, the nitrate concentration in the roots decreased rapidly. It also decreased in the shoot, but slowly. It is concluded that the nitrogen metabolism of the twoPlantago species shows a similar response to a change in the form of the nitrogen source, and that differences in natural occurrence of these species are not related to a differential adaptation of nitrogen metabolism towards the nitrogen form. Suitable parameters for establishing the nitrogen source in the field are thein vivo NRA, nitrate concentrations in tissues and xylem exudate, and the fraction of total reduced nitrogen in the roots that is in the soluble form, and to some extent thein vitro GDHA and GSA of the roots. Grassland Species Research Group. Publ. no 118.  相似文献   

Tosserams  Marcel  Smet  Jaqueline  Magendans  Erwin  Rozema  Jelte 《Plant Ecology》2001,154(1-2):157-168
Seeds of Plantago lanceolata were collected in a dune grassland ecosystem in the Netherlands. Plants were grown in a greenhouse for 61 days under either low or high nutrient conditions and were exposed to four different levels of biologically effective UV-B radiation. The highest UV-B exposure level simulated 30% reduction of the stratospheric ozone layer during summertime in the Netherlands. Total biomass production of plants at low nutrient supply was 50% lower compared to plants grown at high nutrient supply, while net photosynthesis was decreased by only 12%. Increased levels of UV-B reduced biomass production under non-limiting nutrient conditions only. Biomass production of plants grown at limited nutrient supply was not affected by UV-B. This response was correlated to increased accumulation of carbohydrates under nutrient limitation, which agrees well with the carbon/nutrient balance hypothesis. It is concluded that the increased accumulation of carbon in nutrient-stressed plants, may lead to a reduction of UV-B induced damage because of increased foliar UV-B absorbance by enhanced accumulation of phenolic compounds and leaf thickening.  相似文献   

Plantago is the most important genus of Plantaginaceae family and is used in traditional medicine around the world for different purposes. Plantago coronopus L., Plantago major L., Plantago media L. and Plantago lanceolata L. are most commonly used species of Plantago in traditional medicine in Turkey. The main goal of this study was to investigate the eventual anti-mitotic and anti-genotoxic effects of P. lanceolata L. leaf aqueous extracts (15 g/L and 30 g/L) on Allium cepa L. root tip meristem cells which were treated with 0.7% hydrogen peroxide. For this purpose, two different experiments were performed under the same conditions. In the first experiment, Allium cepa onion bulbs were treated with 0.7% H2O2 for 1 h. After the H2O2 treatment, the onion bulbs were treated with two different concentrations (15 g/L and 30 g/L) of P. lanceolata extracts for 24 h. In the second experiment, A. cepa onion bulbs were treated with two different extract concentrations (15 g/L and 30 g/L) for 24 h and then with 0.7% H2O2 for 1 h. The test concentrations were determined according to doses which are recommended in alternative medicinal usage by people. As positive and negative control 0.7% H2O2 and tap water was used, respectively. As a result, it was determined that aqueous extracts reduced mitotic index and chromosome aberrations in treatment groups in comparison with controls. These results showed that P. lanceolata aqueous extracts have anti-mitotic and anti-genotoxic effects.  相似文献   

Summary Establishment of Plantago lanceolata and P. major ssp major among grass was studied in a field experiment in which survival and selection on date of seedling emergence and plant size was investigated in relation to the vegetation structure. P. major — in contrast to P. lanceolata — was not able to establish itself in grass because of its lower competitive ability caused by later germination, smaller seedling size, and shorter leaves. In both species there was selection for early germination. For P. lanceolata a significant correlation was found between the strength of selection and the light climate, determined by the structure of the grass sward. Plants that germinated early were at an advantage because they were larger, especially the leaves, when compared with plants that germinated late. It seems likely that selection was mainly by competition for light. Contrary to expectation P. major-seedlings had a higher shade tolerance than those of P. lanceolata. The performance of both species is discussed in relation to their different life strategies.Grassland species research group publication no 142  相似文献   

