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Abstract: The termination of neurotransmission is achieved by rapid uptake of the released neurotransmitter by specific high-affinity neurotransmitter transporters. Most of these transporters are encoded by a family of genes (Na+/Cl transporters) having a similar membrane topography of 12 transmembrane helices. An evolutionary tree revealed five distinct subfamilies: γ-aminobutyric acid transporters, monoamine transporters, amino acid transporters, "orphan" transporters, and the recently discovered bacterial transporters. The bacterial transporters that belong to this family may help to develop heterologous expression systems with the aim of solving the three-dimensional structure of these membrane proteins. Some of the neurotransmitter transporters have been implicated as important sites for drug action. Monoamine transporters, for example, are targeted by major classes of antidepressants, psychostimulants, and antihypertensive drugs. Localization of individual transporters in specific cells and brain areas is pertinent to understanding their contribution to neurotransmission and their potential as targets for drugs. The most important questions in the field include resolving the mechanism of neurotransmitter transport, the structure of the transporters, and the interaction of each transporter in complex neurological activities.  相似文献   

Two Na^+ and Cl^- Hyperaccumulators of the Chenopodiaceae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors found five sodium (Na^ ) and chloride (Cl^-) hyperaccumulating halophytes in the Temperate Desert of Xinjiang, China and studied two of them (Suaeda salsa (L.) Pall. and Kalidium folium (Pall.) Moq.). K. folium and S. salsa had a NaCl content of 32.1% and 29.8%, respectively, on a dry weight basis. X-ray microanalysis of the Na in the vacuole, apoplasts and cytoplasm of the two plants indicated a ratio of 7.3:5.6:1.0 in K. folium and 7.3:6.6:1.0 in S. salsa. These data show that K. folium and S. salsa both have a high Na and Cl^- accumulating capacity, which is related to high activity of tonoplast H^ -ATPase and H^ -PPase.  相似文献   

The activity of ouabain-sensitive Na+, K+-ATPase in sea urchin embryos at the morula and the swimming blastula stage was practically the same to that in unfertilized eggs. The activity increased during the period between the mesenchyme blastula and the late gastrula stages. In embryo-wall cell fraction, which contained presumptive ectodermal cells as well as those of other cell lineages at the pre-gastrula stage and ectodermal cells at the late gastrula stage, the Na+, K+-ATPase activity increased in this developmental period more largely than in another cell fraction, containing mesenchyme cells and archenteron cells. Cycloheximide did not only block the activity increase in this period but also caused evident decrease in the activity in embryos at all examined stages. The activity increase in this period was strongly blocked by the treatment with actinomycin D, starting before the mesenchyme blastula stage, and was not seriously inhibited by the treatment starting at the mesenchyme blastula stage. The treatment starting at the initiation of gastrulation only slightly blocked further increase in the activity. Probably, an accumulation of mRNA encoding Na+, K+-ATPase occurs mainly in ectodermal cells and is completed up to the early gastrula stage.  相似文献   

In embryos of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus , as well as in cultured cells derived from isolated micromeres, spicule formation was inhibited by allylisothiocyanate, an inhibitor of H+, K+-ATPase, at above 0.5 μM and was almost completely blocked at above 10 μM. Amiloride, an inhibitor of Na+, H+ antiporter, at above 100 μM exerted only slight inhibitory effect, if any, on spicule formation. Intravesicular acidification, determined using [ dimethylamine -14C]-aminopyrine as a pH probe, was observed in the presence of ATP and 200 mM KCl in microsome fraction obtained from embryos at the post gastrula stage, at which embryos underwent spicule calcification. Intravesicular acidification and K+-dependent ATPase activity were almost completely inhibited by allylisothiocyanate at 10 μM. Allylisothiocyanate-sensitive ATPase activity was found mainly in the mesenchyme cells with spicules isolated from prisms. H+, K+-ATPase, an H+ pump, probably mediates H+ release to accelerate CaCO3 deposition from Ca2+, CO2 and H2O in the primary mesenchyme cells. Intravesicular acidification was stimulated by valinomycin at the late gastrula and the prism stages but not at the pluteus stage. K+ permeability probably increases after the prism stage to activate H+ release.  相似文献   

