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O(6)-Methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) is a suicide enzyme that repairs the pre-mutagenic, pre-carcinogenic and pre-toxic DNA damage O(6)-methylguanine. It also repairs larger adducts on the O(6)-position of guanine, such as O(6)-[4-oxo-4-(3-pyridyl)butyl]guanine and O(6)-chloroethylguanine. These adducts are formed in response to alkylating environmental pollutants, tobacco-specific carcinogens and methylating (procarbazine, dacarbazine, streptozotocine, and temozolomide) as well as chloroethylating (lomustine, nimustine, carmustine, and fotemustine) anticancer drugs. MGMT is therefore a key node in the defense against commonly found carcinogens, and a marker of resistance of normal and cancer cells exposed to alkylating therapeutics. MGMT also likely protects against therapy-related tumor formation caused by these highly mutagenic drugs. Since the amount of MGMT determines the level of repair of toxic DNA alkylation adducts, the MGMT expression level provides important information as to cancer susceptibility and the success of therapy. In this article, we describe the methods employed for detecting MGMT and review the literature with special focus on MGMT activity in normal and neoplastic tissues. The available data show that the expression of MGMT varies greatly in normal tissues and in some cases this has been related to cancer predisposition. MGMT silencing in tumors is mainly regulated epigenetically and in brain tumors this correlates with a better therapeutic response. Conversely, up-regulation of MGMT during cancer treatment limits the therapeutic response. In malignant melanoma, MGMT is not related to the therapeutic response, which is due to other mechanisms of inherent drug resistance. For most cancers, studies that relate MGMT activity to therapeutic outcome following O(6)-alkylating drugs are still lacking.  相似文献   

Gliomas are the most frequent adult primary brain tumor, and are invariably fatal. The most common diagnosis glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) afflicts 12,500 new patients in the U.S. annually, and has a median survival of approximately one year when treated with the current standard of care. Alkylating agents have long been central in the chemotherapy of GBM and other gliomas. The DNA repair protein O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT), the principal human activity that removes cytotoxic O(6)-alkylguanine adducts from DNA, promotes resistance to anti-glioma alkylators, including temozolomide and BCNU, in GBM cell lines and xenografts. Moreover, MGMT expression assessed by immunohistochemistry, biochemical activity or promoter CpG methylation status is associated with the response of GBM to alkylator-based therapies, providing evidence that MGMT promotes clinical resistance to alkylating agents. These observations suggest a role for MGMT in directing adjuvant therapy of GBM and other gliomas. Promoter methylation status is the most clinically tractable measure of MGMT, and there is considerable enthusiasm for exploring its utility as a marker to assign therapy to individual patients. Here, we provide an overview of the biochemical, genetic and biological characteristics of MGMT as they relate to glioma therapy. We consider current methods to assess MGMT expression and discuss their utility as predictors of treatment response. Particular emphasis is given to promoter methylation status and the methodological and conceptual impediments that limit its use to direct treatment. We conclude by considering approaches that may improve the utility of MGMT methylation status in planning optimal therapies tailored to individual patients.  相似文献   

Voltage dependence and kinetics of CaV1.2 activation are affected by structural changes in pore-lining S6 segments of the α1-subunit. Significant effects are induced by either proline or threonine substitutions in the lower third of segment IIS6 (“bundle crossing region”), where S6 segments are likely to seal the channel in the closed conformation (Hohaus, A., Beyl, S., Kudrnac, M., Berjukow, S., Timin, E. N., Marksteiner, R., Maw, M. A., and Hering, S. (2005) J. Biol. Chem. 280, 38471–38477). Here we report that S435P in IS6 results in a large shift of the activation curve (-25.9 ± 1.2 mV) and slower current kinetics. Threonine substitutions at positions Leu-429 