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This study examined the relationships between male agonistic, affiliative, and sexual behaviors and female estrus condition in captive adolescent and young-adult chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Data on agonistic, affiliative, and sexual behaviors of 11 males living in three social groups were collected during daily 45 minute observations over a 5 month period. Female estrus condition was assessed daily using the relative size of the female's ano-genital swelling. It was hypothesized that the presence of maximally tumescent females would generate conflicts between males, so an increase in inter-male agonism was predicted. Males exhibited higher rates of agonism toward other males when at least one female in the group was maximally tumescent. Male affiliative behavior directed toward other males and social play with males were affected by the presence and number of maximally tumescent females. Male sexual behavior increased when maximally tumescent females were present.  相似文献   

A biological control strategy relying on a self-disseminating agent may provide the only affordable long-term technique for reducing brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) numbers throughout New Zealand. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency and patterns of social interactions in single and mixed-sex groups of possums, in order to identify interactions that may assist in the dissemination of biocontrol agents. Thirty-two sexually mature wild-caught possums (16 female, 16 male) were housed in captive groups (of four) in enclosures during the breeding and non-breeding seasons. Groups consisted of either all females, females and males or all males. Four types of social interactions were defined: threats, fights, affiliative and sexual interactions. Interactions only occurred between two animals at one time and were most frequent in the non-breeding season. Within all female groups, possums readily engaged in interactions that had either an agonistic or affiliative nature. Mixed-sex groups interacted less frequently than females, but also engaged in both agonistic and affiliative interactions. In contrast, possums in all male groups rarely interacted, with only a few fights and no affiliative interactions observed. Some mixed-sex dyads appeared to 'associate' during the breeding period. Young were produced by three females that regularly associated with a male and one female that showed little associative behaviour. Given the different interaction patterns observed in each group type, biological control agents that rely on specific interaction patterns for dissemination, are likely to spread at different rates among different possum groups and in different seasons.  相似文献   

The idea that competition and aggression are central to an understanding of the origins of group‐living and sociality among human and nonhuman primates is the dominant theory in primatology today. Using this paradigm, researchers have focused their attention on competitive and aggressive behaviors, and have tended to overlook the importance of cooperative and affiliative behaviors. However, cooperative and affiliative behaviors are considerably more common than agonistic behaviors in all primate species. The current paradigm often fails to explain the context, function, and social tactics underlying affiliative and agonistic behavior. Here, we present data on a basic question of primate sociality: how much time do diurnal, group‐living primates spend in social behavior, and how much of this time is affiliative and agonistic? These data are derived from a survey of 81 studies, including 28 genera and 60 species. We find that group‐living prosimians, New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, and apes usually devote less than 10% of their activity budget to active social interactions. Further, rates of agonistic behaviors are extremely low, normally less than 1% of the activity budget. If the cost to the actors of affiliative behavior is low even if the rewards are low or extremely variable, we should expect affiliation and cooperation to be frequent. This is especially true under conditions in which individuals benefit from the collective environment of living in stable social groups. Am J Phys Anthropol 128:84–97, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In group‐living species, the development of agonistic interactions among conspecifics may be affected by socio‐ecological factors, such as size and composition of social group, and availability of nests and food. We analysed the importance of size and composition of social groups on agonistic interactions among males in the Southern mountain cavy (Microcavia australis). We made behavioural observations in four social groups of different size and composition. We recorded two types of agonistic interactions: agonistic displays and direct agonistic behaviours; both types increased in the breeding season. A social group composed of a high number of males was associated with high frequency of agonistic displays. Direct agonistic behaviours were also influenced by the interaction of season and number of males per social group and number of females per social group. Agonistic interactions were also recorded among males of different socials groups in the breeding season. Agonistic displays were most frequent among males of the same social group, whereas direct agonistic behaviours were most common among males of different social groups. These results suggest that social factors affect agonistic interactions among males of Southern mountain cavy and that in a conflict situation, males develop different strategies, such as increased frequency of agonistic behaviours in breeding season and intragroup cooperation for defence of oestrous females.  相似文献   

