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昆虫触角叶的结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵新成  翟卿  王桂荣 《昆虫学报》2015,58(2):190-209
触角叶是昆虫脑内初级嗅觉中心,通过触角神经与触角联系。触角叶主要由嗅觉受体神经元、局域中间神经元、投射神经元和远心神经元构成。这些神经元的形态多样,其形态变化与其功能和昆虫嗅觉行为相关。这些神经元在触角叶内交织形成神经纤维网,在突触联系紧密的地方形成纤维球,纤维球通常排列在触角叶外周。通常,昆虫触角叶内纤维球的数量、大小和位置相对固定,并且几乎每个小球都可以被识别和命名。不同种类、性别和品级的昆虫中,纤维球的数量、大小和排列方式各不相同。触角叶结构神经元组成和纤维球的多样性,与各种昆虫嗅觉行为的特异性相对应。  相似文献   

大多数昆虫主要通过气味认知感知外界环境的变化,维持生命活动。探究昆虫气味认知的嗅觉系统神经结构及分子机制,对于完善气味认知神经生物学理论及利用其原理进行仿生学研究等有重要的科学意义。近年,关于昆虫气味认知科学研究有了很大的进展。本文从昆虫神经生物学的视角详细综述了近年关于昆虫气味认知的嗅觉神经结构、分子机制及气味信号的神经传导途径等方面的基本理论及最新研究成果。综述结果显示:昆虫对气味的认知是通过嗅觉神经系统的触角感器、触角叶(AL)、蕈形体(MB)等脑内多层信号处理神经结构来实现的。当外界气味分子进入触角感器内后,由感器内特定的气味识别蛋白(OBP)将气味分子运载到达嗅觉感受神经元(ORN)树突膜上的受体位点,气味分子与表达特定气味的受体(OR)结合产生电信号,并以动作电位的形式通过ORN的轴突传到脑内的触角叶。在触角叶经过嗅觉纤维球对气味信息选择性加工处理,再由投射神经元(PNs)将初步的识别和分类的气味信息传到蕈形体和外侧角(LH)等神经中枢,实现对气味的识别和认知。虽然,近年昆虫气味认知神经生物学的研究有了很大的进步,但是,我们认为目前的研究成果还不能完全阐明昆虫气味认知的神经机制,还有很多问题,例如,触角叶上众多的嗅觉纤维球是如何对嗅觉感受神经元传入的气味信息进行编码处理的?等有待进一步深入研究。为了搞清这些疑难问题,我们认为需要提高现有的实验技术水平,加强电生理学和分子神经生物学相结合的实验研究,从分子水平探究气味认知的神经机制可能是未来研究的热点。  相似文献   

蘑菇体(革形体)是昆虫脑内非常重要的一个结构,构成蘑菇体的冠和叶在不同目昆虫中高度分化,其结构虽然保守,但形态上的变化在一定程度上反映了昆虫的进化地位.冠是触角叶嗅觉投射神经元的主要投射区,叶通过输出神经元联系蘑菇体与其它脑区.冠和叶在嗅觉记忆中不可或缺,垂直叶(α叶)支持长时记忆,中叶(γ叶)支持短时记忆.蘑菇体对嗅觉记忆的形成尤其是记忆的再现(提取)具有重要作用.乙酰胆碱(Ach)、γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)和一氧化氮(NO)等是蘑菇体嗅觉突触传递的主要神经递质.蘑菇体内的第二信使系统cAMP-PKA途径和NI-cGMP途径在嗅觉学习和记忆中起基础性作用.  相似文献   

昆虫对宿主植物的嗅觉定向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
雷宏 《生物学通报》1995,30(3):9-11
在混虫辨别宿主植物所利用的各种信息中,植物的气味是一个很重要的因素昆虫利用触角上的嗅觉感受器来感觉植物气味。触角电位是昆虫的触角感受到植物气味后所产生的神经反应,而嗅觉编码则是嗅觉感受器将植物的气味信息传至神经中枢的脉冲系列。本文从行为生理学的角度介绍了昆虫利用植物气味寻找宿主植物的过程。  相似文献   