To study aspects of the ecology of grassland species, in a comparative experiment, plants ofP. lanceolata andP. major were grown in pots in a greenhouse, and subjected to a gradual nitrate depletion for several weeks. Control plants were weekly supplied with nitrate. Growth, leaf appearance and disappearance, concentrations of cations and inorganic anions, soluble and insoluble reduced nitrogen concentrations,in vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and the concentration of non-structural carbohydrates in several parts of the plants were followed. Depletion of nitrate caused a reduction of shoot growth, both in biomass and number of leaves. Withering of leaves increased. Accumulation of root dry matter was little (P. lanceolata), or not (P. major) affected. The concentration of reduced nitrogen in all tissues also decreased, both that of the soluble and that of the insoluble fraction. As a result, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE, g dry matter produced per mmol N incorporated) increased by nitrate depletion. NRA was higher in the roots than in the leaves, and decreased with increasing nitrate depletion. In control plants, nitrate became also limiting. This resulted in decreasing nitrate concentrations in leaves and roots. In the leaves, the decrease in nitrate concentration was preceded by a decrease in NRA. The decrease of the nitrate concentration was parallelled by an increase in the concentration of soluble sugar. No major differences in the response towards nitrate depletion were observed between the two species. Grassland Species Research Group, publication no. 129  相似文献   

To examine genetic variation in defensive chemistry within and between natural populations of Plantago lanceolata, we performed a greenhouse experiment using clonal replicates of 15 genotypes from each of two populations, from a mowed lawn and an abandoned hayfield. Replicates of each genotype were harvested for determinations of aboveground biomass and leaf chemical content either at the beginning of the experiment (initial controls), after exposure to herbivory by larvae of Junonia coenia, a specialist on P. lanceolata (herbivory treatment), or at the end of the experiment without exposure to herbivory (final controls). Allocation to the iridoid glycosides aucubin and catalpol and the phenylpropanoid glycoside verbascoside displayed significant genetic variation within and between populations, and differed with leaf age. Significant genotypextreatment interactions indicated genetic variation in response of leaf chemistry to the treatments. There was no evidence for a cost of allocation to chemical defense: genetic correlations within and between chemical pathways and between defensive chemicals and aboveground growth were positive or nonsignificant. Although iridoid glycosides are known to be qualitative feeding stimulants for J. coenia, multiple regression of larval survivorship on leaf chemical content and shoot biomass indicated that larvae had lower survivorship on P. lanceolata ge-notypes with higher concentrations of aucubin in the leaves. Larval survivorship was unaffected by levels of catalpol and verbascoside. Thus, although specialist herbivores may respond to defensive chemicals as qualitative feeding stimulants, they do not necessarily have higher fitness on plant genotypes containing higher concentrations of these chemicals.  相似文献   

Summary Susceptibility toPhomopsis stalk disease ofPlantago lanceolata genotypes, sampled in three different populations with a variable degree of infection by the fungusPhomopsis subordinaria, was determined under greenhouse conditions. Susceptibility of the host varied within, but not among populations. No relationship between the intensity of the disease in the field and the mean susceptibility of the host genotypes sampled at those locations could be established. Host susceptibility appeared to be composed of the host genotypes sampled at those locations could be established. Host susceptibility appeared to be composed of different (uncorrelated) plant characteristics. Determining whether host genotypes are highly or slightly susceptible can only be achieved by field trials, where the plants are exposed to the whole set of disease inducing factors. The relevance of host susceptibility to the intensity of disease in the field is discussed in relation to the variation in pathogenicity of the fungus and the variation in environmental factors prevailing inP. lanceolata populations underP. subordinaria pathogen pressure. Grassland Species Research Group Number 123  相似文献   

W. Schmidt  M. Bartels 《Protoplasma》1998,203(3-4):186-193
Summary Plasma membrane vesicles isolated from roots ofPlantago lanceolata L. revealed approximately 70% right-side-out orientation based on structure-linked latency with H+-ATPase as a marker. Incubation with 0.05% Brij 58 caused the formation of sealed insideout vesicles, evidenced by assaying ATP-dependent proton pumping activity with the optical pH probe acridine orange. NADH-linked FeEDTA reductase activity was stimulated by including either Triton X-100 or Brij 58 in the assay medium. The activity of inverted (Brijtreated) vesicles was not further increased by the addition of Triton, suggesting that maximum activity was obtained in inside-out vesicles. Iron deficiency resulted in a ca. 2-fold increase in the specific activity of both ATPase and Fe(III) chelate reductase but did not cause significant alterations with respect to the effect of detergents. It is concluded that in vitro both donor and acceptor sites of NADH-FeEDTA reductase are located on the cytosolic face of the membrane and trans-oriented flow of electrons is not detectable in plasma membrane vesicles. Unlike Fe chelate reduction in vivo, the plasma membrane-bound reductase activity was insensitive towards application of the translation inhibitor cycloheximide prior to isolation of the membranes, implying the involvement of a regulatory enzyme in the electron transport in vivo.Abbreviations BPDS bathophenanthroline disulfonate - BTP 1,3-bis[tris(hydroxymethyl)methylamino]-propane - PM plasma membrane  相似文献   