and Leu-434 induced a similar kinetic phenotype with shifted activation curves (L429T by -6.6 ± 1.2 and L434T by -12.1 ± 1.7 mV). Inactivation curves of all mutants were shifted to comparable extents as the activation curves. Interdependence of IS6 and IIS6 mutations was analyzed by means of mutant cycle analysis. Double mutations in segments IS6 and IIS6 induce either additive (L429T/I781T, -34.1 ± 1.4 mV; L434T/I781T, -40.4 ± 1.3 mV; L429T/L779T, -12.6 ± 1.3 mV; and L434T/L779T, -22.4 ± 1.3 mV) or nonadditive shifts of the activation curves along the voltage axis (S435P/I781T, -33.8 ± 1.4 mV). Mutant cycle analysis revealed energetic coupling between residues Ser-435 and Ile-781, whereas other paired mutations in segments IS6 and IIS6 had independent effects on activation gating.Ca2+ current through CaV1.2 channels initiates muscle contraction, release of hormones and neurotransmitters, and affects physiological processes such as vision, hearing, and gene expression (1). Their pore-forming α1-subunit is composed of four homologous domains formed by six transmembrane segments (S1–S6) (2). The signal of the voltage-sensing machinery, consisting of multiple charged amino acids (located in segments S4 and adjacent structures of each domain), is transmitted to the pore region (3). Conformational changes in pore lining S6 and adjacent segments finally lead to pore openings (activation) and closures (inactivation).Our understanding of how CaV1.2 channels open and close is largely based on extrapolations of structural information from potassium channels. The crystal structures of the closed conformation of two bacterial potassium channels (KcsA and MlotiK) (4, 5) show a gate located at the intracellular channel mouth formed by tightly packed S6 helices. The crystal structure of the open conformation of Kv1.2 (6, 7) revealed a bent S6 with the highly conserved PXP motif apparently acting as a hinge (see 8). The activation mechanism proposed for MthK channels involves helix bending at a highly conserved glycine at position 83 (see Ref. 9, “glycine gating hinge” hypothesis).Compared with potassium channels, the pore of CaV is asymmetric, and none of the four S6 segments has a putative helix-bending PXP motif. Furthermore, the conserved glycine (corresponding to position 83 in MthK, see Ref. 10) is only present in segments IS6 and IIS6 (for review see Ref. 11). We have shown that substituting proline for this glycine in IIS6 of CaV1.2 does not significantly affect gating (12).Zhen et al. (13) investigated the pore lining S6 segments of CaV2.1 using the substituted cysteine accessibility method. The accessibility of cysteines was changed by opening and closing the channel, consistent with the gate being on the intracellular side. The general picture of a channel gate close to the inner channel mouth of CaV1.2 was recently supported by pharmacological studies (14).Substitution of hydrophilic residues in the lower third of segment IIS6 of CaV1.2 (LAIA motif, 779–784, see Ref. 12) induces pronounced changes in channel gating as follows: a shift in the voltage dependence of activation accompanied by a slowing of the activation kinetics near the footstep of the m(V) curve and a slowing of deactivation at all potentials. Interestingly, these changes in channel gating resemble the effects of proline substitution of Gly-219 in the bacterial sodium channel from Bacillus halodurans (“Gly-219 gating hinge,” see Ref. 15).The strongest shifts of the activation curve reported so far were observed for proline substitutions (12). As prolines in an α-helix cause a rigid kink with an angle of about 26° (16), we hypothesized that these mutants were causing a kink in helix IIS6 similar to a bend that would normally occur flexibly during the activation process (12).Here we extend our previous study by systematically substituting residues in segment IS6 of CaV1.2 by proline or the small and polar threonine. Several functional IS6 mutants with shifted activation and inactivation characteristics were identified (S435P, L429T, and L434T), and the interdependence of IS6 and IIS6 mutations was analyzed. Mutant cycle analysis revealed both mutually independent and energetically coupled contributions of IS6 and IIS6 residues on activation gating.  相似文献   

