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To determine the effect of hyperosmotic stress on the monoclonal antibody (MAb) production by calcium-alginate-immobilized S3H5/gamma2bA2 hybridoma cells, the osmolalities of medium in the MAb production stage were varied through the addition of NaCI. The specific MAb productivity (q(MAb)) of immobilized cells exposed to abrupt hyperosmotic stress (398 mOsm/kg) was increased by 55% when compared with that of immobilized cells in the control culture (286 mOsm/kg). Furthermore, this enhancement of q(MAb) was not transient. Abrupt increase in osmolality, however, inhibited cell growth, resulting in no increase in volumetric MAb productivity (r(MAb)). On the other hand, gradual increase in osmolality allowed further cell growth while maintaining the enhanced q(MAb) immobilized cells. The q(MAb) immobilized cells at 395 mOsm/kg was 0.661 +/- 0.019 mug/10(6) cells/h, which is almost identical to that of immobilized cells exposed to abrupt osmotic stress. Accordingly, the r(MAb) was increased by ca. 40% when compared with that in the control immobilized cell culture. This enhancement in i(MAb) of immobilized S3H5/gamma2bA2 hybridoma cells by applying gradual osmotic stress suggests the potential of using hyperosmolar medium in other perfusion culture systems for improved MAb production. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The use of glycine betaine combined with hyperosmolality is known to be an efficient means for achieving high protein production in recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (rCHO) cells. In order to understand the intracellular events and identify the key factors in rCHO cells cultivated with glycine betaine under hyperosmotic conditions, two-dimensional differential in-gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) followed by mass spectrometric analysis was applied. Differentially expressed 19 protein spots were selected and 16 different kinds of proteins were successfully identified. The identified proteins were associated with cellular metabolism (PEPCK, GAPDH, and PK), cellular architecture (β-tubulin and β-actin), protein folding (GRP78 and OSP94), mRNA processing (Rbm34, ACF, and IPMK), and protein secretion (γ-COP). 2D-Western blot analysis of β-tubulin, GAPDH, Peroxidoxin-1, and GRP78 confirmed the proteomic findings. The proteins identified from this study, which are related to cell growth and antibody production, can be applied to cell engineering for maximizing the efficacy of the use of glycine betaine combined with hyperosmolality in rCHO cells.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated how to transform the conventional method of hybridoma production and screening into a fast, high-throughput technology. Nevertheless, there were still open questions related to automated procedures and immunization protocols that we address now by comparing the hybridoma production work-flow in automated and manually executed processes. In addition, since the animals' antibody responses to single or multiple antigen challenge affect monoclonal antibody throughput, different immunization and fusion strategies were tested. Specifically, the results obtained with multiplexing (multiple target antigens injected into a single animal) and single antigen immunization followed by splenocyte pooling immediately before fusion were compared with conventional methods. The results presented here demonstrate that the optimal protocol consists of automated somatic-cell fusion and hybridoma dilution followed by manual plating of hybridoma cells. Additionally, more specific and productive hybridoma clones were obtained with multiplexed immunization in a single animal with respect to the splenocyte pooling from single antigen immunized animals. However, in terms of overall antibody yield, the conventional method consisting of single immunization for each single animal assured ten times more specific hybridoma cell lines than the strategy based on the multiple antigen immunization followed by separate fusion step. In conclusion, the most productive approach for recovering a large number of suitable antibodies relies on single antigen immunization followed by automated fusion and dilution steps and manual plating.  相似文献   

Glycine betaine plays an important role in some plants, including maize, in conditions of abiotic stress, but different maize varieties vary in their capacity to accumulate glycine betaine. An elite maize inbred line DH4866 was transformed with the betA gene from Escherichia coli encoding choline dehydrogenase (EC, a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of glycine betaine from choline. The transgenic maize plants accumulated higher levels of glycine betaine and were more tolerant to drought stress than wild-type plants (non-transgenic) at germination and the young seedling stage. Most importantly, the grain yield of transgenic plants was significantly higher than that of wild-type plants after drought treatment. The enhanced glycine betaine accumulation in transgenic maize provides greater protection of the integrity of the cell membrane and greater activity of enzymes compared with wild-type plants in conditions of drought stress.  相似文献   

