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Models of adaptive speciation are typically concerned with demonstrating that it is possible for ecologically driven disruptive selection to lead to the evolution of assortative mating and hence speciation. However, disruptive selection could also lead to other forms of evolutionary diversification, including ecological sexual dimorphisms. Using a model of frequency-dependent intraspecific competition, we show analytically that adaptive speciation and dimorphism require identical ecological conditions. Numerical simulations of individual-based models show that a single ecological model can produce either evolutionary outcome, depending on the genetic independence of male and female traits and the potential strength of assortative mating. Speciation is inhibited when the genetic basis of male and female ecological traits allows the sexes to diverge substantially. This is because sexual dimorphism, which can evolve quickly, can eliminate the frequency-dependent disruptive selection that would have provided the impetus for speciation. Conversely, populations with strong assortative mating based on ecological traits are less likely to evolve a sexual dimorphism because females cannot simultaneously prefer males more similar to themselves while still allowing the males to diverge. This conflict between speciation and dimorphism can be circumvented in two ways. First, we find a novel form of speciation via negative assortative mating, leading to two dimorphic daughter species. Second, if assortative mating is based on a neutral marker trait, trophic dimorphism and speciation by positive assortative mating can occur simultaneously. We conclude that while adaptive speciation and ecological sexual dimorphism may occur simultaneously, allowing for sexual dimorphism restricts the likelihood of adaptive speciation. Thus, it is important to recognize that disruptive selection due to frequency-dependent interactions can lead to more than one form of adaptive splitting.  相似文献   

A Fisherian model of sexual selection is combined with a diffusion model of mate dispersal to investigate the evolution of assortative mating in a sympatric population. Females mate with one of two types of polygynous males according to a male's display of one of two sex-limited, autosomal traits; these male traits may be associated with differential phenotypic mortalities. Through a Fisherian runaway process, female preferences and male traits can become associated in linkage disequilibrium, leading to patterns of assortative mating. Dispersing males, whose rate of movement is dependent on mating success, carry female preference genes with them, and displaced males thereby produce daughters with preference genes for their respective traits in locally higher than average frequencies. The reduced diffusion of the more preferred males permits the success of other male types in adjacent areas. Thus, mating-success dependent diffusion, when coupled with the rapid divergence in phenotypes possible under the Fisher process, can lead to the coexistence of two female preferences and two male traits in sympatry. We argue that many existing approaches to sympatric speciation fail to explain observed male polymorphisms because they exclude explicit spatial structure from their speciation models.  相似文献   

Bursts of rapid repeated speciation called adaptive radiations have generated much of Earth's biodiversity and fascinated biologists since Darwin, but we still do not know why some lineages radiate and others do not. Understanding what causes assortative mating to evolve rapidly and repeatedly in the same lineage is key to understanding adaptive radiation. Many species that have undergone adaptive radiations exhibit mate preference learning, where individuals acquire mate preferences by observing the phenotypes of other members of their populations. Mate preference learning can be biased if individuals also learn phenotypes to avoid in mates, and shift their preferences away from these avoided phenotypes. We used individual‐based computational simulations to study whether biased and unbiased mate preference learning promotes ecological speciation and adaptive radiation. We found that ecological speciation can be rapid and repeated when mate preferences are biased, but is inhibited when mate preferences are learned without bias. Our results suggest that biased mate preference learning may play an important role in generating animal biodiversity through adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

A model for the joint evolution of a secondary sexual male trait Z and a female mating preference Y is discussed. Recurrence relations for the moments of (Z, Y) are given under the assumption that the traits are binormally distributed. It is shown that female preference for a male character can lead to an equilibrium distribution of the male trait with non-zero variances. The conditions under which the distribution is stable, are given. Unstable situations, in which a continued exaggeration of the male trait occurs, are described. It is demonstrated that the effect of sexual selection on the evolution of the male trait depends on the intensity of natural selection, i.e. the effect of the sexual selection increases when the intensity of natural selection is reduced. The effect of the female preference on the male trait also increases with increasing availability of males. This provides a link to several ecological conditions which have generally been known to be correlated with the degree of sexual selection. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that perturbations away from the equilibrium may cause rapid evolution of the male character, eventually leading to speciation.  相似文献   

