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野猪对农作物的危害是当前人与野生动物冲突的典型案例,分析其危害特征,掌握当地居民对野猪危害与保护管理的态度,对于自然保护区社区共管与野生动物保护管理决策尤为重要。对贵州赤水桫椤国家级自然保护区的调查研究发现,野猪一年四季均危害农作物,危害高峰期在 2-4 月与10-12 月,主要受作物收获期影响;农耕地在保护区的位置、距道路距离及距水源距离显著影响野猪对农耕地的危害,农耕地距道路(< 55 m)和水源越近(< 270 m),遭受危害程度越高。保护区的实验区和周边区域人居活动强烈,但野猪危害较其他区域严重,野猪危害农地时对水源因素较距居民点距离、距林缘距离、隐蔽因素更为敏感。70% 的当地居民认为野猪危害是由于种群数量过多引起。55% 的当地居民不赞同国家保护野猪的政策,62% 的赞同猎杀野猪控制其种群数量增长。受访者年龄与野猪危害程度两因素显著影响居民对野猪的容忍度,50 - 70 岁是当地社区居民的主要人群,也是态度中立及容忍度较高的人群。为有效减少野猪危害损失,调和人与野生动物冲突矛盾,建议保护区管理者根据野猪危害特征,帮助当地居民建立有效防控措施和有效快速的危害评估与损失补偿机制,同时根据当地居民的态度特征,做好保护政策的宣教工作。  相似文献   

Over the last century, the wild boar (Sus scrofa) has become an important wildlife species in both economic and ecological terms. Considered a pest by some and a resource by others, its rapid increase in population and distribution has raised management concerns. Studies on activity rhythms may provide useful insights into its overall ecology and help develop effective management strategies. By examining highly detailed activity data collected by means of accelerometers fitted on GPS-collars, we studied wild boar daily activity rhythms and the effect of environmental conditions on their diurnal and nocturnal activity. We thus provided evidence of the predominantly nocturnal and monophasic activity of wild boars. All year round, we reported low activity levels during the day, which opportunistically increased under the most favourable environmental conditions. Activity was found to be significantly affected by such weather conditions as temperature, precipitation and air relative humidity. Moreover, we found that nocturnal activity slightly increased as moonlight increased. Part of our analysis was focused on the hunting period in order to investigate whether wild boars modify their activity levels in response to hunting disturbance. Our results suggested that wild boar nocturnal habits are not directly influenced by the current hunting disturbance, though we hypothesised that they may have evolved over several decades of hunting harassment. Alternatively, but not exclusively, nocturnal habits may have evolved as a low-cost strategy to achieve an optimum thermal balance (i.e., behavioural thermoregulation).  相似文献   

Spatial variation of the ‘predation risk’ due to human activities or distribution may increase the sexual difference in habitat selection. Indeed, females with offspring are usually more risk adverse than males. Based on a long-term wild boar study, we analysed the diurnal distribution of female and male wild boar before, during and after the hunting period. Hunting, food and foliation were investigated as factors affecting patterns of forest parcel selection. As expected, dense vegetative covers were selected during resting periods, but wild boar decreased this pattern of habitat selection in response to hunting disturbance. Moreover, the habitat selection of wild boar did not fit with the variation of food availability (presence or absence of mast) and the vegetation cycle. As expected, sows responded more to the hunting disturbance than males, leading to a more pronounced sexual difference during the riskier season. The unexpected decrease of bush use may be explained either by the increased hunting effort in this habitat or by the increased movements between resting sites due to disturbance, leading to a more random habitat selection pattern. The observed difference between sexes could result from a higher response of females with offspring to hunting, leading to an increased frequentation of secondary habitats, whereas males can tolerate more risks and remain hidden in thicket plots. Our results highlight how hunting disturbance can lead game species to change their patterns of refuge habitat selection and may affect the habitat segregation between the sexes.  相似文献   

The ongoing expansion of plantation agriculture has changed the ecological, demographic, and social conditions of Southeast Asia’s forested areas, yet little is known about hunting practices in these novel landscapes. Using information from 73 in-depth interviews with hunters, agricultural workers and wild meat dealers in the Jambi province of Sumatra, Indonesia, we describe contemporary hunting practices, including how hunting methods, wildlife harvest and consumption rates vary between different indigenous and immigrant ethnic groups. Hunting is now primarily a commercial endeavor for harvesting wild boar (Sus scrofa) meat; over 7500 wild boars were sold in Jambi City alone in 2011. The Muslim majority avoids wild boar for religious reasons, but there is substantial local and export demand driven by Chinese and Christian Batak. We conclude that hunting within oil palm plantations may reduce crop damage from wild boar and also yield large amounts of wild meat with relatively little by-catch of threatened animals.  相似文献   

