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湖北官庄坪遗址动物遗骸研究报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长江三峡官庄坪遗址动物遗骸分属于新石器时代、东周时期和明代。新石器时代的重要动物遗骸包括大熊猫、大苏门羚、普氏野马等,其中大苏门羚是我国至今发现该种动物生存时代最晚的地点。官庄坪遗址明代动物骨骼中,有三峡地区引进型动物家黄牛。官庄坪遗址动物群的总体特征,反映三峡新石器时代以来具备高山—峡谷的立体气候自然景观。新石器时代至明代环境变化不大,峡谷以湿热、多林环境为主,峰顶区域则在气候、植被等自然环境方面有些改变。官庄坪遗址动物遗骸,反映三峡古居民对野生动物资源的依赖性较强。该遗址新石器时代墓葬中,存在随葬多种野生动物下颌骨的考古学文化现象,其中以大熊猫下颌骨作为随葬品,是世界范围内第一例。  相似文献   

聚落考古研究表明,二里头文化时期(1750~1530 BC)中原腹地出现了都邑和大、中、小型四级聚落系统,东亚地区由此进入了早期广域王权国家时代。二里头文化时期的生业经济研究对于理解中华文明形成与早期发展过程中的关键时期的社会变革与文化演进的骤然提速具有重要意义。家养动物及其副产品的开发和利用、管理和分配是生业经济研究和社会复杂化发展的重要内容。在以往研究中,尽管学界已对二里头文化时期的核心都邑二里头遗址和若干中小型聚落遗址开展了多项动物考古学研究,但是针对大型聚落的系统分析较少。鉴于此,本文以河南省新郑市望京楼遗址发掘出土的动物骨骼为研究对象,通过种属鉴定、数量统计、测量数据分析、死亡年龄推算等方法,尝试探讨居于大型聚落的先民对动物资源的消费和利用。结果显示,该遗址的家养动物有猪、黄牛、绵羊、山羊和狗,家养动物数量占多数。遗址的猪多数为未成年个体,说明肉食消费是遗址先民养猪的主要目的;绵羊多数为成年个体,说明获取羊毛是遗址先民养羊的主要目的。通过与二里头、南洼、煤山和皂角树等其他等级聚落遗址的比较可知,早期国家的都邑和大中型聚落的家养动物的种类更丰富,绵羊的数量比例随聚落等级的降低而减少,绵羊的身体尺寸随聚落等级的降低而变小,以获取羊毛为主要目的养羊业更容易在高等级聚落中出现。这一研究揭示了早期国家大型聚落和国家内部不同等级聚落开发利用动物资源的特点和差异,为从动物考古的角度探讨早期社会复杂化提供了可能性。  相似文献   

对2011年陕北神木木柱柱梁龙山晚期遗址出土的大量动物遗存,按照出土单位对所有的动物骨骼进行了分类、测量和鉴定。总共鉴定出脊椎动物27个种属,包括鳖、鸟类、褐家鼠、中华鼢鼠、蒙古兔、狐、貉、狼、狗、虎、黄鼬、狗獾、野猪和家猪、奥氏马、野驴、骆驼、鹿类、黄牛、山羊、绵羊、鹅喉羚。特别是发现了目前时代偏晚偏南的马科动物绝灭种Equus(Sussemionus) ovodovi, 根据对出土动物骨骼的分析结果表明:遗址周围的自然景观以草原为主,不远处有一定面积的森林、疏林、灌丛及沙漠的自然景观。从先民对动物资源的利用以羊为主情况可见他们以畜牧业经济为主,同时从事农业和狩猎采集。  相似文献   

榆林火石梁遗址动物遗存研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对榆林新机场火石梁遗址出土的动物骨骼进行了系统的分类和研究。动物骨骼属哺乳动物18种,鸟类1种;其中以羊骨数量最多,约占总数的60%,不同于任何一个关中新石器遗址。根据对出土的动物骨骼和文化层堆积分析结果表明:遗址周围的自然景观以草原为主,草原上有各种羊、牛、马、兔等食草动物,不远处有一定面积的森林、疏林、灌丛及沙漠,其间有虎、猫等食肉动物和各种鹿类动物及羚羊的出没。动物中虎、梅花鹿、马鹿、狍、羚羊、岩羊现已在此绝迹,其余为现仍生活在该地区的种类。  相似文献   