Reinforcement is the process whereby assortative mating evolves due to selection against costly hybridization. Sexual imprinting could evolve as a mechanism of reinforcement, decreasing hybridization, or it could potentially increase hybridization in genetically purebred offspring of heterospecific social pairs. We use deterministic population genetic simulations to explore conditions under which sexual imprinting can evolve through reinforcement. We demonstrate that a sexual imprinting component of female preference can evolve as a one‐allele assortative mating mechanism by reducing the risk of hybridization, and is generally effective at causing trait divergence. However, imprinting often evolves to be a component rather than the sole determinant of female preference. The evolution of imprinting has the unexpected side effect of homogenizing existing innate preference, because the imprinted preference neutralizes any innate preference. We also find that the weight of the imprinting component may evolve to a lower value when migration and divergent selection are strong and the cost of hybridization is low; these conditions render hybridization adaptive for immigrant females because they can acquire locally adaptive genes by mating with local males. Together, these results suggest that sexual imprinting can itself evolve as part of the speciation process, and in doing so has the capacity to promote or retard divergence through complex interactions.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is predicted to drive the coevolution of mating signals and preferences (mating traits) within populations, and could play a role in speciation if sexual isolation arises due to mating trait divergence between populations. However, few studies have demonstrated that differences in mating traits between populations result from sexual selection alone. Experimental evolution is a promising approach to directly examine the action of sexual selection on mating trait divergence among populations. We manipulated the opportunity for sexual selection (low vs. high) in populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. Previous studies on these experimental populations have shown that sexual selection manipulation resulted in the divergence between sexual selection treatments of several courtship song parameters, including interpulse interval (IPI) which markedly influences male mating success. Here, we measure female preference for IPI using a playback design to test for preference divergence between the sexual selection treatments after 130 generations of experimental sexual selection. The results suggest that female preference has coevolved with male signal, in opposite directions between the sexual selection treatments, providing direct evidence of the ability of sexual selection to drive the divergent coevolution of mating traits between populations. We discuss the implications in the context sexual selection and speciation.  相似文献   

We investigate extensive quantitative trait variation (dewlap hue, colour pattern, dorsum hue, body proportions and scalation) in the Martinique anole across eight transects representing nascent parapatric ecological speciation, nascent allopatric speciation and allopatric divergence without sufficient genetic structure to suggest speciation. Quantitative trait divergence can be extremely large between adjacent sets of populations, but with one exception that this is associated with difference in habitat rather than past allopatry. Nascent ecological speciation shows the greatest level of quantitative trait divergence across all character sets including those implicated in natural, as well as sexual selection. The sole example of nascent allopatric speciation is associated with fairly strong quantitative trait divergence among most character sets, but not the set most implicated in natural (rather than sexual) selection. The role of sexual selection in ecological speciation is discussed, both in terms of female choice with assortative mating and male–male competition with condition‐dependant sexual signals.  相似文献   

The plausibility of sympatric speciation has long been debated among evolutionary ecologists. The process necessarily involves two key elements: the stable coexistence of at least two ecologically distinct types and the emergence of reproductive isolation. Recent theoretical studies within the theoretical framework of adaptive dynamics have shown how both these processes can be driven by natural selection. In the standard scenario, a population first evolves to an evolutionary branching point, next, disruptive selection promotes ecological diversification within the population, and, finally, the fitness disadvantage of intermediate types induces a selection pressure for assortative mating behaviour, which leads to reproductive isolation and full speciation. However, the full speciation process has been mostly studied through computer simulations and only analysed in part. Here I present a complete analysis of the whole speciation process by allowing for the simultaneous evolution of the branching ecological trait as well as a continuous trait controlling mating behaviour. I show how the joint evolution can be understood in terms of a gradient landscape, where the plausibility of different evolutionary paths can be evaluated graphically. I find sympatric speciation unlikely for scenarios with a continuous, unimodal, distribution of resources. Rather, ecological settings where the fitness inferiority of intermediate types is preserved during the ecological branching are more likely to provide opportunity for adaptive, sympatric speciation. Such scenarios include speciation due to predator avoidance or specialization on discrete resources. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Sexual selection and ecological differences are important drivers of speciation. Much research has focused on female choice, yet the role of male competition in ecological speciation has been understudied. Here, we test how mating habitats impact sexual selection and speciation through male competition. Using limnetic and benthic species of threespine stickleback fish, we find that different mating habitats select differently on male traits through male competition. In mixed habitat with both vegetated and open areas, selection favours two trait combinations of male body size and nuptial colour: large with little colour and small with lots of colour. This matches what we see in reproductively isolated stickleback species, suggesting male competition could promote trait divergence and reproductive isolation. In contrast, when only open habitat exists, selection favours one trait combination, large with lots of colour, which would hinder trait divergence and reproductive isolation. Other behavioural mechanisms in male competition that might promote divergence, such as avoiding aggression with heterospecifics, are insufficient to maintain separate species. This work highlights the importance of mating habitats in male competition for both sexual selection and speciation.  相似文献   