This is the first report on inter-individual relationships within a one-male group of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) based on detailed identification of individuals. From May 2005 to 2006, focal and ad libitum data of agonistic and grooming behaviour were collected in a forest along the Menanggul River, Sabah, Malaysia. During the study period, we collected over 1,968 h of focal data on the adult male and 1,539 h of focal data on the six females. Their social interactions, including agonistic and grooming behaviour, appeared to follow typical patterns reported for other colobines: the incidence of social interaction within groups is low. Of 39 agonistic events, 26 were displacement from sleeping places along the river, 6 were the α male threatening other monkeys to mediate quarrels between females and between females and juveniles, and 7 were displacement from feeding places. Although the agonistic behaviour matrix based on the 33 intra-group agonistic events (excluding events between adults and juveniles and between adults and infants) was indicative of non-significant linearity, there were some specific dominated individuals within the group of proboscis monkeys. Nonetheless, grooming behaviour among adult females within a group were not affected by the dominance hierarchy. This study also conducted initial comparisons of grooming patterns among proboscis monkeys and other primate species. On the basis of comparison of their grooming networks, similar grooming patterns among both-sex-disperse and male-philopatric/female-disperse species were detected. Because adult females in these species migrate to groups repeatedly, it may be difficult to establish the firm grooming exchange relationship for particular individuals within groups, unlike in female-philopatric/male-disperse species. However, grooming distribution patterns within groups among primate species were difficult to explain solely on the basis of their dispersal patterns. Newly immigrated females in some species including proboscis monkeys are eager to have social interactions with senior group members to improve their social position.  相似文献   

This study compares electrocommunication behaviour in groups of freely swimming weakly electric fishes of two species, Marcusenius altisambesi and Mormyrus rume. Animals emitted variable temporal sequences of stereotyped electric organ discharges (EOD) that served as communication signals. While the waveform of individual signals remained constant, the inter‐discharge interval (IDI) patterns conveyed situation‐specific information. Both species showed different types of group behaviour, e.g. they engaged in collective (group) foraging. The results show that in each species, during different behavioural conditions (resting, foraging and agonistic encounters), certain situation‐specific IDI patterns occurred. In both species, neighbouring fishes swimming closely together interacted electrically by going in and out of synchronization episodes, i.e. periods of temporally correlated EOD production. These often resulted in echo responses between neighbours. During group foraging, fishes often signalled in a repetitive fixed order (fixed‐order signalling). During foraging, EOD emission rates of M. altisambesi were higher and more regular than those of M. rume. The two species also differed in the quantity of group behaviours with M. altisambesi being more social than M. rume, which was reflected in the lack of specific agonistic IDI patterns, more fixed‐order signalling and more communal resting behaviour in M. altisambesi.  相似文献   

东方田鼠家族群成员个体的觅食行为是否因食物斑块存有家族群自身及非亲缘家族群气味而发生变异,进而影响其摄入率。在新鲜马唐叶片构建的均质密集食物斑块上,分别配置家族群自身巢垫物及非亲缘家族群巢垫物作为社群气味,测定东方田鼠家族群在食物斑块觅食时,其成员个体觅食行为的序列过程及参数,检验家族群自身气味及非亲缘家族群气味对成员个体觅食行为的影响。结果表明,家族群自身气味能显著地缩短本群成员个体的觅食决定时间,通过减少成员个体的嗅闻及直立扫视动作时间比例、增大一般扫视、盯视及静听动作时间比例,降低觅食中断时间比例,提高其摄入率;而非亲缘家族群气味则能显著地延长家族群成员个体的觅食决定时间,通过增大家族群成员个体的嗅闻和一般扫视动作时间比例、减小直立扫视、盯视及静听动作时间比例,增大觅食中断时间比例,降低其摄入率。结果揭示,熟悉的社群气味会促使觅食活动中的家族群成员个体,在监测环境风险时,将精力更多地用于观察和监听群内其他成员个体的行为及其发出的警报信息,以便在有效规避环境风险的同时减缓个体间因干扰性竞争对觅食活动所造成的不利影响;而陌生的社群气味会迫使成员个体,将精力由依赖群内其他成员个体的行为转向凭借自身直接警觉周围环境。  相似文献   