Rates of hybridization between wild and domesticated animals appear to be increasing worldwide. Recent results suggest that genetic introgression from domestic swine into European wild boar is much more common in local populations than expected, based on pan-European studies. Thus, we screened the genetic purity of 265 free-living wild boars from two hunting areas in Poland by genotyping the melanocortin receptor 1 gene (MC1R) for polymorphism. Unexpectedly, high numbers of individuals with domestic genes (24%) were identified. This suggests that mixed ancestry may be common in Polish wild boar. Among admixed individuals, backcrosses with domestic pig and/or introgressed wild boars were detected (2%). Multiple commercial domestic pig breeds are possibly involved in the introgression observed in the study populations. In addition, the absence of significant differences in the frequency of wild-type allele among two hunting areas suggests high dispersal of individuals and gene flow among populations. We conclude that further study is needed to better understand the mechanisms and sources of introgression in wild boars in Poland.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatio‐temporal distribution of ungulates is important for effective wildlife management, particularly for economically and ecologically important species such as wild boar (Sus scrofa). Wild boars are generally considered to exhibit substantial behavioral flexibility, but it is unclear how their behavior varies across different conservation management regimes and levels of human pressure. To analyze if and how wild boars adjust their space use or their temporal niche, we surveyed wild boars across the core and buffer zones (collectively referred to as the conservation zone) and the transition zone of a biosphere reserve. These zones represent low and high levels of human pressure, respectively. Specifically, we employed a network of 53 camera traps distributed in the Schaalsee UNESCO Biosphere Reserve over a 14‐month period (19,062 trap nights) and estimated circadian activity patterns, diel activity levels, and occupancy of wild boars in both zones. To account for differences in environmental conditions and day length, we estimated these parameters separately for seven 2‐month periods. Our results showed that the wild boars were primarily nocturnal, with diurnal activity occurring dominantly during the summer months. The diel activity patterns in the two zones were very similar overall, although the wild boars were slightly less active in the transition zone than in the conservation zone. Diel activity levels also varied seasonally, ranging from 7.5 to 11.0 h day−1, and scaled positively with the length of the night (R 2 = 0.66–0.67). Seasonal occupancy estimates were exceptionally high (point estimates ranged from 0.65 to 0.99) and similar across zones, suggesting that the wild boars used most of the biosphere reserve. Overall, this result suggests that different conservation management regimes (in this case, the zoning of a biosphere reserve) have little impact on wild boar behavior. This finding is relevant for wildlife management in protected areas where possibly high wild boar densities could interfere with conservation goals within these areas and those of agricultural land use in their vicinity.  相似文献   

Wild boar have been increasing in numbers all over Western Europe in the last 30 years. The species is a major pest for agriculture, but it has a high value as a game species, and in Italy, as in several other countries, it is traditionally hunted in drive hunts by hunting teams with several dogs. This hunting method can have disruptive effects on the demography and spatial behaviour of wild boar, especially family groups. We conducted a 2-year study (2003 and 2004) to determine the effects of drive hunt disturbance on the spatial behaviour of wild boar family groups in the Northern Apennines (central Italy). Twenty wild boar belonging to ten family groups were ear tagged with a radio device. We located resting sites daily and used intensive tracking sessions during drive hunts. Three seasons were determined: pre-hunting, hunting and post-hunting. A general pattern of increased spatial instability during the hunting season was shown. Resting ranges were larger, and resting sites were more interspersed. Distances between consecutive resting sites were greater during the hunting season and, especially, on hunting days. The displacement of family groups caused by drive hunts was generally short lived except for those groups that were repeatedly hunted and so abandoned their pre-hunt (native) range. During drive hunts, wild boar showed a moderate tolerance to hunting disturbance, and only family groups which were directly chased by dogs escaped or altered their behaviour. The response of wild boar to hunting disturbance seemed to be highly related to the degree of hunting pressure combined with individual variability. The impact on wild boar behaviour should be reduced, above all by avoiding repeated hunts in the same areas within a short period and by employing well-trained hounds.  相似文献   