The effect of soil temperature on the expression of resistance in several common bean lines carrying resistance to root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) was studied under controlled temperatures in temperature tank and growth chamber conditions. Resistance to M. javanica and M. incognita race 1 in bean lines A315, A328, A445, G1805, and G2618 was stable at 24-30 C. However, there was a significant increase in reproduction of M. javanica on A315, A328, and A445 when temperature was increased from 26 to 30 C. This increase did not reflect a change from a resistant to a susceptible reaction or classification. Resistance in A315 is derived from G1805, whereas resistance in A328 and A445 is derived from G2618. Alabama No. 1, PI 165426, and PI 165435, with resistance to M. incognita race 2, were heat stressed at temperatures above 27 C. Resistance to M. incognita race 2 in Alabama No. 1 and PI 165435 was lost at 30 C, but PI 165426 supported low reproduction of M. incognita race 2 at all temperatures. Poor root development at 30 C may have been responsible, in part, for the poor development of M. incognita race 2 on PI 165426.  相似文献   

The O(6)-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase (MGMT) inactivator O(6)-benzylguanine (O(6)-beG) is currently under clinical investigation as a potential tumour-sensitising agent. In clinical trials its use has been associated with increased myelotoxicity and a reduced maximum tolerated dose (MTD) for BCNU. Thus the concept of myeloprotection by gene therapy with an O(6)-beG-insensitive mutant of MGMT is soon to be tested. Recently, an alternative inactivator has been described (O(6)-(4-bromothenyl)guanine, PaTrin-2), which shows potential advantages over O(6)-beG in terms of higher activity against wild-type MGMT and oral formulation. The use of PaTrin-2 has also been associated with increased myelotoxicity in clinical trials and thus PaTrin-2 may also be a candidate for use in conjunction with mutant MGMT gene transfer in genetic chemoprotective strategies. However, its activity against mutant MGMTs has not been reported. We show here that the P(140)K mutant of MGMT is highly resistant to inactivation by PaTrin-2. Furthermore, we show that a human haemopoietic cell line (K562) transduced with a retroviral vector encoding MGMT(P140K) is highly resistant to the cytotoxic effects of PaTrin-2 in combination with the methylating agent temozolomide, and that cells expressing MGMT(P140K) can be effectively enriched in vitro following challenge with this drug combination. Finally, we show that animals reconstituted with bone marrow expressing MGMT(P140K) exhibit haemopoietic resistance to PaTrin-2/temozolomide, which results in in vivo selection of gene-modified cells. All of these effects were comparable to those also achieved using O(6)-beG/temozolomide. Thus our data show that MGMT(P140K) is a suitable candidate for chemoprotective gene therapy where PaTrin-2 is being used in conjunction with temozolomide.  相似文献   

Protozoan parasites are among the most devastating infectious agents of humans responsible for a variety of diseases including amebiasis, which is one of the three most common causes of death from parasitic disease. The agent of amebiasis is the amoeba parasite Entamoeba histolytica that exists under two stages: the infective cyst found in food or water and the invasive trophozoite living in the intestine. The clinical manifestations of amebiasis range from being asymptomatic to colitis, dysentery or liver abscesses. E. histolytica is one of the rare unicellular parasite with 5-methylcytosine (5mC) in its genome. 1, 2 It contains a single DNA methyltransferase, Ehmeth, that belongs to the Dnmt2 family. 2 A role for Dnmt2 in the control of repetitive elements has been established in E. histolytica, 3Dictyostelium discoideum4,5 and Drosophila. 6 Our recent work has shown that Ehmeth methylates tRNAAsp, and this finding indicates that this enzyme has a dual DNA/tRNAAsp methyltransferase activity. 7 This observation is in agreement with the dual activity that has been reported for D. discoideum and D. melanogaster. 8 The functional significance of the DNA/tRNA specificity of Dnmt2 enzymes is still unknown. To address this question, a method to determine the tRNA methyltransferase activity of Dnmt2 proteins was established. In this video, we describe a straightforward approach to prepare an adequate tRNA substrate for Dnmt2 and a method to measure its tRNA methyltransferase activity.Download video file.(77M, mov)  相似文献   

