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Roberto Rizzo 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4-6):995-1003

Some aspects of both the chemical and physico-chemical properties of gelling algal polysaccharides are reviewed in connection with their technological and biotechnological uses. In fact, besides the traditional applications, which are mainly in the field of food industry, recent sophisticated biotechnological manipulations opened the way for the exploitation of these molecules for very advanced applications like the formulation of micro spheres for cell incubation. Some aspects of the structure of alginate gel beads used for cell immobilisation are illustrated.  相似文献   

Silenan SV, a pectic polysaccharide, was isolated from the aerial part of Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garke (Oberna behen (L.) Ikonn.), widespread through the European North of Russia. The polysaccharide was found to contain residues of galacturonic acid (63%), arabinose, galactose, and rhamnose as the main constituents. The results of a partial acidic hydrolysis, pectinase digestion, and NMR studies of silenan SV indicated that its molecule contains a linear alpha-1,4-D-galacturonan backbone and ramified regions. The core of the ramified regions is composed of residues of alpha-1,4-D-galacturonic acid along with 2-substituted alpha-rhamnopyranose residues. The NMR data showed that the silenan SV side chains are composed of the blocks built from the terminal alpha-1,5-linked arabinofuranose and beta-1,4-linked galactopyranose residues; these most likely are the side chains of rhamnogalacturonan, characteristic of other pectic polysaccharides. The nonreducing ends of these side chains contain alpha-arabinofuranose residues.  相似文献   

It was shown that different polysaccharides markedly vary in their toxicity, exert a radioprotective effect when administered both 24 h and 1-4 h before irradiation, enhance and prolong the radioprotective action of S-containing radioprotective agents, and inhibit DNA synthesis in bone marrow which, in all appearance, plays a certain role in the mechanism of their radioprotective action.  相似文献   

The ability of bacteria to produce extracellular polysaccharides has been regarded as an indication of biofilm-forming capacity. Therefore, the determination of the sugar content in bacterial samples becomes a significant parameter. The colorimetric methods currently used are rather sensitive to the nature of the sugars and therefore require knowledge of the sugar types present in the samples. Unfortunately, the types of sugars present in bacteria are generally unknown and often composed of a complex mixture. In this article, we propose an alternative method based on Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy for the estimation of the total sugar content in bacterial samples. The method is based on a systematic treatment of FTIR spectra obtained from dried bacteria samples. It is assumed that the total sugar amount can be estimated from the area of characteristic bands between 970 and 1182 cm(-1). In parallel, the amide II band (1560-1530 cm(-1)) associated with proteins, or the C-H stretching region (2820-3020 cm(-1)) associated with the biomass, can be used for normalization purposes. Therefore, the ratio of the band area in the sugar window over that of the amide II or C-H stretching can be used to report the sugar content in bacterial samples. This method has been validated on model bacterial mixtures containing sugars, proteins, and DNA. Results with real bacterial samples are also provided and show conclusively that increased sugar contents in biofilms can be identified. The proposed FTIR approach requires minimal sample preparation and a single acquisition, is rapid, and may be applied to any kind of bacterial growth.  相似文献   

Reaction of [1-{Me3SiNH}-2-{Me3SiNHCH2}]C6H4 (1) and [1-{tBuMe2SiNH}-2-{tBuMe2SiNHCH2}]C6H4 (2) in tetrahydrofuran with two equivalents of n-butyllithium gave the lithium amides [1-{Me3SiN(Li)}-2-{Me3SiN(Li)CH2}]C6H4(thf)3 (3) and [1-{tBuMe2SiN(Li)}-2-{tBuMe2SiN(Li)CH2}]C6H4(thf)2 (4). The molecular structures of both 3 and 4, which were established by X-ray diffraction studies, differ in the number of thf molecules coordinated to the Li centres. Depending on the size of the amidomethyl-bonded silyl groups two (4) or three thf-coligands (3) were found to bind to the lithium centres rendering them tri- or tetracoordinate, respectively. In the Me3Si-substituted derivative 3 a rare example of a thf molecule as a bridging ligand was found which appears to pertain as such in solution. The reaction of the lithium amides 3 and 4 with two molar equivalents of TlCl in n-pentane gave the thallium(I) amides [1-{Me3SiN(Tl)}-2-{Me3SiN(Tl)CH2}]C6H4 (5) and [1-{tBuMe2SiN(Tl)}-2-{tBuMe2SiN(Tl)CH2}]C6H4 (6) which are stable in hydrocarbon solutions but rapidly decompose in polar solvents.  相似文献   