Crop damage caused by wild boar (Sus scrofa) in many agroforestry regions of the world has affected agricultural development and farmers' livelihoods. Understanding the patterns of wild boar crop damage is important for properly managing these conflicts, and can improve the effectiveness of existing prevention strategies. We collected a comprehensive dataset from Guizhou Province, China, from 2017 to 2020, obtained from motion-sensitive camera monitoring, transect surveys, interview surveys, and wildlife management administrations. These data include 3,156 records of wild boar activity in natural areas and 576 records of crop damage. We applied a multi-scale MaxEnt model to map the regional distribution of wild boar habitat suitability and crop damage risk in Guizhou Province and focused on the role of habitat suitability in wild boar crop damage from a regional perspective. Wild boar habitat suitability exhibits a divergent pattern, expanding from the central area of Guizhou Province to the eastern, northern, southern, and northwestern regions, with a gradually increasing trend. Suitability of habitat for wild boar was associated with composite topographic index, mean coldest season temperature, isothermality, Shannon diversity index, edge density, and distance to village roads. Similarly, crop damage caused by wild boars in agroforestry areas is mainly concentrated in the northeast, with the risk increasing from west to east. The risk of damage was associated with temperature seasonality, roughness, distance to village roads, precipitation in the warmest quarter, edge density, and contagion index. Furthermore, in agroforestry areas, there is a positive correlation between wild boar habitat suitability and crop damage risk, with Spearman rank correlation coefficients ranging from 0.5759 to 0.5932. This correlation is not perfectly synchronized on a regional scale. This study indicates that the relationship between habitat suitability and crop damage caused by wild boar in Guizhou Province is primarily influenced by changes in population size rather than the habitat. Consequently, we emphasize the importance of controlling wild boar populations through hunting as a way to effectively reduce the risk of crop damage in agroforestry areas, without neglecting the need for proper habitat management.  相似文献   

Human disturbance has been identified as a contributing factor to the worldwide changes in wildlife ecology. Particularly, the human disturbance forced wildlife from diurnal to nocturnal activity patterns. However, the impact of human disturbances on the spatiotemporal patterns small- and medium-sized terrestrial mammals is unknown. In this study, we then aimed to evaluate the impact of anthropogenic factors on spatial pattern and to clarify the differences in temporal patterns between human disturbed and undisturbed habitats. Our camera trap survey was conducted in northern Gifu Prefecture in central Japan from November 2019 to April 2021. We investigated the impact of human activity on relative abundance indices and the influence of the quantitative difference in human activities on diel activity patterns of 12 terrestrial mammals. In this study, the human population and bamboo forest category negatively affected the RAIs of sika deer and wild boars. Moreover, Asian black bears and wild boars showed crepuscular/nocturnal and cathemeral activity in the human undisturbed habitat, respectively, and nocturnal activity in the human disturbed habitat. Consequently, three large mammals avoided human activity temporally (Asian black bears), spatially (sika deer), and spatiotemporally (wild boars). On the other hand, there was no significant impact of human activity on the spatiotemporal patterns of other mammals. However, it is necessary for residents in the human disturbed habitat to be recognize the risk of human-wildlife conflicts.  相似文献   

The wild boar is a native animal species of the Czech Republic that has significantly increased its population density in recent years. Objective methods of population density estimation are required to inform the intensity of regulation needed for the sustainable management of the wild boar. Population estimation and regulation of the abundance of the wild boar are problematic in comparison to those of other ungulates, and the only widely used method of control is intensive hunting. The purpose of this study was to test if faecal pellet group (FPG) counting was a reliable method of wild boar population censusing in a forest environment. The density of wild boars was evaluated in an area of 22.56 km2, circumscribed by both natural and man-made barriers that restrict wild boar migration. As it is essential for proper application of FPG count methods, a separate trial was carried out to determine the daily defecation rate of wild boars. The distribution of faeces in different types of habitat in a forest environment was tested. As the period of faeces accumulation fell within the intensive hunting season, the result is biased by the fact that the calculation includes FPGs produced by animals removed from the population through hunting during winter. The average daily defecation rate of adults and piglets was 4.29 and 5.82, respectively. The corrected (without shot animals) average density of wild boars in the study area estimated by the FPG count at the time of the census was 6.08 individuals (ind.)/km2. We have confirmed that an FPG count conducted in winter is applicable for estimation of wild boar abundance on a forested area.  相似文献   

