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成年太行山猕猴(Macaca mulatta tcheliensis)肩关节变量的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本项研究对成年太行山猕猴肩关节变量进行了测量和统计,作了异速生长分析,并对太行山猕猴(M.mulatta tcheliensis)、滇南猕猴(M.mulatta mulatta)、川西猕猴(M.mulatta lasiotis)、湘鄂猕猴(M.mulatta littoralis)肩关节变量进行了比较和聚类分析。与上述3个亚种相比,太行山猕猴较短的肩胛骨、较小的锁肱指数、较大的三角肌止点指数和较小的摆荡指数,表明太行山猕猴肩关节形态结构更适应于地面上的活动,说明其在地面上活动较多,在树上活动较少。  相似文献   

成年太行山猕猴肩关节变量的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本项研究对成年太行山猕猴桃肩并节变量进行了测量和统计,作了异速生长分析,并对太行山猕猴、滇南猕猴、川西猕猴、湘鄂猕猴肩并关节变量进行了比较和聚类分析,与上述3个亚种相比,太行山猕猴较短的肩胛骨,较小的锁肱指数,较大的三角肌止点指数和较小的摆荡指数,表明太行山猕猴肩关节形态结构更适应于地面上的活动,说明其在地面上活动较多,在树上活动较少。  相似文献   

成年太行山猕猴肱骨与锁骨的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
本项研究对成年太行山猕猴的肱骨(33例)及锁骨(29例)进行了全面测量及观察,计算了5项指数。对太行山猕猴、滇南猕猴、川西猕猴、湘鄂猕猴的肱骨、锁骨和桡骨有关测量指标及指数进行聚类分析,分析结果表明:与其他3个猕猴亚种相比,太行山猕猴肱骨与锁骨的形态结构更适应于地面上的活动,说明其在地上活动较多,在树上活动较少。  相似文献   

太行山猕猴的肥满度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
侯进怀  路纪琪  千卫星  瞿文元 《兽类学报》2002,22(2):159-160,122
太行山猕猴自然保护区位于河南省西北部 ,已于 1 998年升格为国家级自然保护区。地理坐标为北纬 3 4°5 4′~ 3 5°2 0′,东经 1 1 0°0 2′~ 1 1 4°1 0′。保护区内生活有国家二级保护动物太行山猕猴约 1 5 0 0余只 ,现已成为我国乃至世界野生猕猴分布的最北限[1 ] 。该种群属华北亚种 (Macacamulattatcheliensis) ,为我国特产动物 ,不仅在生理、生态、行为、形态等方面与南方种群有明显差异 ,且具有独特的、其它地区猕猴无法替代的遗传多样性[2 ] 。近年来 ,由于环境恶化及诸多人为因素的影响 ,致使该区域猕猴…  相似文献   

生存和繁衍是动物的本能,交配则是营有性繁殖动物成功繁殖的前提,亦是自然选择和性选择的重要作用环节。由于在自然条件下较难观察交配行为,故而相对缺乏有关野生动物交配行为的量化分析。本研究以济源五龙口地区的太行山猕猴(Macaca mulatta tcheliensis) WLK-1A群为对象,利用焦点动物取样法,采集了太行山猕猴交配行为数据,并对其进行了量化分析,进而与近缘物种作了比较。研究结果显示,(1)太行山猕猴的交配前行为以社会理毛为主(49.8%),且多由雌性发起(61.8%);(2)太行山猕猴的交配模式属于多次爬跨射精型,一次完整的交配过程包括12个爬跨回合和1次射精,持续时长平均为(719.4±43.3) s;(3)交配后行为以社会理毛(19.4%)和休息(18.1%)为主,雌雄个体交配关系可持续平均(2.1±2.03) d;(4)猕猴属(Macaca)物种的交配参数存在种间差异,交配模式与系统发育关系和分类群组基本吻合,但与社会风格关系不甚明显。本研究结果为全面理解猕猴属物种的繁殖生态学特征提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