Females of many species are frequently courted by promiscuous males of their own and other closely related species. Such mating interactions may impose strong selection on female mating preferences to favor trait values in conspecific males that allow females to discriminate them from their heterospecific rivals. We explore the consequences of such selection in models of the evolution of female mating preferences when females must interact with heterospecific males from which they are completely postreproductively isolated. Specifically, we allow the values of both the most preferred male trait and the tolerance of females for males that deviate from this most preferred trait to evolve. Also, we consider situations in which females base their mating decisions on multiple male traits and must interact with males of multiple species. Females will rapidly differentiate in preference when they sometimes mistake heterospecific males for suitable mates, and the differentiation of female preference will select for conspecific male traits to differentiate as well. In most circumstances, this differentiation continues indefinitely, but slows substantially once females are differentiated enough to make mistakes rare. Populations of females with broader preference functions (i.e., broader tolerance for males with trait values that deviate from females' most preferred values) will evolve further to differentiate if the shape of the function cannot evolve. Also, the magnitude of separation that evolves is larger and achieved faster when conspecific males have lower relative abundance. The direction of differentiation is also very sensitive to initial conditions if females base their mate choices on multiple male traits. We discuss how these selection pressures on female mate choice may lead to speciation by generating differentiation among populations of a progenitor species that experiences different assemblages of heterospecifics. Opportunities for differentiation increase as the number of traits involved in mate choice increase and as the number of species involved increases. We suggest that this mode of speciation may have been particularly prevalent in response to the cycles of climatic change throughout the Quaternary that forced the assembly and disassembly of entire communities on a continentwide basis.  相似文献   

Size assortative mating has received increasing attention due to its potential to drive divergence and perhaps speciation. In this study, we examined assortative pairing at 17 nests of Darwin’s Small Tree Finches, Camarhynchus parvulus. We found positive assortative pairing for two traits: bill length and tarsus length, and these traits showed a significant positive correlation to each other. Assortative pairing could be driven by female choice for similar phenotypes because male–male competition has rarely been observed in the Small Tree Finch, nor have males been observed to reject potential mates. Given the high heritability of bill morphology in Darwin’s finches, it is possible that female preference for male bill length, a trait that is known to be important for foraging, will influence offspring bill size to maximise efficient exploitation of resources. The finding of size assortative pairing on the basis of tarsus length requires more research, but suggests different trait utilities for different foraging niches. Interestingly, the highland distribution of tarsus length across the population showed a unimodal distribution, but a bimodal distribution after pairing. While not significant, we found comparatively large differences across study plots in tarsus length, which suggests the possibility of phenotype–habitat matching at a small spatial scale in this species. Our findings are significant in the context of the adaptive radiation of Darwin’s finches as they are consistent with the allopatric model of speciation but also show potential for adaptive divergence in sympatry in Darwin’s tree finches.  相似文献   