昆虫嗅觉系统结构与功能研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万新龙  杜永均 《昆虫学报》2015,58(6):688-698
昆虫的脑由前脑、中脑和后脑组成,其中前脑含有高级感觉中枢,如蘑菇体和中央复合体,控制昆虫的学习、记忆和运动等高级神经活动;中脑包含触角叶,是嗅觉神经中心;而后脑则通常不发达,主要包括内分泌神经元和控制进食与消化的运动神经元。不同于其他物种,昆虫由于其特殊的生活习性,听觉和视觉系统相对退化,主要依赖嗅觉来捕食、交流和求偶,因此嗅觉系统尤其发达。本文综述了目前对昆虫的脑部主要神经结构和功能(中央复合体、蕈形体和触角叶结构)以及昆虫脑部结构遗传变异(性别异构,不同发育时期、不同昆虫以及昆虫与其他动物的脑部结构差异)的研究进展,并总结了目前昆虫脑对信号的加工处理和识别机制的研究结果。  相似文献   

蚊虫主要依赖嗅觉系统与外界环境进行化学信息交流。蚊虫通过嗅觉感受系统寻找食物、 配偶和产卵场所, 进而做出相应的行为反应。本文综述了近年来蚊虫嗅觉系统对气味信号神经传导机制的研究进展。蚊虫的嗅觉感器主要位于触角和下颚须, 触角上的毛形感器和锥形感器感受氨水、 乳酸、 羧酸类化合物等人体和其他动物释放的微量气味物质, 下颚须上的锥形感器则感受呼出的二氧化碳以及一些其他的挥发性物质; 蚊虫嗅觉感器内部有受体神经细胞, 其上分布有嗅觉受体蛋白, 蚊虫对外界环境的化学感受就是通过气味物质与这些受体蛋白互作而得以实现; 根据对不同气味物质的反应谱差异, 嗅觉神经细胞被分为不同的功能类型; 来自嗅觉神经细胞的神经信号进一步从外周传导至中枢神经中脑触角叶内的神经小球, 在此对信息进行初步的处理, 通过评估嗅觉神经细胞的反应和触角叶内的神经小球相应被激活的区域, 不同小球被分别命名; 最后, 神经信号继续整合, 由投射神经传向前脑, 最终引发一系列昆虫行为反应。这些研究从理论上剖析了气味信号在蚊虫嗅觉系统中的神经转导通路, 对于我们深刻理解蚊虫的嗅觉系统具有重要意义, 同时也有助于进一步理解其他昆虫甚至人类的气味识别机制及进行更深层次神经科学的探索。  相似文献   

目的:研究昆虫触角感受器传入神经末梢在脑内投射的空间布局,揭示触角感觉信息传入的神经结构.方法:使用氯化镍神经元示踪标记技术,对双斑蟋触角感受嚣传入神经纤维进行可视化标记,观察研究触角传入神经末梢在脑内的走行形态及分布规律.结果:双斑蟋触角感受器传入神经纤维进入中脑后大量的神经末梢终止在同侧的触角叶和触角机械感觉运动中枢,部分神经纤维向前走行,其神经末梢终止在前脑,还有部分神经纤维向后下行,经同侧神经索,其神经末梢终止在食道下神经节.结论:双斑蟋触角感受器传入神经纤维进入脑后主要投射到触角叶和触角机械感觉运动中枢,少部分投射到前脑和食道下神经节.这种多重投射模式可能在双斑蟋嗅觉信息传递整合、触角运动调节、味觉和摄食活动等方面发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

脑控制和调节所有动物的行为,昆虫也不例外,构建脑神经髓结构图谱有利于阐明其对行为调控的神经机制.目前,除一些模式昆虫的脑图谱被构建外,大多数昆虫仅针对少数易识别的神经髓(如视叶、触角叶和蕈形体等)进行了三维重建,而对脑内大部分区域还未描述,这与其结构的复杂性有关.随着共聚焦显微成像和计算机三维重建技术的发展,人们有机会...  相似文献   