Tobacco, smoked, snuffed and chewed, contains powerful mutagens and carcinogens. At least three of them, N-dimethylnitrosamine, N'-nitrosonornicotine and 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone, attack DNA at the O(6)-position of guanine. The resulting O(6)-alkylguanine adducts are repaired by the suicide enzyme O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT), which is known to protect against the mutagenic, genotoxic and carcinogenic effects of monofunctional alkylating agents. While in rat liver MGMT was shown to be subject to regulation by genotoxic stress leading to adaptive changes in its activity, in humans evidence of adaptive modulation of MGMT levels is still lacking. Several polymorphisms are known, which are suspected to impact on the risk of developing cancer. In this review we focus on three questions: (a) Has tobacco consumption by smoking or chewing an impact on MGMT expression and MGMT promoter methylation in normal and tumor tissue? (b) Is there an association between MGMT polymorphisms and cancer risk and is this risk related to smoking? (c) Does MGMT protect against tobacco-associated cancer? There are several lines of evidence for an increase of MGMT activity in the normal tissue of smokers compared to non-smokers. Furthermore, in tumors developed in smokers a tendency towards an increase of MGMT expression was found. The data points to the possibility that agents in tobacco smoke are able to trigger upregulation of MGMT in normal and tumor tissue. For MGMT promoter methylation data is conflicting. There is some evidence for an association between MGMT polymorphisms and smoking-induced cancer risk. The key question whether or not MGMT protects against tobacco smoke-induced cancer is difficult to answer since prospective studies on smokers versus non-smokers are lacking and appropriate animal studies with MGMT transgenic mice exposed to the complex mixture of tobacco smoke have not been performed, which indicates the need for further explorations.  相似文献   

The first proven abyssal record of Stenosemus exaratus (G.O. Sars, 1878) is presented on the basis of an ROV study in the Irish Sea. For the first time in situ images of the species and data on the environmental parameters are provided.  相似文献   

Two mammalian genes encode the SURx (SUR1, Abcc8 and SUR2, Abcc9) subunits that combine with Kir6.2 (Kcnj11) subunits to form the ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel in cardiac myocytes. Different isoform combinations endow the channel with distinct physiological and pharmacological properties, and we have recently reported that the molecular composition of sarcolemmal KATP channels is chamber specific in the mouse heart. KATP channel composition is determined by what subunits are expressed in a cell or tissue. In the present study, we explore the role of CpG methylation in regulating SUR1 and SUR2 expression. In HL-1 cardiomyocytes, as in atrial myocytes, SUR1 expression is markedly greater than SUR2. Consistent with CpG methylation-dependent silencing of SUR2 expression, bisulfite sequencing of genomic DNA isolated from HL-1 cells demonstrates that 57.6% of the CpGs in the promoter region of the SUR2 gene are methylated, compared with 0.14% of the the CpG residues in the SUR1 sequence. Moreover, treatment with 10 μM 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (Aza-dC) significantly increased both the unmethylated fraction of the SUR2 CpG island and mRNA expression. However, we cannot rule out additional mechanisms of Aza-dC action, as Aza-dC also causes a decrease in SUR1 expression and lower doses of Aza-dC do not alter the unmethylated DNA fraction but do elicit a small increase in SUR2 expression. The conclusion that DNA methylation alone is not the only regulator of SUR subunit expression is also consistent with observations in native myocytes, where the CpG islands of both SUR genes are essentially unmethylated in both atrial and ventricular myocytes. Collectively, these data demonstrate the potential for CpG methylation to regulate SURx subunit expression and raises the possibility that regulated or aberrant CpG methylation might play a role in controlling channel structure and function under different physiological conditions or different species.