Wound healing requires cells that increase both collagen production as a result of inflammatory events and regeneration of epithelial tissue. The Plantago species of herbs have been used in traditional treatment of skin disorders and infectious diseases, and digestive, respiratory, reproductive and circulatory conditions. We investigated the efficacy of different concentrations of Plantago lanceolata L. extract (PLE) for wound healing owing to its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, anti-ulcerative, analgesic and immunomodulatory properties. We used 72 mice in four groups of 18. An excisional 1 cm wound was created in the skin on the back of the mice in all groups. An ointment containing 10% PLE was applied to the wound in group 1, an ointment containing 20% PLE was applied in group 2 and vaseline was applied in group 3. In group 4, no treatment was applied to the wound. On days 7, 14, and 21 of the experiment, six animals in each group were sacrificed after the wounds were photographed and specimens from the wound sites were examined. On day 14, epithelialization was more prominent in group 2, while vascularization and collagen deposition was more advanced in groups 1 and 2 compared to the other groups. Immunohistochemical examination revealed that TGF-β1 expression was elevated on day 14 in all groups; however, this elevation was more limited in groups 1 and 2 than in groups 3 and 4. Although ANGPT-2 expression increased in groups 1 and 4 on day 14, it decreased significantly in groups 2 and 3. We found that different concentrations of PLE exhibited positive effects on wound healing. Application of 10% PLE ointment may be a useful strategy for wound healing.  相似文献   

Plantago lanceolata L. (ribwort plantain) produces two costly terpenoid secondary plant compounds, the iridoid glycosides aucubin and catalpol. We performed an artificial selection experiment to investigate direct and correlated responses to selection on the constitutive level of iridoid glycosides in the leaves for four generations. Estimated realized heritabilities (±SE) were 0.23 ± 0.07 and 0.23 ± 0.04 for upward and downward selection, respectively. The response to upward selection was caused by selection for a developmental pattern characterized by the production of fewer leaves that on average contain more iridoids, and by selection for a development‐independent increase in the level of these compounds. Significant correlated responses were observed for plant growth form. Upward selection resulted in plants with larger sized, but fewer leaves, fewer side rosettes, and fewer spikes, corresponding to a previously distinguished ‘hayfield’ ecotype, whereas downward selection produced the opposite pattern, corresponding to a ‘pasture’ ecotype. This indicates that the level of iridoid glycosides is genetically correlated with morphological traits in P. lanceolata, and is part of the complex of genetically correlated traits underlying the two ecotypes. The genetic association between iridoid level and growth forms suggests that there may be constraints to the simultaneous evolution of resistance to generalist insects (by iridoid glycosides) and to larger grazers (by a high production rate of prostrate leaves and inflorescences) in open grazed habitats where the ‘pasture’ ecotype is found.  相似文献   

The abilities of suspension cultures and intact roots of soybean (Glycine max L. cv. Hawkeye) to reduce ferric chelate were compared. Ferric chelate was supplied as ferric hydroxyethylethylenediaminetriacetic acid (FeHEDTA) and reduction was measured spectrophotometrically using bathophenan-throlinedisulfonic acid (BPDS) as the ferrous scavenger. Ferric chelate reduction by cell suspension cultures showed typical saturation kinetics; however, no difference was observed between cells that had been continuously grown with Fe (+Fe) and those that had been grown for four days without added Fe (–Fe). Values for Km and Vmax, determined from a Lineweaver-Burk plot, were 57 M and nmoles mg-1 dry weight for the +Fe cells and 50 M and 22 nmoles mg-1 dry weight for the -Fe cells, respectively. Ferric chelate reduction by Fe-deficient roots also exhibited saturation kinetics, while roots grown with adequate Fe did not reduce ferric chelate. The Km and Vmax values for Fe-deficient roots were 45 M and 20 nmoles mg-1 dry weight, respectively, and did not differ from values obtained for cells in culture. This study offers strong evidence that the mechanism responsible for the reduction of ferric chelate is the same for cultured cells and roots and that the process is controlled at the cellular level. We propose that suspension cultures can be used as an alternative to intact roots in the study of ferric chelate reduction.  相似文献   