In many species interactions among group are often characterized by agonistic behaviour. Although animals may participate in inter‐group encounters in different ways, depending on their energetic requirements, reproductive tactics, and/or developmental stage, the proximate causes affecting an animal's participation in inter‐group encounters are still poorly understood. Indeed, many studies have analysed the behaviour of males and females during inter‐group encounters without considering the importance of additional factors (e.g. rank). This study focuses on wild non‐provisioned Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui) living on Yakushima Island, Japan. It aims to determine how monkeys of different sex, age, and rank behave during inter‐group encounters and it discusses the implications and consequences of their behaviour on group composition and male dispersal. Males participated significantly more than females in inter‐group encounters, by displaying more aggressive or affiliative behaviour. High‐ranking and/or adult males were more aggressive than low‐ranking and/or subadult males during encounters occurring in the mating season and they also showed more herding behaviour. This trend was not found in inter‐group encounters occurring during the non‐mating season. Finally, males which then emigrated to new groups were low‐ranking and/or subadult individuals. Those males displayed more affiliative behaviour towards foreign males than males which did emigrate. These data indicate that in non‐territorial species with male dominance over female and high competition for mating partners males play an active, and often aggressive, role during inter‐group encounter while female participation is scarce. Factors such as age, rank and period of the year (in seasonally breeding species) have to be taken into considerations when analysing interactions between groups and their effects on group composition and social behaviour.  相似文献   

Predators are a ubiquitous presence in most natural environments. Opportunities to contrast the behaviour of a species in the presence and absence of predators are thus rare. Here we report on the behaviour of howler monkey groups living under radically different conditions on two land-bridge islands in Lago Guri, Venezuela. One group of 6 adults inhabited a 190-ha island (Danto) where they were exposed to multiple potential predators. This group, the control, occupied a home range of 23 ha and contested access to food resources with neighbouring groups in typical fashion. The second group, containing 6 adults, was isolated on a remote, predator-free 0.6 ha islet (Iguana) offering limited food resources. Howlers living on the large island moved, fed and rested in a coherent group, frequently engaged in affiliative activities, rarely displayed agonistic behaviour and maintained intergroup spacing through howling. In contrast, the howlers on Iguana showed repulsion, as individuals spent most of their time spaced widely around the perimeter of the island. Iguana howlers rarely engaged in affiliative behaviour, often chased or fought with one another and were not observed to howl. These behaviors are interpreted as adjustments to the unrelenting deprivation associated with bottom-up limitation in a predator-free environment.  相似文献   

Social relationships between female zoo elephants were analyzed on three different zoo groups. Interactions were defined as either affiliative or agonistic. The most frequent interactions were found to be touching of the partner's mouth, genital sinus, face and trunk. The calf was the individual involved in most social interactions. Placing the trunk tip into the partner's mouth is a well known behaviour, the correlation between this behaviour and aggression was analyzed and a further function is suggested. Aggressive behaviour was analyzed and the hypothesis derived that rank order has to be established and is flexible in a non-kin group. The hypothesis that Asian elephant females may form special relationships was tested and confirmed. The following behaviour patterns were determined as indicators of a special relationship: Spatial proximity, partner-specific reactions to arousal and to vocalizing, and omission of agonistic behaviour. An experiment confirmed the hypothesis that the removal of one member of a special relationship from the enclosure would elicit more arousal behaviour in the respective partner.  相似文献   

The development of social behaviour in 4 litters of dogs was observed without interfering with the puppies from birth to 8 weeks of age. Direct and continuous observation was combined with video recording. Three of the litters were observed during one session of 2 h once a week, and the fourth litter during one session of 40 min twice a week. Social interactions were divided into 1) investigation of litter mates (licking, sniffing or investigating orally), 2) social play, 3) and interactions in which agonistic elements (dominance postures, threats, bites or submission) were displayed. The different forms of social interactions appeared for the first time when the puppies were between 14 and 21 days of age. Social investigation appeared first and was followed by play and agonistic interactions. From week 5, differences between the puppies in the tendency to initiate social play and agonistic interactions emerged. Generally, within the litters individual differences were consistent over weeks 6-8 (positive correlations between weeks), whereas the tendency in the puppies during these weeks were negatively correlated with those of week 3 (play) or weeks 3 and 4 (agonistic interactions), indicating a rebound effect for both play and agonistic behaviour. No significant correlations, however, were found for social investigation. More often than expected males played or engaged in agonistic with other males, whereas these behaviours occurred less often than expected between females. Both males and females, however, preferred male partners for agonistic interactions. No sex differences were found in the direction of social investigation. Agonistic behaviour was often responded to by play and play was often responded to by agonistic behaviour, and the results indicated that before 8 weeks of age differences in social behaviour between the puppies were already established.  相似文献   