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) can have a range of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) activities. PBLs from some individuals may have almost no MGMT activity. Such individuals have most often been subject to malignancy or to immunodeficiency disease. Long-term lymphoblastoid lines (LCLs) prepared from PBLs of normal subjects by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) transformation have MGMT activities which are in general somewhat higher than the PBLs from which they derive. Such cultures are therefore generally MGMT-positive. Only in rare cases, and generally from patients with low MGMT activity, are freshly obtained lines with very low activity obtained. There is however a 4-fold range of MGMT activity over which multiple lines derived from the same PBL sample can be found. Long-term cultivation can lead to LCLs with low activity as well as to lines of high activity. On rare occasions an MGMT-positive line may, within a few divisions, give a negative line. Some (but not all) MGMT-negative (or very low) lines have been known to gain (some) activity. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines are in general very low in MGMT activity. Lines of higher activity can be selected by treatment with mutagenic crosslinking alkylating agents. Chinese hamster lines with high MGMT activity can be obtained by transfection with human DNA from MGMT-positive cells. Lines with significant activity can also be obtained by transfection of CHO cells with human DNA from MGMT-negative (or very low) cells. Resistance to MNNG treatment can be acquired without the acquisition of significant MGMT activity. Crosses of lines of high and low MGMT activity give equivocal results. Hybrids of low × low activity have no activity. Crosses of positive × positive strains give varied results. It has not been possible to identify MGMT-positive hybrids as including one particular chromosome by this type of experiment. There is no evidence for a general adaptive effect on MGMT synthesis greater than the variation within the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Enzymatically oxygenated derivatives of the ω-3 fatty acids cis-4,7,10,13,16,19-docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and cis-5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoic acid, known as resolvins, have potent inflammation resolution activity (Serhan, C. N., Clish, C. B., Brannon, J., Colgan, S. P., Chiang, N., and Gronert, K. (2000) J. Exp. Med. 192, 1197–1204; Hong, S., Gronert, K., Devchand, P. R., Moussignac, R., and Serhan, C. N. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 14677–14687). Our objective was to determine whether similar derivatives are enzymatically synthesized from other C-22 fatty acids and whether these molecules possess inflammation resolution properties. The reaction of DHA, DPAn-3, and DPAn-6 with 5-, 12-, and 15-lipoxygenases produced oxylipins, which were identified and characterized by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass-spectrometry. DPAn-6 and DPAn-3 proved to be good substrates for 15-lipoxygenase. 15-Lipoxygenase proved to be the most efficient enzyme of the three tested for conversion of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids to corresponding oxylipins. Since DPAn-6 is a major component of Martek DHA-S™ oil, we focused our attention on reaction products obtained from the DPAn-6 and 15-lipoxygenase reaction. (17S)-hydroxy-DPAn-6 and (10,17S)-dihydroxy-DPAn-6 were the main products of this reaction. These compounds were purified by preparatory high performance liquid chromatography techniques and further characterized by NMR, UV spectrophotometry, and tandem mass spectrometry. We tested both compounds in two animal models of acute inflammation and demonstrated that both compounds are potent anti-inflammatory agents that are active on local intravenous as well as oral administration. These oxygenated DPAn-6 compounds can thus be categorized as a new class of DPAn-6-derived resolvins.Enzymatically formed oxygenation products of C-20 and C-22 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs),4 have important biological roles in inflammation, allergies, and blood clotting and are thus believed to have therapeutic potential in several chronic immune diseases (110) Several biologically important products of cis-5,8,11,14-eicosatetraenoic acid/arachidonic acid (ARA), cis-5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and