Parallel evolution of sexual isolation in sticklebacks   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Mechanisms of speciation are not well understood, despite decades of study. Recent work has focused on how natural and sexual selection cause sexual isolation. Here, we investigate the roles of divergent natural and sexual selection in the evolution of sexual isolation between sympatric species of threespine sticklebacks. We test the importance of morphological and behavioral traits in conferring sexual isolation and examine to what extent these traits have diverged in parallel between multiple, independently evolved species pairs. We use the patterns of evolution in ecological and mating traits to infer the likely nature of selection on sexual isolation. Strong parallel evolution implicates ecologically based divergent natural and/or sexual selection, whereas arbitrary directionality implicates nonecological sexual selection or drift. In multiple pairs we find that sexual isolation arises in the same way: assortative mating on body size and asymmetric isolation due to male nuptial color. Body size and color have diverged in a strongly parallel manner, similar to ecological traits. The data implicate ecologically based divergent natural and sexual selection as engines of speciation in this group.  相似文献   

Simulating the evolution of reproductive isolation under sympatric speciation scenarios is a complex process that requires modelling several phases, including evolution of phenotypes, demography, migration, fitness components and mating preference. The last has been shown to be a key parameter in several simulation studies, allowing the incorporation of assortative mating (premating isolation). Mating preference can be modelled by different mathematical functions but, as far as we know, a formal comparison of those functions has not yet been undertaken. In this work, we briefly review the main functions used in the literature and suggest a new one. In doing so, we also define three basic properties (monotonicity, proportionality and symmetry) that an ideal function should satisfy when generating assortative mating. We simulated several scenarios to compare how all these functions perform based on these properties. We also draw attention to the fact that the existing functions are affected distinctly by changing the scale of the preferred trait value. Some functions remain unaffected by scaling the trait, while in others assortative mating increases proportionally to the trait value. Most of the functions tested did not fulfil all the properties studied, and we find certain flaws in some of them that should be considered before being used in future studies. We provide some general recommendations for using the preference functions in simulation studies, and suggest that an unnoticed scaling effect could have underestimated the chance to obtain speciation under certain scenarios. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 642–657.  相似文献   

The unique aspects of speciation and divergence in peripheral populations have long sparked much research. Unidirectional migration, received by some peripheral populations, can hinder the evolution of distinct differences from their founding populations. Here, we explore the effects that sexual selection, long hypothesized to drive the divergence of distinct traits used in mate choice, can play in the evolution of such traits in a partially isolated peripheral population. Using population genetic continent‐island models, we show that with phenotype matching, sexual selection increases the frequency of an island‐specific mating trait only when female preferences are of intermediate strength. We identify regions of preference strength for which sexual selection can instead cause an island‐specific trait to be lost, even when it would have otherwise been maintained at migration‐selection balance. When there are instead separate preference and trait loci, we find that sexual selection can lead to low trait frequencies or trait loss when female preferences are weak to intermediate, but that sexual selection can increase trait frequencies when preferences are strong. We also show that novel preference strengths almost universally cannot increase, under either mating mechanism, precluding the evolution of premating isolation in peripheral populations at the early stages of species divergence.  相似文献   

Theory shows that speciation in the presence of gene flow occurs only under narrow conditions. One of the most favourable scenarios for speciation with gene flow is established when a single trait is both under disruptive natural selection and used to cue assortative mating. Here, we demonstrate the potential for a single trait, colour pattern, to drive incipient speciation in the genus Hypoplectrus (Serranidae), coral reef fishes known for their striking colour polymorphism. We provide data demonstrating that sympatric Hypoplectrus colour morphs mate assortatively and are genetically distinct. Furthermore, we identify ecological conditions conducive to disruptive selection on colour pattern by presenting behavioural evidence of aggressive mimicry, whereby predatory Hypoplectrus colour morphs mimic the colour patterns of non-predatory reef fish species to increase their success approaching and attacking prey. We propose that colour-based assortative mating, combined with disruptive selection on colour pattern, is driving speciation in Hypoplectrus coral reef fishes.  相似文献   