Previously, we showed that transformation with the codA gene for choline oxidase allows plants to synthesize glycine betaine (GB) and enhances their ability to tolerate various kinds of stress during germination and vegetative growth. In this study, we examined the tolerance of transformed plants to salt stress at the reproductive stage, which is the stage at which plants are most sensitive to environmental stress. Salt-shock treatment of wild-type plants for 3 days resulted in the abortion of flower buds and decreased the number of seeds per silique. These deleterious effects were clearly visible 6 days after the termination of salt-shock treatment. Microscopic examination of floral structures revealed that salt stress inhibited the development of anthers, pistils, and petals. In particular, the production of pollen grains and ovules was dramatically inhibited. These effects of salt stress were significantly reduced by transformation with the codA gene, and our observations suggested that the enhanced tolerance of the transgenic plants was a result of the accumulation of GB in the reproductive organs. Indeed, levels of GB in flowers, siliques, and inflorescence apices were about five times higher than in leaves.  相似文献   

Rapamycin was used as a medium additive to slow the progression of CRL 1606 hybridomas through the cell cycle, under the hypothesis that such a modulation might reduce cell death. Cell cycle distributions for CRL hybridomas in the G1 phase of the cell cycle ranged from 20% to 35% during batch, fed-batch, and continuous culture experiments, independent of culture time, dilution rate, growth rates, or death rates. Rapamycin, an mTOR signaling inhibitor, immunosuppressant, and G1-phase arresting agent, was identified and tested for efficacy in restraining cell cycle progression in CRL 1606 hybridoma cultures. However, in the presence of 100 nM rapamycin, the percentage of cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle during fed-batch cultures was only increased from 28% to 31% in control cultures to 37% to 48% for those with rapamycin. Accordingly, rapamycin only slightly reduced culture growth rate. Instead, the use of rapamycin more notably kept viability higher than that of control cultures by delaying cell death for 48 h, thereby enabling viable proliferation to higher maximum viable cell densities. Furthermore, rapamycin enhanced specific monoclonal antibody production by up to 100% during high-viability growth. Thus, over the course of 6-day fed-batch cultivations, the beneficial effects of rapamycin on viable cell density and specific productivity resulted in an increase in final monoclonal antibody titer from 0.25 to 0.56 g/L (124%). As rapamycin is reported to influence a much broader range of cellular functions than cell cycle alone, these findings are more illustrative of the influence that signal transduction pathways related to mTOR can have on overall cell physiology and culture productivity.  相似文献   

A selection of mouse hybridoma cell lines showed a variation of approximately two orders of magnitude in intracellular monoclonal antibody contents. The different levels directly influenced apparent specific monoclonal antibody productivity during the death phase but not during the growth phase of a batch culture. The pattern of changes in specific productivity during culture remained basically similar even though at different levels for all cell lines tested. Arresting the cells in the G1 phase using thymidine increased the specific productivity, cell volume and intracellular antibody content but at the same time led to decreased viability. In continuous culture DNA synthesis decreased with decreasing dilution rate though without an accompanying change in cell cycle and cell size distributions. The data shows both the decrease in viability and intracellular antibody content to be important factors which influence the negative association between specific antibody productivity and growth rate. In high cell density perfusion culture, when the cell cycle was prolonged by slow growth, viability was low and dead, but not lysed, cells were retained in the system, the specific antibody productivity was nearly two fold higher than that obtained in either batch or continuous cultures. The results imply that the prolongation of G1 phase and the increase in death rate of cells storing a large amount of antibody together cause an apparent increase in specific antibody productivity.  相似文献   