Ecological indicators or indices have been widely used to simplify and measure complex ecosystems. It is critical to identify suitable indicators or indices to improve monitoring and understanding of complex natural systems. Camera trapping is an objective technique that can provide a large amount of information on wildlife. The purpose of our study is to explore the effective ecological indices for wildlife diversity analysis and monitoring in Guanyinshan Nature Reserve of Shaanxi Province, China. Since July 2009, a total of 18 cameras were installed in the reserve from August 2009 to July 2011, collecting 2115 photo captures during these 24 months. We developed five abundance indices, including relative abundance index (RAI), monthly relative abundance index (MRAI), time-period relative abundance index (TRAI), night-time relative abundance index (NRAI) and species abundance index (N) to integrate the information derived from captures. Results are: (1) 27 species were detected and 6 species had high RAI values of over 79.3%, including takin (Budorcas taxicolor), common goral (Naemorhedus goral), tufted deer (Elaphodus cephalophus), golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus), wild boar (Sus scrofa), and mainland serow (Capricornis sumatraensis). (2) MRAI shows a consistent monthly activity pattern of all animals being active in June and July and inactive in February. (3) TRAIs of the most abundant six species show that takin, tufted deer and common goral have the similar daily activity pattern with one peak at dawn and one peak at dusk. The daily activity patterns of golden pheasant and wild boar show that they are most active during the day time, with wild boar being particularly active at noon. NRAIs of mainland serow show the highest nocturnality and of golden pheasant the lowest nocturnality. (4) We estimated abundance of takin, tufted deer and wild boar by using our developed index. The abundance for the three species shows an increasing trend during the 2-year study period, particularly for wild boar. Our results provided an interesting comparison of species diversity and their activity patterns. As trapping continues we will have a consistent source of monitoring data to evaluate changes in species abundance and activities. Therefore, the conclusion is that the methods we used and the indices we developed are capable to estimate species activity patterns and abundance dynamics which are useful for future wildlife management in Guanyinshan Nature Reserve and elsewhere.  相似文献   

生态位分化使时空资源利用重叠的物种实现共存,并且生态位研究在野生动物管理、种间关系和群落结构等方面有广泛应用和深远影响。放牧作为最主要的人为干扰之一,通过资源(食物、时间、空间等)竞争改变野生动物资源利用特征,甚至影响同域分布物种的生存。华北豹(Panthera pardus japonesis)是我国特有的珍稀野生动物,而其野生猎物种群数量会因与家畜资源竞争而减少,甚至直接或间接地影响华北豹种群生存。因此掌握保护区内家畜与野生动物的空间、时间利用情况,得以评估野生动物的生存状态。于2018年10月-2019年5月,通过架设62台红外自动相机获取铁桥山自然保护区4种哺乳动物活动数据,采用双物种单季节模型(Two-species single season model)和核密度估计(kernel density estimation)分析华北豹与猎物及其家畜在圈养、散养期的空间互作关系和活动规律,并且通过重叠系数(Coefficient of overlap)计算两物种间日活动时间重叠。结果表明:(1)家畜放养期间,华北豹-狍,华北豹-野猪的空间回避作用均比无家畜存在时减弱,可能是时间重叠程度增大的补偿机制。华北豹-牛的空间回避作用最强。(2)华北豹-牛时空重叠程度不大,牛-狍时空重叠程度较大,牛-野猪空间上共存而时间重叠程度较小。(3)日活动节律的结果说明狍为昼行性,野猪为晨昏活动。因探测到华北豹的次数有限,故关于其的日活动节律仍待考究。研究表明,放牧将影响华北豹与猎物的时间、空间资源利用情况,并有可能导致人-豹冲突加剧。  相似文献   

Although accurate estimates of wild boar (Sus scrofa) populations are crucial for any effective resource management or pest control programme, this species is well-known to be difficult to monitor. We conducted a 10-year study in a fenced Mediterranean forest (Rome, Italy) to evaluate nocturnal line transect sampling performances. We focused on its accuracy in monitoring changes in density, which was independently estimated by capture–mark–resight (CMR) performed on counts at feeding sites. We carried out night surveys in the autumn of 2001–2010, using portable infrared cameras to detect animals. We sampled on foot to cover the whole study area and the different habitat types evenly. However, to ensure safe working conditions during night and to limit disturbance, we placed transects along paths and forest roads. Therefore, we investigated the potential impact of our convenience sampling on the detection process, using radiolocations of wild boars to assess their distribution with respect to selected transects. We found that our survey design should not have biased our estimates and that densities and coefficients of variations from line transect sampling were consistent with CMR results. Although labour-intensive, we believe that our approach can improve wild boar monitoring effectively, even in concealing habitats, providing decision makers with accurate estimates (and quantified confidence limits) which can help to develop the most appropriate management programme. Moreover, the current low price of new-generation infrared cameras can also increase strongly the cost-effectiveness of this method.  相似文献   