野生太行山猕猴血液生理生化指标测定与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猕猴华北亚种Macaca mulatta tcheliensis为中国特有亚种,目前主要分布于河南、山西两省交界的太行山南端,常被称为太行山猕猴.2009年11月~2010年1月,在太行山猕猴国家级自然保护区济源管理局所辖范围内对野生太行山猕猴进行生存状况调查的同时,对18只雌体、8只雄体的血液生理与生化指标进行了测定,结果表明:1)雌性的淋巴细胞数(P=0.019)、中间细胞数(P=0.017)均显著地高于雄性;而雌性的平均血小板体积则显著低于雄性(P=0.046);2)雌性的血糖(GLU)、总胆固醇(CH)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度胆固醇(HDL)、低密度胆固醇(LDL)的测定值均略高于雄性,但其差异未达到显著性水平.并与相关研究作了比较分析.  相似文献   

观察太行山猕猴跗骨形态结构,并初步探讨其两性分化的模式。根据猕猴齿式及骨垢愈合程度选择成年太行山猕猴跗骨标本52例(雄性15例,雌性37例)。选择4块跗骨(舟骨、骰骨和2块楔骨)的5个形态变量进行观察。数据分析采用SPSS 20.0统计软件,组间差异检验采用单因素方差分析。猕猴跗骨5个变量的两侧差异性检验无统计学意义(P>0.05)。跗骨性别之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),均为雄性大于雌性;第3楔骨的前关节间宽性差最大(F=85.719,P<0.001);其次是舟骨的前关节宽(F=54.213,P<0.001)和第1楔骨的前关节间长(F=51.865,P<0.001)。猕猴足骨与其他灵长类相比差异具有统计学意义。猕猴跗骨与人类跗骨形状和数量不同,存在着物种、生活习性和运动类型等差异,研究猕猴跗骨的形态结构和性差对生物进化和种间比较有重要意义。  相似文献   

太行山猕猴的食性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
猕猴 (Macacamulatta)是世界上地理和生态地位分布最广泛的非人灵长类。我国是唯一的地跨热带、亚热带、暖温带均有猕猴分布的国家。直到1987年 ,亚洲最北部的猴群在河北兴隆绝灭以后[12 ] ,自然分布于河南省与山西省交界处的太行山及中条山南段的猕猴就成为亚洲猕猴分布的最北界 ,位于N35°11'~ 35°17',E112°0 3'~ 112°33',地处暖温带。经 1981年以来的调查研究发现 ,太行山猕猴在形态、生理、生态等方面与其它地区的猕猴不同 ,是最具研究意义的种群[5] 。猕猴同其它动物一样 ,通过食物与其它动物 ,周围环境及人类物质…  相似文献   

太行山猕猴研究进展与展望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
猕猴广泛分布于从阿富汗到泰国和中国南部的亚洲地区.分布于中国的猕猴有6个亚种.太行山猕猴为猕猴华北亚种Macaca mulatta tcheliensis,系中国所特有,目前仅分布于河南、山西两省交界的太行山和中条山南端地区,为世界野生猕猴分布最北的种群.自20世纪80年代初期开始,学者们在数量与分布、形态学(包括普通形态学、骨骼系统形态学)、生态学、微观生物学、疾病、实验技术等方面,对太行山猕猴展开了研究.本文对已有的研究成果进行了综述,并提出了今后亟待开展的研究工作,以期能有助于对这一珍稀物种的有效保护.  相似文献   

以太行山猕猴牙齿为对象,主要研究各牙齿的性差大小及分布模式.测量43例太行山猕猴牙齿的2个主要变量.数据通过SPSS统计分析软件处理.性差大小用雄雌差值(Dif)和性差百分比(P.D)表示.结果表明,太行山猕猴牙齿性差主要表现在犬齿性差"区"和第3臼齿,主要是MD径,越靠近犬齿其性差越大,下颌的更为明显.表明太行山猕猴牙齿的不同变量、不同位置性差程度不同.本研究在进行性差推断和种间比较时有一定的实用价值和理论价值.  相似文献   

This study examines the morphology of the face in the fossil macaque Macaca majori from Capo Figari (north-eastern Sardinia, Italy) in a comparative ontogenetic context. Thus, a fairly complete face from an adult representative of this fossil species is compared with 3 extant macaque species: Macaca sylvanus (of which species it is questioned whether it is a subspecies, M. sylvanus majori), Macaca mulatta and Macaca fascicularis. Additional incomplete subadult and adult specimens are also examined in order to compare their facial ontogeny with that of the same living species. The comparisons are based on facial landmark data and are undertaken using geometric morphometric methods. These studies indicate that the adult facial morphology and ontogeny of face size and shape in M. majori share much in common with extant macaque species. However, the adult M. majori face displays some unique morphological features, in particular with regard to lateral flaring and relative size of the zygomatic roots. From the study of a limited sample of fossils there is an indication that this flaring arises during postnatal growth, and in consequence the ontogeny of the face of this fossil species may be different from that of M. sylvanus and the other macaque species included in this analysis. From these studies, we conclude that M. majori shows differences in adult facial morphology and possibly in ontogeny from M. sylvanus compatible with a specific rather than subspecific distinction.  相似文献   