Sea urchin embryos were vegetalized by a pulse treatment with 60 mM Li+ between 2.5 hr and 6 hr after fertilization at 20°C. Normal and Li+ -treated embryos were exposed to [35S]-methionine for 2 hr at various stages and [35S]-labeled proteins were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE). On fluorograph of 2D-PAGE at the pre-hatching blastula stage, significant difference of labeled proteins between normal and vegetalized embryos was not observed in the range from neutral to acidic pH, but pls of several proteins were found to be shifted toward alkaline pH. At the mesechyme blastula stage, five major proteins [M.W. 36 K, 43 K (two species), 71 K and 150 K] were enriched in Li+-treated embryos among a few hundreds of synthesized proteins. At the late gastrula stage, the labeling intensities of these proteins except for one of 43 K proteins increased remarkably in Li+-treated embryos. Furthermore, two proteins (M.W. 105 K and 135 K) were also enriched in Li+-treated embryos at this stage. At the prism stage, these proteins enriched in Li+-treated embryos became hardly detectable, and the synthesis of at least four proteins (M.W. about 20 K, 41 K, 43 K and 200 K<) appeared to increase in normal embryos, but not in Li+-treated embryos. Synthesis of proteins eniched in Li+-treated embryos probably support endodermal cell differentiation.  相似文献   

A marked increase in the Na+, K+-ATPase activity of sea urchin embryos occurred following an elevation of its mRNA level, revealed by Northern blotting analysis, in developmental period between the swimming blastula and the late gastrula stage. cDNA clone of Na+, K+-ATPase α-subunit, obtained from γgt10 cDNA library of sea urchin gastrulae, was digested with EcoRl ad Hindlll. The obtained 268 bp cDNA fragment, hybridized to a 4.6 Kb RNA, was used as probe for Northern blotting analysis. The level of Na+, K+-ATPase mRNA was higher in embryo-wall cell fraction isolated from late gastrulae (ectoderm cells) than the level in the bag fraction, containing mesenchyme cells (mesoderm cells) and archenteron (endoderm cells). The activity of Na+, K+-ATPase and the level of its mRNA were higher in animalized embryos obtained by pulse treatment with A23187 for 3 hr, starting at the 8–16 cell stage and were considerably lower in vegetalized embryos induced by 3 hr treatment with Li+ than that in normal embryos at the post gastrula corresponidng stage. Augmentation of Na+, K+-ATPase gene expression can be regarded as a marker for ectoderm cell differentiation at the post gastrula stage, which results from determination of cell fate in prehatching period.  相似文献   

The treatment of sea urchin embryos by Zn2+ followed by culture with Zn2+-specific chelators such as ethylenediamine-N, N'-diacetic acid and N-hydroxyethylethylenediamine-N, N', N'-triacetic acid, was performed at various developmental stages to find out specific stages for Zn2+ to induce abnormal differentiation. The treatment with 1 mM ZnSO4 at 20°C during a period including two spans of development between 0 and 8 hr and between 14 and 16 hr post fertilization yielded permanent blastulae. Zn2+-treatment during the former span produced abnormal prisms and plutei with small archenteron. The treatment for a period including only the latter span failed to produce abnormal ones. Zn2+-treatment during a period including the gastrula stage also produced abnormal spherical embryos. Without the culture with these chelators, abnormal embryos were produced by Zn2+-treatment performed at any stages before gastrulation. A high zinc amount in the embryos just after the treatment became as low as in normal embryos soon after the culture with these chelators and was maintained during the culture without them. These results indicate that zinc retention occurs in the Zn2+-treated embryos and causes abnormal differentiation when the treated embryos develop in normal sea water through the Zn2+-specific periods of development.  相似文献   