昆虫通过信息交流感受内外坏境的变化,影响着昆虫定位、搜索食物源、寻找产卵地点和选择配偶等行为。在昆虫中,触角分布着较多的嗅觉感受器,可以感知挥发性分子、气味和激素,是昆虫重要的嗅觉器官,参与信息交流。综述和展望昆虫触角转录组的研究进展,有利于促进害虫管理、害虫防治和社会性昆虫级型分化与劳动分工的研究,也能为昆虫触角后续研究和昆虫触角仿生的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

【目的】鉴定雄性棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera成虫触角性信息素感器嗅觉受体神经元的功能、形态及中枢投射路径。【方法】利用单感器记录技术记录棉铃虫嗅觉受体神经元对性信息素的反应,同时采用荧光染料作为示踪剂染色标记嗅觉受体神经元;使用免疫组织化学方法处理相应的脑组织,标记脑内触角叶的神经纤维球结构;用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜获取图像数据,使用图形软件ZEN和Amira 4.1.1进行三维结构重建。【结果】记录到雄性棉铃虫成虫触角上长毛形感器对主要性信息素成分Z11-16∶Ald产生明显的电生理反应,并成功染色标记了该感器内的嗅觉受体神经元。染色标记显示该感器内具有两个嗅觉受体神经元,其轴突通过触角神经分别投射触角叶内的云状体神经纤维球和普通神经纤维球。【结论】单感器记录与神经元示踪两技术结合能够用于鉴定昆虫触角嗅觉受体神经元的功能、形态和投射至神经纤维球的路径。与赖氨酸钴方法比较,使用荧光染料法进行神经元示踪,操作更简便,且易于进行三维空间分析,为调查棉铃虫其他嗅觉神经元的投射路径以明确外周气味受体感受与中枢系统的联系提供了有力技术支持。  相似文献   

昆虫感觉气味的细胞与分子机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张龙 《昆虫知识》2009,46(4):509-517
昆虫作为地球上最为成功的类群,已经成功地进化了精细的化学感受系统,通过化学感受系统适应各种复杂的环境,保持种群的繁荣。自1991年在动物中发现嗅觉受体基因以来,关于昆虫感受化学信息的周缘神经系统的分子和细胞机制方面的进展十分迅速。文章主要就昆虫周缘神经系统的感受化学信息的分子和细胞机制进行综述。首先对昆虫感觉气味的细胞机制的研究进展进行简要介绍。昆虫嗅觉神经元在感受化学信息过程中起着极为重要的作用,昆虫嗅觉神经元上表达的嗅觉受体不同而执行着各异的功能。各种嗅觉神经元对于化学信息的感受谱有较大的区别;嗅觉神经元对化学信息类型、浓度、流动动态等产生相应的电生理特征反应。研究表明同一种神经原可以感受多种化学信息,而一种化学信息也可以被多种神经原所感受。由神经原对化学信息感受所形成的特征组合就是感受化学信息的编码。其次较为详细地论述与昆虫感受气味分子相关的一些蛋白质的研究进展。气味分子结合蛋白是一类分子量较小、水溶性的蛋白,主要位于化学感受器神经原树突周围的淋巴液中。在结构上的主要特征是具有6个保守的半光氨酸和由6个α螺旋组成的结合腔。自1981年发现以来,已经在40余种昆虫中发现上百种。由于研究手段的不断进步,已经对该类蛋白的表达特征、结合特性以及三维结构和结合位点进行了大量的研究,提出了多个可能的功能假说,在诸多的假说中,较为广泛接受的是气味分子结合蛋白在昆虫感觉气味的过程中,是与疏水性的气味分子相结合,并将气味分子运输到嗅觉神经原树突膜上的嗅觉受体上。这些处于树突膜上的嗅觉受体则是昆虫感觉气味过程中的另一个十分重要的蛋白质。目前,已经在果蝇、按蚊、蜜蜂和家蚕等10余个昆虫种类中发现上百个嗅觉受体蛋白基因。这类蛋白是跨膜蛋白,一般具有7个跨膜区,整个蛋白的氨基酸残基在400~600个。昆虫的嗅觉受体蛋白的N-端在胞内,而C-端在胞外,这与G耦联蛋白不同。而且,昆虫的一个嗅觉神经元可以表达1~3个嗅觉受体蛋白,也与哺乳动物的一个神经元只表达一种受体蛋白有所不同。每种嗅觉受体可以感受多种气味分子,而一种气味分子可以被多个嗅觉受体所感知,这样组成了感受化学信息的编码谱。最近采用基因敲除技术和膜片钳技术研究发现,昆虫的嗅觉受体蛋白在信号传导中也有特殊性,即嗅觉受体可以直接作为离子通道,而引起动作电位。还有近来的研究表明,神经膜蛋白对于果蝇的性信息素感受神经元感受性信息素cVA是必要的。实际上,昆虫对于化学信息的感受和信号的转导,并不是上述蛋白单独起作用完成的,而是多种蛋白相互作用的结果。论文最后对该领域研究内容进行了展望。  相似文献   