cis-4,7,10,13,16,19-docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have been described (4, 11, 12). Proinflammatory oxylipins, such as leukotrienes and some prostaglandins, are derived from ARA, an ω-6 fatty acid. Interestingly, the same fatty acid also serves as a precursor to anti-inflammatory or proresolution molecules like lipoxins (13, 14). Stable analogues of lipoxins are being developed as drugs for asthma and other inflammatory airway diseases (15, 16). Oxylipins derived from ω-3 fatty acids, such as DHA and EPA, known as resolvins, are primarily anti-inflammatory in nature (17). EPA acts as a precursor to the E-series resolvins that have shown potential in the treatment of colitis, arthritis, and periodontitis (1820). The resolvins of the D-series derived from DHA are useful as neuroprotective agents. 10,17-Dihydroxy-4,7,11,13,15,19-docosahexaenoic acid (10,17-HDHA) or neuroprotectin D1 is a resolvin that is formed endogenously in the human brain and eye and is believed to exert its protective effect against cell injury-induced oxidative stress (2123).The main enzymes responsible for the production of these oxygenated LC-PUFA products are primarily lipoxygenases and, in addition, cyclo-oxygenases and cytochromes P450. These enzymes produce oxylipins via transcellular activity, often involving multiple cell types (24). This activity mainly results in mono-, di-, and tri-hydroxylation products of fatty acids that have varying potencies, depending on the exact structure of the compound. Lipoxygenases are non-heme, iron-containing dioxygenases that catalyze the regioselective and enantioselective oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids containing one or more cis,cis-1,4-pentadienoic moieties to give the corresponding hydroperoxy derivatives (25, 26). We thus considered that, in addition to DHA and EPA, other C-22 PUFAs containing such methylene interrupted double bonds may also be substrates for lipoxygenases and that resulting products may have anti-inflammatory activity similar to DHA-derived resolvins. DPAn-6 (cis-4,7,10,13,16-docosapentaenoic acid) is present in algal oils, and recent studies have demonstrated that this fatty acid has anti-inflammatory activities in vitro and, in conjunction with DHA, also has anti-inflammatory activity in vivo.5 Also, it has been suggested that a combination of DHA and DPAn-6 could be a beneficial natural therapy in neuroinflammatory conditions like Alzheimer disease. Specifically, in a 3×Tg-AD mouse model of Alzheimer disease, DPAn-6 was shown to reduce levels of early stage phospho-Tau epitopes, which in turn correlated with a reduction in phosphorylated c-Jun N-terminal kinase, a putative Tau kinase (27). Although the precise mechanism of action of DPAn-6 in these inflammatory milieus is not known, it suggests a possible role for oxylipin products of DPAn-6 in resolution of inflammation. Also, another LC-PUFA, DPAn-3 (cis-7,10,13,16,19-docosapentaenoic acid) usually present along with DHA and EPA in marine oils is known to be a potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation (2830). In addition, this LC-PUFA has a potent inhibitory effect on angiogenesis through the suppression of VEGFR-2 (vascular endothelial-cell growth factor receptor 2) expression. Angiogenesis is known to contribute to tumor growth, inflammation, and microangiopathy, again pointing to the possibility that anti-inflammatory activity of DPAn-3 might be mediated through resolvin-like products as in the case of DHA and EPA (31).The purpose of this research was to determine whether oxylipins are formed from the C-22 LC-PUFAs, DPAn-6 and DPAn-3, by lipoxygenase activity; to compare them to products formed from DHA; to chemically characterize products; to purify key oxylipin products from the DPAn-6/15-lipoxygenase reaction; and to test whether these compounds have resolvin-like anti-inflammatory activity. This research also sets the stage for preparation and isolation of a wide range of other C-22 oxylipins that could be evaluated as potential anti-inflammatory compounds.  相似文献   

The Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule (EpCAM) is overexpressed in many cancers including ovarian cancer and EpCAM overexpression correlates with decreased survival of patients. It was the aim of this study to achieve a targeted methylation of the EpCAM promoter and silence EpCAM gene expression using an engineered zinc finger protein that specifically binds the EpCAM promoter fused to the catalytic domain of the Dnmt3a DNA methyltransferase. We show that transient transfection of this construct increased the methylation of the EpCAM promoter in SKOV3 cells from 4–8% in untreated cells to 30%. Up to 48% methylation was observed in stable cell lines which express the chimeric methyltransferase. Control experiments confirmed that the methylation was dependent on the fusion of the Zinc finger and the methyltransferase domains and specific for the target region. The stable cell lines with methylated EpCAM promoter showed a 60–80% reduction of EpCAM expression as determined at mRNA and protein level and exhibited a significantly reduced cell proliferation. Our data indicate that targeted methylation of the EpCAM promoter could be an approach in the therapy of EpCAM overexpressing cancers.  相似文献   

A new species is described, Xorides benxicus Sheng, sp. n., reared from the cerambycid twig-boring pest of Robinia pseudoacacia Linnaeus, Pterolophia alternata Gressitt, 1938, in Benxi County, Liaoning Province, China. A key is given to the species similar to Xorides benxicus Sheng, namely Xorides asiasius Sheng & Hilszczański, 2009, Xorides cinnabarius Sheng & Hilszczański, 2009 and Xorides sapporensis (Uchida, 1928).  相似文献   

Lai JC  Cheng YW  Goan YG  Chang JT  Wu TC  Chen CY  Lee H 《DNA Repair》2008,7(8):1352-1363
Methylation of the O(6)-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter is associated with G:C to A:T transitions in the p53 gene in various human cancers, including lung cancer. In tumors with p53 mutation, MGMT promoter methylation is more common in advanced tumors than in early tumors. However, in tumors with wild-type p53, MGMT promoter methylation is independent of tumor stage. To elucidate whether p53 participates in MGMT promoter methylation, we engineered three cell models: A549 cells with RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated knockdown of p53, and p53 null H1299 cells transfected with either wild-type p53 (WT-p53) or mutant-p53 (L194R, and R249S-p53). Knockdown of endogenous p53 increased MGMT promoter methylation in A549 cells, and transient expression of WT-p53 in p53 null H1299 cells diminished MGMT promoter methylation, whereas the MGMT promoter methylation status were unchanged by expression of mutant-p53. Previous work showed that p53 modulates DNA-methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) expression; we additionally examined chromatin remodeling proteins expression levels of histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1). We found that p53 knockdown elevated expression of both DNMT1 and HDAC1 in A549 cells. Conversely, expressing WT-p53 in p53 null H1299 cells reduced DNMT1 and HDAC1 expression, but the reduction of both proteins was not observed in expressing mutant-p53 H1299 cells. CHIP analysis further showed that DNMT1 and HDAC1 binding to the MGMT promoter was increased by MGMT promoter methylation and decreased by MGMT promoter demethylation. In conclusion, MGMT promoter methylation modulated by p53 status could partially promote p53 mutation occurrence in advanced lung tumors.  相似文献   

Cellular lipid metabolism is regulated in part by protein-protein interactions near the surface of intracellular lipid droplets. This work investigated functional interactions between Abhd5, a protein activator of the lipase Atgl, and Mldp, a lipid droplet scaffold protein that is highly expressed in oxidative tissues. Abhd5 was highly targeted to individual lipid droplets containing Mldp in microdissected cardiac muscle fibers. Mldp bound Abhd5 in transfected fibroblasts and directed it to lipid droplets in proportion to Mldp concentration. Analysis of protein-protein interactions in situ demonstrated that the interaction of Abhd5 and Mldp occurs mainly, if not exclusively, on the surface of lipid droplets. Oleic acid treatment rapidly increased the interaction between Abhd5 and Mldp, and this effect was suppressed by pharmacological inhibition of triglyceride synthesis. The functional role of the Abhd5-Mldp interaction was explored using a mutant of mouse Abhd5 (E262K) that has greatly reduced binding to Mldp. Mldp promoted the subcellular colocalization and interaction of Atgl with wild type, but not mutant, Abhd5. This differential interaction was