Abstract— Crude or purified rat brain choline acetyltransferase (ChAc) is activated by anions. Among anions, Cl is the most effective and may promote an up to 60 fold increase in V max. In the absence of Cl, at low ionic strength, acetylcholine (ACh) is a good ChAc inhibitor ( K i= 0.310 m m ). The ACh inhibition becomes negligible when Cl is increased to 145 m m (ACh K i= 45 m m ). These results are discussed in terms of regulation of ACh synthesis by nerve terminals. It is proposed that ChAc is part of a presynaptic membrane bound multienzymatic complex under direct control of the ion fluxes promoted by nerve impulses.  相似文献   

Excretion of minerals by the NaCl-resistant and comparatively cadmium-resistant tree Tamarix aphylla (L.) Karst, was investigated. Cd2+ was excreted by plants exposed for 1–10 days to 9 or 45 μ M Cd2+ solutions. Excretion of this toxic ion increased considerably with time but was less than 5% of the quantities that had been accumulated in the shoots. Excretion of Na+ and Cl was positively correlated with NaCl concentration (1.5, 10, 50 m M ) of the medium. The Na+/Cl ratios of the excrete were positively correlated with the concentration of the treatment solution. Ca2+ excretion decreased with increasing NaCl concentrations of the solution. Excretion of K+ and Mg2+ was only little affected by NaCl. Excretion of Li+ occurred whenever this element was supplied in the uptake solution; daily excretion rates of Li+ increased with time. The ecological significance of excretion is discussed in relation to the low selectivity of the mechanism in T. aphylla .  相似文献   

In M. braunii, the uptake of NO3 and NO2 is blue-light-dependent and is associated with alkalinization of the medium. In unbuffered cell suspensions irradiated with red light under a CO2-free atmosphere, the pH started to rise 10s after the exposure to blue light. When the cellular NO3 and NO2 reductases were active, the pH increased to values of around 10, since the NH4+ generated was released to the medium. When the blue light was switched off, the pH stopped increasing within 60 to 90s and remained unchanged under background red illumination. Titration with H2SO4 of NO3 or NO2 uptake and reduction showed that two protons were consumed for every one NH4+ released. The uptake of Cl was also triggered by blue light with a similar 10 s time response. However, the Cl -dependent alkalinization ceased after about 3 min of blue light irradiation. When the blue light was turned off, the pH immediately (15 to 30 s) started to decline to the pre-adjusted value, indicating that the protons (and presumably the Cl) taken up by the cells were released to the medium. When the cells lacked NO3 and NO2 reductases, the shape of the alkalinization traces in the presence of NO3 and NO2 was similar to that in the presence of Cl, suggesting that NO3 or NO2 was also released to the medium. Both the NO3 and Cl-dependent rates of alkalinization were independent of mono- and divalent cations.  相似文献   

Timers in Early Development of Sea Urchin Embryos   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
To elucidate the timing mechanisms in the early development of sea urchin embryos, we measured the times of initiation of the first four cleavages, of ciliary movement, of primary mesenchyme cell ingression, and of gastrulation at four temperatures ranging from 11 to 20°C. The times of cleavage and of initiation of ciliary movement showed similar temperature dependency, indicating that these events may be controlled by a common timer (the first timer). Although batches of eggs often showed variation in the period between fertilization and the first cleavage, their subsequent cleavages were more regular. This indicates that the first timer may not start at fertilization. The ingression of mesenchyme cells and the onset of gastrulation showed similar temperature dependency that was higher than that of other events, suggesting the existence of a second timer. Temperature shift experiments indicate that the second timer starts at the mid-blastula (the 8–9th cleavage) stage when divisions of blastomeres become asynchronous.  相似文献   