The effect of salinity on nitrate influx, efflux, nitrate net uptake rate and net nitrogen translocation to the shoot was assessed in a 15N steady state labelling experiment in the halophyte Plantago maritima L. raised for 14 days on solution supplied with 50, 100 and 200 mol m–3 sodium chloride or without sodium chloride. Additionally, salinity induced changes in root morphology were determined. Specific root length increased upon exposure to elevated sodium chloride concentrations due to variations in biomass allocation and length growth of the tap root. Changes in root morphology, however, had a minor effect on nitrate fluxes when expressed on a root fresh weight basis. The decreased rate of nitrate net uptake in plants grown on elevated levels of sodium chloride was almost entirely due to a decrease in nitrate influx. Expressed as a proportion of influx, nitrate efflux remained unchanged and was even lower at the highest salinity level. At all sodium chloride concentrations applied the initial rate of nitrogen net translocation to the shoot decreased relative to the rate of nitrate net uptake. It is concluded that under steady state conditions the negative effect of sodium chloride on the rate of nitrate net uptake at non growth-limiting salinity levels was due to the interaction between sodium chloride and nitrate transporters in the root plasma membrane and/or processes mediating the translocation of nitrogen compounds, possibly nitrate, to the shoot.  相似文献   

To establish relationships between soil phosphorus (P) fractions and leaf P, a mycorrhizal species (Plantago lanceolata L.) was compared with a typically non-mycorrhizal species (Rumex acetosella L.) in a glasshouse experiment. The plants were grown in 40 soils from non-fertilised, abandoned pastures or abandoned arable fields and leaf P concentration were found to be related to various soil P fractions after six weeks of growth. The differences in the P fractions in soil can account for a large share of the variation in leaf P concentration in both species, but the two species differed in their utilisation of P fractions. Leaf P concentration of R. acetosella was more related to extractable soil P than that of P. lanceolata. Rumex acetosella showed a higher maximum P concentration. The P fractions accounting for the largest share of the variation in leaf P concentration was the Bray 1 extractable and the weak oxalate (1 mM) extractable P, and for P. lanceolata also the Na2SO4+NaF extractable P fraction. P extracted with these methods accounted for up to 80% of the variation in P concentration in leaves of R. acetosella and 65% of the variation in leaves of P. lanceolata. More P extractable with weak oxalate, Na2SO4+NaF and strong oxalate (50 mM) was released from the soil than was taken up by the plants during the experimental period. The Bray 1 extractable P fraction, however, decreased in both unplanted and planted soils. Phosphatase release was not induced in any of the plants during the experimental period, indicating that they were not mobilising soil organic P. However, some of the methods extracted a large share of the organic P and still explained much of the variation in leaf P concentration. Mycorrhizal colonisation of P. lanceolata was inversely related to the extractable soil P. The consistently fast P uptake of R. acetosella indicates that this species have a high demand for P. The differences in P utilisation between R. acetosella and P. lanceolata could be caused by their different mycorrhizal status.  相似文献   

H. Fleer  E.J. Verspohl   《Phytomedicine》2007,14(6):409-415
An ethanolic spissum extract of the aerial parts of Plantago lanceolata L. was examined for antispasmodic activity on isolated ileum and trachea of the guinea-pig. Isolated constituents were investigated as well. The P. lanceolata extract inhibited the contractions of the guinea-pig ileum that were induced by various agonists such as acetylcholine (ACh), histamine, potassium and barium ions. Additionally the trachea contractions induced by barium ions were inhibited. The compounds luteolin, acteoside, plantamajoside an catalpol peracetate but not catalpol, isoacteoside, lavandulifolioside and aucubin inhibited the ACh-induced contractions of the guinea-pig ileum. Luteolin and acteoside reduced the barium-induced contractions of the guinea-pig trachea. Two recently isolated compounds did not show antispasmodic activity: luteolin-3',7-diglucuronide and beta-hydroxy-acteoside.  相似文献   

When ferrous iron and sulfur were supplied, cells of T. ferrooxidans in a well-aerated medium started growth by oxidizing ferrous iron. After ferrous iron depletion a lagphase followed before sulfur oxidation started. During sulfur oxidation at pH-values below 1.3 (±0,2) the ferrous iron concentration increased again, although the oxygen saturation of the medium amounted to more than 95%. The number of viable cells did not increase. Thus resting cells of T. ferrooxidans, which are oxidizing sulfur to maintain their proton balance, reduce ferric to ferrous iron. The ferrous iron-oxidizing system seemed to be inhibited at pH-values below 1.3. At a pH-value of 1.8 the ferrous iron was reoxidized at once. A scheme for the linkage of iron- and sulfur metabolism is discussed.  相似文献   

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