Wildlife-related accidents are a serious problem in different countries and describing their temporal pattern allows for the development of measures to mitigate them. We described the temporal pattern of wild ungulate-related accidents occurring between January 2006 and December 2010 in the Autonomous Region of Galicia, northwest of Spain. We examined the temporal distribution of the accidents according to months, phenological and hunting seasons, days of the week and time of the day. From the 6,255 wild ungulate-related traffic accidents analysed, 36.5% were related to roe deer Capreolus capreolus and 62.8% were related to wild boar Sus scrofa. The monthly distribution of accidents was not random but follows a characteristic pattern for each species. Roe deer-related accidents have their maximum in April and May, coinciding with the breeding season, followed by July, coinciding with the rut. Wild boar-related accidents have their maximum between October and January, coinciding with the hunting season but also with months with the longest nights. Both roe deer- and wild boar-related accidents showed an increase at weekends, specially on Sundays. During the hunting season, the wild boar-related accidents showed a marked peak on the same day. This weekly pattern was explained by drivers’ behaviour and by hunting. For roe deer, peaks of accidents occurred between 19:00 and 22:00 (about dusk) and between 05:00 and 08:00 (about dawn). For wild boar, 69% of accidents occurred between 18:00 and 23:00, coinciding with dusk and night. This daily pattern of accidents was explained by the behaviour of the species.  相似文献   

The recent Europe-wide increase in wild boarSus scrofa, Linnaeus, 1758 abundance is undoubtedly due to many different factors, the relative importance of which differs from region to region. In Aragón (northeastern Spain), wild boar enlarged its distribution area eight times in the 1990s as compared with the century before, occupying the whole region. We studied wild boar abundance along an environmental gradient in Aragón to determine which factors are most responsible for its variation. Relative abundance of wild boars was estimated by catch-effort methods in 134 hunting estates (sampling units) for 5 consecutive hunting seasons. To characterise the environmental conditions, we quantified landscape composition and structure, topographical factors and climatic factors. Hunting pressure indices were also calculated for our sampling units. The average wild boar catch per hunting activity and per 100 km2 ranged from 0.72 to 16.31. Our results suggest thatwild boar abundances are affected by landscape structure, mainly by landscape diversity. In addition, lowland arid agrosystems (characterized by high temperatures and open juniper woodlands with little food availability) constrain the abundance of wild boar populations in spite of their wide plasticity to colonize new habitats.  相似文献   

In 2002, postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) was diagnosed in a European female wild boar (Sus scrofa), based on the detection of porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) DNA in various organs, including the uterus, and on histopathologic lesions. This is the first detection of PCV2 DNA in the uterus of a wild boar. Three years later (2005), a wild boar < 6-8 mo of age was found moribund. It presented wasting and dyspnea and finally died. PCV2 DNA was detected in tissue samples, and histopathologic lesions consistent with PMWS were observed. Both wild boars were from neighboring hunting areas in central Greece. Two PCV2 strains from the wild boars were genetically characterized and compared to other reported PCV2 sequences from wild boars and domestic pigs. The PCV-2 sequences from the wild boars in this study were closely related to each other and were grouped with two isolates from wild boars from Hungary. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that the virus might be transmitted between hunting areas. In addition, PCV2 may spread from domestic pigs to wild boars and vice versa.  相似文献   