All organisms inhabit a world full of sensory stimuli that determine their behavioral and physiological response to their environment. Olfaction is especially important in insects, which use their olfactory systems to respond to, and discriminate amongst, complex odor stimuli. These odors elicit behaviors that mediate processes such as reproduction and habitat selection1-3. Additionally, chemical sensing by insects mediates behaviors that are highly significant for agriculture and human health, including pollination4-6, herbivory of food crops7, and transmission of disease8,9. Identification of olfactory signals and their role in insect behavior is thus important for understanding both ecological processes and human food resources and well-being.To date, the identification of volatiles that drive insect behavior has been difficult and often tedious. Current techniques include gas chromatography-coupled electroantennogram recording (GC-EAG), and gas chromatography-coupled single sensillum recordings (GC-SSR)10-12. These techniques proved to be vital in the identification of bioactive compounds. We have developed a method that uses gas chromatography coupled to multi-channel electrophysiological recordings (termed ''GCMR'') from neurons in the antennal lobe (AL; the insect''s primary olfactory center)13,14. This state-of-the-art technique allows us to probe how odor information is represented in the insect brain. Moreover, because neural responses to odors at this level of olfactory processing are highly sensitive owing to the degree of convergence of the antenna''s receptor neurons into AL neurons, AL recordings will allow the detection of active constituents of natural odors efficiently and with high sensitivity. Here we describe GCMR and give an example of its use.Several general steps are involved in the detection of bioactive volatiles and insect response. Volatiles first need to be collected from sources of interest (in this example we use flowers from the genus Mimulus (Phyrmaceae)) and characterized as needed using standard GC-MS techniques14-16. Insects are prepared for study using minimal dissection, after which a recording electrode is inserted into the antennal lobe and multi-channel neural recording begins. Post-processing of the neural data then reveals which particular odorants cause significant neural responses by the insect nervous system.Although the example we present here is specific to pollination studies, GCMR can be expanded to a wide range of study organisms and volatile sources. For instance, this method can be used in the identification of odorants attracting or repelling vector insects and crop pests. Moreover, GCMR can also be used to identify attractants for beneficial insects, such as pollinators. The technique may be expanded to non-insect subjects as well.  相似文献   

