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It is commonly believed that growth cone turning during pathfinding is initiated by reorganization of actin filaments in response to guidance cues, which then affects microtubule structure to complete the turning process. However, a major unanswered question is how changes in actin cytoskeleton are induced by guidance cues and how these changes are then translated into microtubule rearrangement. Here, we report that local and specific disruption of actin bundles from the growth cone peripheral domain induced repulsive growth cone turning. Meanwhile, dynamic microtubules within the peripheral domain were oriented into areas where actin bundles remained and were lost from areas where actin bundles disappeared. This resulted in directional microtubule extension leading to axon bending and growth cone turning. In addition, this local actin bundle loss coincided with localized growth cone collapse, as well as asymmetrical lamellipodial protrusion. Our results provide direct evidence, for the first time, that regional actin bundle reorganization can steer the growth cone by coordinating actin reorganization with microtubule dynamics. This suggests that actin bundles can be potential targets of signaling pathways downstream of guidance cues, providing a mechanism for coupling changes in leading edge actin with microtubules at the central domain during turning.  相似文献   

Regulation of growth cone actin filaments by guidance cues   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The motile behaviors of growth cones at the ends of elongating axons determine pathways of axonal connections in developing nervous systems. Growth cones express receptors for molecular guidance cues in the local environment, and receptor-guidance cue binding initiates cytoplasmic signaling that regulates the cytoskeleton to control growth cone advance, turning, and branching behaviors. The dynamic actin filaments of growth cones are frequently targets of this regulatory signaling. Rho GTPases are key mediators of signaling by guidance cues, although much remains to be learned about how growth cone responses are orchestrated by Rho GTPase signaling to change the dynamics of polymerization, transport, and disassembly of actin filaments. Binding of neurotrophins to Trk and p75 receptors on growth cones triggers changes in actin filament dynamics to regulate several aspects of growth cone behaviors. Activation of Trk receptors mediates local accumulation of actin filaments, while neurotrophin binding to p75 triggers local decrease in RhoA signaling that promotes lengthening of filopodia. Semaphorin IIIA and ephrin-A2 are guidance cues that trigger avoidance or repulsion of certain growth cones, and in vitro responses to these proteins include growth cone collapse. Dynamic changes in the activities of Rho GTPases appear to mediate responses to these cues, although it remains unclear what the changes are in actin filament distribution and dynamic reorganization that result in growth cone collapse. Growth cones in vivo simultaneously encounter positive and negative guidance cues, and thus, growth cone behaviors during axonal pathfinding reflect the complex integration of multiple signaling activities.  相似文献   

Regulation of growth cone actin dynamics by ADF/cofilin.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Nervous system development is reliant on neuronal pathfinding, the process in which axons are guided to their target cells by specific extracellular cues. The ability of neurons to extend over long distances in response to environmental guidance signals is made possible by the growth cone, a highly motile structure found at the end of neuronal processes. Growth cones detect directional cues and respond with either attractive or repulsive movements. The motility of growth cones is dependent on rapid reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, presumably mediated by actin-associated proteins under the control of incoming guidance signals. This article reviews how one such family of proteins, the ADF/cofilins, are emerging as key regulators of growth cone actin dynamics. These proteins are essential for rapid actin turnover in a variety of different cell types. ADF/cofilins are heavily co-localized with actin in growth cones and are necessary for neurite outgrowth. ADF/cofilin activities are regulated through reversible phosphorylation by LIM kinases and slingshot phosphatases. LIM kinases are downstream effectors of the Rho GTPases Rho, Rac, and Cdc42. Growing evidence suggests that extracellular guidance cues may locally alter actin dynamics by regulating the activity of LIM kinase and ADF/cofilin phosphatases via the Rho GTPases. In this way, ADF/cofilins and their upstream effectors may be pivotal to our understanding of how guidance information is translated into physical alterations of the growth cone actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Touch and go: guidance cues signal to the growth cone cytoskeleton   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Growth cones, the highly motile tips of growing axons, guide axons to their targets by responding to molecular cues. Growth cone behaviors such as advancing, retracting, turning and branching are driven by the dynamics and reorganization of the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton through signaling pathways linked to guidance cue receptors. Actin filaments play a major part in growth cone motility, and because of their peripheral locations were thought to be the primary target of molecular cues. However, recent studies have shown that dynamic microtubules can penetrate the growth cone periphery where guidance molecules can influence them directly. Moreover, guidance cues can regulate growth cone steering by modulating dynamic actin-microtubule interactions.  相似文献   