动物考古学所要研究和解决的问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
祁国琴 《人类学学报》1983,2(3):293-300
动物考古学,译自英文Zooarchaeology,是考古学与动物学相结合的一门科学。它的研究对象是从人类各个历史时期考古遗址中发掘出的动物骨骼。通过对这些动物骨骼的鉴定与解释,从而了解古代居民居址附近的自然条件和生态环境、他们狩猎的对象、对食物的选择以及家畜畜养等情况,也即用动物学的方法研究考古学的有关问题。因此它首先应该和考古学、动物学有密切关系,此外为了解释古代居民的一些风俗、习惯,还必须借鉴一些少数民族的资料,故与民族学、民俗学也有一定的关系。 按理,动物考古学的研究对象应包括旧石器时代遗址中出土的动物,但后者的研究,  相似文献   

黄河上游拉乙亥中石器时代遗址发掘报告   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用动物骨骼,测得拉乙亥遗址的C~(14)年代为距今6745±85年,接近中原地区的新石器时代遗址的时代。但是,在出土的文化遗物中,未发现陶器和磨光石器等新石器时代的典型标志,而且遗址埋藏于较高阶地的堆积物中,发现的大量打制石器与华北旧石器时代晚期的石制品非常相似。这个遗址的发现为研究西北地区的文化发展史提出了新的问题。  相似文献   

动物考古学(Zooarchaeology)通过对人类各个历史时期考古遗址中发掘出的动物骨骼的鉴定与解释,了解古代居民居址附近的自然条件和生态环境、古人类狩猎的对象、对食物的选择以及家畜蓄养等情况,也采用动物学方法研究考古学相关问题.1976年,在法国举行的第九届史前学与原史学国际会议上,正式成立了国际动物考古学会( International Council for Zooarchaeology).至此,其逐渐成为考古学的一个重要分支.  相似文献   

哈民忙哈遗址是迄今为止内蒙古乃至东北地区发现面积最大的一处史前聚落遗址,为重建当时的生产和生活情况、文化习俗甚至思想观念等都提供了弥足珍贵的实物资料。其中,重建该遗址先民的食物结构和生业经济,有助于揭示哈民忙哈遗址产生和兴盛的动因及科尔沁沙地史前文化的变迁过程。目前,多学科的研究成果已经初步显示哈民忙哈遗址先民的生业经济具有多样性,但各种生业模式的比重以及是否存在家畜饲养等问题还缺乏相应的了解。本文对该遗址87例人骨与18例动物骨骼进行了C、N稳定同位素分析,还原了人和动物的食物结构及生业经济面貌。结果显示,陆生野生动物的食物结构主要基于C3植物类食物和少量的C4农作物,而犬科动物则体现出家养动物的食谱特性:食物主要依赖C4食物和人类食物残羹。C4类粟黍农作物和以此饲喂的动物是该遗址先民的主要食物来源,其中粟黍农作物在食物结构中的地位尤其重要。在该遗址中,女性摄入相对较多的粟黍和相对较少的肉类,与男性在食物结构上存在显著差异。农耕、家畜饲养是先民最重要的经济行为,狩猎、渔猎和采集是生业的重要补充。  相似文献   

本文以泥河湾盆地板井子遗址(约90 kaBP)2015年出土的动物骨骼为材料,通过骨骼表面痕迹分析、骨骼单元出现频率研究及长骨破碎方式的统计,辨识自然作用与人类行为对动物骨骼造成的不同影响,讨论深海氧同位素5阶段(MIS 5)中国北方古人类获取、搬运及处理动物资源的综合性策略。研究结果显示:1)遗址出土的动物遗存为古人类活动所遗留,自然营力对动物骨骼有改造作用,但并未影响我们对古人类行为的辨识;2)古人类在捕获马科动物之后,将其完整地带回了遗址并肢解;3)在处理猎物遗骸时,肌肉和骨髓富集的部位是古人类利用的重点。结合河南许昌灵井遗址的动物遗存研究结果,我们认为,在MIS 5阶段前后,中国北方已经出现了可以高效利用动物资源的人类群体;稳定、充沛的能量来源,或是他们应对北半球中高纬度干旱草原环境气候波动的重要生存策略。  相似文献   