云南地区恒河猴MHC部分基因频率及多态性的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的不同种群恒河猴(Macaca mulatta)主要组织相容性复合体(major histocompatibility complex,MHC)基因的差异性,很大程度上影响了用其作为动物模型的实验研究结果的稳定性、可靠性和可重复性。清晰了解云南地区恒河猴种群免疫遗传学背景对于运用该种群开展各项研究非常重要。恒河猴基因Mamu(Macaca mulatta)-A*01就被公认与猴免疫缺陷病毒(SIV)的感染与延缓病程相联系。Mamu-Ⅱ类等位基因Mamu-DRB1*0306、0309有研究表明也与SIV感染后的病程发展有关。方法针对目前研究热点的Mamu-A*01基因及Ⅱ类Mamu-DRB1*0306、0309基因,采用序列特异性引物-聚合酶链式反应方法(PCR-SSP),对云南地区的140只恒河猴(其中92只来源于云南景东野外自然繁殖群、48只来源于本灵长类中心自繁群)进行检测。并对阳性样本用部分测序结合单链构象多态性分析(SSCP)的方法加以验证。结果Mamu-A*01检测结果为阴性。Mamu-DRB1*0306、0309基因频率分别为32%及45%。结论初步显示云南地区恒河猴种群Mamu-A*01基因可能缺失或基因频率很低,但存在Mamu-DRB1*0306、0309基因。初步证明SSCP方法代替大规模测序是可行的,为云南地区恒河猴在AIDS研究中的应用提供了部分依据,一定程度上填补了该种群的遗传背景资料。  相似文献   

Analysis of molecularly cloned DNAs of SIVs isolated from Asian rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta; SIVmac) and pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina; SIVmne) has indicated a high degree of sequence homology between these viruses. Thus SIVmac and SIVmne might have originated from the same or very closely related viruses. We have cloned and sequenced a PCR-amplified segment containing the LTR sequences of SIV originating from a stump-tailed macaque (Macaca arctoides; SIVstm). Comparative sequence analysis indicates that SIVstm belongs to the SIV/HIV-2 group; however, it is genetically distinct from the other members.  相似文献   

In 1992 an annual Simian herpes B virus (BV) screening programme for an experimental group of macaque monkeys (Macaca mulatta and Macaca fascicularis) was initiated with the aim of establishing a specific pathogen free (SPF) colony. In June 1999 one animal was found to be unexpectedly BV positive (non-negative). The investigation of this result highlights some of the issues and difficulties that may be encountered in such a programme.  相似文献   

This study set out to characterize the features of experimental infection by simian immunodeficiency virus in mandrill (SIVmnd) (Mandrillus sphinx), cynomolgus macaque (Macaca fascicularis), rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta), chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), African green monkey (Cercopithecus pygerythrus), baboon (Papio cynocephalus) and human cells. Purified cells were exposed to a primary isolate of SIVmnd grown in the infected mandrill peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and viral p27 gag antigen was quantitated by antigen capture ELISA. Human cells have been found to be infected by SIVmnd. SIVmnd infection in cynomolgus macaque, rhesus macaque, baboon, mandrill and human cells were more effective than in vervet and chimpanzee cells. In addition, the lymphocytic cell lines SupT1, CEMx174 and Molt4 clone 8 were consistently infected by SIVmnd, whereas U937, a monocytic cell line, was not.  相似文献   