Hexapods most likely derived from an aquatic ancestor, which they shared with crustaceans. During the transition from water to land, their sensory systems had to face the new physiological demands that terrestrial conditions impose. This process also concerns the sense of smell and, more specifically, detection of volatile, air-borne chemicals. In insects, olfaction plays an important role in orientation, mating choice, and food and host finding behavior. The first integration center of odor information in the insect brain is the antennal lobe, which is targeted by the afferents from olfactory sensory neurons on the antennae. Within the antennal lobe of most pterygote insects, spherical substructures called olfactory glomeruli are present. In order to gain insights into the evolution of the structure of the central olfactory pathway in insects, we analyzed a representative of the wingless Archaeognatha or jumping bristletails, using immunocytochemistry, antennal backfills and histological section series combined with 3D reconstruction. In the deutocerebrum of Lepismachilis y-signata, we found three different neuropil regions. Two of them show a glomerular organization, but these glomeruli differ in their shape from those in all other insect groups. The connection of the glomerular neuropils to higher brain centers remains unclear and mushroom bodies are absent as reported from other archaeognathan species. We discuss the evolutionary implications of these findings.  相似文献   

Insect olfactory orientation along odour plumes has been studied intensively with respect to pheromonal communication, whereas little knowledge is available on how plant odour plumes (POPs) affect olfactory searching by an insect for its host plants. The primary objective of this review is to examine the role of POPs in the attraction of insects. First, we consider parameters of an odour source and the environment which determine the size, shape and structure of an odour plume, and we apply that knowledge to POPs. Second, we compare characteristics of insect pheromonal plumes and POPs. We propose a ‘POP concept’ for the olfactory orientation of insects to plants. We suggest that: (i) an insect recognises a POP by means of plant volatile components that are encountered in concentrations higher than a threshold detection limit and that occur in a qualitative and quantitative blend indicating a resource; (ii) perception of the fine structure of a POP enables an insect to distinguish a POP from an unspecific odorous background and other interfering plumes; and (iii) an insect can follow several POPs to their sources, and may leave the track of one POP and switch to another one if this conveys a signal with higher reliability or indicates a more suitable resource. The POP concept proposed here may be a useful tool for research in olfactory‐mediated plant–insect interactions.  相似文献   

单感器记录技术是一种昆虫细胞外电生理技术,可以测量昆虫单个感受器对刺激物的电生理反应。该技术有助于探明昆虫嗅觉和味觉感受器对不同信息化合物的电生理响应机制,将单感器记录技术与其他技术相结合,不仅可以阐明昆虫嗅觉反应的分子机制,还可以研制昆虫行为调节剂、检测挥发性有机化合物的生物传感器。本文介绍了单感器记录仪的结构和昆虫单感器记录的原理,并对单感器记录技术在昆虫学研究方面的应用进行了综述,以期为探明昆虫感受化学信息物质的机理和应用提供依据。  相似文献   

Emerging information about the ability of insects to detect and associatively learn has revealed that they could be used within chemical detection systems. Such systems have been developed around free-moving insects, such as honey bees. Alternatively, behavioral changes of contained insects can be interpreted by sampling air pumped over their olfactory organs. These organisms are highly sensitive, flexible, portable and cheap to reproduce, and it is easy to condition them to detect target odorants. However, insect-sensing systems are not widely studied or accepted as proven biological sensors. Further studies are needed to examine additional insect species and to develop better methods of using their olfactory system for detecting odorants of interest.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3-D) analysis of anatomical ultrastructures is important in biological research. However, 3-D image analysis on exact serial sets of ultra-thin sections from biological specimens is very difficult to achieve, and limited information can be obtained by 3-D reconstruction from these sections due to the small area that can be reconstructed. On the other hand, the high-penetration power of electrons by an ultra-high accelerating voltage enables thick sections of biological specimens to be examined. High-voltage electron microscopy (HVEM) is particularly useful for 3-D analysis of the central nervous system because considerably thick sections can be observed at the ultrastructure level. Here, we applied HVEM tomography assisted by light microscopy to a study of the 3-D chemical neuroanatomy of the rat lower spinal cord annotated by double-labeling immunohistochemistry. This powerful methodology is useful for studying molecular and/or chemical neuroanatomy at the 3-D ultrastructural level.  相似文献   

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