A fixed bed perfusion system for hybridoma cell immobilization is presented. The system consists of a culturing vessel (300 ml total volume) in which polyurethane (PU) sponges in the form of small cubes of about 5 mm sides are packed. Cells are immobilized by physical entrapment in the foam matrix. By entrapment of the cells in the pores of the matrix high cell concentration can be maintained in a mechanically protected environment. Medium is continuously circulated by an airlift pump mounted in the cell-free chamber (700 ml total volume).Medium flow rate, feeding rate, dissolved oxygen, pH, nutrient uptake and waste product formation can be easily monitored and controlled. Steady state conditions are established with medium dilution rates of 1.0–1.5 reactor volume per day. The steady state is characterized by a constant cell density, constant culture volume and constant glucose and lactate levels. Cell-free supernatant is collected continuously in a cold room adjacent to the 37°C culture room. Monoclonal antibodies (MAb) are produced at a concentration of 150–200 g/ml for several weeks. An important feature of the system is the capacity to maintain a population of cells after the growth phase in a non-proliferating state for extended time periods expressing high titers of MAb.Abbreviations DO Dissolved Oxygen - FBS Fetal Bovine Serum - FBR Fixed Bed Reactor - MAb Monoclonal Antibody - PU polyurethane  相似文献   

用亲和层析纯化的酵母表达重组人内皮抑素为抗原,经皮下多点注射免疫Balb/c小鼠,鼠抗血清效价达到1:10000,选免疫效果最好的小鼠,取其脾细胞用PEG法与同系骨髓瘤细胞(SP2/0)融合,通过间接ELISA法对杂交瘤细胞进行筛选,对阳性孔进行有限稀稀,经3次亚克隆获得4株阳性杂交瘤细胞。  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of mouse hybridoma cell lines shows that the major difference between non, low and high producer cell lines is the amount of endoplasmic reticulum. Vesicular-tubular or cavernous structures of endoplasmic reticulum, which can survive long after cell death, are particularly abundant in producer cell lines. Immunogold labelling with anti-mouse IgG reveals that antibodies are predominantly located in these structures. The cell membrane undergoes structural changes during the late stages of batch culture with the disappearance of microvilli and the appearance of blebs and deep indentations. Necrosis disrupts the cytoplasmic structures and the nucleus is last to degrade.  相似文献   

Experiments, earlier performed in our laboratory, showedthe stimulating effect of butyric acid on monoclonalantibody production by hybridoma cells. Itssimulaneous inhibitory effect on cell growth canhowever compensate for this, so that no increase ofmonoclonal antibody titer might be obtained. We showin this article an experiment with addition of butyricacid in the middle of the growth phase of a batchculture, as a strategy to take real profit of such anaddition by a significant increase of final monoclonalantibody concentration. Indeed, in this way asignificant cell density could be obtained before theaddition of butyric acid, while the remaining culturetime was still sufficiently long for its action,resulting in a two fold increase of final monoclonalantibody titer. The experiment was carried out in a 2 L bioreactor, showing the real practical interest ofsuch an addition for the large scale production ofproteins. Furthermore, analysis of the produced IgG bySDS-PAGE and Western blot did not reveal structuralchanges after stimulation by butyric acid. An originalpoint of our study is the characterization of the cellbehaviour, by flow cytometry and other relatedtechniques, leading to a better insight in the effectof the butyric acid addition on cell growth andmonoclonal antibody production. Although there existsa lot of knowledge about the effects of butyrate oncells in the field of molecular biology, our article isat our knowledge one of the first to show some of itseffects on cell behaviour in bioreactor culture,carried out under perfectly defined and controlledconditions, and with the aim to stimulate monoclonalantibody production.  相似文献   

During recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (rCHO) cell culture, various events, such as feeding with concentrated nutrient solutions or the addition of base to maintain an optimal pH, increase the osmolality of the medium. To determine the effect of hyperosmotic stress on two types of programmed cell death (PCD), apoptosis and autophagy, of rCHO cells, two rCHO cell lines, producing antibody and erythropoietin, were subjected to hyperosmotic stress resulting from NaCl addition (310–610 mOsm/kg). For both rCHO cell lines, hyperosmolality up to 610 mOsm/kg increased cleaved forms of PARP, caspase‐3, caspase‐7, and fragmentation of chromosomal DNA, confirming the previous observation that apoptosis was induced by hyperosmotic stress. Concurrently, hyperosmolality increased the level of accumulation of LC3‐II, a widely used autophagic marker, which was determined by Western blot analysis and confocal microscopy. When glucose and glutamine concentrations were measured during the cultures, glucose and glutamine concentrations in the culture medium at various osmolalities (310–610 mOsm/kg) showed no significant differences. This result suggests that induction of PCD by hyperosmotic stress occurred independently of nutrient depletion. Taken together, autophagy as well as apoptosis was observed in rCHO cells subjected to hyperosmolality. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;105: 1187–1192. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The fate of radioactive glycine betaine was investigated in 31-day-old alfalfa ( Medicago sativa L. cv Europe) plants nodulated by Rhizobium meliloti 102 F 34. Radioactive [methyl-14C]- or [1,2-14C]glycine betaine was fed for 6 h to plants subjected or not to stress by 0.2 M NaCl. A 36% decrease in glycine betaine uptake was observed in salinized plants. No loss of radioactivity in the gas phase or the growth medium was ever observed from either stressed or unstressed plants, even after a 4-day chase period. Glycine betaine catabolism was negligible in shoots of both control and salinized plants, but it was important in roots and even more significant in nodules of unstressed plants. In unstressed nodules, 52% of the labelled betaine was metabolized after 4 days, and the half-life of glycine betaine was estimated at ca 4 days. On the contrary, catabolism was dramatically reduced in stressed roots and, particularly, nodules in which the half-life of glycine betaine increased to at least 16 days. Analysis of the redistribution of radioactivity among plant organs during the chase period shows that glycine betaine was translocated from the roots to the nodules of salinized plants, so that during this period salinization resulted in a 91% increase in nodule radioactivity, whereas a 34% decrease was observed in control plants. Altogether, reduced catabolism and increased translocation of glycine betaine to stressed nodules favored its accumulation in these organs. The high level of glycine betaine might contribute to maintain a better water status in the nodule and, thus, protect the nitrogen fixation activity against the deleterious effects of elevated osmolarity in the nutrient solution.  相似文献   

用合成肽TPO作抗原,经腹腔免疫Bal b/c小鼠,鼠抗血清效价为1:1000,ELISA间接法测定的P/N值为3。取小鼠脾细胞与骨髓瘤细胞(SP2/10)在PEG作用下进行融合,细胞融合率达91%。通过ELISA筛选并经过3次亚克隆,获得了1株能分泌抗TPO抗体的单克姓杂交瘤细胞株,P/N值均高于8。  相似文献   

Summary We present a practical method for the rescue of previosly stable hybridoma clones which increases the proportion of desired cells in the population before cloning by limiting dilution. When the antibody activity of a culture supernatant was lower than that previously obtained, a precloning distribution at a density of 10 cells per microtiter well greatly improved the chances of obtaining a single active clone by subsequent limiting dilution. The Poisson distribution model was used to evaluate the method. Probabilities calculated clearly demonstrate the advantage of this precloning distribution step when attempting to isolate a hydridoma cell line that is relatively rare in a population. This work was supported in part by grants EY 06225 and EY 06226 from the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD and by an unrestricted departmental award from Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc.  相似文献   