During neuronal pathfinding in vivo, growth cones must reorient their direction of migration in response to extracellular guidance cues. The developing grasshopper limb bud has proved to be a model system in which to examine mechanisms of growth cone guidance and motility in vivo. In this review we examine the contributions of adhesion and multiple guidance cues (semaphorins 1 and 2) in directing a growth cone steering event. Recent observations have suggested that the tibial pioneer growth cones are not directed via mechanisms of differential adhesivity. We present a model of growth cone steering that suggests a combination of adhesive and guidance receptors are important for a correct steering event and that guidance molecules may be important regulators of adhesive interactions with the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Growth cones are highly motile structures at the end of neuronal processes, capable of receiving multiple types of guidance cues and transducing them into directed axonal growth. Thus, to guide the axon toward the appropriate target cell, the growth cone carries out different functions: it acts as a sensor, signal transducer, and motility device. An increasing number of molecular components that mediate axon guidance have been characterized over the past years. The vast majority of these molecules include proteins that act as guidance cues and their respective receptors. In addition, more and more signaling and cytoskeleton-associated proteins have been localized to the growth cone. Furthermore, it has become evident that growth cone motility and guidance depends on a dynamic cytoskeleton that is regulated by incoming guidance information. Current and future research in the growth cone field will be focussed on how different guidance cues transmit their signals to the cytoskeleton and change its dynamic properties to affect the rate and direction of growth cone movement. In this review, we discuss recent evidence that cell adhesion molecules can regulate growth cone motility and guidance by a mechanism of substrate-cytoskeletal coupling.  相似文献   

The establishment of neuronal connections during embryonic development requires the precise guidance and targeting of the neuronal growth cone, an expanded cellular structure at the leading tip of a growing axon. The growth cone contains sophisticated signaling systems that allow the rapid communication between guidance receptors and the actin cytoskeleton in generating directed motility. Previous studies demonstrated a specific role for the Nck/Dock SH2/SH3 adapter protein in photoreceptor (R cell) axon guidance and target recognition in the Drosophila visual system, suggesting strongly that Nck/Dock is one of the long-sought missing links between cell surface receptors and the actin cytoskeleton. In this review, I discuss the recent progress on dissecting the Nck/Dock signaling pathways in R-cell growth cones. These studies have identified additional key components of the Nck/Dock signaling pathways for linking the receptor signaling to the remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton in controlling growth-cone motility.  相似文献   

Proper neural circuitry requires that growth cones, motile tips of extending axons, respond to molecular guidance cues expressed in the developing organism. However, it is unclear how guidance cues modify the cytoskeleton to guide growth cone pathfinding. Here, we show acute treatment with two attractive guidance cues, nerve growth factor (NGF) and netrin‐1, for embryonic dorsal root ganglion and temporal retinal neurons, respectively, results in increased growth cone membrane protrusion, actin polymerization, and filamentous actin (F‐actin). ADF/cofilin (AC) family proteins facilitate F‐actin dynamics, and we found the inactive phosphorylated form of AC is decreased in NGF‐ or netrin‐1‐treated growth cones. Directly increasing AC activity mimics addition of NGF or netrin‐1 to increase growth cone protrusion and F‐actin levels. Extracellular gradients of NGF, netrin‐1, and a cell‐permeable AC elicit attractive growth cone turning and increased F‐actin barbed ends, F‐actin accumulation, and active AC in growth cone regions proximal to the gradient source. Reducing AC activity blunts turning responses to NGF and netrin. Our results suggest that gradients of NGF and netrin‐1 locally activate AC to promote actin polymerization and subsequent growth cone turning toward the side containing higher AC activity. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 70: 565–588, 2010  相似文献   