The wild boar (Sus scrofa) is a medium-sized ungulate that produces a large variety of marks. Traditionally, wallowing is an activity that has fundamentally been related to several processes such as thermoregulation, reduction in the number of ectoparasites or disinfection of wounds in the skin of males resulting from fights to reach females. In this study, I analysed another possible function of wallowing in free-ranging wild boar populations when temperatures are low and parasitic numbers are not significant. The results indicate that during the sampling time, from October to February, the number of wild boars with a mud layer on their skin was 47, out of a total of 558 wild boar analysed. Of these 47 wild boars, 44 were males and within this group, 40 individuals were adult males. The wallowed males were bigger and older than non-wallowed males hunted at the same time. In addition, I found that males wallowed mainly during autumn (90.9% of all cases). In the total number of wild boars analysed, I did not notice individuals with wounds resulting from fights other than from the hunting day. On the other hand, the analysis of the females reproductive systems indicated that the rut period took place during the last days of October and the first days of November. From these results, the coincidence of the rut period with the maximum of wallowing in adult males could be indicative of a sexual function of this activity.  相似文献   

The wild boar, Sus scrofa, was first introduced for hunting purposes in Argentina in 1906 and presently occupies a wide range of habitats. Understanding the food habits of invasive species is important for predicting the effects of animal food consumption on the environment and on human activities, such as farming. The wild boar is an omnivorous, opportunistic species whose diet is determined by the relative abundance of different types of foods. In general, the wild boar’s diet has been widely studied in the world, both as a native and invasive species, but little is known regarding food resource selection in the Monte Desert biome. Our study assessed the seasonal variation in the diet of wild boars, as well as the nutritional quality of consumed items. Further, we determined the diet selection of this species. Diet analyses were based on faecal samples collected over two seasons (wet and dry) in 1 year. Herbs were the most frequently consumed food item, with wild boars showing a selection for them in both seasons. The wild boar uses food resources according to seasonal availability (larger trophic niche breadth under higher plant diversity, as in the wet season). In turn, within each season, it selects items of high forage quality and high carbohydrate contents. In conclusion, this foraging strategy enables wild boar to maximize energy budget through food selection in order to survive in a semi-arid environment such as the Monte Desert.  相似文献   

珲春国家级自然保护区是东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)、东北豹(Panthera pardus orientalis)等濒危物种在中国的核心分布区。为了探究该区域野生动物的多度水平和空间分布, 了解人类干扰情况, 我们运用相对多度指数(relative abundance index, RAI)分析了2013年4-6月设置于此的83个红外相机位点的监测数据。红外相机的总捕获天数6,060 d, 共捕获10科18种野生哺乳动物, 其中鼬科4种, 猫科动物3种, 犬科、鹿科和松鼠科各2种, 猪科、熊科、麝科、猬科和兔科各1种。研究期间共拍摄到东北虎11只个体, 东北豹13只个体。从相对多度指数来看, 东北虎的相对多度(0.84)远高于东北豹(0.48), 它们的有蹄类猎物中梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)的相对多度最高(2.18), 其次为狍(Capreolus pygargus)(1.53)和野猪(Sus scrofa)(0.92)。人类活动和放牧的相对多度水平(分别为40.64和2.76)显著高于野生动物。在空间分布上, 东北虎和梅花鹿主要在保护区的核心区分布, 且与保护区社区共管区的多度水平差异显著, 而东北豹在不同功能区之间的分布差异不显著, 狍在保护区北部的多度水平较高, 但各功能区之间差异不显著, 野猪在社区共管区的多度水平显著高于核心区。可见, 核心区频繁的人类活动和放牧活动对野生动物的保护产生了影响, 未来应加强关于人类干扰对虎、豹种群及其有蹄类猎物的影响评估。  相似文献   

We studied the seroprevalence of six reproductive pathogens in Spanish hunter-harvested wild boar females. The sample was representative of the hunting harvest in the studied hunting estates. Mean antibody prevalences were: 60.6+/-0.06% for Aujeszky's disease virus (ADV), 56.6+/-0.09% for porcine parvovirus (PPV), 51.8+/-0.06% for porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), 29.7+/-0.09% for Brucella spp. and 36.3+/-0.1% for Toxoplasma gondii. We did not detect antibodies against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSv). ADV seroprevalence was associated with PPV and PCV2 seroprevalence in Spanish wild boar females. Ovulation rate in the studied wild boar females was 4.41+/-0.16 (n=120), mean litter size was 3.91+/-0.16 (n=82) and the partial resorption index 0.92+/-0.17 (n=66). Ovulation rate and litter size were statistically associated with age. T. gondii seroprevalence was negatively related to ovulation rate and partial resorption index. Wild boars from managed fenced estates had antibodies against more pathogens than wild boars from open estates. Potential relations between management of wild boar populations and exposure of individuals to different reproductive pathogens are discussed.  相似文献   

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