Female social dominance is rare in mammals, but common in lemurs. We investigated social dominance in two Eulemur species; the polygynous crowned lemur (E. coronatus) and the monogamous red‐bellied lemur (E. rubriventer), using four and two social groups, respectively. We collected data on agonistic interactions and two types of affiliative behavior (grooming and maintaining spatial proximity). We used a combination of focal watches of individuals, instantaneous scan‐sampling of groups, and all‐occurrence of some behaviors in groups. We found that overall rates of agonistic interactions were higher in E. coronatus, and they also had more decided intersexual agonistic interactions than E. rubriventer. However, in both species the females won the vast majority of these agonistic interactions. E. coronatus females were groomed more often by males than vice versa, whereas no sex differences in grooming were observed in E. rubriventer. We found that males were responsible for maintaining spatial proximity in E. coronatus whereas in E. rubriventer, females were responsible. In one group of E. coronatus, the male was overweight and dominant to the female and this is the first observation of male dominance in a lemur species typically described as female dominant. We suggest that body weights in captivity be monitored for maintaining normal dominance relationships. Overall, agonistic behaviors were consistent with clear female social dominance in both E. coronatus and E. rubriventer. The affiliative behaviors also provided clear evidence for female dominance E. coronatus, but not for E. rubriventer. Zoo Biol 0: 1–14, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Groups of human soldiers increase their affiliative behaviour when moving into combat zones. Despite numerous other species also competing as groups, little is known about how potential intergroup conflict might influence current intragroup affiliative behaviour in non-human animals. Here, I show that allopreening (when one individual preens another) increases in groups of cooperatively breeding green woodhoopoes (Phoeniculus purpureus) when they enter areas where conflicts with neighbours are more likely. Self-preening, which is an indicator of stress in other species, did not increase in conflict areas, suggesting that the change in affiliative behaviour is not the simple consequence of greater stress. Instead, because it is the dominant breeding pair that increase their preening of subordinate helpers, it is possible that current affiliative behaviour is being exchanged for agonistic support in any intergroup conflicts that might ensue. These results are important for our understanding of group dynamics, cooperation and the evolution of sociality, but also bring to mind the intriguing possibilities of social contracts and future planning in birds.  相似文献   

Efforts to understand the variation in primate social systems and their underlying interaction patterns have focused on both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. In the socioecological model, food distribution and abundance have been argued to be the primary influences on the social behavior of primate species. We examined the relationship of food resources and two intrinsic factors—kinship and proximity—with patterns of affiliative and agonistic relationships in two semi‐free ranging ringtailed lemur, Lemur catta, social groups (N=14) at The Duke Lemur Center in Durham, NC. In analyzing these three factors concurrently within the same system, we attempt to establish their relative power in explaining the characteristics of social relationships. Patterns of affiliation and high‐intensity agonism were best explained by kinship. Proximity also explained affiliation but did not explain agonism, which varied considerably between groups. The influence of food on social interactions was highly variable between the two groups and, therefore, did not convincingly account for the social behavior patterns we observed. Finally, different intensities of agonism have different patterns and should be analyzed individually. The variation between social groups makes it difficult for us to conclude that any one factor is primarily and universally responsible for patterns of social behavior in this species. Am. J. Primatol. 72:981–991, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A total of 15 months were spent on field research in eastern Madagascar studying the largest extant lemur Indri indri. Social relationships were analysed according to the frequency and direction of affiliative and agonistic behaviours, and with respect to the relative tree positions and behavioural synchrony of group members. The relationship between the adult male and adult female in each group was distinguished by the subordinance of the former. Between group variation in adults' relationships are examined with respect to the function of this behaviour.  相似文献   

