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中国植物园科学普及工作的展望贺善安,张朝晖,曾虹(江苏省·中国科学院植物研究所,南京210014),J.PlantResour.&Environ.1996,5(3):52~56根据中国植物园发展的历史,总结分析了植物园科普工作在内容、设施、方法和型式方面的发展,提出了当前植物园科普工作的重点是:1.要变传统的植物学普及为以环境教育为中心的科普。2.设施上要更新。3.要大力吸收国内外科普工作的先进经验,利用新的科技成果作为科普材料。4.在方式上要强调被教育对象的参与性等问题  相似文献   


In the present paper, six new species and fourteen new subspecies of Chinese butter-flies belonging to 6 families and 16 genera are described. The butterflies here dealt with were collected by Chinese and Soviet entomologistsduring their joint expeditions to Southwest China (chiefly in S. and S.-W. Yunnan) in theyears 1955--1957. The characteristics of new species and subspecies are given as follows:  相似文献   

Jones, P. J. 1980. The timing of wing moult in the Greyhooded Kingfisher in Nigeria. Ostrich 51:99-106.

The post-nuptial and post-juvenile moults of the Greyhooded Kingfisher Halcyon leucocephala took place in northern Nigeria between May and November (the rainy season) after migration from the southern breeding areas. Moult of individual birds lasted between 92 and 176 days, those starting moult latest (mostly juveniles) moulting fastest. This variation may be related to food availability during moult; those starting early do so before the rainy season begins in the north and before insect numbers increase, whereas those moulting later do so during the full flush of rainy season insect availability. This variability appears to be adaptive in allowing the complete moult to be fitted into the period remaining between the end of the breeding season, which is variable, and the southward migration in the early dry season, whose timing is relatively fixed.  相似文献   

TheJOURNALOFFUNGALRESEARCHisanewjournalpublishingthepapersconcerningthescientificresearchesontheorganismsstudiedbymycologists,whichwereacceptedasasinglekingdom (Fungi)alongwithbacteria (Monera) ,plants(Plantae) ,animals(Animalia)andprotists (Protista)accordingtothefive -kingdomschemeofWhittaker.However,accordingtoadvancesinultrastructural,biochemi cal,andespeciallymolecularbiologyallorganismsaredividedintothreesuperking doms,suchasArchaea ,Bacteria,andEucarya.TheWhittaker’skingdo…  相似文献   

~~Cell Research CONTENTS OF VOLUME 15,2005~~  相似文献   

《Cell research》2005,15(11):978-986

Riley , Herbert Parkes (U. Kentucky, Lexington.) Polyploidy in South African species of Aloë. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(2) : 126-129. 1959.—Chromosomes were studied from 167 plants of 40 species of Aloë and from 1 unidentified plant; these include 40 plants of A. Davyana growing wild in the Transvaal. In all but 2 plants the diploid complement consisted of 8 long and 6 short chromosomes. The 2 plants of A. ciliaris which were studied were hexaploid with 42 somatic chromosomes. Chromosome counts include 12 species of Aloë from which chromosome numbers apparently had not been determined previously.  相似文献   

This paper deals with one new genus and seven new species from South China. Akey is given to the species included, and Stenopsocus cubitalis Thornton, 1984 fromIndonesia is transferred to the new genus. Stenopsocidae originally included six genera, but Mockford (1978) transferredMatsumuriella Enderlein, 1906 and Taeniostigna Enderlein, 1901. and later Smithers(1990) transferred Kodamaus Okamota, 1907 to Amphipsocidae. The genus Epikodamaus  相似文献   

The cephalopods described in the present paper were mainly collected from the Badou Formation in the Zhangqiu district of central Shandong and the Fengfeng Formation in the Fengfeng city of southern Hebei by the writer and his colleagues in 1982-1983. They consist of 3 genera and 11 species, including 1 new genus and 9 new species. This paper also discusses previous reports on the Gonioceras from China and the contrast of the Badou Formation with the Fengfeng Formation as well as ecology, migration, origin and evolution of gonioceratids.  相似文献   

Advisor  L i Zhaote(Beijing Medical U niversity,Beijing)Xue Shepu (Chinese Academ y of Medical Science,Beijing)Editor  Xiong Xikai (Tongji Medical University,Wuhan)Associate Editors  L u Jinhuo (Tongji Medical University,Wuhan)L i Zhaochun (Tongji Medical University,Wuhan)Members of the Editorial BoardBen Changen   (Beijing U niversity of Traditionl Chinese Medicine,Beijing)Cai Wenqin (The Third Military Medical University,Chongqing)Chen Kequan (Chinese Academ y of M…  相似文献   

llex strigillosa T.R.DUDLEY,sp.nov. 〔Section Pseudoaquifolium S.-Y.HU(1950)Series Lougecaudatae S.-Y.HU(1950)〕. DIAGNOSIS: A I.kengii S.-Y.HU(1950)affinis sed ramulis et gemmis terminalis,dense cinerascentibus puberulento-strigillosis,stipulis tenuiter membranaceis minutis0.1mm longis vel minus fugacibus cito caducis,petiolis denso cinerascentibuspuberulento-strigillosis aliquado subglabris laminis versus,laminis foliorum mino-ribus 4—7.5cm longis 1—2cm latis basibus acutis ad attenuatis apicibussensim acuminatis vel caudato-acuminatis acuminibus brevioribus 5—10(—15)mm longis marginibus integris vel subintegris conspicue sinuolatis et apicibus  相似文献   

TAXoNOMYSPeciesintheorderBoIetalesisusual1yrnycorrhizalandsaprobic,occasionallyhyperpansihc,mostareedjble,afewpoisonous.ThebasidiocarPsarefleshy,readi1ydecay,withtubularhymenoPhore.CommoulyareaccePted2driilies:inthebolyStrobi1omycetaceae,thesporesareomamentedwithsuperficialsculptUring,orperforate-punctate,oulynalysmoothwhenyoung.InthebolyBoletaCeae,thesporesarealwnyssmooth,onlyrarelyroughinmature.FamilyStrobilomycetaceaeKeytothegeneral.Hymenophorewhite,pallidorgrayishwhenyoung,becoming…  相似文献   

ReviseddiagnoaisCraniumcompressedanteroposteriorlyandhighvertical1y.Superiortuskslargeandstraight,nolowerincisors'Ridge-platesprogressiveIymulti-plyingfromsixtoelevenintheintermediateteeth,fromninetofifteenandhaIfilltheposteriormolars.Thereisamediancleftoritsvestigesintheanteriorridge-platesoftheprimitivespecies.Conesrapidlysubdividingbybinaryorternary.fissionintomultipleconelets(8-l2).Ridge-plateselevatingfrombrachyodonttosubhypsodont.Cementdevelopingintheval1eys.RemarksSarwar(l977)propose…  相似文献   

I氏’r1J上 lyyZ.平中国和越南紫金牛科植物新种及混淆种类的澄清……………………………………………………………胡启明(1)广西唇柱苣苔属药用植物一新种………………………………………………………… 黄长誊冻秀香(14)中国种子植物区系定量化研究I区域性种子植物区系研究实用程序工作原理(QX一系列程序)………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………傅德志李奕薛艳红(17)中国叶附生苔类植物的研究(五)——广东黑石顶自然保护区的叶附生苔类……………………………李植华吴鹏程(23…  相似文献   

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