G Dahlén  H Nygren 《Microbios》1982,35(140):119-129
The electron microscopic appearance of the cell surface of Bacteroides strains and Klebsiella pneumoniae stained with ruthenium red or colloidal iron is described. The effect of polymyxin B (PMB) was also registered. It was found that all Bacteroides strains have a polysaccharide lined 'micro-capsule' external to the outer membrane which could aggregate and form blebs. The blebs so formed were distinct from other types of bleb formed in Klebsiella involving the outer membrane and induced by PMB. Such types of PMB alterations were not induced in Bacteroides.  相似文献   

An introduction to metabolic networks and their structural analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There has been a renewed interest for metabolism in the computational biology community, leading to an avalanche of papers coming from methodological network analysis as well as experimental and theoretical biology. This paper is meant to serve as an initial guide for both the biologists interested in formal approaches and the mathematicians or computer scientists wishing to inject more realism into their models. The paper is focused on the structural aspects of metabolism only. The literature is vast enough already, and the thread through it difficult to follow even for the more experienced worker in the field. We explain methods for acquiring data and reconstructing metabolic networks, and review the various models that have been used for their structural analysis. Several concepts such as modularity are introduced, as are the controversies that have beset the field these past few years, for instance, on whether metabolic networks are small-world or scale-free, and on which model better explains the evolution of metabolism. Clarifying the work that has been done also helps in identifying open questions and in proposing relevant future directions in the field, which we do along the paper and in the conclusion.  相似文献   

The rheological properties of kefiran film-forming solutions, as well as the structural characterisation of the resulting films, were investigated as a function of various plasticizer types. The behaviours of the storage (G′) and loss (G″) moduli as a function of frequency were typical of gel-like material, with the G′ higher than the G″. Kefiran-based films, which may find application as edible films, were prepared by a casting and solvent-evaporation method. Possible interaction between the adjacent chains in the kefiran polymer and various plasticizers was proven by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The crystallinity of plasticized kefiran film was also analysed using X-ray diffraction (XRD); this revealed an amorphous-crystalline structure. These results were explained by the film's microstructure, which was analysed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The present study has helped determine possible interactions of kefiran, plasticizer and water molecules in determining film properties.  相似文献   

Deacetylation of N-acetylhexosamine residues in structural polysaccharides and glycoconjugates is catalyzed by different families of carbohydrate esterases that, despite different structural folds, share a common metal-assisted acid/base mechanism with the metal cation coordinated with a conserved Asp-His-His triad. These enzymes serve diverse biological functions in the modification of cell-surface polysaccharides in bacteria and fungi as well as in the metabolism of hexosamines in the biosynthesis of cellular glycoconjugates. Focusing on carbohydrate de-N-acetylases, this article summarizes the background of the different families from a structural and functional viewpoint and covers advances in the characterization of novel enzymes over the last 2–3 years. Current research is addressed to the identification of new deacetylases and unravel their biological functions as they are candidate targets for the design of antimicrobials against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Likewise, some families are also used as biocatalysts for the production of defined glycostructures with diverse applications.  相似文献   

Gonera A  Goclik V  Baum M  Mischnick P 《Carbohydrate research》2002,337(21-23):2263-2272
O-aminopropyl starch was prepared by Michael addition of acrylonitrile and subsequent reduction with freshly prepared cobalt boride and sodium borohydride. In a second approach, the aminopropyl group was introduced via Williamson etherification with N-phthalyl-protected 3-bromo-1-propylamine. The protecting group was removed by borohydride reduction and subsequent hydrolysis in acetic acid. The DS of all samples and the degree of reduction of the cyanoethyl groups were estimated from the 1H NMR spectra. Total monomer composition was determined after methanolysis or hydrolysis and trimethylsilylation by GLC and GCMS. While the regioselectivity in the thermodynamically controlled reaction was O-6 > O-2 > O-3 (50:37:13), the kinetically controlled process showed strongly preferred O-2-etherification (up to 94%) followed by O-6- and O-3-substitution. It could be influenced by choice of solvent (water, Me(2)SO) and base (NaOH, Li-dimsyl).  相似文献   

The synthesis of four guanidine-pyridine hybridligands and their spectroscopic features in MeCN are described. In order to demonstrate their coordinating properties, the corresponding cobalt(II)chloride complexes have been prepared and completely characterised by means of X-ray structure analysis, UV/Vis spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The neutral complexes {1,1,3,3-tetramethyl-2-(quinolin-8-yl)guanidine}cobalt(II)-dichloride [Co(TMGqu)Cl2] and {N-(1,3-dimethylimidazolidin-2-yliden)pyridin-8-amine}cobalt(II)-dichloride [Co(DMEGpy)Cl2] exhibit a tetrahedral coordination of the cobalt atom, whereas in bis[chlorobis{N-(1,3-dimethylimidazolidin-2-yliden)quinolin-8-amine}cobalt(II)]tetrachlorocobaltate [Co(DMEGqu)2Cl]2[CoCl4] and chlorobis{1,1,3,3-tetramethyl-2-((pyridin-2-yl)methyl)guanidine}cobalt(II)chloride [Co(TMGpy)2Cl]Cl, the cobalt atom is coordinated in a trigonal pyramidal environment. These trigonal pyramidal complex cations represent the first bis(chelated) guanidine cobalt complexes in which the pyridine donor resides on the apical position and the guanidine donor forms with the chlorine atom the base of the pyramid. Besides the structural characterisation, the quenching effect of the cobalt(II) ion (d7) on the ligand fluorescence has been studied.  相似文献   