对广西田东中山遗址洞外岩厦出土动物骨骼遗存的研究表明,该批动物遗存至少代表39个属种。中山遗址原始居民以此地作为居住地,会到远处进行狩猎,其生业模式以狩猎为主;对骨骼的利用尚处在初级阶段,未发现精细的加工方式。动物骨骼遗存均来自野生动物,原始居民未开始饲养家畜。当时的中山遗址地处以林缘灌丛、低山森林景观为主的山间盆地中,不远处有成片的草地,并分布着一定面积的水域。这些信息对探讨中国华南地区旧石器时代晚期至新石器时代早期人类的生存行为、生境状况及演化特征等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Functional bone microstructure of long limb bones is a function of species-specific biomechanical properties such as locomotion and weight. Histomorphometry and statistics were used to identify various primate species (Hylobates moloch, Pongo satyrus borneensis, Pan tr. troglodytes, Gorilla g. gorilla, Homo sapiens), equid species (Equus caballus, Equus asinus, Equus mulus, Equus hemionus kulan, Equus ferus przewalskii) and also extinct horses e.g. iron age, medieval and neolithic forms on the microstructural level. Furthermore, bones from domesticated cattle, their Neolithic forms, pigs, sheep and goats (Bos taurus, Sus scrofa, Ovis aries, Capra hircus) were examined. Thin sections from proximal metacarpi or radii per species were taken in case of the domesticated animals and from distal humeri in case of the primates. Areas, perimeters, minimal and maximal axis of Haversian canals and secondary osteons were measured on digital images. Canonical discriminant analysis permits a differentiation of the species by these parameters of bone microstructure. Thus it is possible to distinguish between the different primate species, sheep and goats, horses, extinct horses, donkeys, mules and kulans on the microstructural level, however not between cattle and pig, E. f. przewalskii and Equus caballus, medieval and iron age horses. Neolithic cattle and horses do overlap, yet they are different from the modern forms.  相似文献   

Seventeen species of mammals and seven species of birds from Ossabaw Island, Georgia, were tested for vesicular stomatitis (VS) neutralizing antibodies. Seropositive results were restricted to mammals with six of 17 species testing seropositive for VS (New Jersey type) neutralizing antibodies. Seropositive species included: raccoons (Procyon lotor), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), feral swine (Sus scrofa), cattle (Bos taurus), horses (Equus caballus), and donkeys (Equus asinus). All tests for VS (Indiana type) were negative.  相似文献   

1. Peripheral blood serum alpha-L-fucosidases have been studied from various mammalian species: Sus scropha var domestica L. (pig), Capra hircus L. (goat), Bos taurus L. (bull, races Morucha and Charolais), Equus caballus L. (horse) and Equus asinus L. (donkey). 2. Fluorimetric and spectrophotometric procedures were used for determination of alpha-L-fucosidases. 3. alpha-L-Fucosidases were more active towards fluorescent substrates than towards chromogenic substrates. 4. pH optima values of the enzymes are: (A) 5.5 for sera from all above-mentioned species when fluorescent substrates were employed; (B) 4.0 for goat, 4.5 for bull, 5.0 for pig and 4.5-5.0 for horse and donkey sera when chromogenic substrates were used. 5. pH activity profiles are very similar for two races (Morucha and Charolais) of the same species (Bos taurus L.) and also for two species of the same genus (Equus caballus and Equus asinus L.). 6. These serum alpha-L-fucosidases are very labile under heat treatment, even at 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

Fernando de Noronha is an archipelago of 21 islands and islets in the Atlantic Ocean, state of Pernambuco, Brazil, which has a varied biodiversity including alien species or sinantropic animals. The objective here was to determine the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in domestic and wild animals from Fernando de Noronha archipelago, Brazil. Between July 2007 and May 2010, blood samples were collected from 764 animals (533 domestic and 231 wild animals). Sera were tested by the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) or the modified agglutination test (MAT), or by both. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 80 (80.0%) of 100 chickens ( Gallus domesticus ), 3 (3.0%) of 100 cattle ( Bos taurus ), 59 (60.8%) of 97 sheep ( Ovis aries ), 9 (81.8%) of 11 goats ( Capra hircus ), 7 (43.7%) of 16 horses ( Equus caballus ), 70 (59.3%) of 118 cats ( Felis catus ), 36 (39.6%) of 91 dogs ( Canis familiaris ), 13 (38.2%) of 34 black rats ( Rattus rattus ), and 157 (79.7%) of 197 cattle egrets ( Bubulcus ibis ). Results indicate endemic infection by this zoonotic parasite among the animal and avian fauna in this archipelago from Brazil.  相似文献   