In various plant materials changes in turgor pressure, following hyper- or hypo-osmotic stress, were associated with the activation or inactivation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase, respectively. To see if the turgor changes might indirectly influence H+-ATPase activity by regulating ion fluxes through plasma membrane, we investigated, in cultured cells of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., the early effects of hyper- and hypo-osmotic stress on Cl? fluxes in comparison, in the case of hyper-osmotic treatment, with its effect on net H+ extrusion. The results obtained showed that hyper-osmotic stress (200 mM mannitol) quickly reduced Cl? efflux (?70%) from cells preloaded with 36C1? for 18 h. This inhibiting effect was independent of the simultaneous mannitol-induced stimulation of Cl? influx and rapidly reversible after removal of the hyper-osmotic treatment. The inhibition of Cl? efflux was associated with a stimulation of net H+ extrusion, and these two effects showed the same dependence on the external mannitol concentration. Fusicoccin (FC, 20 µM), which stimulated H+ extrusion to about the same extent as 200 mM mannitol, did not affect Cl? efflux. When cells preloaded with 36C1? for 18 h in the presence of mannitol (from 25 up to 200 mM) were eluted in a mannitol-free medium an early and strong increase in Cl? efflux was found. The increase of Cl- efflux was already detectable for a small hypo-osmotic jump (25 mM), and was reduced (?50%) by the anion channel inhibitor A9C (300 µM). These results lead to exclude a direct causal relationship mediated by Em changes between the effects of osmoticum on Cl? efflux and net H+ extrusion, and favour the view that the changes in turgor pressure induced by hyper/hypo-osmotic stress may respectively induce an early inactivation/activation of stretch-sensitive anion channels.  相似文献   

Sea urchin eggs kept in artificial sea water (ASW) containing 0.01–0.3 M NaSCN in place of NaCI from within 2 min after insemination formed thin, enlarged fertilization envelopes, which were broken on mild agitation of egg suspensions more easily than those formed in Ca2+-free ASW. The blastomeres of almost all embryos derived from eggs treated with 0.2M SCN for 1 hr dissociated spontaneously, and did not reassociate with other blastomeres appreciably. Thus SCN probably denaturated some compound(s) participating in blastomere binding and hardening of the fertilization envelope. Abnormal arrangements of blastomeres, probably due to incomplete blastomere dissociation, were observed in embryos derived from eggs treated with 0.1 M SCN for 1 hr. Treatment of fertilized or unfertilized eggs with 0.05–0.1 M SCN for a short period caused concentration-dependent block of morphogenic processes such as formation of the archenteron and pluteus arms in the post-hatching period. The effects of SCN on morphogenesis were not inhibited by furosemide or 4,4'-diisothiocyano 2,2'-disulfonic stilbene. Presumably, the denaturation of several compounds in the egg surface by SCN causes abnormal morphogenesis of embryos. The inhibitory effects of SCN on hardening of the fertilization envelope, blastomere binding and morphogenesis were greater in the absence of Ca2+.  相似文献   

In cultured cells derived from micromeres isolated at the 16-cell stage of sea urchin embryos, the activity of H+, K+-ATPase became detectable after 15 hr of culture, when the cells started to form spicules, and then increased reaching a plateau from 25 hr of culture. The Na+, K+-ATPase activity of isolated micromeres increased to a maximum at 20 hr of culture and thereafter decreased gradually. Allylisothiocyanate, an inhibitor of H+, K+-ATPase, caused a decrease in intracellular pH (pHi) accompanied by blockage of 45Ca deposition in spicule rods in spicule-forming cells at 30 hr of culture. Ouabain and amiloride had scarcely any effect on the pHi or 45, deposition. In cultured cells exposed to nifedipine, which blocked 45Ca deposition in spicule rods, allylisothiocyanate did not cause any decrease in pHi. These results show that H+, which is generated in the overall reaction to produce CaCO3 from Ca2+ and HCO3, is probably released from the cells mainly in the reaction catalyzed by H+, K+-ATPase to maintain successive production of CaCO3.  相似文献   