In the fields of axonal and dendritic guidance, there is now a significant accumulation of knowledge of how extracellular signaling molecules activate their cognate growth cone receptors. Relatively little is known about the subsequent activation of intracellular signaling pathways and actin reorganization, and very little is known about how microtubules (MTs) reorganize during growth cone turning. I hypothesize that dynamic MTs are required in order to catalyze the polarized actin assembly necessary for growth cone turning, that MTs and actin filaments promote each other's assembly through positive feedback, that MT stability is enhanced further through the formation of membrane-associated MT attachment sites, and that these MT stabilization events subsequently accelerate axonal/dendritic shaft formation.  相似文献   

At the distal most aspect of motile extending axons and dendrites lies the growth cone, a hand like macroorganelle of membrane bound cytoskeleton, packed with receptors, adhesion molecules, molecular motors, and an army of regulatory and signaling proteins. Splayed out along the substratum in vitro, the growth cone resembles an open hand with bundles of filamentous actin, barbed ends outstretched, as if fingers extending from a central domain of dynamic microtubule plus ends. The growth cone acts first as a sensory platform, analyzing the environment ahead for the presence of guidance cues, secondly as a mechanical dynamo establishing focal contact with the extracellular matrix to drive processive forward outgrowth, and thirdly as a forward biochemical command center where signals are interrogated to inform turning, extension, retraction, or branching. During his career, Paul Letourneau has made major contributions to our understanding of how growth cones respond to their environment. Here, we will summarize some of these major advances in their historical context. Letourneau's contributions have provided insights into cytoskeletal organization, growth cone dynamics, and signaling pathways. His recent work has described some important molecules and molecular mechanisms involved in growth cone turning. Although much remains to be understood about this important and intriguing structure, Letourneau's contributions have provided us with "growth cone guidance."  相似文献   

Semaphorin junction: making tracks toward neural connectivity   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Semaphorins constitute one of the largest families of repulsive and attractive growth cone guidance proteins. They affect the growth cone's actin cytoskeleton through interactions with receptor complexes composed of ligand-binding, signal-transducing, and modulatory subunits. Our understanding of the intracellular signal transduction machinery linking semaphorins to actin dynamics is limited; however, recent advances provide a more comprehensive view of the molecular basis of neuronal semaphorin signaling.  相似文献   

Repulsive guidance cues can either collapse the whole growth cone to arrest neurite outgrowth or cause asymmetric collapse leading to growth cone turning. How signals from repulsive cues are translated by growth cones into this morphological change through rearranging the cytoskeleton is unclear. We examined three factors that are able to induce the collapse of extending Helisoma growth cones in conditioned medium, including serotonin, myosin light chain kinase inhibitor, and phorbol ester. To study the cytoskeletal events contributing to collapse, we cultured Helisoma growth cones on polylysine in which lamellipodial collapse was prevented by substrate adhesion. We found that all three factors that induced collapse of extending growth cones also caused actin bundle loss in polylysine-attached growth cones without loss of actin meshwork. In addition, actin bundle loss correlated with specific filamentous actin redistribution away from the leading edge that is characteristic of repulsive factors. Finally, we provide direct evidence using time-lapse studies of extending growth cones that actin bundle loss paralleled collapse. Taken together, these results suggest that actin bundles could be a common cytoskeletal target of various collapsing factors, which may use different signaling pathways that converge to induce growth cone collapse.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases in growth cone guidance   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
It is now well established that the small GTPases of the Rho family--Rac, Cdc42 and Rho--regulate growth cone morphology. Less clear is their role in guiding the growth cone. Do they act permissively, providing the dynamic actin structures needed for guidance? Or do they act instructively, transducing specific guidance signals? Recent studies have provided the first strong evidence for an instructive role: extracellular guidance cues can modulate Rho GTPase activities in vitro, and Rho GTPase activators function in growth cone guidance in vivo. The pathways linking Rho GTPases and the actin cytoskeleton are also rapidly coming into view, revealing further points of regulation by extracellular guidance cues. The growth cone is therefore guided by signals transduced both via and independently of Rho GTPases.  相似文献   