Compatible monokaryotic strains of Agaricus bisporus ATCC 36975 and 36976 and the resulting dikaryon of their mating were grown in a liquid medium, and their respective cell walls were prepared. Significant differences were not found in the gross chemical composition of the three hyphal types. However, the neutral carbohydrate composition of the complete walls and their fractions was found to be somewhat different in each strain. More consistent differences were encountered in the chemical structure of the distinct polysaccharidic wall fractions in the three types of organisms. Some of these structural wall differences can be considered as characteristic markers for differentiating the mono- and dikaryotic types of A. bisporus. Received: 16 February 1996 / Accepted: 14 March 1996  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) take part in both the innate and adaptive immune systems. The role of the transmembrane domain in TLR signaling is still elusive, while its importance for the TLR activation was clearly demonstrated. In the present study the ability of the TLR3 transmembrane domain to form dimers and trimers in detergent micelles was shown by solution NMR spectroscopy. Spatial structures and free energy magnitudes were determined for the TLR3 transmembrane domain in dimeric and trimeric states, and two possible surfaces that may be used for the helix–helix interaction by the full-length TLR3 were revealed.  相似文献   

The Ni(II) and Zn(II) derivatives of Desulfovibrio vulgaris rubredoxin (DvRd) have been studied by NMR spectroscopy to probe the structure at the metal centre. The βCH2 proton pairs from the cysteines that bind the Ni(II) atom have been identified using 1D nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) difference spectra and sequence specifically assigned via NOE correlations to neighbouring protons and by comparison with the published X-ray crystal structure of a Ni(II) derivative of Clostridium pasteurianum rubredoxin. The solution structures of DvRd(Zn) and DvRd(Ni) have been determined and the paramagnetic form refined using pseudocontact shifts. The determination of the magnetic susceptibility anisotropy tensor allowed the contact and pseudocontact contributions to the observed chemical shifts to be obtained. Analysis of the pseudocontact and contact chemical shifts of the cysteine Hβ protons and backbone protons close to the metal centre allowed conclusions to be drawn as to the geometry and hydrogen-bonding pattern at the metal binding site. The importance of NH–S hydrogen bonds at the metal centre for the delocalization of electron spin density is confirmed for rubredoxins and can be extrapolated to metal centres in Cu proteins: amicyanin, plastocyanin, stellacyanin, azurin and pseudoazurin.  相似文献   

Ripening of mango is characterized by a gradual, but natural softening of the fruit, which is due to progressive depolymerization of pectic and hemicellulosic polysaccharides with significant loss of galactose, arabinose and mannose residues at the ripe stage. Structural characterization employing permethylation followed by GC-MS analysis, IR and 13C NMR measurements revealed the major CWS fractions of both unripe and ripe mangoes to be of variable molecular weights and having a 1,4-linked galactan/galacturonan backbone, which is occasionally involved in side chain branches consisting of single residues of galactose and arabinose or oligomeric 1,5-linked arabinofuranose residues linked through 1,3-linkages; whereas the major hemicellulosic fractions of unripe mango to be of xyloglucan-type having 1,4-linked glucan backbone with branching by non-reducing terminal arabinose and xylose residues.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine nitration is well-established post-translational modification occurring in a number of diseases, viz. neurodegenerative, cardiovascular diseases, ageing, etc. Tyrosine-67 (Tyr-67) nitration of cytochrome c (cyt c) was observed under oxidative stress affecting its structure and electron transfer properties. Hence, in this study, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were carried out at room temperature to investigate the structural and conformational changes in the nitrated cyt c's. MD results revealed that the bond between FE (Heme-105) and S (Met-80) considerably weakened, radius of gyration, backbone and Cα root-mean-square deviations decreased and hydrogen bonding increased in the nitrated cyt c's relative to wild type (WT) cyt c. Ramachandran plot analysis revealed that N- and C-terminal helices also affected by nitration at CE2 carbon atom. Furthermore, essential dynamics analysis showed that amplitude of concerted motion decreased in the nitrated cyt c's, perhaps due to the increase in the hydrogen bonding interaction. Taken together, the structural and conformational changes in the active site Tyr-67 nitrated cyt c may have implications in the loss of electron/proton transfer and gain of apoptotic properties.  相似文献   

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