Assortative mating – correlation between male and female traits – is common within populations and has the potential to promote genetic diversity and in some cases speciation. Despite its importance, few studies have sought to explain variation in the extent of assortativeness across populations. Here, we measure assortative mating based on an ecologically important trait, diet as inferred from stable isotopes, in 16 unmanipulated lake populations of three‐spine stickleback. As predicted, we find a tendency toward positive assortment on the littoral–pelagic axis, although the magnitude is consistently weak. These populations vary relatively little in the strength of assortativeness, and what variation occurs is not explained by hypothesized drivers including habitat cosegregation, the potential for disruptive selection, costs to choosiness, and the strength of the relationship between diet and body size. Our results support recent findings that most assortative mating is positive, while suggesting that new approaches may be required to identify the environmental variables that drive the evolution of nonrandom mating within populations.  相似文献   

Abstract Many classic models of speciation incorporate assortative mating based on mating groups, such as plants with different flowering times, and they investigate whether an ecological trait under disruptive natural selection becomes genetically associated with the selectively neutral mating trait. It is well known that this genetic association is potently destroyed by recombination. In this note, we point out a more fundamental difficulty: if a "knife-edge" symmetry assumption of previous models is violated, then the mating trait is no longer neutral and sexual selection eliminates the polymorphism in the mating locus. This result strengthens the growing consensus that magic traits are the more likely route to nonallopatric speciation. We expand the model assuming also ecological selection on the mating trait and investigate the conditions for natural selection to overcome sexual selection and maintain mating polymorphism; we find that the combination of natural and sexual selection can cause also bistability of allele frequencies.  相似文献   

The selection pressures by which mating preferences for ornamental traits can evolve in genetically monogamous mating systems remain understudied. Empirical evidence from several taxa supports the prevalence of dual‐utility traits, defined as traits used both as armaments in intersexual selection and ornaments in intrasexual selection, as well as the importance of intrasexual resource competition for the evolution of female ornamentation. Here, we study whether mating preferences for traits used in intrasexual resource competition can evolve under genetic monogamy. We find that a mating preference for a competitive trait can evolve and affect the evolution of the trait. The preference is more likely to persist when the fecundity benefit for mates of successful competitors is large and the aversion to unornamented potential mates is strong. The preference can persist for long periods or potentially permanently even when it incurs slight costs. Our results suggest that, when females use ornaments as signals in intrasexual resource competition, males can evolve mating preferences for those ornaments, illuminating both the evolution of female ornamentation and the evolution of male preferences for female ornaments in monogamous species.  相似文献   

During sexual imprinting, offspring learn parental phenotypes and then select mates who are similar to their parents. Imprinting has been thought to contribute to the process of speciation in only a few rare cases; this is despite imprinting's potential to generate assortative mating and solve the problem of recombination in ecological speciation. If offspring imprint on parental traits under divergent selection, these traits will then be involved in both adaptation and mate preference. Such 'magic traits' easily generate sexual isolation and facilitate speciation. In this study, we show that imprinting occurs in two ecologically divergent stickleback species (benthics and limnetics: Gasterosteus spp.). Cross-fostered females preferred mates of their foster father's species. Furthermore, imprinting is essential for sexual isolation between species; isolation was reduced when females were raised without fathers. Daughters imprinted on father odour and colour during a critical period early in development. These traits have diverged between the species owing to differences in ecology. Therefore, we provide the first evidence that imprinting links ecological adaptation to sexual isolation between species. Our results suggest that imprinting may facilitate the evolution of sexual isolation during ecological speciation, may be especially important in cases of rapid diversification, and thus play an integral role in the generation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

The evolution of assortative mating is a key component of the process of speciation with gene flow. Several recent theoretical studies have pointed out, however, that sexual selection which can result from assortative mating may cause it to plateau at an intermediate level; this is primarily owing to search costs of individuals with extreme phenotypes and to assortative preferences developed by individuals with intermediate phenotypes. I explore the limitations of assortative mating further by analysing a simple model in which these factors have been removed. Specifically, I use a haploid two-population model to ask whether the existence of assortative mating is sufficient to drive the further evolution of assortative mating. I find that a weakening in the effective strength of sexual selection with strong assortment leads to the existence of both a peak level of trait differentiation and the evolution of an intermediate level of assortative mating that will cause that peak. This result is robust to the inclusion of local adaptation and different genetic architecture of the trait. The results imply the existence of fundamental limits to the evolution of assortment via sexual selection in this situation, with which other factors, such as search costs, may interact.  相似文献   

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