Embryos kept with omeprazole, a specific H+, K+-ATPase inhibitor, in a period of development between the mesenchyme blastula and the pluteus corresponding stage became abnormal plutei having quite small spicules, somewhat poor pluteus arms and apparently normal archenterons. In micro-mere-derived cells, kept with omeprazole at pH 8.2 in a period between 15 and 40 hr of culture at 20°C, omeprazole strongly inhibited spicule formation but did not block the outgrowth of pseudopodial cables, in which spicule rods were to be formed. These indicate that omeprazole probably exerts no obvious inhibitory effects other than spicule rods formation. Omeprazole-sensitive H+, K+-ATPase, an H+pump, seems to be indispensable for CaCO3 deposition (formation of spicule rod) in these spicule forming cells. H+, produced in overall reaction for CaCO3 formation: Ca2++ CO2+H2O°CaCO3+2H+, is probably released from the cells by this H+pump and hence, this reaction tends to go to CaCO3 production to form spicule rods. Omeprazole, known to become effective following its conversion to a specific inhibitor of H+, K+-ATPase at acidic pH, is able to inhibit formation of spicule rod at alkaline pH in sea water. This is probably due to an acidification of sea water near the cell surface by H+ejection in H+, K+-ATPase reaction.  相似文献   

RNA precursor uptake and incorporation, amino acid uptake and incorporation, and the characterization of newly synthesized RNA and protein in pools of normal morulae and pools containing one-third t 12/ t 12 morulae were compared. Maturing spermatoza of +/+ and T / t 12 animals were analyzed for RNA and protein content, and the RNA characterized. No differences in these parameters could be ascribed to the t 12 gene in homozygous embryos or haploid sperm.  相似文献   

Abstract Unidirectional fluxes of Na+, Cl and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose (3-MG) were measured in vitro across Campylobacter jejuni live culture-infected and control rat ileal short-circuited tissues by the Using Chamber technique. Net secretion of Na+ and enhanced secretion of Cl ions was observed in the infected animals ( P < 0.001, n =6) as compared to the net absorption of Na+ and marginal secretion of Cl ions in the control animals. There was a significant decrease in the mucosal-to-serosal fluxes of 3-MG in C. jejuni -infected rat ileum. The specific Na+,K+-ATPase activity when measured biochemically in the membrane-rich fraction of enterocytes was found to be significantly lower (58%) in the infected group as compared to the control group ( P < 0.001). Our results therefore suggest that infection with an enterotoxigenic C. jejuni inhibits the Na+,K+-ATPase activity in rat enterocytes. The impairment of Na+,K+-ATPase activity thus appears to induce a secondary change in Na+,Cl and 3-MG transport in vitro in rat ileum.  相似文献   

Maize plants (Zea mays L. hybrid INRA 508) were placed under controlled conditions of light and CO2 partial pressure. The K+, Cl? and P contents were then determined by X-ray microanalysis in the bulbous end of guard cells and in the center of subsidiary cells. The results were interpreted in connection with the stomatal conductance at the time of sampling. In normal air, the K+ and Cl? contents in guard cells only rose from a light threshold of about 300 μmol m?2 s?1 at which stomata were already largely open. At 600 μmol m?2 s?1, the K+ and Cl? levels in guard cells attained values that were 3- and 8-fold greater, respectively, than the values observed in darkness. The K+ and Cl? contents in the subsidiary cells remained quite constant irrespective of the light conditions. CO2-free air in darkness induced a significant K+ influx towards guard and subsidiary cells. Under light and in CO2-free air, the K+ and Cl? contents dramatically increased in the guard cells, but slightly decreased in the subsidiary cells. Thus, when subjected to strong light in CO2-free air, the K+ and Cl? contents in the subsidiary cells were approximately equal to those measured in normal air conditions. In the guard cells, stomatal opening was associated with a marked shift of the Cl?/K+ ratio – from 0.3 for closed stomata to ca 1 for fully open stomata. This could imply a slow change in the nature of the principal counterion accompanying K+ during stomatal opening. The content of P in guard cells appeared, in contrast to that of K+ and Cl?, to be practically independent of stomatal aperture.  相似文献   

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