Local information processing in the growth cone is essential for correct wiring of the nervous system. As an axon navigates through the developing nervous system, the growth cone responds to extrinsic guidance cues by coordinating axon outgrowth with growth cone steering. It has become increasingly clear that axon extension requires proper actin polymerization dynamics, whereas growth cone steering involves local protein synthesis. However, molecular components integrating these two processes have not been identified. Here, we show that Down syndrome critical region 1 protein (DSCR1) controls axon outgrowth by modulating growth cone actin dynamics through regulation of cofilin activity (phospho/dephospho-cofilin). Additionally, DSCR1 mediates brain-derived neurotrophic factor–induced local protein synthesis and growth cone turning. Our study identifies DSCR1 as a key protein that couples axon growth and pathfinding by dually regulating actin dynamics and local protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Directional guidance of nerve growth cones   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The intricate connections of the nervous system are established, in part, by elongating axonal fibers that are directed by complex guidance systems to home in on their specific targets. The growth cone, the major motile apparatus at the tip of axons, explores its surroundings and steers the axon along a defined path to its appropriate target. Significant progress has been made in identifying the guidance molecules and receptors that regulate growth cone pathfinding, the signaling cascades underlying distinct growth cone behaviors, and the cytoskeletal components that give rise to the directional motility of the growth cone. Recent studies have also shed light on the sophisticated mechanisms and new players utilized by the growth cone during pathfinding. It is clear that axon pathfinding requires a growth cone to sample and integrate various signals both in space and in time, and subsequently to coordinate the dynamics of its membrane, cytoskeleton and adhesion to generate specific responses.  相似文献   

The extension and retraction of filopodia in response to extracellular cues is thought to be an important initial step that determines the direction of growth cone advance. We sought to understand how the dynamic behavior of the actin cytoskeleton is regulated to produce extension or retraction. By observing the movement of fiduciary marks on actin filaments in growth cones of a neuroblastoma cell line, we found that filopodium extension and retraction are governed by a balance between the rate of actin cytoskeleton assembly at the tip and retrograde flow. Both assembly and flow rate can vary with time in a single filopodium and between filopodia in a single growth cone. Regulation of assembly rate is the dominant factor in controlling filopodia behavior in our system.  相似文献   

Growth cone responses to guidance cues provide the basis for neuronal pathfinding. Although many cues have been identified, less is known about how signals are translated into the cytoskeletal rearrangements that steer directional changes during pathfinding. Here we show that the response of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons to Semaphorin 3A gradients can be divided into two steps: growth cone collapse and retraction. Collapse is inhibited by overexpression of myosin IIA or growth on high substrate-bound laminin-1. Inhibition of collapse also prevents retractions; however collapse can occur without retraction. Inhibition of myosin II activity with blebbistatin or by using neurons from myosin IIB knockouts inhibits retraction. Collapse is associated with movement of myosin IIA from the growth cone to the neurite. Myosin IIB redistributes from a broad distribution to the rear of the growth cone and neck of the connecting neurite. High substrate-bound laminin-1 prevents or reverses these changes. This suggests a model for the Sema 3A response that involves loss of growth cone myosin IIA to facilitate actin meshwork instability and collapse, followed by myosin IIB concentration at the rear of the cone and neck region where it associates with actin bundles to drive retraction.  相似文献   

Growth cones are highly motile structures found at the leading edge of developing and regenerating nerve processes. Their role in axonal pathfinding has been well established and many guidance cues that influence growth cone behavior have now been identified. Many studies are now providing insights into the transduction and integration of signals in the growth cone, though a full understanding of growth cone behavior still eludes us. This review focuses on recent studies adding to the growing body of literature on growth cone behavior, focusing particularly on the level of autonomy the growth cone possesses and the role of local protein synthesis.  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly evident that proteins of the actin depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilin family are essential regulators of actin turnover required for many actin-based cellular processes, including motility. ADF can increase actin turnover by either increasing the rate of actin filament treadmilling or by severing actin filaments. In neurons ADF is highly expressed in neuronal growth cones and its activity is regulated by many signals that affect growth cone motility. In addition, increased activity of ADF causes an increase in neurite extension. ADF activity is inhibited upon phosphorylation by LIM kinases (LIMK), kinases activated by members of the Rho family of small GTPases. ADF become dephosphorylated downstream of signal pathways that activate PI-3 kinase or increase levels of intracellular calcium. The growth-regulating effects of ADF together with its ability to be regulated by a wide variety of guidance cues, suggest that ADF may regulate growth cone advance and navigation.  相似文献   

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