reflected in cellular assays of Atgl activity. In the absence of Mldp, wild type and mutant Abhd5 were equally effective in reducing lipid droplet formation. In contrast, mutant Abhd5 was unable to prevent lipid droplet accumulation in cells expressing Mldp despite considerable targeting of Atgl to lipid droplets containing Mldp. These results indicate that the interaction between Abhd5 and Mldp is dynamic and essential for regulating the activity of Atgl at lipid droplets containing Mldp.Growing evidence indicates that lipogenesis and lipolysis are regulated by protein-protein interactions that occur on the surface of specialized intracellular lipid droplets (1, 2). PAT3 (perilipin, adipophilin, and TIP-47) proteins, are thought to be key regulators of these processes by serving as scaffolds that organize and regulate the protein trafficking at lipid droplet surfaces (13). Mldp (muscle lipid droplet protein; alternatively, OXPAT, LSDP5) is a PAT family member that is highly expressed in tissues, like muscle and liver, having high oxidative capacity (46). Expression of Mldp is up-regulated under conditions such as fasting and diabetes, in which the systemic supply of lipid to target tissues is increased, and in vitro studies suggest that Mldp plays a role in facilitating triglyceride storage as well as fatty acid oxidation (46). It is not presently known how Mldp is involved in these functions, but we hypothesize that it is likely to involve direct or indirect interactions with lipases and lipase co-activators (3, 7).Abhd5 (α/β hydrolase domain-containing protein 5; alternatively CGI-58) is an evolutionarily conserved protein that acts as a potent activator of Atgl (adipose triglyceride lipase; alternatively, PNPLA2, desnutrin, TTS-2.1) (8). Both proteins are expressed in a variety of tissues, and rare homozygous mutations of either gene in humans produces a similar (but not identical) lipid storage disease that is characterized by ectopic lipid accumulation in skin, muscle, and liver (911). Regulation of lipid metabolism by Abhd5 is not fully understood. Abhd5 has been shown to bind perilipin (Plin) (12, 13), and it has been proposed that the phosphorylation-dependent release of Abhd5 is a means of initiating lipolysis via activation of Atgl (3, 7). Abhd5 is expressed in several tissues that lack Plin (12), raising the possibility that this co-activator might interact with additional PAT proteins.In the experiments detailed below, we investigated the potential interaction of Mldp and Abhd5 in vivo and in vitro. Our results show that Mldp and Abhd5 interact in vivo and in vitro. This interaction occurs on the surface of intracellular lipid droplets and is promoted by triglyceride synthesis. Atgl and Mldp are targeted to the same lipid droplets, and the interaction of Abhd5 with Mldp appears to be critical for regulating Atgl activity at these droplets.  相似文献   

Rodents of the genus Cerradomys belong to the tribe Oryzomyini and present high chromosome variability with diploid numbers ranging from 2n=46 to 60. Classical cytogenetics and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with telomeric and whole chromosome-specific probes of another Oryzomyini, Oligoryzomys moojeni (OMO), were used to assess the karyotype evolution of the genus. Results were integrated into a molecular phylogeny to infer the hypothetical direction of chromosome changes. The telomeric FISH showed signals in telomeres in species that diverged early in the phylogeny, plus interstitial telomeric signals (ITS) in some species from the most derived clades (C. langguthi, C. vivoi, C. goytaca, and C. subflavus). Chromosome painting revealed homology from 23 segments of C. maracajuensis and C. marinhus to 32 of C. vivoi. Extensive chromosome reorganization was responsible for karyotypic differences in closely related species. Major drivers for genomic reshuffling were in tandem and centric fusion, fission, paracentric and pericentric inversions or centromere repositioning. Chromosome evolution was associated with an increase and decrease in diploid number in different lineages and ITS indicate remnants of ancient telomeres. Cytogenetics results corroborates that C. goytaca is not a junior synonym of C. subflavus since the karyotypic differences found may lead to reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

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