Y chromosome polymorphisms such as microsatellites or single nucleotide polymorphisms represent a paternal counterpart to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) for evolutionary and phylogeographic studies. The use of Y chromosome haplotyping in natural populations of species other than humans is still hindered by the lack of sequence information necessary for polymorphism screening. Here we used representational difference analysis (RDA) followed by a screen of a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library for repetitive sequences to obtain polymorphic Y-chromosomal markers. The procedure was performed for the domestic horse (Equus caballus) and we report the first six Y-chromosomal microsatellite markers for this species. Three markers were also useful for haplotyping taxa of the zebra/ass lineage. Y-chromosomal microsatellite markers show a single haplotype in the domestic horse, whereas notable variation has been observed in the other members of the genus Equus.  相似文献   

Studies have been made on the peroxidase activity of metmyoglobins in animals from various ecological groups--the horse Equus caballus, cattle Bos taurus, beaver Castor fiber, otter Lutra lutra, mink Mustela vison and dog Canis familiaris. It was found that the level of this activity in diving animals depends on the duration of their diving, whereas in terrestrial species--on the strength of muscular contraction.  相似文献   

普通马(Equus caballus)是河南灵井许昌人遗址动物群中的一个优势属种。本文基于这一动物属种牙齿材料的测量与分析, 初步完成了普通马个体死亡年龄的计算及其化石居群的生命表构建, 并与世界范围内多个动物群的相关材料进行了对比研究。该动物群普通马化石材料的死亡年龄曲线反映了这一时期古人类以普通马居群中的壮年个体为主要狩猎目标的选择性生存策略和狩猎能力。  相似文献   

The culture of early embryos in the surrogate xeno-oviduct was first developed in the early 1950s to allow transport of embryos at long distances. Later, it was applied to the study of culture requirements of the early embryo especially that of bovine origin. In this article, we review the data available on the culture of in vitro-matured and in vitro-fertilized embryos of Bos taurus, Sus scrofa, Equus caballus and Ovis aries in the surrogate sheep oviduct compared with data on in vitro culture in different media. Short-term and long-term cellular and molecular effects are described mainly for the bovine species where more extensive use of this technique has been made. A comparison with in vitro culture in various conditions and species indicate that embryos cultured in the sheep oviduct have close similarities to totally in vivo-derived embryos. The data provided demonstrate that the technique of in vivo culture in the surrogate sheep oviduct is versatile and allows a high rate of embryonic development in all species examined.  相似文献   

Changing environmental conditions and human encroachment on natural habitats bring human populations closer to novel sources of parasites, which might then develop into new emerging diseases. Diseases transmitted by host generalist vectors are of special interest due to their capacity to move pathogens into novel hosts. We hypothesize that humans using forests for recreation are exposed to a broad range of parasites from wild animals and their vectors. A corollary of this is that new vector-host, parasite-host, and vector-parasite associations could eventually develop. Thus, we expect to observe atypical vector-host associations. Using molecular bloodmeal analysis via amplification of the mtDNA COI gene we identified the vertebrate hosts of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) species in a sub-urban forest of Southwestern Germany. Bloodmeals were also checked for haemosporidian infections by amplifying a fragment of the mtDNA cyt b gene. We identified a total of 20 Culicoides species, thirteen of which fed on humans. From 105 screened bloodmeals we obtained high quality sequences for 77 samples, 73 (94.8%) originated from humans, two from livestock (Bos taurus and Equus caballus), and two from wild birds (Sylvia atricapilla and Turdus merula). We found that four Culicoides species previously assumed to feed exclusively on either birds (C. kibunensis) or domestic mammals (C. chiopterus, C. deltus, C. scoticus) fed also on humans. A total of six Culicoides abdomens were infected with avian haemosporidian parasites (Plasmodium or Haemoproteus), four of those abdomens contained blood derived from humans. Our results suggest that parasites of wild animals may be transferred to humans through infectious bites of Culicoides vectors. Further, we show that Culicoides vectors believed to be a specialist on specific vertebrate groups can have plastic feeding preferences, and that Culicoides are susceptible to infection by Plasmodium parasites, though vector viability must still be experimentally demonstrated.  相似文献   

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