Choline may affect salt tolerance by regulating lipid and glycine betaine (GB) metabolism. This study was conducted to determine whether alteration of lipid profiles and GB metabolism may contribute to choline regulation and genotypic variations in salt tolerance in a halophytic grass, seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum). Plants of Adalayd and Sea Isle 2000 were subjected to salt stress (200-mM NaCl) with or without foliar application of choline chloride (1 mM). Genotypic variations in salt tolerance and promotive effects of choline application on salt tolerance were associated with both the up-regulation of lipid metabolism and GB synthesis. The genotypic variations in salt tolerance associated with lipid metabolism were reflected by the differential accumulation of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine between Adalayd and Sea Isle 2000. Choline-induced salt tolerance was associated with of the increase in digalactosyl diacylglycerol (DGDG) content including DGDG (36:4 and 36:6) in both cultivars of seashore paspalum and enhanced synthesis of phosphatidylinositol (34:2, 36:5, and 36:2) and phosphatidic acid (34:2, 34:1, and 36:5), as well as increases in the ratio of digalactosyl diacylglycerol: monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (DGDG:MGDG) in salt-tolerant Sea Isle 2000. Choline regulation of salt tolerance may be due to the alteration in lipid metabolism in this halophytic grass species.  相似文献   

Members of the Chenopodiaceae can accumulate high levels (>100 mol·(g DW)-1) of glycine betaine (betaine) in leaves when salinized. Chenopodiaceae synthesize betaine by a two-step oxidation of choline (cholinebetaine aldehyde betaine), with the second step catalyzed by betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH, EC High betaine levels have also been reported in leaves of species from several distantly-related families of dicotyledons, raising the question of whether the same betaine-synthesis pathway is used in all cases.Fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry showed that betaine levels of >100 mol·(g DW)-1 are present in Lycium ferocissimum Miers (Solanaceae), Helianthus annuus L. (Asteraceae), Convolvulus arvensis L. (Convolvulaceae), and Amaranthus caudatus L. (Amaranthaceae), that salinization promotes betaine accumulation in these plants, and that they can convert supplied choline to betaine aldehyde and betaine. Nicotiana tabacum L. and Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karst. ex Farw. (Solanaceae), Lactuca sativa L. (Asteraceae) and Ipomoea purpurea L. (Convolvulaceae) also contained betaine, but at a low level (0.1–0.5 mol·(g DW)-1. Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase activity assays, immunotitration and immunoblotting demonstrated that the betaine-accumulating species have a BADH enzyme recognized by antibodies raised against BADH from Spinacia oleracea L. (Chenopodiaceae), and that the Mr of the BADH monomer is in all cases close to 63 000. These data indicate that the cholinebetaine aldehydebetaine pathway may have evolved by vertical descent from an early angiosperm ancestor, and might be widespread (albeit not always strongly expressed) among flowering plants. Consistent with these suggestions, Magnolia x soulangiana was found to have a low level of betaine, and to express a protein of Mr 63 000 which cross-reacted with antibodies to BADH from Spinacia oleracea.Abbreviations BADH Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase - DCIMS desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometry - FABMS fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry - Mr relative molecular mass - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   

A cell surface molecule of equine T lymphocytes was identified and characterized using a mouse monoclonal antibody, HT23A. The molecule was detected on all T cells but not on other cells in peripheral blood, with the possible exception of a small subpopulation (about 5%) of B cells, as assessed by indirect immunofluorescence and flow cytometry. HT23A labelled T cell areas of horse lymph nodes and spleen when used in an indirect immunoperoxidase assay on frozen sections. Macrophages and neutrophils were not labelled by the antibody nor were frozen sections of horse liver, kidney, or brain. HT23A precipitated a molecule of approximately 69 kDa from 125Iodine labelled horse lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Glycine betaine is accumulated as a compatible solute in many photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic bacteria — the last being unable to synthesize the compound - and thus large pools of betaine can be expected to be present in hypersaline environments. A variety of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms degrade betaine to among other products trimethylamine and methylamine, in a number of different pathways. Curiously, very few of these betaine breakdown processes have yet been identified in hypersaline environments. Trimethylamine can also be formed by bacterial reduction of trimethylamine N-oxide (also by extremely halophilic archaeobacteria). Degradation of trimethylamine in hypersaline environments by halophilic methanogenic bacteria is relatively well documented, and leads to the formation of methane, carbon dioxide and ammonia.  相似文献   

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