The behaviour of a group of female domestic cats (n = 10) under laboratory conditions is described. Behavioural observations were made on a total of 20 days during a 3-month period; only frequencies were recorded. Analysis of the winner/loser matrix revealed a linear rank order. This rank order correlated with several variables. The higher the rank, the more offensive threats a cat emitted overall, and the more defensive threats it received overall; within a pair, the higher-ranking cat displayed more offensive threats, whereas the lower-ranking cat displayed more defensive threats. The higher a rank, the more bouts of social licking a cat emitted overall, and the more bouts of social sniffing and social rubbing it received overall; within a pair, the higher-ranking cat tended to show more social licking, whereas the lower-ranking cat showed more social sniffing. The higher the rank, the more time a cat tended to spend on the floor, and the less time it spent in a 16-compartment complex; the further animals were apart in rank, the smaller were the proximity scores between them. Finally, higher-ranking cats tended to gain weight, whereas lower-ranking cats tended to lose weight. These data suggest that the concept of dominance may be applied to this group of cats. It is discussed whether the observed rank order is specific for indoor conditions under which the cats were living. The role of social licking is also discussed.  相似文献   

A dominance hierarchy based on the outcome of agonistic encounters was found among male and female domestic cats. A female dominated over some males. The dominance concept is also discussed in terms of social bonding. The relationships among adult females were amicable, whereas adult males showed reciprocal tolerance. The flow of affiliative behaviour was directed mainly from females to one male of the group. The analysis of marking behaviour showed that this male sprayed urine and rubbed the perioral and cheek regions of the face on the objects of the environment at a higher rate than the other members of the group. Nevertheless, rubbing the perioral and cheek regions of the face on objects was not correlated to dominance rank, possibly because it has some function in social communication other than territorial defence against strangers. No relationships have been found between claw scratching, rolling on the ground and social rank, or between the former and other marking behaviour. It is concluded that claw scratching and rolling were not utilised to mark territory.  相似文献   

Findings from two experiments usingCercopithecus aethiops sabaeus (the St. Kitts vervet) are reported. In the first experiment, group number was systematically altered in two groups of animals similar in age and sex but dissimilar in terms of their prior histories. These changes resulted in significant increases in selected affiliative behaviors, decreases in nonsocial behaviors, and no changes in agonistic behaviors. In the second experiment the living space of a well established group of animals was decreased. This change also resulted in a significant increase in the frequency of affiliative behaviors but in no change in agonistic behaviors. Results of the experiments are discussed. This research was in part supported by FY-1976 (Veterans Administration) and The H. F. Guggenheim Foundation through a grant to the Behavioral Sciences Foundation.  相似文献   

A study group of Campbell's monkeys (Cercopithecus c. campbelli) provided data on affiliative and agonistic relationships between females. Over a period of two years (involving 111 hr), we conducted observations of a captive group which had a composition similar to wild groups. We were able to identify a monitor-adjust social system with frequent affiliative interactions, directed gazing and avoidances rather than aggressive acts. We described long-term differentiated affiliative bonds: adult females interacting more often with some group mates than others, especially if they were relatives. Interactions between matrilines concerned essentially play and young adult females. We found a significant linear hierarchy of dominance with rare reversals and a stable intermatriline dominance. In contrast to other single-male groups, our adult male was socially integrated into the group although this may have been because of the housing conditions. Comparisons with the social organization of other captive and wild guenon groups are discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of stimulation of the nucleus tractus solitarii, the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, the nucleus reticularis paramedianus, and the nucleus cuneatus were studied in free-moving cats. Stimulation of the medullary nuclei that are known to be involved in the central nervous control of cardiovascular functions might activate preprogrammed motor responses such as licking and sniffing, and induce complex behavioural response patterns such as sleep or flight reaction. Moreover, both lever-pressing for rewarding brain stimulation, and eating in food deprived cats might be modulated by these stimulations. In a shuttle box the cats showed no tendency toward shuttling during stimulation, except the stimulation of the nucleus reticularis paramedianus which produced aversion. The cardiovascular and respiratory effects varied parallel with the behavioural responses. It is concluded that the medullary nuclei related to visceral functions are capable of affecting somatomotor behaviour either directly on the motor system, or by inducing complex response patterns in which somatomotor and visceral responses are integrated.  相似文献   

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