为建立实验猕猴被毛氨基酸含量的参考数据和对猕猴饲料氨基酸配比的筛选提供实验基础数据,挑选不同生活环境的猕猴共30只,即笼养猴10只、半自然圈养(猴园)猴10只、野外猴10只,用氨基酸自动分析仪测定其被毛氨基酸的含量.分析结果表明,按不同生活环境分组,猕猴被毛的脯氨酸、缬氨酸、氨和精氨酸以及胱氨酸的含量是人工饲养猴(包括笼养猴和猴园猴)低于野外猴(P<0.01),被毛赖氨酸、组氨酸和氨基酸总量含量是野外猴高于笼养猴(P<0.05)和猴园猴(P<0.01);按性别分组,只有雄性猴的被毛苏氨酸和组氨酸的含量高于雌性猴(JP<0.05),其余氨基酸均无差异(P>0.05).因此,影响猕猴被毛大部分氨基酸含量的因素不仅是食物相应氨基酸的含量,生活环境也有很大的影响;性别因素对猕猴被毛的大部分氨基酸的含量是没有影响的.  相似文献   

Clinical and necropsy records of malformations in Old World monkeys were compiled. The numbers of malformations and birth incidence rate for each species were: Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) 3 (1.02%); Cynomolgus macaque (Macaca fascicularis) 11 (1.62%); Stumptail macaque (Macaca arctoides) 3 (1.55%); African green monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops) 4 (1.5%). There was one pair of rhesus twins (twinning rate: 0.34%). Cardiovascular and central nervous system lesions accounted for 55% of all malformations. Only two of the malformations were in inbred infants. Nine of twenty-one colony-born malformed infants lived 24 hours or more.  相似文献   

All members of the Herpesviridae family contain sequences for a highly conserved glycoprotein B (gB) gene. We investigated the phylogenetic relationships of gB sequences from eight independent rhadinovirus isolates obtained from three species: rhesus (Macaca mulatta), cynomologus (Macaca fasicularis), and pig-tailed (Macaca nemestrina) macaques. Samples were derived from monkeys housed at four separate facilities. Analysis of these eight independent gB sequences revealed five regions of heterogeneity within the 823- to 829-amino-acid polypeptides: residues 1 to 65, 120 to 185, 255 to 300, 352 to 393, and 412 to 457. The remaining regions of gB were highly conserved among the different macaque isolates. Overall divergence among these gene sequences ranged from 0.1 to 7.2% at the amino acid level. Phylogenetic trees constructed with our macaque rhadinovirus gB sequences and those derived from additional subfamilies or genera (alpha, beta, gamma-1, and gamma-2) revealed that the macaque gB sequences branched with other gamma-2 herpesvirus gB sequences and that within the gamma-2 genera, the macaque gB sequences clustered as a distinct branch. The eight macaque rhadinovirus gB sequences were all approximately equidistant from Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) gB sequences and had a shorter evolutionary distance to KSHV gB sequences than to any other herpesvirus, including the gamma-2 herpesvirus saimiri (HVS) of New World squirrel monkeys. The macaque gB sequences did not cluster according to the facility of origin, but did cluster according to the species of origin, displaying less intraspecies divergence (0.1 to 2.9%) than interspecies divergence (3.3 to 7.2%). These results demonstrate a close relatedness of rhadinovirus isolates from different macaque species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The genetic background of the cynomolgus macaque (Macaca fascicularis) is made complex by the high genetic diversity, population structure, and gene introgression from the closely related rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta). Herein we report the whole-genome sequence of a Malaysian cynomolgus macaque male with more than 40-fold coverage, which was determined using a resequencing method based on the Indian rhesus macaque genome. RESULTS: We identified approximately 9.7 million single nucleotide variants (SNVs) between the Malaysian cynomolgus and the Indian rhesus macaque genomes. Compared with humans, a smaller nonsynonymous/synonymous SNV ratio in the cynomolgus macaque suggests more effective removal of slightly deleterious mutations. Comparison of two cynomolgus (Malaysian and Vietnamese) and two rhesus (Indian and Chinese) macaque genomes, including previously published macaque genomes, suggests that Indochinese cynomolgus macaques have been more affected by gene introgression from rhesus macaques. We further identified 60 nonsynonymous SNVs that completely differentiated the cynomolgus and rhesus macaque genomes, and that could be important candidate variants for determining species-specific responses to drugs and pathogens. The demographic inference using the genome sequence data revealed that Malaysian cynomolgus macaques have experienced at least three population bottlenecks. CONCLUSIONS: This list of whole-genome SNVs will be useful for many future applications, such as an array-based genotyping system for macaque individuals. High-quality whole-genome sequencing of the cynomolgus macaque genome may aid studies on finding genetic differences that are responsible for phenotypic diversity in macaques and may help control genetic backgrounds among individuals.  相似文献   

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